Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of rasdaman community. * * Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with rasdaman community. If not, see <>. * * Copyright 2003 - 2014 Peter Baumann / rasdaman GmbH. * * For more information please see <> * or contact Peter Baumann via <>. */ package petascope.wcs2.extensions; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import petascope.core.CoverageMetadata; import petascope.core.DbMetadataSource; import petascope.exceptions.ExceptionCode; import petascope.exceptions.PetascopeException; import petascope.exceptions.rasdaman.RasdamanException; import petascope.exceptions.SecoreException; import petascope.exceptions.WCPSException; import petascope.exceptions.WCSException; import petascope.util.BigDecimalUtil; import petascope.util.CrsUtil; import petascope.util.ListUtil; import petascope.util.Pair; import petascope.util.StringUtil; import petascope.util.TimeUtil; import petascope.util.WcsUtil; import petascope.util.XMLSymbols; import petascope.util.ras.RasUtil; import petascope.wcps.metadata.CellDomainElement; import petascope.wcps.metadata.DomainElement; import petascope.wcps.server.core.Wcps; import petascope.wcs2.parsers.GetCoverageMetadata; import petascope.wcs2.parsers.GetCoverageRequest; import static petascope.wcs2.parsers.subsets.DimensionSubset.ASTERISK; import petascope.wcs2.parsers.subsets.DimensionSlice; import petascope.wcs2.parsers.subsets.DimensionSubset; import petascope.wcs2.parsers.subsets.DimensionTrim; import static petascope.wcs2.parsers.subsets.DimensionSubset.QUOTED_SUBSET; import petascope.wcs2.parsers.GetCoverageRequest.Scaling; /** * An abstract implementation of {@link FormatExtension}, which provides some * convenience methods to concrete implementations. * * @author <a href="">Dimitar Misev</a> */ public abstract class AbstractFormatExtension implements FormatExtension { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractFormatExtension.class); /** * Update m with the correct bounds and axes (mostly useful when there is slicing/trimming in the request) * * @param request * @param m * @param dbMeta * @throws PetascopeException * @throws SecoreException * @throws WCSException */ protected void updateGetCoverageMetadata(GetCoverageRequest request, GetCoverageMetadata m, DbMetadataSource dbMeta) throws PetascopeException, SecoreException, WCSException { // Init variables, to be then filled scanning the request subsets. // Grid axis labels, and grid bounds : grid (rasdaman) order Map<Integer, String> axesLabels = new TreeMap<Integer, String>(); String lowerCellDom = ""; String upperCellDom = ""; // Tuples of external CRS bounds : CRS order // Create a key-ordered map {axisLabel->dom} so that the correct order can be reconstructed automatically. Map<Integer, String> lowerDom = new TreeMap<Integer, String>(); Map<Integer, String> upperDom = new TreeMap<Integer, String>(); // Same as lowerDom/upperDom but forcing easting first, for GIS binary formats encoding. String lowerGisDom = ""; String upperGisDom = ""; // CRS need to be sliced accordingly upon dimension slicings String crsName; Set<String> slicedAxes = new HashSet<String>(); // miscellanea CoverageMetadata meta = m.getMetadata(); boolean domUpdated; Iterator<DomainElement> domsIt = meta.getDomainIterator(); Iterator<CellDomainElement> cellDomsIt = meta.getCellDomainIterator(); DomainElement domainEl; CellDomainElement cellDomainEl; List<DimensionSubset> subsList = request.getSubsets(); // NOTE: single loop since still N=M for Petascope, being N = dim(grid) and M=dim(CRS). // Keep domainElement order (grid order), but need to re-order the coordinates in the tuple for lowerDom/upperDom while (domsIt.hasNext()) { // Check if one subset trims on /this/ dimension: // Order and quantity of subsets not necessarily coincide with domain of the coverage // (e.g. single subset on Y over a nD coverage) domUpdated = false; domainEl =; cellDomainEl =; // Loop through each subsets in the request and check if this axis is involved Iterator<DimensionSubset> subsIt = subsList.iterator(); DimensionSubset subset; while (subsIt.hasNext()) { subset =; if (subset.getDimension().equals(domainEl.getLabel())) { try { // Compare subset with domain borders and update if (subset instanceof DimensionTrim) { // Replace asterisks and fetch subset bounds stars2bounds((DimensionTrim) subset, domainEl); String trimLow = ((DimensionTrim) subset).getTrimLow(); String trimHigh = ((DimensionTrim) subset).getTrimHigh(); // Append axis/uom label axesLabels.put(CrsUtil.getCrsAxisOrder(meta.getCrsUris(), domainEl.getLabel()), subset.getDimension()); // Append updated bounds // TODO: if request is specified via grid coords, need a backwards transform here // {cellDomain->domain} to show domain values in the WCS response: // Crs.convertToDomainCoords() if (trimLow.contains("\"")) { // Convert timestamp to temporal numeric coordinate String datumOrigin = domainEl.getAxisDef().getCrsDefinition().getDatumOrigin(); trimLow = "" + (TimeUtil.countOffsets(datumOrigin, trimLow, domainEl.getUom(), 1D)); // do not normalize by vector here: absolute time coords needed } String lower = new BigDecimal( Math.max(Double.parseDouble(trimLow), domainEl.getMinValue().doubleValue())) .toPlainString(); // align with sample space of grid points: lower = WcsUtil.fitToSampleSpace(lower, domainEl, false); lowerGisDom += lower + " "; // The map is automatically sorted by key value (axis order in the CRS definition) lowerDom.put(CrsUtil.getCrsAxisOrder(meta.getCrsUris(), domainEl.getLabel()), lower); if (trimHigh.contains("\"")) { // Convert timestamp to temporal numeric coordinate String datumOrigin = domainEl.getAxisDef().getCrsDefinition().getDatumOrigin(); String stringHi = trimHigh; trimHigh = "" + (TimeUtil.countOffsets(datumOrigin, stringHi, domainEl.getUom(), 1D)); // do not normalize by vector here: absolute time coords needed } String upper = new BigDecimal( Math.min(Double.parseDouble(trimHigh), domainEl.getMaxValue().doubleValue())) .toPlainString(); // align with sample space of grid points: upper = WcsUtil.fitToSampleSpace(upper, domainEl, true); upperGisDom += upper + " "; // The map is automatically sorted by key value (axis order in the CRS definition) upperDom.put(CrsUtil.getCrsAxisOrder(meta.getCrsUris(), domainEl.getLabel()), upper); // Append updated pixel bounds String decimalsExp = "\\.[0-9]+"; long[] cellDom = (CrsUtil.GRID_CRS.equals(subset.getCrs()) || // : subset=x,CRS:1(x1,x2) || subsettingCrs=CRS:1 m.getCoverageType().equals(XMLSymbols.LABEL_GRID_COVERAGE)) ? new long[] { // NOTE: e.g. parseInt("10.0") throws exception: need to remove decimals. Integer.parseInt(trimLow.replaceAll(decimalsExp, "").trim()), Integer.parseInt(trimHigh.replaceAll(decimalsExp, "").trim()) } // subsets are already grid indexes : CrsUtil.convertToInternalGridIndices(m.getMetadata(), dbMeta, domainEl.getLabel(), trimLow, !trimLow.matches(QUOTED_SUBSET), trimHigh, !trimHigh.matches(QUOTED_SUBSET)); // If SCALING on this dimension, fix upperCellDom and offset vector by scale factor if (request.isScaled()) { // SCALING EXTENSION: geometry changes Scaling scaling = request.getScaling(); String axisLabel = subset.getDimension(); if (scaling.isScaled(axisLabel)) { BigDecimal scalingFactor = ScalingExtension.computeScalingFactor(scaling, axisLabel, new BigDecimal(cellDom[0]), new BigDecimal(cellDom[1])); // update grid envelope long scaledExtent = Math.round( Math.floor((cellDom[1] - cellDom[0] + 1) / scalingFactor.floatValue())); cellDom[1] = (long) (cellDom[0] + scaledExtent - 1); // update offset vectors // [!] NOTE: do *not* use domainEl.setScalarResolution since world2pixel conversions are cached. m.setScalingFactor(axisLabel, scalingFactor); } } // In any case, properly trim the bounds by the image extremes int cellDomainElLo = cellDomainEl.getLoInt(); int cellDomainElHi = cellDomainEl.getHiInt(); lowerCellDom += (cellDomainElLo > cellDom[0]) ? cellDomainElLo + " " : cellDom[0] + " "; upperCellDom += (cellDomainElHi < cellDom[1]) ? cellDomainElHi + " " : cellDom[1] + " "; } else if (subset instanceof DimensionSlice) { log.debug("Axis " + domainEl.getLabel() + " has been sliced: remove it from the boundedBy element and track the axis for CRS slicing."); slicedAxes.add(subset.getDimension()); } else { throw new WCSException(ExceptionCode.InternalComponentError, "Subset '" + subset + "' is not recognized as trim nor slice."); } // flag: if no subset has updated the bounds, then need to append the bbox value domUpdated = true; } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { String message = "Error while casting a subset to numeric format for comparison: " + ex.getMessage(); log.error(message); throw new WCSException(ExceptionCode.InvalidRequest, message); } catch (WCSException ex) { throw ex; } } } // END subsets iterator if (!domUpdated) { // This dimension is not involved in any subset: use bbox bounds axesLabels.put(CrsUtil.getCrsAxisOrder(meta.getCrsUris(), domainEl.getLabel()), domainEl.getLabel()); lowerGisDom += BigDecimalUtil.stripDecimalZeros(domainEl.getMinValue()) + " "; upperGisDom += BigDecimalUtil.stripDecimalZeros(domainEl.getMaxValue()) + " "; // The map is automatically sorted by key value (axis order in the CRS definition) lowerDom.put(CrsUtil.getCrsAxisOrder(meta.getCrsUris(), domainEl.getLabel()), BigDecimalUtil.stripDecimalZeros(domainEl.getMinValue()).toPlainString()); upperDom.put(CrsUtil.getCrsAxisOrder(meta.getCrsUris(), domainEl.getLabel()), BigDecimalUtil.stripDecimalZeros(domainEl.getMaxValue()).toPlainString()); // SCALING: geometry changes long loCellDom = cellDomainEl.getLoInt(); long hiCellDom = cellDomainEl.getHiInt(); Scaling scaling = request.getScaling(); String axisLabel = domainEl.getLabel(); if (scaling.isScaled(axisLabel)) { BigDecimal scalingFactor = ScalingExtension.computeScalingFactor(scaling, axisLabel, BigDecimal.valueOf(loCellDom), BigDecimal.valueOf(hiCellDom)); // update grid envelope long scaledExtent = Math .round(Math.floor((hiCellDom - loCellDom + 1) / scalingFactor.floatValue())); hiCellDom = (long) (loCellDom + scaledExtent - 1); // update offset vectors // [!] NOTE: do *not* use domainEl.setScalarResolution since world2pixel conversions are cached. m.setScalingFactor(axisLabel, scalingFactor); } if (hiCellDom < loCellDom) { lowerCellDom += hiCellDom + " "; upperCellDom += loCellDom + " "; } else { lowerCellDom += loCellDom + " "; upperCellDom += hiCellDom + " "; } } } // END domains iterator // Update axes labels m.setAxisLabels(StringUtils.join(axesLabels.values(), " ")); // Update **pixel-domain** bounds m.setLow(lowerCellDom); m.setHigh(upperCellDom); // Update **domain** bounds (GIS- and CRS-induced) m.setDomLow(ListUtil.printList(new ArrayList<String>(lowerDom.values()), " ")); m.setDomHigh(ListUtil.printList(new ArrayList<String>(upperDom.values()), " ")); m.setGisDomLow(lowerGisDom); m.setGisDomHigh(upperGisDom); // Update the **CRS** if (!slicedAxes.isEmpty()) { crsName = CrsUtil.sliceAxesOut(meta.getCrsUris(), slicedAxes); m.setCrs(crsName); } if (request.hasRangeSubsetting()) { // RANGE TYPE update m.setRangeFields(request.getRangeSubset().getSelectedComponents()); } } /** * Execute rasql query, given GetCoverage request, request metadata, and * format of result. Request subsets values are pre-transformed if necessary * (e.g. CRS reprojection, timestamps). * * @param request * @param covmeta * @param meta * @param format * @param params * @return (result of executing the query, axes) * @throws PetascopeException * @throws RasdamanException * @throws WCPSException * @throws WCSException */ protected Pair<Object, String> executeRasqlQuery(GetCoverageRequest request, CoverageMetadata covmeta, DbMetadataSource meta, String format, String params) throws PetascopeException, RasdamanException, WCPSException, WCSException { //This variable is now local to the method to avoid concurrency problems Wcps wcps; try { wcps = new Wcps(meta); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new WCSException(ExceptionCode.InternalComponentError, "Error initializing WCPS engine", ex); } // Add double quotes in possible timestamp-based temporal subsets: // WCPS needs then to recognize a StringExpression from a NumericalExpression: // --> set quotes directly in the WCS request if timestamps want to be used (' = %27, " = %22) // since there are cases which can create conflict (eg 2010 is year 2010 or numeric temporal coordinate 2010?) // Proceed to WCPS: String rquery = null; Pair<String, String> pair; try { pair = constructWcpsQuery(request, meta, covmeta, format, params); rquery = RasUtil.abstractWCPSToRasql(pair.fst, wcps); } catch (PetascopeException ex) { throw new PetascopeException(ex.getExceptionCode(), "Error converting WCPS query to rasql query: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } Object res = null; try { if ("sdom".equals(format) && !rquery.contains(":")) { res = null; } else { res = RasUtil.executeRasqlQuery(rquery); } } catch (RasdamanException ex) { throw new WCSException(ExceptionCode.RasdamanRequestFailed, "Error executing rasql query: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } return Pair.of(res, pair.snd); } /** * Given a GetCoverage request, construct an abstract WCPS query. * * @param req GetCoverage request * @param cov coverage metadata * @param dbMeta * @param format * @param params * @return (WCPS query in abstract syntax, axes) * @throws WCSException * @throws PetascopeException */ protected Pair<String, String> constructWcpsQuery(GetCoverageRequest req, DbMetadataSource dbMeta, CoverageMetadata cov, String format, String params) throws WCSException, PetascopeException { String axes = ""; //keep a list of the axes defined in the coverage ArrayList<String> axesList = new ArrayList<String>(); Iterator<DomainElement> dit = cov.getDomainIterator(); while (dit.hasNext()) { String axis =; axes += axis + " "; axesList.add(axis); } String proc = "c"; //Process rangesubsetting based on the coverage alias if (req.hasRangeSubsetting()) { proc = RangeSubsettingExtension.processWCPSRequest(proc, req.getRangeSubset()); } //End range subsetting processing HashMap<String, Pair<String, String>> newdim = new HashMap<String, Pair<String, String>>(); // saves the new limits of the axes after trimming or slicing // process subsetting operations for (DimensionSubset subset : req.getSubsets()) { String dim = subset.getDimension(); DomainElement de = cov.getDomainByName(dim); //Check if the supplied axis is in the coverage axes and throw exception if not if (!axesList.contains(dim)) { throw new WCSException(ExceptionCode.InvalidAxisLabel, "The axis label " + dim + " was not found in the list of available axes"); } // Parametrized CRSs can have quotes and other reserved entities which break abstract WCPS queries (and XML) String crs = StringUtil.escapeXmlPredefinedEntities(de.getNativeCrs()); // in-subset CRS specification (standard inconsistency CRS hanlding in KVP/XML: see OGC 12-167 change request #257) // accept direct internal index subsets even if no CRS extension is provided (this is not a geo-reprojection) if (null != subset.getCrs() && subset.getCrs().equals(CrsUtil.GRID_CRS)) { crs = subset.getCrs(); // replace native with grid crs } if (subset instanceof DimensionTrim) { DimensionTrim trim = (DimensionTrim) subset; proc = "trim(" + proc + ",{" + dim + ":\"" + crs + "\" (" + trim.getTrimLow() + ":" + trim.getTrimHigh() + ")})"; newdim.put(dim, new Pair(trim.getTrimLow(), trim.getTrimHigh())); } else if (subset instanceof DimensionSlice) { DimensionSlice slice = (DimensionSlice) subset; proc = "slice(" + proc + ",{" + dim + ":\"" + crs + "\" (" + slice.getSlicePoint() + ")})"; newdim.put(dim, new Pair(slice.getSlicePoint(), slice.getSlicePoint())); log.debug("Dimension" + dim); log.debug(axes); axes = axes.replaceFirst(dim + " ?", ""); // remove axis } } if (req.isScaled()) { if (!WcsUtil.isGrid(cov.getCoverageType())) { throw new WCSException(ExceptionCode.InvalidCoverageType.locator(req.getCoverageId())); } Scaling scaling = req.getScaling(); int axesNumber = 0; // for checking if all axes in the query were used String crs = CrsUtil.GRID_CRS; // scaling involves pixels proc = "scale(" + proc + ", {"; Iterator<DomainElement> it = cov.getDomainIterator(); Iterator<CellDomainElement> cit = cov.getCellDomainIterator(); // Need to loop through all dimensions to set scaling dims for un-trimmed axes too while (it.hasNext() && cit.hasNext()) { DomainElement el =; CellDomainElement cel =; String dim = el.getLabel(); //FIXME: hack for ticket #823 - number 5. to be fixed with ticket #824 /*if (el.isIrregular() && !req.isSliced(dim) && scaling.isScaled(dim)) { log.error("Trying to scale an irregular axis but we cannot scale coefficients' values."); throw new PetascopeException(ExceptionCode.UnsupportedCombination, "Scaling on irregular axis is not supported."); }*/ // Sliced dimensions shall not be referenced by the scaling parameters if (!req.isSliced(dim)) { long lo = cel.getLoInt(); long hi = cel.getHiInt(); long scaledExtent; if (newdim.containsKey(dim)) { long[] lohi = CrsUtil.convertToInternalGridIndices(cov, dbMeta, dim, newdim.get(dim).fst, req.getSubset(dim).isNumeric(), newdim.get(dim).snd, req.getSubset(dim).isNumeric()); lo = lohi[0]; hi = lohi[1]; } long hiAfterScale; switch (scaling.getType()) { case 1: // SCALE-BY-FACTOR: divide extent by global scaling factor scaledExtent = Math.round(Math.floor((hi - lo + 1) / scaling.getFactor())); hiAfterScale = Math.round(Math.floor(lo + scaledExtent - 1)); if (lo > hiAfterScale) { long temp = lo; lo = hiAfterScale; hiAfterScale = temp; } proc = proc + dim + ":\"" + crs + "\"(" + lo + ":" + hiAfterScale + "),"; break; case 2: // SCALE-AXES: divide extent by axis scaling factor if (scaling.isPresentFactor(dim)) { scaledExtent = Math.round(Math.floor((hi - lo + 1) / scaling.getFactor(dim))); hiAfterScale = Math.round(Math.floor(lo + scaledExtent - 1)); if (lo > hiAfterScale) { long temp = lo; lo = hiAfterScale; hiAfterScale = temp; } proc = proc + dim + ":\"" + crs + "\"(" + lo + ":" + hiAfterScale + "),"; axesNumber++; } else { if (lo > hi) { long temp = lo; lo = hi; hi = temp; } proc = proc + dim + ":\"" + crs + "\"(" + lo + ":" + hi + "),"; } break; case 3: // SCALE-SIZE: set extent of dimension if (scaling.isPresentSize(dim)) { hiAfterScale = (lo + scaling.getSize(dim) - 1); if (lo > hiAfterScale) { long temp = lo; lo = hiAfterScale; hiAfterScale = temp; } proc = proc + dim + ":\"" + crs + "\"(" + lo + ":" + hiAfterScale + "),"; axesNumber++; } else { if (lo > hi) { long temp = lo; lo = hi; hi = temp; } proc = proc + dim + ":\"" + crs + "\"(" + lo + ":" + hi + "),"; } break; case 4: // SCALE-EXTENT: set extent of dimension if (scaling.isPresentExtent(dim)) { proc = proc + dim + ":\"" + crs + "\"(" + scaling.getExtent(dim).fst + ":" + scaling.getExtent(dim).snd + "),"; axesNumber++; } else { if (lo > hi) { long temp = lo; lo = hi; hi = temp; } proc = proc + dim + ":\"" + crs + "\"(" + lo + ":" + hi + "),"; } break; } } } if (axesNumber != scaling.getAxesNumber()) { throw new WCSException(ExceptionCode.ScaleAxisUndefined); } //TODO find out which axis was not found and add the locator to scaleFactor or scaleExtent or scaleDomain proc = proc.substring(0, proc.length() - 1); proc += "})"; } log.trace(proc); // query after scaling if (params != null) { // Additional paramters (e.g. bbox/crs in case of GTiff encoding) // NOTE: the whole format string is eventually wrapped into quotes (see below) format += "\", \"" + params; } String query = "for c in (" + req.getCoverageId() + ") return encode(" + proc + ", \"" + format + "\")"; log.debug("=========================================================="); log.debug(query); log.debug("=========================================================="); return Pair.of(query, axes.trim()); } /** * Replaces asterisk in a trimming with real numeric bounds. * * @param trim the input subsetting (trimming) * @param domEl The axis on which the subset is requested */ private void stars2bounds(DimensionTrim trim, DomainElement domEl) throws WCSException { String lo = trim.getTrimLow(); String hi = trim.getTrimHigh(); try { if (lo.equals(ASTERISK)) { if (hi.matches(QUOTED_SUBSET) && TimeUtil.isValidTimestamp(hi)) { // other end of interval is a timestamp: need to make a uniform subset trim.setTrimLow(StringUtil.quote(TimeUtil.coordinate2timestamp( domEl.getMinValue().multiply(domEl.getScalarResolution()).doubleValue(), domEl.getCrsDef().getDatumOrigin(), domEl.getUom()))); } else { trim.setTrimLow(domEl.getMinValue().toPlainString()); } } if (hi.equals(ASTERISK)) { if (lo.matches(QUOTED_SUBSET) && TimeUtil.isValidTimestamp(lo)) { // other end of interval is a timestamp: need to make a uniform subset trim.setTrimHigh(StringUtil.quote(TimeUtil.coordinate2timestamp( domEl.getMaxValue().multiply(domEl.getScalarResolution()).doubleValue(), domEl.getCrsDef().getDatumOrigin(), domEl.getUom()))); } else { trim.setTrimHigh(domEl.getMaxValue().toPlainString()); } } } catch (PetascopeException ex) { log.debug("Error while converting asterisk to time instant equivalent."); throw new WCSException(ExceptionCode.InternalComponentError, ex); } } }