Java tutorial
/* * PHEX - The pure-java Gnutella-servent. * Copyright (C) 2001 - 2009 Phex Development Group * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * --- SVN Information --- * $Id: 4430 2009-04-18 10:22:57Z gregork $ */ package; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.URI; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.URIException; import phex.common.*; import phex.common.bandwidth.BandwidthController; import phex.common.file.FileManager; import phex.common.file.ManagedFile; import phex.common.file.ManagedFileException; import phex.common.log.LogBuffer; import phex.common.log.NLogger; import*; import; import phex.event.ChangeEvent; import phex.event.ContainerEvent; import phex.event.UserMessageListener; import phex.msg.QueryResponseMsg; import phex.DownloadPrefs; import phex.query.DownloadCandidateSnoop; import phex.peer.Peer; import phex.share.SharedFilesService; import phex.util.FileUtils; import phex.util.SubscriptionDownloader; import phex.xml.sax.DPhex; import phex.xml.sax.DSubElementList; import phex.xml.sax.XMLBuilder; import phex.xml.sax.downloads.DDownloadFile; import phex.xml.sax.parser.downloads.DownloadListHandler; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.TimerTask; public class SwarmingManager extends AbstractLifeCycle { public static final short PRIORITY_MOVE_TO_TOP = 0; public static final short PRIORITY_MOVE_UP = 1; public static final short PRIORITY_MOVE_DOWN = 2; public static final short PRIORITY_MOVE_TO_BOTTOM = 3; /** * Lock object to lock saving of download lists. */ private static final Object saveDownloadListLock = new Object(); /** * Indicates if the swarming manager is shutting down or not. */ private boolean isManagerShutingDown; /** * The active workers. */ private List<SWDownloadWorker> workerList; /** * The download list. */ private List<SWDownloadFile> downloadList; /** * A Map that maps URNs to download files they belong to. This is for * performant searching by urn. * When accessing this object locking via the downloadList object is * required. */ private HashMap<URN, SWDownloadFile> urnToDownloadMap; private AddressCounter ipDownloadCounter; /** * The temporary worker holds the only worker that is used to check if more * workers are required. The temporary worker waits for a valid download set * once a valid set is found the worker loses its temporary status and a new * temporary worker will be created. This is used to only hold the necessary * number of workers. */ private SWDownloadWorker temporaryWorker; /** * The worker launcher is responsible to launch download workers and * to make sure there always are enough workers available. */ private DownloadWorkerLauncher workerLauncher; /** * Regularly writes buffered download data to disk. */ private DownloadDataWriter dataWriter; private BufferVolumeTracker downloadWriteBufferTracker; /** * A instance of a background runner queue to verify downloaded data. */ private RunnerQueueWorker downloadVerifyRunner; /** * Object that holds the save job instance while a save job is running. The * reference is null if the job is not running. */ private SaveDownloadListJob saveDownloadListJob; /** * Indicates if the download list has changed since the last time it was * saved. */ private boolean downloadListChangedSinceSave; /** * A {@link LogBuffer} shared across all candidates. */ private LogBuffer candidateLogBuffer; private SharedFilesService sharedFilesService; private DownloadCandidateSnoop candidateSnoop; public final Peer peer; private SubscriptionDownloader subscriptionDownloader; public SwarmingManager(Peer peer, SharedFilesService sharedFilesService) { if (peer == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Servent is null."); } // if ( eventService == null ) // { // throw new NullPointerException( "PhexEventService is null." ); // } if (sharedFilesService == null) { throw new NullPointerException("SharedFilesService is null."); } this.peer = peer; this.sharedFilesService = sharedFilesService; downloadListChangedSinceSave = false; isManagerShutingDown = false; workerList = new ArrayList<SWDownloadWorker>(5); downloadList = new ArrayList<SWDownloadFile>(5); urnToDownloadMap = new HashMap<URN, SWDownloadFile>(); ipDownloadCounter = new AddressCounter(peer.downloadPrefs.MaxDownloadsPerIP.get().intValue(), false); dataWriter = new DownloadDataWriter(this); downloadVerifyRunner = new RunnerQueueWorker(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 1); downloadWriteBufferTracker = new BufferVolumeTracker( peer.downloadPrefs.MaxTotalDownloadWriteBuffer.get().intValue(), dataWriter); if (peer.downloadPrefs.CandidateLogBufferSize.get().intValue() > 0) { candidateLogBuffer = new LogBuffer(peer.downloadPrefs.CandidateLogBufferSize.get().intValue()); } } ////////////////////////Start LifeCycle Methods /////////////////////////// /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void doStart() { LoadDownloadListJob job = new LoadDownloadListJob(); job.start(); candidateSnoop = new DownloadCandidateSnoop(this, peer.getSecurityService()); peer.getMessageService().addMessageSubscriber(QueryResponseMsg.class, candidateSnoop); workerLauncher = new DownloadWorkerLauncher(); workerLauncher.setDaemon(true); workerLauncher.start(); dataWriter.start(); Environment.getInstance().scheduleTimerTask(new SaveDownloadListTimer(), SaveDownloadListTimer.TIMER_PERIOD, SaveDownloadListTimer.TIMER_PERIOD); this.subscriptionDownloader = new SubscriptionDownloader(peer); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void doStop() { // shutdown all workers before shutting down the manager and doing the // final save.. // this will ensure more consistent download list data. synchronized (this) { isManagerShutingDown = true; } // in case startup is still on the way workerLauncher might be null if (workerLauncher != null) { workerLauncher.triggerCycle(); } SWDownloadWorker[] workers = new SWDownloadWorker[workerList.size()]; workerList.toArray(workers); for (int i = 0; i < workers.length; i++) { SWDownloadWorker worker = workers[i]; if (worker != null) { worker.stopWorker(); } } for (int i = 0; i < workers.length; i++) { SWDownloadWorker worker = workers[i]; if (worker != null && worker.isInsideCriticalSection()) { worker.waitTillFinished(); } } if (dataWriter != null) { dataWriter.shutdown(); } shutdownForceSaveDownloadList(); } //////////////////////// End LifeCycle Methods /////////////////////////// /** * Creates the {@link BandwidthController} for the given download file. * * @param downloadFile * @return */ protected BandwidthController createBandwidthControllerFor(SWDownloadFile downloadFile) { BandwidthController bandwidthController = new BandwidthController("DownloadFile-" + downloadFile.toString(), Long.MAX_VALUE, peer.getBandwidthService().getDownloadBandwidthController()); bandwidthController.activateShortTransferAvg(1000, 15); return bandwidthController; } public DownloadDataWriter getDownloadDataWriter() { return dataWriter; } public BufferVolumeTracker getDownloadWriteBufferTracker() { return downloadWriteBufferTracker; } public RunnerQueueWorker getDownloadVerifyRunner() { return downloadVerifyRunner; } public MemoryFile createMemoryFile(SWDownloadFile file) { return new MemoryFile(file, downloadWriteBufferTracker, dataWriter, downloadVerifyRunner); } public synchronized SWDownloadFile addFileToDownload(RemoteFile remoteFile, String filename, String searchTerm) { SWDownloadFile downloadFile = new SWDownloadFile(filename, searchTerm, remoteFile.getFileSize(), remoteFile.getURN(), this); downloadFile.addDownloadCandidate(remoteFile); int pos; synchronized (downloadList) { pos = downloadList.size(); downloadList.add(downloadFile); URN urn = downloadFile.getFileURN(); if (urn != null) { urnToDownloadMap.put(urn, downloadFile); } } fireDownloadFileAdded(downloadFile, pos); downloadFile.setStatus(SWDownloadConstants.STATUS_FILE_WAITING); workerLauncher.triggerCycle(); // save in xml triggerSaveDownloadList(true); return downloadFile; } /** * Adds a uri for download. * * @param uri * @param preventDuplicate if true a file already downloaded or shared will * not be added again, in case sha1 urn can be determined. * @return the download file in case the download was added, false otherwise (see preventDuplicate). * @throws URIException */ public synchronized SWDownloadFile addFileToDownload(URI uri, boolean preventDuplicate) throws URIException { if (preventDuplicate) { MagnetData magnetData = MagnetData.parseFromURI(uri); if (magnetData != null) { URN urn = MagnetData.lookupSHA1URN(magnetData); if (isURNDownloaded(urn) || sharedFilesService.isURNShared(urn)) { return null; } } } if (NLogger.isDebugEnabled(SwarmingManager.class)) { NLogger.debug(SwarmingManager.class, "Adding new download by URI: " + uri.toString()); } SWDownloadFile downloadFile = new SWDownloadFile(uri, this); URN urn = downloadFile.getFileURN(); int pos; synchronized (downloadList) { pos = downloadList.size(); downloadList.add(downloadFile); if (urn != null) { urnToDownloadMap.put(urn, downloadFile); } } fireDownloadFileAdded(downloadFile, pos); downloadFile.setStatus(SWDownloadConstants.STATUS_FILE_WAITING); workerLauncher.triggerCycle(); // save in xml triggerSaveDownloadList(true); return downloadFile; } /** * Adds a uri with a dir relative to the default dir for download. * * @param uri * @param preventDuplicate if true a file already downloaded or shared will * not be added again, in case sha1 urn can be determined. * @return the download file in case the download was added, false otherwise (see preventDuplicate). * @throws URIException */ public synchronized SWDownloadFile addFileToDownload(URI uri, String relativeDownloadDir, boolean preventDuplicate) throws URIException { if (preventDuplicate) { MagnetData magnetData = MagnetData.parseFromURI(uri); if (magnetData != null) { URN urn = MagnetData.lookupSHA1URN(magnetData); if (isURNDownloaded(urn) || sharedFilesService.isURNShared(urn)) { return null; } } } if (NLogger.isDebugEnabled(SwarmingManager.class)) { NLogger.debug(SwarmingManager.class, "Adding new download by URI: " + uri.toString()); } SWDownloadFile downloadFile = new SWDownloadFile(uri, this); // First get the destinationDir as file, so we can check if it is null File destinationDir = downloadFile.getDestinationDirectory(); String destDir; if (destinationDir != null) { // Change the download dir. // First get the default dir. destDir = downloadFile.getDestinationDirectory().toString(); } else { // Change the download dir. // First get the default dir. destDir = peer.downloadPrefs.DestinationDirectory.get(); } // Now Add the relative dir to the destDir File destinationDirectory = new File(destDir, relativeDownloadDir); // If the dir doesn't yet exists, create it. if (!destinationDirectory.exists()) { destinationDirectory.mkdir(); } downloadFile.setDestinationDirectory(destinationDirectory); URN urn = downloadFile.getFileURN(); int pos; synchronized (downloadList) { pos = downloadList.size(); downloadList.add(downloadFile); if (urn != null) { urnToDownloadMap.put(urn, downloadFile); } } fireDownloadFileAdded(downloadFile, pos); downloadFile.setStatus(SWDownloadConstants.STATUS_FILE_WAITING); workerLauncher.triggerCycle(); // save in xml triggerSaveDownloadList(true); return downloadFile; } /** * Removes the download file from the download list. Stops all running downloads * and deletes all incomplete download files. */ public void removeDownloadFile(SWDownloadFile file) { removeDownloadFileInternal(file); // save in xml triggerSaveDownloadList(true); } /** * Removes the download files from the download list. Stops all running downloads * and deletes all incomplete download files. */ public void removeDownloadFiles(SWDownloadFile[] files) { for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { removeDownloadFileInternal(files[i]); } // save in xml triggerSaveDownloadList(true); } /** * Removes the download files from the download list. Stops all running downloads * and deletes all incomplete download files. Block until all possible workers * are stopped. * * @param file */ private void removeDownloadFileInternal(SWDownloadFile file) { if (!file.isFileCompletedOrMoved() && !file.isDownloadStopped()) { // blocks until all workers are stopped. file.stopDownload(); } int pos; synchronized (downloadList) { pos = downloadList.indexOf(file); if (pos >= 0) { downloadList.remove(pos); fireDownloadFileRemoved(file, pos); } URN urn = file.getFileURN(); if (urn != null) { urnToDownloadMap.remove(urn); } } // possibly blocks until all workers are stopped. file.removeIncompleteDownloadFile(); } public Integer getDownloadPriority(SWDownloadFile file) { int pos = downloadList.indexOf(file); if (pos >= 0) { return Integer.valueOf(pos); } return null; } /** * Updates the priorities of the download files according to the order in * the given download file array. * * @param files the download file array. */ public void updateDownloadFilePriorities(SWDownloadFile[] files) { synchronized (downloadList) { for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { int pos = downloadList.indexOf(files[i]); if (pos >= 0) { int newPos = i; if (newPos < 0 || newPos >= downloadList.size()) { newPos = pos; } downloadList.remove(pos); downloadList.add(newPos, files[i]); fireDownloadFileRemoved(files[i], pos); fireDownloadFileAdded(files[i], newPos); } } } } /** * Moves the download file in the hierarchy. * * @param moveDirection The move direction. Use one of the constants * PRIORITY_MOVE_TO_TOP, PRIORITY_MOVE_UP, PRIORITY_MOVE_DOWN or * PRIORITY_MOVE_TO_BOTTOM. * @param file The SWDownloadFile to move the priority for. * @return the new position. */ public int moveDownloadFilePriority(SWDownloadFile file, short moveDirection) { synchronized (downloadList) { int pos = downloadList.indexOf(file); if (pos >= 0) { int newPos = pos; switch (moveDirection) { case PRIORITY_MOVE_UP: newPos--; break; case PRIORITY_MOVE_DOWN: newPos++; break; case PRIORITY_MOVE_TO_TOP: newPos = 0; break; case PRIORITY_MOVE_TO_BOTTOM: newPos = downloadList.size() - 1; break; } if (newPos < 0 || newPos >= downloadList.size()) { return pos; } downloadList.remove(pos); downloadList.add(newPos, file); fireDownloadFileRemoved(file, pos); fireDownloadFileAdded(file, newPos); return newPos; } return pos; } } /** * Returns the count of the download files */ public int getDownloadFileCount() { return downloadList.size(); } /** * Returns the count of the download files with the given status. */ public int getDownloadFileCount(int status) { int count = 0; synchronized (downloadList) { for (SWDownloadFile file : downloadList) { if (file.getStatus() == status) { count++; } } } return count; } /** * Returns the number of download files with a active status, this is: * STATUS_FILE_WAITING * STATUS_FILE_DOWNLOADING * STATUS_FILE_QUEUED * STATUS_FILE_COMPLETED -> completed but not yet moved. * <p> * A not active status would then be: * STATUS_FILE_STOPPED * STATUS_FILE_COMPLETED_MOVED */ private int getActiveDownloadFileCount() { int count = 0; synchronized (downloadList) { for (SWDownloadFile file : downloadList) { switch (file.getStatus()) { case SWDownloadConstants.STATUS_FILE_STOPPED: case SWDownloadConstants.STATUS_FILE_COMPLETED_MOVED: break; default: count++; } } } return count; } /** * Returns true if a download files with a active status is available. * This is: * STATUS_FILE_WAITING * STATUS_FILE_DOWNLOADING * STATUS_FILE_QUEUED * STATUS_FILE_COMPLETED -> completet but not yet moved. * <p> * A not active status would then be: * STATUS_FILE_STOPPED * STATUS_FILE_COMPLETED_MOVED */ public boolean isDownloadActive() { synchronized (downloadList) { for (SWDownloadFile file : downloadList) { switch (file.getStatus()) { case SWDownloadConstants.STATUS_FILE_STOPPED: case SWDownloadConstants.STATUS_FILE_COMPLETED_MOVED: break; default: return true; } } } return false; } public List<SWDownloadFile> getDownloadFileListCopy() { synchronized (downloadList) { return new ArrayList<SWDownloadFile>(downloadList); } } /** * Returns a download file at the given index or null if not available. */ public SWDownloadFile getDownloadFile(int index) { synchronized (downloadList) { if (index < 0 || index >= downloadList.size()) { return null; } return downloadList.get(index); } } /** * Returns all download files at the given indices. In case one of the * indices is out of bounds the returned download file array contains a * null object in at the corresponding position. * * @param indices the indices to get the download files for. * @return Array of SWDownloadFiles, can contain null objects. */ public SWDownloadFile[] getDownloadFilesAt(int[] indices) { synchronized (downloadList) { int length = indices.length; SWDownloadFile[] files = new SWDownloadFile[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (indices[i] < 0 || indices[i] >= downloadList.size()) { files[i] = null; } else { files[i] = downloadList.get(indices[i]); } } return files; } } /** * Returns a download files matching the given fileSize and urn. * This is used to find a existing download file for new search results. * The additional check for fileSize is a security test to identify faulty * search results with faked URNs. * * @param fileSize the required file size * @param matchURN the required URN we need to match. * @return the found SWDownloadFile or null if not found. */ public SWDownloadFile getDownloadFile(long fileSize, URN matchURN) { synchronized (downloadList) { SWDownloadFile file = getDownloadFileByURN(matchURN); if (file != null && file.getTotalDataSize() == fileSize) { return file; } return null; } } /** * Returns a download file only identified by the URN. This is used to * service partial download requests. */ public SWDownloadFile getDownloadFileByURN(URN matchURN) { SWDownloadFile file; synchronized (downloadList) { file = urnToDownloadMap.get(matchURN); return file; } } /** * Returns whether a download file with the given URN exists. * * @return true when a download file with the given URN exists, false otherwise. */ public boolean isURNDownloaded(URN matchURN) { if (matchURN == null) { return false; } synchronized (downloadList) { return urnToDownloadMap.containsKey(matchURN); } } public void releaseCandidateAddress(SWDownloadCandidate candidate) { ipDownloadCounter.relaseAddress(candidate.getHostAddress()); } /** * Returns a list of completed but not yet moved download files. This method * is called by a download worker to finish up completed download files. * * @return a list with completed download files. */ public synchronized List<SWDownloadFile> getCompletedDownloadFiles() { synchronized (downloadList) { List<SWDownloadFile> list = new ArrayList<SWDownloadFile>(2); for (SWDownloadFile downloadFile : downloadList) { if (downloadFile.isFileCompleted()) { list.add(downloadFile); } } return list; } } /** * Allocated a download set. The method will block until a complete download * set can be obtained. */ public synchronized SWDownloadSet allocateDownloadSet(SWDownloadWorker worker) { synchronized (downloadList) { SWDownloadCandidate downloadCandidate = null; for (SWDownloadFile downloadFile : downloadList) { if (!downloadFile.isAbleToBeAllocated()) { //Logger.logMessage( Logger.FINEST, Logger.DOWNLOAD, // "Download file not able to be allocated: " // + downloadFile ); continue; } // Pre check if there is any segment allocatable... boolean segmentAvailable = downloadFile.isScopeAllocateable(null, false); if (!segmentAvailable) { continue; } // make sure we don't download more than X times from // the same host ipDownloadCounter.setMaxCount(peer.downloadPrefs.MaxDownloadsPerIP.get().intValue()); downloadCandidate = downloadFile.allocateDownloadCandidate(worker, ipDownloadCounter); if (downloadCandidate == null) { //Logger.logMessage( Logger.FINEST, Logger.DOWNLOAD, // "Allocating DownloadSet - No download candidate. " // + worker.toString() ); continue; } // Only check if there would be a segment allocatable for this candidate... boolean segmentAllocateable = downloadFile.isScopeAllocateable( downloadCandidate.getAvailableScopeList(), downloadCandidate.isAvailableScopeComplete()); if (!segmentAllocateable) { //Logger.logMessage( Logger.FINER, Logger.DOWNLOAD, // "Allocating DownloadSet - No download segment. " // + worker.toString() ); downloadFile.releaseDownloadCandidate(downloadCandidate); continue; } downloadFile.incrementWorkerCount(); // build download set SWDownloadSet set = new SWDownloadSet(peer, downloadFile, downloadCandidate); if (worker == temporaryWorker) { unsetTemporaryWorker(); } return set; } } return null; } // /** // * Checks if a new local file for the given download file is already // * used in any other download file ( except the given one of course ) // * If no download file is given the file is checked against all download // * files. // */ // public boolean isNewLocalFilenameUsed( SWDownloadFile downloadFile, // File newLocalFile ) // { // // Check for duplicate filename in the existing files to download. // int size = downloadList.size(); // for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) // { // SWDownloadFile existingFile = downloadList.get( i ); // // // check file name if downloadFile is null or existingFile is // // not the downloadFile // if ( downloadFile == null || !(existingFile == downloadFile) ) // { // if ( existingFile.getDestinationFile().compareTo( newLocalFile ) == 0 ) // { // // filename is already used // return true; // } // } // } // return false; // } public LogBuffer getCandidateLogBuffer() { return candidateLogBuffer; } /** * Notifies the download manager about a change in the download list which * requires a download list save. */ public void notifyDownloadListChange() { downloadListChangedSinceSave = true; } /** * Triggers a save of the download list. The call is not blocking and returns * directly, the save process is running in parallel. */ private void triggerSaveDownloadList(boolean force) { if (!force && !downloadListChangedSinceSave) {// not changed, no save needed return; } NLogger.debug(SwarmingManager.class, "Trigger save download list..."); synchronized (saveDownloadListLock) { if (saveDownloadListJob != null) { // save download list is already in progress. we rerequest a save. saveDownloadListJob.triggerFollowUpSave(); } else { saveDownloadListJob = new SaveDownloadListJob(); saveDownloadListJob.start(); } } } /** * Forces a save of the download list. The call returns after the save is * completed. Only the shutdown routine is allowed to call this method! */ private void shutdownForceSaveDownloadList() { NLogger.debug(SwarmingManager.class, "Force save download list..."); synchronized (saveDownloadListLock) { if (saveDownloadListJob == null) { saveDownloadListJob = new SaveDownloadListJob(); saveDownloadListJob.start(); } else { saveDownloadListJob.triggerFollowUpSave(); } } try { if (saveDownloadListJob != null) { try { saveDownloadListJob.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); saveDownloadListJob.join(); } catch (NullPointerException exp) {// thread might be already finished and has set itself to null. } } } catch (InterruptedException exp) { NLogger.error(SwarmingManager.class, exp, exp); } } /** * Unsets the current temporary worker since it became active * and creates a new temporary worker to continue worker count requirement check. */ private synchronized void unsetTemporaryWorker() { temporaryWorker.setTemporaryWorker(false); temporaryWorker = null; workerLauncher.triggerCycle(); } /** * Notifys all workers that are waiting to start downloading. */ public synchronized void notifyWaitingWorkers() { notifyAll(); } public synchronized void waitForNotify() throws InterruptedException { wait(2000); } private int getRequiredDownloadWorkerCount() { return Math.min(getActiveDownloadFileCount() * peer.downloadPrefs.MaxWorkerPerDownload.get().intValue(), peer.downloadPrefs.MaxTotalDownloadWorker.get().intValue()); } /** * Checks if there are too many workers and stops the worker if needed. * Returns true if worker will be stopped false otherwise. * Also verifies if there are enough workers available and triggers worker * creating if necessary. */ public synchronized boolean checkToStopWorker(SWDownloadWorker worker) { int requiredCount = getRequiredDownloadWorkerCount(); if (isManagerShutingDown || workerList.size() > requiredCount) { if (worker.isRunning()) {// if not already stopped worker.stopWorker(); workerList.remove(worker); if (worker.isTemporaryWorker()) { temporaryWorker = null; } } return true; } // also stop worker if thread is interrupted. return Thread.interrupted(); } /** * Called from worker if it unexpectedly shuts down. */ public void notifyWorkerShoutdown(SWDownloadWorker worker, boolean isExpected) { NLogger.debug(SwarmingManager.class, "Worker shutdown: " + worker + ", expected: " + isExpected); worker.stopWorker(); workerList.remove(worker); if (worker.isTemporaryWorker()) { temporaryWorker = null; } workerLauncher.triggerCycle(); } // //@EventTopicSubscriber(topic=PhexEventTopics.Download_File_Completed) // public static void onDownloadFileCompletedEvent(String topic, SWDownloadFile file) { // // this executes a command after completion. // // if ( ServiceManager.sCfg.completionNotifyMethod != null ) // // { // // Executer exec = new Executer ( destinationFile, // // ServiceManager.sCfg.completionNotifyMethod ); // // Environment.getInstance().executeOnThreadPool( exec, "DownloadExecuter" ); // // } // // // // Readouts must happen in an distinct thread. Otherwise deadlock // // situations will be caused! // // // // Interprets a downloaded magma-list in Phex automatically. // // TODO should we honor the content type? // final File destFile = file.getDestinationFile(); // if (peer.downloadPrefs.AutoReadoutMagmaFiles.get().booleanValue() // && destFile.getName().endsWith(".magma")) { // Environment.getInstance().executeOnThreadPool(() -> InternalFileHandler.magmaReadout(destFile), "Readout Magma"); // } // // if (peer.downloadPrefs.AutoReadoutMetalinkFiles.get().booleanValue() // && destFile.getName().endsWith(".metalink")) { // Environment.getInstance().executeOnThreadPool(() -> InternalFileHandler.metalinkReadout(destFile), "Readout Metalink"); // } // // // Interprets a downloaded rss-feed in Phex automatically. // // TODO should we honor the content type? // if (peer.downloadPrefs.AutoReadoutRSSFiles.get().booleanValue() // && destFile.getName().endsWith(".rss.xml")) { // Environment.getInstance().executeOnThreadPool(() -> InternalFileHandler.rssReadout(destFile), "Readout RSS"); // } // } //@EventTopicSubscriber(topic=PhexEventTopics.Download_Candidate) public void onDownloadCandidateEvent(String topic, final ContainerEvent event) { if (event.getType() == ContainerEvent.Type.ADDED) { notifyWaitingWorkers(); } } //@EventTopicSubscriber(topic=PhexEventTopics.Download_Candidate_Status) public void onCandidateStatusChange(String topic, final ChangeEvent event) { switch ((CandidateStatus) event.getNewValue()) { case WAITING: // a candidate might be waiting for pickup.. notifyWaitingWorkers(); break; case CONNECTING: case PUSH_REQUEST: case REMOTLY_QUEUED: case ALLOCATING_SEGMENT: case REQUESTING: case DOWNLOADING: case IGNORED: case RANGE_UNAVAILABLE: case BAD: case CONNECTION_FAILED: case BUSY: // ignore... } } ///////////////////// START event handling methods //////////////////////// private void fireDownloadFileAdded(SWDownloadFile file, int position) { } private void fireDownloadFileRemoved(SWDownloadFile file, int position) { } ///////////////////// END event handling methods //////////////////////// /** * Class is responsible for launching and stopping download worker as * required. */ private class DownloadWorkerLauncher extends Thread { final static int CYCLE_TIMEOUT = 2000; public DownloadWorkerLauncher() { super(ThreadTracking.rootThreadGroup, "DownloadWorkerLauncher"); } @Override public void run() { while (!isManagerShutingDown) { try { createRequiredWorker(); waitForNextCycle(); } catch (Throwable th) { NLogger.error(SwarmingManager.class, th, th); } } } public synchronized void triggerCycle() { this.notify(); } private synchronized void waitForNextCycle() throws InterruptedException { wait(CYCLE_TIMEOUT); } public void createRequiredWorker() { synchronized (SwarmingManager.this) { int requiredCount = getRequiredDownloadWorkerCount(); if (temporaryWorker == null && workerList.size() < requiredCount) {// we have not enough workers... create some more temporaryWorker = new SWDownloadWorker(SwarmingManager.this); temporaryWorker.setTemporaryWorker(true); temporaryWorker.startWorker(); workerList.add(temporaryWorker); // NLogger.debug(SwarmingManager.class, // "Creating new worker: " + temporaryWorker // + " for a total of: " + workerList.size()); } } } } private class LoadDownloadListJob extends Thread { public LoadDownloadListJob() { super(ThreadTracking.rootThreadGroup, "LoadDownloadListJob"); } @Override public void run() { try { loadDownloadList(); } catch (Throwable th) { NLogger.error(SwarmingManager.class, th, th); } } private void loadDownloadList() { NLogger.debug(SwarmingManager.class, "Loading download list..."); File downloadFile = peer.file(Peer.XML_DOWNLOAD_FILE_NAME); File downloadFileBak = new File(downloadFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".bak"); if (!downloadFile.exists() && !downloadFileBak.exists()) { NLogger.debug(SwarmingManager.class, "No download list file found."); return; } DPhex dPhex; try { NLogger.debug(SwarmingManager.class, "Try to load from default download list."); FileManager fileMgr = peer.files; ManagedFile managedFile = fileMgr.getReadWriteManagedFile(downloadFile); dPhex = XMLBuilder.loadDPhexFromFile(managedFile); if (dPhex == null) { NLogger.debug(SwarmingManager.class, "Try to load from backup download list."); ManagedFile managedFileBak = fileMgr.getReadWriteManagedFile(downloadFileBak); dPhex = XMLBuilder.loadDPhexFromFile(managedFileBak); } if (dPhex == null) { NLogger.debug(SwarmingManager.class, "No download settings file found."); return; } DSubElementList<DDownloadFile> dDownloadList = dPhex.getDownloadList(); if (dDownloadList != null) { loadXJBSWDownloadList(dDownloadList); } else { NLogger.debug(SwarmingManager.class, "No SWDownloadList found."); } notifyWaitingWorkers(); } catch (IOException | ManagedFileException exp) { NLogger.error(SwarmingManager.class, exp, exp); Environment.getInstance().fireDisplayUserMessage(UserMessageListener.DownloadSettingsLoadFailed, new String[] { exp.toString() }); return; } } private void loadXJBSWDownloadList(DSubElementList<DDownloadFile> list) { // lock access to SwarmingMgr before locking downloadList // to ensure correct locking order and prevent deadlock. synchronized (SwarmingManager.this) { synchronized (downloadList) { NLogger.debug(SwarmingManager.class, "Loading SWDownload xml"); downloadList.clear(); urnToDownloadMap.clear(); SWDownloadFile file; for (DDownloadFile dFile : list.getSubElementList()) { try { file = new SWDownloadFile(dFile, SwarmingManager.this); int pos = downloadList.size(); downloadList.add(file); URN urn = file.getFileURN(); if (urn != null) { urnToDownloadMap.put(urn, file); } NLogger.debug(SwarmingManager.class, "Loaded SWDownloadFile: " + file); fireDownloadFileAdded(file, pos); } catch (Exception exp) {// catch all exception in case we have an error in the XML NLogger.error(SwarmingManager.class, "Error loading a download file from XML.", exp); } } } } } } private class SaveDownloadListTimer extends TimerTask { // once per minute public static final long TIMER_PERIOD = 1000 * 60; @Override public void run() { try { triggerSaveDownloadList(false); } catch (Throwable th) { NLogger.error(SwarmingManager.class, th, th); } } } private class SaveDownloadListJob extends Thread { private boolean isFollowUpSaveTriggered; public SaveDownloadListJob() { super(ThreadTracking.rootThreadGroup, "SaveDownloadListJob"); setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); } public void triggerFollowUpSave() { isFollowUpSaveTriggered = true; } /** * Saving of the download list is done asynchronously to make sure that there * will be no deadlocks happening */ @Override public void run() { do { NLogger.debug(SwarmingManager.class, "Start saving download list..."); downloadListChangedSinceSave = false; isFollowUpSaveTriggered = false; try { DPhex dPhex = new DPhex(); dPhex.setPhexVersion(PhexVersion.getFullVersion()); DSubElementList<DDownloadFile> dList = createDDownloadList(); dPhex.setDownloadList(dList); File downloadFile = peer.file(Peer.XML_DOWNLOAD_FILE_NAME); File downloadFileBak = new File(downloadFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".bak"); ManagedFile managedFile = peer.files.getReadWriteManagedFile(downloadFileBak); XMLBuilder.saveToFile(managedFile, dPhex); // Write to a backup file and copy over to ensure that at // least one valid download file always exists. FileUtils.copyFile(downloadFileBak, downloadFile); } catch (ManagedFileException | IOException exp) { // TODO3 during close this message is never displayed since application // will exit too fast. A solution to delay exit process in case // SlideInWindows are open needs to be found. NLogger.error(SwarmingManager.class, exp, exp); Environment.getInstance().fireDisplayUserMessage(UserMessageListener.DownloadSettingsSaveFailed, new String[] { exp.toString() }); } } while (isFollowUpSaveTriggered); NLogger.debug(SwarmingManager.class, "Finished saving download list..."); synchronized (saveDownloadListLock) { // give created instance free once we are finished.. saveDownloadListJob = null; } } /** * Creates the DElement representation of this object to serialize it * into XML. * * @return the DElement representation of this object */ private DSubElementList<DDownloadFile> createDDownloadList() { DSubElementList<DDownloadFile> dList = new DSubElementList<DDownloadFile>( DownloadListHandler.THIS_TAG_NAME); // lock access to SwarmingMgr before locking downloadList // to ensure correct locking order and prevent deadlock. synchronized (SwarmingManager.this) { synchronized (downloadList) { List<DDownloadFile> list = dList.getSubElementList(); for (SWDownloadFile file : downloadList) { try { list.add(file.createDDownloadFile()); } catch (Throwable th) {// dont fail to save download list in case a download // file throws an error NLogger.error(SwarmingManager.class, th, th); } } } } return dList; } } }