Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2001-2002. Department of Family Medicine, McMaster University. All Rights Reserved. * This software is published under the GPL GNU General Public License. * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * This software was written for the * Department of Family Medicine * McMaster University * Hamilton * Ontario, Canada */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.oscarehr.PMmodule.caisi_integrator.CaisiIntegratorManager; import org.oscarehr.PMmodule.caisi_integrator.IntegratorFallBackManager; import; import org.oscarehr.common.dao.AllergyDao; import org.oscarehr.common.dao.DemographicDao; import org.oscarehr.common.dao.DiseasesDao; import org.oscarehr.common.dao.PartialDateDao; import org.oscarehr.common.model.Demographic; import org.oscarehr.common.model.Diseases; import org.oscarehr.common.model.PartialDate; import org.oscarehr.util.LoggedInInfo; import org.oscarehr.util.MiscUtils; import org.oscarehr.util.SpringUtils; public class RxPatientData { private static Logger logger = MiscUtils.getLogger(); private static final DemographicDao demographicDao = (DemographicDao) SpringUtils.getBean("demographicDao"); private RxPatientData() { // prevent instantiation } /* Patient Search */ public static Patient[] PatientSearch(String surname, String firstName) { Patient[] arr = {}; List<Patient> patients = new ArrayList<Patient>(); List<Demographic> demographics = demographicDao.searchDemographic(surname + "," + firstName); for (Demographic demographic : demographics) { Patient p = new Patient(demographic); patients.add(p); } return patients.toArray(arr); } /* Patient Information */ public static Patient getPatient(int demographicNo) { Demographic demographic = demographicDao.getDemographicById(demographicNo); return new Patient(demographic); } public static Patient getPatient(String demographicNo) { Demographic demographic = demographicDao.getDemographicById(Integer.parseInt(demographicNo)); return new Patient(demographic); } private static java.util.Date calcDate(String year, String month, String day) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(year) || StringUtils.isBlank(month) || StringUtils.isBlank(day)) return null; if (!NumberUtils.isDigits(year) || !NumberUtils.isDigits(month) || !NumberUtils.isDigits(day)) return null; int iYear = Integer.parseInt(year); int iMonth = Integer.parseInt(month) - 1; int iDay = Integer.parseInt(day); GregorianCalendar ret = new GregorianCalendar(iYear, iMonth, iDay); return ret.getTime(); } private static int calcAge(java.util.Date DOB) { if (DOB == null) return 0; GregorianCalendar now = new GregorianCalendar(); int curYear = now.get(Calendar.YEAR); int curMonth = (now.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1); int curDay = now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.setTime(DOB); int iYear = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); int iMonth = (cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1); int iDay = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); int age = 0; if (curMonth > iMonth || (curMonth == iMonth && curDay >= iDay)) { age = curYear - iYear; } else { age = curYear - iYear - 1; } return age; } public static class Patient { private Demographic demographic = null; private static AllergyDao allergyDao = (AllergyDao) SpringUtils.getBean("allergyDao"); private PartialDateDao partialDateDao = (PartialDateDao) SpringUtils.getBean("partialDateDao"); public Patient(Demographic demographic) { this.demographic = demographic; if (demographic == null) MiscUtils.getLogger().warn("Demographic is not set!"); } public Demographic getDemographic() { return this.demographic; } public int getDemographicNo() { if (demographic != null) { return demographic.getDemographicNo(); } else { MiscUtils.getLogger().warn("DemographicNo is not set!"); return -1; } } public String getSurname() { if (demographic != null) return demographic.getLastName(); else return ""; } public String getFirstName() { if (demographic != null) return demographic.getFirstName(); else return ""; } public String getSex() { if (demographic != null) return demographic.getSex(); else return ""; } public String getHin() { if (demographic != null) return demographic.getHin(); else return ""; } public java.util.Date getDOB() { Date dob = null; if (demographic != null) dob = demographic.getBirthDay().getTime(); return dob; } public int getAge() { return calcAge(this.getDOB()); } public String getAddress() { if (demographic != null) return demographic.getAddress(); else return ""; } public String getCity() { if (demographic != null) return demographic.getCity(); else return ""; } public String getProvince() { if (demographic != null) return demographic.getProvince(); else return ""; } public String getPostal() { if (demographic != null) return demographic.getPostal(); else return ""; } public String getPhone() { if (demographic != null) return demographic.getPhone(); else return ""; } public String getChartNo() { if (demographic != null) return demographic.getChartNo(); else return ""; } public org.oscarehr.common.model.Allergy getAllergy(int id) { // I know none of this method makes sense, but I'm only converting this to JPA right now, too much work to fix it all to make sense. org.oscarehr.common.model.Allergy allergy = allergyDao.find(id); return allergy; } public org.oscarehr.common.model.Allergy[] getAllergies() { ArrayList<org.oscarehr.common.model.Allergy> results = new ArrayList<org.oscarehr.common.model.Allergy>(); Integer demographicNo = getDemographicNo(); List<org.oscarehr.common.model.Allergy> allergies = allergyDao.findAllergies(demographicNo); results.addAll(allergies); LoggedInInfo loggedInInfo = LoggedInInfo.loggedInInfo.get(); if (loggedInInfo.currentFacility.isIntegratorEnabled()) { try { List<CachedDemographicAllergy> remoteAllergies = null; try { if (!CaisiIntegratorManager.isIntegratorOffline()) { remoteAllergies = CaisiIntegratorManager.getDemographicWs() .getLinkedCachedDemographicAllergies(demographicNo); } } catch (Exception e) { MiscUtils.getLogger().error("Unexpected error.", e); CaisiIntegratorManager.checkForConnectionError(e); } if (CaisiIntegratorManager.isIntegratorOffline()) { remoteAllergies = IntegratorFallBackManager.getRemoteAllergies(demographicNo); } for (CachedDemographicAllergy remoteAllergy : remoteAllergies) { Date date = null; if (remoteAllergy.getEntryDate() != null) date = remoteAllergy.getEntryDate().getTime(); org.oscarehr.common.model.Allergy a = new org.oscarehr.common.model.Allergy(); a.setDemographicNo(demographicNo); a.setId(remoteAllergy.getFacilityIdIntegerCompositePk().getCaisiItemId().intValue()); a.setEntryDate(date); a.setDescription(remoteAllergy.getDescription()); a.setHiclSeqno(remoteAllergy.getHiclSeqNo()); a.setHicSeqno(remoteAllergy.getHicSeqNo()); a.setAgcsp(remoteAllergy.getAgcsp()); a.setAgccs(remoteAllergy.getAgccs()); a.setTypeCode(remoteAllergy.getTypeCode()); a.setIntegratorResult(true); a.setReaction(remoteAllergy.getReaction()); if (remoteAllergy.getStartDate() != null) date = remoteAllergy.getStartDate().getTime(); a.setStartDate(date); a.setAgeOfOnset(remoteAllergy.getAgeOfOnset()); a.setSeverityOfReaction(remoteAllergy.getSeverityCode()); a.setOnsetOfReaction(remoteAllergy.getOnSetCode()); a.setRegionalIdentifier(remoteAllergy.getRegionalIdentifier()); a.setLifeStage(remoteAllergy.getLifeStage()); a.setDrugrefId(String.valueOf(remoteAllergy.getPickId())); results.add(a); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("error getting remote allergies", e); } } return (results.toArray(new org.oscarehr.common.model.Allergy[0])); } public org.oscarehr.common.model.Allergy[] getActiveAllergies() { List<org.oscarehr.common.model.Allergy> allergies = allergyDao.findActiveAllergies(getDemographicNo()); return allergies.toArray(new org.oscarehr.common.model.Allergy[allergies.size()]); } public org.oscarehr.common.model.Allergy addAllergy(java.util.Date entryDate, org.oscarehr.common.model.Allergy allergy) { allergy.setEntryDate(entryDate); allergyDao.persist(allergy); partialDateDao.setPartialDate(PartialDate.ALLERGIES, allergy.getId(), PartialDate.ALLERGIES_STARTDATE, allergy.getStartDateFormat()); return allergy; } private static boolean setAllergyArchive(int allergyId, String archiveString) { org.oscarehr.common.model.Allergy allergy = allergyDao.find(allergyId); if (allergy != null) { allergy.setArchived(archiveString); allergyDao.merge(allergy); return (true); } return (false); } public boolean deleteAllergy(int allergyId) { return (setAllergyArchive(allergyId, "1")); } public boolean activateAllergy(int allergyId) { return (setAllergyArchive(allergyId, "0")); } public Diseases[] getDiseases() { DiseasesDao diseasesDao = SpringUtils.getBean(DiseasesDao.class); List<Diseases> diseases = diseasesDao.findByDemographicNo(getDemographicNo()); return diseases.toArray(new Diseases[diseases.size()]); } public Diseases addDisease(String ICD9, java.util.Date entryDate) { DiseasesDao diseasesDao = SpringUtils.getBean(DiseasesDao.class); Diseases disease = new Diseases(); disease.setDemographicNo(getDemographicNo()); disease.setIcd9Entry(ICD9); disease.setEntryDate(entryDate); diseasesDao.persist(disease); return disease; } public RxPrescriptionData.Prescription[] getPrescribedDrugsUnique() { return new RxPrescriptionData().getUniquePrescriptionsByPatient(this.getDemographicNo()); } public RxPrescriptionData.Prescription[] getPrescribedDrugs() { return new RxPrescriptionData().getPrescriptionsByPatient(this.getDemographicNo()); } public RxPrescriptionData.Prescription[] getPrescribedDrugScripts() { return new RxPrescriptionData().getPrescriptionScriptsByPatient(this.getDemographicNo()); } } }