Java tutorial
package pl.epo.kzd.sync.rt; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import lombok.Data; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.aeonbits.owner.ConfigCache; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import pl.epo.kzd.sync.SyncConfig; import pl.epo.kzd.sync.resource.Resource; import pl.epo.kzd.sync.resource.ResourceFile; import pl.epo.kzd.sync.resource.ResourceFileType; import pl.epo.kzd.xml.uspp.USPP; @Getter @Slf4j class WomiInRt { private static final String METADATA_URL = "http://%s/repo/womi-metadata/%d"; private static final String MANIFEST_URL = "http://%s/repo/womi-manifest/%d"; private static final String KZD_INFO_URL = "http://%s/repo/womi/%d/package/classic?path=__kzd/info.json"; private final long id; private final String resourceId; private final List<Long> embeddedWomiIds; private final Map<String, EmbeddedWomiInfo> embeddedWomisByFtpPaths; private final JSONObject metadataJson; private final JSONObject manifestJson; private SyncConfig config = ConfigCache.getOrCreate(SyncConfig.class); WomiInRt(long id) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { = id; this.metadataJson = retrieveMetadataJson(id); if (!"kzd".equals(metadataJson.getString("purpose"))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("WOMI %d is not a KZD resource", id)); } this.manifestJson = retrieveManifestJson(id); this.resourceId = this.metadataJson.getString("customId"); this.embeddedWomiIds = retrieveEmbeddedWomiIds(id); this.embeddedWomisByFtpPaths = retrieveEmbeddedWomis(id); } @Override public String toString() { return resourceId + " (womi=" + id + ")"; } public List<Long> getEmbeddedWomiIds() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(embeddedWomiIds); } private JSONObject retrieveMetadataJson(long womiId) throws IOException { JSONObject metadataJson = RTUtils.readJson(String.format(METADATA_URL, config.rtDomain(), womiId)); return metadataJson; } private JSONObject retrieveManifestJson(long womiId) throws IOException { JSONObject manifest = RTUtils.readJson(String.format(MANIFEST_URL, config.rtDomain(), womiId)); return manifest; } private List<Long> retrieveEmbeddedWomiIds(long womiId) throws IOException { List<Long> embedded = new LinkedList<Long>(); JSONArray jsonIds = manifestJson.getJSONArray("womiIds"); for (int i = 0; i < jsonIds.length(); i++) { embedded.add(jsonIds.getLong(i)); } return embedded; } private Map<String, EmbeddedWomiInfo> retrieveEmbeddedWomis(long womiId) throws IOException { Map<String, EmbeddedWomiInfo> map = new HashMap<>(); try { JSONObject json = RTUtils.readJson(String.format(KZD_INFO_URL, config.rtDomain(), womiId)); JSONArray embeddedWomis = json.getJSONArray("embeddedWomis"); for (int i = 0; i < embeddedWomis.length(); i++) { JSONObject info = embeddedWomis.getJSONObject(i); long id = info.getLong("id"); String path = info.getString("sourceFtpPath"); Date modifiedDate = RTUtils.getISO8601DateFormat().parse(info.getString("sourceModifiedDate")); String label = getLabelFromManifestByWomiId(id); map.put(path, new EmbeddedWomiInfo(id, path, modifiedDate, label, getWomiType(id), isAttachment(id))); } } catch (ParseException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } return map; } private String getWomiType(long womiId) { try { JSONObject metadataJson = retrieveMetadataJson(womiId); return metadataJson.getString("womiType"); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("error retrieving metadata.json for WOMI " + womiId, e); return null; } } private Boolean isAttachment(long womiId) { try { JSONObject manifestJson = retrieveManifestJson(womiId); return manifestJson.has("engine") && "womi_attachment".equals(manifestJson.getString("engine")); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("error retrieving manifest.json for WOMI " + womiId, e); return null; } } private String getLabelFromManifestByWomiId(long id) { JSONArray items = manifestJson.getJSONArray("items"); for (int i = 0; i < items.length(); i++) { JSONObject item = items.getJSONObject(i); if (item.has("womiId") && item.getLong("womiId") == id) { if (item.has("label")) { return item.getString("label"); } else { return null; } } } return null; } public EmbeddedWomiInfo getEmbeddedWomiInfoByFtpFilePath(String ftpFilePath) { return embeddedWomisByFtpPaths.get(ftpFilePath); } public boolean metadataDiffer(Resource r) { JSONObject extended = metadataJson.getJSONObject("extended"); if (differ(r.getId(), metadataJson.getString("customId"))) { return true; } if (differ(r.getTitle(), metadataJson.getString("title"))) { return true; } if (differ(r.getAuthor(), metadataJson.getString("author"))) { return true; } if (differ(r.getDescription(), extended.getString("description"))) { return true; } if (differ(r.getAltText(), metadataJson.getString("alternativeText"))) { return true; } if (differ(r.getLicense(), metadataJson.getString("license"))) { return true; } if (differ(r.getOrigin(), extended.getString("origin"))) { return true; } if (differ(r.getRecipient().name().toLowerCase(), extended.getString("recipient"))) { return true; } if (differ(r.getCategory(), extended.getString("category"))) { return true; } if (differ(r.getKeywords(), toList(metadataJson.getJSONArray("keywords")))) { return true; } List<String> resourceLearningObjectives = new LinkedList<>(r.getLearningObjectives()); resourceLearningObjectives.remove(USPP.getSpecialAllIdentifier()); List<String> womiLearningObjectives = toList(extended.getJSONArray("learningObjectives")); if (differ(resourceLearningObjectives, womiLearningObjectives)) { return true; } if (differ(r.getEnvironments(), toList(extended.getJSONArray("environments")))) { return true; } return false; } private boolean differ(Collection<String> col1, Collection<String> col2) { Set<String> set1 = new HashSet<>(normalize(col1)); Set<String> set2 = new HashSet<>(normalize(col2)); boolean differ = !set1.equals(set2); if (differ) { log.debug(String.format("the collections differ for WOMI %d: %s and %s", id, col1, col2)); } return differ; } static boolean differ(String v1, String v2) { if (v1 == null && v2 == null) { return false; } if (v1 == null || v2 == null) { log.debug(String.format("the values differ: \"%s\" and \"%s\"", v1, v2)); return true; } boolean differ = !normalize(v1).equals(normalize(v2)); if (differ) { log.debug(String.format("the values differ: \"%s\" and \"%s\"", v1, v2)); } return differ; } private static String normalize(String val) { return val.trim().replaceAll("\\s+", " "); } private Collection<String> normalize(Collection<String> col) { List<String> list = new LinkedList<>(); for (String string : col) { list.add(normalize(string)); } return list; } private List<String> toList(JSONArray jsonArrayOfStrings) { List<String> list = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArrayOfStrings.length(); i++) { list.add(jsonArrayOfStrings.getString(i)); } return list; } } @Data class EmbeddedWomiInfo { private final long id; private final String path; private final Date modifiedDate; private final String label; /** * null if unable to check */ private final String womiTypeInMetadata; /** * null if unable to check */ private final Boolean isAttachment; public boolean labelDiffer(ResourceFile resFile) { String resFileLabel = resFile.getLabel(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(resFileLabel)) { resFileLabel = null; } if (WomiInRt.differ(this.label, resFileLabel)) { return true; } return false; } public boolean typesDiffer(ResourceFileType type) { switch (type) { case THUMBNAIL: case GRAPHICS: case GALLERY_GRAPHICS: return !"graphics".equals(womiTypeInMetadata); case MOVIE: return !"movie".equals(womiTypeInMetadata); case SOUND: return !"sound".equals(womiTypeInMetadata); case INTERACTIVE: return !"interactive".equals(womiTypeInMetadata) || isAttachment != false; case ATTACHMENT: return !"interactive".equals(womiTypeInMetadata) || isAttachment != true; default: throw new IllegalStateException("not supported resource file type: " + type); } } }