Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2010 PIRAmIDE-SP3 authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * This software consists of contributions made by many individuals, * listed below: * * Author: Aitor Almeida <> * Pablo Ordua <> * Eduardo Castillejo <> * */ package piramide.interaction.reasoner.db.deploy; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import; import piramide.interaction.reasoner.db.DatabaseManager; import com.csvreader.CsvReader; public class DatabaseMigrator extends DatabaseManager { private static final String INVALID_FILE_PATH = "BadOnes.txt"; public DatabaseMigrator() throws Exception { } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { new DatabaseMigrator().populateTables(); } /** * Given the Downloaded table, we populate the Devices and Trends tables. */ public void populateTables() { int invalidData = 0; try { final Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(CONNECTION_URL, USERNAME, PASSWORD); final Statement stmtClearTrends = con.createStatement(); stmtClearTrends.execute("DELETE FROM Trends"); stmtClearTrends.close(); final Statement stmtClearDevices = con.createStatement(); stmtClearDevices.execute("DELETE FROM Devices"); stmtClearDevices.close(); con.setAutoCommit(false); final Statement stmtDownloaded = con.createStatement(); final ResultSet rsDownloaded = stmtDownloaded .executeQuery("SELECT device_name, wurfl_id, marketing_name, brand_name, model_name, " + "real_height, real_width, reso_height, " + "reso_width, value, region FROM Downloaded"); final List<String> deviceNames = new Vector<String>(); final PreparedStatement stmtDevices = con.prepareStatement( "" + "INSERT INTO Devices(device_name, wurfl_id, marketing_name, brand_name, model_name, " + "real_height, real_width, real_size, reso_height, reso_width, reso_size) " + "Values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )"); final PreparedStatement stmtTrends = con.prepareStatement( "" + "INSERT INTO Trends( device_name, region, month, year, value, error_margin ) " + "Values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )"); final Map<String, Integer> month2month = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); month2month.put("Jan", Integer.valueOf(1)); month2month.put("Feb", Integer.valueOf(2)); month2month.put("Mar", Integer.valueOf(3)); month2month.put("Apr", Integer.valueOf(4)); month2month.put("May", Integer.valueOf(5)); month2month.put("Jun", Integer.valueOf(6)); month2month.put("Jul", Integer.valueOf(7)); month2month.put("Aug", Integer.valueOf(8)); month2month.put("Sep", Integer.valueOf(9)); month2month.put("Oct", Integer.valueOf(10)); month2month.put("Nov", Integer.valueOf(11)); month2month.put("Dec", Integer.valueOf(12)); int counter = 0; final Set<String> badOnes = new HashSet<String>(); while ( { ++counter; if (counter % 100 == 0) { System.out.println("committed... " + counter); con.commit(); } final String deviceName = rsDownloaded.getString("device_name"); if (deviceName.equals("htc x7500") || deviceName.equals("samsung sgh-m300") || deviceName.equals("nokia verizon") || deviceName.equals("kddi a1407pt") || deviceName.equals("nokia thr880i") || deviceName.equals("softbank softbank 910t") || deviceName.equals("nokia 8860") || deviceName.equals("sony ericsson w580i") || deviceName.equals("motorola c139") || deviceName.equals("samsung stripe") || deviceName.equals("samsung sgh-c414") || deviceName.equals("samsung gt-e2121l") || deviceName.equals("samsung sgh-z400") || deviceName.equals("i-mobile 606") || deviceName.equals("softbank v302sh") || deviceName.equals("motorola krzr k1c")) continue; if (!deviceNames.contains(deviceName)) { stmtDevices.setString(1, deviceName); stmtDevices.setString(2, rsDownloaded.getString("wurfl_id")); stmtDevices.setString(3, rsDownloaded.getString("marketing_name")); stmtDevices.setString(4, rsDownloaded.getString("brand_name")); stmtDevices.setString(5, rsDownloaded.getString("model_name")); stmtDevices.setFloat(6, rsDownloaded.getFloat("real_height")); stmtDevices.setFloat(7, rsDownloaded.getFloat("real_width")); stmtDevices.setFloat(8, rsDownloaded.getFloat("real_height") * rsDownloaded.getFloat("real_width")); stmtDevices.setInt(9, rsDownloaded.getInt("reso_height")); stmtDevices.setInt(10, rsDownloaded.getInt("reso_width")); stmtDevices.setInt(11, rsDownloaded.getInt("reso_height") * rsDownloaded.getInt("reso_width")); stmtDevices.execute(); deviceNames.add(deviceName); } final String base64csv = rsDownloaded.getString("value"); final CsvReader csvReader2 = buildCSVReader(base64csv); if (!csvReader2.readRecord() && base64csv.length() != 924) { final byte[] binaryCSV = new Base64().decode(base64csv); final String stringCSV = new String(binaryCSV, "utf-8"); if (stringCSV.contains("could not be interpreted")) { badOnes.add(rsDownloaded.getString("region") + "@" + deviceName); } } final CsvReader csvReader = buildCSVReader(base64csv); int previousMonth = 0; int previousYear = 0; float currentValue = 0.0f; String currentErrorMargin = ""; boolean executed = false; while (csvReader.readRecord()) { executed = true; final String week = csvReader.get(0); final float value = Float.parseFloat(csvReader.get(1)); final String errorMargin = csvReader.get(2); final String[] weekParts = week.split(" "); final Integer monthString = month2month.get(weekParts[0]); if (monthString == null) { System.err.println("Failed to load device: " + deviceName); continue; } final int month = monthString.intValue(); final int year = Integer.parseInt(weekParts[2]); if (month == previousMonth && year == previousYear) { currentValue += value; currentErrorMargin = currentErrorMargin + "; " + errorMargin; continue; } final String region = rsDownloaded.getString("region"); //System.out.println(deviceName + " " + region + " " + month + " " + year); stmtTrends.setString(1, deviceName); stmtTrends.setString(2, region); stmtTrends.setInt(3, previousMonth); stmtTrends.setInt(4, previousYear); stmtTrends.setFloat(5, currentValue); stmtTrends.setString(6, currentErrorMargin); stmtTrends.execute(); currentValue = value; currentErrorMargin = errorMargin; previousMonth = month; previousYear = year; } if (!executed) { invalidData++; badOnes.add(rsDownloaded.getString("region") + "@" + deviceName); } } con.commit(); stmtDevices.close(); stmtTrends.close(); stmtDownloaded.close(); System.out.println("Counter: " + counter); System.out.println("Invalid data: " + invalidData); if (invalidData > 0) { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (String badOne : badOnes) { builder.append(badOne); builder.append("\n"); } FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(INVALID_FILE_PATH), builder.toString()); System.err.println("Warning: data of " + invalidData + " mobile devices is wrong. Check which devices at " + INVALID_FILE_PATH); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private CsvReader buildCSVReader(final String base64csv) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { final byte[] binaryCSV = new Base64().decode(base64csv); final String stringCSV = new String(binaryCSV, "utf-8"); final StringBuilder csvBuilder = new StringBuilder(); boolean recording = false; for (String line : stringCSV.split("\n")) { if (recording) { csvBuilder.append(line); csvBuilder.append('\n'); } if (line.startsWith("Week") && line.indexOf("std error") >= 0) recording = true; else if (line.trim().length() == 0 && recording) break; } final byte[] extractedBytes = csvBuilder.toString().getBytes(Charset.defaultCharset()); final InputStream csvStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(extractedBytes); final CsvReader csvReader = new CsvReader(csvStream, Charset.defaultCharset()); return csvReader; } }