Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2001-2002. Department of Family Medicine, McMaster University. All Rights Reserved. * This software is published under the GPL GNU General Public License. * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * This software was written for the * Department of Family Medicine * McMaster University * Hamilton * Ontario, Canada */ package; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.oscarehr.util.MiscUtils; import oscar.oscarDB.DBHandler; import; import oscar.util.UtilDateUtilities; /** * * @author Jay Gallagher */ public class SpireLabTest { private static Logger log = MiscUtils.getLogger(); public String locationId = null; // 2. (e.g. 70 = CML Mississauga) public String printDate = null; // 3. YYYYMMDD public String printTime = null; // 4. HH:MM public String totalBType = null; // 5. number of B-type lines (= # of reports) public String totalCType = null; // 6. number of C-type lines public String totalDType = null; // 7. number of D-type lines public String accessionNum = null; // 2. CML Accession number (minus first char) public String physicianAccountNum = null; // 3. Physician Account number public String serviceDate = null; // 4. YYYYMMDD public String pFirstName = null; // 5. Patient: First name public String pLastName = null; // 6. Patient: Last name public String pSex = null; // 7. Sex F or M public String pHealthNum = null; // 8. Patient: Health number public String pDOB = null; // 9. Patient: Birth date public String status = null; // 10. Final or Partial F or P public String docNum = null; // 11. Physician: Number public String docName = null; // 12. Physician: Name public String docAddr1 = null; // 13. Physician: Address line 1 public String docAddr2 = null; // 14. Physician: Address line 2 public String docAddr3 = null; // 15. Physician: Address line 3 public String docPostal = null; // 16. Physician: Postal code public String docRoute = null; // 17. Physician: Route number public String comment1 = null; // 18. Comment 1 public String comment2 = null; // 19. Comment 2 public String pPhone = null; // 20. Patient: Phone number public String docPhone = null; // 21. Physician: Phone number public String collectionDate = null; // 22. Collection date "DD MMM YY" public String labReportInfoId = null; public String labID = null; public ArrayList labResults = null; public String demographicNo = null; public String multiLabId = null; public SpireLabTest() { } public String getAge() { return getAge(this.pDOB); } public String getAge(String s) { String age = "N/A"; try { // Some examples DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); java.util.Date date = formatter.parse(s); age = UtilDateUtilities.calcAge(date); } catch (Exception e) { // this is okay, either null or invalid format } return age; } public String getDemographicNo() { return demographicNo; } private void populateDemoNo(String labId) { try { ResultSet rs = DBHandler.GetSQL("select demographic_no from patientLabRouting where lab_no = '" + labId + "' and lab_type = 'CML'"); log.debug("select demographic_no from patientLabRouting where lab_no = '" + labId + "' and lab_type = 'CML'"); if ( { String d = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "demographic_no"); log.debug("dd " + d); if (!"0".equals(d)) { this.demographicNo = d; } } rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { MiscUtils.getLogger().error("Error", e); } log.debug("going out " + this.demographicNo); } public void populateLab(String labid) { labID = labid; CommonLabResultData data = new CommonLabResultData(); this.multiLabId = data.getMatchingLabs(labid, "CML"); log.debug("lab id " + labid); try { ResultSet rs = DBHandler.GetSQL("select * from labPatientPhysicianInfo where id = '" + labid + "'"); if ( { this.labReportInfoId = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "labReportInfo_id"); this.accessionNum = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "accession_num"); this.physicianAccountNum = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "physician_account_num"); this.serviceDate = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "service_date"); this.pFirstName = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "patient_first_name"); this.pLastName = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "patient_last_name"); this.pSex = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "patient_sex"); this.pHealthNum = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "patient_health_num"); this.pDOB = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "patient_dob"); this.status = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "lab_status"); this.docNum = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "doc_num"); this.docName = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "doc_name"); this.docAddr1 = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "doc_addr1"); this.docAddr2 = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "doc_addr2"); this.docAddr3 = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "doc_addr3"); this.docPostal = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "doc_postal"); this.docRoute = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "doc_route"); this.comment1 = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "comment1"); this.comment2 = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "comment2"); this.pPhone = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "patient_phone"); this.docPhone = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "doc_phone"); this.collectionDate = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "collection_date"); log.debug(" lab id " + labReportInfoId); } rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { MiscUtils.getLogger().error("Error", e); } if (labReportInfoId != null) { log.debug(" filling labReport Info"); populateLabReportInfo(labReportInfoId); } if (labid != null) { log.debug("Filling lab Result DAta"); this.labResults = populateLabResultData(labid); } if (labid != null) { populateDemoNo(labid); } } public String getDiscipline(String labid) { String dis = ""; try { //ResultSet rs = DBHandler.GetSQL("select distinct title from labTestResults where title != '' and labPatientPhysicianInfo_id = '"+labid+"'"); ResultSet rs = DBHandler .GetSQL("select distinct discipline from hl7TextInfo where discipline != '' and lab_no = '" + labid + "'"); ArrayList alist = new ArrayList(); int count = 0; while ( { String discipline = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "discipline"); count += discipline.length(); alist.add(discipline); log.debug("line " + discipline); } if (alist.size() == 1) { dis = (String) alist.get(0); //Only one item } else if (alist.size() != 0) { int lenAvail = 20 - (alist.size() - 1); if (lenAvail > count) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < alist.size(); i++) { s.append((String) alist.get(i)); if (i < (alist.size() - 1)) { s.append("/"); } } dis = s.toString(); } else {//need to divide up characters int charEach = lenAvail / alist.size(); StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < alist.size(); i++) { String str = (String) alist.get(i); s.append(StringUtils.substring(str, 0, charEach)); if (i < (alist.size() - 1)) { s.append("/"); } } dis = s.toString(); } } rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { MiscUtils.getLogger().error("Error", e); } return dis; } public ArrayList getStatusArray(String labid) { CommonLabResultData comLab = new CommonLabResultData(); return comLab.getStatusArray(labid, "CML"); } private void populateLabReportInfo(String labid) { //labID = labid; try { ResultSet rs = DBHandler.GetSQL("select * from labReportInformation where id = '" + labid + "'"); if ( { this.locationId = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "location_id"); this.printDate = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "print_date"); this.printTime = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "print_time"); this.totalBType = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "total_BType"); this.totalCType = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "total_CType"); this.totalDType = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "total_DType"); } rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { MiscUtils.getLogger().error("Error", e); } } private ArrayList populateLabResultData(String labid) { ArrayList alist = new ArrayList(); try { ResultSet rs = DBHandler .GetSQL("select * from labTestResults where labPatientPhysicianInfo_id = '" + labid + "'"); log.debug("select * from labTestResults where labPatientPhysicianInfo_id = '" + labid + "'"); while ( { String lineType = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "line_type"); log.debug("line " + lineType); if (lineType != null) { LabResult labRes = new LabResult(); labRes.title = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "title"); if (labRes.title == null) { labRes.title = ""; } labRes.notUsed1 = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "notUsed1"); labRes.locationId = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "location_id"); labRes.last = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "last"); if (lineType.equals("C")) { labRes.notUsed2 = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "notUsed2"); labRes.testName = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "test_name"); labRes.abn = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "abn"); if (labRes.abn != null && labRes.abn.equals("N")) { labRes.abn = ""; } labRes.minimum = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "minimum"); labRes.maximum = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "maximum"); labRes.units = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "units"); labRes.result = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "result"); } else if (lineType.equals("D")) { labRes.description = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "description"); labRes.labResult = false; } alist.add(labRes); } } rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { MiscUtils.getLogger().error("Error", e); } return alist; } public int findCMLAdnormalResults(String labId) { int count = 0; String sql = null; try { sql = "select id from labTestResults where abn = 'A' and labPatientPhysicianInfo_id = '" + labId + "'"; ResultSet rs = DBHandler.GetSQL(sql); while ( { count++; } rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("sql: " + sql, e); } return count; } public class LabResult { boolean labResult = true; public boolean isLabResult() { return labResult; } public boolean isLabResultComment() { return labResult; } /// public String title = null; // 2. Title public String notUsed1 = null; // 3. Not used ? public String notUsed2 = null; // 4. Not used ? public String testName = null; // 5. Test name public String abn = null; // 6. Normal/Abnormal N or A public String minimum = null; // 7. Minimum public String maximum = null; // 8. Maximum public String units = null; // 9. Units public String result = null; // 10. Result public String locationId = null; // 11. Location Id (Test performed at) public String last = null; // 12. Last Y or N //String title = null; // 2. Title //String notUsed1 = null; // 3. not used ? public String description = null; // 4. Description/Comment //String locationId = null; // 5. Location Id //String last = null; // 6. Last Y or N /// public String getReferenceRange() { String retval = ""; if (filled(minimum) && filled(maximum)) { if (minimum.equals(maximum)) { retval = minimum; } else { retval = minimum + " - " + maximum; } } else if (filled(minimum)) { retval = minimum; } else if (filled(maximum)) { retval = maximum; } return retval; } } public class GroupResults { public String groupName = null; private ArrayList labResults = null; public void addLabResult(LabResult l) { if (labResults == null) { labResults = new ArrayList(); } labResults.add(l); } public ArrayList getLabResults() { return labResults; } } public ArrayList getGroupResults(ArrayList list) { ArrayList groups = new ArrayList(); String currentGroup = ""; GroupResults gResults = null; log.debug("start getGroupResults ... list size: " + list.size()); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { LabResult lab = (LabResult) list.get(i); log.debug(" lab title " + lab.title + " currentGroup " + currentGroup); if (currentGroup.equals(lab.title) && gResults != null) { log.debug("old"); gResults.addLabResult(lab); gResults.groupName = lab.title; } else { log.debug("new"); gResults = new GroupResults(); gResults.groupName = currentGroup = lab.title; groups.add(gResults); gResults.addLabResult(lab); currentGroup = lab.title; } } return groups; } private boolean filled(String s) { return !(s == null || s.trim().equals("")); } }//end