Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of CERMINE project. * Copyright (c) 2011-2013 ICM-UW * * CERMINE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * CERMINE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with CERMINE. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.*; import libsvm.svm_parameter; import org.apache.commons.cli.*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public abstract class SVMParameterFinder { private static final EnumMap<BxZoneLabel, BxZoneLabel> DEFAULT_LABEL_MAP = new EnumMap<BxZoneLabel, BxZoneLabel>( BxZoneLabel.class); static { for (BxZoneLabel label : BxZoneLabel.values()) { DEFAULT_LABEL_MAP.put(label, label); } } protected int foldness; private final Map<BxZoneLabel, BxZoneLabel> labelMap = DEFAULT_LABEL_MAP.clone(); public static void main(String[] args, SVMParameterFinder evaluator) throws ParseException, AnalysisException, IOException, TransformationException, CloneNotSupportedException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("compact", false, "do not print results for pages"); options.addOption("fold", true, "foldness of cross-validation"); options.addOption("help", false, "print this help message"); options.addOption("minimal", false, "print only final summary"); options.addOption("full", false, "print all possible messages"); options.addOption("kernel", true, "kernel type"); options.addOption("degree", true, "degree"); options.addOption("ext", true, "file extension"); options.addOption("threads", true, "number of threads"); CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, args); if (line.hasOption("help")) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp(args[0] + " [-options] input-file", options); } else { String[] remaining = line.getArgs(); if (remaining.length != 1) { throw new ParseException("Input file is missing!"); } if (!line.hasOption("fold")) { evaluator.foldness = 5; } else { evaluator.foldness = Integer.valueOf(line.getOptionValue("fold")); } String inputFile = remaining[0]; String degreeStr = line.getOptionValue("degree"); Integer degree = -1; if (degreeStr != null && !degreeStr.isEmpty()) { degree = Integer.valueOf(degreeStr); } Integer kernelType; switch (Integer.valueOf(line.getOptionValue("kernel"))) { case 0: kernelType = svm_parameter.LINEAR; break; case 1: kernelType = svm_parameter.POLY; break; case 2: kernelType = svm_parameter.RBF; break; case 3: kernelType = svm_parameter.SIGMOID; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid kernel value provided"); } int threads = 3; String threadsStr = line.getOptionValue("threads"); if (threadsStr != null && !threadsStr.isEmpty()) { threads = Integer.valueOf(threadsStr); } String ext = "cxml"; String extStr = line.getOptionValue("ext"); if (extStr != null && !extStr.isEmpty()) { ext = extStr; } evaluator.setLabelMap(BxZoneLabel.getLabelToGeneralMap());, ext, threads, kernelType, degree); } } protected abstract List<TrainingSample<BxZoneLabel>> getSamples(String inputFile, String ext) throws AnalysisException; public void run(String inputFile, String ext, int threads, int kernel, int degree) throws AnalysisException, IOException, TransformationException, CloneNotSupportedException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException { List<TrainingSample<BxZoneLabel>> samples = getSamples(inputFile, ext); ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3); CompletionService<EvaluationParams> completionService = new ExecutorCompletionService<EvaluationParams>( executor); double bestRate = 0; int bestclog = 0; int bestglog = 0; int submitted = 0; for (int clog = -5; clog <= 15; clog++) { for (int glog = 3; glog >= -15; glog--) { completionService.submit(new Evaluator(samples, new EvaluationParams(clog, glog), kernel, degree)); submitted++; } } while (submitted > 0) { Future<EvaluationParams> f1 = completionService.take(); EvaluationParams p = f1.get(); if (p.rate > bestRate) { bestRate = p.rate; bestclog = p.clog; bestglog = p.glog; } System.out.println("Gamma: " + p.glog + ", C: " + p.clog + ", rate: " + p.rate + " (Best: " + bestglog + " " + bestclog + " " + bestRate + ")"); submitted--; } executor.shutdown(); } private static class EvaluationParams { int clog; int glog; double rate; public EvaluationParams(int clog, int glog) { this.clog = clog; this.glog = glog; } } private class Evaluator implements Callable<EvaluationParams> { private final List<TrainingSample<BxZoneLabel>> samples; private final EvaluationParams params; private final int kernel; private final int degree; public Evaluator(List<TrainingSample<BxZoneLabel>> samples, EvaluationParams params, int kernel, int degree) { this.samples = samples; this.params = params; this.kernel = kernel; = degree; } @Override public EvaluationParams call() throws Exception { double gamma = Math.pow(2, params.glog); double c = Math.pow(2, params.clog); double rate = evaluate(samples, kernel, gamma, c, degree); params.rate = rate; return params; } } private double evaluate(List<TrainingSample<BxZoneLabel>> samples, int kernelType, double gamma, double C, int degree) throws AnalysisException, IOException, CloneNotSupportedException { ClassificationResults summary = new ClassificationResults(); List<DividedEvaluationSet> sampleSets =, foldness); for (int fold = 0; fold < foldness; ++fold) { List<TrainingSample<BxZoneLabel>> trainingSamples = sampleSets.get(fold).getTrainingDocuments(); List<TrainingSample<BxZoneLabel>> testSamples = sampleSets.get(fold).getTestDocuments(); ClassificationResults iterationResults = new ClassificationResults(); SVMZoneClassifier zoneClassifier = getZoneClassifier(trainingSamples, kernelType, gamma, C, degree); for (TrainingSample<BxZoneLabel> testSample : testSamples) { BxZoneLabel expectedClass = testSample.getLabel(); BxZoneLabel inferedClass = zoneClassifier.predictLabel(testSample); ClassificationResults documentResults = compareItems(expectedClass, inferedClass); iterationResults.add(documentResults); } summary.add(iterationResults); } return summary.getMeanF1Score(); } protected ClassificationResults compareItems(BxZoneLabel expected, BxZoneLabel actual) { ClassificationResults pageResults = new ClassificationResults(); pageResults.addOneZoneResult(expected, actual); return pageResults; } public void setLabelMap(Map<BxZoneLabel, BxZoneLabel> value) { labelMap.putAll(DEFAULT_LABEL_MAP); labelMap.putAll(value); } protected abstract SVMZoneClassifier getZoneClassifier(List<TrainingSample<BxZoneLabel>> trainingSamples, int kernelType, double gamma, double C, int degree) throws AnalysisException, IOException, CloneNotSupportedException; protected abstract FeatureVectorBuilder<BxZone, BxPage> getFeatureVectorBuilder(); }