Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package paxos; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; public class GameServer { public static JSONObject tempJSONmsg = null; final static int port = 9876; public static void main(String args[]) { Game myGame = new Game(); Socket socket = null; ServerSocket GameServer = null; System.out.println("Server Listening......"); try { GameServer = new ServerSocket(port); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Server error"); } while (true) { try { socket = GameServer.accept(); String clientAddress = socket.getRemoteSocketAddress().toString(); int clientPort = socket.getPort(); System.out.println("Connection established. Client: " + clientAddress + "on port " + clientPort); ServerThread st = new ServerThread(socket, myGame); st.start(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Connection Error"); } } } } class ServerThread extends Thread { String line = null; BufferedReader is = null; PrintWriter os = null; Socket s = null; Game myGame = null; public ServerThread(Socket s, Game myGame) { this.s = s; this.myGame = myGame; } public void run() { String username = null; String address = null; int port = 0; int id_player = -1; String method = null; JSONObject jsonMessage; try { is = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream())); os = new PrintWriter(s.getOutputStream()); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("IO error in server thread"); } try { //JOINGAME //check whether or not the game is waiting boolean isAllowedToJoin = false; if (myGame.getStatus() == 0) { System.out.println("Game status is 0"); //game is waiting -> check client's username try { jsonMessage = new JSONObject(is.readLine()); username = jsonMessage.optString("username"); port = jsonMessage.optInt("udp_port"); address = jsonMessage.optString("udp_address"); System.out.println("Client username is " + username); if (username.length() > 0) { //check whether or not username exists if (!myGame.isUsernameExist(username)) { System.out.println("Username not exist"); isAllowedToJoin = true; int new_id = myGame.getNewID(); id_player = new_id; System.out.println("Id player is : " + new_id); Player newP = new Player(new_id, address, port, username); myGame.addPlayer(newP); System.out.println("Send to client: " + ServerResponse.joinGameOK(new_id).toString()); os.println(ServerResponse.joinGameOK(new_id).toString()); os.flush(); } else { os.println(ServerResponse.statusFail("user exists")); os.flush(); } } else { os.println(ServerResponse.statusFail("username not valid")); os.flush(); } } catch (JSONException e) { //send wrongRequestError os.println(ServerResponse.wrongRequestError().toString()); os.flush(); e.printStackTrace(); } } else { //the game already has already started os.println(ServerResponse.statusFail("please wait, game is currently running").toString()); os.flush(); } if (!isAllowedToJoin) return; //close connection //END-JOINGAME //READY //waiting ready message from client //check whether or not the game is waiting boolean isReady = false; System.out.println("Waiting ready message from client"); while (!isReady) { if (myGame.getStatus() == 0) { System.out.println("Game status is 0"); //game is waiting -> check client's username try { String temp_ = is.readLine(); jsonMessage = new JSONObject(temp_); System.out.println("Message in !isReady : " + temp_); method = jsonMessage.optString("method"); if (method.equals("ready")) { if (myGame.getStatus() != 0) { os.println(ServerResponse.statusFail("please wait, game is currently running")); os.flush(); myGame.setPlayerReady(id_player); } else { os.println(ServerResponse.statusOK()); os.flush(); myGame.setPlayerReady(id_player);//else if error, send error response to client, blm dibuat isReady = true; } } else if (method.equals("leave")) { //leave(); myGame.removePlayerWithID(id_player); os.println(ServerResponse.statusOK()); os.flush(); myGame.removePlayerWithID(id_player); return; //exit } else { os.println(ServerResponse.statusError("Method not allowed")); os.flush(); } } catch (JSONException e) { //send wrongRequestError os.println(ServerResponse.wrongRequestError().toString()); os.flush(); e.printStackTrace(); } } else { //the game already has already started System.out.println("the game has already started"); os.println(ServerResponse.statusFail("please wait, game is currently running").toString()); os.flush(); break; } } //END-READY System.out.println("End-ready. Wait until other players ready"); //WAIT UNTIL OTHER PLAYERS READY while (myGame.getStatus() != 1) { System.out.println("status : " + myGame.getStatus()); try { sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ServerThread.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } /*** START GAME (ROLE) ***/ if (myGame.findPlayerWithID(id_player).getRole().equals("werewolf")) { os.println(ServerResponse.startGame("werewolf", myGame.getWerewolfFriends())); os.flush(); System.out.println("Send werewolf role"); } else { //civilian os.println(ServerResponse.startGame("civilian", null)); os.flush(); System.out.println("Send civilian role"); } /*** END-START GAME (ROLE) ***/ System.out.println("End start game (role)"); /***** NIGHT 1 *****/ int targetDay = 1; /***** DAILY LOOP *****/ while (myGame.getStatus() == 1) { if (myGame.getDay() < targetDay) nextDay(); int cur_day = myGame.getDay(); /*** DAY ***/ /*** LIST CLIENT ***/ boolean requestListClient = false; while (!requestListClient) { try { jsonMessage = new JSONObject(is.readLine()); method = jsonMessage.optString("method"); if (method.equals("client_address")) { os.println(ServerResponse.listClient(myGame.getPlayers())); os.flush(); requestListClient = true; } else { os.println(ServerResponse.statusError("Method not allowed")); os.flush(); } } catch (JSONException e) { //send wrongRequestError os.println(ServerResponse.wrongRequestError().toString()); os.flush(); e.printStackTrace(); } } /*** END-LIST CLIENT ***/ os.println(ServerResponse.changePhase("day", myGame.getDay(), "")); os.flush(); System.out.println( "after send change phase" + ServerResponse.changePhase("day", myGame.getDay(), "")); /* PAXOS */ /* proposer dan client menjalankan paxos */ int kpu_id = -1; /* MENERIMA JAWABAN DARI ACCEPTOR */ boolean getLeaderVote = false; while (!getLeaderVote) { // long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); // VoteLeaderListener3 main = new VoteLeaderListener3("vll",is); // main.start(); // try { // while (main.isRunning) { // synchronized (main) { // main.wait(1000); // } // } // long stop = System.currentTimeMillis(); // // if (main.everythingDone) // System.out.println("all done in " + (stop - start) + " ms."); // else { // System.out.println("could not do everything in " // + (stop - start) + " ms."); // if (main.endedWithException != null) // main.endedWithException.printStackTrace(); // } // } catch (InterruptedException e) { // System.out.println("You've killed me!"); // } // jsonMessage = main.getJSONMessage() ; // System.out.println("acceptor vll " + jsonMessage.toString()); // VoteLeaderListener VLL = new VoteLeaderListener("vll",is); // System.out.println("gil " + id_player); // VLL.start(); // System.out.println("gila " + id_player); // Thread.sleep(20000); // System.out.println("gila2" + id_player); // //VLL.closeSocket(); // // VLL.interrupt(); // System.out.println("after join " + id_player); jsonMessage = new JSONObject(is.readLine()); System.out.println("acceptor vll " + jsonMessage.toString()); try { System.out.println("after set timeout"); //jsonMessage = new JSONObject(is.readLine()); if (jsonMessage == null) { System.out.println("client send null"); } else { method = jsonMessage.optString("method"); System.out.println("method " + method); if (method.equals("accepted_proposal")) { os.println(ServerResponse.statusOK()); os.flush(); System.out.println("after send OK" + id_player); kpu_id = Integer.parseInt(jsonMessage.optString("kpu_id")); myGame.voteLeader(kpu_id); } else if (method.equals("leave")) { myGame.removePlayerWithID(id_player); os.println(ServerResponse.statusOK()); os.flush(); myGame.removePlayerWithID(id_player); return; } } Thread.sleep(15000); if (myGame.getVoteLeaderFinish() != true) {//ada yg ga ngirim atau ga ada yg n/2 System.out.println("kpuselected finsih false " + id_player + " " + myGame.getLeader()); os.println(ServerResponse.KPUSelected(myGame.getLeader())); os.flush(); } else { System.out.println("kpuselected finsih true" + id_player + " " + myGame.getLeader()); os.println(ServerResponse.KPUSelected(myGame.getLeader())); os.flush(); getLeaderVote = true; } } /* catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }*/ catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ServerThread.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } /*while(myGame.getVoteLeaderFinish() == false) {} if (kpu_id == myGame.getLeader()) { os.println(ServerResponse.statusOK()); } else { os.println(ServerResponse.statusFail("KPU incorrect")); }*/ //os.flush(); } s.setSoTimeout(0); /* END-MENERIMA JAWABAN DARI ACCEPTOR */ os.println(ServerResponse.KPUSelected(myGame.getLeader())); os.flush(); /* MENGIRIM INFORMASI LEADER KE CLIENT */ /* END-MENGIRIM INFORMASI LEADER KE CLIENT */ /* SEND VOTE NOW DAY */ boolean voteCivilianNow = false; while (!voteCivilianNow) { System.out.println("Send civilian now" + id_player); os.println(ServerResponse.voteNow("day")); os.flush(); String response = is.readLine(); try { System.out.println("Client get civilian now" + id_player); JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject(response); String status = jsonResponse.optString("status"); if (status.equals("ok")) { System.out.println("Client has got kpu_id"); // os.println(ServerResponse.listClient(myGame.getPlayers())); // os.flush(); voteCivilianNow = true; } else if (jsonResponse.optString("method").equals("leave")) { return; } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /* END-SEND VOTE NOW DAY */ /* KILL CIVILIAN VOTE */ if (myGame.getLeader() == id_player) {//if the client is leader boolean killCivilianVote = false; while (!killCivilianVote) { try { System.out.println("Waiting client civilian vote" + id_player); jsonMessage = new JSONObject(is.readLine()); System.out.println("Diterima : " + jsonMessage.toString() + id_player); method = jsonMessage.optString("method"); if ((method.equals("vote_result_civilian")) || (method.equals("vote_result"))) { int vote_status = Integer.parseInt(jsonMessage.optString("vote_status")); if (vote_status == 1) { int player_to_kill = Integer.parseInt(jsonMessage.optString("player_killed")); System.out.println("Player Killed = " + player_to_kill); myGame.voteKillCivilian(player_to_kill); myGame.setVoteCivilianSuccess(true); os.println(ServerResponse.statusOK()); killCivilianVote = true; } else { //vote_status = -1 os.println(ServerResponse.statusFail("Tie")); } os.flush(); } else if (method.equals("leave")) { myGame.removePlayerWithID(id_player); os.println(ServerResponse.statusOK()); os.flush(); myGame.removePlayerWithID(id_player); return; } try { sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ServerThread.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /* END-KILL CIVILIAN VOTE */ /* WAITING VOTE FINISH */ while (!myGame.getVoteCivilianFinish()) { try { sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /*** END WAITING VOTE FINISH ***/ /*** SEND LIST CLIENT ***/ requestListClient = false; while (!requestListClient) { try { jsonMessage = new JSONObject(is.readLine()); method = jsonMessage.optString("method"); if (method.equals("client_address")) { os.println(ServerResponse.listClient(myGame.getPlayers())); os.flush(); requestListClient = true; } else { os.println(ServerResponse.statusError("Method not allowed")); os.flush(); } } catch (JSONException e) { //send wrongRequestError os.println(ServerResponse.wrongRequestError().toString()); os.flush(); e.printStackTrace(); } } /*** END SEND LIST CLIENT ***/ /*** START REVOTE ***/ if (!myGame.getVoteCivilianSuccess()) { myGame.setVoteCivilianFinish(false); /*** WAITING REVOTE ***/ if (myGame.getLeader() == id_player) {//if the client is leader boolean killCivilianVote = false; while (!killCivilianVote) { try { System.out.println("Waiting client civilian vote" + id_player); jsonMessage = new JSONObject(is.readLine()); System.out.println("Diterima : " + jsonMessage.toString()); method = jsonMessage.optString("method"); if ((method.equals("vote_result_civilian")) || (method.equals("vote_result"))) { int vote_status = Integer.parseInt(jsonMessage.optString("vote_status")); if (vote_status == 1) { int player_to_kill = Integer .parseInt(jsonMessage.optString("player_killed")); System.out.println("Killed: " + player_to_kill); myGame.voteKillCivilian(player_to_kill); myGame.setVoteCivilianSuccess(true); os.println(ServerResponse.statusOK()); killCivilianVote = true; } else { //vote_status = -1 os.println(ServerResponse.statusFail("Tie")); } os.flush(); } else if (method.equals("leave")) { myGame.removePlayerWithID(id_player); os.println(ServerResponse.statusOK()); os.flush(); myGame.removePlayerWithID(id_player); return; } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /*** END WAITING REVOTE ***/ /*** WAITING RE-VOTE FINISH ***/ while (!myGame.getVoteCivilianFinish()) { try { sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /*** END WAITING RE-VOTE FINISH ***/ /*** SEND LIST CLIENT ***/ requestListClient = false; while (!requestListClient) { try { jsonMessage = new JSONObject(is.readLine()); method = jsonMessage.optString("method"); if (method.equals("client_address")) { os.println(ServerResponse.listClient(myGame.getPlayers())); os.flush(); requestListClient = true; } else { os.println(ServerResponse.statusError("Method not allowed")); os.flush(); } } catch (JSONException e) { //send wrongRequestError os.println(ServerResponse.wrongRequestError().toString()); os.flush(); e.printStackTrace(); } } /*** END SEND LIST CLIENT ***/ } /*** END REVOTE ***/ /*** END-DAY ***/ /*** NIGHT ***/ /*** LIST CLIENT ***/ // requestListClient = false; // while(!requestListClient){ // try { // jsonMessage = new JSONObject(is.readLine()); // method = jsonMessage.optString("method"); // if(method.equals("client_address")){ // os.println(ServerResponse.listClient(myGame.getPlayers())); // os.flush(); // requestListClient = true; // } else { // os.println(ServerResponse.statusError("Method not allowed")); // os.flush(); // } // } catch (JSONException e) { // //send wrongRequestError // os.println(ServerResponse.wrongRequestError().toString()); // os.flush(); // e.printStackTrace(); // } // // } /*** END-LIST CLIENT ***/ /* CHANGE PHASE */ os.println(ServerResponse.changePhase("night", myGame.getDay(), "")); os.flush(); /* SEND VOTE NOW NIGHT */ boolean voteWerewolfNow = false; while (!voteWerewolfNow) { os.println(ServerResponse.voteNow("night")); os.flush(); String response = is.readLine(); try { JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject(response); String status = jsonResponse.optString("status"); if (status.equals("ok")) { os.println(ServerResponse.listClient(myGame.getPlayers())); os.flush(); voteWerewolfNow = true; } else if (jsonResponse.optString("method").equals("leave")) { return; } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /* END-SEND VOTE NOW NIGHT */ boolean someoneKilled = false; while (!someoneKilled) { myGame.setVoteWerewolfFinish(false); myGame.setVoteWerewolfSuccess(false); /* KILL WEREWOLF VOTE */ if (myGame.getLeader() == id_player) {//if the client is leader int vote_attempt = 0; boolean killWerewolfVote = false; while (!killWerewolfVote && vote_attempt < 2) { try { jsonMessage = new JSONObject(is.readLine()); System.out.println("Vote Night from leader " + jsonMessage); method = jsonMessage.optString("method"); if ((method.equals("vote_result_werewolf")) || (method.equals("vote_result"))) { int vote_status = Integer.parseInt(jsonMessage.optString("vote_status")); if (vote_status == 1) { int player_to_kill = Integer .parseInt(jsonMessage.optString("player_killed")); System.out.println("player_killed = " + player_to_kill); myGame.voteKillWerewolf(player_to_kill); os.println(ServerResponse.statusOK()); killWerewolfVote = true; } else { //vote_status = -1 os.println(ServerResponse.statusFail("Tie")); vote_attempt++; } os.flush(); } else if (method.equals("leave")) { myGame.removePlayerWithID(id_player); os.println(ServerResponse.statusOK()); os.flush(); myGame.removePlayerWithID(id_player); return; } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /* END-KILL WEREWOLF VOTE */ /*** WAITING RE-VOTE FINISH ***/ while (!myGame.getVoteWerewolfFinish()) { try { sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /*** END WAITING RE-VOTE FINISH ***/ /*** SEND LIST CLIENT ***/ requestListClient = false; while (!requestListClient) { try { jsonMessage = new JSONObject(is.readLine()); method = jsonMessage.optString("method"); if (method.equals("client_address")) { os.println(ServerResponse.listClient(myGame.getPlayers())); os.flush(); requestListClient = true; } else { os.println(ServerResponse.statusError("Method not allowed")); os.flush(); } } catch (JSONException e) { //send wrongRequestError os.println(ServerResponse.wrongRequestError().toString()); os.flush(); e.printStackTrace(); } } /*** END SEND LIST CLIENT ***/ if (myGame.getVoteWerewolfSuccess()) { someoneKilled = true; } } /*** END-NIGHT ***/ targetDay = cur_day + 1; } /***** END-DAILY LOOP *****/ //get Game Input From Client /*line = is.readLine(); while (line.compareTo("QUIT")!=0) { os.println(line + " from server"); os.flush(); System.out.println("Response to Client : " + line); line=is.readLine(); }*/ } catch (IOException e) { line = this.getName(); //reused String line for getting thread name System.out.println("IO Error/ Client " + line + " terminated abruptly"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { line = this.getName(); //reused String line for getting thread name System.out.println("Client " + line + " Closed"); } catch (JSONException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ServerThread.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { try { System.out.println("Connection Closing.."); if (is != null) { is.close(); System.out.println(" Socket Input Stream Closed"); } if (os != null) { os.close(); System.out.println("Socket Out Closed"); } if (s != null) { s.close(); System.out.println("Socket Closed"); } } catch (IOException ie) { System.out.println("Socket Close Error"); } } } public static void leave(int id_player) { } public synchronized void nextDay() { myGame.nextDay(); } }