Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of CERMINE project. * Copyright (c) 2011-2013 ICM-UW * * CERMINE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * CERMINE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with CERMINE. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import libsvm.svm_parameter; import org.apache.commons.cli.*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; public class SVMBodyBuilder { protected static SVMZoneClassifier getZoneClassifier(List<TrainingSample<BxZoneLabel>> trainingSamples, int kernelType, double gamma, double C, int degree) throws IOException { trainingSamples = ClassificationUtils.filterElements(trainingSamples, BxZoneLabelCategory.CAT_BODY); System.out.println("Training samples " + trainingSamples.size()); PenaltyCalculator pc = new PenaltyCalculator(trainingSamples); int[] intClasses = new int[pc.getClasses().size()]; double[] classesWeights = new double[pc.getClasses().size()]; int labelIdx = 0; for (BxZoneLabel label : pc.getClasses()) { intClasses[labelIdx] = label.ordinal(); classesWeights[labelIdx] = pc.getPenaltyWeigth(label); ++labelIdx; } FeatureVectorBuilder<BxZone, BxPage> featureVectorBuilder = ContentFilterTools.VECTOR_BUILDER; SVMZoneClassifier zoneClassifier = new SVMZoneClassifier(featureVectorBuilder); svm_parameter param = SVMZoneClassifier.getDefaultParam(); param.svm_type = svm_parameter.C_SVC; param.gamma = gamma; param.C = C; System.out.println(degree); = degree; param.kernel_type = kernelType; param.weight = classesWeights; param.weight_label = intClasses; zoneClassifier.setParameter(param); zoneClassifier.buildClassifier(trainingSamples); zoneClassifier.printWeigths(featureVectorBuilder); zoneClassifier.saveModel("svm_body_classifier"); return zoneClassifier; } public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException, AnalysisException, IOException { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("input", true, "input path"); options.addOption("output", true, "output model path"); options.addOption("kernel", true, "kernel type"); options.addOption("g", true, "gamma"); options.addOption("C", true, "C"); options.addOption("degree", true, "degree"); options.addOption("cross", false, ""); options.addOption("ext", true, "degree"); CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, args); if (!line.hasOption("input") || !line.hasOption("output")) { System.err.println( "Usage: SVMMetadataBuilder [-kernel <kernel type>] [-d <degree>] [-g <gamma>] [-C <error cost>] [-ext <extension>] -input <input dir> -output <path>"); System.exit(1); } Double C = 8.0; if (line.hasOption("C")) { C = Double.valueOf(line.getOptionValue("C")); } Double gamma = 0.5; if (line.hasOption("g")) { gamma = Double.valueOf(line.getOptionValue("g")); } String inDir = line.getOptionValue("input"); String outFile = line.getOptionValue("output"); String degreeStr = line.getOptionValue("degree"); Integer degree = -1; if (degreeStr != null && !degreeStr.isEmpty()) { degree = Integer.valueOf(degreeStr); } Integer kernelType = svm_parameter.RBF; if (line.hasOption("kernel")) { switch (Integer.valueOf(line.getOptionValue("kernel"))) { case 0: kernelType = svm_parameter.LINEAR; break; case 1: kernelType = svm_parameter.POLY; break; case 2: kernelType = svm_parameter.RBF; break; case 3: kernelType = svm_parameter.SIGMOID; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid kernel value provided"); } } if (kernelType == svm_parameter.POLY && degree == null) { System.err.println("Polynomial kernel requires the -degree option to be specified"); System.exit(1); } String ext = "cxml"; if (line.hasOption("ext")) { ext = line.getOptionValue("ext"); } Map<BxZoneLabel, BxZoneLabel> map = new EnumMap<BxZoneLabel, BxZoneLabel>(BxZoneLabel.class); map.put(BxZoneLabel.BODY_ACKNOWLEDGMENT, BxZoneLabel.BODY_CONTENT); map.put(BxZoneLabel.BODY_CONFLICT_STMT, BxZoneLabel.BODY_CONTENT); map.put(BxZoneLabel.BODY_EQUATION, BxZoneLabel.BODY_JUNK); map.put(BxZoneLabel.BODY_FIGURE, BxZoneLabel.BODY_JUNK); map.put(BxZoneLabel.BODY_GLOSSARY, BxZoneLabel.BODY_JUNK); map.put(BxZoneLabel.BODY_TABLE, BxZoneLabel.BODY_JUNK); if (!line.hasOption("cross")) { File input = new File(inDir); List<TrainingSample<BxZoneLabel>> trainingSamples; if (input.isDirectory()) { DocumentsIterator it = new DocumentsIterator(inDir, ext); FeatureVectorBuilder<BxZone, BxPage> featureVectorBuilder = ContentFilterTools.VECTOR_BUILDER; trainingSamples = BxDocsToTrainingSamplesConverter.getZoneTrainingSamples(it.iterator(), featureVectorBuilder, map); } else { trainingSamples = SVMZoneClassifier.loadProblem(inDir, ContentFilterTools.VECTOR_BUILDER); } trainingSamples = ClassificationUtils.filterElements(trainingSamples, BxZoneLabelCategory.CAT_BODY); SVMZoneClassifier classifier = getZoneClassifier(trainingSamples, kernelType, gamma, C, degree); classifier.saveModel(outFile); } else { int foldness = 5; List<TrainingSample<BxZoneLabel>>[] trainingSamplesSet = new List[foldness]; for (int i = 0; i < foldness; i++) { File input = new File(inDir + "/" + i); List<TrainingSample<BxZoneLabel>> trainingSamples; if (input.isDirectory()) { DocumentsIterator it = new DocumentsIterator(inDir + "/" + i, ext); FeatureVectorBuilder<BxZone, BxPage> featureVectorBuilder = ContentFilterTools.VECTOR_BUILDER; trainingSamples = BxDocsToTrainingSamplesConverter.getZoneTrainingSamples(it.iterator(), featureVectorBuilder, map); } else { trainingSamples = SVMZoneClassifier.loadProblem(inDir + "/" + i, ContentFilterTools.VECTOR_BUILDER); } trainingSamples = ClassificationUtils.filterElements(trainingSamples, BxZoneLabelCategory.CAT_BODY); trainingSamplesSet[i] = trainingSamples; } for (int i = 0; i < foldness; i++) { List<TrainingSample<BxZoneLabel>> trainingSamples = new ArrayList<TrainingSample<BxZoneLabel>>(); for (int j = 0; j < foldness; j++) { if (i != j) { trainingSamples.addAll(trainingSamplesSet[j]); } } SVMZoneClassifier classifier = getZoneClassifier(trainingSamples, kernelType, gamma, C, degree); classifier.saveModel(outFile + "-" + i); } } } }