Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2001-2002. Department of Family Medicine, McMaster University. All Rights Reserved. * This software is published under the GPL GNU General Public License. * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * This software was written for the * Department of Family Medicine * McMaster University * Hamilton * Ontario, Canada */ package oscar.oscarRx.util; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcClientLite; import org.oscarehr.common.dao.UserPropertyDAO; import org.oscarehr.common.model.UserProperty; import org.oscarehr.util.DbConnectionFilter; import org.oscarehr.util.MiscUtils; import oscar.OscarProperties; import oscar.oscarDB.DBHandler; import; import; import oscar.oscarRx.pageUtil.RxMyDrugrefInfoAction; import oscar.oscarRx.pageUtil.RxSessionBean; import oscar.oscarRx.util.TimingOutCallback.TimeoutException; public class RxUtil { private static String defaultPattern = "yyyy/MM/dd"; private static Locale locale = Locale.CANADA; private static String defaultQuantity = "30"; private static final Logger logger = MiscUtils.getLogger(); private static String[] zeroToTen = { "(?i)zero", "(?i)one", "(?i)two", "(?i)three", "(?i)four", "(?i)five", "(?i)six", "(?i)seven", "(?i)eight", "(?i)nine", "(?i)ten" }; public static void setDefaultQuantity(String quantity) { defaultQuantity = quantity; } public static String getDefaultQuantity() { return defaultQuantity; } public static Date StringToDate(String Expression) { return StringToDate(Expression, defaultPattern); } public static Date StringToDate(String Expression, String pattern) { try { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, locale); return df.parse(Expression); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public static String DateToString(Date Expression) { return DateToString(Expression, defaultPattern); } public static String DateToString(Calendar Expression) { if (Expression == null) return DateToString(null, defaultPattern); return DateToString(Expression.getTime(), defaultPattern); } public static String DateToString(Date Expression, String pattern) { if (Expression != null) { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, locale); return df.format(Expression); } else { return ""; } } public static String DateToString(Date Expression, String pattern, Locale locale2) { if (Expression != null) { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, locale2); return df.format(Expression); } else { return ""; } } public static Date Today() { return (java.util.GregorianCalendar.getInstance().getTime()); } public static int BoolToInt(boolean Expression) { if (Expression == true) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } public static boolean IntToBool(int Expression) { return (Expression != 0); } public static String FloatToString(float value) { Float f = new Float(value); java.text.NumberFormat fmt = java.text.NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); String s = fmt.format(f.doubleValue()); return s; } public static float StringToFloat(String value) { return Float.parseFloat(value); } public static Object IIf(boolean Expression, Object TruePart, Object FalsePart) { if (Expression == true) { return TruePart; } else { return FalsePart; } } public static String joinArray(Object[] array) { String ret = ""; int i; for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { ret += "'" + String.valueOf(array[i]) + "'"; if (i < array.length - 1) { ret += ", "; } } return ret; } public static String replace(String expression, String searchFor, String replaceWith) { if (expression != null) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(expression); int pos = -1; while (true) { pos = buf.indexOf(searchFor, pos); if (pos > -1) { buf.delete(pos, pos + searchFor.length()); buf.insert(pos, replaceWith); pos += replaceWith.length(); } else { break; } } return buf.toString(); } else { return null; } } /** * Method for calculating creatinine clearance takes age, weight in kg and CREATININE values an returns Clcr * age must be greater than zero. * weight must be greater than zero */ public static int getClcr(int age, double weight, double sCr, boolean female) throws Exception { if (age < 0) { throw new Exception("age must be greater than 0"); } if (weight < 0) { throw new Exception("weight must be greater than 0"); } if (sCr < 0) { throw new Exception("sCr must be greater than 0"); } double Clcr = (140 - age) * weight / (sCr * 0.8); if (female) { Clcr = Clcr * 0.85; } return (int) Math.round(Clcr); } public static double findNDays(String durationUnit) { double nDays = 0d; if (durationUnit.equalsIgnoreCase("D")) { nDays = 1; } else if (durationUnit.equalsIgnoreCase("W")) { nDays = 7; } else if (durationUnit.equalsIgnoreCase("M")) { nDays = 30; } return nDays; } public static Double findNPerDay(String frequency) { double nPerDay = 0d; if (frequency.equalsIgnoreCase("od")) { nPerDay = 1; } else if (frequency.equalsIgnoreCase("bid")) { nPerDay = 2; } else if (frequency.equalsIgnoreCase("tid")) { nPerDay = 3; } else if (frequency.equalsIgnoreCase("qid")) { nPerDay = 4; } else if (frequency.equalsIgnoreCase("Q1H")) { nPerDay = 24; } else if (frequency.equalsIgnoreCase("Q2H")) { nPerDay = 12; } else if (frequency.equalsIgnoreCase("Q1-2H")) { nPerDay = 24; } else if (frequency.equalsIgnoreCase("Q3-4H")) { nPerDay = 8; } else if (frequency.equalsIgnoreCase("Q4H")) { nPerDay = 6; } else if (frequency.equalsIgnoreCase("Q4-6H")) { nPerDay = 6; } else if (frequency.equalsIgnoreCase("Q6H")) { nPerDay = 4; } else if (frequency.equalsIgnoreCase("Q8H")) { nPerDay = 3; } else if (frequency.equalsIgnoreCase("Q12H")) { nPerDay = 2; } else if (frequency.equalsIgnoreCase("QAM")) { nPerDay = 1; } else if (frequency.equalsIgnoreCase("QPM")) { nPerDay = 1; } else if (frequency.equalsIgnoreCase("QHS")) { nPerDay = 1; } else if (frequency.equalsIgnoreCase("Q1Week")) { nPerDay = 0.14285714285714285; } else if (frequency.equalsIgnoreCase("Q2Week")) { nPerDay = 0.07142857142857142; } else if (frequency.equalsIgnoreCase("Q1Month")) { nPerDay = 0.03333333333333333; } else if (frequency.equalsIgnoreCase("Q3Month")) { nPerDay = 0.011111111111111112; } return nPerDay; } public static String getUnitNameFromQuantityText(String qStr) { if (qStr != null) { Pattern p1 = Pattern.compile("\\d+"); Matcher m1 = p1.matcher(qStr); if (m1.find()) { String qNum = qStr.substring(m1.start(), m1.end()); //get the quantity unit String qUnit = qStr.replace(qNum, "").trim(); if (qUnit != null && qUnit.length() > 0) { return qUnit; } } } return null; } public static String getQuantityFromQuantityText(String qStr) { if (qStr != null) { Pattern p1 = Pattern.compile("\\d+"); Matcher m1 = p1.matcher(qStr); if (m1.find()) { String qNum = qStr.substring(m1.start(), m1.end()); return qNum; } } return null; } public static boolean isMitte(String qStr) { boolean isMitte = false; String[] durationUnits = { "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)days\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)weeks\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)months\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)day\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)week\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)month\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)d\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)w\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)m\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)mo\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)days$", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)weeks$", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)months$", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)day$", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)week$", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)month$", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)d$", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)w$", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)m$", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)mo$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)days\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)weeks\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)months\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)day\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)week\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)month\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)d\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)w\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)m\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)mo\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)days$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)weeks$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)months$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)day$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)week$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)month$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)d$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)w$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)m$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)mo$", "^[0-9]+(?i)days$", "^[0-9]+(?i)weeks$", "^[0-9]+(?i)months$", "^[0-9]+(?i)day$", "^[0-9]+(?i)week$", "^[0-9]+(?i)month$", "^[0-9]+(?i)d$", "^[0-9]+(?i)w$", "^[0-9]+(?i)m$", "^[0-9]+(?i)mo$", "^[0-9]+\\s+(?i)days$", "^[0-9]+\\s+(?i)weeks$", "^[0-9]+\\s+(?i)months$", "^[0-9]+\\s+(?i)day$", "^[0-9]+\\s+(?i)week$", "^[0-9]+\\s+(?i)month$", "^[0-9]+\\s+(?i)d$", "^[0-9]+\\s+(?i)w$", "^[0-9]+\\s+(?i)m$", "^[0-9]+\\s+(?i)mo$" }; for (String s : durationUnits) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(s); Matcher m = p.matcher(qStr); if (m.find()) { String foundStr = (qStr.substring(m.start(), m.end())).trim(); qStr = qStr.replace(foundStr, ""); qStr = qStr.trim(); if (qStr.length() == 0) { isMitte = true; break; } } } return isMitte; } public static String getDurationFromQuantityText(String qStr) { String retStr = ""; String[] durationUnits = { "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)days\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)weeks\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)months\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)day\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)week\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)month\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)d\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)w\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)m\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)mo\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)days$", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)weeks$", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)months$", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)day$", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)week$", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)month$", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)d$", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)w$", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)m$", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)mo$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)days\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)weeks\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)months\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)day\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)week\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)month\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)d\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)w\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)m\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)mo\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)days$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)weeks$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)months$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)day$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)week$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)month$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)d$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)w$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)m$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)mo$", }; for (String s : durationUnits) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(s); Matcher m = p.matcher(qStr); if (m.find()) { String foundStr = (qStr.substring(m.start(), m.end())).trim(); Pattern p2 = Pattern.compile("[0-9]+"); Matcher m2 = p2.matcher(foundStr); if (m2.find()) { String duration = (foundStr.substring(m2.start(), m2.end())).trim(); retStr = duration; } break; } } return retStr; } public static String getDurationUnitFromQuantityText(String qStr) { String retStr = ""; String[] durationUnits = { "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)days\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)weeks\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)months\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)day\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)week\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)month\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)d\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)w\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)m\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)mo\\s", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)days$", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)weeks$", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)months$", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)day$", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)week$", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)month$", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)d$", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)w$", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)m$", "[0-9]+\\s+(?i)mo$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)days\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)weeks\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)months\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)day\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)week\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)month\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)d\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)w\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)m\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)mo\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)days$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)weeks$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)months$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)day$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)week$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)month$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)d$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)w$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)m$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)mo$", }; for (String s : durationUnits) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(s); Matcher m = p.matcher(qStr); if (m.find()) { String foundStr = (qStr.substring(m.start(), m.end())).trim(); Pattern p2 = Pattern.compile("[0-9]+"); Matcher m2 = p2.matcher(foundStr); if (m2.find()) { String duration = (foundStr.substring(m2.start(), m2.end())).trim(); String durationUnit = foundStr.replace(duration, "").trim(); if (durationUnit.startsWith("d") || durationUnit.startsWith("D")) retStr = "D"; else if (durationUnit.startsWith("w") || durationUnit.startsWith("W")) retStr = "W"; else if (durationUnit.startsWith("m") || durationUnit.startsWith("M")) retStr = "M"; else retStr = ""; break; } } } return retStr; } public static String findDuration(RxPrescriptionData.Prescription rx) {//calculate duration based on quantity, takemax,takemin,frequency,durationUnit. //get frequency,takemax,takemin,durationUnit by parsing special. instrucParser(rx); MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("after instrucParser,quantity=" + rx.getQuantity()); String qStr = rx.getQuantity(); if (rx.getUnitName() == null) { qStr = qStr.trim(); double qtyD; Pattern p1 = Pattern.compile("\\d+"); Matcher m1 = p1.matcher(qStr); if (m1.find()) { String qNum = qStr.substring(m1.start(), m1.end()); qtyD = Double.parseDouble(qNum); //get the quantity unit String qUnit = qStr.replace(qNum, "").trim(); if (qUnit != null && qUnit.length() > 0) { rx.setUnitName(qUnit); return null; //if a quantity unit is specified, can't calculate duration. } else { double takeMax = rx.getTakeMax(); double nPerDay = findNPerDay(rx.getFrequencyCode()); double nDays = findNDays(rx.getDurationUnit()); p("qtyD--takeMax--nPerDay--nDays--" + qtyD + " " + takeMax + " " + nPerDay + " " + nDays); if (takeMax != 0d) { double durD = qtyD / (takeMax) * nPerDay * nDays; int durInt = (int) durD; p("durInt", Integer.toString(durInt)); return Integer.toString(durInt); } else { return null; } } } else { logger.error("quantity is not specified"); return null; } } else { return null; } } private static void setEmptyValues(RxPrescriptionData.Prescription rx) { rx.setRoute(""); rx.setTakeMax(Float.parseFloat("0")); rx.setTakeMin(Float.parseFloat("0")); rx.setMethod(""); rx.setFrequencyCode(""); rx.setDuration("0"); rx.setDurationUnit(""); rx.setPrn(false); rx.setQuantity(Integer.toString(0)); rx.setSpecial(""); } private static String changeToStandardFrequencyCode(String str) { String retVal = str; if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("daily")) { retVal = "OD"; } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("once daily")) { retVal = "OD"; } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("twice daily")) { retVal = "BID"; } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("3x day")) { retVal = "TID"; } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("3x daily")) { retVal = "TID"; } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("4x day")) { retVal = "QID"; } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("4x daily")) { retVal = "QID"; } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("weekly")) { retVal = "Q1Week"; } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("monthly")) { retVal = "Q1Month"; } return retVal; } private static String convertWordToNumerical(String s) { s = s.trim(); String retVal = s; if (s != null && !s.equalsIgnoreCase("null")) { if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("zero")) { retVal = "0"; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("one")) { retVal = "1"; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("two")) { retVal = "2"; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("three")) { retVal = "3"; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("four")) { retVal = "4"; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("five")) { retVal = "5"; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("six")) { retVal = "6"; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("seven")) { retVal = "7"; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("eight")) { retVal = "8"; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("nine")) { retVal = "9"; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("ten")) { retVal = "10"; } else { if (!isStringToNumber(retVal)) retVal = "0"; } } else retVal = "0"; return retVal; } private static String checkInstructionStr(String str) {//replace if instruction contains certain string which may confuse the text parser String retVal = str; if (str.contains("3x day")) { retVal = retVal.replace("3x day", ""); } else if (str.contains("4x day")) { retVal = retVal.replace("4x day", ""); } return retVal; } public static void instrucParser(RxPrescriptionData.Prescription rx) { if (rx == null) { return; } String instructions = rx.getSpecial(); if (instructions == null) { instructions = ""; } String route = ""; String frequency = ""; String duration = "0"; String method = ""; String durationUnit = ""; String durationUnitSpec = ""; boolean prn = false; String amountFrequency = ""; String amountMethod = ""; String takeMinFrequency = ""; String takeMaxFrequency = ""; String takeMinMethod = ""; String takeMaxMethod = ""; String takeMin = "0"; String takeMax = "0"; String durationSpec = ""; int quantity = 0; List<String> policyViolations = new ArrayList<String>(); if (instructions.trim().length() == 0) { setEmptyValues(rx); } else { //do we have some policies/restrictions we want to run? policyViolations.addAll(RxInstructionPolicy.checkInstructions(instructions.trim())); String[] prns = { "\\s(?i)prn$", "^(?i)prn\\s+", "\\s+(?i)prn\\s+" }; for (String s : prns) { Pattern prnP = Pattern.compile(s); Matcher prnM = prnP.matcher(instructions); if (prnM.find()) { // p("prn is true"); prn = true; } } String[] routes = { "\\s(?i)PO$", "\\s(?i)SL$", "\\s(?i)IM$", "\\s(?i)SC$", "\\s(?i)PATCH$", "\\s(?i)TOP\\.$", "\\s(?i)INH$", "\\s(?i)SUPP$", "\\s(?i)O.D.$", "\\s(?i)O.S.$", "\\s(?i)O.U.$", "\\s(?i)OD$", "\\s(?i)OS$", "\\s(?i)OU$", "\\s(?i)PO\\s", "\\s(?i)SL\\s", "\\s(?i)IM\\s", "\\s(?i)SC\\s", "\\s(?i)PATCH\\s", "\\s(?i)TOP\\.\\s", "\\s(?i)INH\\s", "\\s(?i)SUPP\\s", "\\s(?i)O.D.\\s", "\\s(?i)O.S.\\s", "\\s(?i)O.U.\\s", "\\s(?i)OD\\s", "\\s(?i)OS\\s", "\\s(?i)OU\\s" }; String[] frequences = { "\\s(?i)OD\\s", "\\s(?i)BID\\s", "\\s(?i)TID\\s", "\\s(?i)QID\\s", "\\s(?i)Q1H\\s", "\\s(?i)Q2H\\s", "\\s(?i)Q1-2H\\s", "\\s(?i)Q3-4H\\s", "\\s(?i)Q4H\\s", "\\s(?i)Q4-6H\\s", "\\s(?i)Q6H\\s", "\\s(?i)Q8H\\s", "\\s(?i)Q12H\\s", "\\s(?i)QAM\\s", "\\s(?i)QPM\\s", "\\s(?i)QHS\\s", "\\s(?i)Q1Week\\s", "\\s(?i)weekly\\s", "\\s(?i)Q2Week\\s", "\\s(?i)Q1Month\\s", "\\s(?i)Q3Month\\s", "\\s(?i)monthly\\s", "\\s(?i)once daily\\s", "\\s(?i)twice daily\\s", "\\s(?i)3x day\\s", "\\s(?i)4x day\\s", "\\s(?i)3x daily\\s", "\\s(?i)4x daily\\s", "\\s(?i)OD$", "\\s(?i)BID$", "\\s(?i)TID$", "\\s(?i)QID$", "\\s(?i)Q1H$", "\\s(?i)Q2H$", "\\s(?i)Q1-2H$", "\\s(?i)Q3-4H$", "\\s(?i)Q4H$", "\\s(?i)Q4-6H$", "\\s(?i)Q6H$", "\\s(?i)Q8H$", "\\s(?i)Q12H$", "\\s(?i)QAM$", "\\s(?i)QPM$", "\\s(?i)QHS$", "\\s(?i)Q1Week$", "\\s(?i)weekly$", "\\s(?i)Q2Week$", "\\s(?i)Q1Month$", "\\s(?i)Q3Month$", "\\s(?i)monthly$", "\\s(?i)once daily$", "\\s(?i)twice daily$", "\\s(?i)3x day$", "\\s(?i)4x day$", "\\s(?i)3x daily$", "\\s(?i)4x daily$", "\\s(?i)daily\\s", "\\s(?i)daily$",// put at last because if frequency is 'twice daily', it will first be detected as 'daily' }; String[] methods = { "(?i)Take", "(?i)Apply", "(?i)Rub well in" }; String[] durationUnits = { "\\s+(?i)days\\s", "\\s+(?i)weeks\\s", "\\s+(?i)months\\s", "\\s+(?i)day\\s", "\\s+(?i)week\\s", "\\s+(?i)month\\s", "\\s+(?i)d\\s", "\\s+(?i)w\\s", "\\s+(?i)m\\s", "\\s+(?i)mo\\s", "\\s+(?i)days$", "\\s+(?i)weeks$", "\\s+(?i)months$", "\\s+(?i)day$", "\\s+(?i)week$", "\\s+(?i)month$", "\\s+(?i)d$", "\\s+(?i)w$", "\\s+(?i)m$", "\\s+(?i)mo$" }; String[] durUnits2 = { "\\s[0-9]+(?i)days\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)weeks\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)months\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)day\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)week\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)month\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)d\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)w\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)m\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)mo\\s", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)days$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)weeks$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)months$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)day$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)week$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)month$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)d$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)w$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)m$", "\\s[0-9]+(?i)mo$", }; for (String s : routes) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(s); Matcher matcher = p.matcher(instructions); if (matcher.find()) { route = (instructions.substring(matcher.start(), matcher.end())).trim(); if (route.equalsIgnoreCase("OD")) { p("route is OD"); //remove OD from instructions String part = instructions.substring(0, matcher.start()) + " " + instructions.substring(matcher.end()); //if route =od,check if there is a valid frequency, there is one, then route is od. //if not , set the route="",keep looping. then set frequency to be od; p("part is " + part); Pattern fPattern = Pattern.compile("\\s(?i)OD\\s*"); Matcher fMatcher = fPattern.matcher(part); String frequencyStr = ""; if (fMatcher.find()) { frequencyStr = part.substring(fMatcher.start(), fMatcher.end()); break; } if (frequencyStr.equals("")) { frequency = "OD"; route = ""; continue; } else { frequency = frequencyStr; break; } } else { break; } } } p("route", route); if (route.equals("")) { MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("route is not set"); } //find frequency for (String s : frequences) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(s); Matcher matcher = p.matcher(instructions); if (matcher.find()) { frequency = (instructions.substring(matcher.start(), matcher.end())).trim(); frequency = changeToStandardFrequencyCode(frequency); String origFrequency = (instructions.substring(matcher.start(), matcher.end())).trim(); Pattern p2 = Pattern.compile("\\s*\\d*\\.*\\d+\\s+" + origFrequency); //allow to detect decimal number. Matcher m2 = p2.matcher(instructions); Pattern p4 = Pattern.compile("\\s*\\d*\\.*\\d+-\\s*\\d*\\.*\\d+\\s+" + frequency); //use * after the first \s because "1 OD", 1 doesn't have a space in front. Matcher m4 = p4.matcher(instructions); // p("here11", instructions); //since "\\s+[0-9]+-[0-9]+\\s+" is a case in "\\s+[0-9]+\\s+", check the latter regex first. if (m4.find()) { String str2 = instructions.substring(m4.start(), m4.end()); Pattern p5 = Pattern.compile("\\d*\\.*\\d+-\\s*\\d*\\.*\\d+"); Matcher m5 = p5.matcher(str2); if (m5.find()) { String str3 = str2.substring(m5.start(), m5.end()); // p("here str3", str3); takeMinFrequency = str3.split("-")[0]; takeMaxFrequency = str3.split("-")[1]; } } else if (m2.find()) { String str = instructions.substring(m2.start(), m2.end()); Pattern p3 = Pattern.compile("\\d*\\.*\\d+"); Matcher m3 = p3.matcher(str); // p("here22", str); if (m3.find()) { amountFrequency = str.substring(m3.start(), m3.end()); } } else { p("word amount"); for (String word : zeroToTen) { String r1 = "\\s" + word + "\\s*" + frequency; String r2 = "^" + word + "\\s*" + frequency;//start at the begin of instructions Pattern p5 = Pattern.compile(r1); Matcher m5 = p5.matcher(instructions); p("pattern word =" + r1); if (m5.find()) { amountFrequency = instructions.substring(m5.start(), m5.end()); amountFrequency = amountFrequency.replace(frequency, "").trim(); p("amountFreq=" + amountFrequency); amountFrequency = convertWordToNumerical(amountFrequency); p("num amountFreq=" + amountFrequency); break; } p5 = Pattern.compile(r2); m5 = p5.matcher(instructions); if (m5.find()) { amountFrequency = instructions.substring(m5.start(), m5.end()); amountFrequency = amountFrequency.replace(frequency, "").trim(); p("amountFreq=" + amountFrequency); amountFrequency = convertWordToNumerical(amountFrequency); p("num amountFreq=" + amountFrequency); break; } } } //the string before frequency maybe the amount of drug //check if the string is a number,if it is, get the number //if not a number, check if it has "min-max" pattern, if yes, get min and max, if not, ignore break; } } //check if method is specified, if yes, check the number after method ,which maybe the number to take for a frequency. for (String s : methods) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(s); Matcher m = p.matcher(instructions); if (m.find()) { p("must be here"); method = instructions.substring(m.start(), m.end()); Pattern p2 = Pattern.compile(method + "\\s*\\d*\\.*\\d+\\s+"); Matcher m2 = p2.matcher(instructions); Pattern p4 = Pattern.compile(method + "\\s*\\d*\\.*\\d+-\\s*\\d*\\.*\\d+\\s+"); Matcher m4 = p4.matcher(instructions); //since "\\s+[0-9]+-[0-9]+\\s+" is a case in "\\s+[0-9]+\\s+", check the latter regex first. if (m4.find()) { p("else if 1"); String str2 = instructions.substring(m4.start(), m4.end()); Pattern p5 = Pattern.compile("\\d*\\.*\\d+-\\s*\\d*\\.*\\d+"); Matcher m5 = p5.matcher(str2); if (m5.find()) { String str3 = str2.substring(m5.start(), m5.end()); // p("str3", str3); takeMinMethod = str3.split("-")[0]; takeMaxMethod = str3.split("-")[1]; } } else if (m2.find()) { p("if 1"); String str = instructions.substring(m2.start(), m2.end()); p("str1 ", str); Pattern p3 = Pattern.compile("\\d*\\.*\\d+"); Matcher m3 = p3.matcher(str); if (m3.find()) { p("found1"); amountMethod = str.substring(m3.start(), m3.end()); // p("amountMethod", amountMethod); } } else { p("word amount"); for (String word : zeroToTen) { String r1 = method + "\\s+" + word + "\\s"; String r2 = method + "\\s+" + word + "$"; Pattern p5 = Pattern.compile(r1); Matcher m5 = p5.matcher(instructions); p("pattern word =" + r1); if (m5.find()) { amountMethod = instructions.substring(m5.start(), m5.end()); amountMethod = amountMethod.replace(method, "").trim(); p("amountMethod=" + amountMethod); amountMethod = convertWordToNumerical(amountMethod); p("num amountMethod=" + amountMethod); break; } else { p5 = Pattern.compile(r2); m5 = p5.matcher(instructions); p("pattern word =" + r2); if (m5.find()) { amountMethod = instructions.substring(m5.start(), m5.end()); amountMethod = amountMethod.replace(method, "").trim(); p("amountMethod=" + amountMethod); amountMethod = convertWordToNumerical(amountMethod); p("num amountMethod=" + amountMethod); break; } } } } break; } } /* p(takeMinMethod); p(takeMaxMethod); p(takeMinFrequency); p(takeMaxFrequency);*/ if (!takeMinMethod.equals("") && takeMinFrequency.equals("")) { takeMin = takeMinMethod; takeMax = takeMaxMethod; } else if (takeMinMethod.equals("") && !takeMinFrequency.equals("")) { takeMin = takeMinFrequency; takeMax = takeMaxFrequency; } else if (!takeMinMethod.equals("") && !takeMinFrequency.equals("")) {// when method and frequency both gives values of takemin and takemax, //assume use the frequency one is correct. takeMin = takeMinFrequency; takeMax = takeMaxFrequency; } //check if a frequency is specified, if yes, check the number before the freq, which is the number to have, check if the number match the previous. //if yes, use that as the quantity per frequency, if not, use the frequency number as quantity. if (!amountMethod.equals("") && amountFrequency.equals("")) { takeMin = amountMethod; takeMax = takeMin; } else if (amountMethod.equals("") && !amountFrequency.equals("")) { takeMin = amountFrequency; takeMax = takeMin; } else if (!amountMethod.equals("") && !amountFrequency.equals("")) { // when method and frequency both gives values of takemin and takemax, //assume use the frequency one is correct. takeMin = amountFrequency; takeMax = amountFrequency; } //calculate the number of pills to have per frequency which is used to calculate the duration later on. //from frequency code we can deduce a duration unit. //check if a durationunit is already specified, if not, use that, if yes,check if they are equal,if not output an warning and use specified. for (String s : durationUnits) { // p(instructions); // p(s); String instructionToCheck = checkInstructionStr(instructions); Pattern p = Pattern.compile(s); Matcher m = p.matcher(instructionToCheck); if (m.find()) { p("FOUND"); p("instructionToCheck==", instructionToCheck); p(s); durationUnitSpec = (instructionToCheck.substring(m.start(), m.end())).trim(); p("durationUnitSpec", durationUnitSpec); //get the number before durationUnit Pattern p1 = Pattern.compile("[0-9]+" + s); Matcher m1 = p1.matcher(instructionToCheck); if (m1.find()) { p("" + m1.start(), "" + m.start()); durationSpec = instructionToCheck.substring(m1.start(), m.start()); duration = durationSpec.trim(); p("duration here1", duration); } break; } } //match the pattern when there is no space between number and durationUnit. if (durationUnitSpec.equals("")) { MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("no space between duration and duration unit."); for (String s : durUnits2) { String instructionToCheck = checkInstructionStr(instructions); Pattern p = Pattern.compile(s); Matcher m = p.matcher(instructionToCheck); if (m.find()) { p("FOUND"); p("instructionToCheck=" + instructionToCheck); p(s); String str1 = instructionToCheck.substring(m.start(), m.end()); MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("str1=" + str1); //get numUnit out Pattern p1 = Pattern.compile("[0-9]+"); Matcher m1 = p1.matcher(str1); if (m1.find()) { duration = str1.substring(m1.start(), m1.end()); durationUnitSpec = (str1.substring(m1.end())).trim(); MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("duration=" + duration); MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("durationUnitSpec=" + durationUnitSpec); break; } } } } //if durationUnit is not specified, deduce it if (durationUnitSpec.equals("")) { // p("here?? if"); String[] freq1 = { "\\s*(?i)OD\\s*", "\\s*(?i)BID\\s*", "\\s*(?i)TID\\s*", "\\s*(?i)QID\\s*", "\\s*(?i)Q1H\\s*", "\\s*(?i)Q2H\\s*", "\\s*(?i)Q1-2H\\s*", "\\s*(?i)Q3-4H\\s*", "\\s*(?i)Q4H\\s*", "\\s*(?i)Q4-6H\\s*", "\\s*(?i)Q6H\\s*", "\\s*(?i)Q8H\\s*", "\\s*(?i)Q12H\\s*", "\\s*(?i)QAM\\s*", "\\s*(?i)QPM\\s*", "\\s*(?i)QHS\\s*", "\\s*(?i)once daily\\s*", "\\s*(?i)twice daily\\s*", "\\s*(?i)3x day\\s*", "\\s*(?i)4x day\\s*", "\\s*(?i)3x daily\\s*", "\\s*(?i)4x daily\\s*", "\\s*(?i)daily\\s*"// put at last because if frequency is 'twice daily', it will first be detected as 'daily' };//QPM is once a day in the evening, qhs once a day at night. String[] freq2 = { "\\s*(?i)Q1Week\\s*", "\\s*(?i)Q2Week\\s*" }; String[] freq3 = { "\\s*(?i)Q1Month\\s*", "\\s*(?i)Q3Month\\s*" }; boolean found = false; for (String f1 : freq1) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(f1); Matcher m = p.matcher(frequency); // p(f1); // p(frequency); if (m.find()) { durationUnit = "D"; found = true; } } if (!found) { for (String f2 : freq2) { Pattern p2 = Pattern.compile(f2); Matcher m2 = p2.matcher(frequency); if (m2.find()) { durationUnit = "W"; found = true; } } } if (!found) { for (String f3 : freq3) { Pattern p3 = Pattern.compile(f3); Matcher m3 = p3.matcher(frequency); if (m3.find()) { durationUnit = "M"; found = true; } } } } else { //D, W,M if (durationUnitSpec.equalsIgnoreCase("week") || durationUnitSpec.equalsIgnoreCase("weeks") || durationUnitSpec.equalsIgnoreCase("w")) { durationUnit = "W"; } else if (durationUnitSpec.equalsIgnoreCase("day") || durationUnitSpec.equalsIgnoreCase("days") || durationUnitSpec.equalsIgnoreCase("d")) { durationUnit = "D"; } else if (durationUnitSpec.equalsIgnoreCase("month") || durationUnitSpec.equalsIgnoreCase("months") || durationUnitSpec.equalsIgnoreCase("m") || durationUnitSpec.equalsIgnoreCase("mo")) { durationUnit = "M"; } } //make sure min is smaller than max if (takeMax.compareTo(takeMin) < 0) { // p("max<min"); String swap = takeMin; takeMin = takeMax; takeMax = swap; } double nPerDay = 0d;//number of drugs per day double nDays = 0d;//number of days per duration unit MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("in instrucParser,unitName=" + rx.getUnitName()); boolean isUnitNameUsed = true; if (rx.getUnitName() == null || rx.getUnitName().trim().length() == 0) isUnitNameUsed = false; else if (rx.getUnitName().equalsIgnoreCase("null")) isUnitNameUsed = false; else isUnitNameUsed = true; MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("isUnitNameUsed=" + isUnitNameUsed); //if duration is 0 or null or length==0,it means duration is not specified by user //if quantity,frequency, durationUnit are valid values,isUnitNameUsed==false //yes,calculate duration based on quantity because duration is not specified //no,leave duration an invalid value //else if duration is a valid value //if frequency, durationUnit,takeMax are valid too //yes, calculate quantity //no, leave quantity intact. //--start new code rx.setQuantity(rx.getQuantity().trim()); if (duration.equals("0") || duration.length() == 0 || duration == null) {//if duration is not specified, find duration based on quantity rx.setDurationSpecifiedByUser(false); if (!isUnitNameUsed && rx.getQuantity() != null && !rx.getQuantity().equalsIgnoreCase("null") && !rx.getQuantity().equals("") && !durationUnit.equals("") && !frequency.equals("") && !takeMax.equals("0")) { quantity = Integer.parseInt(rx.getQuantity()); double quantityD = quantity; nPerDay = findNPerDay(frequency); nDays = findNDays(durationUnit); double durationD = quantityD / ((Double.parseDouble(takeMax)) * nPerDay * nDays); Integer durationI = (int) durationD; duration = durationI.toString(); rx.setDuration(duration); } else rx.setDuration("0"); } else {//if duration is valid, find quantity based on duration rx.setDurationSpecifiedByUser(true); rx.setDuration(duration); if (!isUnitNameUsed && !durationUnit.equals("") && !takeMin.equals("0") && !takeMax.equals("0") && !frequency.equals("")) { nPerDay = findNPerDay(frequency); nDays = findNDays(durationUnit); MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("in instrucParser duration=" + duration); //quantity=takeMax * nDays * duration * nPerDay double quantityD = (Double.parseDouble(takeMax)) * nPerDay * nDays * (Double.parseDouble(duration)); quantity = (int) quantityD; MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("in instrucParser,else=" + quantity + "-- " + takeMax + " --" + nPerDay + "-- " + nDays + "-- " + duration); } } //if drug route is in rx is different from specified, set it to specified. if (!route.equals("") && !route.equalsIgnoreCase(rx.getRoute())) { rx.setRoute(route); } rx.setTakeMax(Float.parseFloat(takeMax)); rx.setTakeMin(Float.parseFloat(takeMin)); rx.setMethod(method); rx.setFrequencyCode(frequency); rx.setDurationUnit(durationUnit); rx.setPrn(prn); MiscUtils.getLogger() .debug("in instrucParser,quantity=" + quantity + " ; unitName=" + rx.getUnitName()); if (!isUnitNameUsed && quantity != 0) { rx.setQuantity(Integer.toString(quantity)); } rx.setSpecial(instructions); } if (rx.isCustomNote()) { rx.setQuantity(null); rx.setUnitName(null); } rx.setPolicyViolations(policyViolations); p("below set special"); HashMap hm = new HashMap(); hm.put("takeMin", rx.getTakeMin()); hm.put("takeMax", rx.getTakeMax()); hm.put("method", rx.getMethod()); hm.put("route", rx.getRoute()); hm.put("frequency", rx.getFrequencyCode()); hm.put("duration", rx.getDuration()); hm.put("durationUnit", rx.getDurationUnit()); hm.put("prn", rx.getPrn()); hm.put("quantity", rx.getQuantity()); hm.put("policyViolations", policyViolations); // p(instructions); MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("in parse instruction: " + hm); return; } public static boolean isStringToNumber(String s) {//see if string contains decimal or integer boolean retBool = false; Pattern p1 = Pattern.compile("\\d*\\.*\\d+"); Matcher m1 = p1.matcher(s); if (m1.find()) { String numStr = s.substring(m1.start(), m1.end()); String restStr = s.replace(numStr, "").trim(); if (restStr != null && restStr.length() > 0) retBool = false; else retBool = true; } else retBool = false; return retBool; } public static String trimSpecial(RxPrescriptionData.Prescription rx) { String special = rx.getSpecial(); if (special == null || special.trim().length() == 0) return ""; //if rx has special instruction, remove it from special if (rx.getSpecialInstruction() != null && !rx.getSpecialInstruction().equalsIgnoreCase("null") && rx.getSpecialInstruction().trim().length() > 0) { special = special.replace(rx.getSpecialInstruction(), ""); } //remove Qty:num String regex1 = "Qty:\\s*[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]*\\s*"; String unitName = rx.getUnitName(); if (unitName != null && special.indexOf(unitName) != -1) { regex1 += "\\Q" + unitName + "\\E"; } Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex1); Matcher m = p.matcher(special); special = m.replaceAll(""); //remove Repeats:num from special String regex2 = "Repeats:\\s*[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]*\\s*"; p = Pattern.compile(regex2); m = p.matcher(special); special = m.replaceAll(""); //remove brand name String regex3 = rx.getBrandName(); if (regex3 != null) { regex3 = regex3.trim(); special = special.replace(regex3, ""); } //remove generic name String regex4 = rx.getGenericName(); if (regex4 != null) { regex4 = regex4.trim(); special = special.replace(regex4, ""); } //remove custom name String regex5 = rx.getCustomName(); if (regex5 != null) { regex5 = regex5.trim(); special = special.replace(regex5, ""); } MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("before trimming mitte=" + special); String regex6 = "Mitte:\\s*[0-9]+\\s*\\w+"; p = Pattern.compile(regex6); m = p.matcher(special); special = m.replaceAll(""); MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("after trimming mitte special=" + special); //assume drug name is before method and drug name is the first part of the instruction. String rx_enhance = OscarProperties.getInstance().getProperty("rx_enhance"); //rx_enhance changes the behavior by not deleting anything up to the words Take, apply.. if (!(rx_enhance != null && rx_enhance.equals("true"))) { if (special.indexOf("Take") != -1) { special = special.substring(special.indexOf("Take")); } else if (special.indexOf("take") != -1) { special = special.substring(special.indexOf("take")); } else if (special.indexOf("TAKE") != -1) { special = special.substring(special.indexOf("TAKE")); } else if (special.indexOf("Apply") != -1) { special = special.substring(special.indexOf("Apply")); } else if (special.indexOf("apply") != -1) { special = special.substring(special.indexOf("apply")); } else if (special.indexOf("APPLY") != -1) { special = special.substring(special.indexOf("APPLY")); } else if (special.indexOf("Rub well in") != -1) { special = special.substring(special.indexOf("Rub well in")); } else if (special.indexOf("rub well in") != -1) { special = special.substring(special.indexOf("rub well in")); } else if (special.indexOf("RUB WELL IN") != -1) { special = special.substring(special.indexOf("RUB WELL IN")); } else if (special.indexOf("Rub Well In") != -1) { special = special.substring(special.indexOf("Rub Well In")); } } return special.trim(); } public static void printStashContent(oscar.oscarRx.pageUtil.RxSessionBean bean) { p("***drugs in present stash,stash size", "" + bean.getStashSize()); for (int j = 0; j < bean.getStashSize(); j++) { try { RxPrescriptionData.Prescription rxTemp = bean.getStashItem(j); p("stash index", "" + j); p("randomId", "" + rxTemp.getRandomId()); p("generic name", rxTemp.getGenericName()); p("special", rxTemp.getSpecial()); p("quantity", rxTemp.getQuantity()); p("repeat=" + rxTemp.getRepeat()); p("atccode", rxTemp.getAtcCode()); p("regional identifier", rxTemp.getRegionalIdentifier()); p("---"); } catch (Exception e) { MiscUtils.getLogger().error("Error", e); } } p("***done***"); } public static void setDefaultSpecialQuantityRepeat(RxPrescriptionData.Prescription rx) { String defaultRx = OscarProperties.getInstance().getProperty("rx.default_instruction"); if (defaultRx != null) { rx.setSpecial(defaultRx); } else { rx.setSpecial(""); } rx.setQuantity(getDefaultQuantity()); rx.setRepeat(0); } private static void setResultSpecialQuantityRepeat(RxPrescriptionData.Prescription rx, ResultSet rs) { try { String qStr = rs.getString("quantity"); Pattern p1 = Pattern.compile("\\d+"); Matcher m1 = p1.matcher(qStr); if (m1.find()) { String qNum = qStr.substring(m1.start(), m1.end()); rx.setQuantity(qNum); //get the quantity unit String qUnit = qStr.replace(qNum, "").trim(); if (qUnit != null && qUnit.length() > 0) { MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("changing unitName in setResultSpecialQuantityRepeat "); rx.setUnitName(qUnit); } } rx.setUnitName(rs.getString("unitName")); rx.setRepeat(rs.getInt("repeat")); rx.setSpecial(rs.getString("special")); rx.setSpecial(trimSpecial(rx)); } catch (SQLException e) { MiscUtils.getLogger().error("Error", e); } } private static List<HashMap<String, String>> drugsTableQuery(String parameter, String value) { List<HashMap<String, String>> retList = new ArrayList(); try { ResultSet rs; String sql = "select special ,special_instruction from drugs where " + parameter + " = '" + value + "' order by drugid desc"; MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("in drugsTableQuery,sql=" + sql); rs = DBHandler.GetSQL(sql); while ( { HashMap hm = new HashMap(); hm.put("instruction", rs.getString("special")); hm.put("special_instruction", rs.getString("special_instruction")); retList.add(hm); } } catch (Exception e) { MiscUtils.getLogger().error("Error", e); } MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("in drugsTableQuery,retList=" + retList); return retList; } private static List<HashMap<String, String>> getCustomNamePrevInstructions(String customName) { return drugsTableQuery("customName", customName); } private static List<HashMap<String, String>> getDinPrevInstructions(String din) { return drugsTableQuery("regional_identifier", din); } private static List<HashMap<String, String>> getBNPrevInstructions(String bn) { return drugsTableQuery("BN", bn); } private static List<HashMap<String, String>> getGNPrevInstructions(String gn) { return drugsTableQuery("GN", gn); } public static List<HashMap<String, String>> getPreviousInstructions(RxPrescriptionData.Prescription rx) { List<HashMap<String, String>> retList = new ArrayList(); if (rx.isCustom()) { String cn = rx.getCustomName(); if (cn != null && cn.trim().length() > 0) retList = getCustomNamePrevInstructions(cn); } else { String din = rx.getRegionalIdentifier(); if (din != null && din.trim().length() > 0) { retList = getDinPrevInstructions(din); if (retList.size() == 0) { retList = getBNPrevInstructions(rx.getBrandName()); //if(retList.size()==0) //retList=getGNPrevInstructions(rx.getGenericName()); } } else { String bn = rx.getBrandName(); if (bn != null && bn.trim().length() > 0) retList = getBNPrevInstructions(bn); } } if (retList.size() > 0) retList = trimMedHistoryList(rx, retList); return retList; } private static List<HashMap<String, String>> trimMedHistoryList(RxPrescriptionData.Prescription rx, List<HashMap<String, String>> l) { String customName = rx.getCustomName(); String bn = rx.getBrandName(); List<HashMap<String, String>> retList = new ArrayList(); if (l.size() > 0 || rx != null) { try { for (HashMap hm : l) { String ins = (String) hm.get("instruction"); String specIns = (String) hm.get("special_instruction"); if (ins != null && ins.length() > 0) { if (customName != null && !customName.equalsIgnoreCase("null")) ins = ins.replace(customName, ""); if (bn != null && !bn.equalsIgnoreCase("null")) ins = ins.replace(bn, ""); if (specIns != null && !specIns.equalsIgnoreCase("null")) ins = ins.replace(specIns, ""); } if (ins != null) ins = ins.replace("\n", " ").trim(); if (specIns != null) specIns = specIns.replace("\n", " ").trim(); HashMap<String, String> h = new HashMap(); h.put("instruction", removeQuantityMitteRepeat(ins)); h.put("special_instruction", specIns); retList.add(h); } } catch (Exception e) { MiscUtils.getLogger().error("Error", e); } retList = commonUniqueMedHistory(retList); } else ; return retList; } private static List<HashMap<String, String>> commonUniqueMedHistory(List<HashMap<String, String>> l) { MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("in commonUniqueMedHistory l=" + l); if (l != null && l.size() > 0) { HashMap elementCount = new HashMap(); List<HashMap<String, String>> retList = new ArrayList(); for (HashMap<String, String> hm : l) { if (!elementCount.containsKey(hm)) elementCount.put(hm, 1); else elementCount.put(hm, (Integer) elementCount.get(hm) + 1); } List<Integer> count = new ArrayList(elementCount.values()); HashMap[] arr = new HashMap[count.size()]; Collections.sort(count);//ascending order try { for (int i = count.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Set set = elementCount.keySet(); Iterator iter = set.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { HashMap key = (HashMap); Integer value = (Integer) elementCount.get(key); if (value == count.get(i)) { retList.add(key); elementCount.remove(key); break; } else ; } } } catch (Exception e) { MiscUtils.getLogger().error("Error", e); } MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("in commonUniqueMedHistory retList=" + retList); return retList; } else return l; } //return distinct hashmap /*private static List<HashMap<String,String>> distinctMedHistory(List<HashMap<String,String>> l){ if(l!=null && l.size()>0){ for(int i=0;i<l.size();i++){ HashMap<String,String> hm1=l.get(i); String s1=hm1.toString(); for(int h=i+1;h<l.size();h++){ HashMap<String,String> hm2=l.get(h); String s2=hm2.toString(); if(s2.equalsIgnoreCase(s1)){ l.remove(hm2); --h; } } } return l; }else return l; }*/ private static String removeQuantityMitteRepeat(String s) { Pattern p; Matcher m; MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("in removeQuantityMitteRepeat s=" + s); String regex2 = "Repeats:\\s*[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]*\\s*"; p = Pattern.compile(regex2); m = p.matcher(s); s = m.replaceAll(""); MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("in removeQuantityMitteRepeat regex=" + regex2); MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("in removeQuantityMitteRepeat after remove repeat s=" + s); String regex1 = "Qty:\\s*[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]*\\s*\\w*"; p = Pattern.compile(regex1); m = p.matcher(s); s = m.replaceAll(""); MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("in removeQuantityMitteRepeat regex=" + regex1); MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("in removeQuantityMitteRepeat after remove quantity =" + s); String regex6 = "Mitte:\\s*[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]*\\s*\\w*"; p = Pattern.compile(regex6); m = p.matcher(s); s = m.replaceAll(""); MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("in removeQuantityMitteRepeat regex=" + regex6); MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("in removeQuantityMitteRepeat after remove mitte =" + s); s = s.trim(); return s; } public static void setSpecialQuantityRepeat(RxPrescriptionData.Prescription rx) { try { ResultSet rs; if (rx.getRegionalIdentifier() != null && rx.getRegionalIdentifier().length() > 1) { p("if1"); p(rx.getRegionalIdentifier()); //query the database to see if there is a rx with same din as this rx. // String sql = "SELECT * FROM drugs WHERE regional_identifier='" + rx.getRegionalIdentifier() + "' order by written_date desc"; //most recent is the first. String sql = "SELECT * FROM drugs WHERE regional_identifier='" + rx.getRegionalIdentifier() + "' and BN='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(rx.getBrandName()) + "' AND demographic_no=" + rx.getDemographicNo() + " AND provider_no = '" + rx.getProviderNo() + "' order by drugid desc"; //most recent is the first. MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("sql 1=" + sql); rs = DBHandler.GetSQL(sql); if (rs.first()) {//use the first result if there are multiple. setResultSpecialQuantityRepeat(rx, rs); } else { setDefaultSpecialQuantityRepeat(rx); } } else { p("else2"); if (rx.getBrandName() != null && rx.getBrandName().length() > 1) { p("if2"); //String sql2 = "SELECT * FROM drugs WHERE BN='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(rx.getBrandName()) + "' order by written_date desc"; //most recent is the first. String sql2 = "SELECT * FROM drugs WHERE BN='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(rx.getBrandName()) + "' AND demographic_no=" + rx.getDemographicNo() + " AND provider_no = '" + rx.getProviderNo() + "' order by drugid desc"; //most recent is the first. MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("sql 2=" + sql2); //if none, query database to see if there is rx with same brandname. //if there are multiple, use latest. rs = DBHandler.GetSQL(sql2); if (rs.first()) { setResultSpecialQuantityRepeat(rx, rs); } else { //else, set to special to "", quantity to "30", repeat to "0". setDefaultSpecialQuantityRepeat(rx); } } else { p("if3"); if (rx.getCustomName() != null && rx.getCustomName().length() > 1) { p("customName is not null"); //String sql3 = "SELECT * FROM drugs WHERE customName='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(rx.getCustomName()) + "' order by written_date desc"; //most recent is the first. String sql3 = "SELECT * FROM drugs WHERE customName='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(rx.getCustomName()) + "' AND demographic_no=" + rx.getDemographicNo() + " AND provider_no = '" + rx.getProviderNo() + "' order by drugid desc"; //most recent is the first. MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("sql 3=" + sql3); //if none, query database to see if there is rx with same customName. //if there are multiple, use latest. rs = DBHandler.GetSQL(sql3); if (rs.first()) { setResultSpecialQuantityRepeat(rx, rs); } else { setDefaultSpecialQuantityRepeat(rx); } } else { //else, set to special to "", quantity to "30", repeat to "0". setDefaultSpecialQuantityRepeat(rx); } } } } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("SQL Query ERROR", e); } finally { DbConnectionFilter.releaseThreadLocalDbConnection(); } } private static boolean checkLastPrescribed(RxPrescriptionData.Prescription rx, int drugId) { //make a another query to get the latest drug with same name but archived not equals one and arhived reason equals to deleted. //check if drugId is greater than that compare id //if yes, return true; //if not, return false; boolean lastPrescribed = true; //need the max drugId, not using DIN because it doesn't work with customed drugs. String sql = "SELECT max(drugid) FROM drugs WHERE archived=0 AND archived_reason='' AND BN='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(rx.getBrandName()) + "' AND GN='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(rx.getGenericName()) + "' AND demographic_no=" + rx.getDemographicNo(); try { ResultSet rs; rs = DBHandler.GetSQL(sql); if ( { int compareId = rs.getInt("max(drugid)"); MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("compareId: " + compareId); if (drugId > compareId) { lastPrescribed = true; } else { lastPrescribed = false; } } else { lastPrescribed = true; } } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error(sql, e); } return lastPrescribed; } public static boolean checkDiscontinuedBefore(RxPrescriptionData.Prescription rx) {//check if this drug was discontinued before //String sql="SELECT * FROM drugs WHERE archived=1 AND (archived_reason>'' OR archived_reason<'' ) AND ATC='" + this.atcCode + "' AND regional_identifier='" + this.regionalIdentifier + "' AND demographic_no=" + this.demographicNo+" order by written_date desc"; //the query will fail to check if a drug A is prescribed, and drug A is prescribed again, and then the first drug A is discontinued,when the second drug A is represcribed //or a third drug A is added, no warning will be given. boolean discontinuedLatest = false; String sql = "SELECT * FROM drugs WHERE archived=1 AND archived_reason<>'' AND ATC='" + rx.getAtcCode() + "' AND regional_identifier='" + rx.getRegionalIdentifier() + "' AND demographic_no=" + rx.getDemographicNo() + " order by drugid desc"; try { ResultSet rs; rs = DBHandler.GetSQL(sql); if ( {//get the first result which has the largest drugid and hence the most recent result. int drugId = rs.getInt("drugid"); boolean isLastPrescribed = checkLastPrescribed(rx, drugId);//check if this drug was saved after discontinued. if (isLastPrescribed) { //get date discontinued //get reason for discontinued Date archivedDate = rs.getDate("archived_date"); // String archDate = rs.getString("archived_date"); String archDate = RxUtil.DateToString(archivedDate); String archReason = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "archived_reason"); rx.setLastArchDate(archDate); rx.setLastArchReason(archReason); discontinuedLatest = true; } else { discontinuedLatest = false; MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("not last drug "); } } else { discontinuedLatest = false; } } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error(sql, e); } finally { DbConnectionFilter.releaseThreadLocalDbConnection(); } return discontinuedLatest; } //check to see if a represcription of a med is clicked twice. public static boolean isRxUniqueInStash(final oscar.oscarRx.pageUtil.RxSessionBean beanRx, final RxPrescriptionData.Prescription rx) { boolean unique = true; if (rx.isCustom()) { for (int j = 0; j < beanRx.getStashSize(); j++) { try { RxPrescriptionData.Prescription rxTemp = beanRx.getStashItem(j); //p(""+rxTemp.isCustom()); //p(rxTemp.getCustomName()); //p(rx.getCustomName()); //p(""+rxTemp.isCustomNote()); //p(""+rx.isCustomNote()); //p(""+rxTemp.getRandomId()); //p(""+rx.getRandomId()); if (rxTemp.isCustom() && rxTemp.getCustomName().equals(rx.getCustomName()) && rxTemp.isCustomNote() == rx.isCustomNote() && rxTemp.getRandomId() != rx.getRandomId()) { p("1unique turning false"); unique = false; } } catch (Exception e) { MiscUtils.getLogger().error("Error", e); } } } else { for (int j = 0; j < beanRx.getStashSize(); j++) { try { RxPrescriptionData.Prescription rxTemp = beanRx.getStashItem(j); //p(rx.getBrandName()); //p(rxTemp.getBrandName()); //p(""+rxTemp.getRandomId()); //p(""+rx.getRandomId()); if (rx.getBrandName() != null && !rx.getBrandName().equalsIgnoreCase("null") && rx.getBrandName().equals(rxTemp.getBrandName()) && rxTemp.getRandomId() != rx.getRandomId()) { //GCN_SWQNO changes when drugref database is updated p("2unique turning false"); unique = false; } } catch (Exception e) { MiscUtils.getLogger().error("Error", e); } } } if (unique) { p("unique is true"); } return unique; } public static String getSpecialInstructions() { String retStr = ""; RxCodesData codesData = new RxCodesData(); String[] specArr = codesData.getSpecialInstructions(); List<String> specList = Arrays.asList(specArr); // get all past record spec inst from drugs table String sql = "SELECT distinct special_instruction from drugs where special_instruction!='NULL'"; List<String> resultSpecInst = new ArrayList<String>(); try { ResultSet rs; rs = DBHandler.GetSQL(sql); while ( { resultSpecInst.add(rs.getString("special_instruction")); } } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error(sql, e); } finally { DbConnectionFilter.releaseThreadLocalDbConnection(); } resultSpecInst.addAll(specList); Set<String> specIntSet = new HashSet<String>(resultSpecInst);//remove duplicates specArr = specIntSet.toArray(specArr); for (int i = 0; i < specArr.length; i++) { retStr += specArr[i]; if (i < specArr.length - 1) retStr += "*"; //use * as a delimiter } return retStr; } public static String findInterDrugStr(final UserPropertyDAO propDAO, String provider, final RxSessionBean bean) { //quiry mydrugref database to get a vector with all interacting drugs //if effect is not null or effect is not empty string //get a list of all pending prescriptions' ATC codes //compare if anyone match, //if yes, get it's randomId and set an session attribute //if not, do nothing UserProperty prop = propDAO.getProp(provider, UserProperty.MYDRUGREF_ID); String myDrugrefId = null; if (prop != null) { myDrugrefId = prop.getValue(); MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("3myDrugrefId" + myDrugrefId); } RxPrescriptionData.Prescription[] rxs = bean.getStash(); //acd contains all atccodes in stash Vector<String> acd = new Vector<String>(); for (RxPrescriptionData.Prescription rxItem : rxs) { acd.add(rxItem.getAtcCode()); } logger.debug("3acd=" + acd); String[] str = new String[] { "warnings_byATC,bulletins_byATC,interactions_byATC,get_guidelines" }; //NEW more efficent way of sending multiple requests at the same time. Vector allInteractions = new Vector(); for (String command : str) { try { Vector v = getMyDrugrefInfo(command, acd, myDrugrefId); MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("2v in for loop: " + v); if (v != null && v.size() > 0) { allInteractions.addAll(v); } MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("3after all.addAll(v): " + allInteractions); } catch (Exception e) { log2.debug("3command :" + command + " " + e.getMessage()); MiscUtils.getLogger().error("Error", e); } } String retStr = ""; HashMap rethm = new HashMap(); for (RxPrescriptionData.Prescription rxItem : rxs) { MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("rxItem=" + rxItem.getDrugName()); Vector uniqueDrugNameList = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < allInteractions.size(); i++) { Hashtable hb = (Hashtable) allInteractions.get(i); String interactingAtc = (String) hb.get("atc"); String interactingDrugName = (String) hb.get("drug2"); String effectStr = (String) hb.get("effect"); String sigStr = (String) hb.get("significance"); MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("findInterDrugStr=" + hb); if (sigStr != null) { if (sigStr.equals("1")) { sigStr = "minor"; } else if (sigStr.equals("2")) { sigStr = "moderate"; } else if (sigStr.equals("3")) { sigStr = "major"; } else { sigStr = "unknown"; } } else { sigStr = "unknown"; } if (interactingAtc != null && interactingDrugName != null && rxItem.getAtcCode().equals(interactingAtc) && effectStr != null && effectStr.length() > 0 && !effectStr.equalsIgnoreCase("N") && !effectStr.equals(" ")) { MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("interactingDrugName=" + interactingDrugName); RxPrescriptionData.Prescription rrx = findRxFromDrugNameOrGN(rxs, interactingDrugName); if (rrx != null && !uniqueDrugNameList.contains(rrx.getDrugName())) { MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("rrx.getDrugName()=" + rrx.getDrugName()); uniqueDrugNameList.add(rrx.getDrugName()); String key = sigStr + "_" + rxItem.getRandomId(); if (rethm.containsKey(key)) { String val = (String) rethm.get(key); val += ";" + rrx.getDrugName(); rethm.put(key, val); } else { rethm.put(key, rrx.getDrugName()); } key = sigStr + "_" + rrx.getRandomId(); if (rethm.containsKey(key)) { String val = (String) rethm.get(key); val += ";" + rxItem.getDrugName(); rethm.put(key, val); } else { rethm.put(key, rxItem.getDrugName()); } } } } MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("***next rxItem***"); } MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("rethm=" + rethm); retStr = rethm.toString(); retStr = retStr.replace("}", ""); retStr = retStr.replace("{", ""); return retStr; } private static RxPrescriptionData.Prescription findRxFromDrugNameOrGN( final RxPrescriptionData.Prescription[] rxs, String interactingDrugName) { RxPrescriptionData.Prescription returnRx = null; for (RxPrescriptionData.Prescription rxItem : rxs) { if (rxItem.getDrugName().contains(interactingDrugName)) { returnRx = rxItem; } else if (rxItem.getGenericName().contains(interactingDrugName)) { returnRx = rxItem; } } return returnRx; } private static Vector getMyDrugrefInfo(String command, Vector drugs, String myDrugrefId) { MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("3in getMyDrugrefInfo"); RxMyDrugrefInfoAction.removeNullFromVector(drugs); Vector params = new Vector(); MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("3command,drugs,myDrugrefId= " + command + "--" + drugs + "--" + myDrugrefId); params.addElement(command); params.addElement(drugs); if (myDrugrefId != null && !myDrugrefId.trim().equals("")) { log2.debug("putting >" + myDrugrefId + "< in the request"); params.addElement(myDrugrefId); //params.addElement("true"); } Vector vec = new Vector(); Object obj = callWebserviceLite("Fetch", params); log2.debug("RETURNED " + obj); if (obj instanceof Vector) { MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("3obj is instance of vector"); vec = (Vector) obj; MiscUtils.getLogger().debug(vec); } else if (obj instanceof Hashtable) { MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("3obj is instace of hashtable"); Object holbrook = ((Hashtable) obj).get("Holbrook Drug Interactions"); if (holbrook instanceof Vector) { MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("3holbrook is instance of vector "); vec = (Vector) holbrook; MiscUtils.getLogger().debug(vec); } Enumeration e = ((Hashtable) obj).keys(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { String s = (String) e.nextElement(); MiscUtils.getLogger().debug(s); log2.debug( s + " " + ((Hashtable) obj).get(s) + " " + ((Hashtable) obj).get(s).getClass().getName()); } } return vec; } private static final Logger log2 = MiscUtils.getLogger(); public static Object callWebserviceLite(String procedureName, Vector params) { log2.debug("#CALLmyDRUGREF-" + procedureName); Object object = null; String server_url = OscarProperties.getInstance().getProperty("MY_DRUGREF_URL", ""); MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("server_url: " + server_url); TimingOutCallback callback = new TimingOutCallback(30 * 1000); try { log2.debug("server_url :" + server_url); XmlRpcClientLite server = new XmlRpcClientLite(server_url); server.executeAsync(procedureName, params, callback); object = callback.waitForResponse(); } catch (TimeoutException e) { log2.debug("No response from server." + server_url); } catch (Throwable ethrow) { log2.debug("Throwing error." + ethrow.getMessage()); } return object; } public static <T> HashMap<Long, T> createKeyValPair(List<T> lst) { HashMap<Long, T> ret = new HashMap<Long, T>(); Long rand; for (T t : lst) { rand = Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000); ret.put(rand, t); } return ret; } public static void p(String str, String s) { MiscUtils.getLogger().debug(str + "=" + s); } public static void p(String str) { MiscUtils.getLogger().debug(str); } }