Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; import; /** * * @author Wojciech Gawe */ public class Textobject { /** * Text containing this textobject */ protected final Text text; protected final Annotation chunk; private LocationRecognizeResult locationRecognizeResult = LocationRecognizeResult.EMPTY; private LocationGeocodeStatus locationGeocodeStatus = LocationGeocodeStatus.UNCHECKED; public Textobject(Text text, Annotation chunk) { this.text = text; this.chunk = chunk; } /** * @return Text (fragment of sentence) */ public String getRawText() { return chunk.getRawText(); } public String getRawSentenceText() { return chunk.getSentence().getRawText(); } @JsonIgnore public Sentence getSentence() { return chunk.getSentence(); } /* * @return Text of sentence with this texobject * and textobject from relations surrounded by tag <span> * with appropriate classes */ public String getSentenceTextWithSpan() { String openTagThisText = "<span class=\"litmap-textobject\">"; String closeTagThisText = "</span>"; String openTagRelFromText = "<span class=\"litmap-textobject-rel-from\">"; String closeTagRelFromText = "</span>"; String openTagRelToText = "<span class=\"litmap-textobject-rel-to\">"; String closeTagRelToText = "</span>"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean tagThisOpen = false; boolean tagRelFromOpen = false; boolean tagRelToOpen = false; int token_index = 0; for (Token token : chunk.getSentence().getTokens()) { Annotation chunkFrom = null; Annotation chunkTo = null; if (chunk.getTokens().contains(token_index)) { if (!tagThisOpen) { sb.append(openTagThisText); tagThisOpen = true; } } for (SerelRelation sr : chunk.getRelationsFrom()) { if (sr.getFrom().getTokens().contains(token_index)) { chunkFrom = sr.getFrom(); if (!tagRelFromOpen) { sb.append(openTagRelFromText); tagRelFromOpen = true; } break; } } for (SerelRelation sr : chunk.getRelationsTo()) { if (sr.getTo().getTokens().contains(token_index)) { chunkTo = sr.getTo(); if (!tagRelToOpen) { sb.append(openTagRelToText); tagRelToOpen = true; } break; } } sb.append(token.toStringSimple()); if (tagThisOpen && this.chunk.getEnd() == token_index) { sb.append(closeTagThisText); tagThisOpen = false; } if (tagRelFromOpen && chunkFrom.getEnd() == token_index) { sb.append(closeTagRelFromText); tagRelFromOpen = false; } if (tagRelToOpen && chunkTo.getEnd() == token_index) { sb.append(closeTagRelToText); tagRelToOpen = false; } if (!token.getNoSpaceAfter()) { sb.append(' '); } token_index++; } return sb.toString(); } /** * W obiektach, ktrych nazwa skada si z wielu wyrazw czasami sam .getBase() daje bdne wyniki, np * "Dawid Podsiado" -> "Dawid podsi" * "Syryjskiego Obserwatorium Praw Czowieka" -> "syryjski obserwatorium prawo czowiek" * ale * "Sebastian Nowak: -> "Sebastian Nowak" * * Bdy rwnie w jednowyrazowych: * "[w] Opolu" -> "opole" (brak pierwszej duej litery) * Dlatego jeeli wykryje zmian wielkoci pierwszej litery (lub inn cech wskazujc - np. nazwa ulicy, ktej forma podstawowa zazwyczaj jest bdna) * na moliwo wystpienia bedu pozostawia wersje z tekstu (zamiast nieprawidowej formy podstawowej) * @return the baseName */ public String getBaseName() { String baseName; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean possibleErrorInRecognize = false; if (this.getNameClass().equals(NameClass.ROAD_NAM) || this.getNameClass().equals(NameClass.ADDRESS_STREET_NAM)) { possibleErrorInRecognize = true; } else if (chunk.getTokens().size() > 1) { possibleErrorInRecognize = true; } else { for (Integer token_index : chunk.getTokens()) { Token token = chunk.getSentence().getTokens().get(token_index); Tag tag = token.getTags().get(0); if (Character.isUpperCase(token.getFirstValue().charAt(0)) && !Character.isUpperCase(tag.getBase().charAt(0))) { possibleErrorInRecognize = true; break; } sb.append(tag.getBase()); if (!token.getNoSpaceAfter()) { sb.append(' '); } } } baseName = possibleErrorInRecognize ? getRawText() : sb.toString().trim(); return baseName; } public String getForceBaseName() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Integer token_index : chunk.getTokens()) { Token token = chunk.getSentence().getTokens().get(token_index); Tag tag = token.getTags().get(0); sb.append(tag.getBase()); if (!token.getNoSpaceAfter()) { sb.append(' '); } } return sb.toString().trim(); } /** * @return the nameClass */ public NameClass getNameClass() { NameClass result = null; try { result = NameClass.valueOf(chunk.getType().toUpperCase()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { System.out.println("Class " + NameClass.class + " does not contain \"" + chunk.getType().toUpperCase() + "\". Textobject raw-text = \"" + this.getRawText() + "\"."); throw e; } return result; } /** * * @return location lat and lng text | empty String when cannot get location * @throws IOException * @throws OverQueryLimitException */ public String getLocationText() { String locationText = ""; if (getLocation() != null) { locationText = getLocation().toUrlValue(6); } return locationText; } public double getLocationLat() throws OverQueryLimitException, IOException { double locationLat = 0.0; if (getLocation() != null) { String[] arr = getLocationText().split(","); if (arr.length == 2) locationLat = Double.parseDouble(arr[0]); } return locationLat; } public double getLocationLng() throws OverQueryLimitException, IOException { double locationLat = 0.0; if (getLocation() != null) { String[] arr = getLocationText().split(","); if (arr.length == 2) locationLat = Double.parseDouble(arr[1]); } return locationLat; } public LocationRecognizeResult getLocationRecognizeResult() { if (locationGeocodeStatus.equals(LocationGeocodeStatus.OVER_QUERY_LIMIT)) { // if over req/sec locationGeocodeStatus = LocationGeocodeStatus.UNCHECKED; } if (locationGeocodeStatus.equals(LocationGeocodeStatus.UNCHECKED)) { try { LocationNameHeuristicResult locationNameHeuristicResult = LocationNameRecognize.getInstance() .doHeuristic(this); locationRecognizeResult = LocationRecognize.process(locationNameHeuristicResult); if (locationRecognizeResult.getList().isEmpty()) { if (locationRecognizeResult.getSearchString().isEmpty()) { locationGeocodeStatus = LocationGeocodeStatus.EMPTY_INPUT; } else { locationGeocodeStatus = LocationGeocodeStatus.ZERO_RESULTS; } } else { locationGeocodeStatus = LocationGeocodeStatus.SUCCESS; } } catch (OverQueryLimitException e) { locationGeocodeStatus = LocationGeocodeStatus.OVER_QUERY_LIMIT; } catch (UnrecognizedWebserviceResponseException e) { locationGeocodeStatus = LocationGeocodeStatus.WEBSERVICE_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } catch (IOException e) { locationGeocodeStatus = LocationGeocodeStatus.IO_EXCEPTION; } } if (locationRecognizeResult == null) { locationRecognizeResult = LocationRecognizeResult.EMPTY; } return locationRecognizeResult; } /** * * @return LatLng | null when cannot get location */ public LatLng getLocation() { return getLocationRecognizeResult().getList().isEmpty() ? null : locationRecognizeResult.getList().get(0).getGeometry().getLocation(); } public boolean hasChunk(Annotation chunk) { return chunk == this.chunk; } @JsonIgnore public Text getTextContainingThisTextobject() { return this.text; } @JsonIgnore public ArrayList<Textobject> getRelationFromTextobjects() { ArrayList<Textobject> relFromTextobjects = new ArrayList<>(); for (SerelRelation sr : this.chunk.getRelationsFrom()) { relFromTextobjects.add(text.getTextobjectByChunk(sr.getFrom())); } return relFromTextobjects; } @JsonIgnore public ArrayList<Textobject> getRelationToTextobjects() { ArrayList<Textobject> relToTextobjects = new ArrayList<>(); for (SerelRelation sr : this.chunk.getRelationsTo()) { relToTextobjects.add(text.getTextobjectByChunk(sr.getTo())); } return relToTextobjects; } public LocationGeocodeStatus getLocationGeocodeStatus() { return this.locationGeocodeStatus; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("baseName: "); sb.append(getBaseName()); sb.append("; nameClass: "); sb.append(getNameClass().toString()); sb.append("; text: "); sb.append(getRawText()); sb.append("; locationText: "); sb.append(getLocationText()); return sb.toString(); } }