Java tutorial
/***************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) Zenoss, Inc. 2013, all rights reserved. * * This content is made available according to terms specified in * License.zenoss under the directory where your Zenoss product is installed. * ****************************************************************************/ package org.zenoss.zep.dao.impl; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import; import org.zenoss.zep.ZepException; import org.zenoss.zep.dao.FlapTrackerDao; import org.zenoss.zep.impl.FlapTracker; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; public class FlapTrackerDaoImpl implements FlapTrackerDao { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FlapTrackerDaoImpl.class); private final String REDIS_FLAP_KEY = "zenoss_event_flapping"; @Autowired private StringRedisTemplate template = null; private String createKey(String clearFingerPrintHash) { return REDIS_FLAP_KEY + clearFingerPrintHash; } @Override public FlapTracker getFlapTrackerByClearFingerprintHash(String clearFingerPrintHash) throws ZepException { String result; try { result = template.opsForValue().get(createKey(clearFingerPrintHash)); } catch (RedisConnectionFailureException e) { throw new ZepException(e); } if (result != null) { // return existing flap tracker logger.debug("String gotten back from redis " + result); return FlapTracker.buildFromString(result); } // there is no tracker for this guy yet return new FlapTracker(); } @Override public void persistTracker(String clearFingerprintHash, FlapTracker tracker, long timeToKeep) throws ZepException { logger.debug("Setting string key {} value {}", createKey(clearFingerprintHash), tracker.convertToString()); try { template.opsForValue().set(createKey(clearFingerprintHash), tracker.convertToString(), timeToKeep, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (RedisConnectionFailureException e) { throw new ZepException(e); } } }