Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright 2014, Red Hat, Inc. and individual contributors as indicated by the * * @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the distribution for a full * * listing of individual contributors. * * * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * * any later version. * * * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * * details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF * * site: */ package org.zanata.action; import static; import static javax.faces.application.FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import; import; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.deltaspike.jpa.api.transaction.Transactional; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.criterion.NaturalIdentifier; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.enterprise.inject.Any; import javax.enterprise.inject.Model; import javax.faces.bean.ViewScoped; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import org.zanata.common.DocumentType; import org.zanata.common.EntityStatus; import org.zanata.common.LocaleId; import org.zanata.common.ProjectType; import org.zanata.dao.ProjectDAO; import org.zanata.dao.ProjectIterationDAO; import org.zanata.dao.LocaleDAO; import org.zanata.exception.ProjectNotFoundException; import org.zanata.exception.VersionNotFoundException; import org.zanata.i18n.Messages; import org.zanata.model.HLocale; import org.zanata.model.HProject; import org.zanata.model.HProjectIteration; import org.zanata.model.validator.SlugValidator; import; import org.zanata.service.LocaleService; import org.zanata.service.SlugEntityService; import org.zanata.service.ValidationService; import org.zanata.service.impl.LocaleServiceImpl; import org.zanata.service.impl.WebhookServiceImpl; import org.zanata.ui.faces.FacesMessages; import org.zanata.util.ComparatorUtil; import org.zanata.util.UrlUtil; import; import org.zanata.webtrans.shared.model.ValidationAction; import org.zanata.webtrans.shared.model.ValidationId; import org.zanata.webtrans.shared.validation.ValidationFactory; import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage; import javax.faces.event.ValueChangeEvent; import javax.persistence.EntityNotFoundException; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import; @Named("versionHome") @ViewScoped @Model @Transactional public class VersionHome extends SlugHome<HProjectIteration> implements HasLanguageSettings, Serializable { private static final org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(VersionHome.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * This field is set from form input which can differ from original slug */ @Nullable private String inputSlugValue; private Long versionId; @Inject @Any private ProjectAndVersionSlug projectAndVersionSlug; @Inject private FacesMessages facesMessages; @Inject private ProjectIterationDAO projectIterationDAO; @Inject private LocaleDAO localeDAO; @Inject @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private org.zanata.seam.scope.ConversationScopeMessages conversationScopeMessages; @Inject private LocaleService localeServiceImpl; @Inject private ValidationService validationServiceImpl; @Inject private SlugEntityService slugEntityServiceImpl; @Inject private ProjectDAO projectDAO; @Inject private Messages msgs; @Inject private CopyVersionManager copyVersionManager; @Inject private UrlUtil urlUtil; @Inject private ZanataIdentity identity; @Inject private WebhookServiceImpl webhookServiceImpl; @SuppressFBWarnings("SE_BAD_FIELD") private Map<ValidationId, ValidationAction> availableValidations = Maps.newHashMap(); private boolean isNewInstance = false; private String selectedProjectType; private boolean copyFromVersion = true; private String copyFromVersionSlug; @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "SE_BAD_FIELD_STORE") private final Function<HProjectIteration, VersionItem> VERSION_ITEM_FN = new Function<HProjectIteration, VersionItem>() { @Override public VersionItem apply(HProjectIteration input) { boolean selected = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(copyFromVersionSlug) && copyFromVersionSlug.equals(input.getSlug()); return new VersionItem(selected, input); } }; private void setDefaultCopyFromVersion() { List<VersionItem> otherVersions = getOtherVersions(); if (!otherVersions.isEmpty() && StringUtils.isEmpty(copyFromVersionSlug)) { this.copyFromVersionSlug = otherVersions.get(0).getVersion().getSlug(); copyFromVersion = true; } else { copyFromVersion = false; } } public VersionHome() { setEntityClass(HProjectIteration.class); } public void init(boolean isNewInstance) { this.isNewInstance = isNewInstance; if (isNewInstance) { String projectSlug = getProjectSlug(); clearSlugs(); setProjectSlug(projectSlug); identity.checkPermission(getProject(), "insert"); ProjectType projectType = getProject().getDefaultProjectType(); if (projectType != null) { selectedProjectType =; } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(copyFromVersionSlug)) { setDefaultCopyFromVersion(); } } else { copyFromVersion = false; ProjectType versionProjectType = getInstance().getProjectType(); if (versionProjectType != null) { selectedProjectType =; } copyFromVersionSlug = ""; enteredLocaleAliases.putAll(getLocaleAliases()); } } public HProject getProject() { return projectDAO.getBySlug(getProjectSlug()); } public String getProjectSlug() { return projectAndVersionSlug.getProjectSlug(); } public void setProjectSlug(String slug) { projectAndVersionSlug.setProjectSlug(slug); } public String getSlug() { return projectAndVersionSlug.getVersionSlug(); } public List<VersionItem> getOtherVersions() { HProject project = getProject(); if (project != null) { List<HProjectIteration> versionList = projectIterationDAO.getByProjectSlug(getProjectSlug(), EntityStatus.ACTIVE, EntityStatus.READONLY); Collections.sort(versionList, ComparatorUtil.VERSION_CREATION_DATE_COMPARATOR); List<VersionItem> versionItems = Lists.transform(versionList, VERSION_ITEM_FN); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(copyFromVersionSlug) && !versionItems.isEmpty()) { versionItems.get(0).setSelected(true); } return versionItems; } return Collections.emptyList(); } public static class VersionItem { private boolean selected; private HProjectIteration version; public boolean isSelected() { return this.selected; } public HProjectIteration getVersion() { return this.version; } public void setSelected(final boolean selected) { this.selected = selected; } public void setVersion(final HProjectIteration version) { this.version = version; } @java.beans.ConstructorProperties({ "selected", "version" }) public VersionItem(final boolean selected, final HProjectIteration version) { this.selected = selected; this.version = version; } } @Override protected HProjectIteration loadInstance() { Session session = (Session) getEntityManager().getDelegate(); HProject project = (HProject) session.byNaturalId(HProject.class).using("slug", getProjectSlug()).load(); validateProjectState(project); if (versionId == null) { HProjectIteration iteration = (HProjectIteration) session.byNaturalId(HProjectIteration.class) .using("slug", getSlug()).using("project", projectDAO.getBySlug(getProjectSlug())).load(); validateIterationState(iteration); versionId = iteration.getId(); return iteration; } else { HProjectIteration iteration = (HProjectIteration) session.load(HProjectIteration.class, versionId); validateIterationState(iteration); return iteration; } } private void validateIterationState(HProjectIteration iteration) { if (iteration == null || iteration.getStatus() == EntityStatus.OBSOLETE) { log.warn("Project version [id={}, slug={}], does not exist or is soft deleted: {}", versionId, getSlug(), iteration); throw new VersionNotFoundException(getProjectSlug(), getSlug()); } } private void validateProjectState(HProject project) { if (project == null || project.getStatus() == EntityStatus.OBSOLETE) { log.warn("Project [slug={}], does not exist or is soft deleted: {}", getProjectSlug(), project); throw new ProjectNotFoundException(getProjectSlug()); } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void setMessage(String message) { conversationScopeMessages.setMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, message); } @Transactional public void updateRequireTranslationReview(String key, boolean checked) { identity.checkPermission(getInstance(), "update"); getInstance().setRequireTranslationReview(checked); update(); if (checked) { setMessage(msgs.get("jsf.iteration.requireReview.enabled")); } else { setMessage(msgs.get("jsf.iteration.requireReview.disabled")); } } public List<ValidationAction> getValidationList() { List<ValidationAction> sortedList = Lists.newArrayList(getValidations().values()); Collections.sort(sortedList, ValidationFactory.ValidationActionComparator); return sortedList; } private Map<ValidationId, ValidationAction> getValidations() { if (availableValidations.isEmpty()) { Collection<ValidationAction> validationList = validationServiceImpl .getValidationActions(getProjectSlug(), getInstance().getSlug()); for (ValidationAction validationAction : validationList) { availableValidations.put(validationAction.getId(), validationAction); } } return availableValidations; } public void validateSuppliedId() { getInstance(); // this will raise an EntityNotFound exception // when id is invalid and conversation will not // start } public ProjectType getProjectType() { if (getInstance().getProjectType() == null) { getInstance().setProjectType(getInstance().getProject().getDefaultProjectType()); } return getInstance().getProjectType(); } @Transactional public void setProjectType(ProjectType projectType) { getInstance().setProjectType(projectType); } public void validateProjectSlug() { if (projectDAO.getBySlug(getProjectSlug()) == null) { throw new EntityNotFoundException("no entity with slug " + getProjectSlug()); } } public void verifySlugAvailable(ValueChangeEvent e) { String slug = (String) e.getNewValue(); validateSlug(slug, e.getComponent().getId()); } public boolean validateSlug(String slug, String componentId) { if (!isSlugAvailable(slug)) { facesMessages.addToControl(componentId, "This Version ID has been used in this project"); return false; } boolean valid = new SlugValidator().isValid(slug, null); if (!valid) { String validationMessages = ResourceBundle.getBundle("ValidationMessages") .getString("javax.validation.constraints.Slug.message"); facesMessages.addToControl(componentId, validationMessages); return false; } return true; } public boolean isSlugAvailable(String slug) { return slugEntityServiceImpl.isProjectIterationSlugAvailable(slug, getProjectSlug()); } @Transactional public String createVersion() { if (!validateSlug(inputSlugValue, "slug")) return "invalid-slug"; if (copyFromVersion) { copyVersion(); return "copy-version"; } else { return persist(); } } @Transactional public void copyVersion() { copyVersionManager.startCopyVersion(getProjectSlug(), copyFromVersionSlug, inputSlugValue); setMessage(msgs.format("jsf.copyVersion.started", inputSlugValue, copyFromVersionSlug)); } public void setSlug(String slug) { projectAndVersionSlug.setVersionSlug(slug); this.inputSlugValue = slug; } @Override @Transactional public String persist() { String slug = getInputSlugValue(); if (!validateSlug(slug, "slug")) { return null; } getInstance().setSlug(slug); updateProjectType(); HProject project = getProject(); project.addIteration(getInstance()); // FIXME this looks only to be used when copying a version. // so it should copy the setting for isOverrideLocales, // and all enabled locales and locale alias data if it is // overriding. List<HLocale> projectLocales = localeServiceImpl.getSupportedLanguageByProject(getProjectSlug()); getInstance().getCustomizedLocales().addAll(projectLocales); getInstance().getCustomizedValidations().putAll(project.getCustomizedValidations()); String result = super.persist(); webhookServiceImpl.processWebhookVersionChanged(getProjectSlug(), slug, getProject().getWebHooks(), VersionChangedEvent.ChangeType.CREATE); return result; } @Override public Object getId() { return getProjectSlug() + "/" + getSlug(); } @Override public NaturalIdentifier getNaturalId() { return Restrictions.naturalId().set("slug", getSlug()).set("project", projectDAO.getBySlug(getProjectSlug())); } @Override public boolean isIdDefined() { return getSlug() != null && getProjectSlug() != null; } public boolean isValidationsSameAsProject() { Collection<ValidationAction> versionValidations = validationServiceImpl .getValidationActions(getProjectSlug(), getSlug()); Collection<ValidationAction> projectValidations = validationServiceImpl .getValidationActions(getProjectSlug()); return versionValidations.equals(projectValidations); } @Transactional public void copyValidationFromProject() { getInstance().getCustomizedValidations().clear(); getInstance().getCustomizedValidations().putAll(getInstance().getProject().getCustomizedValidations()); availableValidations.clear(); update(); setMessage(msgs.get("jsf.iteration.CopyProjectValidations.message")); } /** * Flush changes to the database, and raise an event to communicate that the * version has been changed. * * @return the String "updated" */ @Override @Transactional public String update() { identity.checkPermission(getInstance(), "update"); if (!getSlug().equals(getInputSlugValue()) && !validateSlug(getInputSlugValue(), "slug")) { return null; } if (getInputSlugValue() != null && !getSlug().equals(getInputSlugValue())) { getInstance().setSlug(getInputSlugValue()); } boolean softDeleted = false; if (getInstance().getStatus() == EntityStatus.OBSOLETE) { // if we offer delete in REST, we need to move this to hibernate // listener String newSlug = getInstance().changeToDeletedSlug(); getInstance().setSlug(newSlug); softDeleted = true; } String state = super.update(); if (softDeleted) { String url = urlUtil.projectUrl(getProjectSlug()); urlUtil.redirectToInternal(url); return state; } facesMessages.addGlobal(SEVERITY_INFO, msgs.get("jsf.version.settings.updated")); if (!getSlug().equals(getInstance().getSlug())) { projectAndVersionSlug.setVersionSlug(getInstance().getSlug()); return "version-slug-updated"; } return state; } @Override protected void updatedMessage() { // Disable the default message from Seam } @Transactional public void updateStatus(char initial) { identity.checkPermission(getInstance(), "update"); String message = msgs.format("jsf.iteration.status.updated", EntityStatus.valueOf(initial)); getInstance().setStatus(EntityStatus.valueOf(initial)); if (getInstance().getStatus() == EntityStatus.OBSOLETE) { message = msgs.get("jsf.iteration.deleted"); } update(); facesMessages.addGlobal(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, message); } @Transactional public void deleteSelf() { String slug = getInstance().getSlug(); updateStatus('O'); webhookServiceImpl.processWebhookVersionChanged(getProjectSlug(), slug, getProject().getWebHooks(), VersionChangedEvent.ChangeType.DELETE); } @Transactional public void updateSelectedProjectType(ValueChangeEvent e) { selectedProjectType = (String) e.getNewValue(); updateProjectType(); } @Transactional public void copyProjectTypeFromProject() { getInstance().setProjectType(getInstance().getProject().getDefaultProjectType()); update(); setMessage(msgs.get("jsf.iteration.CopyProjectType.message")); } /** * @return comma-separated list of accepted file extensions. May be an empty * string */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public String getAcceptedSourceFileExtensions() { List<String> supportedTypes = Lists.transform(ProjectType.getSupportedSourceFileTypes(getProjectType()), new Function<DocumentType, String>() { @Override public String apply(DocumentType docType) { return Joiner.on(",").join(docType.getSourceExtensions()); } }); return Joiner.on(", ").join(supportedTypes); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public String getAcceptedSourceFile() { List<String> supportedTypes = Lists.transform(ProjectType.getSupportedSourceFileTypes(getProjectType()), new Function<DocumentType, String>() { @Override public String apply(DocumentType docType) { return + "[" + Joiner.on(",").join(docType.getSourceExtensions()) + "]"; } }); return Joiner.on(", ").join(supportedTypes); } private void updateProjectType() { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(selectedProjectType) && !selectedProjectType.equals("null")) { ProjectType projectType = ProjectType.valueOf(selectedProjectType); getInstance().setProjectType(projectType); } else { getInstance().setProjectType(null); } } public List<ValidationAction.State> getValidationStates() { return Arrays.asList(ValidationAction.State.values()); } @Transactional public void updateValidationOption(String name, String state) { identity.checkPermission(getInstance(), "update"); ValidationId validationId = ValidationId.valueOf(name); for (Map.Entry<ValidationId, ValidationAction> entry : getValidations().entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().name().equals(name)) { getValidations().get(validationId).setState(ValidationAction.State.valueOf(state)); getInstance().getCustomizedValidations().put(entry.getKey().name(), entry.getValue().getState().name()); ensureMutualExclusivity(getValidations().get(validationId)); break; } } update(); setMessage(msgs.format("jsf.validation.updated", validationId.getDisplayName(), state)); } /** * If this action is enabled(Warning or Error), then it's exclusive * validation will be turn off */ private void ensureMutualExclusivity(ValidationAction selectedValidationAction) { if (selectedValidationAction.getState() != ValidationAction.State.Off) { for (ValidationAction exclusiveValAction : selectedValidationAction.getExclusiveValidations()) { getInstance().getCustomizedValidations().put(exclusiveValAction.getId().name(),; getValidations().get(exclusiveValAction.getId()).setState(ValidationAction.State.Off); } } } public List<ProjectType> getProjectTypeList() { List<ProjectType> projectTypes = Arrays.asList(ProjectType.values()); Collections.sort(projectTypes, ComparatorUtil.PROJECT_TYPE_COMPARATOR); return projectTypes; } public boolean isOverrideLocales() { return getInstance().isOverrideLocales(); } @Transactional public void setOverrideLocales(boolean overrideLocales) { identity.checkPermission(getInstance(), "update"); getInstance().setOverrideLocales(overrideLocales); } public Map<LocaleId, String> getLocaleAliases() { return LocaleServiceImpl.getLocaleAliasesByIteration(getInstance()); } @Transactional public void removeAllLocaleAliases() { identity.checkPermission(getInstance(), "update"); List<LocaleId> removed = new ArrayList<>(); List<LocaleId> aliasedLocales = new ArrayList<>(getLocaleAliases().keySet()); if (!aliasedLocales.isEmpty()) { ensureOverridingLocales(); for (LocaleId aliasedLocale : aliasedLocales) { boolean hadAlias = removeAliasSilently(aliasedLocale); if (hadAlias) { removed.add(aliasedLocale); } } } // else no locales to remove, nothing to do. showRemovedAliasesMessage(removed); } /** * Ensure that isOverrideLocales is true, and copy data if necessary. */ private void ensureOverridingLocales() { if (!isOverrideLocales()) { startOverridingLocales(); } } /** * Copy locale data from project and set overrideLocales, in preparation for * making customizations to the locales. */ private void startOverridingLocales() { // Copied before setOverrideLocales(true) so that the currently returned // values will be used as the basis for any customization. List<HLocale> enabledLocales = getEnabledLocales(); Map<LocaleId, String> localeAliases = getLocaleAliases(); setOverrideLocales(true); // Replace contents rather than entire collections to avoid confusion // with reference to the collections that are bound before this runs. getInstance().getCustomizedLocales().clear(); getInstance().getCustomizedLocales().addAll(enabledLocales); getInstance().getLocaleAliases().clear(); getInstance().getLocaleAliases().putAll(localeAliases); enteredLocaleAliases.clear(); enteredLocaleAliases.putAll(localeAliases); refreshDisabledLocales(); } /** * Update disabled locales to be consistent with enabled locales. */ private void refreshDisabledLocales() { // will be re-generated with correct values next time it is fetched. disabledLocales = null; } @Transactional public void removeSelectedLocaleAliases() { identity.checkPermission(getInstance(), "update"); List<LocaleId> removed = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry<LocaleId, Boolean> entry : getSelectedEnabledLocales().entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue()) { boolean hadAlias = removeAliasSilently(entry.getKey()); if (hadAlias) { removed.add(entry.getKey()); } } } showRemovedAliasesMessage(removed); } /** * Show an appropriate message for the removal of aliases from locales with * the given IDs. * * @param removed * ids of locales that had aliases removed */ private void showRemovedAliasesMessage(List<LocaleId> removed) { if (removed.isEmpty()) { facesMessages.addGlobal(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, msgs.get("jsf.LocaleAlias.NoAliasesToRemove")); } else if (removed.size() == 1) { facesMessages.addGlobal(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, msgs.format("jsf.LocaleAlias.AliasRemoved", removed.get(0))); } else { facesMessages.addGlobal(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, msgs.format("jsf.LocaleAlias.AliasesRemoved", StringUtils.join(removed, ", "))); } } private boolean removeAliasSilently(LocaleId localeId) { return setLocaleAliasSilently(localeId, ""); } public String getLocaleAlias(HLocale locale) { return getLocaleAliases().get(locale.getLocaleId()); } public boolean hasLocaleAlias(HLocale locale) { return getLocaleAliases().containsKey(locale.getLocaleId()); } /** * A separate map is used, rather than binding the alias map from the * project directly. This is done so that empty values are not added to the * map in every form submission, and so that a value entered in the field * for a row is not automatically updated when a different row is submitted. */ private Map<LocaleId, String> enteredLocaleAliases = Maps.newHashMap(); @Transactional public void updateToEnteredLocaleAlias(LocaleId localeId) { identity.checkPermission(getInstance(), "update"); String enteredAlias = enteredLocaleAliases.get(localeId); setLocaleAlias(localeId, enteredAlias); } private void setLocaleAlias(LocaleId localeId, String alias) { boolean hadAlias = setLocaleAliasSilently(localeId, alias); if (isNullOrEmpty(alias)) { if (hadAlias) { facesMessages.addGlobal(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, msgs.format("jsf.LocaleAlias.AliasRemoved", localeId)); } else { facesMessages.addGlobal(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, msgs.format("jsf.LocaleAlias.NoAliasToRemove", localeId)); } } else { facesMessages.addGlobal(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, msgs.format("jsf.LocaleAlias.AliasSet", localeId, alias)); } } /** * Set or remove a locale alias without showing any message. * * @param localeId * for which to set alias * @param alias * new alias to use. Use empty string to remove alias. * @return true if there was already an alias, otherwise false. */ private boolean setLocaleAliasSilently(LocaleId localeId, String alias) { HProjectIteration instance = getInstance(); Map<LocaleId, String> aliases = instance.getLocaleAliases(); boolean hadAlias = aliases.containsKey(localeId); if (isNullOrEmpty(alias)) { if (hadAlias) { ensureOverridingLocales(); aliases.remove(localeId); } } else { final boolean sameAlias = hadAlias && alias.equals(aliases.get(localeId)); if (!sameAlias) { ensureOverridingLocales(); aliases.put(localeId, alias); } } update(); return hadAlias; } @Transactional public void useDefaultLocales() { identity.checkPermission(getInstance(), "update"); setOverrideLocales(false); refreshDisabledLocales(); } private String enabledLocalesFilter = ""; private String disabledLocalesFilter; public List<HLocale> getEnabledLocales() { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(getProjectSlug()) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(getSlug())) { List<HLocale> locales = localeServiceImpl.getSupportedLanguageByProjectIteration(getProjectSlug(), getSlug()); Collections.sort(locales, ComparatorUtil.LOCALE_COMPARATOR); return locales; } return Lists.newArrayList(); } private Map<LocaleId, Boolean> selectedEnabledLocales = Maps.newHashMap(); // Not sure if this is necessary, seems to work ok on selected disabled // locales without this. public Map<LocaleId, Boolean> getSelectedEnabledLocales() { if (selectedEnabledLocales == null) { selectedEnabledLocales = Maps.newHashMap(); for (HLocale locale : getEnabledLocales()) { selectedEnabledLocales.put(locale.getLocaleId(), Boolean.FALSE); } } return selectedEnabledLocales; } @Transactional public void disableSelectedLocales() { identity.checkPermission(getInstance(), "update"); List<LocaleId> toRemove = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Map.Entry<LocaleId, Boolean> entry : getSelectedEnabledLocales().entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue()) { toRemove.add(entry.getKey()); } } List<LocaleId> removed = Lists.newArrayList(); for (LocaleId localeId : toRemove) { boolean wasEnabled = disableLocaleSilently(localeId); if (wasEnabled) { removed.add(localeId); } } update(); if (removed.isEmpty()) { // This should not be possible in the UI, but maybe if multiple // users are editing it. } else if (removed.size() == 1) { facesMessages.addGlobal(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, msgs.format("jsf.languageSettings.LanguageDisabled", removed.get(0))); } else { facesMessages.addGlobal(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, msgs.format("jsf.languageSettings.LanguagesDisabled", StringUtils.join(removed, ", "))); } } private boolean disableLocaleSilently(LocaleId localeId) { HLocale locale = localeServiceImpl.getByLocaleId(localeId); return disableLocaleSilently(locale); } @Transactional public void disableLocale(HLocale locale) { identity.checkPermission(getInstance(), "update"); boolean wasEnabled = disableLocaleSilently(locale); update(); if (wasEnabled) { facesMessages.addGlobal(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, msgs.format("jsf.languageSettings.LanguageDisabled", locale.getLocaleId())); } // TODO consider showing a message like "Locale {0} was already // disabled." } /** * Disable a locale without printing any message. * * @param locale * to disable * @return true if the locale was enabled before this call, false otherwise. */ private boolean disableLocaleSilently(HLocale locale) { boolean wasEnabled; if (getEnabledLocales().contains(locale)) { ensureOverridingLocales(); wasEnabled = getInstance().getCustomizedLocales().remove(locale); refreshDisabledLocales(); // TODO consider using alias from project as default rather than // none. getLocaleAliases().remove(locale.getLocaleId()); getSelectedEnabledLocales().remove(locale.getLocaleId()); } else { wasEnabled = false; } return wasEnabled; } private List<HLocale> disabledLocales; public List<HLocale> getDisabledLocales() { if (disabledLocales == null) { disabledLocales = findActiveNotEnabledLocales(); } return disabledLocales; } /** * Populate the list of available locales after filtering out the locales * already in the project. */ private List<HLocale> findActiveNotEnabledLocales() { List<HLocale> activeLocales = localeDAO.findAllActive(); // only include those not already in the project version List<HLocale> filteredList = .filter(hLocale -> !getEnabledLocales().contains(hLocale)).collect(Collectors.toList()); Collections.sort(filteredList, ComparatorUtil.LOCALE_COMPARATOR); return filteredList; } private Map<LocaleId, Boolean> selectedDisabledLocales = Maps.newHashMap(); @Transactional public void enableSelectedLocales() { identity.checkPermission(getInstance(), "update"); List<LocaleId> enabled = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry<LocaleId, Boolean> entry : selectedDisabledLocales.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue()) { boolean wasDisabled = enableLocaleSilently(entry.getKey()); if (wasDisabled) { enabled.add(entry.getKey()); } } } selectedDisabledLocales.clear(); update(); if (enabled.isEmpty()) { // This should not be possible in the UI, but maybe if multiple // users are editing it. } else if (enabled.size() == 1) { facesMessages.addGlobal(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, msgs.format("jsf.languageSettings.LanguageEnabled", enabled.get(0))); } else { facesMessages.addGlobal(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, msgs.format("jsf.languageSettings.LanguagesEnabled", StringUtils.join(enabled, ", "))); } } @Transactional public void enableLocale(HLocale locale) { identity.checkPermission(getInstance(), "update"); boolean wasDisabled = enableLocaleSilently(locale); if (wasDisabled) { LocaleId localeId = locale.getLocaleId(); facesMessages.addGlobal(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, msgs.format("jsf.languageSettings.LanguageEnabled", localeId)); } // TODO consider printing message like "Locale {0} was already enabled" } private boolean enableLocaleSilently(LocaleId localeId) { HLocale locale = localeServiceImpl.getByLocaleId(localeId); return enableLocaleSilently(locale); } private boolean enableLocaleSilently(HLocale locale) { final boolean wasDisabled = getDisabledLocales().contains(locale); if (wasDisabled) { ensureOverridingLocales(); getInstance().getCustomizedLocales().add(locale); getSelectedEnabledLocales().put(locale.getLocaleId(), Boolean.FALSE); refreshDisabledLocales(); } // else locale already enabled, nothing to do. return wasDisabled; } /** * This field is set from form input which can differ from original slug */ public void setInputSlugValue(@Nullable final String inputSlugValue) { this.inputSlugValue = inputSlugValue; } /** * This field is set from form input which can differ from original slug */ @Nullable public String getInputSlugValue() { return this.inputSlugValue; } public boolean isNewInstance() { return this.isNewInstance; } public void setNewInstance(final boolean isNewInstance) { this.isNewInstance = isNewInstance; } public void setSelectedProjectType(final String selectedProjectType) { this.selectedProjectType = selectedProjectType; } public String getSelectedProjectType() { return this.selectedProjectType; } public boolean isCopyFromVersion() { return this.copyFromVersion; } public void setCopyFromVersion(final boolean copyFromVersion) { this.copyFromVersion = copyFromVersion; } public String getCopyFromVersionSlug() { return this.copyFromVersionSlug; } public void setCopyFromVersionSlug(final String copyFromVersionSlug) { this.copyFromVersionSlug = copyFromVersionSlug; } /** * A separate map is used, rather than binding the alias map from the * project directly. This is done so that empty values are not added to the * map in every form submission, and so that a value entered in the field * for a row is not automatically updated when a different row is submitted. */ public Map<LocaleId, String> getEnteredLocaleAliases() { return this.enteredLocaleAliases; } /** * A separate map is used, rather than binding the alias map from the * project directly. This is done so that empty values are not added to the * map in every form submission, and so that a value entered in the field * for a row is not automatically updated when a different row is submitted. */ public void setEnteredLocaleAliases(final Map<LocaleId, String> enteredLocaleAliases) { this.enteredLocaleAliases = enteredLocaleAliases; } public String getEnabledLocalesFilter() { return this.enabledLocalesFilter; } public void setEnabledLocalesFilter(final String enabledLocalesFilter) { this.enabledLocalesFilter = enabledLocalesFilter; } public String getDisabledLocalesFilter() { return this.disabledLocalesFilter; } public void setDisabledLocalesFilter(final String disabledLocalesFilter) { this.disabledLocalesFilter = disabledLocalesFilter; } public void setSelectedEnabledLocales(final Map<LocaleId, Boolean> selectedEnabledLocales) { this.selectedEnabledLocales = selectedEnabledLocales; } public Map<LocaleId, Boolean> getSelectedDisabledLocales() { return this.selectedDisabledLocales; } public void setSelectedDisabledLocales(final Map<LocaleId, Boolean> selectedDisabledLocales) { this.selectedDisabledLocales = selectedDisabledLocales; } }