Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of the Song Database (SDB). * * SDB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * SDB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with SDB. If not, see <>. */ package org.zephyrsoft.sdb2.presenter; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.GradientPaint; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.geom.Area; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JTextPane; import javax.swing.text.AttributeSet; import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException; import javax.swing.text.DefaultCaret; import javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet; import javax.swing.text.Style; import javax.swing.text.StyleConstants; import javax.swing.text.StyleContext; import javax.swing.text.StyledDocument; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.jdesktop.core.animation.timing.Animator; import org.jdesktop.core.animation.timing.PropertySetter; import org.jdesktop.core.animation.timing.TimingTargetAdapter; import org.jdesktop.core.animation.timing.interpolators.AccelerationInterpolator; import org.zephyrsoft.sdb2.model.AddressableLine; import org.zephyrsoft.sdb2.model.AddressablePart; import org.zephyrsoft.sdb2.model.Song; import org.zephyrsoft.sdb2.model.SongElement; import org.zephyrsoft.sdb2.model.SongElementEnum; import org.zephyrsoft.sdb2.model.SongParser; import org.zephyrsoft.util.StringTools; /** * Renders the contents of a {@link Song} in order to display it on a screen. Scrolling is handled internally - no * scrollpane around this component is needed! * * @author Mathis Dirksen-Thedens */ public class SongView extends JPanel implements Scroller { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4746652382939122421L; private static final Style DEFAULT_STYLE = StyleContext.getDefaultStyleContext() .getStyle(StyleContext.DEFAULT_STYLE); private static final String TITLE_LYRICS_DISTANCE = "TITLE_LYRICS_DISTANCE"; private static final String LYRICS_COPYRIGHT_DISTANCE = "LYRICS_COPYRIGHT_DISTANCE"; private static final String LYRICS_FINAL_NEWLINE = "\n"; private static final String LYRICS_COPYRIGHT_DISTANCE_TEXT = " \n"; private Song song; private boolean showTitle; private boolean showChords; private Font titleFont; private Font lyricsFont; private Font translationFont; private Font copyrightFont; private int topMargin; private int leftMargin; private int rightMargin; private int bottomMargin; private int titleLyricsDistance; private int lyricsCopyrightDistance; private Color foregroundColor; private Color backgroundColor; private JTextPane text; private List<AddressablePart> parts; private StyledDocument document; protected Animator animator; protected Point animatorTarget; /** * Private constructor: only the builder may call it. */ private SongView(Builder builder) { song =; showTitle = builder.showTitle; showChords = builder.showChords; titleFont = builder.titleFont; lyricsFont = builder.lyricsFont; translationFont = builder.translationFont; copyrightFont = builder.copyrightFont; topMargin = builder.topMargin; leftMargin = builder.leftMargin; rightMargin = builder.rightMargin; bottomMargin = builder.bottomMargin; titleLyricsDistance = builder.titleLyricsDistance; lyricsCopyrightDistance = builder.lyricsCopyrightDistance; foregroundColor = builder.foregroundColor; backgroundColor = builder.backgroundColor; text = new JTextPane(); ((DefaultCaret) text.getCaret()).setUpdatePolicy(DefaultCaret.NEVER_UPDATE); text.setRequestFocusEnabled(false); text.setEditable(false); text.setEnabled(false); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add(text, BorderLayout.CENTER); setBackground(backgroundColor); setOpaque(true); text.setForeground(foregroundColor); text.setDisabledTextColor(foregroundColor); text.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(topMargin, leftMargin, 0, rightMargin)); render(); // workaround for Nimbus L&F: text.setOpaque(false); text.setBackground(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0)); } @Override public void paint(Graphics g) { super.paint(g); Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; int topBorderHeight = topMargin; int bottomBorderHeight = bottomMargin; // gradient upper border as overlay Area areaUpper = new Area(new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, getWidth(), topBorderHeight)); g2d.setPaint(new GradientPaint(0, 0, new Color(backgroundColor.getRed(), backgroundColor.getGreen(), backgroundColor.getBlue(), 255), 0, topBorderHeight, new Color(backgroundColor.getRed(), backgroundColor.getGreen(), backgroundColor.getBlue(), 0), false)); g2d.fill(areaUpper); // gradient lower border as overlay Area areaLower = new Area( new Rectangle2D.Double(0, getHeight() - bottomBorderHeight, getWidth(), getHeight())); g2d.setPaint(new GradientPaint(0, getHeight() - bottomBorderHeight, new Color(backgroundColor.getRed(), backgroundColor.getGreen(), backgroundColor.getBlue(), 0), 0, getHeight(), new Color(backgroundColor.getRed(), backgroundColor.getGreen(), backgroundColor.getBlue(), 255), false)); g2d.fill(areaLower); } /** * Display the song inside the JTextPane using the constraints indicated by the fields, e.g. "showTitle", and create * a list of addressable parts (paragraphs) and lines for the {@link Scroller} methods. */ private void render() { List<SongElement> toDisplay = SongParser.parse(song, showTitle, showChords); if (toDisplay.size() > 0 && toDisplay.get(toDisplay.size() - 1).getType() != SongElementEnum.COPYRIGHT) { // add final newline to fetch the last line of the last part always toDisplay.add(new SongElement(SongElementEnum.NEW_LINE, LYRICS_FINAL_NEWLINE)); } // TODO chord lines: correct font and correct spacing to correspond to the words below the chords! parts = new ArrayList<>(); AddressablePart currentPart = new AddressablePart(); String currentLineText = null; document = text.getStyledDocument(); addStyles(); // handle the elements of the song SongElement prevPrevElement = null; SongElement prevElement = null; for (SongElement element : toDisplay) { handleCopyrightLine(prevElement, element); handleTitlePosition(element); if (isBodyElement(element)) { if (((element.getType() == SongElementEnum.NEW_LINE && prevElement != null && prevElement.getType() == SongElementEnum.NEW_LINE) || (element.getType() == SongElementEnum.NEW_LINE && prevElement != null && StringTools.isBlank(prevElement.getElement()) && ((prevPrevElement != null && prevPrevElement.getType() == SongElementEnum.NEW_LINE) || prevPrevElement == null))) && currentPart.size() > 0) { // [ two consecutive newlines OR two newlines, only separated by a blank line ] AND current part is // populated with at least one line => save current part and begin a new one parts.add(currentPart); currentPart = new AddressablePart(); } else if (element.getType() == SongElementEnum.NEW_LINE && prevElement != null && prevElement.getType() == SongElementEnum.LYRICS && !StringTools.isBlank(prevElement.getElement()) && ((prevPrevElement != null && (prevPrevElement.getType() == SongElementEnum.NEW_LINE || prevPrevElement.getType() == SongElementEnum.TITLE)) || prevPrevElement == null)) { // two newlines OR a title element and a newline, separated by a non-blank lyrics line => // save current line and begin a new one currentLineText = prevElement.getElement(); AddressableLine currentLine = new AddressableLine(currentLineText, createPosition(element, prevElement)); currentPart.add(currentLine); } } else if (element.getType() == SongElementEnum.COPYRIGHT && prevElement != null && prevElement.getType() == SongElementEnum.LYRICS && !StringTools.isBlank(prevElement.getElement()) && ((prevPrevElement != null && prevPrevElement.getType() == SongElementEnum.NEW_LINE) || prevPrevElement == null)) { // a newline and a copyright element, separated by a non-blank lyrics line => // save current line and begin a new one currentLineText = prevElement.getElement(); AddressableLine currentLine = new AddressableLine(currentLineText, createPosition(prevElement) - LYRICS_COPYRIGHT_DISTANCE_TEXT.length() - LYRICS_FINAL_NEWLINE.length()); currentPart.add(currentLine); } String type = element.getType().name(); if ((element.getType() == SongElementEnum.NEW_LINE && prevElement != null && prevElement.getType() == SongElementEnum.NEW_LINE) || (element.getType() == SongElementEnum.NEW_LINE && prevElement != null && StringTools.isBlank(prevElement.getElement()) && ((prevPrevElement != null && prevPrevElement.getType() == SongElementEnum.NEW_LINE) || prevPrevElement == null))) { type =; } appendText(element.getElement(), type); handleTitleLine(element); // keep history prevPrevElement = prevElement; prevElement = element; } if (currentPart.size() > 0) { // current part is populated with at least one line => save current part parts.add(currentPart); } } private void handleTitlePosition(SongElement element) { if (element.getType() == SongElementEnum.TITLE) { Integer position = createPosition(); AddressablePart titlePart = new AddressablePart(); titlePart.add(new AddressableLine(element.getElement(), position)); parts.add(titlePart); } } private Integer createPosition(SongElement... toSubtract) { int toSubtractInt = 0; for (SongElement element : toSubtract) { toSubtractInt += element.getElement() == null ? 0 : element.getElement().length(); } return document.getLength() - toSubtractInt + 1; } private void addStyles() { addStyleFromFont(, titleFont); addStyle(TITLE_LYRICS_DISTANCE, false, false, lyricsFont.getFamily(), titleLyricsDistance); addStyleFromFont(, lyricsFont); addStyleFromFont(, translationFont); addStyle(LYRICS_COPYRIGHT_DISTANCE, false, false, lyricsFont.getFamily(), lyricsCopyrightDistance); addStyleFromFont(, copyrightFont); } private void handleTitleLine(SongElement element) { if (isTitleLine(element)) { // append space appendText(LYRICS_FINAL_NEWLINE,; appendText(LYRICS_COPYRIGHT_DISTANCE_TEXT, TITLE_LYRICS_DISTANCE); } } private static boolean isTitleLine(SongElement element) { return element.getType() == SongElementEnum.TITLE; } private static boolean isBodyElement(SongElement element) { return element.getType() == SongElementEnum.CHORDS || element.getType() == SongElementEnum.LYRICS || element.getType() == SongElementEnum.TRANSLATION || element.getType() == SongElementEnum.NEW_LINE; } private void handleCopyrightLine(SongElement previousElement, SongElement element) { if (isFirstCopyrightLine(previousElement, element)) { // prepend space appendText(LYRICS_FINAL_NEWLINE,; appendText(LYRICS_COPYRIGHT_DISTANCE_TEXT, LYRICS_COPYRIGHT_DISTANCE); } else if (isCopyrightLineButNotFirstOne(previousElement, element)) { // prepend newline appendText(LYRICS_FINAL_NEWLINE,; } } private static boolean isCopyrightLineButNotFirstOne(SongElement previousElement, SongElement element) { return previousElement != null && previousElement.getType() == SongElementEnum.COPYRIGHT && element.getType() == SongElementEnum.COPYRIGHT; } private static boolean isFirstCopyrightLine(SongElement previousElement, SongElement element) { return previousElement != null && previousElement.getType() != SongElementEnum.COPYRIGHT && element.getType() == SongElementEnum.COPYRIGHT; } private void appendText(String string, String type) { try { int offset = document.getLength(); // add style only if type is anything apart from NEW_LINE AttributeSet style = SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY; if (type != null && type != { style = document.getStyle(type); } document.insertString(offset, string, style); } catch (BadLocationException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("could not insert text into document", e); } } private Style addStyleFromFont(String styleName, Font font) { return addStyle(styleName, font.isItalic(), font.isBold(), font.getFamily(), font.getSize()); } private Style addStyle(String styleName, boolean italic, boolean bold, String fontFamily, int fontSize) { Style style = document.addStyle(styleName, DEFAULT_STYLE); StyleConstants.setItalic(style, italic); StyleConstants.setBold(style, bold); StyleConstants.setFontFamily(style, fontFamily); StyleConstants.setFontSize(style, fontSize); return style; } @Override public List<AddressablePart> getParts() { Validate.notNull(parts, "the song parts are not initialized"); return parts; } @Override public void moveToPart(Integer part) { Validate.notNull(parts, "the song parts are not initialized"); adjustHeightIfNecessary(); try { AddressablePart addressablePart = parts.get(part); Validate.notNull(addressablePart, "part index does not correspond to a part of the song"); Rectangle target = text.modelToView(addressablePart.getPosition()); animatedMoveTo(new Point(text.getLocation().x, topMargin - target.y)); } catch (BadLocationException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("could not identify position in text", e); } } @Override public void moveToLine(Integer part, Integer line) { Validate.notNull(parts, "the song parts are not initialized"); adjustHeightIfNecessary(); try { AddressablePart addressablePart = parts.get(part); Validate.notNull(addressablePart, "part index does not correspond to a part of the song"); AddressableLine addressableLine = addressablePart.get(line); Validate.notNull(addressableLine, "line index does not correspond to a line of the addressed part"); Rectangle target = text.modelToView(addressableLine.getPosition()); animatedMoveTo(new Point(text.getLocation().x, topMargin - target.y)); } catch (BadLocationException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("could not identify position in text", e); } } private void animatedMoveTo(Point targetLocation) { if (animator != null && animator.isRunning() && animatorTarget != null && animatorTarget.equals(targetLocation)) { // animator is already moving the song text to the requested location return; } else { animatorTarget = targetLocation; } if (animator != null && animator.isRunning()) { animator.stop(); // discard old animator because it takes too long to let it stop completely animator = null; } animator = createAnimator(); TimingTargetAdapter target = PropertySetter.getTargetTo(text, "location", new AccelerationInterpolator(0.5, 0.5), targetLocation); animator.addTarget(target); animator.start(); } private Animator createAnimator() { return new Animator.Builder().setDuration(1200, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).build(); } private void adjustHeightIfNecessary() { // adjust height to meet at least the required value so that all text is visible if (text.getSize().height < text.getPreferredSize().height) { text.setSize(text.getSize().width, text.getPreferredSize().height); } } public static class Builder { private Song song; private Boolean showTitle; private Boolean showChords; private Font titleFont; private Font lyricsFont; private Font translationFont; private Font copyrightFont; private Integer topMargin; private Integer leftMargin; private Integer rightMargin; private Integer bottomMargin; private Integer titleLyricsDistance; private Integer lyricsCopyrightDistance; private Color foregroundColor; private Color backgroundColor; public Builder(Song song) { = song; } public Builder showTitle(Boolean bool) { this.showTitle = bool; return this; } public Builder showChords(Boolean bool) { this.showChords = bool; return this; } public Builder titleFont(Font font) { this.titleFont = font; return this; } public Builder lyricsFont(Font font) { this.lyricsFont = font; return this; } public Builder translationFont(Font font) { this.translationFont = font; return this; } public Builder copyrightFont(Font font) { this.copyrightFont = font; return this; } public Builder topMargin(Integer pixels) { this.topMargin = pixels; return this; } public Builder leftMargin(Integer pixels) { this.leftMargin = pixels; return this; } public Builder rightMargin(Integer pixels) { this.rightMargin = pixels; return this; } public Builder bottomMargin(Integer pixels) { this.bottomMargin = pixels; return this; } public Builder titleLyricsDistance(Integer pixels) { this.titleLyricsDistance = pixels; return this; } public Builder lyricsCopyrightDistance(Integer pixels) { this.lyricsCopyrightDistance = pixels; return this; } public Builder foregroundColor(Color color) { this.foregroundColor = color; return this; } public Builder backgroundColor(Color color) { this.backgroundColor = color; return this; } public SongView build() { // make sure every variable was initialized if (song == null || showTitle == null || showChords == null || titleFont == null || lyricsFont == null || translationFont == null || copyrightFont == null || topMargin == null || leftMargin == null || rightMargin == null || bottomMargin == null || titleLyricsDistance == null || lyricsCopyrightDistance == null || foregroundColor == null || backgroundColor == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("not every builder method was called with a non-null value"); } return new SongView(this); } } }