Java tutorial
/* * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * Zimbra Collaboration Suite Server * Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012 VMware, Inc. * * The contents of this file are subject to the Zimbra Public License * Version 1.3 ("License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ package org.zmail.bp; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import; import; import; import org.zmail.common.account.Key; import org.zmail.common.account.Key.DomainBy; import org.zmail.common.localconfig.LC; import org.zmail.common.mailbox.ContactConstants; import org.zmail.common.service.ServiceException; import org.zmail.common.soap.AdminExtConstants; import org.zmail.common.soap.Element; import org.zmail.common.util.EmailUtil; import org.zmail.common.util.StringUtil; import org.zmail.common.util.ZmailLog; import org.zmail.cs.account.Account; import org.zmail.cs.account.AccountServiceException; import org.zmail.cs.account.Domain; import org.zmail.cs.account.GalContact; import org.zmail.cs.account.Provisioning; import org.zmail.cs.account.Provisioning.GalMode; import org.zmail.cs.account.Provisioning.SearchGalResult; import org.zmail.cs.account.accesscontrol.AdminRight; import org.zmail.cs.account.accesscontrol.PseudoTarget; import org.zmail.cs.account.accesscontrol.Rights.Admin; import org.zmail.cs.account.accesscontrol.TargetType; import; import; import org.zmail.cs.account.ldap.LdapGalMapRules; import org.zmail.cs.account.ldap.LdapGalSearch; import org.zmail.cs.ldap.LdapConstants; import org.zmail.cs.mailbox.ACL; import org.zmail.cs.mailbox.Folder; import org.zmail.cs.mailbox.MailItem; import org.zmail.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException; import org.zmail.cs.mailbox.Mailbox; import org.zmail.cs.mailbox.MailboxManager; import org.zmail.cs.service.FileUploadServlet; import org.zmail.cs.service.admin.AdminDocumentHandler; import org.zmail.cs.service.admin.AdminFileDownload; import org.zmail.cs.service.admin.AdminService; import org.zmail.soap.ZmailSoapContext; import org.zmail.soap.admin.type.DataSourceType; /** * @author Greg Solovyev */ public class BulkImportAccounts extends AdminDocumentHandler { public static final String ERROR_INVALID_ACCOUNT_NAME = "Invalid account name. "; private static final int DEFAULT_PWD_LENGTH = 8; @Override public Element handle(Element request, Map<String, Object> context) throws ServiceException { ZmailSoapContext zsc = getZmailSoapContext(context); Map attrs = AdminService.getAttrs(request, true); String op = request.getAttribute(AdminExtConstants.A_op); Element response = zsc.createElement(AdminExtConstants.BULK_IMPORT_ACCOUNTS_RESPONSE); Provisioning prov = Provisioning.getInstance(); if (ZmailBulkProvisionExt.OP_PREVIEW.equalsIgnoreCase(op) || ZmailBulkProvisionExt.OP_START_IMPORT.equalsIgnoreCase(op)) { int totalAccounts = 0; int totalExistingAccounts = 0; String SMTPHost = ""; String SMTPPort = ""; String zmailMailTransport = ""; boolean createDomains = "TRUE" .equalsIgnoreCase(request.getElement(AdminExtConstants.E_createDomains).getTextTrim()); Element eSMTPHost = request.getOptionalElement(AdminExtConstants.E_SMTPHost); if (eSMTPHost != null) { SMTPHost = eSMTPHost.getTextTrim(); } Element eSMTPPort = request.getOptionalElement(AdminExtConstants.E_SMTPPort); if (eSMTPPort != null) { SMTPPort = eSMTPPort.getTextTrim(); } if (SMTPPort.length() > 0 && SMTPHost.length() > 0) { zmailMailTransport = "smtp:" + SMTPHost + ":" + SMTPPort; } /** * list of entries found in the source (CSV file, XML file or directory) */ List<Map<String, Object>> sourceEntries = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); String sourceType = request.getElement(AdminExtConstants.A_sourceType).getTextTrim(); if (sourceType.equalsIgnoreCase(AdminFileDownload.FILE_FORMAT_BULK_CSV)) { String aid = request.getElement(AdminExtConstants.E_attachmentID).getTextTrim(); ZmailLog.extensions.debug("Uploaded CSV file id = " + aid); // response.addElement(E_attachmentID).addText(aid); FileUploadServlet.Upload up = FileUploadServlet.fetchUpload(zsc.getAuthtokenAccountId(), aid, zsc.getAuthToken()); if (up == null) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE("Uploaded CSV file with id " + aid + " was not found.", null); } InputStream in = null; CSVReader reader = null; try { in = up.getInputStream(); reader = new CSVReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); String[] nextLine; List<String[]> allEntries = reader.readAll(); int totalNumberOfEntries = allEntries.size(); checkAccountLimits(allEntries, zsc, prov); /** * Iterate through records obtained from CSV file and add * each record to sourceEntries */ for (int i = 0; i < totalNumberOfEntries; i++) { nextLine = allEntries.get(i); boolean isValidEntry = false; try { isValidEntry = validEntry(nextLine, zsc); } catch (ServiceException e) { ZmailLog.extensions.error(e); throw e; } if (!isValidEntry) { throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST( String.format("Entry %d is not valid (%s %s %s %s %s %s)", i, nextLine[0], nextLine[1], nextLine[2], nextLine[3], nextLine[4], nextLine[5]), null); } String userEmail = nextLine[0].trim(); String parts[] = EmailUtil.getLocalPartAndDomain(userEmail); if (parts == null) { throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("must be valid email address: " + userEmail, null); } Domain domain = prov.getDomainByName(parts[1]); if (domain != null) { checkDomainRight(zsc, domain, Admin.R_createAccount); } else if (createDomains) { if (ZmailBulkProvisionExt.OP_START_IMPORT.equalsIgnoreCase(op)) { domain = createMissingDomain(parts[1], zsc, context); } checkDomainRight(zsc, domain, Admin.R_createAccount); } else { throw AccountServiceException.NO_SUCH_DOMAIN(parts[1]); } Account acct = Provisioning.getInstance().getAccountByName(userEmail); if (acct != null) { totalExistingAccounts++; } else { Map<String, Object> accAttrs = new HashMap<String, Object>(); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_displayName, nextLine[1].trim()); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_givenName, nextLine[2].trim()); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_sn, nextLine[3].trim()); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_zmailPasswordMustChange, nextLine[5].trim()); checkSetAttrsOnCreate(zsc, TargetType.account, userEmail, accAttrs); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_mail, userEmail); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_userPassword, nextLine[4].trim()); if (zmailMailTransport.length() > 0) { StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_zmailMailTransport, zmailMailTransport); } sourceEntries.add(accAttrs); } totalAccounts++; } in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE("", e); } finally { if (in != null) { try { in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { ZmailLog.extensions.error(e); } } if (reader != null) { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { ZmailLog.extensions.error(e); } } } } else if (sourceType.equalsIgnoreCase(AdminFileDownload.FILE_FORMAT_BULK_XML)) { String aid = request.getElement(AdminExtConstants.E_attachmentID).getTextTrim(); ZmailLog.extensions.debug("Uploaded XML file id = " + aid); FileUploadServlet.Upload up = FileUploadServlet.fetchUpload(zsc.getAuthtokenAccountId(), aid, zsc.getAuthToken()); if (up == null) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE("Uploaded CSV file with id " + aid + " was not found.", null); } SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); try { Document doc =; org.dom4j.Element root = doc.getRootElement(); if (!root.getName().equals(AdminExtConstants.E_ZCSImport)) { throw new DocumentException("Bulk provisioning XML file's root element must be " + AdminExtConstants.E_ZCSImport); } Iterator iter = root.elementIterator(AdminExtConstants.E_ImportUsers); if (!iter.hasNext()) { throw new DocumentException("Cannot find element " + AdminExtConstants.E_ImportUsers + " in uploaded bulk provisioning XML file"); } /** * Settings from SOAP request take preference over settings in the XML file */ if (SMTPHost.length() == 0) { Iterator iterMTPHost = root.elementIterator(AdminExtConstants.E_SMTPHost); if (iterMTPHost.hasNext()) { org.dom4j.Element elSMTPHost = (org.dom4j.Element); SMTPHost = elSMTPHost.getTextTrim(); } } if (SMTPPort.length() == 0) { Iterator iterSMTPort = root.elementIterator(AdminExtConstants.E_SMTPPort); if (iterSMTPort.hasNext()) { org.dom4j.Element elSMTPPort = (org.dom4j.Element); SMTPPort = elSMTPPort.getTextTrim(); } } if (zmailMailTransport.length() == 0) { if (SMTPPort.length() > 0 && SMTPHost.length() > 0) { zmailMailTransport = "smtp:" + SMTPHost + ":" + SMTPPort; } } org.dom4j.Element elImportUsers = (org.dom4j.Element); for (Iterator userIter = elImportUsers.elementIterator(AdminExtConstants.E_User); userIter .hasNext();) { org.dom4j.Element elUser = (org.dom4j.Element); String userEmail = ""; String userFN = ""; String userLN = ""; String userDN = ""; String userPassword = ""; String userPwdMustChange = "FALSE"; for (Iterator userPropsIter = elUser.elementIterator(); userPropsIter.hasNext();) { org.dom4j.Element el = (org.dom4j.Element); /* * We support <ExchangeMail> element for * compatibility with desktop based Exchange * Migration utility <RemoteEmailAddress> takes * prevalence over <ExchangeMail> element */ if (userEmail == "" && AdminExtConstants.E_ExchangeMail.equalsIgnoreCase(el.getName())) { userEmail = el.getTextTrim(); } if (AdminExtConstants.E_remoteEmail.equalsIgnoreCase(el.getName())) { userEmail = el.getTextTrim(); } if (Provisioning.A_displayName.equalsIgnoreCase(el.getName())) { userDN = el.getTextTrim(); } if (Provisioning.A_givenName.equalsIgnoreCase(el.getName())) { userFN = el.getTextTrim(); } if (Provisioning.A_sn.equalsIgnoreCase(el.getName())) { userLN = el.getTextTrim(); } if (AdminExtConstants.A_password.equalsIgnoreCase(el.getName())) { userPassword = el.getTextTrim(); } if (Provisioning.A_zmailPasswordMustChange.equalsIgnoreCase(el.getName())) { userPwdMustChange = el.getTextTrim(); } } String parts[] = EmailUtil.getLocalPartAndDomain(userEmail); if (parts == null) { throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("must be valid email address: " + userEmail, null); } Domain domain = prov.getDomainByName(parts[1]); if (domain != null) { checkDomainRight(zsc, domain, Admin.R_createAccount); } else if (createDomains) { domain = createMissingDomain(parts[1], zsc, context); checkDomainRight(zsc, domain, Admin.R_createAccount); } else { throw AccountServiceException.NO_SUCH_DOMAIN(parts[1]); } Account acct = Provisioning.getInstance().getAccountByName(userEmail); if (acct != null) { totalExistingAccounts++; } else { Map<String, Object> accAttrs = new HashMap<String, Object>(); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_givenName, userFN); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_displayName, userDN); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_sn, userLN); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_zmailPasswordMustChange, userPwdMustChange); checkSetAttrsOnCreate(zsc, TargetType.account, userEmail, accAttrs); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_mail, userEmail); if (userPassword != null) { StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_userPassword, userPassword); } if (zmailMailTransport.length() > 0) { StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_zmailMailTransport, zmailMailTransport); } sourceEntries.add(accAttrs); } totalAccounts++; } } catch (DocumentException e) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE("Bulk provisioning failed to read uploaded XML document.", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE("Bulk provisioning failed to read uploaded XML document.", e); } } else if (sourceType.equalsIgnoreCase(ZmailBulkProvisionExt.FILE_FORMAT_BULK_LDAP)) { GalParams.ExternalGalParams galParams = new GalParams.ExternalGalParams(attrs,; LdapGalMapRules rules = new LdapGalMapRules(Provisioning.getInstance().getConfig(), true); Element elPassword = request.getOptionalElement(AdminExtConstants.A_password); Element elPasswordLength = request.getOptionalElement(AdminExtConstants.A_genPasswordLength); String generatePwd = request.getElement(AdminExtConstants.A_generatePassword).getTextTrim(); int genPwdLength = 0; if (generatePwd == null) { generatePwd = "false"; } else if (generatePwd.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { if (elPasswordLength != null) { genPwdLength = Integer.valueOf(elPasswordLength.getTextTrim()); } else { genPwdLength = DEFAULT_PWD_LENGTH; } if (genPwdLength < 1) { genPwdLength = DEFAULT_PWD_LENGTH; } } int maxResults = 0; Element elMaxResults = request.getOptionalElement(AdminExtConstants.A_maxResults); if (elMaxResults != null) { maxResults = Integer.parseInt(elMaxResults.getTextTrim()); } String password = null; if (elPassword != null) { password = elPassword.getTextTrim(); } String mustChangePassword = request.getElement(AdminExtConstants.E_mustChangePassword) .getTextTrim(); if (SMTPPort.length() > 0 && SMTPHost.length() > 0) { zmailMailTransport = "smtp:" + SMTPHost + ":" + SMTPPort; } try { SearchGalResult result = LdapGalSearch.searchLdapGal(galParams,, "*", maxResults, rules, null, null); List<GalContact> entries = result.getMatches(); if (entries != null) { for (GalContact entry : entries) { String emailAddress = entry.getSingleAttr(ContactConstants.A_email); if (emailAddress == null) { continue; } String parts[] = EmailUtil.getLocalPartAndDomain(emailAddress); if (parts == null) { throw ServiceException .INVALID_REQUEST("must be valid email address: " + emailAddress, null); } Domain domain = prov.getDomainByName(parts[1]); if (domain != null) { checkDomainRight(zsc, domain, Admin.R_createAccount); } else if (createDomains) { if (ZmailBulkProvisionExt.OP_START_IMPORT.equalsIgnoreCase(op)) { domain = createMissingDomain(parts[1], zsc, context); } checkDomainRight(zsc, domain, Admin.R_createAccount); } else { throw AccountServiceException.NO_SUCH_DOMAIN(parts[1]); } if (domain != null) { checkDomainRight(zsc, domain, Admin.R_createAccount); } else { throw AccountServiceException.NO_SUCH_DOMAIN(parts[1]); } Account acct = Provisioning.getInstance().getAccountByName(emailAddress); if (acct != null) { totalExistingAccounts++; } else { Map<String, Object> accAttrs = new HashMap<String, Object>(); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_givenName, entry.getSingleAttr(ContactConstants.A_firstName)); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_displayName, entry.getSingleAttr(ContactConstants.A_fullName)); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_sn, entry.getSingleAttr(ContactConstants.A_lastName)); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_initials, entry.getSingleAttr(ContactConstants.A_initials)); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_description, entry.getSingleAttr(ContactConstants.A_notes)); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_telephoneNumber, entry.getSingleAttr(ContactConstants.A_homePhone)); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_mobile, entry.getSingleAttr(ContactConstants.A_mobilePhone)); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_homePhone, entry.getSingleAttr(ContactConstants.A_homePhone)); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_l, entry.getSingleAttr(ContactConstants.A_homeCity)); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_st, entry.getSingleAttr(ContactConstants.A_homeState)); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_co, entry.getSingleAttr(ContactConstants.A_homeCountry)); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_postalCode, entry.getSingleAttr(ContactConstants.A_homePostalCode)); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_street, entry.getSingleAttr(ContactConstants.A_homeAddress)); if (zmailMailTransport.length() > 0) { StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_zmailMailTransport, zmailMailTransport); } if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(mustChangePassword)) { StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_zmailPasswordMustChange, "TRUE"); } checkSetAttrsOnCreate(zsc, TargetType.account, emailAddress, accAttrs); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_mail, entry.getSingleAttr(ContactConstants.A_email)); if (password != null) { StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_userPassword, password); } else if (generatePwd.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accAttrs, Provisioning.A_userPassword, String.valueOf(generateStrongPassword(genPwdLength))); } sourceEntries.add(accAttrs); } totalAccounts++; } } } catch (ServiceException e) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE("", e); } } else { throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST( sourceType + " is not a valid value for parameter " + AdminExtConstants.A_sourceType, null); } if (ZmailBulkProvisionExt.OP_PREVIEW.equalsIgnoreCase(op)) { /* * Do not start the import. Just generate a preview. */ response.addElement(AdminExtConstants.E_totalCount).setText(Integer.toString(totalAccounts)); response.addElement(AdminExtConstants.E_skippedAccountCount) .setText(Integer.toString(totalExistingAccounts)); response.addElement(AdminExtConstants.E_SMTPHost).setText(SMTPHost); response.addElement(AdminExtConstants.E_SMTPPort).setText(SMTPPort); } else if (ZmailBulkProvisionExt.OP_START_IMPORT.equalsIgnoreCase(op)) { /* * Spin off a provisioning thread */ if (sourceEntries.size() > 0) { BulkProvisioningThread thread = BulkProvisioningThread .getThreadInstance(zsc.getAuthtokenAccountId(), true); int status = thread.getStatus(); if (status == BulkProvisioningThread.iSTATUS_FINISHED) { BulkProvisioningThread.deleteThreadInstance(zsc.getAuthtokenAccountId()); thread = BulkProvisioningThread.getThreadInstance(zsc.getAuthtokenAccountId(), true); status = thread.getStatus(); } if (status != BulkProvisioningThread.iSTATUS_IDLE) { throw BulkProvisionException.BP_IMPORT_ALREADY_RUNNING(); } thread.setSourceAccounts(sourceEntries); thread.start(); response.addElement(AdminExtConstants.E_status).setText(Integer.toString(thread.getStatus())); } else { throw BulkProvisionException.BP_NO_ACCOUNTS_TO_IMPORT(); } } } if (ZmailBulkProvisionExt.OP_ABORT_IMPORT.equalsIgnoreCase(op)) { BulkProvisioningThread thread = BulkProvisioningThread.getThreadInstance(zsc.getAuthtokenAccountId(), false); if (thread != null) { int status = thread.getStatus(); if (status != BulkProvisioningThread.iSTATUS_FINISHED) { thread.abort(); response.addElement(AdminExtConstants.E_status).setText(Integer.toString(thread.getStatus())); response.addElement(AdminExtConstants.E_provisionedCount) .setText(Integer.toString(thread.getProvisionedCounter())); response.addElement(AdminExtConstants.E_skippedCount) .setText(Integer.toString(thread.getSkippedCounter())); response.addElement(AdminExtConstants.E_totalCount) .setText(Integer.toString(thread.getTotalCount())); if (thread.getWithErrors()) { response.addElement(AdminExtConstants.E_errorCount) .addText(Integer.toString(thread.getFailCounter())); } status = thread.getStatus(); if (status == BulkProvisioningThread.iSTATUS_ABORTED) { BulkProvisioningThread.deleteThreadInstance(zsc.getAuthtokenAccountId()); } } else { response.addElement(AdminExtConstants.E_status).setText(Integer.toString(status)); } } else { response.addElement(AdminExtConstants.E_status) .setText(Integer.toString(BulkProvisioningThread.iSTATUS_NOT_RUNNING)); } } else if (ZmailBulkProvisionExt.OP_GET_STATUS.equalsIgnoreCase(op)) { BulkProvisioningThread thread = BulkProvisioningThread.getThreadInstance(zsc.getAuthtokenAccountId(), false); if (thread != null) { int status = thread.getStatus(); response.addElement(AdminExtConstants.E_status).setText(Integer.toString(status)); response.addElement(AdminExtConstants.E_provisionedCount) .setText(Integer.toString(thread.getProvisionedCounter())); response.addElement(AdminExtConstants.E_skippedCount) .setText(Integer.toString(thread.getSkippedCounter())); response.addElement(AdminExtConstants.E_totalCount) .setText(Integer.toString(thread.getTotalCount())); if (thread.getWithErrors()) { response.addElement(AdminExtConstants.E_errorCount) .addText(Integer.toString(thread.getFailCounter())); } if (status == BulkProvisioningThread.iSTATUS_FINISHED || status == BulkProvisioningThread.iSTATUS_ABORTED || status == BulkProvisioningThread.iSTATUS_ERROR) { String fileToken = Double.toString(Math.random() * 100); String outSuccessFileName = String.format("%s%s_bulk_report_%s_%s.csv", LC.zmail_tmp_directory.value(), File.separator, zsc.getAuthtokenAccountId(), fileToken); FileOutputStream outReport = null; CSVWriter reportWriter = null; try { outReport = new FileOutputStream(outSuccessFileName); reportWriter = new CSVWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(outReport)); for (String completedAccount : thread.getCompletedAccounts().keySet()) { String[] line = new String[2]; line[0] = completedAccount; // account name line[1] = thread.getCompletedAccounts().get(completedAccount); // account password reportWriter.writeNext(line); } reportWriter.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw ServiceException .FAILURE("Failed to create CSV file with a list of provisioned accounts", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw ServiceException .FAILURE("Failed to create CSV file with a list of provisioned accounts", e); } finally { if (reportWriter != null) { try { reportWriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { ZmailLog.extensions.error(e); } } if (outReport != null) { try { outReport.close(); } catch (IOException e) { ZmailLog.extensions.error(e); } } } response.addElement(AdminExtConstants.E_reportFileToken).addText(fileToken); /** * if thread is done for whichever reason and there are * errors, generate an error report */ if (thread.getWithErrors()) { FileOutputStream out = null; CSVWriter errorWriter = null; try { String outErrorsFileName = String.format("%s%s_bulk_errors_%s_%s.csv", LC.zmail_tmp_directory.value(), File.separator, zsc.getAuthtokenAccountId(), fileToken); out = new FileOutputStream(outErrorsFileName); errorWriter = new CSVWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out)); for (String failedAccount : thread.getfailedAccounts().keySet()) { String[] line = new String[2]; line[0] = failedAccount; line[1] = thread.getfailedAccounts().get(failedAccount).getMessage(); errorWriter.writeNext(line); } errorWriter.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE("Failed to create CSV file with error report", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE("Failed to create CSV file with error report", e); } finally { if (errorWriter != null) { try { errorWriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { ZmailLog.extensions.error(e); } } if (out != null) { try { out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { ZmailLog.extensions.error(e); } } } } BulkProvisioningThread.deleteThreadInstance(zsc.getAuthtokenAccountId()); } } else { response.addElement(AdminExtConstants.E_status) .setText(Integer.toString(BulkProvisioningThread.iSTATUS_NOT_RUNNING)); } } return response; } private static char[] pwdChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvqxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890~!@#$%^&*().,;:`<>?-+|}{[]'\"" .toCharArray(); private static int getIntFromByte(byte[] bytes) { int returnNumber = 0; int pos = 0; returnNumber += byteToInt(bytes[pos++]) << 24; returnNumber += byteToInt(bytes[pos++]) << 16; returnNumber += byteToInt(bytes[pos++]) << 8; returnNumber += byteToInt(bytes[pos++]) << 0; return returnNumber; } private static int byteToInt(byte b) { return b & 0xFF; } public static char[] generateStrongPassword(int length) { char[] pwd = new char[length]; try { random ="SHA1PRNG"); byte[] intbytes = new byte[4]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { random.nextBytes(intbytes); pwd[i] = pwdChars[Math.abs(getIntFromByte(intbytes) % pwdChars.length)]; } } catch (Exception ex) { // Don't really worry, we won't be using this if we can't use securerandom anyway } return pwd; } /** * The account limits are decided by the following factors: 1) Hard limit: * MAX_ACCOUNTS_LIMIT or accountLimit - License Account Limit (whichever is * smaller) 2) zmailDomainMaxAccounts * * @param allEntries * @throws ServiceException */ private void checkAccountLimits(List<String[]> allEntries, ZmailSoapContext zsc, Provisioning prov) throws ServiceException { ZmailLog.extensions.debug("Check the account limits ..."); int numberOfEntries = allEntries.size(); // check against zmailDomainMaxAccounts Hashtable<String, Integer> h = new Hashtable<String, Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEntries; i++) { String[] entry = allEntries.get(i); String accountName = null; String parts[] = null; String domainName = null; if (entry != null) { accountName = entry[0]; } if (accountName != null) { parts = accountName.trim().split("@"); } if (parts != null && parts.length > 0) { domainName = parts[1]; } if (domainName != null) { int count = 0; if (h.containsKey(domainName)) { count = h.get(domainName).intValue(); } h.put(domainName, count + 1); } } for (Enumeration<String> keys = h.keys(); keys.hasMoreElements();) { String domainName = keys.nextElement(); Domain domain = prov.get(, domainName); if (domain != null) { String domainMaxAccounts = domain.getAttr(Provisioning.A_zmailDomainMaxAccounts); if (domainMaxAccounts != null && domainMaxAccounts.length() > 0) { int limit = Integer.parseInt(domainMaxAccounts); int used = 0; Provisioning.CountAccountResult result = prov.countAccount(domain); for (Provisioning.CountAccountResult.CountAccountByCos c : result.getCountAccountByCos()) { used += c.getCount(); } int newAccounts = h.get(domainName).intValue(); int available = limit - used; /* * ZmailLog.extensions.debug("For domain " + domainName + * " : csv entry = " + newAccounts + * ", zmailDomainMaxAccounts = " + limit + * ", used accounts = " + used) ; */ if (newAccounts > available) { throw BulkProvisionException .BP_TOO_MANY_ACCOUNTS("the maximum accounts you can bulk provisioning for domain: " + domainName + " is " + available + "\n"); } } } } } private boolean validEntry(String[] entries, ZmailSoapContext lc) throws ServiceException { Provisioning prov = Provisioning.getInstance(); String errorMsg = ""; if (entries.length != 6) { errorMsg = "Invalid number of columns."; throw ServiceException.PARSE_ERROR(errorMsg, new Exception(errorMsg)); } String accountName = entries[0]; // 1. account name is specified and can be accessed by current // admin/domain admin user if (accountName == null || accountName.length() <= 0) { throw ServiceException.PARSE_ERROR(ERROR_INVALID_ACCOUNT_NAME, new Exception(ERROR_INVALID_ACCOUNT_NAME)); } accountName = accountName.trim(); String parts[] = accountName.split("@"); if (parts.length != 2) { throw ServiceException.PARSE_ERROR(ERROR_INVALID_ACCOUNT_NAME, new Exception(ERROR_INVALID_ACCOUNT_NAME)); } return true; } private Domain createMissingDomain(String name, ZmailSoapContext zsc, Map<String, Object> context) throws ServiceException { // // TODO: check permission has to be consolidated with the one in // CraeteDomain // // check permission if (name.indexOf('.') == -1) { // is a top domain checkRight(zsc, context, null, Admin.R_createTopDomain); } else { // go up the domain hierarchy see if any of the parent domains // exist. // If yes, check the createSubDomain right on the lowest existing // parent domain. // If not, allow it if the admin has both the createTopDomain on // globalgrant; and // use a pseudo Domain object as the target to check the // createSubDomain right // (because createSubDomain is a domain right, we cannot use // globalgrant for the target). String domainName = name; Domain parentDomain = null; while (parentDomain == null) { int nextDot = domainName.indexOf('.'); if (nextDot == -1) { // reached the top, check if the admin has the // createTopDomain right on globalgrant checkRight(zsc, context, null, Admin.R_createTopDomain); // then create a pseudo domain for checking the // createSubDomain right parentDomain = PseudoTarget.createPseudoDomain(Provisioning.getInstance()); break; } else { domainName = domainName.substring(nextDot + 1); parentDomain = Provisioning.getInstance().get(, domainName); } } checkRight(zsc, context, parentDomain, Admin.R_createSubDomain); } // create domain Map<String, Object> attrs = new HashMap<String, Object>(); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(attrs, Provisioning.A_zmailGalMode, "zmail"); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(attrs, Provisioning.A_zmailAuthMech, "zmail"); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(attrs, Provisioning.A_zmailGalMaxResults, "100"); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(attrs, Provisioning.A_zmailNotes, "automatically created by bulk provisioning"); checkSetAttrsOnCreate(zsc, TargetType.domain, name, attrs); Domain domain = Provisioning.getInstance().createDomain(name, attrs); String acctValue = String.format("%s@%s", "galsync", name); // create galsync account Map<String, Object> accountAttrs = new HashMap<String, Object>(); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accountAttrs, Provisioning.A_zmailIsSystemResource, LdapConstants.LDAP_TRUE); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accountAttrs, Provisioning.A_zmailHideInGal, LdapConstants.LDAP_TRUE); StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accountAttrs, Provisioning.A_zmailContactMaxNumEntries, "0"); checkSetAttrsOnCreate(zsc, TargetType.account, acctValue, accountAttrs); Account galSyncAccount = Provisioning.getInstance().createAccount(acctValue, null, accountAttrs); String acctId = galSyncAccount.getId(); HashSet<String> galAcctIds = new HashSet<String>(); galAcctIds.add(acctId); domain.setGalAccountId(galAcctIds.toArray(new String[0])); // create folder if not already exists. String folder = "/_zmail"; Mailbox mbox = MailboxManager.getInstance().getMailboxByAccount(galSyncAccount); Folder contactFolder = null; try { contactFolder = mbox.getFolderByPath(null, folder); } catch (MailServiceException.NoSuchItemException e) { Folder.FolderOptions fopt = new Folder.FolderOptions().setDefaultView(MailItem.Type.CONTACT); contactFolder = mbox.createFolder(null, folder, fopt); } int folderId = contactFolder.getId(); mbox.grantAccess(null, folderId, domain.getId(), ACL.GRANTEE_DOMAIN, ACL.stringToRights("r"), null); // create datasource Map<String, Object> dsAttrs = new HashMap<String, Object>(); try { dsAttrs.put(Provisioning.A_zmailGalType,; dsAttrs.put(Provisioning.A_zmailDataSourcePollingInterval, "1d"); dsAttrs.put(Provisioning.A_zmailDataSourceFolderId, "" + folderId); dsAttrs.put(Provisioning.A_zmailDataSourceEnabled, LdapConstants.LDAP_TRUE); dsAttrs.put(Provisioning.A_zmailGalStatus, "enabled"); Provisioning.getInstance().createDataSource(galSyncAccount,, "zmail", dsAttrs); } catch (ServiceException e) { ZmailLog.extensions.error("error creating datasource for GalSyncAccount", e); throw e; } return domain; } @Override public void docRights(List<AdminRight> relatedRights, List<String> notes) { relatedRights.add(Admin.R_createAccount); relatedRights.add(Admin.R_listAccount); relatedRights.add(Admin.R_createTopDomain); relatedRights.add(Admin.R_createSubDomain); notes.add("Only accounts on which the authed admin has " + Admin.R_listAccount.getName() + " right will be provisioned."); notes.add( Admin.R_createTopDomain + " right is required in order to automatically create top level domains."); notes.add(Admin.R_createSubDomain + " right is required in order to automatically create sub-domains."); } }