Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014, Red Hat, Inc. and individual contributors as indicated by the * @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the distribution for a full * listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF * site: */ package; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard; import java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.Keys; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions; import; import org.zanata.util.WebElementUtil; import; import; import; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat; /** * @author Patrick Huang <a * href=""></a> */ @Slf4j public class EditorPage extends BasePage { public enum Validations { HTML, JAVAVARIABLES, NEWLINE, POSITIONAL, PRINTF, TABS, XML } // first %d is row index, second %d is plural form index (i.e. 0 or 1) private static final String SOURCE_ID_FMT = "gwt-debug-%d-source-panel-%d-container"; // first %d is row index, second %d is plural form index (i.e. 0-6) private static final String TARGET_ID_FMT = "gwt-debug-%d-target-%d"; private static final String EDITOR_SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT = "gwt-debug-syntax-highlight-chk-input"; // buttons id format private static final String APPROVE_BUTTON_ID_FMT = "gwt-debug-target-%d-save-approve"; private static final String FUZZY_BUTTON_ID_FMT = "gwt-debug-target-%d-save-fuzzy"; private final By glossaryTable ="gwt-debug-glossaryResultTable"); private final By glossaryNoResult ="gwt-debug-glossaryNoResult"); private By glossarySearchInput ="gwt-debug-glossaryTextBox"); private By transUnitTable ="gwt-debug-transUnitTable"); private By editorFilterField ="gwt-debug-editor-filter-box"); private By configurationPanel = By.className("i--settings"); private By validationBox = By.className("gwt-DisclosurePanel"); private By validationOptions = By.xpath("//a[@title='Validation options']"); private By validationOptionsView ="validationOptionsView"); public EditorPage(WebDriver driver) { super(driver); } public EditorPage searchGlossary(final String term) {"Search glossary for {}", term); waitForAMoment() .until((Predicate<WebDriver>) webDriver -> webDriver.findElements(glossaryNoResult).size() == 1 || webDriver.findElements(glossaryTable).size() == 1); readyElement(glossarySearchInput).clear(); enterText(readyElement(glossarySearchInput), term); clickElement("gwt-debug-glossarySearchButton")); return new EditorPage(getDriver()); } /** * There is usually a long poll waiting for GWTEventService events * from the server. * @return */ @Override protected int getExpectedBackgroundRequests() { return 1; } /** * First row is header: SourceTerm, TargetTerm, Action, Details. * * @return a table representing the searchResultTable */ public List<List<String>> getGlossaryResultTable() {"Query glossary results"); return waitForAMoment().until((Function<WebDriver, List<List<String>>>) webDriver -> { if (webDriver.findElements(glossaryNoResult).size() == 1) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<List<String>> resultTable = WebElementUtil.getTwoDimensionList(webDriver, glossaryTable);"glossary result: {}", resultTable); return resultTable; }); } /** * Get content of a text flow source at given row. * This assumes the text flow has singular form (i.e. no plural). * If a test requires to access plural content, this can be changed. * * @param rowIndex * row index * @return content of the source */ public String getMessageSourceAtRowIndex(final int rowIndex) {"Query text flow source at {}", rowIndex); return getCodeMirrorContent(rowIndex, SOURCE_ID_FMT, Plurals.SourceSingular); } public String getMessageSourceAtRowIndex(int rowIndex, Plurals plural) {"Query text flow source at {}", rowIndex); return getCodeMirrorContent(rowIndex, SOURCE_ID_FMT, plural); } /** * Get content of a text flow target at given row. * This assumes the text flow has singular form (i.e. no plural). * If a test requires to access plural content, this can be changed. * * @param rowIndex * row index * @return content of the target */ public String getMessageTargetAtRowIndex(final int rowIndex) {"Query text flow target at {}", rowIndex); return getCodeMirrorContent(rowIndex, TARGET_ID_FMT, Plurals.TargetSingular); } private String getCodeMirrorContent(final long rowIndex, final String idFormat, final Plurals plurals) { return waitForAMoment().until((Function<WebDriver, String>) webDriver -> { // code mirror will turn text into list of <pre>. List<WebElement> cmTextLines = webDriver .findElement(, rowIndex, plurals.index()))) .findElements(By.tagName("pre")); List<String> contents = WebElementUtil.elementsToText(cmTextLines); return Joiner.on("\n").skipNulls().join(contents); }); } public EditorPage setSyntaxHighlighting(boolean option) {"Set syntax highlight to {}", option); openConfigurationPanel(); WebElement highlight = readyElement(; if (highlight.isSelected() != option) {; } return new EditorPage(getDriver()); } private Boolean openConfigurationPanel() {"Click to open Configuration options"); waitForAMoment().until((Predicate<WebDriver>) webDriver -> { return getDriver().findElement(By.className("i--settings")).isEnabled(); }); new Actions(getDriver()).click(readyElement(configurationPanel)).perform(); return waitForAMoment().until((Function<WebDriver, Boolean>) webDriver -> { return webDriver.findElement(By.className("gwt-TabLayoutPanelContentContainer")).isDisplayed(); }); } /** * Get content from a target using the non-CodeMirror configuration * @param rowIndex * @return row target content */ public String getBasicTranslationTargetAtRowIndex(final int rowIndex) {"Query text flow source at {}", rowIndex); return getContentAtRowIndex(rowIndex, TARGET_ID_FMT, Plurals.TargetSingular); } public String getBasicTranslationTargetAtRowIndex(int rowIndex, Plurals plurals) {"Query text flow source at {}", rowIndex); return getContentAtRowIndex(rowIndex, TARGET_ID_FMT, plurals); } public boolean expectBasicTranslationAtRowIndex(final int rowIndex, final String expected) {"Wait for text flow target at {} to be {}", rowIndex, expected); return waitForAMoment().until((Function<WebDriver, Boolean>) webDriver -> { return getBasicTranslationTargetAtRowIndex(rowIndex).equals(expected); }); } private String getContentAtRowIndex(final long rowIndex, final String idFormat, final Plurals plural) { return readyElement(, rowIndex, plural.index()))).getAttribute("value"); } /** * Translate a target using the non-CodeMirror field * @param rowIndex * @param text * @return updated EditorPage */ public EditorPage translateTargetAtRowIndex(final int rowIndex, String text) {"Enter at {} the text {}", rowIndex, text); setTargetContent(rowIndex, text, TARGET_ID_FMT, Plurals.SourceSingular); return new EditorPage(getDriver()); } private void setTargetContent(final long rowIndex, final String text, final String idFormat, final Plurals plural) { WebElement we = readyElement(, rowIndex, plural.index())));; we.clear(); we.sendKeys(text); } /** * Simulate a paste from the user's clipboard into the indicated row * * @param rowIndex row to enter text * @param text text to be entered * @return new EditorPage */ public EditorPage pasteIntoRowAtIndex(final long rowIndex, final String text) {"Paste at {} the text {}", rowIndex, text); WebElement we = readyElement(, rowIndex, Plurals.SourceSingular.index()))); Clipboard clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard(); clipboard.setContents(new StringSelection(text), null);; we.sendKeys(Keys.LEFT_CONTROL + "v"); return new EditorPage(getDriver()); } public EditorPage approveTranslationAtRow(int rowIndex) {"Click Approve on row {}", rowIndex); readyElement(, rowIndex))).click(); slightPause(); return new EditorPage(getDriver()); } public EditorPage saveAsFuzzyAtRow(int rowIndex) {"Click Fuzzy on row {}", rowIndex); readyElement(, rowIndex))).click(); return new EditorPage(getDriver()); } public String getMessageTargetAtRowIndex(int rowIndex, Plurals plurals) {"Query text flow target at {}", rowIndex); return getCodeMirrorContent(rowIndex, TARGET_ID_FMT, plurals); } public String getStatistics() {"Query statistics"); return readyElement("gwt-debug-statistics-label")).getText(); } public List<String> getMessageSources() {"Query list of text flow sources"); return WebElementUtil.elementsToText(readyElement(transUnitTable).findElements(By.className("gwt-HTML"))); } /** * Get the validation error messages for the currently translated row * @return error string */ public String getValidationMessageCurrentTarget() {"Query validation messages on current item"); waitForAMoment() .until((Function<WebDriver, Boolean>) webDriver -> !getTargetValidationBox().getText().isEmpty()); return getTargetValidationBox().getText(); } /** * Query whether the first validation messages box is displayed * * @return is/not displayed */ public boolean isValidationMessageCurrentTargetVisible() {"Query is validation message panel displayed"); return getTargetValidationBox().isDisplayed(); } /** * Wait for a delayed validation error panel to display */ public void expectValidationErrorsVisible() {"Wait for validation message panel displayed"); waitForPageSilence(); assertThat(isValidationMessageCurrentTargetVisible()).as("validation message panel displayed").isTrue(); } /** * Click on the validation error box to view details * * @return new EditorPage */ public EditorPage openValidationBox() {"Click to open Validation panel"); getTargetValidationBox().click(); waitForAMoment().until((Function<WebDriver, Boolean>) webDriver -> { String errorText = getValidationMessageCurrentTarget(); return errorText.contains("Unexpected") || errorText.contains("Target"); }); return new EditorPage(getDriver()); } /** * Opens the validation options sidebar * * @return new EditorPage */ public EditorPage openValidationOptions() {"Click to open Validation options panel"); new Actions(getDriver()).click(readyElement(existingElement("container")), validationOptions)) .perform(); existingElement(validationOptionsView); return new EditorPage(getDriver()); } /** * Check if a validation option is available * * @param validation the option to check * @return new EditorPage */ public boolean isValidationOptionAvailable(Validations validation) {"Query is validation option {} available", validation); return readyElement(By.xpath("//*[@title='" + getValidationTitle(validation) + "']")) .findElement(By.tagName("input")).isEnabled(); } /** * Check if a validation option is selected * * @param validation the option to check * @return new EditorPage */ public boolean isValidationOptionSelected(Validations validation) {"Query is validation option {} selected", validation); return existingElement(existingElement(By.xpath("//*[@title='" + getValidationTitle(validation) + "']")), By.tagName("input")).isSelected(); } /** * Click a validation option * @param validation * the option to click * @return new EditorPage */ public EditorPage clickValidationCheckbox(Validations validation) {"Click validation checkbox {}", validation); clickElement(readyElement(existingElement(By.xpath("//*[@title='" + getValidationTitle(validation) + "']")), By.tagName("input"))); return new EditorPage(getDriver()); } private String getValidationTitle(Validations validation) { switch (validation) { case HTML: return "Check that XML/HTML tags are consistent"; case JAVAVARIABLES: return "Check that java style ({x}) variables are consistent"; case NEWLINE: return "Check for consistent leading and trailing newline (\\n)"; case POSITIONAL: return "Check that positional printf style " + "(%n$x) variables are consistent"; case PRINTF: return "Check that printf style (%x) variables are consistent"; case TABS: return "Check whether source and target have the same " + "number of tabs."; case XML: return "Check that XML entity are complete"; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown validation!"); } } public EditorPage inputFilterQuery(String query) {"Enter filter query {}", query); readyElement(editorFilterField).clear(); enterText(readyElement(editorFilterField), query + Keys.ENTER, true, false, false); return new EditorPage(getDriver()); } public String getFilterQuery() {"Query filter text"); return readyElement(editorFilterField).getAttribute("value"); } // Find the right side column for the selected row private WebElement getTranslationTargetColumn() { return readyElement(By.className("selected")).findElements(By.className("transUnitCol")) // Right column .get(1); } // Find the validation messages / errors box private WebElement getTargetValidationBox() { return existingElement(getTranslationTargetColumn(), validationBox); } // Click the History button for the selected row - row id must be known public EditorPage clickShowHistoryForRow(int row) {"Click history button on row {}", row); readyElement(getTranslationTargetColumn(),"gwt-debug-target-" + row + "-history")).click(); waitForAMoment().until((Predicate<WebDriver>) webDriver -> { return getTranslationHistoryBox().isDisplayed(); }); return new EditorPage(getDriver()); } public String getHistoryEntryAuthor(int entry) {"Query author, action on history entry {}", entry); return getTranslationHistoryList().get(entry).findElements(By.className("gwt-InlineHTML")).get(0) .findElement(By.className("txt--meta")).getText(); } public String getHistoryEntryContent(int entry) {"Query content on history entry {}", entry); return getTranslationHistoryList().get(entry).findElements(By.className("gwt-InlineHTML")).get(1) .findElement(By.className("cm-s-default")).getText(); } public EditorPage clickCompareOn(final int entry) {"Click Compare on history entry {}", entry); waitForAMoment().until((Predicate<WebDriver>) webDriver -> { try { return getTranslationHistoryList().get(entry).findElement(By.linkText("Compare")).isDisplayed(); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe) { return false; } }); getTranslationHistoryList().get(entry).findElement(By.linkText("Compare")).click(); slightPause(); return new EditorPage(getDriver()); } public String getTranslationHistoryCompareTabtext() {"Query history tab text"); return getCompareTab().getText(); } public EditorPage clickCompareVersionsTab() {"Click on Compare versions tab"); getCompareTab().click(); readyElement(getTranslationHistoryBox(), By.className("html-face")); return new EditorPage(getDriver()); } public String getComparisonTextInRow(int row) {"Query comparison text in row {}", row); return getCompareTabEntries().get(row).findElement(By.tagName("pre")).getText(); } public List<String> getComparisonTextDiff() {"Query diff from history compare"); List<String> diffs = new ArrayList<>(); for (WebElement element : getCompareTabEntries()) { for (WebElement diffElement : element.findElements(By.className("diff-insert"))) { diffs.add("++" + diffElement.getText()); } for (WebElement diffElement : element.findElements(By.className("diff-delete"))) { diffs.add("--" + diffElement.getText()); } } return diffs; } private WebElement getTranslationHistoryBox() { return existingElement(existingElement("gwt-debug-transHistory")),"gwt-debug-transHistoryTabPanel")); } private List<WebElement> getTranslationHistoryList() { return getTranslationHistoryBox().findElement(By.className("gwt-TabLayoutPanelContent")) .findElement(By.className("list--slat")).findElements(By.className("l--pad-v-1")); } private WebElement getCompareTab() { return getTranslationHistoryBox().findElement(By.className("gwt-TabLayoutPanelTabs")) .findElements(By.className("gwt-TabLayoutPanelTabInner")).get(1); } private List<WebElement> getCompareTabEntries() { return getTranslationHistoryBox().findElements(By.className("gwt-TabLayoutPanelContent")) // Second tab .get(1).findElements(By.className("textFlowEntry")); } }