Java tutorial
package; /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Piotr Jankowski * * This file is part of Tear The Web. * * Tear The Web is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Tear The Web is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Tear The Web. If not, see <>. */ import; import; import android.util.Log; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Random; import; import; import; import; import; import pl.reticular.ttw.utils.Modulo; import pl.reticular.ttw.utils.Savable; import pl.reticular.ttw.utils.Vector2; public class Spider implements Savable { private int mode; private Graph graph; /** * Spring on which spider sits */ private Spring spring; /** * Spider position on spring */ private float springPercent; /** * End of the spring towards which spider is currently going. */ private Particle target; private static final float SPEED_NORMAL = 0.25f; private static final float SPEED_FURIOUS = 0.5f; private Random generator; /** * Walks randomly */ private static final int MODE_RANDOM = 0; /** * Walks through path to a place where finger is */ private static final int MODE_ATTACK = 1; /** * Lost spring and falling down */ private static final int MODE_FALLING = 2; private LinkedList<Node> path; private static final int fingerDetectDistance = 15; private Vector2 position; private Vector2 velocity; private float rotation; private static Vector2 upVector = new Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f); private enum Keys { Mode, Target, PrevTarget, SpringPercent, Position, Velocity, Rotation } public class OutException extends Exception { } public Spider(Graph graph) { this.graph = graph; spring = (Spring) graph.getRandomEdge(); target = spring.getParticle2(); mode = MODE_RANDOM; generator = new Random(); path = null; position = new Vector2(); velocity = new Vector2(); rotation = 0; } public Spider(Graph graph, JSONObject json) throws JSONException { this.graph = graph; mode = json.getInt(Keys.Mode.toString()); if (mode != MODE_FALLING) { target = (Particle) graph.getNodeWithId(json.getInt(Keys.Target.toString())); Node prevTarget = graph.getNodeWithId(json.getInt(Keys.PrevTarget.toString())); spring = (Spring) prevTarget.getEdgeTo(target); springPercent = (float) json.getDouble(Keys.SpringPercent.toString()); position = new Vector2(); velocity = new Vector2(); } else { position = new Vector2(json.getJSONObject(Keys.Position.toString())); velocity = new Vector2(json.getJSONObject(Keys.Velocity.toString())); } rotation = (float) json.getDouble(Keys.Rotation.toString()); generator = new Random(); // TODO path = null; if (mode == MODE_ATTACK) { mode = MODE_RANDOM; } } public JSONObject toJSON() throws JSONException { JSONObject state = new JSONObject(); state.put(Keys.Mode.toString(), mode); if (mode != MODE_FALLING) { state.put(Keys.Target.toString(), target.getId()); state.put(Keys.PrevTarget.toString(),; state.put(Keys.SpringPercent.toString(), springPercent); } else { state.put(Keys.Position.toString(), position.toJSON()); state.put(Keys.Velocity.toString(), velocity.toJSON()); } state.put(Keys.Rotation.toString(), rotation); return state; } private Pair<Particle, Spring> nextTargetAtRandom() { LinkedList<Edge> list = new LinkedList<>(target.getEdges()); if (list.size() > 1) { list.remove(spring); } int i = generator.nextInt(list.size()); Spring nextSpring = (Spring) list.get(i); if (nextSpring.getParticle1() == target) { return new Pair<>(nextSpring.getParticle2(), nextSpring); } else { return new Pair<>(nextSpring.getParticle1(), nextSpring); } } private Pair<Particle, Spring> nextTargetOnPath() { Node nextTarget = path.removeFirst(); Spring nextSpring = (Spring) target.getEdgeTo(nextTarget); if (nextSpring == null) { switchToRandom(); return nextTargetAtRandom(); } return new Pair<>((Particle) nextTarget, nextSpring); } private void findNextTarget() { Pair<Particle, Spring> pair = nextTargetAtRandom(); if (mode == MODE_ATTACK) { if (path.isEmpty()) { switchToRandom(); } else { pair = nextTargetOnPath(); } } target = pair.first; spring = pair.second; springPercent = 0.0f; } public void update(float dt, Vector2 gravity, RectF gameArea) throws OutException { if (mode != MODE_FALLING) { float len = spring.length(); float speed = SPEED_NORMAL; if (mode == MODE_ATTACK) { speed = SPEED_FURIOUS; } // Avoid committing suicide if (!target.getPos().isInBounds(gameArea)) { //reverse target = (Particle); springPercent = 1.0f - springPercent; switchToRandom(); } springPercent += (speed * dt) / len; if (springPercent >= 1.0f) { findNextTarget(); springPercent = 0.0f; } Vector2 newPosition = spring.getInterpolatedPosition(springPercent, target); velocity = Vector2.scale(Vector2.sub(newPosition, position), 1 / dt); position = newPosition; float desiredRot = spring.getAngle(upVector, target); float diffRot = Modulo.angleDifference(rotation, desiredRot); rotation += diffRot / 10.0f; } else { velocity.add(Vector2.scale(gravity, dt)); position.add(Vector2.scale(velocity, dt)); } if (!position.isInBounds(gameArea)) { throw new OutException(); } } public Vector2 getPosition() { return position; } public float getRotation() { return rotation; } private void switchToRandom() { mode = MODE_RANDOM; path = null; } private void switchToFalling() { mode = MODE_FALLING; spring = null; target = null; path = null; } private void switchToAttack(Node fingerNode) { LinkedList<Node> newPath = graph.findPathToNode(target, fingerNode, fingerDetectDistance); if (newPath != null) { Node node = newPath.removeFirst(); if (node != target) { Log.e(getClass().getName(), "Bad path"); } path = newPath; mode = MODE_ATTACK; } else { switchToRandom(); } } public void onSpringUnAvailable(Spring unAvailableSpring) { switch (mode) { case MODE_RANDOM: if (unAvailableSpring == spring) { switchToFalling(); } break; case MODE_ATTACK: if (unAvailableSpring == spring) { switchToFalling(); } else { //We need to change path, as old may be invalid if (path.isEmpty()) { switchToRandom(); } else { switchToAttack(path.getLast()); } } break; case MODE_FALLING: break; } } public void onParticlePulled(Particle particle) { switch (mode) { case MODE_RANDOM: switchToAttack(particle); break; case MODE_ATTACK: if (particle != target) { switchToAttack(particle); } break; case MODE_FALLING: break; } } }