Java tutorial
/** Copyright 2016, University of Messina. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package OSFFM_ORC; import API.EASTAPI.Clients.Fednet; import API.EASTAPI.Clients.NetworkSegment; import API.EASTAPI.Clients.Site; import API.EASTAPI.Clients.Tenant; import API.SOUTHBR.FA_ScriptInvoke; import API.SOUTHBR.FA_client4Network; import API.SOUTHBR.FA_client4Sites; import JClouds_Adapter.FunctionResponseContainer; import JClouds_Adapter.KeystoneTest; import JClouds_Adapter.NeutronTest; import JClouds_Adapter.OpenstackInfoContainer; import MDBInt.DBMongo; import MDBInt.FederatedUser; import MDBInt.FederationAgentInfo; import MDBInt.FederationUser; import MDBInt.MDBIException; import OSFFM_ORC.Utils.FANContainer; import OSFFM_ORC.Utils.FednetsLink; import; import com.mongodb.util.JSON; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.domain.Network; import org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.domain.Networks; import org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.domain.Subnet; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import utils.Exception.WSException; import utils.Exception.WSException500; /** * All action that will be done on each federated cloud is Managed inside this * Class. * * @author Giuseppe Tricomi */ public class FederationActionManager { static final org.apache.log4j.Logger LOGGER = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(FederationActionManager.class); public FederationActionManager() { } /** * This function is prepared for future usage it has the scope to add a * network segment inside Openstack in order to absolve at a FEDSDN calls. * * @param fu * @param OSF_network_segment_id * @param OSF_cloud * @param netParameter * @param federationTenant * @return * @throws Exception */ public JSONObject networkSegmentAdd(FederationUser fu, String OSF_network_segment_id, String OSF_cloud, HashMap netParameter, String federationTenant) throws Exception { DBMongo db = new DBMongo(); JSONObject reply = new JSONObject(); db.init(); db.setDbName(federationTenant); db.connectLocale(db.getMdbIp()); HashMap fum = this.getAllFederatedCloudCreds(fu); JSONObject network_info = new JSONObject(), network_infoGLOBAL = new JSONObject(); JSONArray ja = new JSONArray(); Set s = fum.keySet(); OpenstackInfoContainer credential = null; NeutronTest neutron = null; Iterator i = s.iterator(); FederatedUser fed_U = null; while (i.hasNext()) { try { //Momentaneamente viene implementata una gestione singola del cloud federato. //nel caso in cui si decider di gestire globalmente l'insieme dei cloud federati fare come indicato sotto, rimuovendo ////l'if che controlla il cloud //////>>>BEACON: inserire gestione con array di thread ogni thread dovr: JSONObject fdu = (JSONObject) fum.get(; if (!((String) fdu.get("federatedCloud")).equals(OSF_cloud)) { continue; } fed_U = new FederatedUser(fdu.toString()); String federated_cmp_endp = (String) db .getDatacenterFromId(fu.getUser(), (String) fdu.get("federatedCloud")).get("idmEndpoint");//TO BE VERIFIED credential = new OpenstackInfoContainer((String) fdu.get("federatedCloud"), federated_cmp_endp, fu.getUser(), (String) fdu.get("federatedUser"), (String) fdu.get("federatedPassword"), fed_U.getRegion()); neutron = new NeutronTest(credential.getEndpoint(), credential.getTenant(), credential.getUser(), credential.getPassword(), credential.getRegion()); } catch (Exception e) { reply.put("returncode", 1); reply.put("errormesg", "USER_AUTHENTICATION_EXCEPTION: OPERATION ABORTED"); reply.put("network_info", "null"); LOGGER.error("USER_AUTHENTICATION_EXCEPTION: OPERATION ABORTED >>>[Token:" + fu.getToken() + "]; No federated credential has found for selected parameters."); throw new Exception(reply.toString()); } String cidr = ""; boolean found = false, cidrPresent = false; String internalNetId = db.getInternalNetworkID(fu.getUser(), OSF_network_segment_id, fed_U.getCloud()); if (internalNetId != null) { Networks N = neutron.listNetworks(); Iterator<Network> iN = N.iterator(); found = false; while (i.hasNext() && !found) { Network n =; if (internalNetId.equals(n.getId())) { found = true;//nothing to do } } if (!found) { //this is the case when some info aren't aligned, the internal ID for netsegment are present but //// no network is retrieved for tenant inside the cloud match it. //Inserire qui la chiamata relativa al Network Segment verso l'API "/fednet/{fednetId}/{site_id}/netsegment/{netsegment_id}" ////da cui ritrovare tutte le varie //in alternativa creare le informazioni qui: HashMap th = new HashMap(); th.put("netsegments", OSF_network_segment_id); org.json.JSONObject j = db.getcidrInfoes(fu.getUser(), th); if (j != null) { //this is the case when a cidr is already defined for this fednet and FederationUser. That would mean that we have to create the ////other netsegments of the fednet with ther same parameters. th = new HashMap(); th.put("netsegments", OSF_network_segment_id); th.put("cloudId", fed_U.getCloud()); org.json.JSONObject j2 = db.getcidrInfoes(fu.getUser(), th); if (j2 == null) { //on mongo the netsegments searched is not found for this cloud then we will take the federation cidr cidr = (String) j.get("cidr"); } else { //disallineamento presente un cidr ma non c' un internalId che corrisponda al netsegments //sarebbe giusto creare un eccezione throw new Exception( "A problematic situation is founded! MongoDB information aren't alingned Contact the administrator!"); } } else { //this is the case when on mongo the cidr for netsegments indicated is not found. This case represent first istantiation of the ////netsegment for this fednet and FederationUser. cidrPresent = true; } } else { //match //nothing to do } } else { internalNetId = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } //prepare and retrieve information for creation of network Boolean dhcp = (Boolean) netParameter.get("dhcpEnable"); if (dhcp == null) { dhcp = false; } Boolean shared = (Boolean) netParameter.get("shared"); if (shared == null) { shared = false; } Boolean external = (Boolean) netParameter.get("external"); if (external == null) { external = false; } Boolean adminStateUp = (Boolean) netParameter.get("adminStateUp"); if (adminStateUp == null) { adminStateUp = false; } String subnetId = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString(); if (!cidrPresent) { cidr = this.cidrgen(); } HashMap allpo = this.calculateAllocationPool(cidr); SubnetUtils su = new SubnetUtils(cidr); SubnetInfo si = su.getInfo(); String gwadd = si.getLowAddress(); String fednets = "";//fednet; try { FunctionResponseContainer frc = neutron.createCompleteNetw(fed_U.getRegion(), internalNetId, cidr, (String) allpo.get("allocationPoolStart"), (String) allpo.get("allocationPoolEnd"), subnetId, gwadd, dhcp, fu.getUser(), shared, external, adminStateUp, fednets); //da frc. si possono ottenere le informazioni qui presenti /* Network{id=258453f7-b655-4fbd-bee6-d1ac2d9fe7bc, status=ACTIVE, subnets=[], name=ert, adminStateUp=true, shared=true, tenantId=demo, networkType=null, physicalNetworkName=null, segmentationId=null, external=true, portSecurity=null, profileId=null, multicastIp=null, segmentAdd=null, segmentDel=null, memberSegments=null, segments=null, networkFlavor=null} */ } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Exception occurred in network creation operation!"); } db.storeInternalNetworkID(fu.getUser(), OSF_network_segment_id, fed_U.getCloud(), internalNetId); db.insertcidrInfoes(fu.getUser(), cidr, fednets, OSF_network_segment_id, fed_U.getCloud()); network_info = new JSONObject(); network_info.put("cloudId", fed_U.getCloud()); network_info.put("internalId", internalNetId); network_info.put("FedSDN_netSegId", OSF_network_segment_id); network_info.put("network_address", cidr.subSequence(0, cidr.indexOf("/"))); network_info.put("network_mask", si.getNetmask()); network_info.put("size", si.getAddressCount()); ja.put(network_info); } network_infoGLOBAL.put("ResponseArray", ja); ///DECIDERE COME GESTIRE LE INFORMAZIONI: COSA RESTITUIRE AL FEDSDN ////momentaneamente viene restituito un JSONarray con un solo elemento, quello della cloud indicata da OSF_cloud reply.put("returncode", 0); reply.put("errormesg", "None"); reply.put("network_info", network_infoGLOBAL); return reply; } /** * * @param fu * @return */ private HashMap getAllFederatedCloudCreds(FederationUser fu) { //costruzione di un Mappa di FederatedUser HashMap fum = new HashMap(); Iterator i = fu.getCredentials().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { JSONObject jo = (JSONObject); try { fum.put(jo.get("federatedCloud"), jo); } catch (JSONException ex) { LOGGER.error("Could not foud federatedCloud field in JSON!" + ex.getMessage()); } } return fum; } /** * Function used to create cidr for new network, when it is not provided * (Used for FEDSDN case). * * @return * @author gtricomi */ private String cidrgen() { return "10." + (new Random().nextInt() % 255) + "." + (new Random().nextInt() % 255) + ".0/24"; } /** * * @param cidr * @return * @throws Exception * @author gtricomi */ private HashMap calculateAllocationPool(String cidr) throws Exception { HashMap hm = new HashMap(); String allocationPoolStart = this.nextIpAddress(cidr); //we need the third IP of the allocation pool for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { allocationPoolStart = this.nextIpAddress(allocationPoolStart); } hm.put("allocationPoolStart", allocationPoolStart); SubnetUtils su = new SubnetUtils(cidr); SubnetInfo si = su.getInfo(); hm.put("allocationPoolEnd", si.getHighAddress()); return hm; } /** * Function to obtain the next IP of the input. * * @param input * @return */ private String nextIpAddress(String input) { final String[] tokens = input.split("\\."); if (tokens.length != 4) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } for (int i = tokens.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final int item = Integer.parseInt(tokens[i]); if (item < 255) { tokens[i] = String.valueOf(item + 1); for (int j = i + 1; j < 4; j++) { tokens[j] = "0"; } break; } } return new StringBuilder().append(tokens[0]).append('.').append(tokens[1]).append('.').append(tokens[2]) .append('.').append(tokens[3]).toString(); } /** * For future usage. * * @param fednetsLink * @param groupName */ public void prepareNetTablesCustom(FednetsLink fednetsLink, String groupName) { //1 Non pi necessario! //2 recupera la lista delle netTable presenti (se presenti) per i Federation Agent //3 compone la network table per la funzione di Link ////3.1 prende da Mongo la net table correntemente attiva sulla cloud ////3.2 analisi della struttura del fednetsLink per sapere quali VM collegare prendendo dalla ////collezione su mongoDB i vnid su cui le VM sono connesse nelle rispettive cloud di deploy //4 invoca la funzione di Link ////4.1 crea la nuova tabella (per ogni sito dovr creare una tabella differente) ////4.2 invoca la funzione createNetTable della classe FA_client4Network //5 aggiorna lo stato delle FA netTable in memoria ////5.1 salva la nuova netTable incrementando la versione su mongo ////5.2 salva la versione aggirnata della cloudlinkstatus su mongo } /** * * @param tenantname * @param mapContainer * @param tmpMapcred ,mappa stack arraylist(di arrayList di OpenStack * Container) * @param m * @author gtricomi */ public void prepareNetTables4completeSharing(String tenantname, FednetsLink mapContainer, HashMap<String, ArrayList<ArrayList<OpenstackInfoContainer>>> tmpMapcred, DBMongo m, boolean startfromTemplate) { HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Object>> al = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Object>>(); FednetsLink fe = this.createCredMapwithoutDuplicate(tmpMapcred, mapContainer); Set<String> s = mapContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().keySet();//getOldnetTablesMap().keySet();-->>verificare intanto modificato LinkedHashMap<String, FederationAgentInfo> fa4cloud = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (String idcloud : s) { try { String endpoint = fe.getCloudId_To_OIC().get(idcloud).getEndpoint(); fa4cloud.put(endpoint, new FederationAgentInfo(m.getFAInfo(tenantname, idcloud))); } catch (JSONException e) { LOGGER.error( "Exception occurred in Parsing JSON retrieved from MongoDB in FAInfo Retrieve for Datacenter " + idcloud + "!" + "\nException message:" + e.getMessage()); } } fe.setEndpoint_To_FAInfo(fa4cloud); fe = this.prepareKeystoneMap(fe); try { al = this.prepareTables4link(fe, m); //02/07/2017 gt: al una HashMap<String,HashMap<String,Object>>, la pi esterna contiene l'associazione sito - Mappa , //quella interna contiene negli Object le tabelle da passare al FA per quel che riguarda Openstack //a questa mappa dovranno essere aggiunti gli elementi provenienti dal FEDSDN for (String idcloud : s) { try { JSONObject tm_p = new JSONObject((String) ((HashMap) al.get(idcloud)).get("netTable")); m.insertNetTable(tenantname, idcloud, tm_p.toString(0)); } catch (JSONException e) { LOGGER.error( "Exception occurred in Parsing JSON retrieved from MongoDB in FAInfo Retrieve for Datacenter " + idcloud + "!" + "\nException message:" + e.getMessage()); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Exception occurred in the function prepareTables4link"); } //04/07/2017 gt: la seguente funzione salva all'interno di MongoDB le tables ottenute che verranno usate durante la fase di instaurazione del link this.saveTablesOnMongo(al, tenantname, m); //if(startfromTemplate) this.updatestateOnFEDSDN(tenantname, al, fe, m); } /** * * @param tenantname * @param mapContainer * @param tmpMapcred ,mappa stack arraylist(di arrayList di OpenStack * Container) * @param m * @author gtricomi */ public void prepareNetTablesONESharing(String tenantname, String Site, DBMongo m) { //creare l'hashMap AL per ONE HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Object>> al = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Object>>(); HashMap<String, Object> il = new HashMap<String, Object>(); FednetsLink mapContainer = new FednetsLink(); try { JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(m.getTenantTables("review", Site)); Integer vers = jo.getInt("version"); String sitetab = m.createSiteONETables(tenantname, Site); String nettab = m.createNetONETables(tenantname, Site, vers); il.put("tenantTable", jo.get("entryTenantTab").toString()); il.put("siteTable", sitetab); il.put("netTable", nettab); al.put(Site, il); il = new HashMap<String, Object>(); il.put("tenantTable", m.getTenantONETables(tenantname, "ONE")); il.put("siteTable", sitetab); il.put("netTable", nettab); al.put("ONE", il); LinkedHashMap<String, OpenstackInfoContainer> cloudId_To_OIC = new LinkedHashMap<String, OpenstackInfoContainer>(); for (String idcloud : al.keySet()) { try { JSONObject tm_p = new JSONObject((String) ((HashMap) al.get(idcloud)).get("netTable")); m.insertNetTable(tenantname, idcloud, tm_p.toString(0)); } catch (JSONException e) { LOGGER.error( "Exception occurred in Parsing JSON retrieved from MongoDB in FAInfo Retrieve for Datacenter " + idcloud + "!" + "\nException message:" + e.getMessage()); } if (idcloud.equals(Site)) { OpenstackInfoContainer oik = new OpenstackInfoContainer(idcloud, (new JSONObject(m.getDatacenter(tenantname, idcloud))).getString("idmEndpoint"), tenantname, "admin", "0penstack", "RegionOne"); cloudId_To_OIC.put(idcloud, oik); } else { cloudId_To_OIC.put(idcloud, null); } mapContainer.setCloudId_To_OIC(cloudId_To_OIC); } } catch (JSONException je) { LOGGER.error("Exception occurred in tables creation for preparing OpenNebula link data with " + Site + " !" + "\nException message:" + je.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Exception occurred in the function prepareNetTablesONESharing"); } /* FednetsLink mapContainer=new FednetsLink(); LinkedHashMap<String, OpenstackInfoContainer> cloudId_To_OIC=new LinkedHashMap<String, OpenstackInfoContainer> (); cloudId_To_OIC.put(Site, value) mapContainer.setCloudId_To_OIC(cloudId_To_OIC); */ //04/07/2017 gt: la seguente funzione salva all'interno di MongoDB le tables ottenute che verranno usate durante la fase di instaurazione del link this.saveTablesOnMongo(al, tenantname, m); //if(startfromTemplate) this.updatestateOnFEDSDN(tenantname, al, mapContainer, m); } private void saveTablesOnMongo(HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Object>> resultingTables, String tenant, DBMongo m) { Set<String> s = resultingTables.keySet(); JSONObject tenantTab = null; JSONArray siteTab = null; JSONObject netTab = null; JSONObject bnaSegTab = null; Integer version = null; JSONObject obj_; String fednetsinsite = null; HashMap<String, Object> updNet = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (String idCloud : s) { //reference site HashMap<String, Object> innerMap = (HashMap<String, Object>) resultingTables.get(idCloud); try { tenantTab = new JSONObject((String) innerMap.get("tenantTable")); siteTab = new JSONArray((String) innerMap.get("siteTable")); netTab = new JSONObject((String) innerMap.get("netTable")); //tenantTab.append("version", (Integer) netTab.get("version")); version = (Integer) netTab.get("version"); bnaSegTab = bnaNetSegCreate(netTab, m, idCloud, tenant, updNet); //17/07/2017 //FROM //m.insertTenantTables(tenant, idCloud, tenantTab.toString(0)); //TO m.insertTenantTables(tenant, idCloud, version, tenantTab.toString(0)); /*aggiorna valore tabella fednetinsite con le nuove net e versioni*/ obj_ = new JSONObject(updNet); m.insertfednetsinSite(tenant, idCloud, obj_, version); fednetsinsite = m.getFednetsInSite(tenant, idCloud); JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(fednetsinsite); //obj = {"referenceSite": "CETIC", "version": 1, "fednets": ["private", "public"]} version = obj.getInt("version"); //{[ //{"tenant_id":"d044e4b3bc384a5daa3678b87f97e3c2","name":"CETIC","fa_url":"","site_proxy":[{"port":4789,"ip":""}]}, //{"tenant_id":"b0edb3a0ae3842b2a3f3969f07cd82f2","name":"UME","fa_url":"","site_proxy":[{"port":4789,"ip":""}]} //]} for (int k = 0; k < siteTab.length(); k++) { m.insertSiteTables(tenant, idCloud, ((JSONObject) siteTab.get(k)).toString(0), version); } System.out.println(""); // m.insertNetTable(tenant, idCloud,netTab.toString(0)); } catch (JSONException ex) { LOGGER.error( "Exception occurred in the function saveTablesOnMongo, it is not possible cast tables calculated for BNA from String to JSON.\nException Message:" + ex.getMessage()); } } /*aggiorna valore tabella fednetinsite con le nuove net e versioni*/ } public void bnaNetSegCreate(JSONObject table_, DBMongo db, String refSite, String tenant, boolean b, HashMap<String, Object> updNet) { bnaNetSegCreate(table_, db, refSite, tenant, updNet); } private JSONObject bnaNetSegCreate(JSONObject tables, DBMongo m, String refSite, String tenant, HashMap<String, Object> updNet) { JSONObject bnaSegTab = new JSONObject(); JSONArray segRow = null; JSONObject subJSON = null; Integer version = null; UUID uuid = null; String fedNet = ""; //boolean resultIns = false; TreeSet<String> fednets = new TreeSet<String>(); try { //fedNet = tables.getString("name"); version = tables.getInt("version"); JSONArray bigArray = (JSONArray) tables.get("table"); //uuid=UUID.randomUUID(); // JSONArray littleArray; for (int i = 0; i < bigArray.length(); i++) { uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); JSONArray innerArray = (JSONArray) bigArray.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < innerArray.length(); j++) { JSONObject objectJson = (JSONObject) innerArray.get(j); fedNet = objectJson.getString("name"); //***ATTENZIONARE PERCHE NEL CASO DI OPENNEBULA LE FEDNET ALL'INTERNO DELL'INNERARRAY POTREBBERO AVERE NOMI DIVERSI DUNQUE SI PER L'INFORMAZIONE fednets.add(fedNet); bnaSegTab.put("FK", uuid.toString()); // bnaSegTab.put("fedNet",objectJson.get("name")); bnaSegTab.put("netEntry", objectJson);//QUESTO objectJson: { "tenant_id" : "b0edb3a0ae3842b2a3f3969f07cd82f2", "site_name" : "CETIC", "vnid" : "d46a55d4-6cca-4d86-bf25-f03707680795", "name" : "provider" } m.insertNetTables(tenant, bnaSegTab.toString(0)); } m.insertTablesData(uuid.toString(), tenant, version, refSite, fedNet); //ATTENZIONARE VEDI COMMENTO *** } updNet.put(refSite, fednets.clone()); Iterator iter = fednets.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { System.out.println(; } fednets.clear(); } catch (JSONException ex) { System.out.println("-___-' Error: " + ex.getMessage()); } catch (MDBIException ex) { System.out.println("-___-' Error: " + ex.getMessage()); } return bnaSegTab; } //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="FedSDN Interaction and Management Functions"> /** * This function store elements useful for federated Network creation by the BNM. * It will use EASTAPI clients to contact BNM. * @param tenant * @param mapContainer * @param m * @author gtricomi */ public void updatestateOnFEDSDN(String tenant, HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Object>> resultingTables, FednetsLink mapContainer, DBMongo m) { String fedsdnURL = ""; String fedsdnpassword = ""; try { fedsdnURL = m.getInfo_Endpoint("entity", "fedsdn");//""; JSONObject ob = m.getFedsdnCredential(tenant, tenant, "tenantName"); fedsdnpassword = (String) ob.get("tenantPass"); } catch (JSONException j) { LOGGER.error("Exception occurred in FEDSDN information retrieving phase. FEDSDN updating aborted!" + j.getMessage()); return; } Site sClient = new Site(tenant, fedsdnpassword);//Modificare le info dentro il fedsdn che al momento sono inserite sotto l'utente root e password fedsdn NetworkSegment nClient = new NetworkSegment(tenant, fedsdnpassword); Fednet fClient = new Fednet(tenant, fedsdnpassword); HashMap fednetknown = new HashMap(); String fedsdnTenId = ""; try { if (!this.checkSiteandInsertFEDSDN(mapContainer, sClient, fedsdnURL, m)) { LOGGER.error("It was not possible to insert the site inside the BNM! \n"); } } catch (WSException ex) { LOGGER.error("Exception is occurred in checkSiteFEDSDN! \n" + ex); } catch (JSONException ex) { LOGGER.error("Exception is occurred in checkSiteFEDSDN! \n" + ex); } try { fedsdnTenId = this.checkTenantandInsertFEDSDN(mapContainer, sClient, fedsdnURL, m); } catch (WSException ex) { LOGGER.error("WSException is occurred in checkTenantFEDSDN! \n" + ex); } catch (JSONException ex) { LOGGER.error("JSONException is occurred in checkTenantFEDSDN! \n" + ex); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("Exception is occurred in checkTenantFEDSDN! \n" + ex.getMessage() + "\n" + ex); } try { fednetknown = this.checkFednetandInsertFEDSDN(resultingTables, mapContainer, fClient, sClient, nClient, fedsdnURL, tenant, m, fednetknown, fedsdnTenId); } catch (WSException ex) { LOGGER.error("WSException is occurred in checkFednetandInsertFEDSDN! \n" + ex); } catch (JSONException ex) { LOGGER.error("JSONException is occurred in checkFednetandInsertFEDSDN! \n" + ex); } try { this.checkNetSegmentandInsertFEDSDN(mapContainer, sClient, nClient, fedsdnURL, tenant, m); } catch (WSException ex) { LOGGER.error("Exception is occurred in checkNetSegmentFEDSDN! \n" + ex); } catch (JSONException ex) { LOGGER.error("Exception is occurred in checkNetSegmentFEDSDN! \n" + ex); } //BEACON>>>>> 14/07/2017 gt: valutare possibili modifiche al flusso di creazione della rete federata. Queste impatteranno sicuramente su questa parte di codice /* try { this.makeLinkOnFednet(fClient, tenant, fedsdnURL, m,fednetknown); } catch (WSException ex) { LOGGER.error("Exception is occurred in makeLinkOnFednet! \n" + ex); } catch (JSONException ex) { LOGGER.error("Exception is occurred in makeLinkOnFednet! \n" + ex); }*/ } /** * This function create a Fednet for each network present in the ResultingTables created from BB. * @param resultingTables * @param mapContainer * @param sClient * @param nClient * @param fedsdnURL * @param federationTenant * @param m * @throws WSException * @throws JSONException */ private HashMap checkFednetandInsertFEDSDN(HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Object>> resultingTables, FednetsLink mapContainer, Fednet fClient, Site sClient, NetworkSegment nClient, String fedsdnURL, String federationTenant, DBMongo m, HashMap hm, String fedsdnTenId) throws WSException, JSONException { Set<String> siteSet = resultingTables.keySet(); String name = ""; String linkType = "FullMesh"; String type = "L3"; HashSet dictFeds = new HashSet(); JSONObject job = new JSONObject(); for (String s : siteSet) { String arrayString = m.getFednetsInSite_array(federationTenant, s); JSONArray ja = new JSONArray(arrayString); for (int i = 0; i < ja.length(); i++) { name = (String) ja.get(i); if (!hm.containsKey(name)) { Response res = null; try { res = fClient.createFednet(name, linkType, type, fedsdnURL); } catch (WSException500 wse) { //server Error matching della string restituita dal server se uguale a "unique bla bla bla" allora la rete era gi presente if (wse.getMessage().contains( "Server exception: SQLite3::ConstraintException: column name is not unique")) { res = fClient.getNetinfo(fedsdnURL, name); } } catch (WSException ws) { //eccezione sconosciuta come gestire? } JSONObject jsonresp = new JSONObject(res.readEntity(String.class)); /*OUTPUT ricevuto: { "id": 6, "owner": "prova1", "name": "stanco", "status": "unlinked", "linktype": "FullMesh", "topology": "", "type": "L2" } */ job.put("tenantID", fedsdnTenId); String fednetId = ((Integer) jsonresp.remove("id")).toString(); job.put("fednetID", fednetId); jsonresp.remove("owner"); job.put("fednetEntry", jsonresp); //id del fednet v nel json esterno //il resto delle info v nel json interno m.insertfedsdnFednet(job.toString(0), federationTenant); hm.put(name, fednetId); } } } return hm; } /** * * @param mapContainer * @param sClient * @param nClient * @param fedsdnURL * @param federationTenant * @param m * @throws WSException * @throws JSONException * @author gtricomi */ private void checkNetSegmentandInsertFEDSDN(FednetsLink mapContainer, Site sClient, NetworkSegment nClient, String fedsdnURL, String federationTenant, DBMongo m) throws WSException, JSONException { Response r = sClient.getAllSite(fedsdnURL); JSONArray ja = new JSONArray(r.readEntity(String.class)); FederationAgentInfo fa = null; for (int i = 0; i < ja.length(); i++) { JSONObject jo = (JSONObject) ja.get(i); String siteNameToCheck = (String) jo.get("name"); Set sstt = mapContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().keySet(); if (sstt.contains(siteNameToCheck)) { if (mapContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().get(siteNameToCheck) != null) { fa = mapContainer.getEndpoint_To_FAInfo() .get(mapContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().get(siteNameToCheck)); NeutronTest neutron = new NeutronTest( mapContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().get(siteNameToCheck).getEndpoint(), mapContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().get(siteNameToCheck).getTenant(), mapContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().get(siteNameToCheck).getUser(), mapContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().get(siteNameToCheck).getPassword(), mapContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().get(siteNameToCheck).getRegion()); Networks ns = neutron.listNetworks(); int federationTenantID, siteid, fednetID; Iterator<Network> itNet = ns.iterator(); while (itNet.hasNext()) { Network n =; UnmodifiableIterator<String> ti = n.getSubnets().iterator(); while (ti.hasNext()) { Subnet s = neutron.getSubnet((String); if ((s != null) && (s.getIpVersion() == 4)) {//We want manage only ipv4 network SubnetInfo si = new SubnetUtils(s.getCidr()).getInfo(); boolean ok = false; JSONObject faurl = null; try { siteid = m.getfedsdnSiteID(siteNameToCheck, federationTenant); federationTenantID = new Integer( m.getfedsdnTenantid(federationTenant, federationTenant)); fednetID = m.getfedsdnFednetID(n.getName(), federationTenant); faurl = new JSONObject(m.getFAInfo(federationTenant, siteNameToCheck)); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("Retrieving information from Mongo is failed for network: " + n.getName()); break; } for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { ok = this.addNetSegOnFedSDN(//attenzione aggungiere anche il fednetID, site ID e referenceSite s.getName(), //m.getInfo_Endpoint("entity", "osffm") + "/fednet/eastBr/network",//sostituire con il FA del sito??SI SOSTITUIRE siteNameToCheck faurl.getString("Ip") + ":" + faurl.getString("Port"), si.getAddress(), si.getNetmask(), si.getAddressCount(), nClient, fedsdnURL, federationTenantID, siteid, m, federationTenant, siteNameToCheck, fednetID); if (ok) { break; } else if (k == 3) { LOGGER.error( "Something going wrong! It's Impossible add Networksegment on FEDSDN"); } } } } //update fednet on Mongo. } } else { int federationTenantID, siteid, fednetID; JSONObject faurl = null; boolean ok = false; try { siteid = m.getfedsdnSiteID(siteNameToCheck, federationTenant); federationTenantID = new Integer(m.getfedsdnTenantid(federationTenant, federationTenant)); fednetID = m.getfedsdnFednetID("reviewPrivate", federationTenant); faurl = new JSONObject(m.getFAInfo(federationTenant, siteNameToCheck)); for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { ok = this.addNetSegOnFedSDN(//attenzione aggungiere anche il fednetID, site ID e referenceSite "privatereviewsub", //m.getInfo_Endpoint("entity", "osffm") + "/fednet/eastBr/network",//sostituire con il FA del sito??SI SOSTITUIRE siteNameToCheck faurl.getString("Ip") + ":" + faurl.getString("Port"), "", "", 255, nClient, fedsdnURL, federationTenantID, siteid, m, federationTenant, siteNameToCheck, fednetID); if (ok) { break; } else if (k == 3) { LOGGER.error("Something going wrong! It's Impossible add Networksegment on FEDSDN"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("Retrieving information from Mongo is failed for network: reviewPrivate"); break; } } } } } /** * * @param name * @param endpoint_OSFFM * @param network_address * @param network_mask * @param size * @param nClient * @param fedsdnURL * @param fedTenantIDFEDSDN * @param siteIdFEDSDN * @param m * @return * @throws JSONException * @throws WSException * @author gtricomi */ private boolean addNetSegOnFedSDN(String name, String endpoint_OSFFM, String network_address, String network_mask, int size, NetworkSegment nClient, String fedsdnURL, long fedTenantIDFEDSDN, int siteIdFEDSDN, DBMongo m, String tenant, String referenceSite, int fednetID) throws JSONException, WSException { JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(); jo.put("name", name); jo.put("fa_endpoint", endpoint_OSFFM);//da rivedere jo.put("network_address", network_address); jo.put("network_mask", network_mask); jo.put("size", size); jo.put("vlan_id", ""); jo.put("cmp_net_id", ""); try { Response r = nClient.createNetSeg(jo, fedsdnURL, fednetID, siteIdFEDSDN); /* { "id": 12, "owner": "prova1", "name": "prova", "fa_endpoint": "", "network_address": "", "network_mask": "", "size": "255", "vlan_id": "908", "cmp_net_id": "55b24c84-b96a-45ab-b007-9eee9c487c31", "cmp_blob": "", "fednet_id": "6", "site_id": "3" } */ JSONObject incojson = new JSONObject(r.readEntity(String.class)); String netsegid = ((Integer) incojson.remove("id")).toString(); incojson.remove("owner"); incojson.remove("fednet_id"); incojson.remove("site_id"); m.insertfedsdnNetSeg(incojson.toString(0), tenant, siteIdFEDSDN, fednetID, referenceSite, netsegid);//Bisogna verificare realmente cosa viene restituito } catch (WSException ex) { LOGGER.error("Exception is occurred in addSiteOnFedSDN for NetSegment: " + name + " on site with ID:" + siteIdFEDSDN + " for the tenant: " + fedTenantIDFEDSDN + "\n" + ex); return false; } return true; } /** * This function verify if the site is present and if it isn't it adds it. * @param mapContainer * @param sClient * @param fedsdnURL * @return * @throws WSException * @throws JSONException * @author gtricomi */ private boolean checkSiteandInsertFEDSDN(FednetsLink mapContainer, Site sClient, String fedsdnURL, DBMongo m) throws WSException, JSONException { Response r = sClient.getAllSite(fedsdnURL); JSONArray ja = new JSONArray(r.readEntity(String.class)); LinkedHashMap<String, OpenstackInfoContainer> CloudId_To_OIC = mapContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC(); Set siteSet = new HashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < ja.length(); i++) { JSONObject jo = (JSONObject) ja.get(i); // siteSet.add((String) jo.get("name")); } Iterator it = CloudId_To_OIC.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String siteNameToCheck = (String); if (!(siteSet.contains(siteNameToCheck))) { boolean ok = false; for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { if (CloudId_To_OIC.get(siteNameToCheck) != null) ok = this.addSiteOnFedSDN(siteNameToCheck, sClient, CloudId_To_OIC.get(siteNameToCheck).getEndpoint(), m, CloudId_To_OIC.get(siteNameToCheck).getTenant()); else ok = true;//ONE site is already present on BNM if (ok) { break; } else if (k == 3) { LOGGER.error("Something going wrong! It's Impossible add site on FEDSDN"); return false; //03/07/2017: inserito per bloccare il flusso nel caso in cui qualche sito non venga inserito !!! } } } } return true; } /** * * @param mapContainer * @param sClient * @param fedsdnURL * @return * @throws WSException * @throws JSONException * @author gtricomi */ private String checkTenantandInsertFEDSDN(FednetsLink mapContainer, Site sClient, String fedsdnURL, DBMongo m) throws WSException, JSONException, Exception { Response r = sClient.getAllSite(fedsdnURL); JSONArray ja = new JSONArray(r.readEntity(String.class)); LinkedHashMap<String, OpenstackInfoContainer> CloudId_To_OIC = mapContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC(); LinkedHashMap<String, JSONObject> tmpSiteList = new LinkedHashMap<String, JSONObject>(); JSONArray inner = new JSONArray(); String tenant = null; String tenant_password = null; String result = ""; //for (int i = 0; i < ja.length(); i++) { //JSONObject jo = (JSONObject) ja.get(i); Set siteNameSet = new HashSet(); //=new HashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < ja.length(); i++) { JSONObject jo = (JSONObject) ja.get(i); /*String siteIdToCheck = (String) jo.get("id"); String siteNameToCheck = (String) jo.get("name"); siteSet.add(siteIdToCheck+"@@@@::::@@@@"+siteNameToCheck);*/ //siteSet.add((String) jo.get("name")); tmpSiteList.put((String) jo.get("name"), jo); } Iterator it = CloudId_To_OIC.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String siteNameToCheck = (String); if ((tmpSiteList.containsKey(siteNameToCheck))) { try { OpenstackInfoContainer oik = (OpenstackInfoContainer) CloudId_To_OIC.get(siteNameToCheck); if (oik == null) { String siteUsernameToCheck = "oneadmin"; String sitePasswordToCheck = "opennebulaone"; String credentials = siteUsernameToCheck + ":" + sitePasswordToCheck; String user_id_insite = "1"; JSONObject inner_jo = new JSONObject("{\"site_id\" :\"ONE\",\"user_id_in_site\":\"" + user_id_insite + "\" ,\"credentials\":\"" + credentials + "\"}"); tenant = "review"; tenant_password = sitePasswordToCheck; } else { String siteUsernameToCheck = oik.getTenant() + "@@@" + oik.getUser(); String sitePasswordToCheck = oik.getPassword(); String credentials = siteUsernameToCheck + ":" + sitePasswordToCheck; KeystoneTest key = new KeystoneTest(oik.getTenant(), oik.getUser(), oik.getPassword(), oik.getEndpoint()); String user_id_insite = null; try { user_id_insite = key.getTenantId(oik.getTenant()); } catch (Exception e) { user_id_insite = "0"; } //>>>BEACON 03/07/2017: statically insert 0, but need to be checked !!! String siteIdToCheck = ((Integer) ((JSONObject) tmpSiteList.get(siteNameToCheck)).get("id")) .toString(); JSONObject inner_jo = new JSONObject( "{\"site_id\" :\"" + siteIdToCheck + "\",\"user_id_in_site\":\"" + user_id_insite + "\" ,\"credentials\":\"" + credentials + "\"}"); inner.put(inner_jo); tenant = oik.getTenant(); //03/07/2017: federation password for the tenant is set equal to the openstack site !!! tenant_password = sitePasswordToCheck; } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error( "Exception occurred in \"Valid Site\" field entry.\nSite skipped: " + siteNameToCheck); } } } //03/07/2017: verify username management like structure "NotManagedUser@userFederation@UME" !!! System.out.println(inner.toString()); JSONObject tenant_jo = new JSONObject("{\"name\" :\"" + tenant + "\",\"password\":\"" + tenant_password + "\" ,\"type\":\"admin\",\"valid_sites\": " + inner.toString(0) + "}"); // m.insertTenantTables(tenant, tenant_jo.toString()); //03-07-2017 : hardcoded credential for tenant Tenant t = new Tenant(tenant, tenant_password);//"root","fedsdn");// boolean ok = false; for (int k = 0; k < inner.length(); k++) { try { System.out.println(tenant_jo.toString(0)); r = t.updateTen(tenant_jo, tenant, fedsdnURL);//createTen(tenant_jo, fedsdnURL);// /*oggetto restituito: { "id": 7, "name": "TESTAGOSTO2", "password": "pass1", "type": "admin", "valid_sites": [ { "tenant_id": 7, "site_id": 2, "user_id_in_site": "28", "credentials": "admin@admin:prova", "token": "86734b78980" } ] } */ String respon = r.readEntity(String.class); if ((respon.contains("Tenant ")) && (respon.contains("updated."))) { respon = respon.substring(respon.indexOf("Tenant")); respon = respon.replace("Tenant ", ""); respon = respon.replace(" updated.\"\n]", ""); Integer rid = new Integer(respon); r = t.getInfoTenant(fedsdnURL, rid.longValue()); respon = r.readEntity(String.class); } else { throw new Exception("Something in the site insertion process isn't working fine."); } JSONObject resp = new JSONObject(respon); JSONObject entry = new JSONObject(); String fedsdntenid = ((Integer) resp.remove("id")).toString(); result = fedsdntenid; entry.put("tenantID", fedsdntenid); entry.put("tenantEntry", resp); m.insertTenantTables(tenant, entry.toString(0)); } catch (WSException ex) { LOGGER.error("Exception is occurred in checkTenantFEDSDN for tenant: " + tenant + "\n" + ex); ok = false; } ok = true; if (ok) { break; } else if (k == 3) { LOGGER.error("Something going wrong! It's Impossible add site on FEDSDN"); throw new Exception("Something in the site insertion process isn't working fine."); //03/07/2017: inserito per bloccare il flusso nel caso in cui qualche sito non venga inserito !!! } } return result; } /** * * @param siteName * @param sClient * @param fedsdnURL * @return * @author gtricomi */ private boolean addSiteOnFedSDN(String siteName, Site sClient, String cmp_endpoint, DBMongo m, String tenant) throws JSONException { String type = ""; try { if (m.getDatacenter(tenant, siteName) != null) { type = "openstack"; } else { type = "opennebula"; } } catch (MDBIException mbe) { type = "opennebula"; } try { String fedsdnURL = m.getInfo_Endpoint("entity", "fedsdn"); Response r = sClient.createSite(siteName, cmp_endpoint, type, fedsdnURL); JSONObject resp = new JSONObject(r.readEntity(String.class)); JSONObject entry = new JSONObject(); Integer id = (Integer) resp.remove("id"); entry.put("siteID", id); entry.put("siteEntry", resp); m.insertfedsdnSite(entry.toString(0), tenant); } catch (WSException ex) { LOGGER.error("Exception is occurred in addSiteOnFedSDN for site: " + siteName + "\n" + ex); return false; } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("Exception is occurred in addSiteOnFedSDN for site: " + siteName + "\n" + ex); return false; } return true; } private boolean makeLinkOnFednet(Fednet fClient, String federtenant, String fedsdnURL, DBMongo m, HashMap fednetknown) throws WSException, JSONException {//TBD //Sembrerebbe necessario dover richiamare il client fednet (con l'opportuno riferimento al fednet corretto PUT /fednet/fedentID con parametri (action=link, linktype=full_mesh) Set<String> s = fednetknown.entrySet(); for (String fednetname : s) { JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(m.getfedsdnFednet(fednetname, federtenant)); try { long l = ((Double) jo.get("id")).longValue(); Response r = fClient.updateFednet(l, jo.getString("name"), jo.getString("linkType"), jo.getString("type"), fedsdnURL, "link"); //SIstemare questo pezzo, se non ci sono eccezioni deve essere salvato quello restituito da una chiamata f.getNetinfo(fedsdnURL,fednetname ) r = fClient.getNetinfo(fedsdnURL, jo.getString("name")); JSONObject tmp = new JSONObject(r.readEntity(String.class)); tmp.append("federationTenantName", federtenant); m.insertfedsdnFednet(tmp.toString(), federtenant); } catch (WSException ex) { LOGGER.error("Exception is occurred in makeLinkOnetsegidnFednet for fedenetID: " + ((Double) jo.get("id")).toString() + " owned from federation tenant: " + federtenant + "\n" + ex); return false; } } return true; } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Openstack Federation Agent Tables Management & Elaboration Functions"> /** * * @param tmpMapcred * @return */ private FednetsLink createCredMapwithoutDuplicate( HashMap<String, ArrayList<ArrayList<OpenstackInfoContainer>>> tmpMapcred, FednetsLink fe) { LinkedHashMap<String, OpenstackInfoContainer> cleanMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Set<String> s = tmpMapcred.keySet(); for (String st : s) { ArrayList<ArrayList<OpenstackInfoContainer>> tmpar = tmpMapcred.get(st); for (ArrayList<OpenstackInfoContainer> at : tmpar) { for (OpenstackInfoContainer oic : at) { if (!cleanMap.containsKey(oic.getIdCloud())) { cleanMap.put(oic.getIdCloud(), oic); fe.addDcInFednet(oic.getIdCloud()); } } } } fe.setCloudId_To_OIC(cleanMap); return fe; } /* private FednetsLink prepareFAMAp(FednetsLink fednetContainer){ Set<String> s=fednetContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().keySet(); LinkedHashMap<String,String> endpoint_to_FAInfo= new LinkedHashMap<>(); for(String idcloud: s){ this.(idcloud); } }*/ /** * Create LinkedHashMap with KeystoneManager for each site. * * @param cleanMap * @return * @author gtricomi */ private FednetsLink prepareKeystoneMap(FednetsLink fednetContainer) { Set<String> s = fednetContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().keySet(); LinkedHashMap<String, KeystoneTest> tmp = new LinkedHashMap<>(); LinkedHashMap<String, String> endpoint_to_tenantid = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (String idcloud : s) { OpenstackInfoContainer oictmp = fednetContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().get(idcloud); KeystoneTest kt = new KeystoneTest(oictmp.getTenant(), oictmp.getUser(), oictmp.getPassword(), oictmp.getEndpoint()); tmp.put(idcloud, kt); endpoint_to_tenantid.put(oictmp.getEndpoint(), kt.getTenantId(oictmp.getTenant()));//15/09/2017 BEACON>>> VEDERE SE SI RIESCE A SISTEMARE O AGIRE ATTRAVERSO MONGODB //PEZZO INTRODOTTO DA ELIMINARE /* if (idcloud.equals("UME")) { endpoint_to_tenantid.put(fednetContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().get("UME").getEndpoint(), "aa477ca20d2f41a18f8c380db65990d5"); } else if (idcloud.equals("CETIC")) { endpoint_to_tenantid.put(fednetContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().get("CETIC").getEndpoint(), "d044e4b3bc384a5daa3678b87f97e3c2"); } */ //FINE PEZZO } fednetContainer.setkMcloudId_To_Keystone(tmp); fednetContainer.setEndpoint_to_tenantid(endpoint_to_tenantid); return fednetContainer; } /** * * @param fednetContainer * @param m * @throws JSONException * @author gtricomi */ private HashMap prepareTables4link(FednetsLink fednetContainer, DBMongo m) throws JSONException {//aggiungere gestione delle tabelle dei siti Collection<KeystoneTest> kar = null; try { kar = (Collection<KeystoneTest>) fednetContainer.getkMcloudId_To_Keystone().values();//inutile? } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Something is going wrong. " + e.getMessage()); } ArrayList<String> Site = new ArrayList<>(); HashMap resultingTable = new HashMap(); Set<String> s = fednetContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().keySet(); JSONArray siteUpdatedTable = null; JSONArray netUpdatedTable = null; LinkedHashMap<String, Object> mapsitenetbody = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); for (String cloudID : s) {//scorre il set per selezionare la home resultingTable.put(cloudID, new HashMap()); /** * *********************************** * Pre ogni sito servono tre tabelle da mandare ai FA di OpenStack * TENANT: {'name': u'admin', 'id': * u'aa146d1022fe4dd1a29042c2f234d84b'} * * SITO: [ { 'name' : site2_name, 'tenant_id' : u'aa146d1022fe4dd1a29042c2f234d84b', * 'fa_url' :, 'site_proxy' : [{'ip' :, 'port' * : 4897}] }, { 'name' : site1_name, 'tenant_id' : * u'aa146d1022fe4dd1a29042c2f234d847', 'fa_url' :, * 'site_proxy' : [{'ip' :, 'port' : 4897}] }, ] * * NETTABLES: { 'table' : [ [{'tenant_id': * u'aa146d1022fe4dd1a29042c2f234d84b','site_name': 'site2', 'name': * u'private', 'vnid': u'7fdb464c-11db-4b7f-9f60-4382ed9a76e8'}, * {'tenant_id': u'aa146d1022fe4dd1a29042c2f234d847', 'site_name': * 'site1', 'name': u'private', 'vnid': * u'b906abbd-ed90-4cd0-bb3a-bd7c9119dfb9'} ] ], 'version' : 115 } * ************************************* */ String ten = fednetContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().get(cloudID).getTenant(); NeutronTest neutronhome = new NeutronTest( fednetContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().get(cloudID).getEndpoint(), fednetContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().get(cloudID).getTenant(), fednetContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().get(cloudID).getUser(), fednetContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().get(cloudID).getPassword(), fednetContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().get(cloudID).getRegion()); JSONObject updatedSiteTable = fednetContainer.getOldsiteTablesMap().get(cloudID); JSONObject updatedNetTable = fednetContainer.getOldnetTablesMap().get(cloudID); ////Aggringere dei controlli per verificare se l'ogg restituito null, in tal caso non presente una vecchia tabella per il sito in questione try { //02/07/2017 gt: verificare questo controllo non sono sicuro che il valore sia null nel caso sia vuoto if (updatedSiteTable == null) { siteUpdatedTable = new JSONArray(); } else { // siteUpdatedTable = updatedSiteTable.getJSONObject("entrySiteTab");//INSERIRE il JSONObject nel JSONArray siteUpdatedTable.put(0, updatedSiteTable.getJSONObject("entrySiteTab"));// } } catch (Exception eSite) { LOGGER.error("Something is going wrong. siteUpdatedTable " + eSite.getMessage()); } try { //02/07/2017 gt: verificare questo controllo non sono sicuro che il valore sia null nel caso sia vuoto if (updatedNetTable == null) { netUpdatedTable = new JSONArray(); } else { netUpdatedTable = updatedNetTable.getJSONArray("table"); } } catch (Exception eNet) { LOGGER.error("Something is going wrong. netUpdatedTable " + eNet.getMessage()); } String tmp = fednetContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().get(cloudID).getEndpoint(); FederationAgentInfo fah = fednetContainer.getEndpoint_To_FAInfo().get(tmp); String tenantID = fednetContainer.getEndpoint_to_tenantid() .get(fednetContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().get(cloudID).getEndpoint()); String siteEntryhome = this.createSiteTableEntry(cloudID, tenantID, fah.getSite_proxyip(), fah.getIp() + ":" + fah.getPort(), fah.getSite_proxyport()); JSONObject sEh = new JSONObject(siteEntryhome); siteUpdatedTable = this.insertEntry_in_SiteTable(siteUpdatedTable, sEh); System.out.println("$$$$$s1"); for (String cloudID2 : s) {//scorre il set per la creazione tabella if (!cloudID2.equals(cloudID)) { NeutronTest neutron = new NeutronTest( fednetContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().get(cloudID2).getEndpoint(), fednetContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().get(cloudID2).getTenant(), fednetContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().get(cloudID2).getUser(), fednetContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().get(cloudID2).getPassword(), fednetContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().get(cloudID2).getRegion()); Networks ns = neutron.listNetworks(); Iterator<Network> itNet = ns.iterator(); while (itNet.hasNext()) {//per ogni network del sito Network n =; Network nHome = neutronhome.getNetwork(n.getName()); if (nHome == null) { LOGGER.error("Something is going wrong in preparation JSONObject for cloud " + cloudID + ". It's impossible found the Network Named " + n.getName()); continue; } String tenIdForeign = n.getTenantId(); String entryCreated = this.createNetTableEntry(cloudID2, tenIdForeign, n.getName(), n.getId()); String entryHome = null; System.out.println("$$$$$s1A"); if (nHome != null) { //entryHome=this.createNetTableEntry(cloudID,nHome.getTenantId(), nHome.getName(), nHome.getId()); String tmp3 = "{"; tmp3 = tmp3 + ("\"tenant_id\": \"" + nHome.getTenantId() + "\", "); tmp3 = tmp3 + ("\"site_name\": \"" + cloudID + "\", "); tmp3 = tmp3 + ("\"name\": \"" + nHome.getName() + "\", "); tmp3 = tmp3 + ("\"vnid\": \"" + nHome.getId() + "\""); tmp3 = tmp3 + "}"; entryHome = tmp3; } try { JSONObject j = new JSONObject(entryCreated); //JSONArray ja=netUpdatedTable; netUpdatedTable = this.insertEntry_in_NetTable(netUpdatedTable, j, new JSONObject(entryHome)); //JSONArray ja=netUpdatedTable; System.out.println("$$$$$s1B"); String tmp2 = fednetContainer.getCloudId_To_OIC().get(cloudID2).getEndpoint(); FederationAgentInfo fa = fednetContainer.getEndpoint_To_FAInfo().get(tmp2); String siteEntry = this.createSiteTableEntry(cloudID2, tenIdForeign, fa.getSite_proxyip(), fa.getIp() + ":" + fa.getPort(), fa.getSite_proxyport()); siteUpdatedTable = this.insertEntry_in_SiteTable(siteUpdatedTable, new JSONObject(siteEntry));//rimuovere home entry da qui e mettere all'inizio? } catch (JSONException je) { } } } } System.out.println("$$$$$s2"); KeystoneTest homeKey = (KeystoneTest) fednetContainer.getkMcloudId_To_Keystone().get(cloudID); // FA_ScriptInvoke fi = new FA_ScriptInvoke(homeKey.getVarEndpoint(), fednetContainer.getEndpoint_to_tenantid().get(homeKey.getVarEndpoint()), "admin", "0penstack"); //02/07/2017 gt: questo comanda richiama lo script che f lo share completo tra i testbed OpenStack modificato con una funzione che invochi le funzioni del FA; //ad ogni modo tutta la logica di interazione con il FA stata spostata al di fuori di questa funzione quindi qst pezzo viene commentato /* try { fi.FAScript(fah.getIp() + ":5051"); } catch (WSException wse) { //something here } */ FA_client4Sites fas = new FA_client4Sites(homeKey.getVarEndpoint(), fednetContainer.getEndpoint_to_tenantid().get(homeKey.getVarEndpoint()), "admin", "0penstack"); FA_client4Network fan = new FA_client4Network(homeKey.getVarEndpoint(), fednetContainer.getEndpoint_to_tenantid().get(homeKey.getVarEndpoint()), homeKey.getVarIdentity().split(":")[1], homeKey.getVarCredential()); String body = fas.constructSiteTableJSON(siteUpdatedTable); ((HashMap) resultingTable.get(cloudID)).put("tenantTable", "{ \"name\": \"" + ten + "\",\"tenant_id\": \"" + tenantID + "\" }"); ((HashMap) resultingTable.get(cloudID)).put("siteTable", body); //FederationAgentInfo fai=fednetContainer.getEndpoint_To_FAInfo(siteUpdatedTable).get(fednetContainer.getEndpoint_to_tenantid().get(homeKey.getVarEndpoint())); //02/07/2017 GT: /*PARTE COMMENTATA IN QUANTO LA FUNZIONALITA' DOVRA' ESSERE SPOSTATA ALTROVE, QUESTA FUNZIONE DEVE PREPARARE LE TABELLE PER LA PARTE OPENSTACK try{ fas.createSiteTable(fednetContainer.getEndpoint_to_tenantid().get(homeKey.getVarEndpoint()), fah.getIp()+":"+fah.getPort(), body); m.insertSiteTables(homeKey.getVarIdentity().split(":")[0], cloudID, updatedSiteTable.put("table", siteUpdatedTable).toString()); } catch(WSException wse){ //something here } */ if (updatedNetTable == null) { body = fan.constructNetworkTableJSON(netUpdatedTable, 1);//dovrebbe essere 1 diventato 114 per testing } else { //12/07/2017 gt: aggiungere funzione che crea la tabella tenendo conto della tabella preesistente body = fan.constructNetworkTableJSON(netUpdatedTable, (updatedNetTable.getInt("version")) + 1); } mapsitenetbody.put(cloudID, new FANContainer(fan, body, fah.getIp(), fah.getPort(), fednetContainer.getEndpoint_to_tenantid().get(homeKey.getVarEndpoint()))); ((HashMap) resultingTable.get(cloudID)).put("netTable", body); //02/07/2017 GT: /*PARTE COMMENTATA IN QUANTO LA FUNZIONALITA' DOVRA' ESSERE SPOSTATA ALTROVE, QUESTA FUNZIONE DEVE PREPARARE LE TABELLE PER LA PARTE OPENSTACK try{ Response r=fan.createNetTable(fednetContainer.getEndpoint_to_tenantid().get(homeKey.getVarEndpoint()), fah.getIp()+":"+fah.getPort(), body); //JSONObject answer=r.readEntity(JSONObject.class); //m.insertNetTables(homeKey.getVarIdentity().split(":")[0], cloudID, updatedNetTable.put("table", netUpdatedTable).toString(),(double)answer.get("version"));//rivedere entrambe } catch(WSException wse){ //something here } */ //Inserimento mappe dentro FednetContainer //BEACON>>>Add Management of structure to update fedsdn information } //02/07/2017 GT: /*PARTE COMMENTATA IN QUANTO LA FUNZIONALITA' DOVRA' ESSERE SPOSTATA ALTROVE, QUESTA FUNZIONE DEVE PREPARARE LE TABELLE PER LA PARTE OPENSTACK for(String cloudID: s) { try{ FANContainer fanc= (FANContainer)mapsitenetbody.get(cloudID); FA_client4Network fan=(FA_client4Network)fanc.getFan(); Response r=fan.createNetTable(fanc.getTenantid(), fanc.getFahIP()+":"+fanc.getFahPORT(), fanc.getBody()); //JSONObject answer=r.readEntity(JSONObject.class); //m.insertNetTables(homeKey.getVarIdentity().split(":")[0], cloudID, updatedNetTable.put("table", netUpdatedTable).toString(),(double)answer.get("version"));//rivedere entrambe } catch(WSException wse){ //something here } } */ return resultingTable; } /** * * @param ja * @param entry * @param homeEntry * @return * @throws JSONException * @author gtricomi */ private JSONArray insertEntry_in_NetTable(JSONArray ja, JSONObject entry, JSONObject homeEntry) throws JSONException { try { boolean foundElem = false; boolean foundArray = false; if (ja == null) { ja = new JSONArray(); } for (int i = 0; i < ja.length(); i++) { JSONArray int_ja = ja.getJSONArray(i); for (int j = 0; j < ja.length(); j++) { JSONObject tmpjo = (JSONObject) int_ja.get(j); if (((String) tmpjo.get("name")).equals(entry.get("name"))) { foundArray = true; } else { break; } if ((((String) tmpjo.get("site_name")).equals(entry.get("site_name")))) { foundElem = true; break; } } if (!foundElem && foundArray) { int_ja.put(entry); ja.put(i, int_ja); return ja; } if (foundElem) { return ja; } } if (!foundElem && !foundArray) { JSONArray int_ja = new JSONArray(); int_ja.put(homeEntry); int_ja.put(entry); ja.put(int_ja); return ja; } return ja; } catch (JSONException je) { LOGGER.error("Exception Occurred in Updating NetTables process"); throw je; } } /** * * @param ja * @param entry * @return * @throws JSONException */ private JSONArray insertEntry_in_SiteTable(JSONArray ja, JSONObject entry) throws JSONException { try { boolean foundElem = false; boolean foundArray = false; if (ja == null) { ja = new JSONArray(); } for (int i = 0; i < ja.length(); i++) { //JSONArray int_ja = ja.getJSONArray(i); JSONObject tmpjo = (JSONObject) ja.get(i); if (((String) tmpjo.get("name")).equals(entry.get("name"))) {//&&((String) tmpjo.get("fa_url")).equals(entry.get("fa_url")) foundElem = true; break; } } if (!foundElem) { ja.put(entry); return ja; } return ja; } catch (JSONException je) { LOGGER.error("Exception Occurred in Updating NetTables process"); throw je; } } /** * * @param site_name * @param tenant_id * @param name * @param vnid * @return */ private String createNetTableEntry(String site_name, String tenant_id, String name, String vnid) { String tmp = "{"; tmp = tmp + ("\"tenant_id\": \"" + tenant_id + "\", "); tmp = tmp + ("\"site_name\": \"" + site_name + "\", "); tmp = tmp + ("\"name\": \"" + name + "\", "); tmp = tmp + ("\"vnid\": \"" + vnid + "\""); tmp = tmp + "}"; System.out.println(tmp); return tmp; } /** * * @param site_name * @param tenant_id * @param ip * @param fa_url * @param port * @return */ private String createSiteTableEntry(String site_name, String tenant_id, String ip, String fa_url, String port) { String tmp = "{"; tmp = tmp + ("\"tenant_id\": \"" + tenant_id + "\", "); tmp = tmp + ("\"name\": \"" + site_name + "\", "); tmp = tmp + ("\"site_proxy\": [{\"ip\":\"" + ip + "\",\"port\": " + port + "}],"); tmp = tmp + ("\"fa_url\": \"" + fa_url + "\""); tmp = tmp + "}"; return tmp; } /** * * @param networks * @param version * @return * @throws JSONException */ public org.json.JSONObject constructNetworkTableJSON(ArrayList<String> networks, int version) throws JSONException { org.json.JSONArray array_ext = new org.json.JSONArray(); org.json.JSONArray ja = null; Iterator it = networks.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String tab_entry = (String); ja = new org.json.JSONArray(tab_entry); array_ext.put(ja); } org.json.JSONObject global = new org.json.JSONObject(); global.put("version", version); global.put("table", array_ext); return global; } //</editor-fold> }