Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2001-2014 Yann-Gal Guhneuc and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Yann-Gal Guhneuc and others, see in file; API and its implementation ******************************************************************************/ package padl.creator.classfile; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.jar.JarInputStream; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import padl.creator.classfile.relationship.ContainerRelationshipAnalyzer; import padl.creator.classfile.relationship.Context; import padl.creator.classfile.relationship.RelationshipAnalyzer; import padl.creator.classfile.util.ExtendedFieldInfo; import padl.creator.classfile.util.ExtendedMethodInfo; import padl.creator.classfile.util.PackageCreator; import padl.creator.classfile.util.Utils; import padl.event.AnalysisEvent; import padl.event.IModelListener; import padl.kernel.Constants; import padl.kernel.IClass; import padl.kernel.ICodeLevelModel; import padl.kernel.IConstituentOfEntity; import padl.kernel.IConstructor; import padl.kernel.IContainerAggregation; import padl.kernel.IDelegatingMethod; import padl.kernel.IField; import padl.kernel.IFirstClassEntity; import padl.kernel.IGhost; import padl.kernel.IInterfaceActor; import padl.kernel.IMethod; import padl.kernel.IPackage; import padl.kernel.IParameter; import padl.kernel.impl.ConstituentsRepository; import padl.kernel.impl.Factory; import padl.util.Util; import; import; /** * @author Yann-Gal Guhneuc */ abstract class AbstractClassFileCreator { private static String[] computeMethodCallees(final ConstantPool aConstantPool, final ExtendedMethodInfo aMethodInfo) { final AttrInfoList attributeInfoList = aMethodInfo.getAttributes(); final CodeAttrInfo codeAttributeInfo = (CodeAttrInfo) attributeInfoList.get("Code"); final List calles = new ArrayList(); if (codeAttributeInfo != null) { final byte[] rawCode = codeAttributeInfo.getCode(); final ImmutableCodeSegment immutableCodeSegment = new ImmutableCodeSegment(rawCode); final int numberOfInstructions = immutableCodeSegment.getNumInstructions(); for (int j = 0; j < numberOfInstructions; j++) { final int offset = immutableCodeSegment.getOffset(j); final int opCode = ByteArray.getByteAtOffset(rawCode, offset); switch (opCode) { case JVMConstants.INVOKEINTERFACE: case JVMConstants.INVOKESPECIAL: case JVMConstants.INVOKESTATIC: case JVMConstants.INVOKEVIRTUAL: { int num = ByteArray.getShortAtOffset(rawCode, offset + 1); ConstantPoolEntry constantPoolEntry = aConstantPool.get(num); int[] indices = constantPoolEntry.getIndices(); // TODO: This test should not exist and is there only because of the CFParseBCELConvertor if (indices != null) { String className = aConstantPool.getAsJava(indices[0]); String nameAndType = aConstantPool.getAsJava(indices[1]); calles.add(className + '.' + nameAndType.substring(0, nameAndType.indexOf('.'))); } } break; default: break; } } } final String[] arrayOfCallees = new String[calles.size()]; calles.toArray(arrayOfCallees); return arrayOfCallees; } private final ConstituentsRepository constituentsRepository; private final List listOfClassFiles; private final Map mapOfIDsEntities; private final Map mapOfPackageNamesPackages; private final boolean storeMethodInvocation; public AbstractClassFileCreator(final String[] someClassFiles, final boolean recurseIntoDirectories, final boolean storeMethodInvocation) { this.constituentsRepository = ConstituentsRepository.getInstance(); this.listOfClassFiles = new ArrayList(); this.mapOfIDsEntities = new HashMap(); this.mapOfPackageNamesPackages = new HashMap(); this.storeMethodInvocation = storeMethodInvocation; for (int i = 0; i < someClassFiles.length; i++) { // I add this new package to the current AbstractLevelModel model. ProxyConsole.getInstance().normalOutput().print("Loading class files in: "); ProxyConsole.getInstance().normalOutput().println(someClassFiles[i]); final ClassFile[] classFiles; if (someClassFiles[i].endsWith(".jar")) { classFiles = SubtypeLoader.loadSubtypesFromJar(null, someClassFiles[i], ".class"); } else if (someClassFiles[i].endsWith(".class")) { classFiles = SubtypeLoader.loadSubtypeFromFile(null, someClassFiles[i], ".class"); } else if (recurseIntoDirectories) { // Yann 2004/10/16: Recursion! // I add a new flag to know whether or not to recurse // into directories when loading class files. I should // change this to get as parameter a new type Directory // that would contain the name of a directory and whether // to recurse for this paricular directory. // TODO: Replace the recurseIntoDirectories with a type Directory classFiles = SubtypeLoader.loadRecursivelySubtypesFromDir(null, someClassFiles[i], ".class"); } else { classFiles = SubtypeLoader.loadSubtypesFromDir(null, someClassFiles[i], ".class"); } // @Note David: Is this sorting of classes by the alphabetical order? // If it is, why is // Arrays.sort(results, new ClassNameAlphabeticalComparator()); // in SubtypeLoader.loadSubtypesFromJar? for (int j = 0; j < classFiles.length; j++) { // Yann 2005/09/26: Member classes! // I now handle membre classes, thus, I need class files // to be sorted by the alphabetical order of their names. final String currentClassFileName = classFiles[j].getName(); final int numberOfClassFiles = this.listOfClassFiles.size(); int index = 0; while (index < numberOfClassFiles && ((ClassFile) this.listOfClassFiles.get(index)).getName() .compareTo(currentClassFileName) <= 0) { index++; } this.listOfClassFiles.add(index, classFiles[j]); } } } public AbstractClassFileCreator(final JarInputStream inputStream, final boolean storeMethodInvocation) { this.constituentsRepository = ConstituentsRepository.getInstance(); this.listOfClassFiles = new ArrayList(); this.mapOfIDsEntities = new HashMap(); this.mapOfPackageNamesPackages = new HashMap(); this.storeMethodInvocation = storeMethodInvocation; final ClassFile[] classFiles; // I add this new package to the current AbstractLevelModel model. ProxyConsole.getInstance().normalOutput().print("Loading class files from in: "); ProxyConsole.getInstance().normalOutput().println("jar input stream"); classFiles = SubtypeLoader.loadSubtypesFromJarInputStream(null, inputStream, ".class"); // @Note David: Is this sorting of classes by the alphabetical order? // If it is, why is // Arrays.sort(results, new ClassNameAlphabeticalComparator()); // in SubtypeLoader.loadSubtypesFromJar? for (int j = 0; j < classFiles.length; j++) { // Yann 2005/09/26: Member classes! // I now handle membre classes, thus, I need class files // to be sorted by the alphabetical order of their names. final String currentClassFileName = classFiles[j].getName(); final int numberOfClassFiles = this.listOfClassFiles.size(); int index = 0; while (index < numberOfClassFiles && ((ClassFile) this.listOfClassFiles.get(index)).getName() .compareTo(currentClassFileName) <= 0) { index++; } this.listOfClassFiles.add(index, classFiles[j]); } } public void create(final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel) { final ClassFile[] listOfEntities = this.constituentsRepository.getEntities(); final ClassFile[] listOfElements = this.constituentsRepository.getElements(); this.createPackages(aCodeLevelModel, this.listOfClassFiles, this.constituentsRepository, listOfEntities); this.createEntities(aCodeLevelModel, this.listOfClassFiles, this.constituentsRepository, listOfEntities); this.createElements(aCodeLevelModel, this.listOfClassFiles, this.constituentsRepository, listOfElements); } private void createElements(final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel, final List listOfSourceConstituents, final ConstituentsRepository constituentsRepository, final ClassFile[] listOfElements) { RelationshipAnalyzer.initialise(this.mapOfIDsEntities); Context.initialise(this.mapOfIDsEntities); int[] sortedElements = new int[listOfElements.length]; final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); String constituentName; for (int x = 0; x < listOfElements.length; x++) { constituentName = constituentsRepository.getElements()[x].getName(); try { buffer.append("recognize"); buffer.append(constituentName.substring(constituentName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1)); buffer.append("Priority"); sortedElements[x] = ((Integer) this.getClass().getMethod(buffer.toString(), new java.lang.Class[0]) .invoke(this, new Object[0])).intValue(); buffer.setLength(0); } catch (final Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(ProxyConsole.getInstance().errorOutput()); } finally { // Yann 2004/03/31: Reset! // In any case (okay or exception), I reset // the buffer from its content. buffer.setLength(0); } } sortedElements = Utils.sortByPriority(sortedElements); // Yann 2002/08/01: Concurrent modification. // While I iterate over the list of entities, // I may want to add new entities (instances of Ghost), // thus I cannot use the iterator mechanism provided // by Java, because it implements a fail-safe security. // Yann 2004/04/10: Sorting out! // The fix described in the above comment is no longer valid. // I now sort the entities and the elements to get them in a // consistent order across platforms and implementations // (mainly for testing purposes). Thus, ghosts created during // the creation of elements may "push down" the list the entity // being analyzed... and element will be added (or tried to) // more than once, resulting in not-good-looking exceptions. // I added code to refocus the i index. // Yann 2006/02/10: Wrong order... all this time! // I should not iterate over entities and call the // recognise() methods on it but iterate over each // recognise() methods and call each on all the entities // this should prevent the "duplicate actor ID" problem... final List listOfSubmittedElements = new ArrayList(); for (int elementRecogniserNumber = 0; elementRecogniserNumber < listOfElements.length; elementRecogniserNumber++) { // Yann 2006/08/03: Member entities! // I should not iterate over the entities of the code-level model // because this model does not contain *directly* references to // member entities and thus these entities are not fed with their // methods and fields!!! // final Iterator iteratorOnEntities = // aCodeLevelModel.getIteratorOnConstituents(IEntity.class); // I now iterate over the list of provided classfiles, thus // including method in member classes. final Iterator iteratorOnEntities = listOfSourceConstituents.iterator(); while (iteratorOnEntities.hasNext()) { // I look for the entity corresponding instance of class Class. // I cannot use: // Class.forName(((Entity) enum.nextElement()).getName()) // Since the given user's classes may not be in the classpath and // have been loaded from a different class loader. // Yann 2005/10/07: Packages! // A model may now contrain entities and packages. final ClassFile currentClass = (ClassFile); final char[] currentClassName = currentClass.getName().toCharArray(); if (!Utils.isAnonymousOrLocalEntity(currentClassName) && !Utils.isLocalOrLocalMemberEntity(currentClassName)) { final IFirstClassEntity firstClassEntity = Utils.getEntityOrCreateGhost(aCodeLevelModel, currentClassName, this.mapOfIDsEntities); constituentName = constituentsRepository.getElements()[sortedElements[elementRecogniserNumber]] .getName(); if (!(firstClassEntity instanceof IGhost)) { aCodeLevelModel.fireModelChange(IModelListener.ENTITY_ANALYZED, new AnalysisEvent(currentClassName, constituentName.toCharArray())); // I reset the list of submitted elements and entities. listOfSubmittedElements.clear(); // I fill up the Element. for (int i = 0; i < currentClass.getMethods().length(); i++) { // Yann 2016/09/21: Synthetic attributes! // Starting with JDK 1.6. generic introduced // all kind of perks... including "new" // synthetic methods! // final MethodInfo methodInfo = currentClass.getMethods().get(i); if (AttrUtils.getAttrByName(methodInfo.getAttrs(), "Synthetic") == null) { listOfSubmittedElements.add(new ExtendedMethodInfo(currentClass, methodInfo)); } } for (int i = 0; i < currentClass.getFields().length(); i++) { listOfSubmittedElements .add(new ExtendedFieldInfo(currentClass, currentClass.getFields().get(i))); } try { // Yann 2002/07/31: Priorities. // I must keep the fields and the methods in // the list of submitted constituents, // because they might be used later to create // a Aggregation linked with them. // Yann 2003/12/22: ICodeLevelModelCreator. // I now use the method provided by the instance // of ICodeLevelModelCreator. // Misc // .getDeclaredMethod( // constituentRepository // .getElements()[sortedElements[x]], // "recognize") // .invoke( // null, // new Object[] { // listOfSubmittedElements, // this }); buffer.append("recognize"); buffer.append(constituentName.substring(constituentName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1)); this.getClass() .getMethod(buffer.toString(), new java.lang.Class[] { List.class, ICodeLevelModel.class }) .invoke(this, new Object[] { listOfSubmittedElements, aCodeLevelModel }); } catch (final NoSuchMethodException t) { ProxyConsole.getInstance().errorOutput() .print(AbstractClassFileCreator.class.getName()); ProxyConsole.getInstance().errorOutput().print(" cannot invoke "); ProxyConsole.getInstance().errorOutput() .println(listOfElements[sortedElements[elementRecogniserNumber]].getName()); // t.printStackTrace(ProxyConsole // .getInstance() // .errorOutput()); // Yann 2004/06/02: Flush. // I make sure I flush the output stream to // display as soon as possible exceptions. // Yann 2004/07/15: Flush! // This is now taken care of by the OutputManager class. // OutputManager // .getCurrentOutputManager() // .getErrorOutput() // .flush(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(ProxyConsole.getInstance().errorOutput()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(ProxyConsole.getInstance().errorOutput()); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(ProxyConsole.getInstance().errorOutput()); } catch (SecurityException e) { e.printStackTrace(ProxyConsole.getInstance().errorOutput()); } finally { // Yann 2004/03/31: Reset! // In any case (okay or exception), I reset // the buffer from its content. buffer.setLength(0); } } else { aCodeLevelModel.fireModelChange(IModelListener.ENTITY_SKIPPED, new AnalysisEvent(currentClassName, constituentName.toCharArray())); } } } // Yann 2004/04/10: Refocus. // Ghosts created during the analysis may have // "pushed down" the current entities down the // temporary list. I need to refocus the index // accordingly. I start from the index because // entities can be added only, not deleted. // I need to do this for each entity. // for (int j = i; j < temporayListOfEntities.size(); j++) { // if (((IEntity) temporayListOfEntities.get(j)) // .getName() // .equals(currentClassName)) { // // i = j; // j = temporayListOfEntities.size(); // } // } } } private void createEntities(final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel, final List listOfSourceConstituents, final ConstituentsRepository constituentsRepository, final ClassFile[] listOfEntities) { // Yann 2006/02/03: Spring cleaning. // Handling member classes makes it harder and harder to // analyse entities using the legacy code below. I rewrite // this algorithm to perform the creation of entities // (including membre entitie) and their connection // (inheritance and implementation) in two pass: // 1. I create all the entities, including member entities. // I put the entities in the right packages. // 2. I connect the entities with one another through // inheritance and implementation, as appropriate. // 1. Iterator iterator = listOfSourceConstituents.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final ClassFile classFile = (ClassFile); final String entityDisplayID = classFile.getName(); char[] entityID = entityDisplayID.toCharArray(); // I assume that the classfiles are sorted such as member // entities appear *after* their containing entities. // Yann 2011/10/01: Local entity! // There is an entity with ID: // javax.swing.JSlider$1$SmartHashtable$LabelUIResource // that must be dealt with as a local entity. if (!Utils.isAnonymousOrLocalEntity(entityID) && !Utils.isLocalOrLocalMemberEntity(entityID)) { if (!Utils.isMemberEntity(entityID)) { final IFirstClassEntity firstClassEntity; if (Utils.isClass(classFile)) { firstClassEntity = aCodeLevelModel.getFactory().createClass(entityID, Utils.computeSimpleName(entityID)); } else { firstClassEntity = aCodeLevelModel.getFactory().createInterface(entityID, Utils.computeSimpleName(entityID)); } firstClassEntity.setVisibility(classFile.getAccess()); final IPackage enclosingPackage = Utils.getPackage(this.mapOfPackageNamesPackages, entityID); enclosingPackage.addConstituent(firstClassEntity); this.mapOfIDsEntities.put(entityDisplayID, firstClassEntity); } else { final IFirstClassEntity memberEntity; if (Utils.isClass(classFile)) { memberEntity = aCodeLevelModel.getFactory().createMemberClass(entityID, Utils.computeSimpleName(entityID)); } else { memberEntity = aCodeLevelModel.getFactory().createMemberInterface(entityID, Utils.computeSimpleName(entityID)); } memberEntity.setVisibility(classFile.getAccess()); final char[] enclosingEntityID = ArrayUtils.subarray(entityID, 0, ArrayUtils.lastIndexOf(entityID, '$')); Utils.searchForEntity(aCodeLevelModel, enclosingEntityID) .addConstituent((IConstituentOfEntity) memberEntity); this.mapOfIDsEntities.put(entityDisplayID, memberEntity); } } } // 2. At this point, all missing entities must be ghosts! iterator = listOfSourceConstituents.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final ClassFile classFile = (ClassFile); final String entityDisplayName = classFile.getName(); final char[] entityName = entityDisplayName.toCharArray(); if (!Utils.isAnonymousOrLocalEntity(entityName) && !Utils.isLocalOrLocalMemberEntity(entityName)) { // Yann 2008/11/06: Performance. // To increase the performance when building a model // from Java code, I maintain internally a map of // IDs and entities. final IFirstClassEntity firstClassEntity = Utils.getEntityOrCreateGhost(aCodeLevelModel, entityName, this.mapOfIDsEntities); // Yann 2006/02/09: java.lang.Object // The java.lang.Object class does not have a superclass. // Hence, its superclass name would be "" but I don't // want to create a Ghost with no name... // Yann 2014/04/11: Object! // Wow, for the longest time, I was not adding Object // as super-entity for interfaces: weird that it never // caused problem before??? if (!(firstClassEntity.equals(Factory.getInstance().createHierarchyRoot()))) { final String superClassDisplayName = classFile.getSuperName(); final char[] superClassName = superClassDisplayName.toCharArray(); final IFirstClassEntity superEntity = Utils.getEntityOrCreateGhost(aCodeLevelModel, superClassName, this.mapOfIDsEntities); ((IFirstClassEntity) firstClassEntity).addInheritedEntity(superEntity); } final InterfaceList interfaceList = classFile.getInterfaces(); for (int i = 0; i < interfaceList.length(); i++) { final String superInterfaceDisplayName = interfaceList.get(i); final char[] superInterfaceName = superInterfaceDisplayName.toCharArray(); final IFirstClassEntity superEntity = Utils.getEntityOrCreateGhost(aCodeLevelModel, superInterfaceName, this.mapOfIDsEntities); if (firstClassEntity instanceof IClass) { ((IClass) firstClassEntity).addImplementedInterface((IInterfaceActor) superEntity); } else { ((IInterfaceActor) firstClassEntity).addInheritedEntity(superEntity); } } } } } private void createPackages(final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel, final List listOfSourceConstituents, final ConstituentsRepository constituentsRepository, final ClassFile[] listOfEntities) { // Yann 2008/11/03: Packages. // Packages are now mandatory! final Iterator iterator = listOfSourceConstituents.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final ClassFile classFile = (ClassFile); final String entityDisplayName = classFile.getName(); final char[] entityName = entityDisplayName.toCharArray(); final char[] packageName = Utils.extractPackageName(entityName); final IPackage enclosingPackage = Utils.searchForPackage(aCodeLevelModel, entityName, new PackageCreator() { public IPackage create(final char[] aName) { return Factory.getInstance().createPackage(aName); } }); if (!this.mapOfPackageNamesPackages.containsKey(packageName)) { this.mapOfPackageNamesPackages.put(String.valueOf(packageName), enclosingPackage); } } } public List recognizeAggregation(final List aListOfSubmittedConstituents, final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel) { return aListOfSubmittedConstituents; } public int recognizeAggregationPriority() { return Constants.NORMAL_RECOGNITION_PRIORITY; } public List recognizeAssociation(final List aListOfSubmittedConstituents, final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel) { return aListOfSubmittedConstituents; } public int recognizeAssociationPriority() { return Constants.HIGH_RECOGNITION_PRIORITY; } public List recognizeComposition(final List aListOfSubmittedConstituents, final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel) { return aListOfSubmittedConstituents; } public int recognizeCompositionPriority() { return Constants.NORMAL_RECOGNITION_PRIORITY; } public List recognizeConstructor(final List aListOfSubmittedConstituents, final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel) { final List notRecognized = new ArrayList(); final Iterator iterator = aListOfSubmittedConstituents.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final Object element =; if (element instanceof ExtendedMethodInfo) { ExtendedMethodInfo currentExtendedMethod = (ExtendedMethodInfo) element; // Yann 2004/03/28: Constructors. // If the method is a constructor, I take care // of giving it the proper name and return type. final char[] name = currentExtendedMethod.getName(); // Yann 2005/08/15: Inner classes! // I now manage inner and anonymous classes... // if (Utils.isSpecialMethod(name) // && !Misc.isAnonymousClass( // currentExtendedMethod.getDeclaringClassName())) { if (Utils.isSpecialMethod(name)) { final IConstructor currentConstructor = aCodeLevelModel.getFactory().createConstructor( Utils.computeSignature(currentExtendedMethod), Util.computeSimpleName(currentExtendedMethod.getDeclaringClassName())); currentConstructor.setVisibility(currentExtendedMethod.getVisibility()); final char[][] detectedParameters = currentExtendedMethod.getParameters(); for (int i = 0; i < detectedParameters.length; i++) { // Yann 2004/01/25: Arrays and primitive types! // I must be careful with arrays (remove the // brackets) and primitive types (do not attempt // to create a Ghost from them). // Yann 2009/05/02: No String anymore! // Cool, eh? char[] paramType = detectedParameters[i]; int cardinality = 1; final int bracketIndex = ArrayUtils.indexOf(paramType, '['); if (bracketIndex > -1) { cardinality = (paramType.length - bracketIndex) / 2 + 1; paramType = ArrayUtils.subarray(paramType, 0, bracketIndex); } final IParameter parameter = this.createParameter(aCodeLevelModel, paramType, cardinality); currentConstructor.addConstituent(parameter); } // Yann 2005/12/29: Duplicate... // Actually, the RelationshipAnalyser might already have created // a method in an entity if this method was called from another // entity. Thus, there would be an attempt to add a "duplicate" // element, which is legitimate but taken care of by the new condition. final IFirstClassEntity firstClassEntity = Utils.getEntityOrCreateGhost(aCodeLevelModel, currentExtendedMethod.getDeclaringClassName(), this.mapOfIDsEntities); if (!firstClassEntity.doesContainConstituentWithID(currentConstructor.getID())) { firstClassEntity.addConstituent(currentConstructor); } } } else { notRecognized.add(element); // This is not a method, next... } } return notRecognized; } private IParameter createParameter(final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel, final char[] someParamType, final int cardinality) { final IParameter parameter; if (Util.isPrimtiveType(someParamType)) { parameter = aCodeLevelModel.getFactory().createParameter( aCodeLevelModel.getFactory().createPrimitiveEntity(someParamType), cardinality); } else { parameter = aCodeLevelModel.getFactory().createParameter( Utils.getEntityOrCreateGhost(aCodeLevelModel, someParamType, this.mapOfIDsEntities), cardinality); } return parameter; } public int recognizeConstructorPriority() { // Yann 2004/01/25: Priority. // Priority should be: // return Constants.LOWEST_RECOGNITION_PRIORITY; // Yann 2004/08/09: Priority. // Priorities as they are now make more sense. return Constants.HIGH_RECOGNITION_PRIORITY; } public List recognizeContainerAggregation(final List aListOfSubmittedConstituents, final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel) { // Yann 2007/10/30: AACRelationshipAnalyser! // The building of the relationships is now // externalised in a real analysis. if (Utils.ENABLE_BUILT_IN_AAC_ANALYSIS) { ContainerRelationshipAnalyzer.recognizeContainerAggregation(aListOfSubmittedConstituents, aCodeLevelModel); } return aListOfSubmittedConstituents; } public int recognizeContainerAggregationPriority() { // Yann 2004/01/25: Priority. // Priority should be: // return Constants.LOW_RECOGNITION_PRIORITY; // Yann 2004/08/09: Priority. // Priorities as they are now make more sense. return Constants.LOW_RECOGNITION_PRIORITY; } public List recognizeContainerComposition(final List aListOfSubmittedConstituents, final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel) { return aListOfSubmittedConstituents; } public int recognizeContainerCompositionPriority() { // Yann 2004/01/25: Priority. // Priority should be: // return Constants.LOW_RECOGNITION_PRIORITY; // Yann 2004/08/09: Priority. // Priorities as they are now make more sense. return Constants.LOW_RECOGNITION_PRIORITY; } public List recognizeCreation(final List aListOfSubmittedConstituents, final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel) { return aListOfSubmittedConstituents; } public int recognizeCreationPriority() { return Constants.LOW_RECOGNITION_PRIORITY; } public List recognizeDelegatingMethod(final List aListOfSubmittedConstituents, final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel) { // A method submitted is a PDelegating method if inside the // the method body there is one method call to a method that // has the same name. final Iterator iterator = aListOfSubmittedConstituents.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final Object member =; if (member instanceof ExtendedMethodInfo) { final ExtendedMethodInfo extendedMethodInfo = (ExtendedMethodInfo) member; // final MethodInfo methodInfo = extendedMethodInfo.getMethod(); final String[] callees = AbstractClassFileCreator.computeMethodCallees( extendedMethodInfo.getDeclaringClassConstantPool(), extendedMethodInfo); if (callees.length == 1) { if (callees[0].substring(callees[0].lastIndexOf('.') + 1) .equals(extendedMethodInfo.getName())) { final String calleesTypeName = callees[0].substring(0, callees[0].lastIndexOf('.')); final IFirstClassEntity currentEntity = Utils.getEntityOrCreateGhost(aCodeLevelModel, extendedMethodInfo.getDeclaringClassName(), this.mapOfIDsEntities); final Iterator iteratorOnContainerAggregation = currentEntity .getIteratorOnConstituents(IContainerAggregation.class); while (iteratorOnContainerAggregation.hasNext()) { final IContainerAggregation aggregation = (IContainerAggregation) iteratorOnContainerAggregation .next(); // Yann 2003/12/15: FieldType vs. TargetEntity // In previous version, the if was about // getFieldType() (see v1) in the stead of // getTargetEntity(). Now, it is the target // actor that we want to check. if (aggregation.getTargetEntity().equals(calleesTypeName)) { // TODO: The target method should not be "null"! final IDelegatingMethod delegatingMethod = aCodeLevelModel.getFactory() .createDelegatingMethod(extendedMethodInfo.getName(), aggregation, null); currentEntity.addConstituent(delegatingMethod); iterator.remove(); } } } } } } return aListOfSubmittedConstituents; } public int recognizeDelegatingMethodPriority() { return Constants.LOWEST_RECOGNITION_PRIORITY; } public List recognizeEnum(final List aListOfSubmittedConstituents, final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel) { return aListOfSubmittedConstituents; } public int recognizeEnumPriority() { return Constants.NORMAL_RECOGNITION_PRIORITY; } public List recognizeField(final List aListOfSubmittedConstituents, final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel) { final List notRecognized = new ArrayList(); final Iterator enumarator = aListOfSubmittedConstituents.iterator(); while (enumarator.hasNext()) { final Object element =; if (element instanceof ExtendedFieldInfo) { final ExtendedFieldInfo currentField = (ExtendedFieldInfo) element; char[] fieldType = currentField.getType(); final int cardinality = Util.isArrayOrCollection(fieldType) ? Constants.CARDINALITY_MANY : Constants.CARDINALITY_ONE; // Yann 2003/11/29: Array! // I must take care of removing brackets for array. int index; if ((index = ArrayUtils.indexOf(fieldType, '[')) == -1) { index = fieldType.length; } fieldType = ArrayUtils.subarray(fieldType, 0, index); // Yann 2002/08/01: Ghost! // From now on, if an entity cannot be found in the // list of entities, I create a ghost for it... // Yann 2003/11/29: Primitive type. // I must take care not to add primitive type. final IField field; if (Util.isPrimtiveType(fieldType)) { field = aCodeLevelModel.getFactory().createField(currentField.getName(), currentField.getName(), fieldType, cardinality); } else { final IFirstClassEntity targetEntity = Utils.getEntityOrCreateGhost(aCodeLevelModel, fieldType, this.mapOfIDsEntities); // Yann 2006/02/08: Members! // The getConstituentFromID() method takes care of members and ghosts... // if (targetEntity == null // && !Utils.isAnonymousEntity(fieldType)) { // // targetEntity = // aCodeLevelModel.getFactory().createGhost( // fieldType); // aCodeLevelModel.addConstituent(targetEntity); // } field = aCodeLevelModel.getFactory().createField(currentField.getName(), currentField.getName(), targetEntity.getID(), cardinality); } field.setVisibility(currentField.getVisibility()); final IFirstClassEntity firstClassEntity = Utils.getEntityOrCreateGhost(aCodeLevelModel, currentField.getDeclaringClassName(), this.mapOfIDsEntities); firstClassEntity.addConstituent(field); } else { // this is not a field, next ... notRecognized.add(element); } } return notRecognized; } public int recognizeFieldPriority() { // Yann 2004/01/25: Priority. // Priority should be: // return Constants.LOWEST_RECOGNITION_PRIORITY; // Yann 2004/08/09: Priority. // Priorities as they are now make more sense. return Constants.HIGHEST_RECOGNITION_PRIORITY; } public List recognizeGeneralisation(final List aListOfSubmittedConstituents, final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel) { return aListOfSubmittedConstituents; } public int recognizeGeneralisationPriority() { return Constants.NORMAL_RECOGNITION_PRIORITY; } public List recognizeImplementation(final List aListOfSubmittedConstituents, final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel) { return aListOfSubmittedConstituents; } public int recognizeImplementationPriority() { return Constants.NORMAL_RECOGNITION_PRIORITY; } public List recognizeMethod(final List aListOfSubmittedConstituents, final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel) { final List notRecognized = new ArrayList(); final Iterator iterator = aListOfSubmittedConstituents.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final Object element =; if (element instanceof ExtendedMethodInfo) { ExtendedMethodInfo currentExtendedMethod = (ExtendedMethodInfo) element; // Yann 2004/03/28: Constructors. // If the method is a constructor, I take care // of giving it the proper name and return type. final char[] name = currentExtendedMethod.getName(); if (!Utils.isSpecialMethod(name)) { final IMethod currentMethod = aCodeLevelModel.getFactory() .createMethod(Utils.computeSignature(currentExtendedMethod), name); // Farouk 2004/02/19: Constituent ID. // The method makeSignature is the new way to give an // actor ID to a method, instead of using toString() // from MethodInfo. currentMethod.setReturnType(currentExtendedMethod.getReturnType()); currentMethod.setVisibility(currentExtendedMethod.getVisibility()); final char[][] detectedParameters = currentExtendedMethod.getParameters(); for (int i = 0; i < detectedParameters.length; i++) { // Yann 2004/01/25: Arrays and primitive types! // I must be careful with arrays (remove the // brackets) and primitive types (do not attempt // to create a Ghost from them). // Yann 2006/02/08: Members! // The searchForEntity() method takes care of members and ghosts... // if (anEntity == null // && !padl.util.Util.isPrimtiveType(paramType) // && !Utils.isAnonymousEntity(paramType)) { // // anEntity = // aCodeLevelModel.getFactory().createGhost( // paramType); // aCodeLevelModel.addConstituent(anEntity); // } // // Yann 2004/08/07: Parameters! // Parameters now take care of their // cardinlity by themselves... // Yann 2007/08/31: Member... // I should not replace the $ sign by // a . because then I cannot know that // the type is a member type anymore... // this would not happen if IEntity // was used instead of String! // // Yann 2009/05/02: No String anymore! // Cool, eh? char[] paramType = detectedParameters[i]; int cardinality = 1; final int bracketIndex = ArrayUtils.indexOf(paramType, '['); if (bracketIndex > -1) { cardinality = (paramType.length - bracketIndex) / 2 + 1; paramType = ArrayUtils.subarray(paramType, 0, bracketIndex); } final IParameter parameter = this.createParameter(aCodeLevelModel, paramType, cardinality); currentMethod.addConstituent(parameter); } // Yann 2005/12/29: Duplicate... // Actually, the RelationshipAnalyser might already have created // a method in an entity if this method was called from another // entity. Thus, there would be an attempt to add a "duplicate" // element, which is legitimate but taken care of by the new condition. final IFirstClassEntity firstClassEntity = Utils.getEntityOrCreateGhost(aCodeLevelModel, currentExtendedMethod.getDeclaringClassName(), this.mapOfIDsEntities); if (!firstClassEntity.doesContainConstituentWithID(currentMethod.getID())) { firstClassEntity.addConstituent(currentMethod); } } } else { notRecognized.add(element); // This is not a method, next... } } return notRecognized; } public int recognizeMethodPriority() { // Yann 2004/01/25: Priority. // Priority should be: // return Constants.LOWEST_RECOGNITION_PRIORITY; // Yann 2004/08/09: Priority. // Priorities as they are now make more sense. return Constants.HIGH_RECOGNITION_PRIORITY; } public List recognizeRelationship(final List aListOfSubmittedConstituents, final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel) { // Yann 2007/10/30: Do not remove! // Even though I clearly distinguish now between // code-level models and idiom-level models, I // keep this call to make sure that MethodInvocation // are properly created because I need them for the // AACRelationshipAnalyser RelationshipAnalyzer.recogniseRelationship(aListOfSubmittedConstituents, aCodeLevelModel, this.storeMethodInvocation); return aListOfSubmittedConstituents; } public int recognizeRelationshipPriority() { // Yann 2004/01/25: Priority. // Priority should be: // return Constants.HIGHEST_RECOGNITION_PRIORITY; // Yann 2004/08/09: Priority. // Priorities as they are now make more sense. return Constants.NORMAL_RECOGNITION_PRIORITY; } public List recognizeSpecialisation(final List aListOfSubmittedConstituents, final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel) { return aListOfSubmittedConstituents; } public int recognizeSpecialisationPriority() { return Constants.NORMAL_RECOGNITION_PRIORITY; } public List recognizeStructure(final List aListOfSubmittedConstituents, final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel) { return aListOfSubmittedConstituents; } public int recognizeStructurePriority() { return Constants.NORMAL_RECOGNITION_PRIORITY; } public List recognizeUnion(final List aListOfSubmittedConstituents, final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel) { return aListOfSubmittedConstituents; } public int recognizeUnionPriority() { return Constants.NORMAL_RECOGNITION_PRIORITY; } public List recognizeUseRelationship(final List aListOfSubmittedConstituents, final ICodeLevelModel aCodeLevelModel) { return aListOfSubmittedConstituents; } public int recognizeUseRelationshipPriority() { // Yann 2004/01/25: Priority. // Priority should be: // return Constants.HIGHEST_RECOGNITION_PRIORITY; // Yann 2004/08/09: Priority. // Priorities as they are now make more sense. return Constants.LOWEST_RECOGNITION_PRIORITY; } }