Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of CERMINE project. * Copyright (c) 2011-2013 ICM-UW * * CERMINE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * CERMINE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with CERMINE. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.xml.serialize.OutputFormat; import org.apache.xml.serialize.XMLSerializer; import org.jdom.JDOMException; import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder; import org.jdom.output.DOMOutputter; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import*; import; import; /** * * @author Pawel Szostek ( */ /* * TODO * * 2 references */ public final class FinalMetadataExtractionEvaluation { private boolean verbose = false; public FinalMetadataExtractionEvaluation(boolean verbose) { this.verbose = verbose; } private void printVerbose(String text) { if (verbose) { System.out.println(text); } } private static class PrecissonRecall { public int correct; public int expected; public int extracted; public PrecissonRecall() { correct = 0; expected = 0; extracted = 0; } @Override public String toString() { return "PrecissonRecall{" + "correct=" + correct + ", expected=" + expected + ", extracted=" + extracted + '}'; } public Double calculateRecall() { if (expected == 0) { return null; } else { return (double) correct / expected; } } public Double calculatePrecission() { if (extracted == 0) { return null; } else { return (double) correct / extracted; } } } public void evaluate(NlmIterator iter) throws AnalysisException, IOException, TransformationException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, JDOMException, XPathExpressionException, TransformerException { javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbf.setValidating(false); dbf.setFeature("", false); dbf.setFeature("", false); dbf.setFeature("", false); dbf.setFeature("", false); javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder("org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser"); builder.setValidation(false); builder.setFeature("", false); builder.setFeature("", false); builder.setFeature("", false); PrecissonRecall issn = new PrecissonRecall(); PrecissonRecall doi = new PrecissonRecall(); PrecissonRecall volume = new PrecissonRecall(); PrecissonRecall issue = new PrecissonRecall(); PrecissonRecall pages = new PrecissonRecall(); PrecissonRecall dateYear = new PrecissonRecall(); PrecissonRecall dateFull = new PrecissonRecall(); PrecissonRecall journalTitle = new PrecissonRecall(); List<Double> abstractRates = new ArrayList<Double>(iter.size()); List<Double> titleRates = new ArrayList<Double>(iter.size()); List<Double> keywordPrecisions = new ArrayList<Double>(iter.size()); List<Double> keywordRecalls = new ArrayList<Double>(iter.size()); List<Double> authorsPrecisions = new ArrayList<Double>(iter.size()); List<Double> authorsRecalls = new ArrayList<Double>(iter.size()); List<Double> affPrecisions = new ArrayList<Double>(iter.size()); List<Double> affRecalls = new ArrayList<Double>(iter.size()); int ii = 0; for (NlmPair pair : iter) { ii++; System.out.println(""); printVerbose(">>>>>>>>> " + ii); printVerbose(pair.getExtractedNlm().getPath()); org.w3c.dom.Document originalNlm = documentBuilder.parse(new FileInputStream(pair.getOriginalNlm())); org.w3c.dom.Document extractedNlm = documentBuilder.parse(new FileInputStream(pair.getExtractedNlm())); String expectedTitle = XMLTools.extractTextFromNode(originalNlm, "/article/front/article-meta//article-title"); String extractedTitle = XMLTools.extractTextFromNode(extractedNlm, "/article/front/article-meta/title-group/article-title"); List<Node> expectedAuthorsNodes = XMLTools.extractNodes(originalNlm, "/article/front/article-meta/contrib-group/contrib[@contrib-type='author']/name"); List<String> expectedAuthors = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Node authorNode : expectedAuthorsNodes) { List<String> givenNames = XMLTools.extractChildrenTextFromNode(authorNode, "given-names"); List<String> surnames = XMLTools.extractChildrenTextFromNode(authorNode, "surname"); String author = StringUtils.join(givenNames, " ") + " " + StringUtils.join(surnames, " "); author = author.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z ]", ""); expectedAuthors.add(author); } List<String> extractedAuthors1 = XMLTools.extractTextAsList(extractedNlm, "/article/front/article-meta/contrib-group/contrib[@contrib-type='author']/string-name"); List<String> extractedAuthors = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String author : extractedAuthors1) { extractedAuthors.add(author.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z ]", "")); } List<String> expectedKeywords = XMLTools.extractTextAsList(originalNlm, "/article/front/article-meta//kwd"); List<String> extractedKeywords = XMLTools.extractTextAsList(extractedNlm, "/article/front/article-meta/kwd-group/kwd"); String expectedJournalTitle = XMLTools.extractTextFromNode(originalNlm, "/article/front/journal-meta//journal-title"); String extractedJournalTitle = XMLTools.extractTextFromNode(extractedNlm, "/article/front/journal-meta/journal-title-group/journal-title"); String expectedAbstract = XMLTools.extractTextFromNode(originalNlm, "/article/front/article-meta/abstract"); String extractedAbstract = XMLTools.extractTextFromNode(extractedNlm, "/article/front/article-meta/abstract"); String expectedDoi = XMLTools.extractTextFromNode(originalNlm, "/article/front/article-meta/article-id[@pub-id-type='doi']"); String extractedDoi = XMLTools.extractTextFromNode(extractedNlm, "/article/front/article-meta/article-id[@pub-id-type='doi']"); String expectedISSN = XMLTools.extractTextFromNode(originalNlm, "/article/front/journal-meta/issn[@pub-type='ppub']"); String extractedISSN = XMLTools.extractTextFromNode(extractedNlm, "/article/front/journal-meta/issn[@pub-type='ppub']"); String expectedVolume = XMLTools.extractTextFromNode(originalNlm, "/article/front/article-meta/volume"); String extractedVolume = XMLTools.extractTextFromNode(extractedNlm, "/article/front/article-meta/volume"); String expectedIssue = XMLTools.extractTextFromNode(originalNlm, "/article/front/article-meta/issue"); String extractedIssue = XMLTools.extractTextFromNode(extractedNlm, "/article/front/article-meta/issue"); String expectedFPage = XMLTools.extractTextFromNode(originalNlm, "/article/front/article-meta/fpage"); String extractedFPage = XMLTools.extractTextFromNode(extractedNlm, "/article/front/article-meta/fpage"); String expectedLPage = XMLTools.extractTextFromNode(originalNlm, "/article/front/article-meta/lpage"); String extractedLPage = XMLTools.extractTextFromNode(extractedNlm, "/article/front/article-meta/lpage"); List<String> expectedPubDate = XMLTools.extractTextAsList(originalNlm, "/article/front/article-meta/pub-date"); expectedPubDate = removeLeadingZerosFromDate(expectedPubDate); List<String> extractedPubDate = XMLTools.extractTextAsList(extractedNlm, "/article/front/article-meta/pub-date"); extractedPubDate = removeLeadingZerosFromDate(extractedPubDate); Set<String> expectedAffiliationsSet = Sets .newHashSet(XMLTools.extractTextAsList(originalNlm, "/article/front/article-meta//aff")); Set<String> extractedAffiliationsSet = Sets .newHashSet(XMLTools.extractTextAsList(extractedNlm, "/article/front/article-meta//aff")); List<String> expectedAffiliations = Lists.newArrayList(expectedAffiliationsSet); List<String> extractedAffiliations = Lists.newArrayList(extractedAffiliationsSet); //equality measures if (!expectedVolume.isEmpty()) { if (expectedVolume.equals(extractedVolume)) { ++volume.correct; } ++volume.expected; } if (!extractedVolume.isEmpty()) { volume.extracted++; } if (!expectedIssue.isEmpty()) { if (expectedIssue.equals(extractedIssue)) { ++issue.correct; } ++issue.expected; } if (!extractedIssue.isEmpty()) { issue.extracted++; } if (!expectedISSN.isEmpty()) { if (extractedISSN.equals(expectedISSN)) { ++issn.correct; } ++issn.expected; } if (!extractedISSN.isEmpty()) { issn.extracted++; } if (!expectedDoi.isEmpty()) { if (expectedDoi.equals(extractedDoi)) { ++doi.correct; } ++doi.expected; } if (!extractedDoi.isEmpty()) { doi.extracted++; } if (!expectedFPage.isEmpty() && !expectedLPage.isEmpty()) { if (expectedFPage.equals(extractedFPage) && expectedLPage.equals(extractedLPage)) { ++pages.correct; } ++pages.expected; } if (!extractedFPage.isEmpty() && !extractedLPage.isEmpty()) { pages.extracted++; } if (!expectedPubDate.isEmpty()) { Boolean yearsMatch = DateComparator.yearsMatch(expectedPubDate, extractedPubDate); if (yearsMatch != null) { if (yearsMatch) { ++dateYear.correct; } ++dateYear.expected; } } if (!extractedPubDate.isEmpty()) { dateYear.extracted++; dateFull.extracted++; } //Smith-Waterman distance measures if (expectedAbstract.length() > 0) { abstractRates.add(compareStringsSW(expectedAbstract, extractedAbstract)); } else { abstractRates.add(null); } if (expectedTitle.length() > 0) { titleRates.add(compareStringsSW(expectedTitle, extractedTitle)); } else { titleRates.add(null); } if (!expectedJournalTitle.isEmpty()) { journalTitle.expected++; } if (!extractedJournalTitle.isEmpty()) { journalTitle.extracted++; if (isSubsequence(expectedJournalTitle.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z]", "").toLowerCase(), extractedJournalTitle.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z]", "").toLowerCase())) { journalTitle.correct++; } } //precision + recall if (expectedAuthors.size() > 0) { authorsRecalls.add(calculateRecall(expectedAuthors, extractedAuthors)); } else { authorsRecalls.add(null); } if (extractedAuthors.size() > 0) { authorsPrecisions.add(calculatePrecision(expectedAuthors, extractedAuthors)); } else { authorsPrecisions.add(null); } if (expectedKeywords.size() > 0) { keywordRecalls.add(calculateRecall(expectedKeywords, extractedKeywords)); } else { keywordRecalls.add(null); } if (extractedKeywords.size() > 0) { keywordPrecisions.add(calculatePrecision(expectedKeywords, extractedKeywords)); } else { keywordPrecisions.add(null); } if (expectedAffiliations.size() > 0) { affRecalls.add(calculateRecall(expectedAffiliations, extractedAffiliations)); } else { affRecalls.add(null); } if (extractedAffiliations.size() > 0) { affPrecisions.add(calculatePrecision(expectedAffiliations, extractedAffiliations)); } else { affPrecisions.add(null); } System.out.println(""); printVerbose(">>> Expected authors: "); for (String author : expectedAuthors) { printVerbose(author); } System.out.println(""); printVerbose(">>> Extracted authors: "); for (String author : extractedAuthors) { printVerbose(author); } System.out.println(""); printVerbose(">>> Expected keywords: "); for (String keyword : expectedKeywords) { printVerbose(keyword); } System.out.println(""); printVerbose(">>> Extracted keywords: "); for (String keyword : extractedKeywords) { printVerbose(keyword); } printVerbose(">>> Expected journal title: " + expectedJournalTitle); printVerbose(">>> Extracted journal title: " + extractedJournalTitle); printVerbose(">>> Expected article title: " + expectedTitle); printVerbose(">>> Extracted article title: " + extractedTitle); printVerbose(">>> Expected article abstract: " + expectedAbstract); printVerbose(">>> Extracted article abstract: " + extractedAbstract); printVerbose(">>> Expected doi: " + expectedDoi); printVerbose(">>> Extracted doi: " + extractedDoi); printVerbose(">>> Expected issn: " + expectedISSN); printVerbose(">>> Extracted issn: " + extractedISSN); printVerbose(">>> Expected volume: " + expectedVolume); printVerbose(">>> Extracted volume: " + extractedVolume); printVerbose(">>> Expected issue: " + expectedIssue); printVerbose(">>> Extracted issue: " + extractedIssue); printVerbose(">>> Expected pages: " + expectedFPage + " " + expectedLPage); printVerbose(">>> Extracted pages: " + extractedFPage + " " + extractedLPage); printVerbose(">>> Expected date: "); for (String date : expectedPubDate) { printVerbose(date); } printVerbose(">>> Extracted date: "); for (String date : extractedPubDate) { printVerbose(date); } printVerbose(">>> Expected affs: "); for (String aff : expectedAffiliations) { printVerbose(aff); } printVerbose(">>> Extracted affs: "); for (String aff : extractedAffiliations) { printVerbose(aff); } printVerbose("abstract " + abstractRates.get(abstractRates.size() - 1)); printVerbose("title " + titleRates.get(titleRates.size() - 1)); printVerbose("journal title " + journalTitle); System.out.println(""); printVerbose("authors precission " + authorsPrecisions.get(authorsPrecisions.size() - 1)); printVerbose("authors recall " + authorsRecalls.get(authorsPrecisions.size() - 1)); System.out.println(""); printVerbose("aff precission " + affPrecisions.get(affPrecisions.size() - 1)); printVerbose("aff recall " + affRecalls.get(affPrecisions.size() - 1)); System.out.println(""); printVerbose("keywords precission " + keywordPrecisions.get(keywordPrecisions.size() - 1)); printVerbose("keywords recall " + keywordRecalls.get(keywordPrecisions.size() - 1)); printVerbose("date years" + dateYear); printVerbose("doi" + doi); printVerbose("issn" + issn); printVerbose("volume" + volume); printVerbose("issue" + issue); printVerbose("pages" + pages); } Double value; System.out.println("==== Summary (" + iter.size() + " docs)===="); if ((value = calculateAverage(abstractRates)) != null) { System.out.printf("abstract avg (SW) \t\t%4.2f\n", 100 * value); } if ((value = calculateAverage(titleRates)) != null) { System.out.printf("title avg (SW) \t\t\t%4.2f\n", 100 * value); } if ((value = journalTitle.calculatePrecission()) != null) { System.out.printf("journal title precission\t\t%4.2f\n", 100 * value); } if ((value = journalTitle.calculateRecall()) != null) { System.out.printf("journal title recall\t\t%4.2f\n", 100 * value); } if ((value = calculateAverage(authorsPrecisions)) != null) { System.out.printf("authors precision avg (EQ)\t%4.2f\n", 100 * value); } if ((value = calculateAverage(authorsRecalls)) != null) { System.out.printf("authors recall avg (EQ)\t\t%4.2f\n", 100 * value); } if ((value = calculateAverage(affPrecisions)) != null) { System.out.printf("aff precision avg (EQ)\t%4.2f\n", 100 * value); } if ((value = calculateAverage(affRecalls)) != null) { System.out.printf("aff recall avg (EQ)\t\t%4.2f\n", 100 * value); } if ((value = calculateAverage(keywordPrecisions)) != null) { System.out.printf("keywords precision avg (EQ)\t%4.2f\n", 100 * value); } if ((value = calculateAverage(keywordRecalls)) != null) { System.out.printf("keywords recall avg (EQ)\t%4.2f\n", 100 * value); } if ((value = dateYear.calculatePrecission()) != null) { System.out.printf("date year precission avg\t\t%4.2f\n", 100 * value); } if ((value = dateYear.calculateRecall()) != null) { System.out.printf("date year recall avg\t\t%4.2f\n", 100 * value); } if ((value = doi.calculatePrecission()) != null) { System.out.printf("doi precission\t\t%4.2f\n", 100 * value); } if ((value = doi.calculateRecall()) != null) { System.out.printf("doi recall\t\t%4.2f\n", 100 * value); } if ((value = issn.calculatePrecission()) != null) { System.out.printf("issn precission\t\t%4.2f\n", 100 * value); } if ((value = issn.calculateRecall()) != null) { System.out.printf("issn recall\t\t%4.2f\n", 100 * value); } if ((value = volume.calculatePrecission()) != null) { System.out.printf("volume precission\t\t%4.2f\n", 100 * value); } if ((value = volume.calculateRecall()) != null) { System.out.printf("volume recall\t\t%4.2f\n", 100 * value); } if ((value = issue.calculatePrecission()) != null) { System.out.printf("issue precission\t\t%4.2f\n", 100 * value); } if ((value = issue.calculateRecall()) != null) { System.out.printf("issue recall\t\t%4.2f\n", 100 * value); } if ((value = pages.calculatePrecission()) != null) { System.out.printf("pages precission avg\t\t%4.2f\n", 100 * value); } if ((value = pages.calculateRecall()) != null) { System.out.printf("pages recall avg\t\t%4.2f\n", 100 * value); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws AnalysisException, IOException, TransformationException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, JDOMException, XPathExpressionException, TransformerException { if (args.length != 3) { System.out.println( "Usage: FinalMetadataExtractionEvaluation <input dir> <orig extension> <extract extension>"); return; } boolean verbose = true; String directory = args[0]; String origExt = args[1]; String extrExt = args[2]; FinalMetadataExtractionEvaluation e = new FinalMetadataExtractionEvaluation(verbose); NlmIterator iter = new NlmIterator(directory, origExt, extrExt); e.evaluate(iter); } private static Double calculateAverage(List<Double> values) { int all = 0; double sum = .0; for (Double value : values) { if (value != null) { ++all; sum += value; } } return sum / all; } private static double calculatePrecision(List<String> expected, List<String> extracted) { if (extracted.isEmpty()) { return .0; } int correct = 0; CosineDistance cos = new CosineDistance(); List<String> tmp = new ArrayList<String>(expected); external: for (String partExt : extracted) { for (String partExp : tmp) { if (, StringTools.tokenize(partExp)) + 0.001 > Math.sqrt(2) / 2) { ++correct; tmp.remove(partExp); continue external; } } } return (double) correct / extracted.size(); } private static double calculateRecall(List<String> expected, List<String> extracted) { int correct = 0; CosineDistance cos = new CosineDistance(); List<String> tmp = new ArrayList<String>(expected); external: for (String partExt : extracted) { internal: for (String partExp : tmp) { if (, StringTools.tokenize(partExp)) + 0.001 > Math.sqrt(2) / 2) { ++correct; tmp.remove(partExp); continue external; } } } return (double) correct / expected.size(); } private static double compareStringsSW(String expectedText, String extractedText) { List<String> expectedTokens = StringTools.tokenize(expectedText); List<String> extractedTokens = StringTools.tokenize(extractedText); SmithWatermanDistance distanceFunc = new SmithWatermanDistance(.0, .0); double distance =, extractedTokens); return distance / (double) expectedTokens.size(); } static List<String> removeLeadingZerosFromDate(List<String> strings) { List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String string : strings) { String[] parts = string.split("\\s"); if (parts.length > 1) { List<String> newDate = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String part : parts) { newDate.add(part.replaceFirst("^0+(?!$)", "")); } ret.add(StringUtils.join(newDate, " ")); } else { ret.add(string); } } return ret; } static boolean isSubsequence(String str, String sub) { if (sub.isEmpty()) { return true; } if (str.isEmpty()) { return false; } if (str.charAt(0) == sub.charAt(0)) { return isSubsequence(str.substring(1), sub.substring(1)); } return isSubsequence(str.substring(1), sub); } static org.w3c.dom.Document elementToW3CDocument(org.jdom.Element elem) throws JDOMException { org.jdom.Document metaDoc = new org.jdom.Document(); metaDoc.setRootElement(elem); org.jdom.output.DOMOutputter domOutputter = new DOMOutputter(); return domOutputter.output(metaDoc); } static String outputDoc(Document document) throws IOException, TransformerException { OutputFormat format = new OutputFormat(document); //document is an instance of org.w3c.dom.Document format.setLineWidth(65); format.setIndenting(true); format.setIndent(2); Writer out = new StringWriter(); XMLSerializer serializer = new XMLSerializer(out, format); serializer.serialize(document); return out.toString(); } }