Java tutorial
/* * Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) and its related class files. * * ZAP is an HTTP/HTTPS proxy for assessing web application security. * * Copyright 2014 The ZAP Development Team * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.zaproxy.zap.extension.zest; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.EventQueue; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.script.ScriptEngine; import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JToggleButton; import javax.swing.JToolBar; import net.htmlparser.jericho.Source; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.URI; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.mozilla.zest.core.v1.ZestActionFail; import org.mozilla.zest.core.v1.ZestAssertion; import org.mozilla.zest.core.v1.ZestAssignFieldValue; import org.mozilla.zest.core.v1.ZestClientElementClick; import org.mozilla.zest.core.v1.ZestClientElementSendKeys; import org.mozilla.zest.core.v1.ZestClientLaunch; import org.mozilla.zest.core.v1.ZestClientWindowHandle; import org.mozilla.zest.core.v1.ZestConditional; import org.mozilla.zest.core.v1.ZestContainer; import org.mozilla.zest.core.v1.ZestElement; import org.mozilla.zest.core.v1.ZestExpression; import org.mozilla.zest.core.v1.ZestExpressionLength; import org.mozilla.zest.core.v1.ZestExpressionStatusCode; import org.mozilla.zest.core.v1.ZestFieldDefinition; import org.mozilla.zest.core.v1.ZestLoop; import org.mozilla.zest.core.v1.ZestRequest; import org.mozilla.zest.core.v1.ZestResponse; import org.mozilla.zest.core.v1.ZestScript; import org.mozilla.zest.core.v1.ZestStatement; import org.mozilla.zest.core.v1.ZestStructuredExpression; import org.mozilla.zest.core.v1.ZestVariables; import org.mozilla.zest.impl.ZestScriptEngineFactory; import org.parosproxy.paros.Constant; import org.parosproxy.paros.control.Control; import org.parosproxy.paros.control.Control.Mode; import org.parosproxy.paros.core.proxy.ProxyListener; import org.parosproxy.paros.core.scanner.Alert; import org.parosproxy.paros.extension.Extension; import org.parosproxy.paros.extension.ExtensionAdaptor; import org.parosproxy.paros.extension.ExtensionHook; import org.parosproxy.paros.extension.SessionChangedListener; import org.parosproxy.paros.model.Session; import org.parosproxy.paros.model.SiteNode; import; import org.parosproxy.paros.view.View; import org.zaproxy.zap.control.AddOn; import org.zaproxy.zap.extension.anticsrf.AntiCsrfToken; import org.zaproxy.zap.extension.anticsrf.ExtensionAntiCSRF; import org.zaproxy.zap.extension.httppanel.Message; import org.zaproxy.zap.extension.pscan.ExtensionPassiveScan; import org.zaproxy.zap.extension.script.ExtensionScript; import org.zaproxy.zap.extension.script.ScriptEngineWrapper; import org.zaproxy.zap.extension.script.ScriptEventListener; import org.zaproxy.zap.extension.script.ScriptNode; import org.zaproxy.zap.extension.script.ScriptType; import org.zaproxy.zap.extension.script.ScriptWrapper; import org.zaproxy.zap.extension.zest.ZestResultsTableModel.ZestResultsTableEntry; import org.zaproxy.zap.extension.zest.dialogs.ZestDialogManager; import; import org.zaproxy.zap.view.ZapToggleButton; public class ExtensionZest extends ExtensionAdaptor implements ProxyListener, ScriptEventListener { public static final String NAME = "ExtensionZest"; public static final ImageIcon ZEST_ICON = new ImageIcon( ExtensionZest.class.getResource("/org/zaproxy/zap/extension/zest/resources/icons/fruit-orange.png")); private static final ImageIcon RECORD_OFF_ICON = new ImageIcon( ExtensionZest.class.getResource("/org/zaproxy/zap/extension/zest/resources/icons/cassette.png")); private static final ImageIcon RECORD_ON_ICON = new ImageIcon( ExtensionZest.class.getResource("/org/zaproxy/zap/extension/zest/resources/icons/cassette-red.png")); public static final String HTTP_HEADER_X_SECURITY_PROXY = "X-Security-Proxy"; public static final String VALUE_RECORD = "record"; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ExtensionZest.class); private static final List<Class<? extends Extension>> EXTENSION_DEPENDENCIES; private ZestParam param = null; private OptionsZestPanel optionsZestPanel = null; private ZestResultsPanel zestResultsPanel = null; private ZapToggleButton recordButton = null; private JToolBar.Separator toolbarSeparator; private ZestTreeModel zestTreeModel = null; private ZestDialogManager dialogManager = null; private ZestEngineWrapper zestEngineWrapper = null; private ZestScriptEngineFactory zestEngineFactory = null; private ExtensionScript extScript = null; private ExtensionAntiCSRF extAcsrf = null; private ZestScript lastRunScript = null; private HttpMessage lastSelectedMessage = null; private Map<String, String> acsrfTokenToVar = new HashMap<String, String>(); private ZestFuzzerDelegate fuzzerMessenger = null; private ScriptNode scriptNodeRecording = null; // Cut-n-paste stuff private List<ScriptNode> cnpNodes = null; private boolean cutNodes = false; // Client side recording private Map<String, String> clientUrlToWindowHandle = new HashMap<String, String>(); private String startRecordingUrl = null; private int recordingWinId = 0; private ScriptNode recordingNode = null; static { List<Class<? extends Extension>> dependencies = new ArrayList<>(1); dependencies.add(ExtensionScript.class); EXTENSION_DEPENDENCIES = Collections.unmodifiableList(dependencies); } public ExtensionZest() { super(NAME); this.setOrder(73); // Almost looks like ZE ;) } @Override public void hook(ExtensionHook extensionHook) { super.hook(extensionHook); extensionHook.addOptionsParamSet(getParam()); if (getView() != null) { extensionHook.addProxyListener(this); extensionHook.addSessionListener(new ViewSessionChangedListener()); extensionHook.getHookView().addStatusPanel(this.getZestResultsPanel()); extensionHook.getHookView().addOptionPanel(getOptionsPanel()); this.dialogManager = new ZestDialogManager(this, this.getExtScript().getScriptUI()); new ZestMenuManager(this, extensionHook); View.getSingleton().addMainToolbarButton(getRecordButton()); View.getSingleton().addMainToolbarSeparator(getToolbarSeparator()); if (getExtScript().getScriptUI() != null) { ZestTreeTransferHandler th = new ZestTreeTransferHandler(this); getExtScript().getScriptUI().addScriptTreeTransferHandler(ZestElementWrapper.class, th); } } List<Path> defaultTemplates = getDefaultTemplates(); ScriptEngineManager mgr = new ScriptEngineManager(); ScriptEngine se = mgr.getEngineByName(ZestScriptEngineFactory.NAME); if (se != null) { // Looks like this only works if the Zest lib is in the top level // lib directory this.zestEngineFactory = (ZestScriptEngineFactory) se.getFactory(); } else { // Needed for when the Zest lib is in an add-on (usual case) this.zestEngineFactory = new ZestScriptEngineFactory(); se = zestEngineFactory.getScriptEngine(); } zestEngineWrapper = new ZestEngineWrapper(se, defaultTemplates); this.getExtScript().registerScriptEngineWrapper(zestEngineWrapper); this.getExtScript().addListener(this); if (this.getExtScript().getScriptUI() != null) { ZestTreeCellRenderer renderer = new ZestTreeCellRenderer(); this.getExtScript().getScriptUI().addRenderer(ZestElementWrapper.class, renderer); this.getExtScript().getScriptUI().addRenderer(ZestScriptWrapper.class, renderer); this.getExtScript().getScriptUI().disableScriptDialog(ZestScriptWrapper.class); } } private List<Path> getDefaultTemplates() { AddOn addOn = getAddOn(); if (addOn == null) { // Probably running from source... return Collections.emptyList(); } List<String> files = addOn.getFiles(); if (files == null || files.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } ArrayList<Path> defaultTemplates = new ArrayList<>(files.size()); Path zapHome = Paths.get(Constant.getZapHome()); for (String file : files) { if (file.startsWith(ExtensionScript.TEMPLATES_DIR)) { defaultTemplates.add(zapHome.resolve(file)); } } defaultTemplates.trimToSize(); return defaultTemplates; } public boolean isPlugNHackInstalled() { return Control.getSingleton().getExtensionLoader().getExtension("ExtensionPlugNHack") != null; } public void recordClientScript(String url) { Extension extPnh = Control.getSingleton().getExtensionLoader().getExtension("ExtensionPlugNHack"); if (extPnh != null) { Method method = null; try { URI uri = new URI(url, true); startClientRecording(url); method = extPnh.getClass().getMethod("launchAndRecordClient", URI.class); method.invoke(extPnh, uri); } catch (Exception e) { // Its an older version, so just dont try to use it e.printStackTrace(); } } } protected ZestScriptEngineFactory getZestScriptEngineFactory() { return this.zestEngineFactory; } public ZestFuzzerDelegate getFuzzerDelegate() { if (fuzzerMessenger == null) { fuzzerMessenger = new ZestFuzzerDelegate(); } return fuzzerMessenger; } @Override public void optionsLoaded() { if (getView() == null || EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) { // Convert scripts loaded on start into real Zest scripts for (ScriptType type : this.getExtScript().getScriptTypes()) { for (ScriptWrapper script : this.getExtScript().getScripts(type)) { if (ZestScriptEngineFactory.NAME.equals(script.getEngineName())) { this.scriptAdded(script, false); } } } } else { EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { optionsLoaded(); } }); } } public ZestEngineWrapper getZestEngineWrapper() { return zestEngineWrapper; } @Override public boolean canUnload() { return true; } @Override public void unload() { if (getView() != null) { View view = View.getSingleton(); view.removeMainToolbarButton(getRecordButton()); view.removeMainToolbarSeparator(getToolbarSeparator()); dialogManager.unload(); } // Convert zest scripts into "plain" scripts for (ScriptType type : this.getExtScript().getScriptTypes()) { for (ScriptWrapper script : this.getExtScript().getScripts(type)) { if (script.getEngineName().equals(ZestScriptEngineFactory.NAME)) { ScriptNode node = this.getExtScript().getTreeModel().getNodeForScript(script); if (script instanceof ZestScriptWrapper) { ZestScriptWrapper zsw = (ZestScriptWrapper) script; ScriptWrapper original = zsw.getOriginal(); original.setEngine(zsw.getEngine()); original.setEnabled(zsw.isEnabled()); original.setFile(zsw.getFile()); original.setLoadOnStart(zsw.isLoadOnStart()); original.setContents(zsw.getContents()); original.setChanged(zsw.isChanged()); node.setUserObject(original); node.removeAllChildren(); this.getExtScript().getTreeModel().nodeStructureChanged(node); } } } } if (this.getExtScript().getScriptUI() != null) { this.getExtScript().getScriptUI().removeScriptTreeTransferHandler(ZestScriptWrapper.class); this.getExtScript().getScriptUI().removeScriptTreeTransferHandler(ZestElementWrapper.class); this.getExtScript().getScriptUI().removeRenderer(ZestElementWrapper.class); this.getExtScript().getScriptUI().removeRenderer(ZestScriptWrapper.class); this.getExtScript().getScriptUI().removeDisableScriptDialog(ZestScriptWrapper.class); } getExtScript().removeListener(this); getExtScript().removeScriptEngineWrapper(zestEngineWrapper); super.unload(); } public ExtensionScript getExtScript() { if (extScript == null) { extScript = (ExtensionScript) Control.getSingleton().getExtensionLoader() .getExtension(ExtensionScript.NAME); } return extScript; } public ExtensionAntiCSRF getExtACSRF() { if (extAcsrf == null) { extAcsrf = (ExtensionAntiCSRF) Control.getSingleton().getExtensionLoader() .getExtension(ExtensionAntiCSRF.NAME); } return extAcsrf; } public ZestDialogManager getDialogManager() { return dialogManager; } private ZestResultsPanel getZestResultsPanel() { if (zestResultsPanel == null) { zestResultsPanel = new ZestResultsPanel(this); } return zestResultsPanel; } public ZestTreeModel getZestTreeModel() { if (zestTreeModel == null && getExtScript() != null) { zestTreeModel = new ZestTreeModel(this.getExtScript().getTreeModel()); } return zestTreeModel; } private JToggleButton getRecordButton() { if (recordButton == null) { recordButton = new ZapToggleButton(); recordButton.setIcon(RECORD_OFF_ICON); recordButton.setSelectedIcon(RECORD_ON_ICON); recordButton.setToolTipText(Constant.messages.getString("")); recordButton.setSelectedToolTipText(Constant.messages.getString("zest.toolbar.button.record.on")); recordButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (recordButton.isSelected()) { getDialogManager().showZestRecordScriptDialog(null); } else { cancelScriptRecording(); } } }); } return recordButton; } private JToolBar.Separator getToolbarSeparator() { if (toolbarSeparator == null) { toolbarSeparator = new JToolBar.Separator(); } return toolbarSeparator; } public void cancelScriptRecording() { if (scriptNodeRecording != null) { // Turn recording off for the 'current' script being recording getZestTreeModel().getScriptWrapper(scriptNodeRecording).setRecording(false); getZestTreeModel().nodeChanged(scriptNodeRecording); scriptNodeRecording = null; } recordingNode = null; getRecordButton().setSelected(false); } public void setRecording(ScriptNode node, boolean record) { if (node != null && node.getUserObject() instanceof ZestScriptWrapper) { ZestScriptWrapper script = (ZestScriptWrapper) node.getUserObject(); script.setRecording(record); getZestTreeModel().nodeChanged(node); if (node.equals(scriptNodeRecording)) { // User has cancelled the recording via the right click option, // keep the button in step cancelScriptRecording(); } } } public void redact(ScriptNode node, String replace, String replaceWith, boolean recurse) { if (ZestZapUtils.getElement(node) instanceof ZestRequest) { ZestRequest request = (ZestRequest) ZestZapUtils.getElement(node); this.replaceInResponse(request, replace, replaceWith); this.updated(node); } if (recurse) { for (int i = 0; i < node.getChildCount(); i++) { this.redact((ScriptNode) node.getChildAt(i), replace, replaceWith, true); } } // Good chance the current response has been changed this.refreshMessage(); } public void perameterize(ZestScriptWrapper script, ScriptNode node, ZestRequest request, String replace, String token, boolean replaceInCurrent, boolean replaceInAdded) { script.getZestScript().getParameters().addVariable(token, replace); token = script.getZestScript().getParameters().getTokenStart() + token + script.getZestScript().getParameters().getTokenEnd(); if (replaceInCurrent) { ZestStatement stmt = script.getZestScript().getNext(); while (stmt != null) { if (stmt instanceof ZestRequest) { this.replaceInRequest((ZestRequest) stmt, replace, token); } stmt = stmt.getNext(); } // All nodes could have changed this.refreshNode(this.getZestTreeModel().getScriptWrapperNode(node)); } else { this.replaceInRequest(request, replace, token); this.updated(node); } if (replaceInAdded) { // TODO support tokens in added reqs } // Good chance the current response has been changed if (View.isInitialised()) { this.refreshMessage(); // Show scripts dialog, selecting the Parameters tab this.dialogManager.showZestEditScriptDialog(node, script, false, 1); } } private void replaceInResponse(ZestRequest request, String replace, String replaceWith) { ZestResponse resp = request.getResponse(); if (resp != null) { request.setResponse(new ZestResponse(request.getUrl(), resp.getHeaders().replace(replace, replaceWith), resp.getBody().replace(replace, replaceWith), +resp.getStatusCode(), resp.getResponseTimeInMs())); } } private void replaceInRequest(ZestRequest request, String replace, String replaceWith) { ZestResponse resp = request.getResponse(); if (resp != null) { request.setUrlToken(request.getUrl().toString().replace(replace, replaceWith)); request.setHeaders(request.getHeaders().replace(replace, replaceWith)); request.setData(request.getData().replace(replace, replaceWith)); } } @Override public String getAuthor() { return Constant.ZAP_TEAM; } @Override public String getDescription() { return Constant.messages.getString("zest.desc"); } @Override public URL getURL() { try { return new URL(Constant.ZAP_HOMEPAGE); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { return null; } } public ScriptNode add(ZestScriptWrapper script, boolean display) { logger.debug("add script " + script.getName()); ScriptNode node = this.getExtScript().addScript(script, display); this.display(script, node, true); if (script.isRecording()) { scriptNodeRecording = node; // OK, I admit I dont know why this line is required .. but it is ;) ((ZestScriptWrapper) node.getUserObject()).setRecording(true); getZestTreeModel().nodeChanged(scriptNodeRecording); } return node; } public void display(ZestScriptWrapper script, ScriptNode node, boolean expand) { if (View.isInitialised() && this.getExtScript().getScriptUI() != null) { this.getExtScript().getScriptUI().selectNode(node, expand); this.getExtScript().getScriptUI().displayScript(script); } } public void display(ScriptNode node, boolean expand) { if (node == null) { return; } logger.debug("Display node=" + node.getNodeName() + " expand=" + expand); if (View.isInitialised() && this.getExtScript().getScriptUI() != null) { this.getExtScript().getScriptUI().displayScript(this.getZestTreeModel().getScriptWrapper(node)); this.getExtScript().getScriptUI().selectNode(node, expand); } } public void updated(ScriptNode node) { if (node == null) { return; } logger.debug("Updated node=" + node.getNodeName()); this.getZestTreeModel().update(node); ZestScriptWrapper sw = this.getZestTreeModel().getScriptWrapper(node); sw.setChanged(true); if (this.getExtScript().getScriptUI() != null && this.getExtScript().getScriptUI().isScriptDisplayed(sw)) { // We need to do this to prevent the UI slating any changes this.getExtScript().getScriptUI().displayScript(sw); } } public List<ScriptNode> getAllZestScriptNodes() { List<ScriptNode> list = new ArrayList<ScriptNode>(); for (ScriptType type : this.getExtScript().getScriptTypes()) { for (ScriptNode node : this.getExtScript().getTreeModel().getNodes(type.getName())) { if (ZestZapUtils.isZestNode(node)) { list.add(node); } } } return Collections.unmodifiableList(list); } public List<ScriptNode> getZestScriptNodes(String type) { List<ScriptNode> list = new ArrayList<ScriptNode>(); for (ScriptNode node : this.getExtScript().getTreeModel().getNodes(type)) { if (ZestZapUtils.isZestNode(node)) { list.add(node); } } return Collections.unmodifiableList(list); } public List<ScriptNode> getZestScriptNodesWithCapability(String capability) { List<ScriptNode> scriptNodes = new ArrayList<>(); for (ScriptType scriptType : getExtScript().getScriptTypes()) { if (scriptType.hasCapability(capability)) { for (ScriptNode node : getZestScriptNodes(scriptType.getName())) { scriptNodes.add(node); } } } return Collections.unmodifiableList(scriptNodes); } public List<ScriptWrapper> getZestScripts(String type) { List<ScriptWrapper> list = new ArrayList<ScriptWrapper>(); for (ScriptWrapper sw : this.getExtScript().getScripts(type)) { if (sw.getEngineName().equals(ZestScriptEngineFactory.NAME)) { list.add(sw); } } return Collections.unmodifiableList(list); } public void addToParent(ScriptNode parent, SiteNode sn, String prefix) { try { this.addToParent(parent, sn.getHistoryReference().getHttpMessage(), prefix); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } public void addToParent(ScriptNode parent, HttpMessage msg, String prefix) { if (parent == null) { // They're gone for the 'new script' option... logger.debug("addToParent parent=null msg=" + msg.getRequestHeader().getURI()); this.dialogManager.showZestEditScriptDialog(null, null, prefix, true); if (msg != null) { this.dialogManager.addDeferedMessage(msg); } } else { logger.debug("addToParent parent=" + parent.getNodeName() + " msg=" + msg.getRequestHeader().getURI()); try { ZestRequest req = ZestZapUtils.toZestRequest(msg, false, this.getParam()); ZestScriptWrapper zsw = this.getZestTreeModel().getScriptWrapper(parent); ZestScript script = zsw.getZestScript(); ZestElement parentZe = ZestZapUtils.getElement(parent); if (parentZe instanceof ZestScript) { script.add(req); } else if (parentZe instanceof ZestConditional) { if (ZestZapUtils.getShadowLevel(parent) == 2) { ((ZestConditional) ZestZapUtils.getElement(parent)).addElse(req); } else { ((ZestConditional) ZestZapUtils.getElement(parent)).addIf(req); } } else if (parentZe instanceof ZestLoop<?>) { ((ZestLoop<?>) ZestZapUtils.getElement(parent)).addStatement(req); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unexpected parent node: " + parentZe.getElementType() + " " + parent.getNodeName()); } if (zsw.isIncStatusCodeAssertion()) { req.addAssertion(new ZestAssertion( new ZestExpressionStatusCode(msg.getResponseHeader().getStatusCode()))); } if (zsw.isIncLengthAssertion()) { req.addAssertion(new ZestAssertion(new ZestExpressionLength(ZestVariables.RESPONSE_BODY, getResponseBodyLength(msg), zsw.getLengthApprox()))); } if (getExtACSRF() != null) { // Identify and CSRF tokens being used List<AntiCsrfToken> acsrfTokens = getExtACSRF().getTokens(msg); for (AntiCsrfToken acsrf : acsrfTokens) { String var = acsrfTokenToVar.get(acsrf.getValue()); if (var != null) { logger.debug("Replacing ACSRF value " + acsrf.getValue() + " with variable " + var); this.replaceInRequest(req, acsrf.getValue(), script.getParameters().getTokenStart() + var + script.getParameters().getTokenEnd()); } } } // Update tree ScriptNode reqNode = this.getZestTreeModel().addToNode(parent, req); if (getExtACSRF() != null) { // Create assignments for any ACSRF tokens Source src = new Source(msg.getResponseBody().toString()); List<AntiCsrfToken> acsrfTokens = getExtACSRF().getTokensFromResponse(msg, src); for (AntiCsrfToken acsrf : acsrfTokens) { ZestAssignFieldValue zafv = new ZestAssignFieldValue(); int id = 1; Set<String> names = script.getVariableNames(); while (names.contains("csrf" + id)) { id++; } zafv.setVariableName("csrf" + id); ZestFieldDefinition fd = new ZestFieldDefinition(); fd.setFormIndex(acsrf.getFormIndex()); fd.setFieldName(acsrf.getName()); // Record mapping of value to variable name for later // replacement logger.debug("Recording ACSRF value " + acsrf.getValue() + " against variable " + zafv.getVariableName()); acsrfTokenToVar.put(acsrf.getValue(), zafv.getVariableName()); zafv.setFieldDefinition(fd); this.addToParent(parent, zafv); } } this.updated(reqNode); this.display(reqNode, false); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } private static int getResponseBodyLength(HttpMessage message) { // The following code mimics the behaviour of HttpMethodBase.getResponseBodyAsString() which // is the method used by the // Zest engine to obtain the response body after sending a request. byte[] body = message.getResponseBody().getBytes(); String charset = message.getResponseHeader().getCharset(); if (charset == null) { charset =; } try { return new String(body, charset).length(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return new String(body).length(); } } public void addToRequest(ScriptNode node, ZestRequest req, ZestAssertion assertion) { req.addAssertion(assertion); if (node != null) { ScriptNode child = this.getZestTreeModel().addToNode(node, assertion); this.updated(child); this.display(child, false); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Failed to find ZestRequest in tree " + ZestZapUtils.toUiString(req)); } } private ScriptNode addAfterRequest(ZestScript script, ScriptNode parentNode, ScriptNode childNode, ZestStatement existingChild, ZestStatement newChild) { script.add(script.getIndex(existingChild) + 1, newChild); ScriptNode child = this.getZestTreeModel().addAfterNode(parentNode, childNode, newChild); this.updated(child); this.display(child, false); return child; } private ScriptNode addBeforeRequest(ZestScript script, ScriptNode parentNode, ScriptNode childNode, ZestStatement existingChild, ZestStatement newChild) { script.add(script.getIndex(existingChild), newChild); ScriptNode child = this.getZestTreeModel().addBeforeNode(parentNode, childNode, newChild); this.updated(child); this.display(child, false); return child; } public final ScriptNode addToParent(ScriptNode parent, ZestExpression newExp) { logger.debug("addToParent parent=" + parent.getNodeName() + " new=" + newExp.toString()); ScriptNode node; ZestElement parentZe = ZestZapUtils.getElement(parent); if (parentZe instanceof ZestConditional) { ZestConditional pzc = (ZestConditional) parentZe; if (pzc.getRootExpression() != null) { this.delete((ScriptNode) parent.getChildAt(0)); } pzc.setRootExpression(newExp); // removes the previous root // expression! node = this.getZestTreeModel().addToNode(parent, newExp); this.updated(parent); this.display(parent, true); } else if (parentZe instanceof ZestStructuredExpression) { ZestStructuredExpression pzse = (ZestStructuredExpression) parentZe; pzse.addChildCondition(newExp); node = this.getZestTreeModel().addToNode(parent, newExp); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected parent node: " + ZestZapUtils.getElement(parent).getElementType() + " ==> " + parent.getNodeName()); } this.updated(node); this.display(node, true); return node; } public final ScriptNode addToParent(ScriptNode parent, ZestStatement newChild) { return this.addToParent(parent, newChild, true); } public final ScriptNode addToParent(ScriptNode parent, ZestStatement newChild, boolean display) { logger.debug("addToParent parent=" + parent.getNodeName() + " new=" + newChild.getElementType()); ScriptNode node; ZestElement parentElement = ZestZapUtils.getElement(parent); if (parentElement instanceof ZestScript) { ZestScript zc = (ZestScript) parentElement; zc.add(newChild); node = this.getZestTreeModel().addToNode(parent, newChild); } else if (parentElement instanceof ZestConditional) { if (ZestZapUtils.getShadowLevel(parent) == 0) { parent = (ScriptNode) parent.getParent().getChildAfter(parent); } ZestConditional zc = (ZestConditional) parentElement; if (ZestZapUtils.getShadowLevel(parent) == 2) { zc.addElse(newChild); } else { zc.addIf(newChild); } node = this.getZestTreeModel().addToNode(parent, newChild); } else if (parentElement instanceof ZestLoop<?>) { ZestLoop<?> zl = (ZestLoop<?>) parentElement; zl.addStatement(newChild); node = this.getZestTreeModel().addToNode(parent, newChild); } else if (parentElement instanceof ZestStatement) { node = this.getZestTreeModel().addAfterNode(parent.getParent(), parent, newChild); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unexpected parent node: " + parentElement + " " + parent.getNodeName()); } this.updated(node); if (display) { this.display(node, false); } return node; } public ScriptNode addAfterRequest(ScriptNode parent, ScriptNode childNode, ZestStatement existingChild, ZestStatement newChild) { logger.debug("addAfterRequest parent=" + parent.getNodeName() + " existing=" + existingChild.getElementType() + " new=" + newChild.getElementType()); if (ZestZapUtils.getElement(parent) instanceof ZestScript) { return this.addAfterRequest((ZestScript) ZestZapUtils.getElement(parent), parent, childNode, existingChild, newChild); } else if (ZestZapUtils.getElement(parent) instanceof ZestConditional) { ZestConditional zc = (ZestConditional) ZestZapUtils.getElement(parent); if (ZestZapUtils.getShadowLevel(parent) == 2) { zc.addElse(zc.getIndex(existingChild) + 1, newChild); } else { // cannot be non shadow zc.addIf(zc.getIndex(existingChild) + 1, newChild); } ScriptNode child = this.getZestTreeModel().addToNodeAt(parent, newChild, zc.getIndex(existingChild) + 1); this.updated(child); this.display(child, false); return child; } else if (ZestZapUtils.getElement(parent) instanceof ZestLoop<?>) { ZestLoop<?> zl = (ZestLoop<?>) ZestZapUtils.getElement(parent); zl.add(zl.getIndex(existingChild) + 1, newChild); ScriptNode child = this.getZestTreeModel().addToNodeAt(parent, newChild, zl.getIndex(existingChild) + 1); this.updated(child); this.display(child, false); return child; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unexpected parent node: " + ZestZapUtils.getElement(parent) + " " + parent.getNodeName()); } } public ScriptNode addBeforeRequest(ScriptNode parent, ScriptNode childNode, ZestStatement existingChild, ZestStatement newChild) { logger.debug("addAfterRequest parent=" + parent.getNodeName() + " existing=" + existingChild.getElementType() + " new=" + newChild.getElementType()); if (ZestZapUtils.getElement(parent) instanceof ZestScript) { return this.addBeforeRequest((ZestScript) ZestZapUtils.getElement(parent), parent, childNode, existingChild, newChild); } else if (ZestZapUtils.getElement(parent) instanceof ZestConditional) { ZestConditional zc = (ZestConditional) ZestZapUtils.getElement(parent); if (ZestZapUtils.getShadowLevel(parent) == 2) { zc.addElse(zc.getIndex(existingChild), newChild); } else { // cannot be non shadow zc.addIf(zc.getIndex(existingChild), newChild); } ScriptNode child = this.getZestTreeModel().addBeforeNode(parent, childNode, newChild); this.updated(child); this.display(child, false); return child; } else if (ZestZapUtils.getElement(parent) instanceof ZestLoop<?>) { ZestLoop<?> zl = (ZestLoop<?>) ZestZapUtils.getElement(parent); zl.add(zl.getIndex(existingChild), newChild); ScriptNode child = this.getZestTreeModel().addBeforeNode(parent, childNode, newChild); this.updated(child); this.display(child, false); return child; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unexpected parent node: " + ZestZapUtils.getElement(parent) + " " + parent.getNodeName()); } } public void notifyAlert(Alert alert) { if (View.isInitialised()) { int row = this.getZestResultsPanel().getModel().getIndex(alert.getMessage()); if (row >= 0) { ZestResultsTableEntry entry = this.getZestResultsPanel().getModel().getEntry(row); if (entry != null) { entry.setMessage(alert.getName()); entry.setPassed(false); this.getZestResultsPanel().getModel().fireTableRowsUpdated(row, row); } } } } public void notifyChanged(ZestResultWrapper lastResult) { if (View.isInitialised()) { try { int row = this.getZestResultsPanel().getModel().getIndex(lastResult.getHttpMessage()); if (row >= 0) { this.getZestResultsPanel().getModel().fireTableRowsUpdated(row, row); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } public void delete(ScriptNode node) { ScriptNode parent = node.getParent(); this.getZestTreeModel().delete(node); this.updated(parent); this.display(parent, true); } public void moveNodeUp(ScriptNode node) { ScriptNode prev = (ScriptNode) node.getPreviousSibling(); while (prev != null && ZestZapUtils.getShadowLevel(prev) > 0) { prev = (ScriptNode) prev.getPreviousSibling(); } if (prev == null) { return; } if (ZestZapUtils.getElement(node) instanceof ZestScript) { // Ignore } else if (ZestZapUtils.getElement(node) instanceof ZestStatement) { ZestStatement req = (ZestStatement) ZestZapUtils.getElement(node); ZestContainer parent = (ZestContainer) ZestZapUtils.getElement(node.getParent()); int index = parent.getIndex(req); parent.move(index - 1, req); this.getZestTreeModel().switchNodes(prev, node); if (View.isInitialised() && this.getExtScript().getScriptUI() != null) { this.getExtScript().getScriptUI().selectNode(node.getParent(), true); } this.updated(node); this.display(node, false); } else if (ZestZapUtils.getElement(node.getParent()) instanceof ZestRequest) { ZestRequest parent = (ZestRequest) ZestZapUtils.getElement(node.getParent()); parent.moveUp(ZestZapUtils.getElement(node)); this.getZestTreeModel().switchNodes(prev, node); if (View.isInitialised() && this.getExtScript().getScriptUI() != null) { this.getExtScript().getScriptUI().selectNode(node.getParent(), true); } this.updated(node); this.display(node, false); } } public void moveNodeDown(ScriptNode node) { ScriptNode next = (ScriptNode) node.getNextSibling(); while (next != null && ZestZapUtils.getShadowLevel(next) > 0) { next = (ScriptNode) next.getNextSibling(); } if (next == null) { logger.error("Cant move node down " + node.getNodeName()); return; } if (ZestZapUtils.getElement(node) instanceof ZestScript) { // Ignore } else if (ZestZapUtils.getElement(node) instanceof ZestStatement) { ZestStatement req = (ZestStatement) ZestZapUtils.getElement(node); ZestContainer parent = (ZestContainer) ZestZapUtils.getElement(node.getParent()); int index = parent.getIndex(req); parent.move(index + 1, req); this.getZestTreeModel().switchNodes(node, next); if (View.isInitialised() && this.getExtScript().getScriptUI() != null) { this.getExtScript().getScriptUI().selectNode(node.getParent(), true); } this.updated(node); this.display(node, false); } else if (ZestZapUtils.getElement(node.getParent()) instanceof ZestRequest) { ZestRequest parent = (ZestRequest) ZestZapUtils.getElement(node.getParent()); parent.moveUp(ZestZapUtils.getElement(node)); this.getZestTreeModel().switchNodes(node, next); if (View.isInitialised() && this.getExtScript().getScriptUI() != null) { this.getExtScript().getScriptUI().selectNode(node.getParent(), true); } this.updated(node); this.display(node, false); } } public boolean isSelectedZestOriginalRequestMessage(Message message) { if (message == null) { return false; } return View.getSingleton().getRequestPanel().getMessage() != null && View.getSingleton().getRequestPanel().getMessage().hashCode() == message.hashCode() && this.isSelectedMessage(message); } public boolean isSelectedZestOriginalResponseMessage(Message message) { if (message == null) { return false; } return View.getSingleton().getResponsePanel().getMessage() != null && View.getSingleton().getResponsePanel().getMessage().hashCode() == message.hashCode() && this.isSelectedMessage(message); } public ScriptNode getSelectedZestNode() { if (this.getExtScript().getScriptUI() == null) { return null; } if (ZestZapUtils.isZestNode(this.getExtScript().getScriptUI().getSelectedNode())) { return this.getExtScript().getScriptUI().getSelectedNode(); } return null; } public ZestElement getSelectedZestElement() { if (this.getExtScript().getScriptUI() == null) { return null; } return ZestZapUtils.getElement(this.getExtScript().getScriptUI().getSelectedNode()); } public List<ZestElement> getSelectedZestElements() { if (this.getExtScript().getScriptUI() == null) { return null; } List<ScriptNode> nodes = this.getExtScript().getScriptUI().getSelectedNodes(); LinkedList<ZestElement> elems = new LinkedList<>(); for (ScriptNode node : nodes) { elems.add(ZestZapUtils.getElement(node)); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(elems); } public boolean isSelectedZestRequestMessage(Message message) { if (message == null) { return false; } return View.getSingleton().getRequestPanel().getMessage() != null && View.getSingleton().getRequestPanel().getMessage().hashCode() == message.hashCode() && this.getZestResultsPanel().isSelectedMessage(message); } public boolean isSelectedZestResponseMessage(Message message) { if (message == null) { return false; } return View.getSingleton().getResponsePanel().getMessage() != null && View.getSingleton().getResponsePanel().getMessage().hashCode() == message.hashCode() && this.getZestResultsPanel().isSelectedMessage(message); } public boolean isScriptTree(Component component) { return this.getExtScript().getScriptUI() != null && component != null && this.getExtScript().getScriptUI().getTreeName().equals(component.getName()); } @Override public int getArrangeableListenerOrder() { return 0; } @Override public boolean onHttpRequestSend(HttpMessage msg) { return true; } private ScriptNode getDefaultStandAloneScript() { ScriptNode node = this.getSelectedZestNode(); if (node != null) { // Theres a selected Zest node, is it a standalone one? ZestScriptWrapper script = this.getZestTreeModel().getScriptWrapper(node); if (script != null && ExtensionScript.TYPE_STANDALONE.equals(script.getTypeName())) { // right type, use if or the script if its not a container if (ZestZapUtils.getElement(node) instanceof ZestContainer) { return node; } else { return this.getZestTreeModel().getScriptWrapperNode(node); } } } // Is there already a default standalone Zest script for (ScriptNode zn : this.getZestScriptNodes(ExtensionScript.TYPE_STANDALONE)) { if (this.zestTreeModel.getScriptWrapper(zn).getName() .equals(Constant.messages.getString("zest.targeted.script.default"))) { return zn; } } // No, create one ScriptWrapper sw = new ScriptWrapper(); sw.setName(Constant.messages.getString("zest.targeted.script.default")); sw.setEngine(this.getZestEngineWrapper()); sw.setEngineName(ZestScriptEngineFactory.NAME); sw.setType(this.getExtScript().getScriptType(ExtensionScript.TYPE_STANDALONE)); ZestScriptWrapper script = new ZestScriptWrapper(sw); return this.add(script, false); } @Override public boolean onHttpResponseReceive(final HttpMessage msg) { String secProxyHeader = msg.getRequestHeader().getHeader(HTTP_HEADER_X_SECURITY_PROXY); if (secProxyHeader != null) { String[] vals = secProxyHeader.split(","); for (String val : vals) { if (VALUE_RECORD.equalsIgnoreCase(val.trim())) { // TODO check script prefix?? EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { addToParent(getRecordingNode(), msg, null); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } }); break; } } } for (final ScriptNode node : getZestScriptNodesWithCapability(ScriptType.CAPABILITY_APPEND)) { ZestScriptWrapper zsw = (ZestScriptWrapper) node.getUserObject(); if (zsw.isRecording()) { if (msg.getRequestHeader().getURI().toString().startsWith(zsw.getZestScript().getPrefix())) { EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { addToParent(node, msg, null); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } }); } } } return true; } public void setCnpNodes(List<ScriptNode> cnpNodes) { this.cnpNodes = cnpNodes; } public void setCut(boolean cut) { this.cutNodes = cut; } private void pasteExpressionsToNode(ScriptNode parent) { for (int i = 0; i < cnpNodes.size(); i++) { this.addToParent(parent, (ZestExpression) ZestZapUtils.getElement(cnpNodes.get(i))); if (cutNodes) { this.delete(cnpNodes.get(i)); } } } public void pasteToNode(ScriptNode parent) { this.pasteToNode(parent, null); } public void pasteToNode(ScriptNode parent, ScriptNode afterChild) { this.pasteToNode(parent, this.cnpNodes, this.cutNodes, null, afterChild); } public void pasteToNode(ScriptNode parent, List<ScriptNode> cnpNodes, boolean cutNodes, ScriptNode beforeChild, ScriptNode afterChild) { if (cnpNodes != null && cnpNodes.size() > 0) { logger.debug("pasteToNode parent=" + parent.getNodeName() + " num children=" + cnpNodes.size() + " cut=" + cutNodes + " before=" + beforeChild + " after = " + afterChild); if (ZestZapUtils.getElement(cnpNodes.get(0)) instanceof ZestExpression) { pasteExpressionsToNode(parent); } else { ZestScriptWrapper script = this.getZestTreeModel().getScriptWrapper(parent); ScriptNode lastNode = null; for (int i = 0; i < cnpNodes.size(); i++) { ZestStatement stmt = ((ZestStatement) ZestZapUtils.getElement(cnpNodes.get(i))).deepCopy(); if (cutNodes) { this.delete(cnpNodes.get(i)); } if (ZestZapUtils.getShadowLevel(cnpNodes.get(i)) == 0 && (stmt.isPassive() || !ExtensionPassiveScan.SCRIPT_TYPE_PASSIVE.equals(script.getTypeName()))) { // Dont paste non passive statements into a passive script if (afterChild != null) { lastNode = this.addAfterRequest(parent, afterChild, (ZestStatement) ZestZapUtils.getElement(afterChild), stmt); // Dont want to reverse the order afterChild = lastNode; } else if (beforeChild != null) { lastNode = this.addBeforeRequest(parent, beforeChild, (ZestStatement) ZestZapUtils.getElement(beforeChild), stmt); // Deliberately using afterChild here so that subsequent nodes are added // after this one afterChild = lastNode; } else { lastNode = this.addToParent(parent, stmt); } } } refreshNode(parent); // refreshes the subtree starting from the parent // Display the last node, otherwise the parent will be displayed // if we've done a delete this.display(lastNode, false); } } } public void refreshNode(ScriptNode node) { if (node.isLeaf()) { return; } else { for (int i = 0; i < node.getChildCount(); i++) { this.getZestTreeModel().update((ScriptNode) node.getChildAt(i)); refreshNode((ScriptNode) node.getChildAt(i)); } } } private boolean canPasteIntoPassiveElement(ScriptNode node) { if (!(ZestZapUtils.getElement(node) instanceof ZestConditional) && !(ZestZapUtils.getElement(node) instanceof ZestActionFail)) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < node.getChildCount(); i++) { if (!canPasteIntoPassiveElement((ScriptNode) node.getChildAt(i))) { return false; } } if (node.getNextSibling() != null && ZestZapUtils.getShadowLevel((ScriptNode) node.getNextSibling()) > 0) { // The next nodes are shadow ones, eg a then or an else node - need // to check // these too while (ZestZapUtils.getShadowLevel((ScriptNode) node.getNextSibling()) > 0) { if (!canPasteIntoPassiveElement(((ScriptNode) node.getNextSibling()))) { return false; } node = (ScriptNode) node.getNextSibling(); } } return true; } public boolean canPasteNodesTo(ScriptNode node) { if (this.cnpNodes == null) { return false; } boolean isPassive = false; ZestScriptWrapper script = this.getZestTreeModel().getScriptWrapper(node); if (ExtensionPassiveScan.SCRIPT_TYPE_PASSIVE.equals(script.getType().getName())) { isPassive = true; } for (ScriptNode cnpNode : this.cnpNodes) { if (cnpNode.isNodeDescendant(node)) { // Cant paste into a descendant of one of the cut/copied nodes return false; } if (isPassive && !this.canPasteIntoPassiveElement(cnpNode)) { return false; } } return true; } protected void refreshMessage() { ZestElement ze = this.getSelectedZestElement(); if (ze != null && ze instanceof ZestRequest) { displayMessage((ZestRequest) ze); } else { clearMessage(); } } public void displayMessage(ZestRequest ze) { if (!View.isInitialised()) { return; } try { lastSelectedMessage = ZestZapUtils.toHttpMessage(ze, ze.getResponse()); if (lastSelectedMessage == null) { return; } View.getSingleton().displayMessage(lastSelectedMessage); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } private void clearMessage() { if (!View.isInitialised()) { return; } lastSelectedMessage = null; View.getSingleton().displayMessage(lastSelectedMessage); } public List<ScriptNode> getSelectedZestNodes() { List<ScriptNode> list = new ArrayList<ScriptNode>(); if (this.getExtScript().getScriptUI() == null) { return list; } for (ScriptNode node : this.getExtScript().getScriptUI().getSelectedNodes()) { if (ZestZapUtils.isZestNode(node)) { list.add(node); } } return Collections.unmodifiableList(list); } public void addResultToList(ZestResultWrapper href) { this.getZestResultsPanel().getModel().add(href); this.getZestResultsPanel().setTabFocus(); } public void failLastResult(Exception e) { int lastRow = this.getZestResultsPanel().getModel().getRowCount() - 1; ZestResultWrapper zrw = this.getZestResultsPanel().getModel().getHistoryReference(lastRow); zrw.setPassed(false); // TODO use toUiFailureString varient? // zrw.setMessage(ZestZapUtils.toUiFailureString(za, response)); zrw.setMessage(e.getMessage()); this.getZestResultsPanel().getModel().fireTableRowsUpdated(lastRow, lastRow); } public boolean isSelectedMessage(Message msg) { return lastSelectedMessage != null && lastSelectedMessage.equals(msg); } public void addMouseListener(MouseAdapter adapter) { } private void addWindowLaunch(ScriptNode node, String handle, String url) { ZestScriptWrapper sw = this.getZestTreeModel().getScriptWrapper(node); if (!sw.getZestScript().getClientWindowHandles().contains(handle)) { final ZestClientLaunch launch = new ZestClientLaunch(handle, "firefox", url); EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { addToParent(getRecordingNode(), launch); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } }); } } private void addWindowHandle(ScriptNode node, String handle, String url) { ZestScriptWrapper sw = this.getZestTreeModel().getScriptWrapper(node); if (!sw.getZestScript().getClientWindowHandles().contains(handle)) { final ZestClientWindowHandle winHandle = new ZestClientWindowHandle(handle, url, false); EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { addToParent(getRecordingNode(), winHandle); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } }); } } private String getWindowHandle(JSONObject clientMessage, ScriptNode node, String windowId, String url) { String windowHandle = this.clientUrlToWindowHandle.get(url); if (windowHandle != null) { return windowHandle; } windowHandle = "WIN-" + recordingWinId++; if (startRecordingUrl != null && startRecordingUrl.equals(url)) { this.addWindowLaunch(node, windowHandle, url); startRecordingUrl = null; } else { this.addWindowHandle(node, windowHandle, url); } this.clientUrlToWindowHandle.put(url, windowHandle); return windowHandle; } public void startClientRecording(String uri) { clientUrlToWindowHandle.clear(); startRecordingUrl = uri; recordingWinId = 0; // And turn off the recording button, at least for now this.getRecordButton().setSelected(false); } public void setRecordingNode(ScriptNode node) { recordingNode = node; } private ScriptNode getRecordingNode() { if (recordingNode != null) { return recordingNode; } return this.getDefaultStandAloneScript(); } public void clientMessageReceived(JSONObject clientMessage, String windowId, String url) { ZestStatement stmt = null; String windowHandle; final ScriptNode clientRecordingNode = getRecordingNode(); if (clientMessage.getString("type").equals("heartbeat")) { // If this is a new window, get a handle to it this.getWindowHandle(clientMessage, getRecordingNode(), windowId, url); return; } if (!clientMessage.containsKey("data")) { return; } try { String data = clientMessage.getString("data"); windowHandle = this.getWindowHandle(clientMessage, clientRecordingNode, windowId, url); if ("a click event happened!".equals(data)) { ZestClientElementClick clientStmt = new ZestClientElementClick(); clientStmt.setWindowHandle(windowHandle); clientStmt.setType("xpath"); clientStmt.setElement(clientMessage.getString("originalTargetPath")); stmt = clientStmt; } else if ("a keypress event happened!".equals(data)) { String element = clientMessage.getString("originalTargetPath"); String eventDataStr = clientMessage.getString("eventData"); JSONObject eventDataObj = JSONObject.fromObject(eventDataStr); String key = eventDataObj.getString("key"); boolean appended = false; if (key.length() > 1) { // Ignore all 'control' keys, at least initially logger.debug("Client recording, ignoring " + key); } else { if (getRecordingNode().getChildCount() > 0) { // We get key presses one at a time - try to combine them up where possible ScriptNode lastChild = (ScriptNode) clientRecordingNode.getLastChild(); ZestElement lastElement = ZestZapUtils.getElement(lastChild); if (lastElement != null && lastElement instanceof ZestClientElementSendKeys) { ZestClientElementSendKeys sk = (ZestClientElementSendKeys) lastElement; if (sk.getWindowHandle().equals(windowHandle) && sk.getType().equals("xpath") && sk.getElement().equals(element)) { sk.setValue(sk.getValue() + key); getZestTreeModel().nodeChanged(lastChild); this.refreshNode(clientRecordingNode); appended = true; } } } if (!appended) { ZestClientElementSendKeys sk = new ZestClientElementSendKeys(); sk.setWindowHandle(windowHandle); sk.setType("xpath"); sk.setElement(clientMessage.getString("originalTargetPath")); sk.setValue(key); stmt = sk; } } } } catch (Exception e1) { logger.error(e1.getMessage(), e1); } if (stmt != null) { final ZestStatement stmtFinal = stmt; EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { addToParent(clientRecordingNode, stmtFinal, false); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } }); } } /**/ @Override public void preInvoke(ScriptWrapper script) { ScriptEngineWrapper ewrap = this.getExtScript().getEngineWrapper(ZestScriptEngineFactory.NAME); if (ewrap == null) { logger.error("Failed to find engine Mozilla Zest"); } else if (script instanceof ZestScriptWrapper) { this.getZestScriptEngineFactory().setRunner(new ZestZapRunner(this, (ZestScriptWrapper) script)); clearResults(); this.lastRunScript = ((ZestScriptWrapper) script).getZestScript(); } } public void clearResults() { if (View.isInitialised()) { // Clear the previous results this.getZestResultsPanel().getModel().clear(); } } @Override public void refreshScript(ScriptWrapper script) { // Ignore } @Override public void scriptAdded(ScriptWrapper script, boolean display) { if (script.getEngineName().equals(ZestScriptEngineFactory.NAME)) { ScriptNode typeNode = this.getExtScript().getTreeModel().getTypeNode(script.getTypeName()); if (typeNode == null) { logger.error("Failed to find type node: " + script.getTypeName()); typeNode = this.getExtScript().getTreeModel().getTypeNode(ExtensionScript.TYPE_STANDALONE); } logger.debug("Adding Zest script to tree"); ZestScriptWrapper zsw; if (script instanceof ZestScriptWrapper) { zsw = (ZestScriptWrapper) script; } else { zsw = new ZestScriptWrapper(script); if (zsw.getName() == null) { zsw.setName(script.getName()); } } ScriptNode parentNode = this.getExtScript().getTreeModel().getNodeForScript(script); parentNode.setUserObject(zsw); this.getZestTreeModel().addScript(parentNode, zsw); if (display && View.isInitialised()) { this.updated(parentNode); this.display(zsw, parentNode, true); this.dialogManager.showZestEditScriptDialog(parentNode, zsw, false); } } } @Override public void scriptRemoved(ScriptWrapper script) { // Ignore } @Override public void scriptChanged(ScriptWrapper script) { // Ignore } @Override public void scriptError(ScriptWrapper script) { // Ignore } @Override public void scriptSaved(ScriptWrapper script) { // Ignore } @Override public void templateAdded(ScriptWrapper script, boolean display) { /* * TODO ?? if (View.isInitialised() && this.getExtScript().getScriptUI() * != null && * script.getEngineName().equals(ZestScriptEngineFactory.NAME)) { * * ScriptNode typeNode = this.getExtScript().getTreeModel() * .getTypeNode(script.getTypeName()); if (typeNode == null) { * logger.error("Failed to find type node: " + script.getTypeName()); * * typeNode = this.getExtScript().getTreeModel() * .getTypeNode(ExtensionScript.TYPE_STANDALONE); } * * logger.debug("Adding Zest script to tree"); * * ZestScriptWrapper zsw = new ZestScriptWrapper(script); if * (zsw.getName() == null) { zsw.setName(script.getName()); } * * ScriptNode parentNode = this.getExtScript().getTreeModel() * .getNodeForScript(script); parentNode.setUserObject(zsw); * * this.getZestTreeModel().addScript(parentNode, zsw); } */ } @Override public void templateRemoved(ScriptWrapper script) { // Ignore } public ZestScript getLastRunScript() { return lastRunScript; } @Override public List<Class<? extends Extension>> getDependencies() { return EXTENSION_DEPENDENCIES; } /** * Set enabled for the specified node and all of its children * * @param node * @param enabled */ public void setEnabled(ScriptNode node, boolean enabled) { if (ZestZapUtils.getElement(node) instanceof ZestStatement) { ZestStatement stmt = (ZestStatement) ZestZapUtils.getElement(node); stmt.setEnabled(enabled); for (int i = 0; i < node.getChildCount(); i++) { this.setEnabled((ScriptNode) node.getChildAt(i), enabled); } this.updated(node); } } public ZestParam getParam() { if (param == null) { param = new ZestParam(); } return param; } private OptionsZestPanel getOptionsPanel() { if (optionsZestPanel == null) { optionsZestPanel = new OptionsZestPanel(this); } return optionsZestPanel; } /** * Return all of the requests in the script ScriptWrapper is deliberately used to make it easier * to call this method by reflection * * @param script * @return */ public List<HttpMessage> getAllRequestsInScript(ScriptWrapper script) { ArrayList<HttpMessage> requests = new ArrayList<HttpMessage>(); if (!(script instanceof ZestScriptWrapper)) { throw new InvalidParameterException(script.getClass().getCanonicalName()); } ZestScriptWrapper sw = (ZestScriptWrapper) script; for (ZestStatement stmt : sw.getZestScript().getStatements()) { try { if (stmt.getElementType().equals("ZestRequest")) { ZestRequest req = (ZestRequest) stmt; HttpMessage scrMessage = ZestZapUtils.toHttpMessage(req, req.getResponse()); requests.add(scrMessage); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug( "Exception occurred while fetching HttpMessages from sequence script: " + e.getMessage()); } } return requests; } /** A {@code SessionChangedListener} for view/UI related functionalities. */ private class ViewSessionChangedListener implements SessionChangedListener { @Override public void sessionAboutToChange(Session session) { clearResults(); } @Override public void sessionChanged(Session session) { // Nothing to do. } @Override public void sessionModeChanged(Mode mode) { // Nothing to do. } @Override public void sessionScopeChanged(Session session) { // Nothing to do. } } }