Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2001-2002. Department of Family Medicine, McMaster University. All Rights Reserved. * This software is published under the GPL GNU General Public License. * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * This software was written for the * Department of Family Medicine * McMaster University * Hamilton * Ontario, Canada */ package; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.oscarehr.common.dao.MeasurementsDeletedDao; import org.oscarehr.common.model.MeasurementsDeleted; import org.oscarehr.util.DbConnectionFilter; import org.oscarehr.util.MiscUtils; import org.oscarehr.util.SpringUtils; import oscar.oscarDB.DBHandler; import; import; import; import oscar.util.UtilDateUtilities; public class Hl7textResultsData { private static Logger logger = MiscUtils.getLogger(); private static MeasurementsDeletedDao measurementsDeletedDao = (MeasurementsDeletedDao) SpringUtils .getBean("measurementsDeletedDao"); private Hl7textResultsData() { // no one should instantiate this } public static void populateMeasurementsTable(String lab_no, String demographic_no) { MessageHandler h = Factory.getHandler(lab_no); java.util.Calendar calender = java.util.Calendar.getInstance(); String day = Integer.toString(calender.get(java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); String month = Integer.toString(calender.get(java.util.Calendar.MONTH) + 1); String year = Integer.toString(calender.get(java.util.Calendar.YEAR)); String hour = Integer.toString(calender.get(java.util.Calendar.HOUR)); String min = Integer.toString(calender.get(java.util.Calendar.MINUTE)); String second = Integer.toString(calender.get(java.util.Calendar.SECOND)); String dateEntered = year + "-" + month + "-" + day + " " + hour + ":" + min + ":" + second + ":"; try { Connection conn = DbConnectionFilter.getThreadLocalDbConnection(); //Check for other versions of this lab String[] matchingLabs = getMatchingLabs(lab_no).split(","); //if this lab is the latest version delete the measurements from the previous version and insert the new ones int k = 0; while (k < matchingLabs.length && !matchingLabs[k].equals(lab_no)) { k++; } if (k != 0) { MeasurementsDeleted measurementsDeleted; String sql = "SELECT m.* FROM measurements m LEFT JOIN measurementsExt e ON = measurement_id AND e.keyval='lab_no' WHERE e.val='" + matchingLabs[k - 1] + "'"; ResultSet rs = DBHandler.GetSQL(sql); while ( { measurementsDeleted = new MeasurementsDeleted(); measurementsDeleted.setType(oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "type")); measurementsDeleted .setDemographicNo(Integer.valueOf(oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "demographicNo"))); measurementsDeleted.setProviderNo(oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "providerNo")); measurementsDeleted.setDataField(oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "dataField")); measurementsDeleted.setMeasuringInstruction(oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "measuringInstruction")); measurementsDeleted.setComments(oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "comments")); measurementsDeleted.setDateObserved(UtilDateUtilities .StringToDate(oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "dateObserved"), "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")); measurementsDeleted.setDateEntered(UtilDateUtilities .StringToDate(oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "dateEntered"), "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")); measurementsDeleted.setOriginalId(Integer.valueOf(oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "id"))); measurementsDeletedDao.persist(measurementsDeleted); sql = "DELETE FROM measurements WHERE id='" + oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "id") + "'"; DBHandler.RunSQL(sql); //sql = "DELETE FROM measurementsExt WHERE measurement_id='"+oscar.Misc.getString(rs,"measurement_id")+"'"; //DBHandler.RunSQL(sql); } } // loop through the measurements for the lab and insert them for (int i = 0; i < h.getOBRCount(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < h.getOBXCount(i); j++) { String result = h.getOBXResult(i, j); // only insert if there is a result and it is supposed to be viewed if (result.equals("") || result.equals("DNR") || h.getOBXName(i, j).equals("") || h.getOBXResultStatus(i, j).equals("DNS")) continue; logger.debug("obx(" + j + ") should be inserted"); String identifier = h.getOBXIdentifier(i, j); String name = h.getOBXName(i, j); String unit = h.getOBXUnits(i, j); String labname = h.getPatientLocation(); String accession = h.getAccessionNum(); String req_datetime = h.getRequestDate(i); String datetime = h.getTimeStamp(i, j); String olis_status = h.getOBXResultStatus(i, j); String abnormal = h.getOBXAbnormalFlag(i, j); if (abnormal != null && (abnormal.equals("A") || abnormal.startsWith("H"))) { abnormal = "A"; } else if (abnormal != null && abnormal.startsWith("L")) { abnormal = "L"; } else { abnormal = "N"; } String[] refRange = splitRefRange(h.getOBXReferenceRange(i, j)); String comments = ""; for (int l = 0; l < h.getOBXCommentCount(i, j); l++) { comments += comments.length() > 0 ? "\n" + h.getOBXComment(i, j, l) : h.getOBXComment(i, j, l); } String sql = "SELECT b.ident_code, type.measuringInstruction FROM measurementMap a, measurementMap b, measurementType type WHERE b.lab_type='FLOWSHEET' AND a.ident_code=? AND a.loinc_code = b.loinc_code and type.type = b.ident_code"; PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); pstmt.setString(1, identifier); String measType = ""; String measInst = ""; ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { measType = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "ident_code"); measInst = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "measuringInstruction"); } else { logger.debug("CODE:" + identifier + " needs to be mapped"); } sql = "INSERT INTO measurements (type, demographicNo, providerNo, dataField, measuringInstruction, dateObserved, dateEntered )VALUES (?, ?, '0', ?, ?, ?, ?)"; logger.debug(sql); pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); pstmt.setString(1, measType); pstmt.setString(2, demographic_no); pstmt.setString(3, result); pstmt.setString(4, measInst); pstmt.setString(5, h.getTimeStamp(i, j)); pstmt.setString(6, dateEntered); pstmt.executeUpdate(); rs = pstmt.getGeneratedKeys(); String insertID = null; if ( insertID = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, 1); String measurementExt = "INSERT INTO measurementsExt (measurement_id, keyval, val) VALUES (?,?,?)"; pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(measurementExt); logger.debug("Inserting into measurementsExt id " + insertID + " lab_no " + lab_no); pstmt.setString(1, insertID); pstmt.setString(2, "lab_no"); pstmt.setString(3, lab_no); pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.clearParameters(); logger.debug("Inserting into measurementsExt id " + insertID + " abnormal " + abnormal); pstmt.setString(1, insertID); pstmt.setString(2, "abnormal"); pstmt.setString(3, abnormal); pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.clearParameters(); logger.debug("Inserting into measurementsExt id " + insertID + " identifier " + identifier); pstmt.setString(1, insertID); pstmt.setString(2, "identifier"); pstmt.setString(3, identifier); pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.clearParameters(); logger.debug("Inserting into measurementsExt id " + insertID + " name " + name); pstmt.setString(1, insertID); pstmt.setString(2, "name"); pstmt.setString(3, name); pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.clearParameters(); logger.debug("Inserting into measurementsExt id " + insertID + " labname " + labname); pstmt.setString(1, insertID); pstmt.setString(2, "labname"); pstmt.setString(3, labname); pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.clearParameters(); logger.debug("Inserting into measurementsExt id " + insertID + " accession " + accession); pstmt.setString(1, insertID); pstmt.setString(2, "accession"); pstmt.setString(3, accession); pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.clearParameters(); logger.debug( "Inserting into measurementsExt id " + insertID + " request_datetime " + req_datetime); pstmt.setString(1, insertID); pstmt.setString(2, "request_datetime"); pstmt.setString(3, req_datetime); pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.clearParameters(); logger.debug("Inserting into measurementsExt id " + insertID + " datetime " + datetime); pstmt.setString(1, insertID); pstmt.setString(2, "datetime"); pstmt.setString(3, datetime); pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.clearParameters(); if (olis_status != null && olis_status.length() > 0) { logger.debug( "Inserting into measurementsExt id " + insertID + " olis_status " + olis_status); pstmt.setString(1, insertID); pstmt.setString(2, "olis_status"); pstmt.setString(3, olis_status); pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.clearParameters(); } if (unit != null && unit.length() > 0) { logger.debug("Inserting into measurementsExt id " + insertID + " unit " + unit); pstmt.setString(1, insertID); pstmt.setString(2, "unit"); pstmt.setString(3, unit); pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.clearParameters(); } if (refRange[0].length() > 0) { logger.debug("Inserting into measurementsExt id " + insertID + " range " + refRange[0]); pstmt.setString(1, insertID); pstmt.setString(2, "range"); pstmt.setString(3, refRange[0]); pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.clearParameters(); } else { if (refRange[1].length() > 0) { logger.debug( "Inserting into measurementsExt id " + insertID + " minimum " + refRange[1]); pstmt.setString(1, insertID); pstmt.setString(2, "minimum"); pstmt.setString(3, refRange[1]); pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.clearParameters(); } // add other_id to measurementsExt so that annotation can be linked up through casemgmt_note_link logger.debug("Inserting into measurementsExt id " + insertID + " other_id " + i + "-" + j); pstmt.setString(1, insertID); pstmt.setString(2, "other_id"); pstmt.setString(3, i + "-" + j); pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.clearParameters(); pstmt.close(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception in HL7 populateMeasurementsTable", e); } } public static String getMatchingLabs(String lab_no) { String sql = "SELECT a.lab_no, a.obr_date, b.obr_date as labDate FROM hl7TextInfo a, hl7TextInfo b WHERE a.accessionNum !='' AND a.accessionNum=b.accessionNum AND b.lab_no='" + lab_no + "' ORDER BY a.obr_date, a.final_result_count, a.lab_no"; String ret = ""; int monthsBetween = 0; try { ResultSet rs = DBHandler.GetSQL(sql); while ( { //Accession numbers may be recycled, accession //numbers for a lab should have lab dates within less than 4 //months of eachother even this is a large timespan Date dateA = UtilDateUtilities.StringToDate(oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "obr_date"), "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); Date dateB = UtilDateUtilities.StringToDate(oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "labDate"), "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); if (dateA.before(dateB)) { monthsBetween = UtilDateUtilities.getNumMonths(dateA, dateB); } else { monthsBetween = UtilDateUtilities.getNumMonths(dateB, dateA); } logger.debug("monthsBetween: " + monthsBetween); logger.debug("lab_no: " + oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "lab_no") + " lab: " + lab_no); if (monthsBetween < 4) { if (ret.equals("")) ret = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "lab_no"); else ret = ret + "," + oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "lab_no"); } } rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception in HL7 getMatchingLabs: ", e); } if (ret.equals("")) return (lab_no); else return (ret); } /** *Populates ArrayList with labs attached to a consultation request */ public static ArrayList<LabResultData> populateHL7ResultsData(String demographicNo, String consultationId, boolean attached) { String sql = "SELECT hl7.label,hl7.lab_no, hl7.obr_date, hl7.discipline, hl7.accessionNum, hl7.final_result_count, " + "FROM hl7TextInfo hl7, patientLabRouting " + "WHERE patientLabRouting.lab_no = hl7.lab_no " + "AND patientLabRouting.lab_type = 'HL7' AND patientLabRouting.demographic_no=" + demographicNo + " GROUP BY hl7.lab_no"; String attachQuery = "SELECT consultdocs.document_no FROM consultdocs, patientLabRouting " + "WHERE = consultdocs.document_no AND " + "consultdocs.requestId = " + consultationId + " AND consultdocs.doctype = 'L' AND consultdocs.deleted IS NULL ORDER BY consultdocs.document_no"; ArrayList<LabResultData> labResults = new ArrayList<LabResultData>(); ArrayList<LabResultData> attachedLabs = new ArrayList<LabResultData>(); try { ResultSet rs = DBHandler.GetSQL(attachQuery); while ( { LabResultData lbData = new LabResultData(LabResultData.HL7TEXT); lbData.labPatientId = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "document_no"); attachedLabs.add(lbData); } rs.close(); LabResultData lbData = new LabResultData(LabResultData.HL7TEXT); LabResultData.CompareId c = lbData.getComparatorId(); rs = DBHandler.GetSQL(sql); while ( { lbData.segmentID = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "lab_no"); lbData.labPatientId = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "id"); lbData.dateTime = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "obr_date"); lbData.discipline = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "discipline"); lbData.accessionNumber = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "accessionNum"); lbData.finalResultsCount = rs.getInt("final_result_count"); lbData.label = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "label"); if (attached && Collections.binarySearch(attachedLabs, lbData, c) >= 0) labResults.add(lbData); else if (!attached && Collections.binarySearch(attachedLabs, lbData, c) < 0) labResults.add(lbData); lbData = new LabResultData(LabResultData.HL7TEXT); } rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("exception in HL7Populate", e); } return labResults; } public static ArrayList<LabResultData> getNotAckLabsFromLabNos(List<String> labNos) { ArrayList<LabResultData> ret = new ArrayList<LabResultData>(); LabResultData lrd = new LabResultData(); for (String labNo : labNos) { lrd = getNotAckLabResultDataFromLabNo(labNo); ret.add(lrd); } return ret; } public static LabResultData getNotAckLabResultDataFromLabNo(String labNo) { LabResultData lbData = new LabResultData(LabResultData.HL7TEXT); String sql = ""; try { // note to self: lab reports not found in the providerLabRouting table will not show up - need to ensure every lab is entered in providerLabRouting, with '0' // for the provider number if unable to find correct provider sql = "select info.lab_no,, info.health_no, info.result_status, info.obr_date, info.priority, info.requesting_client, info.discipline, info.last_name, " + "info.first_name, info.report_status, info.accessionNum, info.final_result_count " + "from hl7TextInfo info " + " where info.lab_no = " + labNo + " ORDER BY info.obr_date DESC"; logger.debug(sql); ResultSet rs = DBHandler.GetSQL(sql); if (rs.first()) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { int columns = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) { sb.append(rs.getString(i + 1)); sb.append(", "); } logger.debug("Record found : " + sb.toString()); } lbData.labType = LabResultData.HL7TEXT; lbData.segmentID = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "lab_no"); //check if any demographic is linked to this lab if (lbData.isMatchedToPatient()) { //get matched demographic no String sql2 = "select * from patientLabRouting plr where plr.lab_no=" + Integer.parseInt(lbData.segmentID) + " and plr.lab_type='" + lbData.labType + "'"; logger.debug("sql2=" + sql2); ResultSet rs2 = DBHandler.GetSQL(sql2); if ( lbData.setLabPatientId(oscar.Misc.getString(rs2, "demographic_no")); else lbData.setLabPatientId("-1"); } else { lbData.setLabPatientId("-1"); } lbData.acknowledgedStatus = "U"; lbData.accessionNumber = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "accessionNum"); lbData.healthNumber = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "health_no"); lbData.patientName = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "last_name") + ", " + oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "first_name"); = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "sex"); lbData.resultStatus = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "result_status"); if (lbData.resultStatus.equals("A")) lbData.abn = true; lbData.dateTime = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "obr_date"); //priority String priority = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "priority"); if (priority != null && !priority.equals("")) { switch (priority.charAt(0)) { case 'C': lbData.priority = "Critical"; break; case 'S': lbData.priority = "Stat/Urgent"; break; case 'U': lbData.priority = "Unclaimed"; break; case 'A': lbData.priority = "ASAP"; break; case 'L': lbData.priority = "Alert"; break; default: lbData.priority = "Routine"; break; } } else { lbData.priority = "----"; } lbData.requestingClient = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "requesting_client"); lbData.reportStatus = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "report_status"); // the "C" is for corrected excelleris labs if (lbData.reportStatus != null && (lbData.reportStatus.equals("F") || lbData.reportStatus.equals("C"))) { lbData.finalRes = true; } else { lbData.finalRes = false; } lbData.discipline = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "discipline"); lbData.finalResultsCount = rs.getInt("final_result_count"); } rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("exception in getNotAckLabResultDataFromLabNo:", e); } return lbData; } public static ArrayList<LabResultData> populateHl7ResultsData(String providerNo, String demographicNo, String patientFirstName, String patientLastName, String patientHealthNumber, String status) { if (providerNo == null) { providerNo = ""; } if (patientFirstName == null) { patientFirstName = ""; } if (patientLastName == null) { patientLastName = ""; } if (status == null) { status = ""; } patientHealthNumber = StringUtils.trimToNull(patientHealthNumber); ArrayList<LabResultData> labResults = new ArrayList<LabResultData>(); String sql = ""; try { if (demographicNo == null) { // note to self: lab reports not found in the providerLabRouting table will not show up - need to ensure every lab is entered in providerLabRouting, with '0' // for the provider number if unable to find correct provider sql = "select info.label,info.lab_no,, info.health_no, info.result_status, info.obr_date, info.priority, info.requesting_client, info.discipline, info.last_name, info.first_name, info.report_status, info.accessionNum, info.final_result_count, providerLabRouting.status " + "from hl7TextInfo info, providerLabRouting " + " where info.lab_no = providerLabRouting.lab_no " + " AND providerLabRouting.status like '%" + status + "%' AND providerLabRouting.provider_no like '" + (providerNo.equals("") ? "%" : providerNo) + "'" + " AND providerLabRouting.lab_type = 'HL7' " + " AND info.first_name like '" + patientFirstName + "%' AND info.last_name like '" + patientLastName + "%'"; if (patientHealthNumber != null) sql = sql + " AND info.health_no like '%" + patientHealthNumber + "%'"; sql = sql + " ORDER BY info.lab_no DESC"; } else { sql = "select info.label,info.lab_no,, info.health_no, info.result_status, info.obr_date, info.priority, info.requesting_client, info.discipline, info.last_name, info.first_name, info.report_status, info.accessionNum, info.final_result_count " + "from hl7TextInfo info, patientLabRouting " + " where info.lab_no = patientLabRouting.lab_no " + " AND patientLabRouting.lab_type = 'HL7' AND patientLabRouting.demographic_no='" + demographicNo + "' ORDER BY info.lab_no DESC"; } logger.debug(sql); ResultSet rs = DBHandler.GetSQL(sql); while ( { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { int columns = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) { sb.append(rs.getString(i + 1)); sb.append(", "); } logger.debug("Record found : " + sb.toString()); } LabResultData lbData = new LabResultData(LabResultData.HL7TEXT); lbData.labType = LabResultData.HL7TEXT; lbData.segmentID = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "lab_no"); //check if any demographic is linked to this lab if (lbData.isMatchedToPatient()) { //get matched demographic no String sql2 = "select * from patientLabRouting plr where plr.lab_no=" + Integer.parseInt(lbData.segmentID) + " and plr.lab_type='" + lbData.labType + "'"; logger.debug("sql2=" + sql2); ResultSet rs2 = DBHandler.GetSQL(sql2); if ( lbData.setLabPatientId(oscar.Misc.getString(rs2, "demographic_no")); else lbData.setLabPatientId("-1"); } else { lbData.setLabPatientId("-1"); } if (demographicNo == null && !providerNo.equals("0")) { lbData.acknowledgedStatus = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "status"); } else { lbData.acknowledgedStatus = "U"; } lbData.accessionNumber = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "accessionNum"); lbData.healthNumber = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "health_no"); lbData.patientName = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "last_name") + ", " + oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "first_name"); = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "sex"); lbData.label = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "label"); lbData.resultStatus = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "result_status"); if (lbData.resultStatus.equals("A")) lbData.abn = true; lbData.dateTime = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "obr_date"); //priority String priority = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "priority"); if (priority != null && !priority.equals("")) { switch (priority.charAt(0)) { case 'C': lbData.priority = "Critical"; break; case 'S': lbData.priority = "Stat/Urgent"; break; case 'U': lbData.priority = "Unclaimed"; break; case 'A': lbData.priority = "ASAP"; break; case 'L': lbData.priority = "Alert"; break; default: lbData.priority = "Routine"; break; } } else { lbData.priority = "----"; } lbData.requestingClient = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "requesting_client"); lbData.reportStatus = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "report_status"); // the "C" is for corrected excelleris labs if (lbData.reportStatus != null && (lbData.reportStatus.equals("F") || lbData.reportStatus.equals("C"))) { lbData.finalRes = true; } else { lbData.finalRes = false; } lbData.discipline = oscar.Misc.getString(rs, "discipline"); lbData.finalResultsCount = rs.getInt("final_result_count"); labResults.add(lbData); } rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("exception in Hl7Populate:", e); } return labResults; } public static ArrayList<LabResultData> populateHl7ResultsData(String providerNo, String demographicNo, String patientFirstName, String patientLastName, String patientHealthNumber, String status, boolean isPaged, Integer page, Integer pageSize, boolean mixLabsAndDocs, Boolean isAbnormal) { if (providerNo == null) { providerNo = ""; } boolean searchProvider = !"-1".equals(providerNo) && !"".equals(providerNo); if (patientFirstName == null) { patientFirstName = ""; } if (patientLastName == null) { patientLastName = ""; } if (patientHealthNumber == null) { patientHealthNumber = ""; } if (status == null || "U".equals(status)) { status = ""; } boolean patientSearch = !"".equals(patientFirstName) || !"".equals(patientLastName) || !"".equals(patientHealthNumber); ArrayList<LabResultData> labResults = new ArrayList<LabResultData>(); String sql = ""; try { // note to self: lab reports not found in the providerLabRouting table will not show up - need to ensure every lab is entered in providerLabRouting, with '0' // for the provider number if unable to find correct provider if (mixLabsAndDocs) { if ("0".equals(demographicNo) || "0".equals(providerNo)) { sql = " SELECT info.label, info.lab_no,, info.health_no, info.result_status, info.obr_date, info.priority, info.requesting_client, info.discipline, info.last_name, info.first_name, info.report_status, info.accessionNum, info.final_result_count, X.status " + " FROM hl7TextInfo info, " + " (SELECT, plr.lab_type, plr.lab_no, plr.status " + " FROM patientLabRouting plr2, providerLabRouting plr, hl7TextInfo info " + " WHERE plr.lab_no = plr2.lab_no " + (searchProvider ? " AND plr.provider_no = '" + providerNo + "' " : "") + " AND plr.status like '%" + status + "%' " + " AND plr.lab_type = 'HL7' " + " AND plr2.lab_type = 'HL7' " + " AND info.lab_no = plr.lab_no " + (isAbnormal != null && isAbnormal ? " AND info.result_status = 'A' " : isAbnormal != null && !isAbnormal ? " AND (info.result_status IS NULL OR info.result_status != 'A') " : "") + " UNION " + " SELECT, plr.lab_type, plr.lab_no, plr.status " + " FROM ctl_document cd, providerLabRouting plr " + " WHERE plr.lab_type = 'DOC' AND plr.status like '%" + status + "%' " + (searchProvider ? " AND plr.provider_no = '" + providerNo + "' " : "") + " AND plr.lab_no = cd.document_no " + " AND cd.module_id = -1 " + " ORDER BY id DESC " + " ) AS X " + " WHERE X.lab_type = 'HL7' AND X.lab_no = info.lab_no " + (isPaged ? " LIMIT " + (page * pageSize) + "," + pageSize : ""); } else if (demographicNo != null && !"".equals(demographicNo)) { sql = " SELECT info.label, info.lab_no,, info.health_no, info.result_status, info.obr_date, info.priority, info.requesting_client, info.discipline, info.last_name, info.first_name, info.report_status, info.accessionNum, info.final_result_count, X.status " + " FROM hl7TextInfo info, " + " (SELECT * FROM " + " (SELECT DISTINCT, plr.lab_type, plr.lab_no, plr.status FROM providerLabRouting plr, ctl_document cd " + " WHERE " + " (cd.module_id = '" + demographicNo + "' " + " AND cd.document_no = plr.lab_no" + " AND plr.lab_type = 'DOC' " + " AND plr.status like '%" + status + "%' " + (searchProvider ? " AND plr.provider_no = '" + providerNo + "' )" : " )") + " ORDER BY id DESC) AS Y" + " UNION" + " SELECT * FROM" + " (SELECT DISTINCT, plr.lab_type, plr.lab_no, plr.status FROM providerLabRouting plr, patientLabRouting plr2" + " WHERE" + " plr.lab_type = 'HL7' AND plr2.lab_type = 'HL7'" + " AND plr.status like '%" + status + "%' " + (searchProvider ? " AND plr.provider_no = '" + providerNo + "' " : " ") + " AND plr.lab_no = plr2.lab_no AND plr2.demographic_no = '" + demographicNo + "'" + " ORDER BY id DESC) AS Z" + " ORDER BY id DESC" + " ) AS X " + " WHERE X.lab_type = 'HL7' and X.lab_no = info.lab_no " + (isPaged ? " LIMIT " + (page * pageSize) + "," + pageSize : ""); } else if (patientSearch) { // N sql = " SELECT info.label, info.lab_no,, info.health_no, info.result_status, info.obr_date, info.priority, info.requesting_client, info.discipline, info.last_name, info.first_name, info.report_status, info.accessionNum, info.final_result_count, Z.status " + " FROM hl7TextInfo info, " + " (SELECT * FROM " + " (SELECT * FROM " + " (SELECT DISTINCT, plr.lab_type, plr.lab_no, plr.status, d.demographic_no " + " FROM providerLabRouting plr, ctl_document cd, demographic d " + " WHERE " + " (d.first_name like '%" + patientFirstName + "%' AND d.last_name like '%" + patientLastName + "%' AND d.hin like '%" + patientHealthNumber + "%' " + " AND cd.module_id = d.demographic_no AND cd.document_no = plr.lab_no AND plr.lab_type = 'DOC' " + " AND plr.status like '%" + status + "%' " + (searchProvider ? " AND plr.provider_no = '" + providerNo + "' " : " ") + " )ORDER BY id DESC) AS Y " + " UNION " + " SELECT * FROM " + " (SELECT DISTINCT, plr.lab_type, plr.lab_no, plr.status, d.demographic_no " + " FROM providerLabRouting plr, patientLabRouting plr2, demographic d" + (isAbnormal != null ? ", hl7TextInfo info " : " ") + " WHERE d.first_name like '%" + patientFirstName + "%' AND d.last_name like '%" + patientLastName + "%' AND d.hin like '%" + patientHealthNumber + "%' " + " AND plr.lab_type = 'HL7' AND plr2.lab_type = 'HL7' " + (isAbnormal != null ? " AND plr.lab_no = info.lab_no AND (info.result_status IS NULL OR info.result_status != 'A') " : " ") + " AND plr.status like '%" + status + "%' " + (searchProvider ? " AND plr.provider_no = '" + providerNo + "' " : " ") + " AND plr.lab_no = plr2.lab_no AND plr2.demographic_no = d.demographic_no ORDER BY id DESC) AS Z " + " ORDER BY id DESC) AS X " + " ) AS Z " + " WHERE Z.lab_type = 'HL7' and Z.lab_no = info.lab_no " + (isPaged ? " LIMIT " + (page * pageSize) + "," + pageSize : ""); } else { // N sql = " SELECT info.label, info.lab_no,, info.health_no, info.result_status, info.obr_date, info.priority, info.requesting_client, info.discipline, info.last_name, info.first_name, info.report_status, info.accessionNum, info.final_result_count, X.status " + " FROM hl7TextInfo info, " + " (SELECT DISTINCT, plr.lab_type, plr.lab_no, plr.status " + " FROM providerLabRouting plr" + (isAbnormal != null ? ", hl7TextInfo info " : " ") + " WHERE (" + " plr.status like '%" + status + "%' " + (searchProvider ? " AND plr.provider_no = '" + providerNo + "' " : "") + (isAbnormal != null ? " AND (plr.lab_type = 'DOC' OR (plr.lab_no = info.lab_no AND (" + (!isAbnormal ? "info.result_status IS NULL OR" : "") + " info.result_status " + (isAbnormal ? "" : "!") + "= 'A'))) " : " ") + " ) " + " ORDER BY id DESC " + " ) AS X " + " WHERE X.lab_type = 'HL7' and X.lab_no = info.lab_no " + (isPaged ? " LIMIT " + (page * pageSize) + "," + pageSize : ""); } } else { if ("0".equals(demographicNo) || "0".equals(providerNo)) { // Unmatched labs sql = " SELECT info.label, info.lab_no,, info.health_no, info.result_status, info.obr_date, info.priority, info.requesting_client, info.discipline, info.last_name, info.first_name, info.report_status, info.accessionNum, info.final_result_count, plr.status " + " FROM patientLabRouting plr2, providerLabRouting plr, hl7TextInfo info " + " WHERE plr.lab_no = plr2.lab_no " + (searchProvider ? " AND plr.provider_no = '" + providerNo + "' " : "") + " AND plr.lab_type = 'HL7' " + " AND plr.status like '%" + status + "%' " + " AND plr2.lab_type = 'HL7' " + " AND plr.lab_no = info.lab_no " + (isAbnormal != null && isAbnormal ? "AND info.result_status = 'A'" : isAbnormal != null && !isAbnormal ? "AND (info.result_status IS NULL OR info.result_status != 'A')" : "") + " ORDER BY DESC " + (isPaged ? " LIMIT " + (page * pageSize) + "," + pageSize : ""); } else if (demographicNo != null && !"".equals(demographicNo)) { sql = " SELECT info.label, info.lab_no,, info.health_no, info.result_status, info.obr_date, info.priority, info.requesting_client, info.discipline, info.last_name, info.first_name, info.report_status, info.accessionNum, info.final_result_count, X.status " + " FROM hl7TextInfo info, " + " (SELECT DISTINCT,plr.lab_no, plr.lab_type, plr.status, d.demographic_no " + " FROM providerLabRouting plr, patientLabRouting plr2, demographic d " + " WHERE (d.demographic_no = '" + demographicNo + "' " + " AND plr.lab_no = plr2.lab_no AND plr2.demographic_no = d.demographic_no " + " AND plr.lab_type = 'HL7' AND plr2.lab_type = 'HL7' " + " AND plr.status like '%" + status + "%' " + (searchProvider ? " AND plr.provider_no = '" + providerNo + "' " : "") + " ) " + " ORDER BY DESC " + " ) AS X " + " WHERE X.lab_type = 'HL7' and X.lab_no = info.lab_no " + (isPaged ? " LIMIT " + (page * pageSize) + "," + pageSize : ""); } else if (patientSearch) { // A sql = " SELECT info.label, info.lab_no,, info.health_no, info.result_status, info.obr_date, info.priority, info.requesting_client, info.discipline, info.last_name, info.first_name, info.report_status, info.accessionNum, info.final_result_count, X.status " + " FROM hl7TextInfo info, " + " (SELECT DISTINCT, plr.lab_type, plr.status, plr.lab_no, d.demographic_no " + " FROM providerLabRouting plr, patientLabRouting plr2, demographic d " + " WHERE (d.first_name like '%" + patientFirstName + "%' AND d.last_name like '%" + patientLastName + "%' AND d.hin like '%" + patientHealthNumber + "%' " + " AND plr.lab_no = plr2.lab_no AND plr2.demographic_no = d.demographic_no " + " AND plr.lab_type = 'HL7' AND plr2.lab_type = 'HL7' " + " AND plr.status like '%" + status + "%' " + (searchProvider ? " AND plr.provider_no = '" + providerNo + "' " : "") + " ) " + " ORDER BY DESC " + " ) AS X " + " WHERE X.lab_type = 'HL7' and X.lab_no = info.lab_no " + (isAbnormal != null ? " AND (" + (!isAbnormal ? "info.result_status IS NULL OR" : "") + " info.result_status " + (isAbnormal ? "" : "!") + "= 'A') " : " ") + (isPaged ? " LIMIT " + (page * pageSize) + "," + pageSize : ""); } else { // A sql = " SELECT info.label, info.lab_no,, info.health_no, info.result_status, info.obr_date, info.priority, info.requesting_client, info.discipline, info.last_name, info.first_name, info.report_status, info.accessionNum, info.final_result_count, plr.status " + " FROM providerLabRouting plr, hl7TextInfo info " + " WHERE plr.status like '%" + status + "%' " + (searchProvider ? " AND plr.provider_no = '" + providerNo + "' " : "") + " AND lab_type = 'HL7' and info.lab_no = plr.lab_no " + (isAbnormal != null ? " AND (" + (!isAbnormal ? "info.result_status IS NULL OR" : "") + " info.result_status " + (isAbnormal ? "" : "!") + "= 'A') " : " ") + " ORDER BY DESC " + (isPaged ? " LIMIT " + (page * pageSize) + "," + pageSize : ""); } }; ResultSet rs = DBHandler.GetSQL(sql); while ( { LabResultData lbData = new LabResultData(LabResultData.HL7TEXT); lbData.labType = LabResultData.HL7TEXT; lbData.segmentID = rs.getString("lab_no"); if (demographicNo == null && !providerNo.equals("0")) { lbData.acknowledgedStatus = rs.getString("status"); } else { lbData.acknowledgedStatus = "U"; } lbData.accessionNumber = rs.getString("accessionNum"); lbData.healthNumber = rs.getString("health_no"); lbData.patientName = rs.getString("last_name") + ", " + rs.getString("first_name"); = rs.getString("sex"); lbData.label = rs.getString("label"); lbData.resultStatus = rs.getString("result_status"); if (lbData.resultStatus != null && lbData.resultStatus.equals("A")) lbData.abn = true; lbData.dateTime = rs.getString("obr_date"); //priority String priority = rs.getString("priority"); if (priority != null && !priority.equals("")) { switch (priority.charAt(0)) { case 'C': lbData.priority = "Critical"; break; case 'S': lbData.priority = "Stat/Urgent"; break; case 'U': lbData.priority = "Unclaimed"; break; case 'A': lbData.priority = "ASAP"; break; case 'L': lbData.priority = "Alert"; break; default: lbData.priority = "Routine"; break; } } else { lbData.priority = "----"; } lbData.requestingClient = rs.getString("requesting_client"); lbData.reportStatus = rs.getString("report_status"); // the "C" is for corrected excelleris labs if (lbData.reportStatus != null && (lbData.reportStatus.equals("F") || lbData.reportStatus.equals("C"))) { lbData.finalRes = true; } else if (lbData.reportStatus != null && lbData.reportStatus.equals("X")) { lbData.cancelledReport = true; } else { lbData.finalRes = false; } lbData.discipline = rs.getString("discipline"); lbData.finalResultsCount = rs.getInt("final_result_count"); labResults.add(lbData); } rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("exception in Hl7Populate:", e); } return labResults; } private static String[] splitRefRange(String refRangeTxt) { refRangeTxt = refRangeTxt.trim(); String[] refRange = { "", "", "" }; String numeric = "-. 0123456789"; boolean textual = false; if (refRangeTxt == null || refRangeTxt.length() == 0) return refRange; for (int i = 0; i < refRangeTxt.length(); i++) { if (!numeric.contains(refRangeTxt.subSequence(i, i + 1))) { if (i > 0 || (refRangeTxt.charAt(i) != '>' && refRangeTxt.charAt(i) != '<')) { textual = true; break; } } } if (textual) { refRange[0] = refRangeTxt; } else { if (refRangeTxt.charAt(0) == '>') { refRange[1] = refRangeTxt.substring(1).trim(); } else if (refRangeTxt.charAt(0) == '<') { refRange[2] = refRangeTxt.substring(1).trim(); } else { String[] tmp = refRangeTxt.split("-"); if (tmp.length == 2) { refRange[1] = tmp[0].trim(); refRange[2] = tmp[1].trim(); } else { refRange[0] = refRangeTxt; } } } return refRange; } }