Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016, Red Hat, Inc. and individual contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: */ package org.zanata.service.impl; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings; import org.zanata.async.Async; import org.zanata.async.AsyncTaskResult; import org.zanata.async.handle.CopyVersionTaskHandle; import org.zanata.common.EntityStatus; import org.zanata.dao.DocumentDAO; import org.zanata.dao.ProjectIterationDAO; import org.zanata.dao.TextFlowDAO; import org.zanata.dao.TextFlowTargetDAO; import org.zanata.file.FilePersistService; import org.zanata.model.HDocument; import org.zanata.model.HLocale; import org.zanata.model.HProjectIteration; import org.zanata.model.HRawDocument; import org.zanata.model.HSimpleComment; import org.zanata.model.HTextFlow; import org.zanata.model.HTextFlowTarget; import org.zanata.model.HTextFlowTargetHistory; import org.zanata.model.HTextFlowTargetReviewComment; import org.zanata.model.po.HPoHeader; import org.zanata.model.po.HPoTargetHeader; import org.zanata.model.po.HPotEntryData; import org.zanata.model.type.TranslationSourceType; import; import org.zanata.service.CopyVersionService; import org.zanata.service.VersionStateCache; import org.zanata.transaction.TransactionUtil; import org.zanata.util.JPACopier; import org.zanata.util.TranslationUtil; import; import; import; import; // Not @Transactional, because we use runInTransaction /** * @author Alex Eng <a href=""></a> */ @Named("copyVersionServiceImpl") @RequestScoped public class CopyVersionServiceImpl implements CopyVersionService { private static final org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(CopyVersionServiceImpl.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = 6627946519267202976L; // Document batch size protected static final int DOC_BATCH_SIZE = 2; // TextFlow batch size protected static final int TF_BATCH_SIZE = 20; // TextFlowTarget batch size protected static final int TFT_BATCH_SIZE = 20; @Inject private ProjectIterationDAO projectIterationDAO; @Inject private DocumentDAO documentDAO; @Inject private TextFlowDAO textFlowDAO; @Inject private TextFlowTargetDAO textFlowTargetDAO; @Inject private VersionStateCache versionStateCacheImpl; @Inject private FilePersistService filePersistService; @Inject private ZanataIdentity identity; @Inject private TransactionUtil transactionUtil; // Stop watch for textFlow and target copy process @SuppressFBWarnings("SE_BAD_FIELD") private Stopwatch copyTfAndTftStopWatch = Stopwatch.createUnstarted(); @Override public void copyVersion(@Nonnull String projectSlug, @Nonnull String versionSlug, @Nonnull String newVersionSlug, @Nullable CopyVersionTaskHandle handle) { Optional<CopyVersionTaskHandle> taskHandleOpt = Optional.fromNullable(handle); HProjectIteration version = projectIterationDAO.getBySlug(projectSlug, versionSlug); if (version == null) { log.error("Cannot find project iteration of {}:{}", projectSlug, versionSlug); return; } if (taskHandleOpt.isPresent()) { prepareCopyVersionHandle(version, taskHandleOpt.get()); } Stopwatch overallStopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();"copy version start: copy {} to {}", projectSlug + ":" + versionSlug, projectSlug + ":" + newVersionSlug); // Copy of HProjectIteration HProjectIteration newVersion = new HProjectIteration(); try { newVersion.setSlug(newVersionSlug); newVersion.setStatus(EntityStatus.READONLY); newVersion.setProject(version.getProject()); newVersion = copyVersionSettings(version, newVersion); newVersion = projectIterationDAO.makePersistent(newVersion); projectIterationDAO.flush(); // Copy of HDocument int docSize = documentDAO.getDocCountByVersion(projectSlug, versionSlug); int docStart = 0; while (docStart < docSize) { Map<Long, Long> docMap = copyDocumentBatch(version.getId(), newVersion.getId(), docStart, DOC_BATCH_SIZE); docStart += DOC_BATCH_SIZE; for (Map.Entry<Long, Long> entry : docMap.entrySet()) { // Copy of HTextFlow and HTextFlowTarget copyTextFlowAndTarget(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); if (taskHandleOpt.isPresent()) { taskHandleOpt.get().incrementDocumentProcessed(); taskHandleOpt.get().increaseProgress(1); } } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error during copy version from project \'{}\' {} to {}.", projectSlug, versionSlug, newVersionSlug, e); } finally { // restore version.status after complete newVersion = projectIterationDAO.getBySlug(projectSlug, newVersionSlug); newVersion.setStatus(version.getStatus()); projectIterationDAO.makePersistent(newVersion); projectIterationDAO.flush(); // clear any cache that has been loaded in this new version before // copy // completed versionStateCacheImpl.clearVersionStatsCache(newVersion.getId());"copy version end: copy {} to {}, {}", projectSlug + ":" + versionSlug, projectSlug + ":" + newVersionSlug, overallStopwatch); } } @Override @Async public Future<Void> startCopyVersion(@Nonnull String projectSlug, @Nonnull String versionSlug, @Nonnull String newVersionSlug, CopyVersionTaskHandle handle) { copyVersion(projectSlug, versionSlug, newVersionSlug, handle); return AsyncTaskResult.completed(); } private void prepareCopyVersionHandle(@Nonnull HProjectIteration originalVersion, @Nonnull CopyVersionTaskHandle handle) { handle.setTriggeredBy(identity.getAccountUsername()); int totalDocCount = getTotalDocCount(originalVersion.getProject().getSlug(), originalVersion.getSlug()); handle.setMaxProgress(totalDocCount); handle.setTotalDoc(totalDocCount); } @Override public int getTotalDocCount(@Nonnull String projectSlug, @Nonnull String versionSlug) { return documentDAO.getDocCountByVersion(projectSlug, versionSlug); } /** * Return map of old HDocument id, new HDocument id copied * * @param versionId * @param newVersionId * @param batchStart * @param batchLength */ protected Map<Long, Long> copyDocumentBatch(Long versionId, Long newVersionId, int batchStart, int batchLength) { try { return -> copyDocument(versionId, newVersionId, batchStart, batchLength)); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("exception during copy document", e); return Collections.emptyMap(); } } /** * Copy documents from HProjectIteration(id=versionId) in * batches(batchStart, batchLength) into HProjectIteration(id=newVersionId). * Copying includes HRawDocument stored in file system. * * @return Map indexed by the original document id, and to the new copied * document id. * @throws Exception */ private Map<Long, Long> copyDocument(final Long versionId, final Long newVersionId, final int batchStart, final int batchLength) throws Exception { Map<Long, Long> docMap = Maps.newHashMap(); HProjectIteration newVersion = projectIterationDAO.findById(newVersionId); List<HDocument> documents = documentDAO.findAllByVersionId(versionId, batchStart, batchLength); for (HDocument doc : documents) { HDocument newDocument = copyDocument(newVersion, doc); // Needs to persist before inserting raw document newDocument = documentDAO.makePersistent(newDocument); if (doc.getRawDocument() != null) { HRawDocument newRawDocument = copyRawDocument(newDocument, doc.getRawDocument()); filePersistService.copyAndPersistRawDocument(doc.getRawDocument(), newRawDocument); documentDAO.addRawDocument(newDocument, newRawDocument); } newVersion.getDocuments().put(newDocument.getDocId(), newDocument); docMap.put(doc.getId(), newDocument.getId()); } documentDAO.flush(); return docMap; } /** * Copy text flows and targets of document with id=documentId to document * with id=newDocumentId * * @param documentId * @param newDocumentId */ private void copyTextFlowAndTarget(Long documentId, Long newDocumentId) { copyTfAndTftStopWatch.start(); int tfStart = 0; int tftStart = 0; int totalTftCount = 0; int tfCount = textFlowDAO.countActiveTextFlowsInDocument(documentId); while (tfStart < tfCount) { Map<Long, Long> tfMap = copyTextFlowBatch(documentId, newDocumentId, tfStart, TF_BATCH_SIZE); tfStart += TF_BATCH_SIZE; textFlowDAO.clear(); documentDAO.clear(); for (Map.Entry<Long, Long> entry : tfMap.entrySet()) { tftStart = 0; int tftCount = textFlowTargetDAO.countTextFlowTargetsInTextFlow(entry.getKey()); while (tftStart < tftCount) { totalTftCount += copyTextFlowTargetBatch(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), tftStart, TFT_BATCH_SIZE); tftStart += TFT_BATCH_SIZE; textFlowDAO.clear(); textFlowTargetDAO.clear(); } } } copyTfAndTftStopWatch.stop();"copy document- textFlow:{}, textFlowTarget:{} copied for document:{} - {}", tfCount, totalTftCount, newDocumentId, copyTfAndTftStopWatch); copyTfAndTftStopWatch.reset(); } /** * Return map of old HTextFlow id, new HTextFlow id copied * * @param documentId * @param newDocumentId * @param batchStart * @param batchLength */ protected Map<Long, Long> copyTextFlowBatch(Long documentId, Long newDocumentId, int batchStart, int batchLength) { try { return transactionUtil .call(() -> this.copyTextFlows(documentId, newDocumentId, batchStart, batchLength)); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("exception during copy text flow", e); return Collections.EMPTY_MAP; } } private Map<Long, Long> copyTextFlows(final Long documentId, final Long newDocumentId, final int batchStart, final int batchLength) throws Exception { Map<Long, HTextFlow> tfMap = Maps.newHashMap(); List<HTextFlow> textFlows = textFlowDAO.getTextFlowsByDocumentId(documentId, batchStart, batchLength); HDocument newDocument = documentDAO.getById(newDocumentId); for (HTextFlow textFlow : textFlows) { HTextFlow newTextFlow = copyTextFlow(newDocument, textFlow); newDocument.getTextFlows().add(newTextFlow); newDocument.getAllTextFlows().put(newTextFlow.getResId(), newTextFlow); tfMap.put(textFlow.getId(), newTextFlow); } documentDAO.makePersistent(newDocument); documentDAO.flush(); return Maps.transformEntries(tfMap, (key, value) -> value.getId()); } /** * Return number of HTextFlowTarget copied * * @param tfId * @param newTfId * @param batchStart * @param batchLength */ protected int copyTextFlowTargetBatch(Long tfId, Long newTfId, int batchStart, int batchLength) { try { return -> this.copyTextFlowTargets(tfId, newTfId, batchStart, batchLength)); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("exception during copy text flow target", e); return 0; } } /** * Copy HTextFlowTarget from HTextFlow(id=tfId) in batches(batchStart, * batchLength) into HTextFlow(id=newTfId). * * @return Number of text flow targets copied. * @throws Exception */ private Integer copyTextFlowTargets(final Long tfId, final Long newTfId, final int batchStart, final int batchLength) throws Exception { HTextFlow newTextFlow = textFlowDAO.findById(newTfId); List<HTextFlowTarget> copyTargets = textFlowTargetDAO.getByTextFlowId(tfId, batchStart, batchLength); for (HTextFlowTarget tft : copyTargets) { HTextFlowTarget newTextFlowTarget = copyTextFlowTarget(newTextFlow, tft); newTextFlow.getTargets().put(newTextFlowTarget.getLocale().getId(), newTextFlowTarget); } textFlowDAO.makePersistent(newTextFlow); textFlowDAO.flush(); return copyTargets.size(); } @Override public HProjectIteration copyVersionSettings(HProjectIteration version, HProjectIteration newVersion) { try { JPACopier.copyBean(version, newVersion, "slug", "status", "project", "children", "documents", "allDocuments"); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("exception during copy version", e); } return newVersion; } @Override public HDocument copyDocument(HProjectIteration newVersion, HDocument document) throws Exception { HDocument copy = JPACopier.<HDocument>copyBean(document, "projectIteration", "poHeader", "poTargetHeaders", "rawDocument", "textFlows", "allTextFlows"); copy.setProjectIteration(newVersion); if (document.getPoHeader() != null) { HPoHeader poHeader = JPACopier.<HPoHeader>copyBean(document.getPoHeader()); copy.setPoHeader(poHeader); } for (Map.Entry<HLocale, HPoTargetHeader> entry : document.getPoTargetHeaders().entrySet()) { HPoTargetHeader poTargetHeader = JPACopier.<HPoTargetHeader>copyBean(entry.getValue(), "document"); poTargetHeader.setDocument(copy); copy.getPoTargetHeaders().put(entry.getKey(), poTargetHeader); } return copy; } @Override public HRawDocument copyRawDocument(HDocument newDocument, @Nonnull HRawDocument rawDocument) throws Exception { HRawDocument copy = JPACopier.<HRawDocument>copyBean(rawDocument, "document"); copy.setDocument(newDocument); return copy; } @Override public HTextFlow copyTextFlow(HDocument newDocument, HTextFlow textFlow) throws Exception { HTextFlow copy = JPACopier.<HTextFlow>copyBean(textFlow, "document", "content", "targets", "history", "potEntryData"); copy.setDocument(newDocument); // copy PotEntryData if (textFlow.getPotEntryData() != null) { HPotEntryData potEntryData = JPACopier.<HPotEntryData>copyBean(textFlow.getPotEntryData(), "textFlow"); copy.setPotEntryData(potEntryData); } return copy; } @Override public HTextFlowTarget copyTextFlowTarget(HTextFlow newTf, HTextFlowTarget tft) throws Exception { HTextFlowTarget copy = JPACopier.<HTextFlowTarget>copyBean(tft, "textFlow", "reviewComments", "history"); copy.setTextFlow(newTf); copy.setTextFlowRevision(newTf.getRevision()); if (tft.getComment() != null) { copy.setComment(new HSimpleComment(tft.getComment().getComment())); } copy.setRevisionComment(TranslationUtil.getCopyVersionMessage(tft)); copy.setSourceType(TranslationSourceType.COPY_VERSION); TranslationUtil.copyEntity(tft, copy); // copy review comment copy.setReviewComments(Lists.<HTextFlowTargetReviewComment>newArrayList()); for (HTextFlowTargetReviewComment comment : tft.getReviewComments()) { copy.addReviewComment(comment.getComment(), comment.getCommenter()); } // copy history for (HTextFlowTargetHistory history : tft.getHistory().values()) { HTextFlowTargetHistory newHistory = JPACopier.<HTextFlowTargetHistory>copyBean(history, "textFlowTarget", "content"); newHistory.setTextFlowTarget(copy); newHistory.setSourceType(TranslationSourceType.COPY_VERSION); TranslationUtil.copyEntity(history, newHistory); copy.getHistory().put(newHistory.getVersionNum(), newHistory); } return copy; } }