Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of LibrePlan * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Fundacin para o Fomento da Calidade Industrial e * Desenvolvemento Tecnolxico de Galicia * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Igalia, S.L. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.zkoss.ganttz; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.Days; import org.joda.time.Duration; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import org.zkoss.ganttz.adapters.IDisabilityConfiguration; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.zkoss.ganttz.util.WeakReferencedListeners.Mode; import org.zkoss.lang.Objects; import; import; import; import org.zkoss.zk.mesg.MZk; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.UiException; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Events; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.ext.AfterCompose; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys.ContentRenderer; import org.zkoss.zul.Div; /** * Graphical component which represents a {@link Task}. * * @author Javier Morn Ra <> * @author Manuel Rego Casasnovas <> */ public class TaskComponent extends Div implements AfterCompose { private static final int HEIGHT_PER_TASK = 10; private static final int CONSOLIDATED_MARK_HALF_WIDTH = 3; private static final int HALF_DEADLINE_MARK = 3; private String FUNCTION_RESIZE = "resizeCompletion2Advance"; protected final IDisabilityConfiguration disabilityConfiguration; private PropertyChangeListener criticalPathPropertyListener; private PropertyChangeListener showingAdvancePropertyListener; private PropertyChangeListener showingReportedHoursPropertyListener; private PropertyChangeListener showingMoneyCostBarPropertyListener; private IReloadResourcesTextRequested reloadResourcesTextRequested; private String _color; private boolean isTopLevel; private final Task task; private transient PropertyChangeListener propertiesListener; private String progressType; public static TaskComponent asTaskComponent(Task task, IDisabilityConfiguration disabilityConfiguration, boolean isTopLevel) { final TaskComponent result; if (task.isContainer()) { result = TaskContainerComponent.asTask(task, disabilityConfiguration); } else if (task instanceof Milestone) { result = new MilestoneComponent(task, disabilityConfiguration); } else { result = new TaskComponent(task, disabilityConfiguration); } result.isTopLevel = isTopLevel; return TaskRow.wrapInRow(result); } public static TaskComponent asTaskComponent(Task task, IDisabilityConfiguration disabilityConfiguration) { return asTaskComponent(task, disabilityConfiguration, true); } public TaskComponent(Task task, IDisabilityConfiguration disabilityConfiguration) { setHeight(HEIGHT_PER_TASK + "px"); setContext("idContextMenuTaskAssignment"); this.task = task; setClass(calculateCSSClass()); setId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); this.disabilityConfiguration = disabilityConfiguration; IConstraintViolationListener<GanttDate> taskViolationListener = Constraint .onlyOnZKExecution(new IConstraintViolationListener<GanttDate>() { @Override public void constraintViolated(Constraint<GanttDate> constraint, GanttDate value) { // TODO mark graphically task as violated } @Override public void constraintSatisfied(Constraint<GanttDate> constraint, GanttDate value) { // TODO mark graphically dependency as not violated } }); this.task.addConstraintViolationListener(taskViolationListener, Mode.RECEIVE_PENDING); reloadResourcesTextRequested = new IReloadResourcesTextRequested() { @Override public void reloadResourcesTextRequested() { if (canShowResourcesText()) { smartUpdate("resourcesText", getResourcesText()); } String cssClass = calculateCSSClass(); response("setClass", new AuInvoke(TaskComponent.this, "setClass", cssClass)); // FIXME: Refactor to another listener updateDeadline(); invalidate(); } }; this.task.addReloadListener(reloadResourcesTextRequested); setAuService(new AuService() { public boolean service(AuRequest request, boolean everError) { String command = request.getCommand(); final TaskComponent ta; if (command.equals("onUpdatePosition")) { ta = retrieveTaskComponent(request); ta.doUpdatePosition(toInteger(retrieveData(request, "left"))); Events.postEvent(new Event(getId(), ta, request.getData())); return true; } if (command.equals("onUpdateWidth")) { ta = retrieveTaskComponent(request); ta.doUpdateSize(toInteger(retrieveData(request, "width"))); Events.postEvent(new Event(getId(), ta, request.getData())); return true; } if (command.equals("onAddDependency")) { ta = retrieveTaskComponent(request); ta.doAddDependency((String) retrieveData(request, "dependencyId")); Events.postEvent(new Event(getId(), ta, request.getData())); return true; } return false; } private int toInteger(Object valueFromRequestData) { return ((Number) valueFromRequestData).intValue(); } private TaskComponent retrieveTaskComponent(AuRequest request) { final TaskComponent ta = (TaskComponent) request.getComponent(); if (ta == null) { throw new UiException(MZk.ILLEGAL_REQUEST_COMPONENT_REQUIRED, this); } return ta; } private Object retrieveData(AuRequest request, String key) { Object value = request.getData().get(key); if (value == null) throw new UiException(MZk.ILLEGAL_REQUEST_WRONG_DATA, new Object[] { key, this }); return value; } }); } /* Generate CSS class attribute depending on task properties */ protected String calculateCSSClass() { String cssClass = isSubcontracted() ? "box subcontracted-task" : "box standard-task"; cssClass += isResizingTasksEnabled() ? " yui-resize" : ""; if (isContainer()) { cssClass += task.isExpanded() ? " expanded" : " closed "; cssClass += task.isInCriticalPath() && !task.isExpanded() ? " critical" : ""; } else { cssClass += task.isInCriticalPath() ? " critical" : ""; if (!task.canBeExplicitlyMoved()) { cssClass += " fixed"; } } cssClass += " " + task.getAssignedStatus(); if (task.isLimiting()) { cssClass += task.isLimitingAndHasDayAssignments() ? " limiting-assigned " : " limiting-unassigned "; } if (task.isRoot() && task.belongsClosedProject()) { cssClass += " project-closed "; } return cssClass; } public boolean isLimiting() { return task.isLimiting(); } protected void updateClass() { setSclass(calculateCSSClass()); } public final void afterCompose() { updateProperties(); if (propertiesListener == null) { propertiesListener = new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { updateProperties(); } }; } this.task.addFundamentalPropertiesChangeListener(propertiesListener); if (showingAdvancePropertyListener == null) { showingAdvancePropertyListener = new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (isInPage() && !(task instanceof Milestone)) { updateCompletionAdvance(); } } }; } this.task.addAdvancesPropertyChangeListener(showingAdvancePropertyListener); if (showingReportedHoursPropertyListener == null) { showingReportedHoursPropertyListener = new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (isInPage() && !(task instanceof Milestone)) { updateCompletionReportedHours(); } } }; } this.task.addReportedHoursPropertyChangeListener(showingReportedHoursPropertyListener); if (showingMoneyCostBarPropertyListener == null) { showingMoneyCostBarPropertyListener = new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (isInPage() && !(task instanceof Milestone)) { updateCompletionMoneyCostBar(); } } }; } this.task.addMoneyCostBarPropertyChangeListener(showingMoneyCostBarPropertyListener); if (criticalPathPropertyListener == null) { criticalPathPropertyListener = new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { updateClass(); } }; } this.task.addCriticalPathPropertyChangeListener(criticalPathPropertyListener); updateClass(); } /** * Note: This method is intended to be overridden. */ protected boolean canShowResourcesText() { return true; } public TaskRow getRow() { if (getParent() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "the TaskComponent should have been wraped by a " + TaskRow.class.getName()); } return (TaskRow) getParent(); } public Task getTask() { return task; } public String getTaskName() { return task.getName(); } public String getLength() { return null; } public boolean isResizingTasksEnabled() { return (disabilityConfiguration != null) && disabilityConfiguration.isResizingTasksEnabled() && !task.isSubcontracted() && task.canBeExplicitlyResized(); } public boolean isMovingTasksEnabled() { return (disabilityConfiguration != null) && disabilityConfiguration.isMovingTasksEnabled() && task.canBeExplicitlyMoved(); } void doUpdatePosition(int leftX) { GanttDate startBeforeMoving = this.task.getBeginDate(); final LocalDate newPosition = getMapper().toDate(leftX); this.task.doPositionModifications(new IModifications() { @Override public void doIt(IUpdatablePosition position) { position.moveTo(GanttDate.createFrom(newPosition)); } }); boolean remainsInOriginalPosition = this.task.getBeginDate().equals(startBeforeMoving); if (remainsInOriginalPosition) { updateProperties(); } } void doUpdateSize(int size) { DateTime end = new DateTime(this.task.getBeginDate().toDayRoundedDate().getTime()) .plus(getMapper().toDuration(size)); this.task.resizeTo(end.toLocalDate()); updateProperties(); } void doAddDependency(String destinyTaskId) { getTaskList().addDependency(this, ((TaskComponent) getFellow(destinyTaskId))); } public String getColor() { return _color; } public void setColor(String color) { if ((color != null) && (color.length() == 0)) { color = null; } if (!Objects.equals(_color, color)) { _color = color; } } /* We override the method of renderProperties to put the color property as part of the style */ protected void renderProperties(ContentRenderer renderer) throws IOException { if (getColor() != null) setStyle("background-color : " + getColor()); setWidgetAttribute("movingTasksEnabled", ((Boolean) isMovingTasksEnabled()).toString()); setWidgetAttribute("resizingTasksEnabled", ((Boolean) isResizingTasksEnabled()).toString()); /* We can't use setStyle because of restrictions involved with UiVisualizer#getResponses and the * smartUpdate method (when the request is asynchronous) */ render(renderer, "style", "position : absolute"); render(renderer, "_labelsText", getLabelsText()); render(renderer, "_resourcesText", getResourcesText()); render(renderer, "_tooltipText", getTooltipText()); super.renderProperties(renderer); } /* We send a response to the client to create the arrow we are going to use to create the dependency */ public void addDependency() { response("depkey", new AuInvoke(this, "addDependency")); } private IDatesMapper getMapper() { return getTaskList().getMapper(); } public TaskList getTaskList() { return getRow().getTaskList(); } @Override public void setParent(Component parent) { Validate.isTrue(parent == null || parent instanceof TaskRow); super.setParent(parent); } public final void zoomChanged() { updateProperties(); } public void updateProperties() { if (!isInPage()) { return; } setLeft("0"); setLeft(this.task.getBeginDate().toPixels(getMapper()) + "px"); updateWidth(); smartUpdate("name", this.task.getName()); updateDeadline(); updateCompletionIfPossible(); updateClass(); } private void updateWidth() { setWidth("0"); int pixelsEnd = this.task.getEndDate().toPixels(getMapper()); int pixelsStart = this.task.getBeginDate().toPixels(getMapper()); setWidth((pixelsEnd - pixelsStart) + "px"); } private void updateDeadline() { // Task mark is placed after midnight date of the deadline day if (task.getDeadline() != null) { String position = (getMapper().toPixels(LocalDate.fromDateFields(task.getDeadline()).plusDays(1)) - HALF_DEADLINE_MARK) + "px"; response(null, new AuInvoke(this, "moveDeadline", position)); } else { // Move deadline out of visible area response(null, new AuInvoke(this, "moveDeadline", "-100px")); } if (task.getConsolidatedline() != null) { int pixels = getMapper() .toPixels(LocalDate.fromDateFields(task.getConsolidatedline().toDayRoundedDate())) - CONSOLIDATED_MARK_HALF_WIDTH; String position = pixels + "px"; response(null, new AuInvoke(this, "moveConsolidatedline", position)); } else { // Move consolidated line out of visible area response(null, new AuInvoke(this, "moveConsolidatedline", "-100px")); } } public void updateCompletionIfPossible() { if (task instanceof Milestone) { return; } updateCompletionReportedHours(); updateCompletionMoneyCostBar(); updateCompletionAdvance(); } public void updateCompletionReportedHours() { if (task.isShowingReportedHours()) { int startPixels = this.task.getBeginDate().toPixels(getMapper()); String widthHoursAdvancePercentage = pixelsFromStartUntil(startPixels, this.task.getHoursAdvanceBarEndDate()) + "px"; response(null, new AuInvoke(this, "resizeCompletionAdvance", widthHoursAdvancePercentage)); Date firstTimesheetDate = task.getFirstTimesheetDate(); Date lastTimesheetDate = task.getLastTimesheetDate(); if (firstTimesheetDate != null && lastTimesheetDate != null) { Duration firstDuration = Days .daysBetween(task.getBeginDateAsLocalDate(), LocalDate.fromDateFields(firstTimesheetDate)) .toStandardDuration(); int pixelsFirst = getMapper().toPixels(firstDuration); String positionFirst = pixelsFirst + "px"; Duration lastDuration = Days.daysBetween(task.getBeginDateAsLocalDate(), LocalDate.fromDateFields(lastTimesheetDate).plusDays(1)).toStandardDuration(); int pixelsLast = getMapper().toPixels(lastDuration); String positionLast = pixelsLast + "px"; response(null, new AuInvoke(this, "showTimsheetDateMarks", positionFirst, positionLast)); } else { response(null, new AuInvoke(this, "hideTimsheetDateMarks")); } } else { response(null, new AuInvoke(this, "resizeCompletionAdvance", "0px")); response(null, new AuInvoke(this, "hideTimsheetDateMarks")); } } public void updateCompletionMoneyCostBar() { if (task.isShowingMoneyCostBar()) { int startPixels = this.task.getBeginDate().toPixels(getMapper()); int endPixels = this.task.getEndDate().toPixels(getMapper()); int widthPixels = (int) ((endPixels - startPixels) * this.task.getMoneyCostBarPercentage().doubleValue()); String widthMoneyCostBar = widthPixels + "px"; response(null, new AuInvoke(this, "resizeCompletionMoneyCostBar", widthMoneyCostBar)); } else { response(null, new AuInvoke(this, "resizeCompletionMoneyCostBar", "0px")); } } private void updateCompletionAdvance() { if (task.isShowingAdvances()) { int startPixels = this.task.getBeginDate().toPixels(getMapper()); String widthAdvancePercentage = pixelsFromStartUntil(startPixels, this.task.getAdvanceBarEndDate()) + "px"; response(null, new AuInvoke(this, FUNCTION_RESIZE, widthAdvancePercentage)); } else { response(null, new AuInvoke(this, FUNCTION_RESIZE, "0px")); } } public void updateCompletion(String progressType) { if (task.isShowingAdvances()) { int startPixels = this.task.getBeginDate().toPixels(getMapper()); String widthAdvancePercentage = pixelsFromStartUntil(startPixels, this.task.getAdvanceBarEndDate(progressType)) + "px"; response(null, new AuInvoke(this, FUNCTION_RESIZE, widthAdvancePercentage)); } else { response(null, new AuInvoke(this, FUNCTION_RESIZE, "0px")); } } private int pixelsFromStartUntil(int startPixels, GanttDate until) { int endPixels = until.toPixels(getMapper()); assert endPixels >= startPixels; return endPixels - startPixels; } public void updateTooltipText() { this.progressType = null; } public void updateTooltipText(String progressType) { this.progressType = progressType; } private boolean isInPage() { return getPage() != null; } void publishTaskComponents(Map<Task, TaskComponent> resultAccumulated) { resultAccumulated.put(getTask(), this); publishDescendants(resultAccumulated); } protected void publishDescendants(Map<Task, TaskComponent> resultAccumulated) { } protected void remove() { this.getRow().detach(); task.removeReloadListener(reloadResourcesTextRequested); } public boolean isTopLevel() { return isTopLevel; } public String getTooltipText() { if (progressType == null) { return task.getTooltipText(); } else { return task.updateTooltipText(progressType); } } public String getLabelsText() { return task.getLabelsText(); } public String getResourcesText() { return task.getResourcesText(); } public boolean isSubcontracted() { return task.isSubcontracted(); } public boolean isContainer() { return task.isContainer(); } @Override public String toString() { return task.toString(); } }