Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


// See the COPYRIGHT file for copyright and license information
package org.znerd.yaff;


import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.commons.fileupload.servlet.ServletFileUpload;

import org.xins.common.MandatoryArgumentChecker;
import org.xins.common.Utils;
import org.xins.common.collections.BasicPropertyReader;
import org.xins.common.collections.PropertyReader;
import org.xins.common.text.TextUtils;
import org.xins.common.xml.Element;
import org.xins.server.ConvertRequestException;
import org.xins.server.ConvertResultException;
import org.xins.server.CustomCallingConvention;
import org.xins.server.FunctionNotSpecifiedException;
import org.xins.server.FunctionRequest;
import org.xins.server.FunctionResult;
import org.xins.server.InvalidRequestException;

 * Integration point between XINS and YAFF: the YAFF calling convention. XINS 
 * passes control to this class when it determines that an incoming HTTP 
 * request can be and should be handled by YAFF.
 * <p>To determine if this calling convention can handle a request, all the
 * respective method {@link #matches(HttpServletRequest)} does is look at the
 * <code>_function</code> HTTP parameter; if that is set, this calling
 * convention will not handle the request, since it is expected to be meant
 * for the XINS standard calling convention.
 * @author <a href="">Ernst de Haan</a>
public class YAFFCallingConvention extends CustomCallingConvention {

    /* TODO: Do this somewhere in this class, if it's not done already:
       if (realmName != null && appCenter.getContext().getSession().getLogin(realmName) == null) {

    // Class fields

     * Key used to store the wrapper around the original HTTP request.
    private final static String WRAPPED_REQUEST = "WRAPPED_REQUEST";

     * Key used to store a reference to the XINS FunctionRequest object as an
     * attribute with an HttpServletRequest.
    private final static String XINS_REQUEST_ATTR = "XINS_FUNCTION_REQUEST";

    // Constructors

     * Constructs a new <code>YAFFCallingConvention</code> instance.
    public YAFFCallingConvention() {
        // empty

    // Methods

    protected boolean matches(HttpServletRequest httpRequest) {

        // The request should not contain the _function parameter,
        // those are handled by the XINS standard calling convention
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(httpRequest.getParameter("_function"))) {
            return false;

        return true;

    protected FunctionRequest convertRequestImpl(HttpServletRequest httpRequest)
            throws InvalidRequestException, FunctionNotSpecifiedException, ConvertRequestException {

        // Clear the context for this thread, just to be on the safe side
        AppCenter appCenter = AppCenter.get();

        // Determine the applicable virtual host (can be null)
        VirtualHostHandler vhostHandler = appCenter.getVirtualHostHandler(httpRequest);

        // No matching virtual host found, return 404 page (NotFound),
        FunctionRequest xinsRequest;
        if (vhostHandler == null) {
            xinsRequest = new FunctionRequest("NotFound", new BasicPropertyReader(), (Element) null);

            // Matching virtual host found
        } else {

            // In case of a file upload, convert the HTTP request
            if (ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(httpRequest)) {
                MultipartServletRequestWrapper wrapper;
                try {
                    wrapper = new MultipartServletRequestWrapper(httpRequest);
                } catch (IOException cause) {
                    throw new InvalidRequestException("Failed to analyze RFC 1867 multipart request.", cause);
                httpRequest.setAttribute(WRAPPED_REQUEST, wrapper);
                httpRequest = wrapper;

            // Make the virtual host handler process the request
            xinsRequest = vhostHandler.convertRequest(httpRequest);

        return xinsRequest;

    protected void convertResultImpl(HttpServletRequest httpRequest, FunctionRequest xinsRequest,
            HttpServletResponse httpResponse, FunctionResult xinsResult)
            throws IOException, ConvertResultException {

        // XXX: Consider changing the approach with the AppCenter class to an
        //      approach where ServletRequest.setAttribute(...) is used, see:

        // Check preconditions
        MandatoryArgumentChecker.check("xinsResult", xinsResult, "httpResponse", httpResponse, "httpRequest",

        // Possibly the HTTP request is wrapped
        Object wrapper = httpRequest.getAttribute(WRAPPED_REQUEST);
        if (wrapper != null) {
            httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) wrapper;

        // TODO: Refactor this. Perhaps split in 2 methods, one for redirects
        //       and one for site-specific requests.

        // Handle redirects
        if ("Redirect".equals(xinsRequest.getFunctionName())) {
            httpResponse.setHeader("Location", xinsRequest.getParameters().get("target"));

            // Handle page not found
        } else if ("NotFound".equals(xinsRequest.getFunctionName())) {

            // Handle CSV form submissions
        } else if ("GetFormSubmissions".equals(xinsRequest.getFunctionName())) {

        // Get a reference to the AppCenter
        AppCenter appCenter = AppCenter.get();

        // TODO: Assert httpRequest  in the context equals httpRequest
        // TODO: Assert httpResponse in the context equals httpResponse
        // TODO: Assert xinsResult   in the context equals xinsResult

        AccessContext context = appCenter.getContext();
        SiteHandler siteHandler = null;
        String functionName = xinsRequest.getFunctionName();

        // Determine the account
        PropertyReader params = xinsRequest.getParameters();
        String realmName = params.get("realmName");
        Account account = null;
        if (realmName != null) {
            Login login = appCenter.getContext().getSession().getLogin(realmName);
            if (login != null) {
                account = login.getAccount();
        Site site = context.getSite();
        Realm realm = (account == null) ? null : account.getRealm();
        String accountID = (account == null) ? null : account.getID();

        try {
            // Determine the function name
            siteHandler = context.getSiteHandler();

            // Serve a static file
            if ("GetFile".equals(functionName)) {
                String path = params.get("path"); // TODO: Assert path matches a certain pattern

                // Determine data context (site/realm/account) 
                DataContext dataContext = site;

                // Account-specific
                if (account != null && "true".equals(params.get("accountSpecific"))) {
                    dataContext = account;
                } else if (account != null) {
                    dataContext = realm;

                siteHandler.serveFile(httpRequest, httpResponse, dataContext, path);

            } else {
                context.set(xinsResult, httpResponse);

                // Return form field validation result
                if ("ValidateFormField".equals(functionName)) {

                    // Serve a dynamic page (possibly transformed)
                } else {
                    siteHandler.servePage(httpRequest, httpResponse);

            // Handle any exception, mostly ContentAccessException and IOException
        } catch (Exception cause) {
            if (siteHandler != null && siteHandler.getSite().getProperty("ErrorPage") != null) {
                siteHandler.serveError(httpRequest, httpResponse, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
            } else {
                Utils.logError("Caught exception in YAFFCallingConvention.convertResultImpl method.", cause);
                throw new IOException("Failed to convert result.", cause);

            // Clear the context
        } finally {