Java tutorial
/** * * Copyright (c) 2005-2012. Centre for Research on Inner City Health, St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. All Rights Reserved. * This software is published under the GPL GNU General Public License. * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * This software was written for * Centre for Research on Inner City Health, St. Michael's Hospital, * Toronto, Ontario, Canada */ package oscar.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Vector; import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.oscarehr.common.dao.SecObjPrivilegeDao; import org.oscarehr.common.model.SecObjPrivilege; import org.oscarehr.util.MiscUtils; import org.oscarehr.util.SpringUtils; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import; import oscar.oscarDB.DBHandler; public class OscarRoleObjectPrivilege { private static Logger logger = MiscUtils.getLogger(); private static PageContext pageContext; private static String rights = "r"; public static Vector getPrivilegeProp(String objName) { Vector ret = new Vector(); try { java.sql.ResultSet rs; String[] objectNames = getVecObjectName(objName); StringBuilder objectWhere = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < objectNames.length; i++) { if (i < (objectNames.length - 1)) { objectWhere.append(" objectName = '" + objectNames[i] + "' or "); } else { objectWhere.append(" objectName = '" + objectNames[i] + "' "); } } String sql = "select roleUserGroup,privilege,priority from secObjPrivilege where " + objectWhere.toString() + " order by priority desc"; // this sql looks nasty, OR statements are inherently poor performance items... logger.debug("getPrivilegeProp() sql=" + sql); rs = DBHandler.GetSQL(sql); Properties prop = new Properties(); Vector roleInObj = new Vector(); ArrayList<String> priority = new ArrayList<String>(); while ( { prop.setProperty(oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "roleUserGroup"), oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "privilege")); roleInObj.add(oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "roleUserGroup")); priority.add(oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "priority")); } ret.add(prop); ret.add(roleInObj); ret.add(priority); rs.close(); } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) { MiscUtils.getLogger().error("Error", e); } return ret; } public static ArrayList<Object> getPrivilegePropAsArrayList(String objName) { ArrayList<Object> ret = new ArrayList<Object>(); Properties prop = new Properties(); SecObjPrivilegeDao dao = (SecObjPrivilegeDao) SpringUtils.getBean("secObjPrivilegeDao"); String[] objectNames = getVecObjectName(objName); ArrayList<String> objects = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String t : objectNames) { objects.add(t); } List<SecObjPrivilege> privileges = dao.findByObjectNames(objects); ArrayList<String> roleInObj = new ArrayList<String>(); for (SecObjPrivilege sop : privileges) { prop.setProperty(sop.getId().getRoleUserGroup(), sop.getPrivilege()); roleInObj.add(sop.getId().getRoleUserGroup()); } ret.add(prop); ret.add(roleInObj); return ret; } /** * returns the providers roles as properties object */ private static Properties getVecRole(String roleName) { Properties prop = new Properties(); String[] temp = roleName.split("\\,"); for (int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { prop.setProperty(temp[i], "1"); } return prop; } private static String[] getVecObjectName(String objectName) { String[] temp = objectName.split("\\,"); return temp; } private static ArrayList<String> getPrivilege(String privilege) { ArrayList<String> vec = new ArrayList<String>(); if (privilege != null) { String[] temp = privilege.split("\\|"); for (int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { temp[i] = StringUtils.trimToNull(temp[i]); if (temp[i] == null) continue; vec.add(temp[i]); } } return vec; } public static boolean checkPrivilege(String objName, String orgCd, String propPrivilege) { try { secManager = ( pageContext .getSession().getAttribute("securitymanager"); if (orgCd == null) orgCd = ""; String x = secManager.GetAccess(objName, orgCd); return x.compareToIgnoreCase(propPrivilege) >= 0; } catch (Exception e) { MiscUtils.getLogger().error("Error", e); return (false); } } public static boolean checkPrivilege(String roleName, Properties propPrivilege, List<String> roleInObj) { return checkPrivilege(roleName, propPrivilege, roleInObj, rights); } public static boolean checkPrivilege(String roleName, Properties propPrivilege, List<String> roleInObj, String rightCustom) { return checkPrivilege(roleName, propPrivilege, roleInObj, null, rightCustom); } public static boolean checkPrivilege(String roleName, Properties propPrivilege, List<String> roleInObj, List<String> priority, String rightCustom) { boolean ret = false; Properties propRoleName = getVecRole(roleName); for (int i = 0; i < roleInObj.size(); i++) { if (!propRoleName.containsKey(roleInObj.get(i))) continue; String singleRoleName = roleInObj.get(i); String strPrivilege = propPrivilege.getProperty(singleRoleName); List<String> vecPrivilName = getPrivilege(strPrivilege); boolean[] check = { false, false }; for (int j = 0; j < vecPrivilName.size(); j++) { check = checkRights(vecPrivilName.get(j), rightCustom); if (check[0]) { // get the rights, stop comparing return true; } if (check[1]) { // get the only rights, stop and return the result return check[0]; } } if (priority != null && priority.get(i) != null) { // Since higher priority goes first in the list, if priority>0 we can skip the rest if (!priority.get(i).trim().equals("") && !priority.get(i).trim().equals("0")) break; } } return ret; } private static boolean[] checkRights(String privilege, String rights1) { boolean[] ret = { false, false }; // (gotRights, break/continue) /* * if ("*".equals(privilege)) { ret[0] = true; } else if (privilege.equals(rights1.toLowerCase()) || (privilege.length() > 1 && privilege.startsWith("o") && privilege.substring(1).equals( rights1.toLowerCase()))) { ret[0] = true; if * (privilege.startsWith("o")) ret[1] = true; // break } else if (privilege.equals("o")) { // for "o" ret[0] = false; ret[1] = true; // break } */ if ("x".equals(privilege)) { ret[0] = true; } else if (privilege.compareTo(rights1.toLowerCase()) >= 0) { ret[0] = true; } return ret; } public ApplicationContext getAppContext() { return WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(pageContext.getServletContext()); } }