Java tutorial
/* * Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) and its related class files. * * ZAP is an HTTP/HTTPS proxy for assessing web application security. * * Copyright 2013 The ZAP Development Team * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.zaproxy.zap.extension.ascanrules; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.parosproxy.paros.Constant; import org.parosproxy.paros.core.scanner.AbstractAppParamPlugin; import org.parosproxy.paros.core.scanner.Alert; import org.parosproxy.paros.core.scanner.Category; import org.parosproxy.paros.core.scanner.NameValuePair; import org.parosproxy.paros.core.scanner.Plugin; import; import; import; import org.zaproxy.zap.httputils.HtmlContext; import org.zaproxy.zap.httputils.HtmlContextAnalyser; import org.zaproxy.zap.model.Vulnerabilities; import org.zaproxy.zap.model.Vulnerability; public class TestPersistentXSSAttack extends AbstractAppParamPlugin { /** Prefix for internationalised messages used by this rule */ private static final String MESSAGE_PREFIX = "ascanrules.testpersistentxssattack."; private static final String GENERIC_SCRIPT_ALERT = "<script>alert(1);</script>"; private static final List<Integer> GET_POST_TYPES = Arrays.asList(NameValuePair.TYPE_QUERY_STRING, NameValuePair.TYPE_POST_DATA); private static Vulnerability vuln = Vulnerabilities.getVulnerability("wasc_8"); private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TestPersistentXSSAttack.class); private int currentParamType; @Override public int getId() { return 40014; } @Override public String getName() { return Constant.messages.getString(MESSAGE_PREFIX + "name"); } @Override public String[] getDependency() { return new String[] { "TestPersistentXSSSpider" }; } @Override public String getDescription() { if (vuln != null) { return vuln.getDescription(); } return "Failed to load vulnerability description from file"; } @Override public int getCategory() { return Category.INJECTION; } @Override public String getSolution() { if (vuln != null) { return vuln.getSolution(); } return "Failed to load vulnerability solution from file"; } @Override public String getReference() { if (vuln != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String ref : vuln.getReferences()) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append('\n'); } sb.append(ref); } return sb.toString(); } return "Failed to load vulnerability reference from file"; } @Override public void init() { } @Override public void scan(HttpMessage msg, NameValuePair originalParam) { currentParamType = originalParam.getType(); super.scan(msg, originalParam); } private List<HtmlContext> performAttack(HttpMessage sourceMsg, String param, String attack, HttpMessage sinkMsg, HtmlContext targetContext, int ignoreFlags) { return performAttack(sourceMsg, param, attack, sinkMsg, targetContext, ignoreFlags, false); } private List<HtmlContext> performAttack(HttpMessage sourceMsg, String param, String attack, HttpMessage sinkMsg, HtmlContext targetContext, int ignoreFlags, boolean findDecoded) { if (isStop()) { return null; } HttpMessage sourceMsg2 = sourceMsg.cloneRequest(); setParameter(sourceMsg2, param, attack); try { sendAndReceive(sourceMsg2); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } if (isStop()) { return null; } HttpMessage sinkMsg2 = sinkMsg.cloneRequest(); try { sendAndReceive(sinkMsg2); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } if (isStop()) { return null; } HtmlContextAnalyser hca = new HtmlContextAnalyser(sinkMsg2); if (Plugin.AlertThreshold.HIGH.equals(this.getAlertThreshold())) { // High level, so check all results are in the expected context return hca.getHtmlContexts(findDecoded ? getURLDecode(attack) : attack, targetContext, ignoreFlags); } return hca.getHtmlContexts(findDecoded ? getURLDecode(attack) : attack); } @Override public void scan(HttpMessage sourceMsg, String param, String value) { if (!AlertThreshold.LOW.equals(getAlertThreshold()) && HttpRequestHeader.PUT.equals(sourceMsg.getRequestHeader().getMethod())) { return; } String otherInfo = Constant.messages.getString(MESSAGE_PREFIX + "otherinfo", sourceMsg.getRequestHeader().getURI().toString()); try { Set<Integer> sinks = PersistentXSSUtils.getSinksIdsForSource(sourceMsg, param); if (sinks != null) { // Loop through each one // Inject the 'safe' eyecatcher boolean attackWorked = false; setParameter(sourceMsg, param, Constant.getEyeCatcher()); sendAndReceive(sourceMsg); // Check each sink for (Integer sinkMsgId : sinks) { if (isStop()) { break; } HttpMessage sinkMsg = PersistentXSSUtils.getMessage(sinkMsgId); if (sinkMsg == null) { continue; } sinkMsg = sinkMsg.cloneRequest(); sendAndReceive(sinkMsg); HtmlContextAnalyser hca = new HtmlContextAnalyser(sinkMsg); List<HtmlContext> contexts = hca.getHtmlContexts(Constant.getEyeCatcher(), null, 0); for (HtmlContext context : contexts) { // Loop through the returned contexts and lauch targetted attacks if (attackWorked || isStop()) { break; } if (context.getTagAttribute() != null) { // its in a tag attribute - lots of attack vectors possible if (context.isInScriptAttribute()) { // Good chance this will be vulnerable // Try a simple alert attack List<HtmlContext> contexts2 = performAttack(sourceMsg, param, ";alert(1)", sinkMsg, context, 0); if (contexts2 == null) { break; } for (HtmlContext context2 : contexts2) { if (context2.getTagAttribute() != null && context2.isInScriptAttribute()) { // Yep, its vulnerable bingo(Alert.RISK_HIGH, Alert.CONFIDENCE_MEDIUM, null, param, context2.getTarget(), otherInfo, context2.getMsg()); attackWorked = true; break; } } if (!attackWorked) { log.debug("Failed to find vuln in script attribute on " + sourceMsg.getRequestHeader().getURI()); } } else if (context.isInUrlAttribute()) { // Its a url attribute List<HtmlContext> contexts2 = performAttack(sourceMsg, param, "javascript:alert(1);", sinkMsg, context, 0); if (contexts2 == null) { break; } for (HtmlContext ctx : contexts2) { if (ctx.isInUrlAttribute()) { // Yep, its vulnerable bingo(Alert.RISK_HIGH, Alert.CONFIDENCE_MEDIUM, null, param, ctx.getTarget(), "", ctx.getTarget(), ctx.getMsg()); attackWorked = true; break; } } if (!attackWorked) { log.debug("Failed to find vuln in url attribute on " + sourceMsg.getRequestHeader().getURI()); } } if (!attackWorked && context.isInTagWithSrc()) { // Its in an attribute in a tag which supports src attributes List<HtmlContext> contexts2 = performAttack(sourceMsg, param, context.getSurroundingQuote() + " src=", sinkMsg, context, HtmlContext.IGNORE_TAG); if (contexts2 == null) { break; } if (contexts2.size() > 0) { bingo(Alert.RISK_HIGH, Alert.CONFIDENCE_MEDIUM, null, param, contexts2.get(0).getTarget(), otherInfo, contexts2.get(0).getMsg()); attackWorked = true; } if (!attackWorked) { log.debug("Failed to find vuln in tag with src attribute on " + sourceMsg.getRequestHeader().getURI()); } } if (!attackWorked) { // Try a simple alert attack List<HtmlContext> contexts2 = performAttack(sourceMsg, param, context.getSurroundingQuote() + ">" + GENERIC_SCRIPT_ALERT, sinkMsg, context, HtmlContext.IGNORE_TAG); if (contexts2 == null) { break; } if (contexts2.size() > 0) { // Yep, its vulnerable bingo(Alert.RISK_HIGH, Alert.CONFIDENCE_MEDIUM, null, param, contexts2.get(0).getTarget(), otherInfo, contexts2.get(0).getMsg()); attackWorked = true; } if (!attackWorked) { log.debug("Failed to find vuln with simple script attack " + sourceMsg.getRequestHeader().getURI()); } } if (!attackWorked) { // Try adding an onMouseOver List<HtmlContext> contexts2 = performAttack(sourceMsg, param, context.getSurroundingQuote() + " onMouseOver=" + context.getSurroundingQuote() + "alert(1);", sinkMsg, context, HtmlContext.IGNORE_TAG); if (contexts2 == null) { break; } if (contexts2.size() > 0) { // Yep, its vulnerable bingo(Alert.RISK_HIGH, Alert.CONFIDENCE_MEDIUM, null, param, contexts2.get(0).getTarget(), otherInfo, contexts2.get(0).getMsg()); attackWorked = true; } if (!attackWorked) { log.debug("Failed to find vuln in with simple onmounseover " + sourceMsg.getRequestHeader().getURI()); } } } else if (context.isHtmlComment()) { // Try breaking out of the comment List<HtmlContext> contexts2 = performAttack(sourceMsg, param, "-->" + GENERIC_SCRIPT_ALERT + "<!--", sinkMsg, context, HtmlContext.IGNORE_HTML_COMMENT); if (contexts2 == null) { break; } if (contexts2.size() > 0) { // Yep, its vulnerable bingo(Alert.RISK_HIGH, Alert.CONFIDENCE_MEDIUM, null, param, contexts2.get(0).getTarget(), otherInfo, contexts2.get(0).getMsg()); attackWorked = true; } else { // Maybe they're blocking script tags contexts2 = performAttack(sourceMsg, param, "--><b onMouseOver=alert(1);>test</b><!--", sinkMsg, context, HtmlContext.IGNORE_HTML_COMMENT); if (contexts2 != null && contexts2.size() > 0) { // Yep, its vulnerable bingo(Alert.RISK_HIGH, Alert.CONFIDENCE_MEDIUM, null, param, contexts2.get(0).getTarget(), otherInfo, contexts2.get(0).getMsg()); attackWorked = true; } } } else { // its not in a tag attribute if ("body".equalsIgnoreCase(context.getParentTag())) { // Immediately under a body tag // Try a simple alert attack List<HtmlContext> contexts2 = performAttack(sourceMsg, param, GENERIC_SCRIPT_ALERT, sinkMsg, null, HtmlContext.IGNORE_PARENT); if (contexts2 == null) { break; } if (contexts2.size() > 0) { // Yep, its vulnerable bingo(Alert.RISK_HIGH, Alert.CONFIDENCE_MEDIUM, null, param, contexts2.get(0).getTarget(), otherInfo, contexts2.get(0).getMsg()); attackWorked = true; } else { // Maybe they're blocking script tags contexts2 = performAttack(sourceMsg, param, "<b onMouseOver=alert(1);>test</b>", sinkMsg, context, HtmlContext.IGNORE_PARENT); if (contexts2 != null) { for (HtmlContext context2 : contexts2) { if ("body".equalsIgnoreCase(context2.getParentTag()) || "b".equalsIgnoreCase(context2.getParentTag()) || "script".equalsIgnoreCase(context2.getParentTag())) { // Yep, its vulnerable bingo(Alert.RISK_HIGH, Alert.CONFIDENCE_MEDIUM, null, param, contexts2.get(0).getTarget(), "", contexts2.get(0).getTarget(), contexts2.get(0).getMsg()); attackWorked = true; break; } } } if (!attackWorked) { if (GET_POST_TYPES.contains(currentParamType)) { // Try double encoded List<HtmlContext> contexts3 = performAttack(sourceMsg, param, getURLEncode(GENERIC_SCRIPT_ALERT), sinkMsg, null, 0, true); if (contexts3 != null && contexts3.size() > 0) { attackWorked = true; bingo(Alert.RISK_HIGH, Alert.CONFIDENCE_MEDIUM, null, param, getURLEncode(getURLEncode(contexts3.get(0).getTarget())), "", GENERIC_SCRIPT_ALERT, contexts3.get(0).getMsg()); } break; } } } } else if (context.getParentTag() != null) { // Its not immediately under a body tag, try to close the tag List<HtmlContext> contexts2 = performAttack(sourceMsg, param, "</" + context.getParentTag() + ">" + GENERIC_SCRIPT_ALERT + "<" + context.getParentTag() + ">", sinkMsg, context, HtmlContext.IGNORE_IN_SCRIPT); if (contexts2 == null) { break; } if (contexts2.size() > 0) { // Yep, its vulnerable bingo(Alert.RISK_HIGH, Alert.CONFIDENCE_MEDIUM, null, param, contexts2.get(0).getTarget(), otherInfo, contexts2.get(0).getMsg()); attackWorked = true; } else if ("script".equalsIgnoreCase(context.getParentTag())) { // its in a script tag... contexts2 = performAttack(sourceMsg, param, context.getSurroundingQuote() + ";alert(1);" + context.getSurroundingQuote(), sinkMsg, context, 0); if (contexts2 == null) { break; } if (contexts2.size() > 0) { // Yep, its vulnerable bingo(Alert.RISK_HIGH, Alert.CONFIDENCE_MEDIUM, null, param, contexts2.get(0).getTarget(), otherInfo, contexts2.get(0).getMsg()); attackWorked = true; } } else { // Try an img tag List<HtmlContext> contextsA = performAttack(sourceMsg, param, "<img src=x onerror=alert(1);>", sinkMsg, context, 0); if (contextsA != null && contextsA.size() > 0) { bingo(Alert.RISK_HIGH, Alert.CONFIDENCE_MEDIUM, null, param, contextsA.get(0).getTarget(), "", contextsA.get(0).getTarget(), contextsA.get(0).getMsg()); attackWorked = true; break; } } } else { // Last chance - is the payload outside of any tags if (context.getMsg().getResponseBody().toString().contains(context.getTarget())) { List<HtmlContext> contexts2 = performAttack(sourceMsg, param, GENERIC_SCRIPT_ALERT, sinkMsg, null, 0); if (contexts2 == null) { break; } for (HtmlContext ctx : contexts2) { if (ctx.getParentTag() != null) { // Yep, its vulnerable if (ctx.getMsg().getResponseHeader().isHtml()) { bingo(Alert.RISK_HIGH, Alert.CONFIDENCE_MEDIUM, null, param, ctx.getTarget(), "", ctx.getTarget(), contexts2.get(0).getMsg()); } else { HttpMessage ctx2Message = contexts2.get(0).getMsg(); if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(ctx.getMsg().getResponseHeader() .getHeader(HttpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE), "json")) { bingo(Alert.RISK_LOW, Alert.CONFIDENCE_LOW, Constant.messages .getString(MESSAGE_PREFIX + ""), Constant.messages .getString(MESSAGE_PREFIX + "json.desc"), ctx2Message.getRequestHeader().getURI().toString(), param, GENERIC_SCRIPT_ALERT, Constant.messages.getString( MESSAGE_PREFIX + "otherinfo.nothtml"), getSolution(), "", ctx2Message); } else { bingo(Alert.RISK_HIGH, Alert.CONFIDENCE_LOW, null, param, ctx.getTarget(), Constant.messages.getString( MESSAGE_PREFIX + "otherinfo.nothtml"), ctx.getTarget(), ctx2Message); } } attackWorked = true; break; } } } } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } @Override public int getRisk() { return Alert.RISK_HIGH; } @Override public int getCweId() { return 79; } @Override public int getWascId() { return 8; } }