Java tutorial
/* * PHEX - The pure-java Gnutella-servent. * Copyright (C) 2001 - 2008 Phex Development Group * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * --- SVN Information --- * $Id: 4416 2009-03-22 17:12:33Z ArneBab $ */ package phex.gui.common; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.TimerTask; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.LookAndFeel; import javax.swing.ToolTipManager; import javax.swing.UIManager; import org.apache.commons.lang.SystemUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils; import phex.common.Environment; import phex.common.EnvironmentConstants; import phex.common.file.FileManager; import phex.common.file.ManagedFile; import phex.common.file.ManagedFileException; import phex.common.log.NLogger; import phex.event.UserMessageListener; import phex.gui.actions.ConnectNetworkAction; import phex.gui.actions.DisconnectNetworkAction; import phex.gui.actions.ExitPhexAction; import phex.gui.actions.FWAction; import phex.gui.actions.NewDownloadAction; import phex.gui.actions.SwitchNetworkAction; import; import phex.gui.macosx.MacOsxGUIUtils; import phex.gui.prefs.InterfacePrefs; import phex.servent.Servent; import phex.update.UpdateCheckRunner; import phex.utils.Localizer; import phex.utils.StringUtils; import phex.utils.VersionUtils; import phex.xml.sax.DPhex; import phex.xml.sax.XMLBuilder; import phex.xml.sax.gui.DGuiSettings; import phex.xml.sax.gui.DTableList; public final class GUIRegistry implements GUIRegistryConstants { /** * The {@link Servent} that the ui displays. */ private Servent servent; /** * Contains the global actions of this app together with a retrieval key. */ private HashMap<String, FWAction> globalActionMap; private LazyEventQueue lazyEventQueue; private GuiUpdateTimer guiUpdateTimer; private DesktopIndicator desktopIndicator; private IconPack systemIconPack; private IconPack plafIconPack; private IconPack countryIconPack; // keep string reference to prevent GC @SuppressWarnings("unused") private GlobalGuiEventListeners globalEventListeners; private ChatFrameManager chatFrameManager; private MainFrame mainFrame; private boolean showTableHorizontalLines; private boolean showTableVerticalLines; private boolean useLogBandwidthSlider; private boolean showRespectCopyrightNotice; private GUIRegistry() { } static private class Holder { static protected final GUIRegistry instance = new GUIRegistry(); } static public GUIRegistry getInstance() { return GUIRegistry.Holder.instance; } public void initialize(Servent servent) { this.servent = servent; // make sure you never need to keep a reference of DGuiSettings // by a class attributes... DGuiSettings guiSettings = loadGUISettings(); initializeGUISettings(guiSettings); systemIconPack = new IconPack(SYSTEM_ICON_PACK_RESOURCE); countryIconPack = new CountryFlagIconPack(); // only systray support on windows... if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) { try { desktopIndicator = new DesktopIndicator(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException x) { desktopIndicator = null; } } if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_MAC_OSX) { MacOsxGUIUtils.installEventHandlers(); } guiUpdateTimer = new GuiUpdateTimer(InterfacePrefs.GuiUpdateInterval); initializeGlobalActions(); chatFrameManager = new ChatFrameManager(); try { mainFrame = new MainFrame(null, guiSettings); NLogger.debug(GUIRegistry.class, "GUIRegistry initialized."); } catch (java.awt.HeadlessException ex) { } globalEventListeners = new GlobalGuiEventListeners(servent.getEventService()); Environment environment = Environment.getInstance(); // before we set of the update check we will wait 1 minute... // this will help manager to initialize (file scan) and reduce // update checks on short Phex session lifetimes... environment.scheduleTimerTask(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { UpdateCheckRunner.triggerAutoBackgroundCheck(new GUIUpdateNotificationListener(), InterfacePrefs.ShowBetaUpdateNotification.get().booleanValue()); } }, DateUtils.MILLIS_PER_MINUTE); environment.setUserMessageListener(new GUIUserMessageListener()); } public Servent getServent() { return servent; } /** * Returns the DesktopIndicator responsible for systray support. * Method might return null if no systray is supported. */ public DesktopIndicator getDesktopIndicator() { return desktopIndicator; } public MainFrame getMainFrame() { return mainFrame; } public IconPack getPlafIconPack() { return plafIconPack; } public void setPlafIconPack(IconPack pack) { plafIconPack = pack; } public IconPack getCountryIconPack() { return countryIconPack; } public IconPack getSystemIconPack() { return systemIconPack; } public LazyEventQueue getLazyEventQueue() { if (lazyEventQueue == null) { lazyEventQueue = new LazyEventQueue(); } return lazyEventQueue; } public GuiUpdateTimer getGuiUpdateTimer() { return guiUpdateTimer; } public FWAction getGlobalAction(String actionKey) { return globalActionMap.get(actionKey); } public String getUsedLAFClass() { return UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getClass().getName(); } /** * Returns true if the tables draw horizontal lines between cells, false if * they don't. The default is false for MacOSX and Windows, true for others. * @return true if the tables draw horizontal lines between cells, false * if they don't. */ public boolean getShowTableHorizontalLines() { return showTableHorizontalLines; } /** * Sets whether the tables draw horizontal lines between cells. If * showHorizontalLines is true it does; if it is false it doesn't. * @param showHorizontalLines */ public void setShowTableHorizontalLines(boolean showHorizontalLines) { showTableHorizontalLines = showHorizontalLines; } /** * Returns true if the tables draw vertical lines between cells, false if * they don't. The default is false for MacOSX and Windows, true for others. * @return true if the tables draw vertical lines between cells, false * if they don't. */ public boolean getShowTableVerticalLines() { return showTableVerticalLines; } /** * Sets whether the tables draw vertical lines between cells. If * showVerticalLines is true it does; if it is false it doesn't. * @param showVerticalLines */ public void setShowTableVerticalLines(boolean showVerticalLines) { showTableVerticalLines = showVerticalLines; } /** * @return Returns the isLogarithmicBandwidthSliderUsed. */ public boolean useLogBandwidthSlider() { return useLogBandwidthSlider; } /** * @param isLogarithmicBandwidthSliderUsed The isLogarithmicBandwidthSliderUsed to set. */ public void setLogBandwidthSliderUsed(boolean useLogBandwidthSlider) { this.useLogBandwidthSlider = useLogBandwidthSlider; } /** * @return Returns the showRespectCopyrightNotice. */ public boolean isRespectCopyrightNoticeShown() { return showRespectCopyrightNotice; } /** * @param showRespectCopyrightNotice The showRespectCopyrightNotice to set. */ public void setRespectCopyrightNoticeShown(boolean showRespectCopyrightNotice) { this.showRespectCopyrightNotice = showRespectCopyrightNotice; } /** * Loads the DGuiSettings object or null if its not existing or a parsing * error occures. * @return the DGuiSettings object. */ private synchronized DGuiSettings loadGUISettings() { NLogger.debug(GUIRegistry.class, "Loading gui settings file"); File inputFile = Environment.getInstance() .getPhexConfigFile(EnvironmentConstants.XML_GUI_SETTINGS_FILE_NAME); DPhex dPhex; try { if (!inputFile.exists()) { NLogger.debug(GUIRegistry.class, "No gui settings configuration file found."); return null; } FileManager fileMgr = FileManager.getInstance(); ManagedFile managedFile = fileMgr.getReadWriteManagedFile(inputFile); dPhex = XMLBuilder.loadDPhexFromFile(managedFile); if (dPhex == null) { NLogger.debug(GUIRegistry.class, "No DPhex found."); return null; } updateGUISettings(dPhex); return dPhex.getGuiSettings(); } catch (IOException exp) { NLogger.error(GUIRegistry.class, exp, exp); Environment.getInstance().fireDisplayUserMessage(UserMessageListener.GuiSettingsLoadFailed, new String[] { exp.toString() }); return null; } catch (ManagedFileException exp) { NLogger.error(GUIRegistry.class, exp, exp); Environment.getInstance().fireDisplayUserMessage(UserMessageListener.GuiSettingsLoadFailed, new String[] { exp.toString() }); return null; } } /** * Saves the DGuiSettings object or null if its not existing or a parsing * error occures. * @return the DGuiSettings object. */ public synchronized void saveGUISettings() { NLogger.debug(GUIRegistry.class, "Saving gui settings."); try { DPhex phex = new DPhex(); phex.setPhexVersion(VersionUtils.getFullProgramVersion()); DGuiSettings dSettings = new DGuiSettings(); dSettings.setLogBandwidthSliderUsed(useLogBandwidthSlider); dSettings.setShowRespectCopyrightNotice(showRespectCopyrightNotice); phex.setGuiSettings(dSettings); DTableList dTableList = new DTableList(); dTableList.setShowHorizontalLines(showTableHorizontalLines); dTableList.setShowVerticalLines(showTableVerticalLines); dSettings.setTableList(dTableList); dSettings.setLookAndFeelClass(getUsedLAFClass()); dSettings.setIconPackName(plafIconPack.getName()); // could be null when headless if (mainFrame != null) { mainFrame.saveGUISettings(dSettings); } File outputFile = Environment.getInstance() .getPhexConfigFile(EnvironmentConstants.XML_GUI_SETTINGS_FILE_NAME); ManagedFile managedFile = FileManager.getInstance().getReadWriteManagedFile(outputFile); XMLBuilder.saveToFile(managedFile, phex); } catch (IOException exp) { // TODO during close this message is never displayed since application // will exit too fast. A solution to delay exit process in case // SlideInWindows are open needs to be found. NLogger.error(GUIRegistry.class, exp, exp); Environment.getInstance().fireDisplayUserMessage(UserMessageListener.GuiSettingsSaveFailed, new String[] { exp.toString() }); } catch (ManagedFileException exp) { // TODO during close this message is never displayed since application // will exit too fast. A solution to delay exit process in case // SlideInWindows are open needs to be found. NLogger.error(GUIRegistry.class, exp, exp); Environment.getInstance().fireDisplayUserMessage(UserMessageListener.GuiSettingsSaveFailed, new String[] { exp.toString() }); } } /** * Initializes global actions that need or can be available before the main * frame is initialized. */ private void initializeGlobalActions() { // required capacity is calculated by // Math.ceil( actionCount * 1 / 0.75 ) // -> actionCount = 10 -> capacity = 14 globalActionMap = new HashMap<String, FWAction>(2); FWAction action = new ExitPhexAction(); globalActionMap.put(EXIT_PHEX_ACTION, action); action = new NewDownloadAction(); globalActionMap.put(NEW_DOWNLOAD_ACTION, action); action = new ConnectNetworkAction(); globalActionMap.put(CONNECT_NETWORK_ACTION, action); action = new DisconnectNetworkAction(); globalActionMap.put(DISCONNECT_NETWORK_ACTION, action); action = new SwitchNetworkAction(); globalActionMap.put(SWITCH_NETWORK_ACTION, action); } private void initializeGUISettings(DGuiSettings guiSettings) { // set default values... if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_MAC_OSX || SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) { showTableHorizontalLines = false; showTableVerticalLines = false; } else { showTableHorizontalLines = true; showTableVerticalLines = true; } useLogBandwidthSlider = false; showRespectCopyrightNotice = true; // sets old values from old cfg... ToolTipManager.sharedInstance().setEnabled(InterfacePrefs.DisplayTooltip.get().booleanValue()); String userLafClass; String iconPackName; // load values from gui new settings if available. if (guiSettings != null) { if (guiSettings.isSetLogBandwidthSliderUsed()) { useLogBandwidthSlider = guiSettings.isLogBandwidthSliderUsed(); } if (guiSettings.isSetShowRespectCopyrightNotice()) { showRespectCopyrightNotice = guiSettings.isShowRespectCopyrightNotice(); } DTableList tableList = guiSettings.getTableList(); if (tableList != null && tableList.isSetShowHorizontalLines()) { showTableHorizontalLines = tableList.isShowHorizontalLines(); } if (tableList != null && tableList.isSetShowVerticalLines()) { showTableVerticalLines = tableList.isShowVerticalLines(); } iconPackName = guiSettings.getIconPackName(); userLafClass = guiSettings.getLookAndFeelClass(); } else { userLafClass = null; iconPackName = null; } if (iconPackName != null) { plafIconPack = IconPack.createIconPack(iconPackName); } if (plafIconPack == null) { plafIconPack = IconPack.createDefaultIconPack(); } LookAndFeel laf = LookAndFeelUtils.determineLAF(userLafClass); String phexLafClass = laf.getClass().getName(); if (userLafClass != null && !phexLafClass.equals(userLafClass)) {// in case we had to switch LAF show error. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(GUIRegistry.getInstance().getMainFrame(), Localizer.getString("LAF_ErrorLoadingSwitchToDefault"), Localizer.getString("Error"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } if (phexLafClass.equals(UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getClass().getName())) { // in case correct laf is already set just update UI! // this must be done to get colors correctly initialized! GUIUtils.updateComponentsUI(); } else { try { LookAndFeelUtils.setLookAndFeel(laf); } catch (ExceptionInInitializerError ex) { // headless mode } catch (LookAndFeelFailedException e) {// this is supposed to never happen.. since the LAF // should already be tested to function. assert (false); } } } ///////////////// Settings updates ///////////////////////// private void updateGUISettings(DPhex dPhex) { if (dPhex == null) { return; } String version = dPhex.getPhexVersion(); if (, version) != 0) { // a Phex version change... reactivate respect copyright dialog reactivateRespectCopyright(dPhex); } if ("", version) > 0) { updatesForBuild82(dPhex); } } private void updatesForBuild82(DPhex dPhex) { DGuiSettings guiSettings = dPhex.getGuiSettings(); if (guiSettings == null) { return; } String userLafClass = guiSettings.getLookAndFeelClass(); if (userLafClass == null) { return; } if (userLafClass.startsWith("com.jgoodies.plaf")) { userLafClass = StringUtils.replace(userLafClass, "com.jgoodies.plaf.", "com.jgoodies.looks.", 1); guiSettings.setLookAndFeelClass(userLafClass); } } /** * Reactivate respect copyright dialog on a Phex version change. * @param dPhex */ private void reactivateRespectCopyright(DPhex dPhex) { DGuiSettings guiSettings = dPhex.getGuiSettings(); if (guiSettings == null) { return; } guiSettings.setShowRespectCopyrightNotice(true); } }