Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2017 LLC. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.zoxweb.server.util; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.math.BigDecimal; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; //import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.zoxweb.server.filters.TimestampFilter; import org.zoxweb.shared.api.APIException; import org.zoxweb.shared.db.QueryMarker; import org.zoxweb.shared.db.QueryMatch; import org.zoxweb.shared.db.QueryMatchLong; import org.zoxweb.shared.db.QueryMatchString; import org.zoxweb.shared.db.QueryRequest; import org.zoxweb.shared.filters.FilterType; import org.zoxweb.shared.filters.ValueFilter; import; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.ArrayValues; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.Const; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.DynamicEnumMap; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.DynamicEnumMapManager; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.ExceptionReason.Reason; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.GNVTypeName; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.GetNVGenericMap; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.GetNameValue; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.MetaToken; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.NVBase; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.NVBlob; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.NVBoolean; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.NVConfig; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.NVConfigEntity; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.NVDouble; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.NVDoubleList; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.NVEntity; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.NVEntityReference; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.NVFloat; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.NVFloatList; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.NVGenericMap; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.NVGenericMapList; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.NVInt; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.NVIntList; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.NVLong; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.NVLongList; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.NVPair; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.NVPairList; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.NVStringList; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.SharedBase64; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.SharedBase64.Base64Type; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.SharedStringUtil; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.SharedUtil; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.SubjectID; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.Const.GNVType; import org.zoxweb.shared.util.Const.LogicalOperator; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This utility class convert NVEnity Object to json and a json object to an NVEntity. * It uses Gson from google * @author mnael */ final public class GSONUtil { private static final transient Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Const.LOGGER_NAME); private final static GSONUtil SINGLETON = new GSONUtil(); public final static Gson DEFAULT_GSON = new GsonBuilder() .registerTypeAdapter(NVGenericMap.class, new NVGenericMapSerDeserialiser()) .registerTypeHierarchyAdapter(NVEntity.class, new NVEntitySerDeserialiser()) .registerTypeAdapter(Date.class, new DateSerDeserialiser()).create(); private GsonBuilder builder = null; public static class NVGenericMapSerDeserialiser implements JsonSerializer<NVGenericMap>, JsonDeserializer<NVGenericMap> { @Override public JsonElement serialize(NVGenericMap src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub JsonTreeWriter jtw = new JsonTreeWriter(); try { toJSONGenericMap(jtw, src, false, false); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return jtw.get(); } @Override public NVGenericMap deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return fromJSONGenericMap((JsonObject) json, null, Base64Type.DEFAULT); } } public static class DateSerDeserialiser implements JsonSerializer<Date>, JsonDeserializer<Date> { @Override public JsonElement serialize(Date src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return new JsonPrimitive(DateUtil.DEFAULT_GMT_MILLIS.format(src)); } @Override public Date deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub JsonPrimitive jp = (JsonPrimitive) json; if (jp.isNumber()) return new Date(jp.getAsLong()); try { return DateUtil.DEFAULT_GMT_MILLIS.parse(jp.getAsString()); } catch (ParseException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } } public static class NVEntitySerDeserialiser implements JsonSerializer<NVEntity>, JsonDeserializer<NVEntity> { @Override public JsonElement serialize(NVEntity src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) { JsonTreeWriter jtw = new JsonTreeWriter(); try { toJSON(jtw, src.getClass(), src, false, true, Base64Type.DEFAULT); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return jtw.get(); } @Override public NVEntity deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return fromJSON((JsonObject) json, null, Base64Type.DEFAULT); } } private GSONUtil() { builder = new GsonBuilder(); builder.setFieldNamingPolicy(FieldNamingPolicy.LOWER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES); builder.setPrettyPrinting();"Created"); } public static Gson create(boolean pretty) { if (pretty) { return SINGLETON.builder.create(); } else { return new Gson(); } } public static String toJSON(NVEntity nve, boolean indent) throws IOException { return toJSON(nve, indent, true, true); } public static String toJSON(NVEntity nve, boolean indent, boolean printNull, boolean printClassType) throws IOException { return toJSON(nve, indent, printNull, printClassType, null); } public static List<NVEntity> fromJSONArray(String json, Base64Type b64Type) { List<NVEntity> ret = new ArrayList<NVEntity>(); JsonElement je = new JsonParser().parse(json); if (je instanceof JsonArray) { JsonArray ja = (JsonArray) je; for (int i = 0; i < ja.size(); i++) { JsonObject jo = (JsonObject) ja.get(i); ret.add(fromJSON(jo, null, b64Type)); } } return ret; } public static String toJSONArray(List<NVEntity> list, boolean indent, boolean printNull, Base64Type b64Type) throws IOException { return toJSONArray(list.toArray(new NVEntity[list.size()]), indent, printNull, b64Type); } public static String toJSONArray(NVEntity[] nves, boolean indent, boolean printNull, Base64Type b64Type) throws IOException { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter(sw); writer.setSerializeNulls(true); writer.setHtmlSafe(true); if (indent) writer.setIndent(" "); else writer.setIndent(""); writer.beginArray(); for (NVEntity nve : nves) { if (nve != null) { toJSON(writer, nve.getClass(), nve, printNull, true, b64Type); } } writer.endArray(); writer.close(); return sw.toString(); } public static String toJSON(NVEntity nve, boolean indent, boolean printNull, boolean printClassType, Base64Type b64Type) throws IOException { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter(sw); writer.setSerializeNulls(true); writer.setHtmlSafe(true); if (indent) writer.setIndent(" "); else writer.setIndent(""); toJSON(writer, nve.getClass(), nve, printNull, printClassType, b64Type); writer.close(); return sw.toString(); } public static String toJSONWrapper(String wrapName, NVEntity nve, boolean indent, boolean printNull, boolean printClassType, Base64Type b64Type) throws IOException { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter(sw); writer.setSerializeNulls(true); writer.setHtmlSafe(true); if (indent) writer.setIndent(" "); else writer.setIndent(""); writer.beginObject();; toJSON(writer, nve.getClass(), nve, printNull, printClassType, b64Type); writer.endObject(); writer.close(); return sw.toString(); } public static byte[] toObjectHash(String mdAlgo, Object obj) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, UnsupportedEncodingException { return toJSONHash(mdAlgo, create(false).toJson(obj)); } public static byte[] toNVEntityHash(String mdAlgo, NVEntity nve, Base64Type b64Type) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException { return toJSONHash(mdAlgo, toJSON(nve, false, false, true, b64Type)); } public static byte[] toJSONHash(String mdAlgo, String json) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance(mdAlgo); return md.digest(SharedStringUtil.getBytes(json)); } public static QueryRequest fromQueryRequest(String json) { JsonElement je = new JsonParser().parse(json); QueryRequest ret = null; if (je instanceof JsonObject) { ret = new QueryRequest(); JsonObject jo = (JsonObject) je; ret.setCanonicalID(jo.get(MetaToken.CANONICAL_ID.getName()).getAsString()); JsonElement batchSize = jo.get("batch_size"); if (batchSize != null) { ret.setBatchSize(batchSize.getAsInt()); } JsonArray jaFNs = (JsonArray) jo.get("field_names"); if (jaFNs != null) { List<String> fieldNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < jaFNs.size(); i++) { fieldNames.add(jaFNs.get(i).getAsString()); } ret.setFieldNames(fieldNames); } JsonArray jaQuery = (JsonArray) jo.get("query"); if (jaQuery != null) { List<QueryMarker> qms = new ArrayList<QueryMarker>(); for (int i = 0; i < jaQuery.size(); i++) { // get the query marker JsonObject joQM = (JsonObject) jaQuery.get(i); QueryMarker qm = null; JsonPrimitive lo = (JsonPrimitive) joQM.get(MetaToken.LOGICAL_OPERATOR.getName()); if (lo != null) { qm = Const.LogicalOperator.valueOf(lo.getAsString()); } else { Const.RelationalOperator ro = null; JsonPrimitive jpRO = (JsonPrimitive) joQM.get(MetaToken.RELATIONAL_OPERATOR.getName()); if (jpRO != null) { ro = Const.RelationalOperator.valueOf(jpRO.getAsString()); } String name = null; JsonElement value = null; Set<Map.Entry<String, JsonElement>> allParams = joQM.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> e : allParams) { if (!e.getKey().equals(MetaToken.RELATIONAL_OPERATOR.getName())) { name = e.getKey(); value = e.getValue(); break; } } // try to guess the type if (value.isJsonPrimitive()) { JsonPrimitive jp = (JsonPrimitive) value; if (jp.isString()) { qm = new QueryMatchString(ro, jp.getAsString(), name); } else if (jp.isNumber()) { qm = new QueryMatchLong(ro, jp.getAsLong(), name); } } } if (qm != null) { qms.add(qm); } } ret.setQuery(qms); } } return ret; } private static String toJSONValue(Enum<?> e) { if (e == null) { return null; } return; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static JsonWriter toJSON(JsonWriter writer, Class<? extends NVEntity> clazz, NVEntity nve, boolean printNull, boolean printClassType, Base64Type b64Type) throws IOException { NVConfigEntity nvce = (NVConfigEntity) nve.getNVConfig(); writer.beginObject(); if (clazz != null && clazz != nve.getClass() || (clazz != null && printClassType)) {; } else if (nvce.getMetaType().isInterface() || Modifier.isAbstract(nvce.getMetaType().getModifiers())) {; } List<NVConfig> attributes = nvce.getAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.size(); i++) { NVConfig nvc = attributes.get(i); //Class<?> type = nvc.getMetaType(); if (!printNull) { Object tempObj = nve.lookupValue(nvc); if (tempObj == null || (tempObj instanceof List && ((List<?>) tempObj).size() == 0) || (tempObj instanceof Map && ((Map<?, ?>) tempObj).size() == 0)) { continue; } } if (nvc.isArray()) {; if (byte[].class.equals(nvc.getMetaType())) { byte[] value = nve.lookupValue(nvc); writer.value(value != null ? new String(SharedBase64.encode(b64Type, value)) : null); } else { writer.beginArray(); if (nvc.isEnum()) { List<Enum<?>> eAll = nve.lookupValue(nvc); for (Enum<?> e : eAll) { writer.value(toJSONValue(e)); } } else if (nvc.getMetaTypeBase() == String.class) { ArrayValues<GetNameValue<String>> tempArray = (ArrayValues<GetNameValue<String>>) nve .lookup(nvc.getName()); for (GetNameValue<String> nvp : tempArray.values()) { toJSON(writer, nvp, true, printNull); } // // if (!nvc.isUnique()) // { // List<NVPair> all = nve.lookupValue(nvc); // for ( NVPair nvp : all) // { // toJSON( writer, nvp, true, printNull); // } // } // else // { // NVPairGetNameMap nvpm = (NVPairGetNameMap) nve.lookup(nvc.getName()); // for (NVPair nvp : nvpm.getValue().values()) // { // toJSON( writer, nvp, true, printNull); // } // } } else if (nvc.getMetaTypeBase() == Long.class) { List<Long> values = nve.lookupValue(nvc); for (long v : values) { writer.value(v); } } else if (nvc.getMetaTypeBase() == Integer.class) { List<Integer> values = nve.lookupValue(nvc); for (Integer v : values) { writer.value(v); } } else if (nvc.getMetaTypeBase() == Float.class) { List<Float> values = nve.lookupValue(nvc); for (Float v : values) { writer.value(v); } } else if (nvc.getMetaTypeBase() == Double.class) { List<Double> values = nve.lookupValue(nvc); for (Double v : values) { writer.value(v); } } else if (nvc.getMetaTypeBase() == Boolean.class) { List<Boolean> values = nve.lookupValue(nvc); for (boolean b : values) { writer.value(b); } } else if (nvc instanceof NVConfigEntity) { ArrayValues<NVEntity> tempArray = (ArrayValues<NVEntity>) nve.lookup(nvc.getName()); for (NVEntity value : tempArray.values()) { toJSON(writer, (Class<? extends NVEntity>) nvc.getMetaTypeBase(), value, printNull, printClassType, b64Type); } // if (!nvc.isUnique()) // { // List<NVEntity> values = nve.lookupValue(nvc); // for ( NVEntity value : values) // { // toJSON( writer, (Class<? extends NVEntity>) nvc.getMetaTypeBase(), value, printNull); // } // } // else // { // Map<GetName, NVEntity> values = nve.lookupValue(nvc); // for ( NVEntity value : values.values()) // { // toJSON( writer, (Class<? extends NVEntity>) nvc.getMetaTypeBase(), value, printNull); // } // } } else if (nvc.getMetaTypeBase() == Date.class) { List<Long> values = nve.lookupValue(nvc); for (long v : values) { writer.value(v); } } else if (nvc.getMetaTypeBase() == BigDecimal.class) { List<BigDecimal> values = nve.lookupValue(nvc); for (BigDecimal v : values) { writer.value(v); } } writer.endArray(); } } else { if (nvc.isEnum()) { if (nvc.getMetaTypeBase().isAssignableFrom(DynamicEnumMap.class)) { nve.lookupValue(nvc)); } else { Enum<?> e = nve.lookupValue(nvc);; } } else if (nvc.getMetaTypeBase() == String.class) { toJSON(writer, (NVPair) nve.lookup(nvc.getName()), false, printNull); // nvc.getName()).value((String)nve.lookupValue(nvc)); } else if (nvc.getMetaTypeBase() == Long.class) { if ((long) nve.lookupValue(nvc) != 0) { nve.lookupValue(nvc)); } } else if (nvc.getMetaTypeBase() == Integer.class) { if ((int) nve.lookupValue(nvc) != 0) { nve.lookupValue(nvc)); } } else if (nvc.getMetaTypeBase() == Double.class) { if ((Double) nve.lookupValue(nvc) != 0) { nve.lookupValue(nvc)); } } else if (nvc.getMetaTypeBase() == Float.class) { if ((Float) nve.lookupValue(nvc) != 0) { nve.lookupValue(nvc)); } } else if (nvc.getMetaTypeBase() == Boolean.class) { if (printNull || (boolean) nve.lookupValue(nvc)) nve.lookupValue(nvc)); } else if (nvc.getMetaTypeBase() == Date.class) { if ((long) nve.lookupValue(nvc) != 0) { // nvc.getName()).value((long)nve.lookupValue(nvc)); .value(DateUtil.DEFAULT_GMT_MILLIS.format(new Date((long) nve.lookupValue(nvc)))); } } else if (nvc.getMetaTypeBase() == BigDecimal.class) { if ((BigDecimal) nve.lookupValue(nvc) != null) { nve.lookupValue(nvc)); } } else if (nvc instanceof NVConfigEntity) { NVEntity tempNVE = (NVEntity) nve.lookupValue(nvc); // we need to write the class type if the current object is derived from nvc.getClass() // this is we important to accurately rebuild the object if (tempNVE != null) {; if (tempNVE instanceof GetNVGenericMap) { toJSONGenericMap(writer, ((GetNVGenericMap) tempNVE).getProperties(), printNull, printClassType); } else toJSON(writer, (Class<? extends NVEntity>) ((NVConfigEntity) nvc).getMetaType(), (NVEntity) nve.lookupValue(nvc), printNull, printClassType, b64Type); } else if (printNull) {; writer.nullValue(); } } else if (NVGenericMap.class.equals(nvc.getMetaTypeBase())) {; toJSONGenericMap(writer, (NVGenericMap) nve.lookup(nvc), printNull, printClassType); } else if (NVStringList.class.equals(nvc.getMetaTypeBase())) {; writer.beginArray(); NVStringList tempNVSL = (NVStringList) nve.lookup(nvc); for (String str : tempNVSL.getValue()) { writer.value(str); } writer.endArray(); } } } writer.endObject(); return writer; } public static String toJSONGenericMap(NVGenericMap nvgm, boolean indent, boolean printNull, boolean printClassType) throws IOException { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter(sw); writer.setSerializeNulls(true); writer.setHtmlSafe(true); if (indent) writer.setIndent(" "); else writer.setIndent(""); toJSONGenericMap(writer, nvgm, printNull, printClassType); writer.close(); return sw.toString(); } private static JsonWriter toJSONGenericMap(JsonWriter writer, NVGenericMap nvgm, boolean printNull, boolean printClassType) throws IOException { writer.beginObject(); GetNameValue<?> values[] = nvgm.values(); for (GetNameValue<?> gnv : values) { toJSONGenericMap(writer, gnv, printNull, printClassType); } writer.endObject(); return writer; } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) private static JsonWriter toJSONGenericMap(JsonWriter writer, GetNameValue<?> gnv, boolean printNull, boolean printClassType) throws IOException { // GetNameValue<?> values[] = nvgm.values(); // for (GetNameValue<?> gnv : values) { if (gnv.getValue() == null && !printNull) { return writer; } String name = null; // if (printClassType) // name = GNVType.toName(gnv, ':'); // else name = gnv.getName(); if (gnv instanceof NVBoolean) { if (!printNull && !(Boolean) gnv.getValue()) { return writer; } gnv.getValue()); } else if (gnv instanceof NVInt || gnv instanceof NVLong || gnv instanceof NVFloat || gnv instanceof NVDouble) { Number value = (Number) gnv.getValue(); if (!printNull && value.longValue() == 0) { return writer; } gnv.getValue()); } else if (gnv.getValue() instanceof String) { gnv.getValue()); } else if (gnv instanceof NVBlob) {[]) gnv.getValue())); } else if (gnv instanceof NVEntityReference) {; toJSON(writer, ((NVEntity) gnv.getValue()).getClass(), (NVEntity) gnv.getValue(), printNull, printClassType, Base64Type.URL); } else if (gnv instanceof NVGenericMap) {; toJSONGenericMap(writer, (NVGenericMap) gnv, printNull, printClassType); } else if (gnv instanceof ArrayValues) {; writer.beginArray(); ArrayValues<?> av = (ArrayValues<?>) gnv; for (Object localGNV : av.values()) { if (localGNV instanceof GetNameValue) { if (((GetNameValue) localGNV).getValue() instanceof String) { toJSON(writer, (GetNameValue<String>) localGNV, true, printNull); } else { writer.beginObject(); toJSONGenericMap(writer, (GetNameValue<?>) localGNV, printNull, printClassType); writer.endObject(); } } if (localGNV instanceof NVEntity) { //writer.beginObject(); toJSON(writer, ((NVEntity) localGNV).getClass(), (NVEntity) localGNV, printNull, printClassType, Base64Type.URL); //writer.endObject(); } else { if (localGNV instanceof Number) { writer.value((Number) localGNV); } else if (localGNV instanceof Boolean) { writer.value((Boolean) localGNV); } //writer.value(localGNV); } } writer.endArray(); } else if (gnv instanceof NVIntList || gnv instanceof NVLongList || gnv instanceof NVFloatList || gnv instanceof NVDoubleList) {; writer.beginArray(); List<?> values = (List<?>) gnv.getValue(); for (Object val : values) { writer.value((Number) val); } writer.endArray(); } else if (gnv instanceof NVStringList) {; writer.beginArray(); List<String> values = (List<String>) gnv.getValue(); for (String val : values) { writer.value(val); } writer.endArray(); } else if (gnv instanceof NVGenericMapList) {; writer.beginArray(); List<NVGenericMap> values = (List<NVGenericMap>) gnv.getValue(); for (NVGenericMap val : values) { toJSONGenericMap(writer, val, printNull, printClassType); } writer.endArray(); } } return writer; } public static NVGenericMap fromJSONGenericMap(String json, NVConfigEntity nvce, Base64Type btype) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException { JsonElement je = new JsonParser().parse(json); if (je instanceof JsonObject) { return fromJSONGenericMap((JsonObject) je, nvce, btype); } return null; } private static NVGenericMap fromJSONGenericMap(JsonObject je, NVConfigEntity nvce, Base64Type btype) throws APIException, AccessException { NVGenericMap ret = new NVGenericMap(); Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonElement>> iterator = ((JsonObject) je).entrySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> element =; if (element.getKey().equals(MetaToken.CLASS_TYPE.getName())) continue; JsonElement jne = element.getValue(); if (jne.isJsonArray()) { JsonArray ja = jne.getAsJsonArray(); NVBase<?> nvb = guessNVBaseArray(ja); if (nvb != null) { nvb.setName(element.getKey()); ret.add(nvb); for (int i = 0; i < ja.size(); i++) { if (nvb instanceof NVPairList) { ((NVPairList) nvb).add(toNVPair((JsonObject) ja.get(i))); } else if (nvb instanceof NVIntList) { ((NVIntList) nvb).getValue().add(ja.get(i).getAsInt()); } else if (nvb instanceof NVLongList) { ((NVLongList) nvb).getValue().add(ja.get(i).getAsLong()); } else if (nvb instanceof NVFloatList) { ((NVFloatList) nvb).getValue().add(ja.get(i).getAsFloat()); } else if (nvb instanceof NVDoubleList) { ((NVDoubleList) nvb).getValue().add(ja.get(i).getAsDouble()); } else if (nvb instanceof NVStringList) { ((NVStringList) nvb).getValue().add(ja.get(i).getAsString()); } else if (nvb instanceof NVGenericMapList) { ((NVGenericMapList) nvb).add(fromJSONGenericMap((JsonObject) ja.get(i), null, btype)); } } } } else if (jne.isJsonPrimitive()) { ret.add(guessPrimitive(element.getKey(), nvce != null ? nvce.lookup(element.getKey()) : null, (JsonPrimitive) jne)); } else if (jne.isJsonObject()) { try { ret.add(new NVEntityReference(element.getKey(), (NVEntity) fromJSON(jne.getAsJsonObject(), null, btype))); } catch (Exception e) { NVGenericMap toAdd = fromJSONGenericMap(jne.getAsJsonObject(), null, btype); toAdd.setName(element.getKey()); ret.add(toAdd); } } } return ret; } private static NVBase<?> guessNVBaseArray(JsonArray ja) { NVBase<?> ret = null; GNVType guess = null; for (int i = 0; i < ja.size(); i++) { JsonElement je = ja.get(i); if (je.isJsonObject()) { // could an NVEntity or NVPairList or NVGenericMap // nvpair JsonObject jo = je.getAsJsonObject(); if (jo.size() == 1) { if (ret == null) { return new NVPairList(null, new ArrayList<NVPair>()); } } if (jo.size() > 1) { return new NVGenericMapList(); } } else if (je.isJsonPrimitive()) { if (je.getAsJsonPrimitive().isString()) { // must be fixed //break; return new NVStringList(); } GNVType gnv = GNVType.toGNVType(je.getAsNumber()); if (gnv != null) { if (guess == null) { guess = gnv; } else { switch (gnv) { case NVDOUBLE: if (guess == GNVType.NVINT || guess == GNVType.NVLONG || guess == GNVType.NVFLOAT) { guess = gnv; } break; case NVFLOAT: if (guess == GNVType.NVINT || guess == GNVType.NVLONG) { guess = gnv; } break; case NVINT: break; case NVLONG: if (guess == GNVType.NVINT) { guess = gnv; } break; default: break; } } } } } if (ret == null && guess != null) { switch (guess) { case NVDOUBLE: ret = new NVDoubleList(null, new ArrayList<Double>()); break; case NVFLOAT: ret = new NVFloatList(null, new ArrayList<Float>()); break; case NVINT: ret = new NVIntList(null, new ArrayList<Integer>()); break; case NVLONG: ret = new NVLongList(null, new ArrayList<Long>()); break; default: break; } } return ret; } public static NVBase<?> guessPrimitive(String name, NVConfig nvc, JsonPrimitive jp) { GNVType gnvType = nvc != null ? GNVType.toGNVType(nvc) : null; if (gnvType == null) { GNVTypeName tn = GNVType.toGNVTypeName(name, ':'); if (tn != null) { gnvType = tn.getType(); name = tn.getName(); } } if (gnvType != null) { switch (gnvType) { case NVBLOB: try { byte value[] = SharedBase64.decode(Base64Type.URL, jp.getAsString()); return new NVBlob(name, value); } catch (Exception e) { } break; case NVBOOLEAN: return new NVBoolean(name, jp.getAsBoolean()); case NVDOUBLE: return new NVDouble(name, jp.getAsDouble()); case NVFLOAT: return new NVFloat(name, jp.getAsFloat()); case NVINT: return new NVInt(name, jp.getAsInt()); case NVLONG: return new NVLong(name, jp.getAsLong()); } } if (jp.isBoolean()) { return new NVBoolean(name, jp.getAsBoolean()); } else if (jp.isNumber()) { // if there is no dots it should be a //if (jp.getAsString().indexOf(".") == -1) { try { Number number = SharedUtil.parseNumber(jp.getAsString()); return SharedUtil.numberToNVBase(name, number); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } //else { try { return new NVDouble(name, jp.getAsDouble()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (jp.isString()) { try { byte value[] = SharedBase64.decodeWrappedAsString(jp.getAsString()); return new NVBlob(name, value); } catch (Exception e) { } try { Long.parseLong(jp.getAsString()); } catch (Exception e) { if (TimestampFilter.SINGLETON.isValid(jp.getAsString())) { return new NVLong(name, TimestampFilter.SINGLETON.validate(jp.getAsString())); } } return new NVPair(name, jp.getAsString()); } return null; } private static JsonWriter toJSON(JsonWriter writer, GetNameValue<String> nvp, boolean isObject, boolean printNull) throws IOException { if (nvp != null && (printNull || nvp.getValue() != null)) { String referenceID = null; ValueFilter<String, String> vf = null; if (nvp instanceof NVPair) { referenceID = ((NVPair) nvp).getReferenceID(); vf = ((NVPair) nvp).getValueFilter(); } //if ( object && isObject) if (isObject) { //; writer.beginObject(); if (referenceID != null) {; } if (nvp.getName() == null) {;; } else {; } if (vf != null && FilterType.CLEAR != vf) {; } writer.endObject(); } else {; } } return writer; } public static <V extends NVEntity> V fromJSON(String json) throws APIException { return fromJSON(json, null, null); } public static <V extends NVEntity> V fromJSON(byte[] json) throws APIException { return fromJSON(SharedStringUtil.toString(json), null, null); } public static <V extends NVEntity> V fromJSON(byte[] json, Base64Type b64t) throws APIException { return fromJSON(SharedStringUtil.toString(json), null, b64t); } public static Map<String, ?> fromJSONMap(String json, Base64Type b64Type) throws APIException { Map<String, Object> ret = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); JsonElement je = new JsonParser().parse(json); log.log(Level.FINE, "JSONElement created from json (String): " + je); if (je instanceof JsonObject) { JsonObject jo = (JsonObject) je; for (Entry<String, JsonElement> element : jo.entrySet()) { if (!element.getValue().isJsonNull()) { if (element.getValue().isJsonArray()) { List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); JsonArray jsonArray = element.getValue().getAsJsonArray(); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { if (jsonArray.get(i).isJsonObject()) { NVEntity nve = fromJSON(jsonArray.get(i).getAsJsonObject(), null, b64Type); list.add(nve); } else if (jsonArray.get(i).isJsonPrimitive()) { JsonPrimitive jsonPrimitive = jsonArray.get(i).getAsJsonPrimitive(); if (jsonPrimitive.isString()) { list.add(jsonArray.get(i).getAsString()); } else if (jsonPrimitive.isBoolean()) { list.add(jsonArray.get(i).getAsBoolean()); } } } ret.put(element.getKey(), list); } else if (element.getValue().isJsonObject()) { NVEntity nve = fromJSON(element.getValue().getAsJsonObject(), null, b64Type); ret.put(element.getKey(), nve); } else if (element.getValue().isJsonPrimitive()) { JsonPrimitive jsonPrimitive = element.getValue().getAsJsonPrimitive(); if (jsonPrimitive.isString()) { ret.put(element.getKey(), jsonPrimitive.getAsString()); } else if (jsonPrimitive.isBoolean()) { ret.put(element.getKey(), jsonPrimitive.getAsBoolean()); } } } else { ret.put(element.getKey(), null); } } } return ret; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static String toJSONMap(Map<String, ?> map, Base64Type b64Type) throws IOException { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter(sw); writer.setSerializeNulls(true); writer.setHtmlSafe(true); writer.setIndent(" "); writer.beginObject(); if (map != null && map.size() > 0) { for (Entry<String, ?> entry : map.entrySet()) { Object value = entry.getValue();; if (value != null) { if (value instanceof List) { List<?> list = (List<?>) value; writer.beginArray(); for (Object val : list) { if (val instanceof NVEntity) { toJSON(writer, (Class<? extends NVEntity>) val.getClass(), (NVEntity) val, false, true, b64Type); } else if (val instanceof String) { writer.value((String) val); } else if (val instanceof Boolean) { writer.value((boolean) val); } } writer.endArray(); } else if (value instanceof NVEntity) { toJSON(writer, (Class<? extends NVEntity>) value.getClass(), (NVEntity) value, false, true, b64Type); } else if (value instanceof String) { writer.value((String) value); } else if (value instanceof Boolean) { writer.value((boolean) value); } } else { writer.nullValue(); } } } writer.endObject(); writer.close(); return sw.toString(); } public static <V extends NVEntity> V fromJSON(String json, Class<? extends NVEntity> clazz) throws AccessException, APIException { return fromJSON(json, clazz, null); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <V extends NVEntity> V fromJSON(String json, Class<? extends NVEntity> clazz, Base64Type b64Type) throws AccessException, APIException { JsonElement je = new JsonParser().parse(json); if (je instanceof JsonObject) { return (V) fromJSON((JsonObject) je, clazz, b64Type); } return null; } public static <V extends NVEntity> V fromJSON(Reader json) { return fromJSON(json, null, null); } public static <V extends NVEntity> V fromJSON(Reader json, Class<? extends NVEntity> clazz) { return fromJSON(json, clazz, null); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <V extends NVEntity> V fromJSON(Reader json, Class<? extends NVEntity> clazz, Base64Type b64Type) throws AccessException, APIException { JsonElement je = new JsonParser().parse(json); if (je instanceof JsonObject) { return (V) fromJSON((JsonObject) je, clazz, b64Type); } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static NVEntity fromJSON(JsonObject jo, Class<? extends NVEntity> clazz, Base64Type b64Type) throws AccessException, APIException { // check if the jo has class name setup // before creating the new instance JsonElement classType = jo.get(MetaToken.CLASS_TYPE.getName()); if (classType != null) { if (!classType.isJsonNull()) { try { clazz = (Class<? extends NVEntity>) Class.forName(classType.getAsString()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block //e.printStackTrace(); throw new APIException(e.getMessage(), Reason.NOT_FOUND); } } } NVEntity nve = null; try { try { nve = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block //e.printStackTrace(); throw new APIException(e.getMessage(), Reason.NOT_FOUND); } } catch (InstantiationException | InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException ie) { ie.printStackTrace();"Error class:" + clazz);"" + jo.toString()); throw new APIException(ie.getMessage(), Reason.NOT_FOUND); // if (ie instanceof InstantiationException) // throw (InstantiationException)ie; // else // throw new InstantiationException(ie.getMessage()); } catch (SecurityException ie) { throw new AccessException(ie.getMessage(), Reason.ACCESS_DENIED); } if (jo.get(MetaToken.REFERENCE_ID.getName()) != null && !jo.get(MetaToken.REFERENCE_ID.getName()).isJsonNull()) { nve.setReferenceID(jo.get(MetaToken.REFERENCE_ID.getName()).getAsString()); } NVConfigEntity mcEntity = (NVConfigEntity) nve.getNVConfig(); List<NVConfig> nvconfigs = mcEntity.getAttributes(); for (NVConfig nvc : nvconfigs) { Class<?> metaType = nvc.getMetaType(); JsonElement je = jo.get(nvc.getName()); if (je != null && !je.isJsonNull()) { NVBase<?> nvb = nve.lookup(nvc.getName()); if (nvc.isArray()) { //if ( nvb instanceof NVBase<List<NVEntity>>) //if ( NVEntity.class.isAssignableFrom( metaType.getComponentType())) if (NVEntity.class.isAssignableFrom(nvc.getMetaTypeBase())) { ArrayValues<NVEntity> tempArray = (ArrayValues<NVEntity>) nvb; JsonArray jsonArray = je.getAsJsonArray(); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { JsonObject jobj = jsonArray.get(i).getAsJsonObject(); // try { tempArray.add( fromJSON(jobj, (Class<? extends NVEntity>) nvc.getMetaTypeBase(), b64Type)); } // catch (InstantiationException ie) // { //"nvc:" + nvc.getName() + ":" + nvc.getMetaTypeBase()); // throw ie; // } //nvl.getValue().add( toNVPair( jobj)); } } // enum must be checked first else if (metaType.getComponentType().isEnum()) { JsonArray jsonArray = je.getAsJsonArray(); NVBase<List<Enum<?>>> nel = (NVBase<List<Enum<?>>>) nvb; for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { String jobj = jsonArray.get(i).getAsString(); nel.getValue().add(SharedUtil.enumValue(metaType.getComponentType(), jobj)); } } else if (String[].class.equals(metaType)) { JsonArray jsonArray = je.getAsJsonArray(); ArrayValues<NVPair> nvpm = (ArrayValues<NVPair>) nvb; for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { JsonObject jobj = jsonArray.get(i).getAsJsonObject(); nvpm.add(toNVPair(jobj)); } } else if (Long[].class.equals(metaType)) { JsonArray jsonArray = je.getAsJsonArray(); NVBase<ArrayList<Long>> nval = (NVBase<ArrayList<Long>>) nvb; for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { nval.getValue().add(jsonArray.get(i).getAsLong()); } } else if (byte[].class.equals(metaType)) { String byteArray64 = je.getAsString(); if (byteArray64 != null) { nve.setValue(nvc, SharedBase64.decode(b64Type, byteArray64.getBytes())); } } else if (Integer[].class.equals(metaType)) { JsonArray jsonArray = je.getAsJsonArray(); NVBase<ArrayList<Integer>> nval = (NVBase<ArrayList<Integer>>) nvb; for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { nval.getValue().add((int) jsonArray.get(i).getAsLong()); } } else if (Float[].class.equals(metaType)) { JsonArray jsonArray = je.getAsJsonArray(); NVBase<ArrayList<Float>> nval = (NVBase<ArrayList<Float>>) nvb; for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { nval.getValue().add((float) jsonArray.get(i).getAsDouble()); } } else if (Double[].class.equals(metaType)) { JsonArray jsonArray = je.getAsJsonArray(); NVBase<ArrayList<Double>> nval = (NVBase<ArrayList<Double>>) nvb; for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { nval.getValue().add(jsonArray.get(i).getAsDouble()); } } else if (Date[].class.equals(metaType)) { JsonArray jsonArray = je.getAsJsonArray(); NVBase<ArrayList<Long>> nval = (NVBase<ArrayList<Long>>) nvb; for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { JsonPrimitive jp = (JsonPrimitive) jsonArray.get(i); long tempDate = 0; if (jp.isString() && nvc.getValueFilter() != null) { tempDate = (Long) nvc.getValueFilter().validate(jp.getAsString()); } else { tempDate = jp.getAsLong(); } nval.getValue().add(tempDate); } } else if (BigDecimal[].class.equals(metaType)) { JsonArray jsonArray = je.getAsJsonArray(); NVBase<ArrayList<BigDecimal>> nval = (NVBase<ArrayList<BigDecimal>>) nvb; for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { nval.getValue().add(jsonArray.get(i).getAsBigDecimal()); } } } else { // not array if (nvc instanceof NVConfigEntity) { if (!(je instanceof JsonNull)) { ((NVBase<NVEntity>) nvb).setValue(fromJSON(je.getAsJsonObject(), (Class<? extends NVEntity>) nvc.getMetaType(), b64Type)); } } else if (NVGenericMap.class.equals(metaType)) { if (!(je instanceof JsonNull)) { NVGenericMap nvgm = fromJSONGenericMap(je.getAsJsonObject(), null, b64Type); ((NVGenericMap) nve.lookup(nvc)).add(nvgm.values(), true); } } else if (NVStringList.class.equals(metaType)) { JsonArray jsonArray = je.getAsJsonArray(); NVStringList nval = (NVStringList) nvb; for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { nval.getValue().add(jsonArray.get(i).getAsString()); } } else if (nvc.isEnum()) { if (!(je instanceof JsonNull)) { // if (metaType.isAssignableFrom( DynamicEnumMap.class)) // { // // ((NVDynamicEnum)nvb).setValue(je.getAsString()); // } // else { ((NVBase<Enum<?>>) nvb).setValue(SharedUtil.enumValue(metaType, je.getAsString())); } } } else if (String.class.equals(metaType)) { if (!(je instanceof JsonNull)) { ((NVPair) nvb).setValue(je.getAsString()); } } else if (Long.class.equals(metaType)) { ((NVBase<Long>) nvb).setValue(je.getAsLong()); } else if (Boolean.class.equals(metaType)) { ((NVBase<Boolean>) nvb).setValue(je.getAsBoolean()); } else if (Integer.class.equals(metaType)) { ((NVBase<Integer>) nvb).setValue((int) je.getAsLong()); } else if (Float.class.equals(metaType)) { ((NVBase<Float>) nvb).setValue((float) je.getAsDouble()); } else if (Double.class.equals(metaType)) { ((NVBase<Double>) nvb).setValue(je.getAsDouble()); } else if (Date.class.equals(metaType)) { JsonPrimitive jp = (JsonPrimitive) je; if (jp.isString()) { if (nvc.getValueFilter() != null) ((NVBase<Long>) nvb) .setValue((Long) nvc.getValueFilter().validate(jp.getAsString())); else ((NVBase<Long>) nvb).setValue(TimestampFilter.SINGLETON.validate(jp.getAsString())); } else { ((NVBase<Long>) nvb).setValue(jp.getAsLong()); } } else if (BigDecimal.class.equals(metaType)) { ((NVBase<BigDecimal>) nvb).setValue(je.getAsBigDecimal()); } } } } if (nve instanceof SubjectID) { ((SubjectID<?>) nve).getSubjectID(); } return nve; } private static NVPair toNVPair(JsonObject jo) { NVPair nvp = new NVPair(); if (jo.get(MetaToken.NAME.getName()) != null && !jo.get(MetaToken.NAME.getName()).isJsonNull()) { nvp.setName(jo.get(MetaToken.NAME.getName()).getAsString()); } if (jo.get(MetaToken.VALUE.getName()) != null && !jo.get(MetaToken.VALUE.getName()).isJsonNull()) { nvp.setValue(jo.get(MetaToken.VALUE.getName()).getAsString()); } if (jo.get(MetaToken.REFERENCE_ID.getName()) != null) { nvp.setReferenceID(jo.get(MetaToken.REFERENCE_ID.getName()).getAsString()); } if (jo.get(MetaToken.VALUE_FILTER.getName()) != null) { ValueFilter<String, String> vf = (FilterType) SharedUtil.enumValue(FilterType.class, jo.get(MetaToken.VALUE_FILTER.getName()).getAsString()); if (vf == null) { vf = DynamicEnumMapManager.SINGLETON.lookup(jo.get(MetaToken.VALUE_FILTER.getName()).getAsString()); } if (vf != null) { nvp.setValueFilter(vf); } } if (nvp.getName() == null && nvp.getValue() == null) { // we might have "name" : "value" Iterator<Entry<String, JsonElement>> it = jo.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry<String, JsonElement> nv =; String name = nv.getKey(); if (!MetaToken.REFERENCE_ID.getName().equals(name) && !MetaToken.VALUE_FILTER.getName().equals(name)) { nvp.setName(name); if (!nv.getValue().isJsonNull()) { nvp.setValue(nv.getValue().getAsString()); } break; } } } return nvp; } public static String toJSONs(List<? extends NVEntity> list, boolean indent, boolean printNull, Base64Type b64Type) throws IOException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (NVEntity nve : list) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append('\n'); } sb.append(toJSON(nve, indent, printNull, true, b64Type)); } return sb.toString(); } public static String toJSONValues(NVEntity[] list, boolean indent, boolean printNull, boolean printClass, Base64Type b64Type) throws IOException { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter(sw); writer.setSerializeNulls(true); writer.setHtmlSafe(true); if (indent) writer.setIndent(" "); else writer.setIndent(""); writer.beginObject();; writer.beginArray(); for (NVEntity nve : list) { if (nve != null) toJSON(writer, nve.getClass(), nve, printNull, true, b64Type); } writer.endArray(); writer.endObject(); writer.close(); return sw.toString(); } public static List<NVEntity> fromJSONValues(String json, Base64Type b64Type) throws IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException { JsonElement je = new JsonParser().parse(json); if (je instanceof JsonObject) { List<NVEntity> ret = new ArrayList<NVEntity>(); JsonArray ja = (JsonArray) ((JsonObject) je).get(MetaToken.VALUES.getName()); for (int i = 0; i < ja.size(); i++) { ret.add(fromJSON((JsonObject) ja.get(i), null, b64Type)); } return ret; } return null; } @SafeVarargs @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <V extends NVEntity> List<V> fromJSONs(String json, Base64Type b64Type, Class<? extends NVEntity>... classes) { List<V> ret = new ArrayList<V>(); List<CharSequence> tokens = SharedStringUtil.parseGroup(json, "{", "}", true); for (CharSequence token : tokens) { for (Class<? extends NVEntity> c : classes) { try { NVEntity nve = fromJSON((String) token, c, b64Type); ret.add((V) nve); } catch (Exception e) { } } } return ret; } public static DynamicEnumMap fromJSONDynamicEnumMap(String json) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { DynamicEnumMap ret = new DynamicEnumMap(); JsonElement je = new JsonParser().parse(json); if (je instanceof JsonObject) { JsonObject jo = (JsonObject) je; if (jo.get(MetaToken.REFERENCE_ID.getName()) != null && !jo.get(MetaToken.REFERENCE_ID.getName()).isJsonNull()) { ret.setReferenceID(jo.get(MetaToken.REFERENCE_ID.getName()).getAsString()); } if (jo.get(MetaToken.USER_ID.getName()) != null && !jo.get(MetaToken.USER_ID.getName()).isJsonNull()) { ret.setUserID(jo.get(MetaToken.USER_ID.getName()).getAsString()); } if (jo.get(MetaToken.ACCOUNT_ID.getName()) != null && !jo.get(MetaToken.ACCOUNT_ID.getName()).isJsonNull()) { ret.setAccountID(jo.get(MetaToken.ACCOUNT_ID.getName()).getAsString()); } if (jo.get(MetaToken.NAME.getName()) != null && !jo.get(MetaToken.NAME.getName()).isJsonNull()) { ret.setName(jo.get(MetaToken.NAME.getName()).getAsString()); } if (jo.get(MetaToken.DESCRIPTION.getName()) != null && !jo.get(MetaToken.DESCRIPTION.getName()).isJsonNull()) { ret.setDescription(jo.get(MetaToken.DESCRIPTION.getName()).getAsString()); } if (jo.get(MetaToken.IS_FIXED.getName()) != null && !jo.get(MetaToken.IS_FIXED.getName()).isJsonNull()) { ret.setFixed(jo.get(MetaToken.IS_FIXED.getName()).getAsBoolean()); } if (jo.get(MetaToken.STATIC.getName()) != null && !jo.get(MetaToken.STATIC.getName()).isJsonNull()) { ret.setStatic(jo.get(MetaToken.STATIC.getName()).getAsBoolean()); } if (jo.get(MetaToken.IGNORE_CASE.getName()) != null && !jo.get(MetaToken.IGNORE_CASE.getName()).isJsonNull()) { ret.setStatic(jo.get(MetaToken.IGNORE_CASE.getName()).getAsBoolean()); } if (jo.get(MetaToken.VALUE.getName()) != null && !jo.get(MetaToken.VALUE.getName()).isJsonNull()) { List<NVPair> list = new ArrayList<NVPair>(); JsonArray jsonArray = jo.getAsJsonArray(MetaToken.VALUE.getName()); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { list.add(toNVPair(jsonArray.get(i).getAsJsonObject())); } ret.setValue(list); } } return ret; } public static String toJSONDynamicEnumMap(DynamicEnumMap dem) throws IOException { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter(sw); writer.setSerializeNulls(true); writer.setHtmlSafe(true); writer.setIndent(" "); toJSONDynamicEnumMap(writer, dem); writer.close(); return sw.toString(); } private static JsonWriter toJSONDynamicEnumMap(JsonWriter writer, DynamicEnumMap dem) throws IOException { writer.beginObject(); if (dem != null) {;;;;;;;;; writer.beginArray(); for (NVPair nvp : dem.getValue()) { toJSON(writer, nvp, true, true); } writer.endArray(); } writer.endObject(); return writer; } public static List<DynamicEnumMap> fromJSONDynamicEnumMapList(String json) throws IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException { JsonElement je = new JsonParser().parse(json); if (je instanceof JsonObject) { List<DynamicEnumMap> ret = new ArrayList<DynamicEnumMap>(); JsonArray ja = (JsonArray) ((JsonObject) je).get(MetaToken.VALUES.getName()); for (int i = 0; i < ja.size(); i++) { ret.add(fromJSONDynamicEnumMap(ja.get(i).toString())); } return ret; } return null; } public static String toJSONQuery(QueryRequest qr) { JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject(); jsonObject.addProperty(MetaToken.CANONICAL_ID.getName(), qr.getCanonicalID()); jsonObject.addProperty("batch_size", qr.getBatchSize()); if (qr.getFieldNames() != null) { JsonArray ja = new JsonArray(); for (String fn : qr.getFieldNames()) { if (!SharedStringUtil.isEmpty(fn)) { ja.add(fn); } } jsonObject.add("field_names", ja); } if (qr.getQuery() != null) { JsonArray ja = new JsonArray(); for (QueryMarker qm : qr.getQuery()) { if (qm != null) { JsonObject qmJSON = new JsonObject(); if (qm instanceof GetNameValue) { if (qm instanceof QueryMatch) { QueryMatch<?> qMatch = (QueryMatch<?>) qm; Object value = qMatch.getValue(); if (value instanceof Number) { qmJSON.addProperty(qMatch.getName(), (Number) value); } else if (value instanceof String) { qmJSON.addProperty(qMatch.getName(), (String) value); } else if (value instanceof Enum) { qmJSON.addProperty(qMatch.getName(), ((Enum<?>) value).name()); } if (qMatch.getOperator() != null) { qmJSON.addProperty(MetaToken.RELATIONAL_OPERATOR.getName(), qMatch.getOperator().name()); } } } else if (qm instanceof LogicalOperator) { qmJSON.addProperty(MetaToken.LOGICAL_OPERATOR.getName(), ((LogicalOperator) qm).name()); } ja.add(qmJSON); } } jsonObject.add("query", ja); } return jsonObject.toString(); } public static String toJSONDynamicEnumMapList(List<DynamicEnumMap> list) throws IOException { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter(sw); writer.setSerializeNulls(true); writer.setHtmlSafe(true); writer.setIndent(" "); writer.beginObject();; writer.beginArray(); for (DynamicEnumMap dem : list) { if (dem != null) { toJSONDynamicEnumMap(writer, dem); } } writer.endArray(); writer.endObject(); writer.close(); return sw.toString(); } }