Source code

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 * This file is part of TrackWorkTime (TWT).
 * TWT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * TWT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with TWT. If not, see <>.
package org.zephyrsoft.trackworktime.timer;

import hirondelle.date4j.DateTime;
import hirondelle.date4j.DateTime.DayOverflow;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.zephyrsoft.trackworktime.Basics;
import org.zephyrsoft.trackworktime.R;
import org.zephyrsoft.trackworktime.database.DAO;
import org.zephyrsoft.trackworktime.location.TrackingMethod;
import org.zephyrsoft.trackworktime.model.Event;
import org.zephyrsoft.trackworktime.model.PeriodEnum;
import org.zephyrsoft.trackworktime.model.Task;
import org.zephyrsoft.trackworktime.model.TimeSum;
import org.zephyrsoft.trackworktime.model.TypeEnum;
import org.zephyrsoft.trackworktime.model.Week;
import org.zephyrsoft.trackworktime.model.WeekDayEnum;
import org.zephyrsoft.trackworktime.model.WeekPlaceholder;
import org.zephyrsoft.trackworktime.options.Key;
import org.zephyrsoft.trackworktime.util.DateTimeUtil;
import org.zephyrsoft.trackworktime.util.Logger;

 * Manages the time tracking.
 * @author Mathis Dirksen-Thedens
public class TimerManager {

    private final DAO dao;
    private final SharedPreferences preferences;
    private final Context context;

     * Constructor
    public TimerManager(DAO dao, SharedPreferences preferences, Context context) {
        this.dao = dao;
        this.preferences = preferences;
        this.context = context;

    public void insertDefaultWorkTimes(DateTime from, DateTime to, Integer taskId, String text) {
        DateTime running = from.getStartOfDay();
        DateTime target = to.getStartOfDay();
        while (running.lteq(target)) {
            // clock-in at start of day (00:00)

            WeekDayEnum weekDay = WeekDayEnum.getByValue(running.getWeekDay());
            int workDuration = getNormalWorkDurationFor(weekDay);
            if (workDuration > 0) {
                createEvent(running, taskId, TypeEnum.CLOCK_IN, text);
                DateTime clockOutTime =, 0, 0, 0, workDuration, 0, DayOverflow.Spillover);
                if (isAutoPauseApplicable(clockOutTime)) {
                    int pauseDuration = getAutoPauseDuration(clockOutTime);
                    clockOutTime =, 0, 0, 0, pauseDuration, 0, DayOverflow.Spillover);
                createEvent(clockOutTime, null, TypeEnum.CLOCK_OUT, null);

            running = running.plusDays(1);

     * Checks the current state.
     * @return {@code true} if currently clocked in, {@code false} otherwise
    public boolean isTracking() {
        Event latestEvent = dao.getLastEventBeforeIncluding(DateTimeUtil.getCurrentDateTime());
        return latestEvent == null ? false : latestEvent.getType().equals(TypeEnum.CLOCK_IN.getValue());

     * Returns {@code true} if the options are set in a way that an event is in the defined time before/after an
     * existing event (not counting CLOCK_OUT_NOW).
    public boolean isInIgnorePeriodForLocationBasedTracking() {
        DateTime now = DateTimeUtil.getCurrentDateTime();

        // get first event AFTER now, subtract the minutes to ignore before events and check if the result is BEFORE now
        Event firstAfterNow = dao.getFirstEventAfter(now);
        String ignoreBeforeString = preferences
                .getString(Key.LOCATION_BASED_TRACKING_IGNORE_BEFORE_EVENTS.getName(), "0");
        int ignoreBefore = 0;
        try {
            ignoreBefore = Integer.parseInt(ignoreBeforeString);
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            Logger.warn("illegal value - ignore before events: {0}", ignoreBeforeString);
        if (firstAfterNow != null) {
            DateTime firstAfterNowTime = DateTimeUtil.stringToDateTime(firstAfterNow.getTime());
            if (firstAfterNowTime.minus(0, 0, 0, 0, ignoreBefore, 0, DayOverflow.Spillover).lt(now)) {
                return true;
        // get the last event BEFORE now, add the minutes to ignore after events and check if the result is AFTER now
        Event lastBeforeNow = dao.getLastEventBefore(now);
        String ignoreAfterString = preferences.getString(Key.LOCATION_BASED_TRACKING_IGNORE_AFTER_EVENTS.getName(),
        int ignoreAfter = 0;
        try {
            ignoreAfter = Integer.parseInt(ignoreAfterString);
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            Logger.warn("illegal value - ignore after events: {0}", ignoreAfterString);
        if (lastBeforeNow != null) {
            DateTime lastBeforeNowTime = DateTimeUtil.stringToDateTime(lastBeforeNow.getTime());
            if (, 0, 0, 0, ignoreAfter, 0, DayOverflow.Spillover).gt(now)) {
                return true;

        return false;

     * Returns the currently active task or {@code null} if tracking is disabled at the moment.
    public Task getCurrentTask() {
        Event latestEvent = dao.getLastEventBefore(DateTimeUtil.getCurrentDateTime());
        if (latestEvent != null && latestEvent.getType().equals(TypeEnum.CLOCK_IN.getValue())) {
            return dao.getTask(latestEvent.getTask());
        } else {
            return null;

     * Either starts tracking (from non-tracked time) or changes the task and/or text (from already tracked time).
     * If the task is {@code null}, the default task is taken. If there is no default task, no task will be taken.
     * @param minutesToPredate
     *            how many minutes in the future should the event be
     * @param selectedTask
     *            the task for which the time shall be tracked
     * @param text
     *            free text to describe in detail what was done
    public void startTracking(int minutesToPredate, Task selectedTask, String text) {
        Task taskToLink = selectedTask == null ? null : selectedTask;
        if (taskToLink == null) {
            taskToLink = dao.getDefaultTask();
        createEvent(minutesToPredate, (taskToLink == null ? null : taskToLink.getId()), TypeEnum.CLOCK_IN, text);

     * Stops tracking time.
     * @param minutesToPredate
     *            how many minutes in the future should the event be
    public void stopTracking(int minutesToPredate) {
        createEvent(minutesToPredate, null, TypeEnum.CLOCK_OUT, null);

     * Is the event a clock-in event? {@code null} as argument will return {@code false}.
    public static boolean isClockInEvent(Event event) {
        return event != null && event.getType().equals(TypeEnum.CLOCK_IN.getValue());

     * Is the event a clock-out event? {@code null} as argument will return {@code false}.
    public static boolean isClockOutEvent(Event event) {
        return event != null && (event.getType().equals(TypeEnum.CLOCK_OUT.getValue())
                || event.getType().equals(TypeEnum.CLOCK_OUT_NOW.getValue()));

     * Calculate a time sum for a given period.
    public TimeSum calculateTimeSum(DateTime date, PeriodEnum periodEnum) {
        // TODO restructure to clarify!
        Logger.debug("calculating time sum for {0} containing {1}",,
        TimeSum ret = new TimeSum();

        DateTime beginOfPeriod = null;
        DateTime endOfPeriod = null;
        List<Event> events = null;
        if (periodEnum == PeriodEnum.DAY) {
            beginOfPeriod = date.getStartOfDay();
            endOfPeriod = beginOfPeriod.plusDays(1);
            events = dao.getEventsOnDay(date);
        } else if (periodEnum == PeriodEnum.WEEK) {
            beginOfPeriod = DateTimeUtil.getWeekStart(date);
            endOfPeriod = beginOfPeriod.plusDays(7);
            Week week = dao.getWeek(DateTimeUtil.dateTimeToString(beginOfPeriod));
            events = dao.getEventsInWeek(week);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown period type");
        Event lastEventBefore = dao.getLastEventBefore(beginOfPeriod);
        DateTime lastEventBeforeTime = (lastEventBefore == null ? null
                : DateTimeUtil.stringToDateTime(lastEventBefore.getTime()));
        Event firstEventAfterNow = dao.getFirstEventAfter(DateTimeUtil.getCurrentDateTime());
        DateTime firstEventAfterNowTime = (firstEventAfterNow == null ? null
                : DateTimeUtil.stringToDateTime(firstEventAfterNow.getTime()));

        DateTime clockedInSince = null;
        if (isClockInEvent(lastEventBefore)
                // but only if no CLOCK_OUT_NOW would be in between:
                && !(lastEventBeforeTime != null && DateTimeUtil.isInPast(lastEventBeforeTime)
                        && ((events.isEmpty()
                                && (firstEventAfterNow == null || DateTimeUtil.isInFuture(firstEventAfterNowTime)))
                                || (!events.isEmpty()
                                        && DateTimeUtil
                                        && isClockInEvent(events.get(0)))))) {
            clockedInSince = beginOfPeriod;

        Event lastEvent = (events.isEmpty() ? null : events.get(events.size() - 1));
        DateTime lastEventTime = (lastEvent == null ? null : DateTimeUtil.stringToDateTime(lastEvent.getTime()));

        // insert CLOCK_OUT_NOW event if applicable
        if (isClockInEvent(lastEvent) && DateTimeUtil.isInPast(lastEventTime)
                && DateTimeUtil.isInFuture(endOfPeriod)) {
            Event clockOutNowEvent = createClockOutNowEvent();
            lastEvent = clockOutNowEvent;

        for (Event event : events) {
            DateTime eventTime = DateTimeUtil.stringToDateTime(event.getTime());

            // clock-in event while not clocked in? => remember time
            if (clockedInSince == null && isClockInEvent(event)) {
                clockedInSince = eventTime;
            // clock-out event while clocked in? => add time since last clock-in to result
            if (clockedInSince != null && isClockOutEvent(event)) {
                ret.substract(clockedInSince.getHour(), clockedInSince.getMinute());
                ret.add(eventTime.getHour(), eventTime.getMinute());
                clockedInSince = null;

        if (lastEvent != null && lastEvent.getType().equals(TypeEnum.CLOCK_OUT_NOW.getValue())) {
            // try to substract the auto-pause for today because it might be not counted in the database yet
            DateTime eventTime = DateTimeUtil.stringToDateTime(lastEvent.getTime());
            if (isAutoPauseEnabled() && isAutoPauseApplicable(eventTime)) {
                DateTime autoPauseBegin = getAutoPauseBegin(eventTime);
                DateTime autoPauseEnd = getAutoPauseEnd(eventTime);
                ret.substract(autoPauseEnd.getHour(), autoPauseEnd.getMinute());
                ret.add(autoPauseBegin.getHour(), autoPauseBegin.getMinute());

        if (clockedInSince != null) {
            // still clocked in at end of period: count hours and minutes
            ret.substract(clockedInSince.getHour(), clockedInSince.getMinute());
            ret.add(24, 0);
            if (periodEnum == PeriodEnum.WEEK) {
                // calculating for week: also count days
                DateTime counting = clockedInSince.plusDays(1);
                while ( {
                    ret.add(24, 0);
                    counting = counting.plusDays(1);

        return ret;

     * Get the possible finishing time for today. Takes into account the target work time for the week and also if this
     * is the last day in the working week.
     * @param includeFlexiTime
     *            use flexi overtime to reduce the working time - ONLY ON LAST WORKING DAY OF THE WEEK!
     * @return {@code null} either if today is not a work day (as defined in the options) or if the regular working time
     *         for today is already over
    public DateTime getFinishingTime(boolean includeFlexiTime) {
        DateTime dateTime = DateTimeUtil.getCurrentDateTime();
        WeekDayEnum weekDay = WeekDayEnum.getByValue(dateTime.getWeekDay());
        if (isWorkDay(weekDay)) {
            TimeSum alreadyWorked = null;
            TimeSum target = null;
            boolean onEveryWorkingDayOfTheWeek = preferences
                    .getBoolean(Key.FLEXI_TIME_TO_ZERO_ON_EVERY_DAY.getName(), false);
            if (!isFollowedByWorkDay(weekDay) || onEveryWorkingDayOfTheWeek) {
                alreadyWorked = calculateTimeSum(dateTime, PeriodEnum.WEEK);
                if (includeFlexiTime) {
                    // add flexi balance from week start
                    TimeSum flexiBalance = getFlexiBalanceAtWeekStart(DateTimeUtil.getWeekStart(dateTime));

                final String targetValueString = preferences.getString(Key.FLEXI_TIME_TARGET.getName(), "0:00");
                final TimeSum targetTimePerWeek = parseHoursMinutesString(targetValueString);
                final TimeSum targetTimePerDay = new TimeSum();
                targetTimePerDay.add(0, targetTimePerWeek.getAsMinutes() / countWorkDays());
                DateTime weekStart = DateTimeUtil.getWeekStart(dateTime);
                target = new TimeSum();
                target.addOrSubstract(targetTimePerDay); // add today as well
                while (weekStart.getWeekDay() != dateTime.getWeekDay()) {
                    weekStart = weekStart.plusDays(1);
            } else {
                // not the last work day of the week, only calculate the rest of the daily working time
                alreadyWorked = calculateTimeSum(dateTime, PeriodEnum.DAY);
                int targetMinutes = getNormalWorkDurationFor(weekDay);
                target = new TimeSum();
                target.add(0, targetMinutes);

            Logger.debug("alreadyWorked={0}", alreadyWorked.toString());
            Logger.debug("target={0}", target.toString());

            Logger.debug("isAutoPauseEnabled={0}", isAutoPauseEnabled());
            Logger.debug("isAutoPauseTheoreticallyApplicable={0}", isAutoPauseTheoreticallyApplicable(dateTime));
            Logger.debug("isAutoPauseApplicable={0}", isAutoPauseApplicable(dateTime));
            if (isAutoPauseEnabled() && isAutoPauseTheoreticallyApplicable(dateTime)
                    && !isAutoPauseApplicable(dateTime)) {
                // auto-pause is necessary, but was NOT already taken into account by calculateTimeSum():
                        "auto-pause is necessary, but was NOT already taken into account by calculateTimeSum()");
                DateTime autoPauseBegin = getAutoPauseBegin(dateTime);
                DateTime autoPauseEnd = getAutoPauseEnd(dateTime);
                alreadyWorked.substract(autoPauseEnd.getHour(), autoPauseEnd.getMinute());
                alreadyWorked.add(autoPauseBegin.getHour(), autoPauseBegin.getMinute());
            int minutesRemaining = target.getAsMinutes() - alreadyWorked.getAsMinutes();
            Logger.debug("minutesRemaining={0}", minutesRemaining);

            if (minutesRemaining >= 0) {
                return, 0, 0, 0, minutesRemaining, 0, DayOverflow.Spillover);
            } else {
                return null;
        } else {
            return null;

     * Get the flexi-time balance which is effective at the given week start.
    public TimeSum getFlexiBalanceAtWeekStart(DateTime weekStart) {
        TimeSum ret = new TimeSum();
        String startValueString = preferences.getString(Key.FLEXI_TIME_START_VALUE.getName(), "0:00");
        String targetWorkTimeString = preferences.getString(Key.FLEXI_TIME_TARGET.getName(), "0:00");
        TimeSum startValue = parseHoursMinutesString(startValueString);
        TimeSum targetWorkTime = parseHoursMinutesString(targetWorkTimeString);

        DateTime upTo = weekStart.minusDays(1);
        List<Week> weeksToCount = dao.getWeeksUpTo(DateTimeUtil.dateTimeToString(upTo));

        for (Week week : weeksToCount) {
            Integer weekWorkedMinutes = week.getSum();
            if (weekWorkedMinutes != null) {
                // add the actual work time
                ret.add(0, weekWorkedMinutes);
                // substract the target work time
                ret.substract(0, targetWorkTime.getAsMinutes());
            } else {
                Logger.warn("week {0} (starting at {1}) has a null sum", week.getId(), week.getStart());

        return ret;

     * Parse a value of hours and minutes (positive or negative).
    public static TimeSum parseHoursMinutesString(String hoursMinutes) {
        TimeSum ret = new TimeSum();
        if (hoursMinutes != null) {
            String[] startValueArray = hoursMinutes.split(":");
            int hours = Integer.parseInt(startValueArray[0]);
            int minutes = startValueArray.length > 1 ? Integer.parseInt(startValueArray[1]) : 0;
            if (hoursMinutes.trim().startsWith("-")) {
                ret.substract(-1 * hours, minutes);
            } else {
                ret.add(hours, minutes);
        return ret;

     * Get the normal work time (in minutes) for a specific week day.
    public int getNormalWorkDurationFor(WeekDayEnum weekDay) {
        if (isWorkDay(weekDay)) {
            String targetValueString = preferences.getString(Key.FLEXI_TIME_TARGET.getName(), "0:00");
            targetValueString = DateTimeUtil.refineHourMinute(targetValueString);
            TimeSum targetValue = parseHoursMinutesString(targetValueString);
            BigDecimal minutes = new BigDecimal(targetValue.getAsMinutes()).divide(new BigDecimal(countWorkDays()),
            return minutes.intValue();
        } else {
            return 0;

    private int countWorkDays() {
        int ret = 0;
        for (WeekDayEnum day : WeekDayEnum.values()) {
            if (isWorkDay(day)) {
        return ret;

     * Is there a day in the week after the given day which is also marked as work day? That means, is the given day NOT
     * the last work day in the week?
    private boolean isFollowedByWorkDay(WeekDayEnum day) {
        WeekDayEnum nextDay = day.getNextWeekDay();
        while (nextDay != null) {
            if (isWorkDay(nextDay)) {
                return true;
            nextDay = nextDay.getNextWeekDay();
        return false;

     * Is today a work day?
    public boolean isTodayWorkDay() {
        DateTime dateTime = DateTimeUtil.getCurrentDateTime();
        WeekDayEnum weekDay = WeekDayEnum.getByValue(dateTime.getWeekDay());
        return isWorkDay(weekDay);

     * Is this a work day?
    public boolean isWorkDay(WeekDayEnum weekDay) {
        Key key = null;
        switch (weekDay) {
        case MONDAY:
            key = Key.FLEXI_TIME_DAY_MONDAY;
        case TUESDAY:
            key = Key.FLEXI_TIME_DAY_TUESDAY;
        case WEDNESDAY:
            key = Key.FLEXI_TIME_DAY_WEDNESDAY;
        case THURSDAY:
            key = Key.FLEXI_TIME_DAY_THURSDAY;
        case FRIDAY:
            key = Key.FLEXI_TIME_DAY_FRIDAY;
        case SATURDAY:
            key = Key.FLEXI_TIME_DAY_SATURDAY;
        case SUNDAY:
            key = Key.FLEXI_TIME_DAY_SUNDAY;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown weekday");
        return preferences.getBoolean(key.getName(), false);

     * Create a new event at current time + the given minute amount.
     * @param minutesToPredate
     *            how many minutes to add to "now"
     * @param taskId
     *            the task id (may be {@code null})
     * @param type
     *            the type
     * @param text
     *            the text (may be {@code null})
    public void createEvent(int minutesToPredate, Integer taskId, TypeEnum type, String text) {
        if (minutesToPredate < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("no negative minute amount allowed");
        DateTime targetTime = DateTimeUtil.getCurrentDateTime();
        targetTime =, 0, 0, 0, minutesToPredate, 0, DayOverflow.Spillover);
        createEvent(targetTime, taskId, type, text);

     * Create a new event at the given time.
     * @param dateTime
     *            the time for which the new event should be created
     * @param taskId
     *            the task id (may be {@code null})
     * @param type
     *            the type
     * @param text
     *            the text (may be {@code null})
    public void createEvent(DateTime dateTime, Integer taskId, TypeEnum type, String text) {
        createEvent(dateTime, taskId, type, text, false);

     * Create a new event at the given time.
     * @param dateTime
     *            the time for which the new event should be created
     * @param taskId
     *            the task id (may be {@code null})
     * @param type
     *            the type
     * @param text
     *            the text (may be {@code null})
     * @param insertedByRestore
     *            true if the event is inserted by a restore. In that case, auto pause and refresh of notifications are
     *            suppressed.
    public void createEvent(DateTime dateTime, Integer taskId, TypeEnum type, String text,
            boolean insertedByRestore) {
        if (dateTime == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("date/time has to be given");
        if (type == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("type has to be given");
        String weekStart = DateTimeUtil.getWeekStartAsString(dateTime);
        String time = DateTimeUtil.dateTimeToString(dateTime);
        Week currentWeek = dao.getWeek(weekStart);
        if (currentWeek == null) {
            currentWeek = createPersistentWeek(weekStart);

        if (!insertedByRestore && type == TypeEnum.CLOCK_OUT) {

        Event event = new Event(null, currentWeek.getId(), taskId, type.getValue(), time, text);
        Logger.debug("TRACKING: {0} @ {1} taskId={2} text={3}",, time, taskId, text);
        event = dao.insertEvent(event);

        if (!insertedByRestore) {

     * Update the week's total worked sum.
    public void updateWeekSum(Week week) {
        TimeSum sum = calculateTimeSum(DateTimeUtil.stringToDateTime(week.getStart()), PeriodEnum.WEEK);
        int minutes = sum.getAsMinutes();"updating the time sum to {0} minutes for the week beginning at {1}", minutes, week.getStart());
        Week weekToUse = week;
        if (week instanceof WeekPlaceholder) {
            weekToUse = createPersistentWeek(week.getStart());
        // TODO update the sum of the last week(s) if type is CLOCK_OUT?
        // TODO update the sum of the next week(s) if type is CLOCK_IN?

    private Week createPersistentWeek(String weekStart) {
        Week week = new Week(null, weekStart, 0);
        week = dao.insertWeek(week);
        return week;

     * Create a new NON-PERSISTENT (!) event of the type CLOCK_OUT_NOW.
    public Event createClockOutNowEvent() {
        DateTime now = DateTimeUtil.getCurrentDateTime();
        String weekStart = DateTimeUtil.getWeekStartAsString(now);
        Week currentWeek = dao.getWeek(weekStart);
        return new Event(null, (currentWeek == null ? null : currentWeek.getId()), null,
                TypeEnum.CLOCK_OUT_NOW.getValue(), DateTimeUtil.dateTimeToString(now), null);

    private void tryToInsertAutoPause(DateTime dateTime) {
        if (isAutoPauseEnabled() && isAutoPauseApplicable(dateTime)) {
            // insert auto-pause events
            DateTime begin = getAutoPauseBegin(dateTime);
            DateTime end = getAutoPauseEnd(dateTime);
            Logger.debug("inserting auto-pause, begin={0}, end={1}", begin, end);
            Event lastBeforePause = dao.getLastEventBefore(begin);
            createEvent(begin, null, TypeEnum.CLOCK_OUT, null);
            createEvent(end, (lastBeforePause == null ? null : lastBeforePause.getTask()), TypeEnum.CLOCK_IN,
                    (lastBeforePause == null ? null : lastBeforePause.getText()));
        } else {
            Logger.debug("NOT inserting auto-pause");

     * Determines if the auto-pause mechanism is enabled.
    public boolean isAutoPauseEnabled() {
        return preferences.getBoolean(Key.AUTO_PAUSE_ENABLED.getName(), false);

     * Determines if the auto-pause can be applied to the given day.
    public boolean isAutoPauseApplicable(DateTime dateTime) {
        DateTime end = getAutoPauseEnd(dateTime);
        // auto-pause is theoretically applicable
        return isAutoPauseTheoreticallyApplicable(dateTime)
                // given time is after auto-pause end, so auto-pause should really be applied

    private boolean isAutoPauseTheoreticallyApplicable(DateTime dateTime) {
        DateTime begin = getAutoPauseBegin(dateTime);
        DateTime end = getAutoPauseEnd(dateTime);
        if ( {
            Event lastEventBeforeBegin = dao.getLastEventBefore(begin);
            Event lastEventBeforeEnd = dao.getLastEventBefore(end);
            // is clocked in before begin
            return lastEventBeforeBegin != null
                    && lastEventBeforeBegin.getType().equals(TypeEnum.CLOCK_IN.getValue())
                    // no event is in auto-pause interval
                    && lastEventBeforeBegin.getId().equals(lastEventBeforeEnd.getId());
        } else {
            // begin is equal to end or (even worse) begin is after end => no auto-pause
            return false;

     * Calculates the begin of the auto-pause for the given day.
    public DateTime getAutoPauseBegin(DateTime dateTime) {
        return DateTimeUtil.parseTimeFor(dateTime, getAutoPauseData(Key.AUTO_PAUSE_BEGIN.getName(), "23.59"));

     * Calculates the length of the auto-pause for the given day (in minutes).
    public int getAutoPauseDuration(DateTime dateTime) {
        DateTime pauseBegin = getAutoPauseBegin(dateTime);
        DateTime pauseEnd = getAutoPauseEnd(dateTime);
        long pauseSeconds = pauseBegin.numSecondsFrom(pauseEnd);
        return (int) (pauseSeconds / 60);

     * Calculates the end of the auto-pause for the given day.
    public DateTime getAutoPauseEnd(DateTime dateTime) {
        return DateTimeUtil.parseTimeFor(dateTime, getAutoPauseData(Key.AUTO_PAUSE_END.getName(), "00.00"));

    private String getAutoPauseData(String key, String defaultTime) {
        String ret = preferences.getString(key, defaultTime);
        ret = DateTimeUtil.refineTime(ret);
        return ret;

    // ======== registration of automatic work time tracking methods ========

    public void activateTrackingMethod(TrackingMethod method) {
        Collection<TrackingMethod> activeMethods = readCurrentlyActiveTrackingMethods();
        if (!activeMethods.contains(method)) {

    public void deactivateTrackingMethod(TrackingMethod method) {
        Collection<TrackingMethod> activeMethods = readCurrentlyActiveTrackingMethods();
        if (activeMethods.contains(method)) {

    private Collection<TrackingMethod> readCurrentlyActiveTrackingMethods() {
        String activeMethodsString = preferences.getString(context.getString(R.string.keyActiveMethods), "");
        String[] activeMethodsStrings = StringUtils.split(activeMethodsString, ',');
        Collection<TrackingMethod> result = new ArrayList<TrackingMethod>(activeMethodsStrings.length);
        for (String activeMethodString : activeMethodsStrings) {
        return result;

    private void writeCurrentlyActiveTrackingMethods(Collection<TrackingMethod> methods) {
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        for (TrackingMethod method : methods) {
            if (result.length() > 0) {
        final Editor editor = preferences.edit();
        editor.putString(context.getString(R.string.keyActiveMethods), result.toString());

    private boolean isTrackingMethodCurrentlyActive(TrackingMethod method) {
        Collection<TrackingMethod> activeMethods = readCurrentlyActiveTrackingMethods();
        return activeMethods.contains(method);

    public boolean clockInWithTrackingMethod(TrackingMethod method) {
        boolean currentlyClockedInWithMethod = getTrackingMethodClockInState(method);
        if (getTrackingMethodsGenerateEventsSeparately()) {
            Logger.debug("clocking in with method {0} forcibly",;
            return setTrackingMethodClockInStateForcibly(method, true);
        } else if (currentlyClockedInWithMethod) {
            Logger.debug("already clocked in with method {0}",;
            return false;
        } else {
            Logger.debug("clocking in with method {0}",;
            return setTrackingMethodClockInState(method, true);

    public boolean clockOutWithTrackingMethod(TrackingMethod method) {
        boolean currentlyClockedInWithMethod = getTrackingMethodClockInState(method);
        if (getTrackingMethodsGenerateEventsSeparately()) {
            Logger.debug("clocking out with method {0} forcibly",;
            return setTrackingMethodClockInStateForcibly(method, false);
        } else if (!currentlyClockedInWithMethod) {
            Logger.debug("not clocked in with method {0}",;
            return false;
        } else {
            Logger.debug("clocking out with method {0}",;
            return setTrackingMethodClockInState(method, false);

    private boolean getTrackingMethodClockInState(TrackingMethod method) {
        return preferences.getBoolean(context.getString(method.getPreferenceKeyId()), false);

    private boolean getTrackingMethodsGenerateEventsSeparately() {
        return preferences.getBoolean(context.getString(R.string.keyEachTrackingMethodGeneratesEventsSeparately),

    private boolean setTrackingMethodClockInState(TrackingMethod method, boolean state) {
        final Editor editor = preferences.edit();
        editor.putBoolean(context.getString(method.getPreferenceKeyId()), state);
        return createEventIfNecessary(method, state);

    private boolean setTrackingMethodClockInStateForcibly(TrackingMethod method, boolean state) {
        final Editor editor = preferences.edit();
        editor.putBoolean(context.getString(method.getPreferenceKeyId()), state);
        return createEventForcibly(method, state);

    private boolean createEventIfNecessary(TrackingMethod method, boolean state) {
        if (state) {
            // method is clocked in now - should we generate a clock-in event?
            if (!isClockedInWithAnyOtherTrackingMethod(method) && !isTracking()) {
                // we are not clocked in already by hand or by another method, so generate an event (first method
                // clocking in)
                startTracking(0, null, null);
                Logger.debug("method {0}: started tracking", method);
                return true;
            } else {
                        "method {0}: NOT started tracking (was not first method or already clocked in manually)",
                return false;
        } else {
            // method is clocked out now - should we generate a clock-out event?
            if (!isClockedInWithAnyOtherTrackingMethod(method) && isTracking()) {
                // we are not clocked in by hand or by another method, so generate an event (last method clocking out)
                Logger.debug("method {0}: stopped tracking", method);
                return true;
            } else {
                        "method {0}: NOT stopped tracking (was not last method or already clocked out manually)",
                return false;

    private boolean createEventForcibly(TrackingMethod method, boolean state) {
        if (state) {
            // method is clocked in now - should we generate a clock-in event?
            if (!isTracking()) {
                startTracking(0, null, null);
                Logger.debug("method {0}: started tracking forcibly", method);
                return true;
            } else {
                Logger.debug("method {0}: NOT started tracking forcibly (already clocked in)", method);
                return false;
        } else {
            // method is clocked out now - should we generate a clock-out event?
            if (isTracking()) {
                Logger.debug("method {0}: stopped tracking forcibly", method);
                return true;
            } else {
                Logger.debug("method {0}: NOT stopped tracking forcibly (already clocked out)", method);
                return false;

    private boolean isClockedInWithAnyOtherTrackingMethod(TrackingMethod methodToIgnore) {
        Collection<TrackingMethod> activeMethods = readCurrentlyActiveTrackingMethods();
        for (TrackingMethod method : activeMethods) {
            if (method.equals(methodToIgnore)) {
            if (isClockedInWithTrackingMethod(method)) {
                return true;
        return false;

    private boolean isClockedInWithTrackingMethod(TrackingMethod method) {
        return getTrackingMethodClockInState(method);