Java tutorial
package perflab; /* * Copyright 2001-2005 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import; /** * Goal which executes loadrunner scenario, analyze it and extract short summary * * @goal run-lr * @phase process-sources */ public class LoadrunnerWrapper extends AbstractMojo { /** * @parameter property="run-lr.scenario" default-value="" */ private String scenario; /** * @parameter property="run-lr.htmlReportFolder" default-value="" */ private String htmlReportFolder; /** * @parameter property="run-lr.resultsFolder" default-value="" */ private String resultsFolder; /** * @parameter property="run-lr.summaryFile" default-value="" */ private String summaryFile; /** * @parameter property="run-lr.loadRunnerBin" default-value="c:\Program Files (x86)\HP\LoadRunner\bin" */ private String loadRunnerBin; /** * @parameter property="run-lr.analysisTemplateName" default-value="DefaultTemplate1" */ private String analysisTemplateName; /** * @parameter property="run-lr.additionalAttributes" default-value="" */ private String additionalAttributes; private HashMap<String, ConfigurationValue> LRSFlags; private HashMap<String, ConfigurationValue> AnalysisTemplatesFlags; /** * */ private ArrayList<LoadRunnerTransaction> transactions = new ArrayList<LoadRunnerTransaction>(); /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo#execute() */ public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { getLog().info("run scenario = " + scenario); getLog().info("results-folder = " + resultsFolder); getLog().info("html-results-folder = " + htmlReportFolder); getLog().info("summary-file = " + summaryFile); getLog().info("analysisTemplateName = " + analysisTemplateName); getLog().info("loadRunnerBin = " + loadRunnerBin); getLog().info("additionalAttributes = " + additionalAttributes); setConfigurationFlags(); boolean okay = true; getLog().info( "======================= Checking Scenario and Analysis template configurations ======================= "); getLog().info(""); /* check for files exists */ //Check if lrs exists boolean lrsExists = checkIfScenarioExists(scenario); if (!lrsExists) { getLog().error("Scenario file " + scenario + " was not found on slave. Aborting job"); okay = false; } //Check if LRS configured correctly if (!isFileWellConfigured(scenario, LRSFlags)) { okay = false; } //Check if Analysis template exists boolean analysisTemplateExists = checkIfTemplateExists(analysisTemplateName); if (!analysisTemplateExists) { getLog().error("Template file " + analysisTemplateName + " was not found on slave. Aborting job"); okay = false; } if (!isFileWellConfigured(System.getenv("LR_PATH") + "\\AnalysisTemplates\\" + analysisTemplateName + "\\" + analysisTemplateName + ".tem", AnalysisTemplatesFlags)) { okay = false; } getLog().info(""); getLog().info( "====================================================================================================== "); if (!okay) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Scenario and/or template are not configured well"); } /*Build controller command line*/ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("\"").append(loadRunnerBin).append("\\").append("Wlrun.exe") .append("\"").append(" -Run ").append(" -TestPath ").append("\"").append(scenario).append("\"") .append(" -ResultName ").append("\"").append(resultsFolder).append("\""); if (additionalAttributes != null && !additionalAttributes.isEmpty()) { sb.append(" ").append(additionalAttributes); } String controllerCommand = sb.toString(); //getLog().info("Run controller " + controllerCommand); runCommand("taskkill /f /im Wlrun.exe"); /* Run controller */ int controllerRC = runCommand(controllerCommand); if (controllerRC == 1) { /* Run Analysis if controller return code is okay */ String resultsFile = getResultsFile(resultsFolder); if (resultsFile.isEmpty()) { getLog().error( "Analysis session file (.lrr) was not found in " + resultsFile + " folder. Aborting job"); okay = false; } /*Build Analysis command line*/ String analysisCommand = "\"" + loadRunnerBin + "\\AnalysisUI.exe\" -RESULTPATH " + resultsFile; if (analysisTemplateName != null && !analysisTemplateName.isEmpty()) { analysisCommand = analysisCommand + " -TEMPLATENAME " + analysisTemplateName; } int analysisRC = runCommand(analysisCommand); /* Parse analysis results and extract short report if analysis return code is okay */ if (analysisRC == 0) { extractKPIs(resultsFolder, htmlReportFolder); } } else { getLog().error("Controller failed. Exit code is: " + controllerRC); throw new MojoExecutionException("Controller failed. Exit code is: " + controllerRC); } } /*Set LRS and LRR configuration flags*/ private void setConfigurationFlags() { if (LRSFlags == null && AnalysisTemplatesFlags == null) { LRSFlags = new HashMap<String, ConfigurationValue>(); AnalysisTemplatesFlags = new HashMap<String, ConfigurationValue>(); LRSFlags.put("AutoSetResults", new ConfigurationValue("0", "Please clear 'Automatically create a results directory for each scenario execution' option at Controller->Results->Results Settings...")); LRSFlags.put("AutoOverwriteResults", new ConfigurationValue("0", "Please clear 'Automatically overwrite existing results directory without prompting for confirmation' option at Controller->Results->Results Settings...")); AnalysisTemplatesFlags.put("AutoHtml", new ConfigurationValue("1", "Please set 'Generate the following automatic HTML report' option at Analysis->Tools->Templates->" + analysisTemplateName)); AnalysisTemplatesFlags.put("AutoSave", new ConfigurationValue("1", "Please set 'Automatically save the session at' option at Analysis->Tools->Templates->" + analysisTemplateName)); AnalysisTemplatesFlags.put("AutoClose", new ConfigurationValue("1", "Please set 'Automatically close Analysis after saving session' option at Analysis->Tools->Templates->" + analysisTemplateName)); } } /** * check if loadrunner scenario exists * * @return - true if LRS file exists */ private boolean checkIfScenarioExists(String scenario) { boolean okay = false; File lrs = new File(scenario); if (lrs.exists() && !lrs.isDirectory()) { okay = true; } return okay; } private boolean isFileWellConfigured(String fileName, HashMap configurations) { boolean okay = true; try { String fileContent = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(fileName)); for (Object key : configurations.keySet()) { String keyStr = key.toString(); ConfigurationValue p = (ConfigurationValue) configurations.get(key); String strToFind = keyStr + "=" + p.getValue(); getLog().info("checking for " + strToFind); if (!fileContent.contains(strToFind)) { okay = false; getLog().error(fileName + ":" + strToFind + " is missing or misconfigured . Aborting job"); getLog().error(p.getMessage()); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return okay; } /** * check if this.loadRunnerAnalysisTemplateName exists on filesystem * * @return - true if template file exists */ private boolean checkIfTemplateExists(String analysisTemplateName) { boolean okay = false; File template = new File(System.getenv("LR_PATH") + "\\AnalysisTemplates\\" + analysisTemplateName); if (template.exists() && template.isDirectory()) { okay = true; } return okay; } /** * @param resultsFolder * @return name of lrr file name in results folder */ private String getResultsFile(String resultsFolder) { getLog().info("Looking for lrr file in " + resultsFolder); String lrrFile = findFilebyRegex(resultsFolder, "*.lrr"); return lrrFile; } /** * @param path * @param pattern * @return first file according to the pattern */ private String findFilebyRegex(String path, String pattern) { String foundFile = ""; try { File dir = new File(path); if (dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory()) { FileFilter fileFilter = new WildcardFileFilter(pattern); File[] files = dir.listFiles(fileFilter); getLog().info("Length: " + files.length); foundFile = files[0].getAbsolutePath(); } else if (dir.isFile()) { getLog().error(path + " not exists or not a folder..."); } } catch (Exception e) { getLog().error("Can't find lrr file " + e.getMessage()); } return foundFile; } /** * @param command - command to execute * @return command exit code */ private int runCommand(String command) { int exitCode = -1; getLog().info("Command to run: " + command); try { Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command); p.waitFor(); exitCode = p.exitValue(); } catch (Exception err) { err.printStackTrace(); } getLog().info("Exit value: " + exitCode); return exitCode; } /** * Generates report in format expected by * examples here: file:///C:/Users/i046774/Downloads/master-s-thesis-designing-and-automating-dynamic-testing-of-software-nightly-builds.pdf */ protected void extractKPIs(String resultsFolder, String htmlReportFolder) { parseSummaryFile(htmlReportFolder + "\\summary.html", summaryFile); //generatePerfPublisherReport(this.transactions, xmlSummaryFile); //generatePlotCSVReport(this.transactions, summaryFile); generatejUnitReport(this.transactions, summaryFile); } /** * @param htmlSummaryFile - load runner analysis html report file to parse * @param summaryFile - location of summary file to be generated out of loadrunner html analysis */ protected void parseSummaryFile(String htmlSummaryFile, String summaryFile) { try { File input = new File(htmlSummaryFile); Document document = Jsoup.parse(input, "UTF-8"); Document parse = Jsoup.parse(document.html()); Elements table ="table").select("[summary=Transactions statistics summary table]"); Elements rows ="tr"); getLog().info("number of rows in summary file=" + rows.size()); for (Element row : rows) { //getLog().info("table element = " + row.toString()); String name ="td[headers=LraTransaction Name]").select("span").text(); if (!name.isEmpty()) { float avgRT = Float.valueOf("td[headers=LraAverage]").select("span").text()); float minRT = Float.valueOf("td[headers=LraMinimum]").select("span").text()); float maxRT = Float.valueOf("td[headers=LraMaximum]").select("span").text()); int passed = Integer.valueOf("td[headers=LraPass]").select("span").text() .replace(".", "").replace(",", "")); int failed = Integer.valueOf("td[headers=LraFail]").select("span").text() .replace(".", "").replace(",", "")); int failedPrecentage = failed / (failed + passed) * 100; getLog().info("Saving Transaction [" + name + "]"); this.transactions.add( new LoadRunnerTransaction(name, minRT, avgRT, maxRT, passed, failed, failedPrecentage)); } } } catch (IOException e) { getLog().error("Can't read LoadRunner Analysis html report " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * @param transactions - ArrayList of LoadRunnerTransaction objects * @param summaryFile - location of xml summary file to be generated out of transaction objects in jUnit format * @return */ private void generatejUnitReport(ArrayList<LoadRunnerTransaction> transactions, String summaryFile) { getLog().info("Transformation to jUnit XML started ..."); String stringReport = ""; try { /* * <testsuite tests="3" time="42.5"> <testcase classname="ZZZ_1" name="ZZZ_1" time="10.1"/> <testcase classname="ZZZ_2" name="ZZZ_2" time="11.7"/> <testcase classname="ZZZ_3" name="ZZZ_3" time="12.2"> <!--failure type="NotEnoughFoo"> too slow </failure--> </testcase> </testsuite> */ DocumentBuilderFactory docFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); // root elements org.w3c.dom.Document doc = (org.w3c.dom.Document) docBuilder.newDocument(); org.w3c.dom.Element testsuiteElement = (org.w3c.dom.Element) doc.createElement("testsuite"); testsuiteElement.setAttribute("tests", String.valueOf(transactions.size())); //testsuiteElement.setAttribute("time", "total test duration"); doc.appendChild(testsuiteElement); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for (LoadRunnerTransaction tr : this.transactions) { getLog().info("Dump " + tr.getName()); org.w3c.dom.Element testcaseElement = doc.createElement("testcase"); testcaseElement.setAttribute("classname", "load.ResponseTime"); testcaseElement.setAttribute("name", tr.getName()); testcaseElement.setAttribute("time", String.valueOf(tr.getAvgRT())); testsuiteElement.appendChild(testcaseElement); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // write the content into xml file TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer(); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); transformer.setOutputProperty("{}indent-amount", "4"); DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc); File lr_report = new File(summaryFile); StreamResult result = new StreamResult(lr_report); transformer.transform(source, result); getLog().info("File saved in " + lr_report.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) { getLog().error(pce.getMessage()); pce.printStackTrace(); } catch (TransformerException tfe) { getLog().error(tfe.getMessage()); tfe.printStackTrace(); } } /** * @param transactions - ArrayList of LoadRunnerTransaction objects * @param summaryFile - locatiob of SCV summary file to be generated out of transaction objects * @return */ private boolean generatePlotCSVReport(ArrayList<LoadRunnerTransaction> transactions, String summaryFile) { boolean rc = false; getLog().info("Transformation CSV started ..."); ArrayList<String> headers = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> averages = new ArrayList<String>(); for (LoadRunnerTransaction tr : this.transactions) { headers.add("\"" + tr.getName() + "\""); averages.add(String.valueOf(tr.getAvgRT())); } String scvReport = org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.join(headers, ",") + System.getProperty("line.separator") + org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.join(averages, ","); try { FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(summaryFile), scvReport); getLog().info(scvReport); getLog().info("Report is saved to " + summaryFile); rc = true; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rc = false; getLog().error("Can't write custom csv report for plotting " + e.getMessage()); } getLog().info("Transformation CSV finished ..."); return rc; } /** * @param transactions - ArrayList of LoadRunnerTransaction objects * @return */ private void generatePerfPublisherReport(ArrayList<LoadRunnerTransaction> transactions, String xmlFile) { getLog().info("Transformation to XML started ..."); try { DocumentBuilderFactory docFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); // root elements org.w3c.dom.Document doc = (org.w3c.dom.Document) docBuilder.newDocument(); org.w3c.dom.Element reportElement = (org.w3c.dom.Element) doc.createElement("report"); doc.appendChild(reportElement); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //<categories> // <category name="memory" scale="mb"> // <observations> // <observation name="Server 1">100</observation> // <observation name="Server 2">200</observation> // </observations> // </category> // <category name="disk" scale="gb"> // <observations> // <observation name="Server 1">41</observation> // <observation name="Server 2">58</observation> // </observations> // </category> //</categories> // start element org.w3c.dom.Element startElement = (org.w3c.dom.Element) doc.createElement("start"); reportElement.appendChild(startElement); // date element org.w3c.dom.Element date = (org.w3c.dom.Element) doc.createElement("date"); startElement.appendChild(date); date.setAttribute("format", "YYYYMMDD"); date.setAttribute("val", "20100922"); // time element org.w3c.dom.Element time = (org.w3c.dom.Element) doc.createElement("date"); startElement.appendChild(time); time.setAttribute("format", "HHMMSS"); time.setAttribute("val", "215935"); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //<test name="Smoke test" executed="yes" categ="Smoke test"> //<description>Tests if ATE LAN socket and communication works.</description> //<result> // <success passed="yes" state ="100" hasTimedOut="no" /> // <compiletime unit="s" mesure="0" isRelevant="yes" /> // <performance unit="%" mesure="0" isRelevant="yes" /> // <executiontime unit="s" mesure="12" isRelevant="yes" /> // <metrics> // <006_My_Benefits unit="sec" mesure="0.115" isRelevant="yes"/> // <007_My_Timesheet unit="sec" mesure="1.247" isRelevant="yes"/> // </metrics> //</result> //</test> //</report> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // test element org.w3c.dom.Element testElement = doc.createElement("test"); reportElement.appendChild(testElement); testElement.setAttribute("name", "Smoke test"); testElement.setAttribute("executed", "yes"); testElement.setAttribute("categ", "Smoke test"); // description element org.w3c.dom.Element descriptionElement = doc.createElement("description"); descriptionElement.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("This is the best Load test ever executed...")); reportElement.appendChild(descriptionElement); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // result org.w3c.dom.Element resultElement = doc.createElement("result"); reportElement.appendChild(resultElement); org.w3c.dom.Element successElement = doc.createElement("success"); resultElement.appendChild(successElement); org.w3c.dom.Element compiletimeElement = doc.createElement("compiletime"); resultElement.appendChild(compiletimeElement); org.w3c.dom.Element performanceElement = doc.createElement("performance"); resultElement.appendChild(performanceElement); org.w3c.dom.Element executiontimeElement = doc.createElement("executiontime"); resultElement.appendChild(executiontimeElement); org.w3c.dom.Element metricsElement = doc.createElement("metrics"); resultElement.appendChild(metricsElement); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for (LoadRunnerTransaction tr : this.transactions) { //<006_My_Benefits unit="sec" mesure="0.115" isRelevant="yes"/> String trName = "tr_" + tr.getName(); getLog().info("Dump " + trName); org.w3c.dom.Element trElement = doc.createElement(trName); trElement.setAttribute("unit", "sec"); trElement.setAttribute("mesure", String.valueOf(tr.getAvgRT())); trElement.setAttribute("isRelevant", "yes"); metricsElement.appendChild(trElement); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // write the content into xml file TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer(); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); transformer.setOutputProperty("{}indent-amount", "4"); DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc); File lr_report = new File(xmlFile); StreamResult result = new StreamResult(lr_report); transformer.transform(source, result); getLog().info("File saved in " + lr_report.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) { getLog().error(pce.getMessage()); pce.printStackTrace(); } catch (TransformerException tfe) { getLog().error(tfe.getMessage()); tfe.printStackTrace(); } } private class ConfigurationValue { private String value; private String message; public ConfigurationValue(String value, String message) { this.value = value; this.message = message; } public String getValue() { return this.value; } public String getMessage() { return this.message; } } }