Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012, Red Hat, Inc. and individual contributors as indicated by the * @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the distribution for a full * listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF * site: */ package org.zanata.service.impl; import static org.zanata.transaction.TransactionUtilImpl.runInTransaction; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import org.apache.deltaspike.jpa.api.transaction.Transactional; import org.zanata.async.Async; import org.zanata.async.AsyncTaskHandle; import org.zanata.async.AsyncTaskResult; import org.zanata.common.ContentState; import org.zanata.common.LocaleId; import org.zanata.common.MergeType; import org.zanata.common.util.ContentStateUtil; import org.zanata.dao.DocumentDAO; import org.zanata.dao.ProjectIterationDAO; import org.zanata.dao.TextFlowDAO; import org.zanata.dao.TextFlowTargetDAO; import; import; import; import; import org.zanata.exception.ZanataServiceException; import org.zanata.i18n.Messages; import org.zanata.lock.Lock; import org.zanata.model.HAccount; import org.zanata.model.HDocument; import org.zanata.model.HLocale; import org.zanata.model.HPerson; import org.zanata.model.HProjectIteration; import org.zanata.model.HSimpleComment; import org.zanata.model.HTextFlow; import org.zanata.model.HTextFlowTarget; import org.zanata.model.HTextFlowTargetHistory; import org.zanata.model.type.EntityType; import org.zanata.model.type.TranslationSourceType; import; import; import; import; import; import org.zanata.service.LocaleService; import org.zanata.service.LockManagerService; import org.zanata.service.TranslationMergeService; import org.zanata.service.TranslationService; import org.zanata.service.ValidationService; import javax.enterprise.event.Event; import org.zanata.util.ShortString; import org.zanata.webtrans.shared.model.TransUnitId; import org.zanata.webtrans.shared.model.TransUnitUpdateInfo; import org.zanata.webtrans.shared.model.TransUnitUpdateRequest; import org.zanata.webtrans.shared.model.ValidationAction; import; import; import; import; import; import; import static; @Named("translationServiceImpl") @RequestScoped public class TranslationServiceImpl implements TranslationService { private static final org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(TranslationServiceImpl.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = -4409365256354251534L; @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "SE_BAD_FIELD") @Inject private EntityManager entityManager; @Inject private ProjectIterationDAO projectIterationDAO; @Inject private DocumentDAO documentDAO; @Inject private TextFlowDAO textFlowDAO; @Inject private TextFlowTargetDAO textFlowTargetDAO; @Inject private ResourceUtils resourceUtils; @Inject private LocaleService localeServiceImpl; @Inject private LockManagerService lockManagerServiceImpl; @Inject private ValidationService validationServiceImpl; @Inject @Authenticated private HAccount authenticatedAccount; @Inject private ZanataIdentity identity; @Inject private TranslationMergeServiceFactory translationMergeServiceFactory; @Inject private Messages msgs; @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "SE_BAD_FIELD") @Inject private Event<DocumentUploadedEvent> documentUploadedEvent; @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "SE_BAD_FIELD") @Inject private Event<TextFlowTargetStateEvent> textFlowTargetStateEvent; @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "SE_BAD_FIELD") @Inject private Event<DocStatsEvent> docStatsEvent; @Transactional @Override public List<TranslationResult> translate(LocaleId localeId, List<TransUnitUpdateRequest> translationRequests) { return translate(localeId, translationRequests, true); } /** * This is used when reverting translation * * @param localeId * @param translationRequests * @return */ private List<TranslationResult> translateWithoutValidating(LocaleId localeId, List<TransUnitUpdateRequest> translationRequests) { return translate(localeId, translationRequests, false); } private List<TranslationResult> translate(LocaleId localeId, List<TransUnitUpdateRequest> translationRequests, boolean runValidation) { List<TranslationResult> results = new ArrayList<TranslationResult>(); // avoid locale check if there is nothing to translate if (translationRequests.isEmpty()) { return results; } // single locale check - assumes update requests are all from the same // project-iteration HTextFlow sampleHTextFlow = entityManager.find(HTextFlow.class, translationRequests.get(0).getTransUnitId().getValue()); HProjectIteration projectIteration = sampleHTextFlow.getDocument().getProjectIteration(); HLocale hLocale = validateLocale(localeId, projectIteration); // single permission check - assumes update requests are all from same // project validateReviewPermissionIfApplicable(translationRequests, projectIteration, hLocale); List<TextFlowTargetStateChange> targetStates = Lists.newArrayList(); Map<ContentState, Long> contentStateDeltas = Maps.newHashMap(); for (TransUnitUpdateRequest request : translationRequests) { HTextFlow hTextFlow = entityManager.find(HTextFlow.class, request.getTransUnitId().getValue()); TranslationResultImpl result = new TranslationResultImpl(); if (runValidation) { String validationMessage = validateTranslations(request.getNewContentState(), projectIteration, request.getTransUnitId().toString(), hTextFlow.getContents(), request.getNewContents()); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(validationMessage)) { log.warn(validationMessage); result.isSuccess = false; result.errorMessage = validationMessage; results.add(result); continue; } } HTextFlowTarget hTextFlowTarget = textFlowTargetDAO.getOrCreateTarget(hTextFlow, hLocale); // if hTextFlowTarget is created, any further hibernate fetch will // trigger an implicit flush // (which will save this target even if it's not fully ready!!!) if (request.hasTargetComment()) { // FIXME this creates orphan comments, and replaces identical // comments with copies hTextFlowTarget.setComment(new HSimpleComment(request.getTargetComment())); } result.baseVersion = hTextFlowTarget.getVersionNum(); result.baseContentState = hTextFlowTarget.getState(); if (request.getBaseTranslationVersion() == hTextFlowTarget.getVersionNum()) { try { int nPlurals = getNumPlurals(hLocale, hTextFlow); ContentState currentState = hTextFlowTarget.getState(); result.targetChanged = translate(hTextFlowTarget, request.getNewContents(), request.getNewContentState(), nPlurals, new TranslationDetails(request)); // fire event after flush if (result.targetChanged || hTextFlowTarget.getVersionNum() == 0) { HTextFlow textFlow = hTextFlowTarget.getTextFlow(); aggregateChanges(textFlow, hTextFlowTarget, currentState, targetStates, contentStateDeltas); } result.isSuccess = true; } catch (HibernateException e) { result.isSuccess = false; log.warn("HibernateException while translating"); } } else { // concurrent edits not allowed String errorMessage = "translation failed for textflow " + hTextFlow.getId() + ": base versionNum + " + request.getBaseTranslationVersion() + " does not match current versionNum " + hTextFlowTarget.getVersionNum(); log.warn(errorMessage); result.errorMessage = errorMessage; result.isVersionNumConflict = true; result.isSuccess = false; } result.translatedTextFlowTarget = hTextFlowTarget; results.add(result); } if (!targetStates.isEmpty()) { DocumentLocaleKey documentLocaleKey = new DocumentLocaleKey(sampleHTextFlow.getDocument().getId(), hLocale.getLocaleId()); TextFlowTargetStateEvent tftUpdatedEvent = new TextFlowTargetStateEvent(documentLocaleKey, projectIteration.getId(), authenticatedAccount.getPerson().getId(), ImmutableList.copyOf(targetStates));; DocStatsEvent docEvent = new DocStatsEvent(documentLocaleKey, projectIteration.getId(), contentStateDeltas, Iterables.getLast(targetStates).getTextFlowTargetId());; } return results; } private void validateReviewPermissionIfApplicable(List<TransUnitUpdateRequest> translationRequests, HProjectIteration projectIteration, HLocale hLocale) { Optional<TransUnitUpdateRequest> hasReviewRequest = Iterables.tryFind(translationRequests, new Predicate<TransUnitUpdateRequest>() { @Override public boolean apply(TransUnitUpdateRequest input) { return isReviewState(input.getNewContentState()); } }); if (hasReviewRequest.isPresent()) { identity.checkPermission("translation-review", projectIteration.getProject(), hLocale); } } private static boolean isReviewState(ContentState contentState) { return contentState == ContentState.Approved || contentState == ContentState.Rejected; } /** * Generate a {@link HLocale} for the given localeId and check that * translations for this locale are permitted. * * @param localeId * @param projectIteration * @return the valid hLocale * @throws ZanataServiceException * if the locale is not enabled for the project-iteration or * server */ private HLocale validateLocale(LocaleId localeId, HProjectIteration projectIteration) throws ZanataServiceException { String projectSlug = projectIteration.getProject().getSlug(); return localeServiceImpl.validateLocaleByProjectIteration(localeId, projectSlug, projectIteration.getSlug()); } public static class TranslationDetails { private final String revisionComment; private final EntityType copiedEntityType; private final TranslationSourceType sourceType; private final Long copiedEntityId; public TranslationDetails(String revisionComment, EntityType copiedEntityType, TranslationSourceType sourceType, Long copiedEntityId) { this.revisionComment = revisionComment; this.sourceType = sourceType; this.copiedEntityType = copiedEntityType; this.copiedEntityId = copiedEntityId; } public TranslationDetails(TransUnitUpdateRequest request) { this.revisionComment = request.getRevisionComment(); this.copiedEntityId = request.getCopiedEntityId(); copiedEntityType = StringUtils.isEmpty(request.getCopiedEntityType()) ? null : EntityType.getValueOf(request.getCopiedEntityType()); sourceType = StringUtils.isEmpty(request.getSourceType()) ? null : TranslationSourceType.getValueOf(request.getSourceType()); } public String getRevisionComment() { return revisionComment; } public EntityType getCopiedEntityType() { return copiedEntityType; } public TranslationSourceType getSourceType() { return sourceType; } public Long getCopiedEntityId() { return copiedEntityId; } } private boolean translate(@Nonnull HTextFlowTarget hTextFlowTarget, @Nonnull List<String> contentsToSave, ContentState requestedState, int nPlurals, TranslationDetails details) { boolean targetChanged = false; targetChanged |= setContentIfChanged(hTextFlowTarget, contentsToSave); targetChanged |= setContentStateIfChanged(requestedState, hTextFlowTarget, nPlurals); if (targetChanged || hTextFlowTarget.getVersionNum() == 0) { HTextFlow textFlow = hTextFlowTarget.getTextFlow(); hTextFlowTarget.setVersionNum(hTextFlowTarget.getVersionNum() + 1); hTextFlowTarget.setTextFlowRevision(textFlow.getRevision()); hTextFlowTarget.setLastModifiedBy(authenticatedAccount.getPerson()); hTextFlowTarget.setRevisionComment(details.getRevisionComment()); hTextFlowTarget.setCopiedEntityType(details.getCopiedEntityType()); hTextFlowTarget.setSourceType(details.getSourceType()); hTextFlowTarget.setCopiedEntityId(details.getCopiedEntityId()); log.debug("last modified by :{}", authenticatedAccount.getPerson().getName()); } // save the target histories entityManager.flush(); return targetChanged; } /** * @return true if the content was changed, false otherwise */ private boolean setContentIfChanged(@Nonnull HTextFlowTarget hTextFlowTarget, @Nonnull List<String> contentsToSave) { if (!contentsToSave.equals(hTextFlowTarget.getContents())) { hTextFlowTarget.setContents(contentsToSave); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Check that requestedState is valid for the given content, adjust if * necessary and set the new state if it has changed. * * @return true if the content state or contents list were updated, false * otherwise * @see #adjustContentsAndState(org.zanata.model.HTextFlowTarget, int, * java.util.List) */ private boolean setContentStateIfChanged(@Nonnull ContentState requestedState, @Nonnull HTextFlowTarget target, int nPlurals) { boolean changed = false; ContentState previousState = target.getState(); target.setState(requestedState); ArrayList<String> warnings = new ArrayList<String>(); changed |= adjustContentsAndState(target, nPlurals, warnings); for (String warning : warnings) { log.warn(warning); } if (isReviewState(target.getState())) { // reviewer saved it target.setReviewer(authenticatedAccount.getPerson()); if (previousState == ContentState.New) { target.setTranslator(authenticatedAccount.getPerson()); } } else { target.setTranslator(authenticatedAccount.getPerson()); } if (target.getState() != previousState) { changed = true; } return changed; } /** * Checks target state against its contents. If necessary, modifies target * state and generates a warning * * @param target * HTextFlowTarget to check/modify * @param nPlurals * number of plurals for this locale for this message: use 1 if * message does not support plurals * @param warnings * a warning string will be added if state is adjusted * @return true if and only if some state was changed */ private static boolean adjustContentsAndState(@Nonnull HTextFlowTarget target, int nPlurals, @Nonnull List<String> warnings) { ContentState oldState = target.getState(); String resId = target.getTextFlow().getResId(); boolean contentsChanged = ensureContentsSize(target, nPlurals, resId, warnings); List<String> contents = target.getContents(); target.setState(ContentStateUtil.determineState(oldState, contents, resId, warnings)); boolean stateChanged = (oldState != target.getState()); return contentsChanged || stateChanged; } /** * Ensures that target.contents has exactly legalSize elements * * @param target * HTextFlowTarget to check/modify * @param legalSize * required number of contents * @param resId * ID of target * @param warnings * if elements were added or removed * @return */ private static boolean ensureContentsSize(HTextFlowTarget target, int legalSize, String resId, @Nonnull List<String> warnings) { int contentsSize = target.getContents().size(); if (contentsSize < legalSize) { String warning = "Should have " + legalSize + " contents; adding empty strings: TextFlowTarget " + resId + " with contents: " + target.getContents(); warnings.add(warning); List<String> newContents = new ArrayList<String>(legalSize); newContents.addAll(target.getContents()); while (newContents.size() < legalSize) { newContents.add(""); } target.setContents(newContents); return true; } else if (contentsSize > legalSize) { String warning = "Should have " + legalSize + " contents; discarding extra strings: TextFlowTarget " + resId + " with contents: " + target.getContents(); warnings.add(warning); List<String> newContents = new ArrayList<String>(legalSize); for (int i = 0; i < legalSize; i++) { String content = target.getContents().get(i); newContents.add(content); } target.setContents(newContents); return true; } return false; } // This will not run in a transaction. Instead, transactions are controlled // within the method itself. @Override @Async public CompletableFuture<List<String>> translateAllInDocAsync(String projectSlug, String iterationSlug, String docId, LocaleId locale, TranslationsResource translations, Set<String> extensions, MergeType mergeType, boolean assignCreditToUploader, boolean lock, AsyncTaskHandle handle, TranslationSourceType translationSourceType) { // Lock this document for push Lock transLock = null; if (lock) { transLock = new Lock(projectSlug, iterationSlug, docId, locale, "push"); lockManagerServiceImpl.attain(transLock); } List<String> warnings; try { warnings = this.translateAllInDoc(projectSlug, iterationSlug, docId, locale, translations, extensions, mergeType, assignCreditToUploader, handle, translationSourceType); } finally { if (lock) { lockManagerServiceImpl.release(transLock); } } return AsyncTaskResult.completed(warnings); } /** * Run enforced validation check(Error) if target has changed and * translation saving as 'Translated' or 'Approved' * * @param newState * @param projectVersion * @param targetId * @param sources * @param translations * @return error messages */ private String validateTranslations(ContentState newState, HProjectIteration projectVersion, String targetId, List<String> sources, List<String> translations) { String message = null; if (newState.isTranslated()) { List<String> validationMessages = validationServiceImpl.validateWithServerRules(projectVersion, sources, translations, ValidationAction.State.Error); if (!validationMessages.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String validationMessage : validationMessages) { sb.append(validationMessage).append("\n"); } message = msgs.format("jsf.TranslationContainsError", ShortString.shorten(translations.get(0)), sb.toString()); } } return message; } @Override @Transactional public List<String> translateAllInDoc(final String projectSlug, final String iterationSlug, final String docId, final LocaleId locale, final TranslationsResource translations, final Set<String> extensions, final MergeType mergeType, final boolean assignCreditToUploader, final TranslationSourceType translationSourceType) { return translateAllInDoc(projectSlug, iterationSlug, docId, locale, translations, extensions, mergeType, assignCreditToUploader, null, translationSourceType); } // can't use @Transactional because we call runInTransaction @Override public List<String> translateAllInDoc(final String projectSlug, final String iterationSlug, final String docId, final LocaleId locale, final TranslationsResource translations, final Set<String> extensions, final MergeType mergeType, final boolean assignCreditToUploader, AsyncTaskHandle handle, final TranslationSourceType translationSourceType) { final HProjectIteration hProjectIteration = projectIterationDAO.getBySlug(projectSlug, iterationSlug); if (hProjectIteration == null) { throw new ZanataServiceException( "Version \'" + iterationSlug + "\' for project \'" + projectSlug + "\' "); } if (mergeType == MergeType.IMPORT) { identity.checkPermission("import-translation", hProjectIteration); } ResourceUtils.validateExtensions(extensions); log.debug("pass evaluate"); final HDocument document = documentDAO.getByDocIdAndIteration(hProjectIteration, docId); if (document == null || document.isObsolete()) { throw new ZanataServiceException("A document was not found.", 404); } log.debug("start put translations entity:{}", translations); boolean changed = false; final HLocale hLocale = localeServiceImpl.validateLocaleByProjectIteration(locale, projectSlug, iterationSlug); final Optional<AsyncTaskHandle> handleOp = Optional.fromNullable(handle); if (handleOp.isPresent()) { handleOp.get().setMaxProgress(translations.getTextFlowTargets().size()); } try { changed |= runInTransaction(() -> // handle extensions resourceUtils.transferFromTranslationsResourceExtensions(translations.getExtensions(true), document, extensions, hLocale, mergeType)); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("exception in transferFromTranslationsResourceExtensions: {}", e.getMessage()); throw new ZanataServiceException("Error during translation.", 500, e); } // NB: removedTargets only applies for MergeType.IMPORT final Collection<Long> removedTextFlowTargetIds = new HashSet<>(); final List<String> warnings = new ArrayList<String>(); if (mergeType == MergeType.IMPORT) { for (HTextFlow textFlow : document.getTextFlows()) { HTextFlowTarget hTarget = textFlow.getTargets().get(hLocale.getId()); if (hTarget != null) { removedTextFlowTargetIds.add(hTarget.getId()); } } } // Break the target into batches List<List<TextFlowTarget>> batches = Lists.partition(translations.getTextFlowTargets(), BATCH_SIZE); for (final List<TextFlowTarget> batch : batches) { try { changed |= runInTransaction(() -> saveBatch(extensions, warnings, hLocale, document, mergeType, removedTextFlowTargetIds, handleOp, hProjectIteration.getId(), batch, assignCreditToUploader, translationSourceType)); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("exception saving translation batch: {}", e.getMessage()); throw new ZanataServiceException("Error during translation.", 500, e); } } if (changed || !removedTextFlowTargetIds.isEmpty()) { try { runInTransaction(() -> { for (Long targetId : removedTextFlowTargetIds) { // need to refresh from persistence HTextFlowTarget target = textFlowTargetDAO.findById(targetId, true); target.clear(); } textFlowTargetDAO.flush(); documentDAO.flush(); return null; }); Long actorId = authenticatedAccount.getPerson().getId(); documentUploadedEvent .fire(new DocumentUploadedEvent(actorId, document.getId(), false, hLocale.getLocaleId())); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("exception in removeTargets: {}", e.getMessage()); throw new ZanataServiceException("Error during translation.", 500, e); } } return warnings; } private int getNumPlurals(HLocale hLocale, HTextFlow textFlow) { int nPlurals; if (!textFlow.isPlural()) { nPlurals = 1; } else { nPlurals = resourceUtils.getNumPlurals(textFlow.getDocument(), hLocale); } return nPlurals; } private Boolean saveBatch(final Set<String> extensions, final List<String> warnings, final HLocale locale, HDocument document, final MergeType mergeType, final Collection<Long> removedTextFlowTargetIds, final Optional<AsyncTaskHandle> handleOp, final Long projectIterationId, final List<TextFlowTarget> batch, final boolean assignCreditToUploader, final TranslationSourceType translationSourceType) { // we need to call clear at the beginning because text flow target // history rely on after commit callback. textFlowTargetDAO.clear(); document = entityManager.find(HDocument.class, document.getId()); boolean changed = false; // we need a fresh object in this session, // so that it can lazily load associated objects HProjectIteration iteration = projectIterationDAO.findById(projectIterationId); Map<String, HTextFlow> resIdToTextFlowMap = textFlowDAO.getByDocumentAndResIds(document, Lists.transform(batch, new Function<TextFlowTarget, String>() { @Override public String apply(TextFlowTarget input) { return input.getResId(); } })); final int numPlurals = resourceUtils.getNumPlurals(document, locale); List<TextFlowTargetStateChange> targetStates = Lists.newArrayList(); Map<ContentState, Long> contentStateDeltas = Maps.newHashMap(); for (TextFlowTarget incomingTarget : batch) { String resId = incomingTarget.getResId(); String sourceHash = incomingTarget.getSourceHash(); HTextFlow textFlow = resIdToTextFlowMap.get(resId); if (textFlow == null) { // return warning for unknown resId to caller String warning = "Could not find TextFlow for TextFlowTarget " + resId + " with contents: " + incomingTarget.getContents(); warnings.add(warning); log.warn("skipping TextFlowTarget with unknown resId: {}", resId); } else if (sourceHash != null && !sourceHash.equals(textFlow.getContentHash())) { String warning = MessageFormat.format( "TextFlowTarget {0} may be obsolete; associated source hash: {1}; expected hash is {2} for source: {3}", resId, sourceHash, textFlow.getContentHash(), textFlow.getContents()); warnings.add(warning); log.warn("skipping TextFlowTarget {} with unknown sourceHash: {}", resId, sourceHash); } else { String validationMessage = validateTranslations(incomingTarget.getState(), iteration, incomingTarget.getResId(), textFlow.getContents(), incomingTarget.getContents()); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(validationMessage)) { warnings.add(validationMessage); log.warn(validationMessage); continue; } int nPlurals = textFlow.isPlural() ? numPlurals : 1; // we have eagerly loaded all targets upfront HTextFlowTarget hTarget = textFlow.getTargets().get(locale.getId()); ContentState oldState = ContentState.New; if (hTarget != null) { oldState = hTarget.getState(); if (mergeType == MergeType.IMPORT) { removedTextFlowTargetIds.remove(hTarget.getId()); } } TranslationMergeServiceFactory.MergeContext mergeContext = new TranslationMergeServiceFactory.MergeContext( mergeType, textFlow, locale, hTarget, nPlurals); TranslationMergeService mergeService = translationMergeServiceFactory.getMergeService(mergeContext); boolean targetChanged = mergeService.merge(incomingTarget, hTarget, extensions); if (hTarget == null) { // in case hTarget was null, we need to // retrieve it after merge hTarget = textFlow.getTargets().get(locale.getId()); } targetChanged |= adjustContentsAndState(hTarget, nPlurals, warnings); // update translation information if applicable if (targetChanged) { hTarget.setVersionNum(hTarget.getVersionNum() + 1); changed = true; if (assignCreditToUploader) { HPerson hPerson = authenticatedAccount.getPerson(); hTarget.setTranslator(hPerson); hTarget.setLastModifiedBy(hPerson); } else { hTarget.setTranslator(null); hTarget.setLastModifiedBy(authenticatedAccount.getPerson()); } hTarget.setSourceType(translationSourceType); hTarget.setCopiedEntityId(null); hTarget.setCopiedEntityId(null); textFlowTargetDAO.makePersistent(hTarget); aggregateChanges(textFlow, hTarget, oldState, targetStates, contentStateDeltas); } } if (handleOp.isPresent()) { handleOp.get().increaseProgress(1); } } if (!targetStates.isEmpty()) { Long actorId = assignCreditToUploader ? authenticatedAccount.getPerson().getId() : null; DocumentLocaleKey documentLocaleKey = new DocumentLocaleKey(document.getId(), locale.getLocaleId()); TextFlowTargetStateEvent tftUpdatedEvent = new TextFlowTargetStateEvent(documentLocaleKey, projectIterationId, actorId, ImmutableList.copyOf(targetStates));; DocStatsEvent docEvent = new DocStatsEvent(documentLocaleKey, projectIterationId, contentStateDeltas, Iterables.getLast(tftUpdatedEvent.getStates()).getTextFlowTargetId());; } textFlowTargetDAO.flush(); return changed; } private void aggregateChanges(HTextFlow textFlow, HTextFlowTarget hTarget, ContentState oldState, List<TextFlowTargetStateChange> targetStates, Map<ContentState, Long> contentStateDeltas) { TextFlowTargetStateChange state = new TextFlowTargetStateChange(textFlow.getId(), hTarget.getId(), hTarget.getState(), oldState); targetStates.add(state); DocStatsEvent.updateContentStateDeltas(contentStateDeltas, state.getNewState(), state.getPreviousState(), textFlow.getWordCount()); } public static class TranslationResultImpl implements TranslationResult { private HTextFlowTarget translatedTextFlowTarget; private boolean isSuccess; private boolean targetChanged = false; private boolean isVersionNumConflict = false; private int baseVersion; private ContentState baseContentState; private String errorMessage; @Override public boolean isTranslationSuccessful() { return isSuccess; } @Override public boolean isVersionNumConflict() { return isVersionNumConflict; } @Override public boolean isTargetChanged() { return targetChanged; } @Override public HTextFlowTarget getTranslatedTextFlowTarget() { return translatedTextFlowTarget; } @Override public int getBaseVersionNum() { return baseVersion; } @Override public ContentState getBaseContentState() { return baseContentState; } @Override public String getErrorMessage() { return errorMessage; } } @Override @Transactional public List<TranslationResult> revertTranslations(LocaleId localeId, List<TransUnitUpdateInfo> translationsToRevert) { List<TranslationResult> results = new ArrayList<TranslationResult>(); List<TransUnitUpdateRequest> updateRequests = new ArrayList<TransUnitUpdateRequest>(); if (!translationsToRevert.isEmpty()) { HTextFlow sampleHTextFlow = entityManager.find(HTextFlow.class, translationsToRevert.get(0).getTransUnit().getId().getValue()); HLocale hLocale = validateLocale(localeId, sampleHTextFlow.getDocument().getProjectIteration()); for (TransUnitUpdateInfo info : translationsToRevert) { if (!info.isSuccess() || !info.isTargetChanged()) { continue; } TransUnitId tuId = info.getTransUnit().getId(); HTextFlow hTextFlow = entityManager.find(HTextFlow.class, tuId.getValue()); HTextFlowTarget hTextFlowTarget = textFlowTargetDAO.getOrCreateTarget(hTextFlow, hLocale); // check that version has not advanced // TODO probably also want to check that source has not been // updated Integer versionNum = hTextFlowTarget.getVersionNum(); log.debug("about to revert hTextFlowTarget version {} to TransUnit version {}", versionNum, info.getTransUnit().getVerNum()); if (versionNum.equals(info.getTransUnit().getVerNum())) { // look up replaced version HTextFlowTargetHistory oldTarget = hTextFlowTarget.getHistory() .get(info.getPreviousVersionNum()); if (oldTarget != null) { // generate request List<String> oldContents = oldTarget.getContents(); ContentState oldState = oldTarget.getState(); String copiedEntityType = oldTarget.getCopiedEntityType() == null ? null : oldTarget.getCopiedEntityType().getAbbr(); String sourceType = oldTarget.getSourceType() == null ? TranslationSourceType.UNKNOWN.getAbbr() : oldTarget.getSourceType().getAbbr(); TransUnitUpdateRequest request = new TransUnitUpdateRequest(tuId, oldContents, oldState, versionNum, oldTarget.getRevisionComment(), oldTarget.getCopiedEntityId(), copiedEntityType, sourceType); // add to list updateRequests.add(request); } else { "got null previous target for tu with id {}, version {}. Assuming previous state is untranslated", hTextFlow.getId(), info.getPreviousVersionNum()); List<String> emptyContents = Lists.newArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < hTextFlowTarget.getContents().size(); i++) { emptyContents.add(""); } TransUnitUpdateRequest request = new TransUnitUpdateRequest(tuId, emptyContents, ContentState.New, versionNum, TranslationSourceType.UNKNOWN.getAbbr()); updateRequests.add(request); } } else { "attempt to revert target version {} for tu with id {}, but current version is {}. Not reverting.", new Object[] { info.getTransUnit().getVerNum(), tuId, versionNum }); results.add(buildFailResult(hTextFlowTarget)); } } } results.addAll(translateWithoutValidating(localeId, updateRequests)); return results; } /** * @param hTextFlowTarget * @return */ private TranslationResultImpl buildFailResult(HTextFlowTarget hTextFlowTarget) { TranslationResultImpl result = new TranslationResultImpl(); result.baseVersion = hTextFlowTarget.getVersionNum(); result.baseContentState = hTextFlowTarget.getState(); result.isSuccess = false; result.isVersionNumConflict = false; result.translatedTextFlowTarget = hTextFlowTarget; result.errorMessage = null; return result; } }