Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012, Red Hat, Inc. and individual contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: */ package org.zanata.webtrans.client.presenter; import java.util.*; import net.customware.gwt.presenter.client.EventBus; import net.customware.gwt.presenter.client.widget.*; import*; import org.zanata.webtrans.client.keys.*; import org.zanata.webtrans.client.keys.KeyShortcut.KeyEvent; import org.zanata.webtrans.client.keys.Timer; import org.zanata.webtrans.client.resources.*; import org.zanata.webtrans.client.view.*; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.client.*; import*; import; import*; import*; import*; import*; /** * Detects shortcut key combinations such as Alt+KEY and Shift+Alt+KEY and * broadcasts corresponding {@link KeyShortcutEvent}s. * * Handlers are registered directly with this presenter to avoid excessive * traffic on the main event bus and to make handling of events simpler. * * @author David Mason, <a * href=""></a> * */ public class KeyShortcutPresenter extends WidgetPresenter<KeyShortcutDisplay> { private static final int ATTENTION_MODE_DURATION = 5000; private final KeyShortcutManager shortcutManager; private final KeyShortcutManager attentionKeyManager; private boolean isAttentionMode; private Timer attentionTimer; private Map<ShortcutContext, Set<SurplusKeyListener>> surplusKeyMap; private Set<ShortcutContext> activeContexts; private WebTransMessages messages; private final EventWrapper event; private final TimerFactory timers; private transient ShortcutContext modalContext; private transient Set<ShortcutContext> copyOfCurrentContexts = Collections.emptySet(); @Inject public KeyShortcutPresenter(KeyShortcutDisplay display, EventBus eventBus, final WebTransMessages webTransMessages, final EventWrapper event, final TimerFactory timer) { super(display, eventBus); this.messages = webTransMessages; this.event = event; this.timers = timer; this.shortcutManager = new KeyShortcutManager(event) { @Override public Set<Keys> getKeys(KeyShortcut shortcut) { return shortcut.getAllKeys(); } @Override protected boolean handleIfMatchingShortcut(NativeEvent evt, KeyShortcut shortcut, KeyShortcutEvent shortcutEvent) { boolean contextActive = ensureActiveContexts().contains(shortcut.getContext()); if (contextActive) { triggerShortcutEvent(evt, shortcut, shortcutEvent); return true; } return false; } @Override protected void handleNonMatchedShortcut(NativeEvent evt, KeyShortcutEvent shortcutEvent) { fireActiveSurplusKeyListeners(evt, shortcutEvent); } }; isAttentionMode = false; this.attentionKeyManager = new KeyShortcutManager(event) { @Override public Set<Keys> getKeys(KeyShortcut shortcut) { return shortcut.getAllAttentionKeys(); } @Override protected boolean handleIfMatchingShortcut(NativeEvent evt, KeyShortcut shortcut, KeyShortcutEvent shortcutEvent) { boolean contextActive = ensureActiveContexts().contains(shortcut.getContext()); if (contextActive) { triggerShortcutEvent(evt, shortcut, shortcutEvent); setAttentionMode(false); return true; } return false; } @Override protected void handleNonMatchedShortcut(NativeEvent evt, KeyShortcutEvent shortcutEvent) { if (KeyEvent.KEY_DOWN.nativeEventType.equals(event.getType(evt))) { // attention mode should always eat the first key press, evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); Log.warn("Unrecognized attention key input"); setAttentionMode(false); } } }; } @Override protected void onBind() { ensureActiveContexts().add(ShortcutContext.Application); event.addNativePreviewHandler(nativeEvent -> { NativeEvent evt = nativeEvent.getNativeEvent(); if ((event.getTypeInt(nativeEvent) & (event.keyDownEvent() | event.keyUpEvent())) != 0) { if (isAttentionMode) { attentionKeyManager.processKeyEvent(evt); } else { shortcutManager.processKeyEvent(evt); } } }); KeyShortcut hideShortcutSummaryShortcut = KeyShortcut.Builder.builder() .addKey(new Keys(Keys.NO_MODIFIER, KeyCodes.KEY_ESCAPE)).setContext(ShortcutContext.Application) .setDescription(messages.closeShortcutView()).setKeyEvent(KeyEvent.KEY_DOWN).setPreventDefault(true) .setStopPropagation(true).setHandler(event1 -> { if (display.isShowing()) { display.hide(true); } }).build(); register(hideShortcutSummaryShortcut); // could try to use ?, although this is not as simple as passing // character // '?' KeyShortcut showShortcutSummaryShortcut = KeyShortcut.Builder.builder().addKey(new Keys(Keys.ALT_KEY, 'Y')) .setContext(ShortcutContext.Application).setDescription(messages.showAvailableKeyShortcuts()) .setHandler(new KeyShortcutEventHandler() { @Override public void onKeyShortcut(KeyShortcutEvent event) { showShortcuts(); } }).build(); register(showShortcutSummaryShortcut); // TODO use configured value (just use a different Keys object) KeyShortcut attentionKeyShortcut = KeyShortcut.Builder.builder().setDescription("Activate attention mode.") .addKey(new Keys(Keys.ALT_KEY, 'X')).setContext(ShortcutContext.Application) .setKeyEvent(KeyEvent.KEY_DOWN).setHandler(event1 -> setAttentionMode(true)).build(); register(attentionKeyShortcut); KeyShortcut cancelAttentionShortcut = KeyShortcut.Builder.builder() .setDescription("Deactivate attention mode.").addAttentionKey(new Keys(KeyCodes.KEY_ESCAPE)) .setContext(ShortcutContext.Application).setKeyEvent(KeyEvent.KEY_DOWN) .setHandler(event1 -> setAttentionMode(false)).build(); register(cancelAttentionShortcut); Log.debug("creating attention timer"); attentionTimer = timers.create(() -> setAttentionMode(false)); } @Override protected void onUnbind() { } @Override protected void onRevealDisplay() { } private void setAttentionMode(boolean active) { if (active) { // clobbers existing countdown attentionTimer.schedule(ATTENTION_MODE_DURATION); } else { attentionTimer.cancel(); } if (isAttentionMode != active) { isAttentionMode = active; AttentionModeActivationEvent attentionEvent = new AttentionModeActivationEvent(active); // attentionEvent.setShortcuts(listAttentionShortcuts()); eventBus.fireEvent(attentionEvent); } } public void setContextActive(ShortcutContext context, boolean active) { if (active) { ensureActiveContexts().add(context); } else { if (context == ShortcutContext.Application) { // this may happen when activating modal context Log.debug("disabling global shortcut context."); } ensureActiveContexts().remove(context); } } /** * Register a {@link KeyShortcut} to respond to a specific key combination * for a context. * * @param shortcut * to register * * @return a {@link HandlerRegistration} that can be used to un-register the * shortcut */ public HandlerRegistration register(KeyShortcut shortcut) { Log.debug("Registering key shortcut. Key codes follow:" + Iterables.toString(shortcut.getAllKeys())); shortcutManager.add(shortcut); attentionKeyManager.add(shortcut); return new KeyShortcutHandlerRegistration(shortcut); } /** * Register a {@link SurplusKeyListener} to catch all non-shortcut key * events for a context. * * @param listener * surplus key listener * @return a {@link HandlerRegistration} that can be used to un-register the * listener */ public HandlerRegistration register(SurplusKeyListener listener) { Set<SurplusKeyListener> listeners = ensureSurplusKeyListenerMap().get(listener.getContext()); if (listeners == null) { listeners = new HashSet<>(); ensureSurplusKeyListenerMap().put(listener.getContext(), listeners); } listeners.add(listener); return new SurplusKeyListenerHandlerRegistration(listener); } private void fireActiveSurplusKeyListeners(NativeEvent evt, KeyShortcutEvent shortcutEvent) { for (ShortcutContext context : ensureActiveContexts()) { Set<SurplusKeyListener> listeners = ensureSurplusKeyListenerMap().get(context); if (listeners != null && !listeners.isEmpty()) { for (SurplusKeyListener listener : listeners) { if (listener.getKeyEvent().nativeEventType.equals(evt.getType())) { // could add interface with these methods to reduce // duplication if (listener.isStopPropagation()) { evt.stopPropagation(); } if (listener.isPreventDefault()) { evt.preventDefault(); } listener.getHandler().onKeyShortcut(shortcutEvent); } } } } } private String getContextName(ShortcutContext context) { String contextName = ""; switch (context) { case Application: contextName = messages.applicationScope(); break; case ProjectWideSearch: contextName = messages.projectWideSearchAndReplace(); break; case Edit: contextName = messages.editScope(); break; case Navigation: contextName = messages.navigationScope(); break; case TM: contextName = messages.tmScope(); break; case Glossary: contextName = messages.glossaryScope(); break; case Chat: contextName = messages.chatScope(); break; default: contextName = messages.chatScope(); } return contextName; } private Set<ShortcutContext> ensureActiveContexts() { if (activeContexts == null) { activeContexts = new HashSet<ShortcutContext>(); } return activeContexts; } private Map<ShortcutContext, Set<SurplusKeyListener>> ensureSurplusKeyListenerMap() { if (surplusKeyMap == null) { surplusKeyMap = new HashMap<>(); } return surplusKeyMap; } // TODO update to show attention key + selector for attention key + // attention keys for shortcuts public void showShortcuts() { display.clearPanel(); for (ShortcutContext context : ensureActiveContexts()) { ListDataProvider<KeyShortcut> dataProvider = display.addContext(getContextName(context)); for (Set<KeyShortcut> shortcutSet : shortcutManager.ensureShortcutMap().values()) { for (KeyShortcut shortcut : shortcutSet) { if (shortcut.getContext() == context && shortcut.isDisplayInView() && !dataProvider.getList().contains(shortcut)) { dataProvider.getList().add(shortcut); } } } Collections.sort(dataProvider.getList()); } display.showPanel(); } public void deactivateModalContext() { setContextActive(modalContext, false); for (ShortcutContext context : copyOfCurrentContexts) { setContextActive(context, true); } } public void activateModalContext(ShortcutContext modalContext) { // check if modal context is already activate if (!ensureActiveContexts().contains(modalContext)) { this.modalContext = modalContext; copyOfCurrentContexts = ImmutableSet.copyOf(ensureActiveContexts()); for (ShortcutContext context : copyOfCurrentContexts) { setContextActive(context, false); } setContextActive(modalContext, true); } } private class KeyShortcutHandlerRegistration implements HandlerRegistration { private KeyShortcut shortcut; public KeyShortcutHandlerRegistration(KeyShortcut shortcut) { this.shortcut = shortcut; } @Override public void removeHandler() { shortcutManager.remove(shortcut); attentionKeyManager.remove(shortcut); } } private class SurplusKeyListenerHandlerRegistration implements HandlerRegistration { private SurplusKeyListener listener; public SurplusKeyListenerHandlerRegistration(SurplusKeyListener listener) { this.listener = listener; } @Override public void removeHandler() { Set<SurplusKeyListener> listeners = ensureSurplusKeyListenerMap().get(listener.getContext()); if (listeners != null) { listeners.remove(listener); } } } }