Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2001-2002. Department of Family Medicine, McMaster University. All Rights Reserved. * This software is published under the GPL GNU General Public License. * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * This software was written for the * Department of Family Medicine * McMaster University * Hamilton * Ontario, Canada */ package; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.PersistenceException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.oscarehr.PMmodule.caisi_integrator.CaisiIntegratorManager; import org.oscarehr.PMmodule.caisi_integrator.IntegratorFallBackManager; import; import; import org.oscarehr.common.dao.EncounterFormDao; import org.oscarehr.common.model.EncounterForm; import org.oscarehr.util.DbConnectionFilter; import org.oscarehr.util.LoggedInInfo; import org.oscarehr.util.MiscUtils; import org.oscarehr.util.SpringUtils; import oscar.util.SqlUtils; import oscar.util.UtilDateUtilities; public class EctFormData { private static Logger logger = MiscUtils.getLogger(); private static EncounterFormDao encounterFormDao = (EncounterFormDao) SpringUtils.getBean("encounterFormDao"); public static Form[] getForms() { List<EncounterForm> results = encounterFormDao.findAll(); Collections.sort(results, EncounterForm.BC_FIRST_COMPARATOR); ArrayList<Form> forms = new ArrayList<Form>(); for (EncounterForm encounterForm : results) { Form frm = new Form(encounterForm.getFormName(), encounterForm.getFormValue(), encounterForm.getFormTable(), encounterForm.isHidden()); forms.add(frm); } return (forms.toArray(new Form[0])); } public static class Form { private String formName; private String formPage; private String formTable; private boolean hidden; // Constructor public Form(String formName, String formPage, String formTable, boolean hidden) { this.formName = formName; this.formPage = formPage; this.formTable = formTable; this.hidden = hidden; } public Form() { } public String getFormName() { return formName; } public String getFormPage() { return formPage; } public String getFormTable() { return formTable; } public boolean isHidden() { return hidden; } } public static ArrayList<PatientForm> getGroupedPatientFormsFromAllTables(Integer demographicId) { // grab all of the forms EncounterFormDao encounterFormDao = (EncounterFormDao) SpringUtils.getBean("encounterFormDao"); List<EncounterForm> encounterForms = encounterFormDao.findAll(); Collections.sort(encounterForms, EncounterForm.BC_FIRST_COMPARATOR); // grab patient forms for all the above form types grouped by date of edit ArrayList<PatientForm> allResults = new ArrayList<PatientForm>(); for (EncounterForm encounterForm : encounterForms) { String table = StringUtils.trimToNull(encounterForm.getFormTable()); if (table != null) { allResults.addAll(getGroupedPatientFormsAsArrayList(demographicId.toString(), encounterForm.getFormName(), table, encounterForm.getFormValue())); } } return (allResults); } public static ArrayList<PatientForm> getGroupedPatientFormsAsArrayList(String demoNo, String formName, String table, String jsp) { table = StringUtils.trimToNull(table); if (table == null) return (new ArrayList<PatientForm>()); ArrayList<PatientForm> forms = new ArrayList<PatientForm>(); Connection c = null; try { c = DbConnectionFilter.getThreadLocalDbConnection(); if (!table.equals("form")) { String sql = "SELECT max(ID) ID, demographic_no, formCreated, date(formEdited) 'lastEdited', max(formEdited) 'frmEdited' FROM " + table + " WHERE demographic_no=" + demoNo + " group by lastEdited"; Statement s = c.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(sql); while ( { PatientForm frm = new PatientForm(formName, rs.getInt("ID"), rs.getInt("demographic_no"), rs.getDate("formCreated"), rs.getTimestamp("frmEdited"), jsp); forms.add(frm); } } else { String sql = "SELECT form_no, demographic_no, form_date from " + table + " where demographic_no=" + demoNo + " order by form_no desc"; Statement s = c.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(sql); while ( { PatientForm frm = new PatientForm(formName, rs.getInt("form_no"), rs.getInt("demographic_no"), rs.getDate("form_date"), rs.getDate("form_date")); forms.add(frm); } } } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("Unexpected error.", e); throw (new PersistenceException(e)); } finally { SqlUtils.closeResources(c, null, null); } return (forms); } public static ArrayList<PatientForm> getAllPatientFormsFromAllTables(Integer demographicId) { // grab all of the forms EncounterFormDao encounterFormDao = (EncounterFormDao) SpringUtils.getBean("encounterFormDao"); List<EncounterForm> encounterForms = encounterFormDao.findAll(); Collections.sort(encounterForms, EncounterForm.BC_FIRST_COMPARATOR); // grab all patient forms for all the above form types ArrayList<PatientForm> allResults = new ArrayList<PatientForm>(); for (EncounterForm encounterForm : encounterForms) { String table = StringUtils.trimToNull(encounterForm.getFormTable()); if (table != null) { allResults.addAll( getPatientFormsAsArrayList(demographicId.toString(), encounterForm.getFormName(), table)); } } return (allResults); } public static ArrayList<PatientForm> getPatientFormsAsArrayList(String demoNo, String formName, String table) { table = StringUtils.trimToNull(table); if (table == null) return (new ArrayList<PatientForm>()); ArrayList<PatientForm> forms = new ArrayList<PatientForm>(); Connection c = null; try { c = DbConnectionFilter.getThreadLocalDbConnection(); if (!table.equals("form")) { String sql = "SELECT ID, demographic_no, formCreated, formEdited FROM " + table + " WHERE demographic_no=" + demoNo + " ORDER BY ID DESC"; Statement s = c.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(sql); while ( { PatientForm frm = new PatientForm(formName, rs.getInt("ID"), rs.getInt("demographic_no"), rs.getDate("formCreated"), rs.getTimestamp("formEdited")); forms.add(frm); } } else { String sql = "SELECT form_no, demographic_no, form_date from " + table + " where demographic_no=" + demoNo + " order by form_no desc"; Statement s = c.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(sql); while ( { PatientForm frm = new PatientForm(formName, rs.getInt("form_no"), rs.getInt("demographic_no"), rs.getDate("form_date"), rs.getDate("form_date")); forms.add(frm); } } } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("Unexpected error.", e); throw (new PersistenceException(e)); } finally { SqlUtils.closeResources(c, null, null); } return (forms); } public static ArrayList<PatientForm> getRemotePatientForms(Integer demographicId, String formName, String table) { ArrayList<PatientForm> forms = new ArrayList<PatientForm>(); List<CachedDemographicForm> remoteForms = null; table = StringUtils.trimToNull(table); if (table == null) return (new ArrayList<PatientForm>()); try { LoggedInInfo loggedInInfo = LoggedInInfo.loggedInInfo.get(); if (!loggedInInfo.currentFacility.isIntegratorEnabled()) return (forms); if (!CaisiIntegratorManager.isIntegratorOffline()) { DemographicWs demographicWs = CaisiIntegratorManager.getDemographicWs(); remoteForms = demographicWs.getLinkedCachedDemographicForms(demographicId, table); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error retriving remote forms :" + CaisiIntegratorManager.isIntegratorOffline(), e); CaisiIntegratorManager.checkForConnectionError(e); } if (CaisiIntegratorManager.isIntegratorOffline()) { remoteForms = IntegratorFallBackManager.getRemoteForms(demographicId, table); } if (remoteForms == null) return (forms); for (CachedDemographicForm cachedDemographicForm : remoteForms) { Date date = cachedDemographicForm.getEditDate().getTime(); PatientForm frm = new PatientForm(formName, cachedDemographicForm.getFacilityIdIntegerCompositePk().getCaisiItemId(), cachedDemographicForm.getCaisiDemographicId(), date, date); frm.setRemoteFacilityId( cachedDemographicForm.getFacilityIdIntegerCompositePk().getIntegratorFacilityId()); forms.add(frm); } return (forms); } public static PatientForm[] getPatientForms(String demoNo, String table) { return (getPatientFormsAsArrayList(demoNo, null, table).toArray(new PatientForm[0])); } public static PatientForm[] getPatientFormsFromLocalAndRemote(String demoNo, String table) { ArrayList<PatientForm> results = getPatientFormsAsArrayList(demoNo, null, table); LoggedInInfo loggedInInfo = LoggedInInfo.loggedInInfo.get(); if (loggedInInfo != null && loggedInInfo.currentFacility != null && loggedInInfo.currentFacility.isIntegratorEnabled()) { try { ArrayList<PatientForm> remoteResults = getRemotePatientForms(Integer.parseInt(demoNo), null, table); results.addAll(remoteResults); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Retrieving remote forms failed", e); } } Collections.sort(results, PatientForm.CREATED_DATE_COMPARATOR); return (results.toArray(new PatientForm[0])); } /** * Due to backwards compatability hack, leave all the getter methods as returning String, direct field access can be used to get native types. */ public static class PatientForm { /** * This comparator sorts PatientForm descending based on the created date */ public static final Comparator<PatientForm> CREATED_DATE_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<PatientForm>() { public int compare(PatientForm o1, PatientForm o2) { if (o2.created == null && o1.created == null) { return o2.edited.compareTo(o1.edited); } if (o2.created == null && o1.created != null) { return o2.edited.compareTo(o1.created); } if (o1.created == null && o2.created != null) { return o2.created.compareTo(o1.edited); } return (o2.created.compareTo(o1.created)); } }; public Integer formId; private Integer remoteFacilityId; public Integer demographicId; public Date created; public Date edited; public String formName; public String jsp; // Constructor public PatientForm(String formName, Integer formId, Integer demographicId, Date created, Date edited) { this.formName = formName; this.formId = formId; this.demographicId = demographicId; this.created = created; this.edited = edited; } // Constructor public PatientForm(String formName, Integer formId, Integer demographicId, Date created, Date edited, String jsp) { this.formName = formName; this.formId = formId; this.demographicId = demographicId; this.created = created; this.edited = edited; if (jsp.indexOf("/") != -1) { jsp = jsp.substring(jsp.indexOf("/")); } this.jsp = jsp + String.valueOf(demographicId) + "&formId=" + String.valueOf(formId); } public String getFormId() { return formId.toString(); } public String getDemoNo() { return demographicId.toString(); } public String getCreated() { return (UtilDateUtilities.DateToString(created, "yy/MM/dd")); } public String getEdited() { return (UtilDateUtilities.DateToString(edited, "yy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")); } public String getFormName() { return formName; } public Integer getRemoteFacilityId() { return (remoteFacilityId); } public void setRemoteFacilityId(Integer remoteFacilityId) { this.remoteFacilityId = remoteFacilityId; } } }