Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License * * Copyright 2014 exsio. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package; import com.vaadin.addon.charts.Chart; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.MarginInfo; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.datefield.Resolution; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox; import com.vaadin.ui.DateField; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Table; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import pl.exsio.jin.annotation.TranslationPrefix; import static pl.exsio.jin.translationcontext.TranslationContext.t; /** * * @author exsio */ @TranslationPrefix("") public class WorkReportImpl extends AbstractReportImpl { private HorizontalLayout lastReport; public WorkReportImpl() { this.setMargin(true); this.setSpacing(true); } @Override public String getName() { return t("name"); } @Override public Report load() { this.removeAllComponents(); DateField start = this.getStartField(); DateField end = this.getEndField(); ComboBox groups = this.getGroupsCombo(); ComboBox types = this.getTypesCombo(); Property.ValueChangeListener listener = this.getControlsHandler(start, end, types, groups); start.addValueChangeListener(listener); end.addValueChangeListener(listener); groups.addValueChangeListener(listener); types.addValueChangeListener(listener); HorizontalLayout controls = new HorizontalLayout(); controls.setSpacing(true); controls.addComponent(start); controls.addComponent(end); controls.addComponent(groups); controls.addComponent(types); this.addComponentAsFirst(controls); this.showReport(start.getValue(), end.getValue(), null, null); return this; } @Override public Long getAclObjectId() { return 1l; } private void showReport(final Date start, final Date end, final ServiceGroup group, final TerrainType type) { HorizontalLayout report = new HorizontalLayout(); report.setSpacing(true); final Table table = getReportTable(start, end, group, type); Chart chart = getReportChart(start, end, group, type); this.handleWorkButtonClick(table, start, end, group, type); this.handleRestButtonClick(table, start, end, group, type); VerticalLayout tableContainer = this.createTableContainer(table); report.addComponent(tableContainer); report.addComponent(chart); if (this.lastReport != null) { this.removeComponent(this.lastReport); } this.lastReport = report; this.addComponent(this.lastReport); } private VerticalLayout createTableContainer(final Table table) { final HorizontalLayout tableControls = new HorizontalLayout() { { setSpacing(true); addComponent(report); addComponent(rest); } }; VerticalLayout tableContainer = new VerticalLayout() { { setSpacing(false); setMargin(new MarginInfo(true, false, false, false)); addComponent(tableControls); addComponent(table); } }; return tableContainer; } private void handleRestButtonClick(final Table table, final Date start, final Date end, final ServiceGroup group, final TerrainType type) { rest.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { setReportActive(); table.setContainerDataSource(getRestTableContainer(start, end, group, type)); lastMode = MODE_REST; } }); } private void handleWorkButtonClick(final Table table, final Date start, final Date end, final ServiceGroup group, final TerrainType type) { report.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { setWorkActive(); table.setContainerDataSource(getWorkTableContainer(start, end, group, type)); lastMode = MODE_WORK; } }); } private Chart getReportChart(Date start, Date end, ServiceGroup group, TerrainType type) { IndexedContainer container = getChartContainer(start, end, group, type); Chart chart = prepareReportChart(container); return chart; } private IndexedContainer getChartContainer(Date start, Date end, ServiceGroup group, TerrainType type) throws Property.ReadOnlyException { Set<Terrain> reportTerrains = this.getReportTerrains(start, end, group, type); Map<Terrain, TerrainWorkItem> itemsMap = getWorkItemsMap(start, end, group, type); Set<Long> ids = new HashSet(); for (Terrain terrain : itemsMap.keySet()) { ids.add(terrain.getId()); } Set<Terrain> restTerrains = this.getAllTerrainsExcludingIds(end, group, type, ids); double allCount = reportTerrains.size() + restTerrains.size(); double reportCount = reportTerrains.size(); return this.getChartContainer(allCount, reportCount); } private Table getReportTable(Date start, Date end, ServiceGroup group, TerrainType type) throws UnsupportedFilterException { IndexedContainer container = null; if (lastMode == MODE_WORK) { container = getWorkTableContainer(start, end, group, type); setWorkActive(); } else { container = getRestTableContainer(start, end, group, type); setReportActive(); } Table table = prepareReportTable(container); return table; } private IndexedContainer getRestTableContainer(Date start, Date end, ServiceGroup group, TerrainType type) throws Property.ReadOnlyException { Map<Terrain, TerrainWorkItem> itemsMap = getWorkItemsMap(start, end, group, type); Set<Long> ids = new HashSet(); for (Terrain terrain : itemsMap.keySet()) { ids.add(terrain.getId()); } Set<Terrain> restTerrains = this.getAllTerrainsExcludingIds(end, group, type, ids); return this.getReportRestContainer(restTerrains); } private IndexedContainer getWorkTableContainer(Date start, Date end, ServiceGroup group, TerrainType type) throws Property.ReadOnlyException { Map<Terrain, TerrainWorkItem> itemsMap = getWorkItemsMap(start, end, group, type); return this.getReportWorkContainer(itemsMap); } private Map<Terrain, TerrainWorkItem> getWorkItemsMap(Date start, Date end, ServiceGroup group, TerrainType type) { Set<TerrainNotification> notifications = this.getNotifications(start, end, group, type); return this.getWorkItemsMap(notifications, type); } private Set<TerrainNotification> getNotifications(Date start, Date end, ServiceGroup group, TerrainType type) { TerrainNotificationDao dao = this.caRepositories.getTerrainNotificationRepository(); if (group == null && type == null) { return dao.findByDateRange(start, end); } else if (group != null && type == null) { return dao.findByDateRangeAndGroup(start, end, group); } else if (group != null && type != null) { return dao.findByDateRangeAndGroupAndTerrainType(start, end, group, type); } else if (group == null && type != null) { return dao.findByDateRangeAndTerrainType(start, end, type); } else { return null; } } private Set<Terrain> getReportTerrains(Date start, Date end, ServiceGroup group, TerrainType type) { TerrainDao dao = this.caRepositories.getTerrainRepository(); if (group == null && type == null) { return dao.findByNotificationDateRange(start, end); } else if (group != null && type == null) { return dao.findByGroupAndNotificationDateRange(group, start, end); } else if (group != null && type != null) { return dao.findByTypeAndGroupAndNotificationDateRange(type, group, start, end); } else if (group == null && type != null) { return dao.findByTypeAndNotificationDateRange(type, start, end); } else { return null; } } protected DateField getEndField() { DateField end = new DateField(t("end")); end.setResolution(Resolution.MINUTE); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); end.setRequired(true); cal.setTime(new Date()); end.setSizeFull(); cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); cal.set(Calendar.DATE, 1); cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); end.setValue(cal.getTime()); end.setDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); return end; } protected DateField getStartField() { DateField start = new DateField(t("start")); start.setResolution(Resolution.MINUTE); start.setSizeFull(); start.setRequired(true); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(new Date()); cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); cal.set(Calendar.DATE, 1); start.setValue(cal.getTime()); start.setDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); return start; } private Property.ValueChangeListener getControlsHandler(final DateField start, final DateField end, final ComboBox types, final ComboBox groups) { return new Property.ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(Property.ValueChangeEvent event) { if (start.getValue() != null && end.getValue() != null && end.getValue().compareTo(start.getValue()) > 0) { showReport(start.getValue(), end.getValue(), (ServiceGroup) groups.getConvertedValue(), (TerrainType) types.getValue()); } } }; } }