pipeline.TextRegion.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for pipeline.TextRegion.java


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package pipeline;

import java.io.*;
import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import org.opencv.core.Core;
import org.opencv.core.CvType;
import org.opencv.core.Mat;
import org.opencv.core.Rect;

 * Two dimensional box
class TextRegion {
    int x1;
    int y1;
    int x2;
    int y2;
    double mass;

     * Creates a new <code>TextRegion</code> instance.
     * @param xs an <code>int</code> value
     * @param ys an <code>int</code> value
     * @param xe an <code>int</code> value
     * @param ye an <code>int</code> value
     * @param maxx an <code>int</code> value
     * @param maxy an <code>int</code> value
    TextRegion(int xs, int ys, int xe, int ye, int maxx, int maxy, double m) {
        if (xs < 0)
            x1 = 0;
        else if (xs > maxx)
            x1 = maxx;
            x1 = xs;
        if (xe < 0)
            x2 = 0;
        else if (xe > maxx)
            x2 = maxx;
            x2 = xe;
        if (ys < 0)
            y1 = 0;
        else if (ys > maxy)
            y1 = maxy;
            y1 = ys;
        if (ye < 0)
            y2 = 0;
        else if (ye > maxy)
            y2 = maxy;
            y2 = ye;
        mass = m;

    int area() {
        return width() * height();

    int height() {
        return y2 - y1;

    int width() {
        return x2 - x1;

    double density() {
        return mass / area();

    double aspect() {
        return (double) height() / (double) width();

 * Get text from images
 * @author <a href="http://www.abstractnonsense.com">Dr. William Bland</a>
 * @version 1.0
public class TextRecognition {
    private BufferedImage image;

     * Default constructor
     * @param img The image containing text, fare tuning dei parametri
    public TextRecognition(BufferedImage img) {
        image = img;
        merge_densityFactor = 0.5;
        merge_mass = 15;
        merge_dist1 = 4;
        merge_distfac = 1;
        merge_dist2 = 20;

     * Constructor for testing purposes
    public TextRecognition(BufferedImage img, double m_densityFactor, int m_mass, int m_dist1, double m_distfac,
            int m_dist2) {
        image = img;
        merge_densityFactor = m_densityFactor;
        merge_mass = m_mass;
        merge_dist1 = m_dist1;
        merge_distfac = m_distfac;
        merge_dist2 = m_dist2;

     * Only for debugging - prints out the current parameters
    public void print() {
        System.out.println("m_densityFactor = " + merge_densityFactor);
        System.out.println("m_mass = " + merge_mass);
        System.out.println("m_dist1 = " + merge_dist1);
        System.out.println("m_distfac = " + merge_distfac);
        System.out.println("m_dist2 = " + merge_dist2);

    int red(int rgb) {
        return (rgb & 0xff0000) >> 16;

    int green(int rgb) {
        return (rgb & 0x00ff00) >> 8;

    int blue(int rgb) {
        return rgb & 0xff;

    int rgb(int red, int green, int blue) {
        return blue + (green << 8) + (red << 16);

     * Discard boxes that do not appear to contain text
    LinkedList discardNonText(LinkedList boxes, int[][] contrast) {
        int i = 0;
        while (i < boxes.size()) {
            int numberOfStems = 0;
            TextRegion thisBox = (TextRegion) boxes.get(i);
            // Count the stems in this box
            if (thisBox.y1 != thisBox.y2) {
                for (int a = thisBox.x1 + 1; a < thisBox.x2 - 1; a++) {
                    int thisStemHeight = 0;
                    for (int b = thisBox.y1 + 1; b < thisBox.y2 - 1; b++)
                        if ((contrast[a][b] != 0 || contrast[a - 1][b] != 0 || contrast[a + 1][b] != 0)
                                && (contrast[a][b - 1] != 0 || contrast[a - 1][b - 1] != 0
                                        || contrast[a + 1][b - 1] != 0)
                                && (contrast[a][b + 1] != 0 || contrast[a - 1][b + 1] != 0
                                        || contrast[a + 1][b + 1] != 0))
                    //a stem must cover at least 70% of a vertical line
                    if ((100 * thisStemHeight) / thisBox.height() > 70)
            if (thisBox.area() < 50 || thisBox.aspect() > .2 || thisBox.height() < 5 || thisBox.width() < 20
            // expect at least one stem for every <height> of <width>
                    || numberOfStems < thisBox.width() / thisBox.height())
        return (boxes);

     * Shrink each box as much as possible
    LinkedList shrink(LinkedList boxes, int[][] contrast) {
        int i = 0;
        while (i < boxes.size()) {
            TextRegion thisBox = (TextRegion) boxes.get(i);
            if (thisBox.x1 != thisBox.x2 && thisBox.y1 != thisBox.y2) {
                int total = 0;
                for (int a = thisBox.x1; a < thisBox.x2; a++)
                    for (int b = thisBox.y1; b < thisBox.y2; b++)
                        total += contrast[a][b];
                double averagex = total / thisBox.height();
                double averagey = total / thisBox.width();
                int newx1 = thisBox.x1;
                int newx2 = thisBox.x2;
                int newy1 = thisBox.y1;
                int newy2 = thisBox.y2;
                boolean moved = true;
                while (newx1 < newx2 && moved) {
                    moved = false;
                    int t1 = 0, t2 = 0;
                    for (int b = thisBox.y1; b < thisBox.y2; b++) {
                        t1 += contrast[newx1][b];
                        t2 += contrast[newx2][b];
                    if (t1 < averagey) {
                        moved = true;
                    if (t2 < averagey) {
                        moved = true;
                moved = true;
                while (newy1 < newy2 && moved) {
                    moved = false;
                    int t1 = 0, t2 = 0;
                    for (int a = thisBox.x1; a < thisBox.x2; a++) {
                        t1 += contrast[a][newy1];
                        t2 += contrast[a][newy2];
                    if (t1 < averagex) {
                        moved = true;
                    if (t2 < averagex) {
                        moved = true;
                thisBox.x1 = newx1;
                thisBox.x2 = newx2;
                thisBox.y1 = newy1;
                thisBox.y2 = newy2;
        return (boxes);

    public double merge_densityFactor;
    public int merge_mass;
    public int merge_dist1;
    public double merge_distfac;
    public int merge_dist2;

    LinkedList merge(LinkedList boxes) {
        boolean change = true;
        while (change == true) {
            change = false;
            int i = 0;
            while (i < boxes.size()) {
                int j = 0;
                while (i < boxes.size() && j < boxes.size()) {
                    if (i != j) {
                        TextRegion thisBox = (TextRegion) boxes.get(i);
                        TextRegion thatBox = (TextRegion) boxes.get(j);
                        change = merge(thisBox, thatBox);
                        if (change) {
                            boxes.set(i, thisBox);
        return (boxes);

    boolean merge(TextRegion thisBox, TextRegion thatBox) {
        int mergex1 = Math.min(thisBox.x1, thatBox.x1);
        int mergex2 = Math.max(thisBox.x2, thatBox.x2);
        int mergey1 = Math.min(thisBox.y1, thatBox.y1);
        int mergey2 = Math.max(thisBox.y2, thatBox.y2);
        double mergemass = thisBox.mass + thatBox.mass;
        double mergedensity = mergemass / ((mergex2 - mergex1) * (mergey2 - mergey1));
        double mergeaspect = ((double) mergey2 - mergey1) / ((double) mergex2 - mergex1);

        double reasonsToMerge = 0;
        if (mergedensity > merge_densityFactor * thisBox.density())
        if (mergedensity > merge_densityFactor * thatBox.density())
        if (mergeaspect < thisBox.aspect())
        if (mergeaspect < thatBox.aspect())
        if (thisBox.mass > merge_mass && thatBox.mass > merge_mass)
        int maxboxwidth = Math.max(thisBox.width(), thatBox.width());
        if (Math.abs(thisBox.y1 - thatBox.y1) < merge_dist1 && Math.abs(thisBox.y2 - thatBox.y1) < merge_dist1
                && (Math.abs(thisBox.x1 - thatBox.x2) < merge_distfac * maxboxwidth
                        || Math.abs(thisBox.x2 - thatBox.x1) < merge_distfac * maxboxwidth))
        if ((Math.abs(thisBox.y1 - thatBox.y1) < merge_dist2 || Math.abs(thisBox.y2 - thatBox.y2) < merge_dist2)
                && (Math.abs(thisBox.x1 - thatBox.x2) < merge_distfac * maxboxwidth
                        || Math.abs(thisBox.x2 - thatBox.x1) < merge_distfac * maxboxwidth))
        if (reasonsToMerge > 3) { // 7 reasons max
            thisBox.x1 = mergex1;
            thisBox.x2 = mergex2;
            thisBox.y1 = mergey1;
            thisBox.y2 = mergey2;
            thisBox.mass = mergemass;
            return true;
        return false;

    int[][] getContrast() {
        // Find pixels that stand out from the background
        int[][] contrast = new int[image.getWidth()][image.getHeight()];
        int[][] temp = new int[image.getWidth()][image.getHeight()];
        for (int i = 2; i < image.getWidth() - 2; i++)
            for (int j = 2; j < image.getHeight() - 2; j++) {
                int thisPixel = image.getRGB(i, j);
                int left = image.getRGB(i - 1, j);
                int left2 = image.getRGB(i - 2, j);
                int right = image.getRGB(i + 1, j);
                int right2 = image.getRGB(i + 2, j);
                int up = image.getRGB(i, j - 1);
                int down = image.getRGB(i, j + 1);
                int t1 = 60; // thresholds
                int t2 = 80;
                if (Math.abs(blue(thisPixel) - blue(right)) > t1 || Math.abs(blue(thisPixel) - blue(left)) > t1
                        || Math.abs(blue(thisPixel) - blue(down)) > t1 || Math.abs(blue(thisPixel) - blue(up)) > t1
                        || Math.abs(blue(thisPixel) - blue(right2)) > t2
                        || Math.abs(blue(thisPixel) - blue(left2)) > t2
                        || Math.abs(green(thisPixel) - green(right)) > t1
                        || Math.abs(green(thisPixel) - green(left)) > t1
                        || Math.abs(green(thisPixel) - green(down)) > t1
                        || Math.abs(green(thisPixel) - green(up)) > t1
                        || Math.abs(green(thisPixel) - green(right2)) > t2
                        || Math.abs(green(thisPixel) - green(left2)) > t2
                        || Math.abs(red(thisPixel) - red(right)) > t1 || Math.abs(red(thisPixel) - red(left)) > t1
                        || Math.abs(red(thisPixel) - red(down)) > t1 || Math.abs(red(thisPixel) - red(up)) > t1
                        || Math.abs(red(thisPixel) - red(right2)) > t2
                        || Math.abs(red(thisPixel) - red(left2)) > t2)
                    temp[i][j] = 1;
        // Look for areas of contrast that extend vertically and horizontally
        // but not too far, to eliminate long straight lines (e.g. borders)
        for (int j = 2; j < image.getHeight() - 2; j++)
            for (int i = 2; i < image.getWidth() - 2; i++)
                if (temp[i][j] == 1) {
                    int width = 0;
                    int height = 0;
                    for (int k = 0; i + k < image.getWidth() - 2 && i - k > 2
                            && (temp[i + k][j] == 1 || temp[i - k][j] == 1) && width++ < 100; k++)
                    for (int k = 0; j + k < image.getHeight() - 2 && j - k > 2
                            && (temp[i][j + k] == 1 || temp[i][j - k] == 1) && height++ < 100; k++)
                    int totalOnLine = 0;
                    for (int k = Math.max(2, i - 40); k < Math.min(image.getWidth() - 2, i + 40); k++)
                        totalOnLine += temp[k][j];
                    if (totalOnLine > 7 && width < 100 && height < 100)
                        contrast[i][j] = 1;
        return contrast;

     * Looks for areas of text in an image.
     * @return a LinkedList of boxes that are likely to contain text.
    public LinkedList getTextBoxes() {
        LinkedList boxes = new LinkedList();

        int[][] contrast = getContrast();

        try {
            String nomeFile = "src/pipeline/receivedImg/" + Global.getJPGNameFile() + " contrast.jpg";
            FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(nomeFile);
            JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(out);
            BufferedImage contrastjpg = new BufferedImage(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(),
            for (int i = 0; i < image.getWidth(); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < image.getHeight(); j++)
                    contrastjpg.setRGB(i, j, 0xffffff * contrast[i][j]);
            File tmp = new File(nomeFile);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Exception: " + e);

        int contrastOnLine[] = new int[image.getHeight()];
        for (int j = 1; j < image.getHeight() - 1; j++) {
            int count = 0;
            contrastOnLine[j] = 0;
            for (int a = 0; a < image.getWidth(); a++) {
                count += contrast[a][j];
                contrastOnLine[j] += contrast[a][j];
        for (int j = 1; j < image.getHeight() - 1; j++)
            contrastOnLine[j] = (contrastOnLine[j - 1] + contrastOnLine[j] + contrastOnLine[j + 1]) / 3;
        for (int j = 1; j < image.getHeight() - 1; j++)
            contrastOnLine[j] = (contrastOnLine[j - 1] + contrastOnLine[j] + contrastOnLine[j + 1]) / 3;
        int averageOnLine = 0;
        for (int j = 1; j < image.getHeight() - 1; j++)
            averageOnLine += contrastOnLine[j];
        averageOnLine /= (image.getHeight() - 2);
        boolean intext = false;
        int boxstart = 0;
        int boxaverage = 0;
        int boxlines = 0;
        for (int j = 1; j < image.getHeight() - 1; j++) {
            if (contrastOnLine[j] > averageOnLine && !intext) {
                intext = true;
                boxstart = j;
                boxaverage = contrastOnLine[j];
                boxlines = 1;
            } else if (contrastOnLine[j] > averageOnLine) {
                boxaverage += contrastOnLine[j];
            } else if (contrastOnLine[j] <= averageOnLine && intext) {
                // found vertical limits, now find horizontal.
                intext = false;
                int boxend = j;
                if (boxend - boxstart > 10) {
                    // text must be higher than 10 pixels
                    boxaverage /= boxlines;
                    int contrastOnColumn[] = new int[image.getWidth()];
                    for (int i = 1; i < image.getWidth() - 1; i++)
                        for (int b = boxstart; b < boxend; b++)
                            contrastOnColumn[i] += contrast[i][b];
                    for (int i = 1; i < image.getWidth() - 1; i++)
                        contrastOnColumn[i] = (contrastOnColumn[i - 1] + contrastOnColumn[i]
                                + contrastOnColumn[i + 1]) / 3;
                    for (int i = 1; i < image.getWidth() - 1; i++)
                        contrastOnColumn[i] = (contrastOnColumn[i - 1] + contrastOnColumn[i]
                                + contrastOnColumn[i + 1]) / 3;
                    int averageOnColumn = 0;
                    for (int i = 1; i < image.getWidth() - 1; i++)
                        averageOnColumn += contrastOnColumn[i];
                    averageOnColumn /= (image.getWidth() - 2);
                    boolean intextx = false;
                    int boxstartx = 0;
                    for (int i = 1; i < image.getWidth() - 1; i++) {
                        if (contrastOnColumn[i] > averageOnColumn / 2 && !intextx) {
                            intextx = true;
                            boxstartx = i;
                        } else if (contrastOnColumn[i] <= averageOnColumn / 2 && intextx) {
                            intextx = false;
                            int boxendx = i;
                            // found horizontal limits,
                            // now (if necessary) shrink
                            // vertical limits
                            int newcount = 0;
                            int tempboxstart = boxstart;
                            int tempboxend = boxend;
                            while (tempboxstart < boxend && newcount == 0) {
                                for (int a = boxstartx; a < boxendx; a++)
                                    newcount += contrast[a][tempboxstart];
                                if (newcount < 2)
                            newcount = 0;
                            while (tempboxstart < boxend && newcount == 0) {
                                for (int a = boxstartx; a < boxendx; a++)
                                    newcount += contrast[a][tempboxend];
                                if (newcount < 2)
                            TextRegion thisBox = new TextRegion(boxstartx, tempboxstart, boxendx, tempboxend,
                                    image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), boxaverage);

        // System.out.println( boxes.size() + " bounding boxes" );
        shrink(boxes, contrast);
        boxes = merge(boxes);
        shrink(boxes, contrast);
        // System.out.println( boxes.size() + " bounding boxes after merge" );
        boxes = discardNonText(boxes, contrast);
        //System.out.println( boxes.size() + " bounding boxes after delete" );
        return (shrink(boxes, contrast));

     * Isolate text
     * @return a <code>BufferedImage</code> value
    public BufferedImage isolateText(LinkedList boxes) {
        BufferedImage outputimage = new BufferedImage(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(),
        // make everything monochrome
        for (int a = 0; a < image.getWidth(); a++)
            for (int b = 0; b < image.getHeight(); b++) {
                int colour = image.getRGB(a, b);
                int average = (red(colour) + green(colour) + blue(colour)) / 3;
                outputimage.setRGB(a, b, rgb(average, average, average));
        // fill text boxes with colour
        for (int i = 0; i < boxes.size(); i++) {
            TextRegion thisBox = (TextRegion) boxes.get(i);
            int x1 = Math.max(1, thisBox.x1);
            int x2 = Math.min(image.getWidth() - 2, thisBox.x2);
            int y1 = Math.max(1, thisBox.y1);
            int y2 = Math.min(image.getHeight() - 2, thisBox.y2);
            for (int a = x1; a < x2; a++)
                for (int b = y1; b < y2; b++)
                    outputimage.setRGB(a, b, image.getRGB(a, b));
        // draw red border around each text box
        int RED = 0xff0000;
        for (int i = 0; i < boxes.size(); i++) {
            TextRegion thisBox = (TextRegion) boxes.get(i);
            int x1 = Math.max(1, thisBox.x1);
            int x2 = Math.min(image.getWidth() - 2, thisBox.x2);
            int y1 = Math.max(1, thisBox.y1);
            int y2 = Math.min(image.getHeight() - 2, thisBox.y2);
            for (int a = x1; a < x2; a++) {
                outputimage.setRGB(a, thisBox.y1, RED);
                outputimage.setRGB(a, thisBox.y2, RED);
            for (int a = y1; a < y2; a++) {
                outputimage.setRGB(thisBox.x1, a, RED);
                outputimage.setRGB(thisBox.x2, a, RED);
        return (outputimage);

    public static String SplitFiles(File fileIn) {
        String result = "";
        try {
            String nomeFile = fileIn.getName();
            //System.out.println("il nome del file  "+nomeFile);
            FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream("src/pipeline/receivedImg/" + nomeFile);
            JPEGImageDecoder decoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGDecoder(in);
            BufferedImage image = decoder.decodeAsBufferedImage();

            TextRecognition myget = new TextRecognition(image);
            LinkedList boxes = myget.getTextBoxes();

            String nomeFileOut = "src/pipeline/outputImg/" + Global.getJPGNameFile() + " out.jpg";
            FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(nomeFileOut);
            JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(out);

            //parte con opencv

            File f = new File("src/pipeline/receivedImg/" + nomeFile);
            BufferedImage imageFile = ImageIO.read(f);

            byte[] data = ((DataBufferByte) imageFile.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
            Mat mat = new Mat(imageFile.getHeight(), imageFile.getWidth(), CvType.CV_8UC3);
            mat.put(0, 0, data);
            int tolleranza = 15;

            for (int i = 0; i < boxes.size(); i++) {
                TextRegion app = (TextRegion) boxes.get(i);
                //             System.out.println("RIGA: "+i+"  -> "+app.x1 +" "+app.x2 +" "+app.y1 +" "+app.y2 +" ");
                Rect roi1 = new Rect(app.x1 - tolleranza, app.y1 - tolleranza, app.x2 - app.x1 + tolleranza,
                        app.y2 - app.y1 + 2 * tolleranza);
                Mat mat1 = new Mat(mat, roi1);

                byte[] data1 = new byte[mat1.rows() * mat1.cols() * (int) (mat1.elemSize())];
                mat1.get(0, 0, data1);
                BufferedImage image1 = new BufferedImage(mat1.cols(), mat1.rows(), BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
                image1.getRaster().setDataElements(0, 0, mat1.cols(), mat1.rows(), data1);

                String nomeFileUscrita = "src/pipeline/outputImg/" + i + Global.getJPGNameFile() + " uscita.jpg";
                File tmp = new File(nomeFileUscrita);
                File output = new File(nomeFileUscrita);
                ImageIO.write(image1, "jpg", output);
                result += (i + 1) + ")" + OCR_Processing.performOCR_String2Text(output);

            File foo = new File(nomeFileOut);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Exception: " + e);

        return result;

