Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2009 Denys Pavlov, Igor Azarnyi
 *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *    limitations under the License.

package org.yes.cart.bulkimport.csv.impl;

import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.springframework.core.convert.TypeDescriptor;
import org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAspectSupport;
import org.yes.cart.bulkimport.csv.CsvFileReader;
import org.yes.cart.bulkimport.csv.CsvImportDescriptor;
import org.yes.cart.bulkimport.csv.CsvImportTuple;
import org.yes.cart.bulkimport.model.*;
import org.yes.cart.bulkimport.service.ImportService;
import org.yes.cart.bulkimport.service.impl.AbstractImportService;
import org.yes.cart.dao.GenericDAO;
import org.yes.cart.domain.entity.Identifiable;
import org.yes.cart.domain.i18n.I18NModel;
import org.yes.cart.domain.i18n.impl.StringI18NModel;
import org.yes.cart.service.async.JobStatusListener;
import org.yes.cart.service.async.model.JobContext;
import org.yes.cart.service.async.model.JobContextKeys;
import org.yes.cart.service.federation.FederationFacade;
import org.yes.cart.util.ShopCodeContext;
import org.yes.cart.util.misc.ExceptionUtil;

import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.*;

 * Perform import from csv files. Import based on xml import description, that include
 * import file mask and column description. Csv import support following
 * import types:
 * <p/>
 * simple - when csv row can be present in table without any modification
 * with fk - when some of the column need to use lookup query to find actual value, that base on value in csv
 * example carrier and carries sla, carrier sla need to get Carrier object as foreign key.
 * with sub import - one of the column has a underlaying table values in csv
 * example - shop and shop url, in this case {@link ImportColumn} has a
 * {@link ImportDescriptor}. At this moment rows in cell are split by comma by default.
public class CsvBulkImportServiceImpl extends AbstractImportService implements ImportService {

    private GenericDAO<Object, Long> genericDAO;

    private GenericConversionService extendedConversionService;

    private ValueAdapter valueDataAdapter;

    private ValueAdapter valueStringAdapter;
    private LookUpQueryParameterStrategy descriptorInsertLookUpQueryParameterStrategy;
    private LookUpQueryParameterStrategy columnLookUpQueryParameterStrategy;
    private EntityCacheKeyStrategy cacheKey;

    public CsvBulkImportServiceImpl(final FederationFacade federationFacade) {

     * Perform bulk import.
     * Service has s set of import descriptors, eac of them may perform the import
     * on files. Files selected by regular expression . If <code>fileName</code>
     * not empty, than only one may be imported instead of set, that satisfy
     * regular expressions.
     * @param context job context
     * @return result of the import
    public BulkImportResult doImport(final JobContext context) {

        final Logger log = ShopCodeContext.getLog(this);
        final JobStatusListener statusListener = context.getListener();
        final Set<String> importedFiles = context.getAttribute(JobContextKeys.IMPORT_FILE_SET);
        final String fileName = context.getAttribute(JobContextKeys.IMPORT_FILE);
        final CsvImportDescriptor csvImportDescriptor = context.getAttribute(JobContextKeys.IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR);
        final String csvImportDescriptorName = context.getAttribute(JobContextKeys.IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR_NAME);

        try {
            final Map<String, Object> entityCache = new HashMap<String, Object>();

            final File[] filesToImport = getFilesToImport(csvImportDescriptor, fileName);
            if (filesToImport == null) {
                final String msgWarn = MessageFormat.format("no files with mask {0} to import",
            } else {
                final String msgInfo = MessageFormat.format(
                        "Import descriptor {0} has {1} file(s) with mask {2} to import", csvImportDescriptorName,
                        filesToImport.length, csvImportDescriptor.getImportFileDescriptor().getFileNameMask());
                if (csvImportDescriptor.getSelectSql() == null) {
                    final String msgErr = "import can not be started, because select-sql is empty";
                    return BulkImportResult.ERROR;
                doImport(statusListener, filesToImport, csvImportDescriptorName, csvImportDescriptor, importedFiles,
        } catch (Exception e) {

             * Programmatically rollback for any error during import - ALL or NOTHING.
             * But we do not throw exception since this is in a separate thread so not point
             * Need to finish gracefully with error status
            if (!TransactionAspectSupport.currentTransactionStatus().isRollbackOnly()) {

            final String msgError = MessageFormat.format("unexpected error {0}", e.getMessage());
            log.error(msgError, e);
            return BulkImportResult.ERROR;
        return BulkImportResult.OK;

     * Perform import for each file.
     * @param statusListener      error report
     * @param filesToImport       array of files to import
     * @param csvImportDescriptorName file name of the descriptor
     * @param csvImportDescriptor import descriptor.
     * @param importedFiles       imported files.
     * @param entityCache         runtime cache
    void doImport(final JobStatusListener statusListener, final File[] filesToImport,
            final String csvImportDescriptorName, final CsvImportDescriptor csvImportDescriptor,
            final Set<String> importedFiles, final Map<String, Object> entityCache) throws Exception {
        // Need to add all file to the set for proper clean up after job in case exception occurs
        for (File fileToImport : filesToImport) {

        for (File fileToImport : filesToImport) {
            doImport(statusListener, fileToImport, csvImportDescriptorName, csvImportDescriptor, entityCache);

     * Perform import for single file.
     * @param statusListener      error report
     * @param fileToImport        array of files to import
     * @param csvImportDescriptorName file name of the descriptor
     * @param csvImportDescriptor import descriptor.
     * @param entityCache         runtime cache
    void doImport(final JobStatusListener statusListener, final File fileToImport,
            final String csvImportDescriptorName, final CsvImportDescriptor csvImportDescriptor,
            final Map<String, Object> entityCache) throws Exception {

        final Logger log = ShopCodeContext.getLog(this);
        final ImportDescriptor.ImportMode mode = csvImportDescriptor.getMode();
        final String msgInfoImp = MessageFormat.format("import file : {0} in {1} mode",
                fileToImport.getAbsolutePath(), mode);

        CsvFileReader csvFileReader = new CsvFileReaderImpl();
        try {
            final String filename = fileToImport.getName();
            long lineNumber = 0;


            String[] line;
            while ((line = csvFileReader.readLine()) != null) {
                final CsvImportTuple tuple = new CsvImportTupleImpl(filename, lineNumber++, line);
                if (mode == ImportDescriptor.ImportMode.DELETE) {
                    doImportDelete(statusListener, tuple, csvImportDescriptorName, csvImportDescriptor);
                } else {
                    doImportMerge(statusListener, tuple, csvImportDescriptorName, csvImportDescriptor, null,
            final String msgInfoLines = MessageFormat.format("total data lines : {0}",
                            ? csvFileReader.getRowsRead() - 1
                            : csvFileReader.getRowsRead()));

        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            final String msgErr = MessageFormat.format("can not find the file : {0} {1}",
                    fileToImport.getAbsolutePath(), e.getMessage());
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            final String msgErr = MessageFormat.format("wrong file encoding in xml descriptor : {0} {1}",
                    csvImportDescriptor.getImportFileDescriptor().getFileEncoding(), e.getMessage());

        } catch (IOException e) {
            final String msgErr = MessageFormat.format("con not close the csv file : {0} {1}",
                    fileToImport.getAbsolutePath(), e.getMessage());


     * Delete single line.
    void doImportDelete(final JobStatusListener statusListener, final CsvImportTuple tuple,
            final String csvImportDescriptorName, final CsvImportDescriptor descriptor) throws Exception {
        List<Object> objects = null;
        final Logger log = ShopCodeContext.getLog(this);
        try {

            if (descriptor.getDeleteSql() != null) {

                // No need to validate sub imports
                validateAccessBeforeUpdate(null, null); // only allowed by system admins

                executeNativeQuery(descriptor, null, tuple, descriptor.getDeleteSql());

            } else {

                objects = getExistingEntities(descriptor, descriptor.getSelectSql(), null, tuple);

                if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(objects)) {

                    for (final Object object : objects) {
                        Note: for correct data federation processing we need ALL-OR-NOTHING update for all import.
                              Once validation fails we fail the whole import with a rollback. Necessary to facilitate
                              objects with complex relationships to shop (e.g. products, SKU)

                        // No need to validate sub imports
                        // Preliminary validation - not always applicable for transient object (e.g. products need category assignments)
                        validateAccessBeforeUpdate(object, descriptor.getEntityTypeClass());




            statusListener.notifyPing("Deleting tuple: " + tuple.getSourceId()); // make sure we do not time out

        } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) {

            String message = MessageFormat.format(
                    "Access denied during import row : {0} \ndescriptor {1} \nobject is {2}", tuple,
                    csvImportDescriptorName, objects);
            log.error(message, ade);

            throw new Exception(message, ade);

        } catch (Exception e) {

            String additionalInfo = e.getMessage();
            String message = MessageFormat.format(
                    "during import row : {0} \ndescriptor {1} \nerror {2}\n{3} \nadditional info {4} \nobject is {5}",
                    tuple, csvImportDescriptorName, e.getMessage(), ExceptionUtil.stackTraceToString(e),
                    additionalInfo, objects);
            log.error(message, e);

            throw new Exception(message, e);

     * Import single line.
     * This method can be called recursive in case of sub imports.
    void doImportMerge(final JobStatusListener statusListener, final ImportTuple tuple,
            final String csvImportDescriptorName, final CsvImportDescriptor descriptor, final Object masterObject,
            final Map<String, Object> entityCache) throws Exception {
        Object object = null;
        final Logger log = ShopCodeContext.getLog(this);
        try {

            if (descriptor.getInsertSql() != null) {
                // this is dirty hack , because of import speed
                if (masterObject == null) {
                    // No need to validate sub imports
                    validateAccessBeforeUpdate(null, null); // only allowed by system admins
                executeNativeQuery(descriptor, masterObject, tuple, descriptor.getInsertSql());

            } else {

                object = getEntity(tuple, null, masterObject, descriptor, entityCache);

                fillEntityFields(tuple, object, descriptor.getImportColumns(FieldTypeEnum.FIELD));
                fillEntityForeignKeys(tuple, object, descriptor.getImportColumns(FieldTypeEnum.FK_FIELD),
                        masterObject, descriptor, entityCache);

                Note: for correct data federation processing we need ALL-OR-NOTHING update for all import.
                      Once validation fails we fail the whole import with a rollback. Necessary to facilitate
                      objects with complex relationships to shop (e.g. products, SKU)

                if (masterObject == null) {
                    // No need to validate sub imports
                    // Preliminary validation - not always applicable for transient object (e.g. products need category assignments)
                    validateAccessBeforeUpdate(object, descriptor.getEntityTypeClass());
                performSubImport(statusListener, tuple, csvImportDescriptorName, descriptor, object,
                        descriptor.getImportColumns(FieldTypeEnum.SLAVE_INLINE_FIELD), entityCache);
                performSubImport(statusListener, tuple, csvImportDescriptorName, descriptor, object,
                        descriptor.getImportColumns(FieldTypeEnum.SLAVE_TUPLE_FIELD), entityCache);

                if (masterObject == null) {
                    // No need to validate sub imports
                    // This validation is after sub imports to facilitate objects with complex relationships to shop (e.g. products)
                    validateAccessAfterUpdate(object, descriptor.getEntityTypeClass());


            statusListener.notifyPing("Importing tuple: " + tuple.getSourceId()); // make sure we do not time out

        } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) {

            String message = MessageFormat.format(
                    "Access denied during import row : {0} \ndescriptor {1} \nobject is {2} \nmaster object is {3}",
                    tuple, csvImportDescriptorName, object, masterObject);
            log.error(message, ade);

            throw new Exception(message, ade);

        } catch (Exception e) {

            String additionalInfo = e.getMessage();
            String message = MessageFormat.format(
                    "during import row : {0} \ndescriptor {1} \nerror {2}\n{3} \nadditional info {4} \nobject is {5} \nmaster object is {6}",
                    tuple, csvImportDescriptorName, e.getMessage(), ExceptionUtil.stackTraceToString(e),
                    additionalInfo, object, masterObject);
            log.error(message, e);

            throw new Exception(message, e);

    private void executeNativeQuery(final ImportDescriptor descriptor, final Object masterObject,
            final ImportTuple tuple, final String queryTemplate) {
        final LookUpQuery query = descriptorInsertLookUpQueryParameterStrategy.getQuery(descriptor, masterObject,
                tuple, valueStringAdapter, queryTemplate);
        if (query.getQueryString().indexOf(";\n") == -1) {
        } else {
            for (final String statement : query.getQueryString().split(";\n")) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(statement)) {

    private void performSubImport(final JobStatusListener statusListener, final ImportTuple tuple,
            final String csvImportDescriptorName, final ImportDescriptor importDescriptor, final Object object,
            final Collection<ImportColumn> slaves, final Map<String, Object> entityCache) throws Exception {
        for (ImportColumn slaveTable : slaves) {
            final List<ImportTuple> subTuples = tuple.getSubTuples(importDescriptor, slaveTable, valueDataAdapter);
            CsvImportDescriptor innerCsvImportDescriptor = (CsvImportDescriptor) slaveTable.getImportDescriptor();
            for (ImportTuple subTuple : subTuples) {
                doImportMerge(statusListener, subTuple, csvImportDescriptorName, innerCsvImportDescriptor, object,

     * Fill the given entity object with line information using import column descriptions.
     * @param tuple         given csv line
     * @param object        entity object
     * @param importColumns particular type column collection
     * @throws Exception in case if something wrong with reflection (IntrospectionException,
     *                   InvocationTargetException,
     *                   IllegalAccessException)
    private void fillEntityFields(final ImportTuple tuple, final Object object,
            final Collection<ImportColumn> importColumns) throws Exception {

        final Class clz = object.getClass();

        PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = null;

        for (ImportColumn importColumn : importColumns) {
            try {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(importColumn.getName())) { //can be just lookup query

                    Object writeObject = object;

                    if (importColumn.getName().indexOf('.') == -1) {
                        // direct property
                        propertyDescriptor = new PropertyDescriptor(importColumn.getName(), clz);
                    } else {
                        // object path
                        final String[] chain = importColumn.getName().split("\\.");
                        for (int i = 0; i < chain.length - 1; i++) {
                            propertyDescriptor = new PropertyDescriptor(chain[i], writeObject.getClass());
                            writeObject = propertyDescriptor.getReadMethod().invoke(writeObject);
                        propertyDescriptor = new PropertyDescriptor(chain[chain.length - 1],

                    Object singleObjectValue = tuple.getColumnValue(importColumn, valueDataAdapter);
                    if (importColumn.getLanguage() != null) {
                        final I18NModel model = new StringI18NModel(
                                (String) propertyDescriptor.getReadMethod().invoke(object));
                        model.putValue(importColumn.getLanguage(), String.valueOf(singleObjectValue));
                        singleObjectValue = model.toString();
                    if (singleObjectValue != null
                            && !singleObjectValue.getClass().equals(propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType())) {
                        // if we have mismatch try on the fly conversion - this happens if someone omits <data-type> for non String values
                        singleObjectValue = extendedConversionService.convert(singleObjectValue,

                    propertyDescriptor.getWriteMethod().invoke(writeObject, singleObjectValue);
            } catch (Exception exp) {

                final String propName = propertyDescriptor != null ? propertyDescriptor.getName() : null;
                final String propType = propertyDescriptor != null ? propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType().getName()
                        : null;

                throw new Exception(
                        MessageFormat.format("Failed to process property name {0} type {1} object is {2}", propName,
                                propType, object),


     * Fill the given entity object with line information using import column descriptions.
     * @param tuple            given csv line
     * @param object           entity object
     * @param importColumns    particular type column collection
     * @param masterObject     master object , that set from main import in case of sub import
     * @param importDescriptor import descriptor
     * @param entityCache      runtime cache
     * @throws Exception in case if something wrong with reflection (IntrospectionException,
     *                   InvocationTargetException,
     *                   IllegalAccessException)
    private void fillEntityForeignKeys(final ImportTuple tuple, final Object object,
            final Collection<ImportColumn> importColumns, final Object masterObject,
            final ImportDescriptor importDescriptor, final Map<String, Object> entityCache) throws Exception {

        ImportColumn currentColumn = null;
        final Class clz = object.getClass();
        Object singleObjectValue = null;
        PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = null;

        try {
            for (ImportColumn importColumn : importColumns) {
                currentColumn = importColumn;

                if (importColumn.isUseMasterObject()) {
                    singleObjectValue = masterObject;
                } else {
                    singleObjectValue = getEntity(tuple, importColumn, masterObject, importDescriptor, entityCache);
                propertyDescriptor = new PropertyDescriptor(importColumn.getName(), clz);
                final Object oldValue = propertyDescriptor.getReadMethod().invoke(object);
                if (oldValue instanceof Identifiable || singleObjectValue instanceof Identifiable) {
                    final Object oldValuePK = oldValue != null ? genericDAO.getEntityIdentifier(oldValue) : null;
                    final Object newValuePK = singleObjectValue != null
                            ? genericDAO.getEntityIdentifier(singleObjectValue)
                            : null;

                    if (oldValuePK == null || !oldValuePK.equals(newValuePK)) {
                        // Update the object only if the value has changed
                        propertyDescriptor.getWriteMethod().invoke(object, singleObjectValue);
                } else {
                    // This is not identifiable, possibly primitive (PK) so write always
                    propertyDescriptor.getWriteMethod().invoke(object, singleObjectValue);

        } catch (Exception exp) {

            final String propName = propertyDescriptor != null ? propertyDescriptor.getName() : null;
            final String propType = propertyDescriptor != null ? propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType().getName()
                    : null;

            throw new Exception(MessageFormat.format(
                    "Failed to process property name {0} type {1} object is {2} caused by column {0} with value {1}",
                    propName, propType, object, currentColumn, singleObjectValue), exp);


     * Get the entity object with following strategy: first attempt - locate
     * existing entity, if it not found create new instance.
     * @param tuple            csv row to get the parameter value for lookup query.
     * @param column           import column, the describe lookup query to locale the entity
     * @param masterObject     in case of subimport will be not null, but will be used with flag only
     * @param importDescriptor import descriptor
     * @param entityCache      runtime cache
     * @return new or existing entity
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException in case if entity interface is wrong.
    private Object getEntity(final ImportTuple tuple, final ImportColumn column, final Object masterObject,
            final ImportDescriptor importDescriptor, final Map<String, Object> entityCache)
            throws ClassNotFoundException {

        if (column == null) {
            // no caching for prime select
            final Object prime = getExistingEntity(importDescriptor, importDescriptor.getSelectSql(), masterObject,
            if (prime == null) {
                return genericDAO.getEntityFactory().getByKey(importDescriptor.getEntityType());
            return prime;

        final String key = cacheKey.keyFor(importDescriptor, column, masterObject, tuple, valueStringAdapter);

        Object object = null;

        if (key != null) {
            object = entityCache.get(key);

        if (object == null) {

            if (column.getLookupQuery() == null || column.getLookupQuery().length() == 0) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing look up query for field: " + column.getName()
                        + " at index: " + column.getColumnIndex() + " in tuple: " + tuple);
            object = getExistingEntity(importDescriptor, column.getLookupQuery(), masterObject, tuple);
            if (object == null) {
                if (column.getEntityType() != null) {
                    object = genericDAO.getEntityFactory().getByIface(Class.forName(column.getEntityType()));
                } else {
                    return null; // no cache for nulls
            if (object != null) {
                entityCache.put(key, object);
        return object;

     * Try to get existing entity for update. In case of sub import master object will be used in parameters if
     * {@link ImportColumn#isUseMasterObject()} set to true.
     * @param importDescriptor descriptor
     * @param queryTemplate    template to use with tuple columns as parameter values
     * @param masterObject in case of subimport will be not null, but will be used with flag only
     * @param tuple        csv row to get the parameter value for lookup query.
     * @return existing entity or null if not found
    private Object getExistingEntity(final ImportDescriptor importDescriptor, final String queryTemplate,
            final Object masterObject, final ImportTuple tuple) {

        final LookUpQuery query = columnLookUpQueryParameterStrategy.getQuery(importDescriptor, masterObject, tuple,
                valueDataAdapter, queryTemplate);
        final Object object = genericDAO.findSingleByQuery(query.getQueryString(), query.getParameters());
        return object;


     * Try to get existing entity for update. In case of sub import master object will be used in parameters if
     * {@link ImportColumn#isUseMasterObject()} set to true.
     * @param importDescriptor descriptor
     * @param queryTemplate    template to use with tuple columns as parameter values
     * @param masterObject in case of subimport will be not null, but will be used with flag only
     * @param tuple        csv row to get the parameter value for lookup query.
     * @return existing entity or null if not found
    private List<Object> getExistingEntities(final ImportDescriptor importDescriptor, final String queryTemplate,
            final Object masterObject, final ImportTuple tuple) {

        final LookUpQuery query = columnLookUpQueryParameterStrategy.getQuery(importDescriptor, masterObject, tuple,
                valueDataAdapter, queryTemplate);
        final List<Object> object = genericDAO.findByQuery(query.getQueryString(), query.getParameters());
        return object;


     * IoC. Set the {@link org.yes.cart.dao.GenericDAO} instance.
     * @param genericDAO {@link GenericDAO} to use.
    public void setGenericDAO(GenericDAO<Object, Long> genericDAO) {
        this.genericDAO = genericDAO;

     * IoC. Set {@link GenericConversionService}.
     * @param extendedConversionService {@link GenericConversionService}  to use.
    public void setExtendedConversionService(final GenericConversionService extendedConversionService) {
        this.extendedConversionService = extendedConversionService;

     * IoC.
     * @param valueDataAdapter {@link ValueAdapter}  to use.
    public void setValueDataAdapter(final ValueAdapter valueDataAdapter) {
        this.valueDataAdapter = valueDataAdapter;

     * IoC.
     * @param valueStringAdapter {@link ValueAdapter}  to use.
    public void setValueStringAdapter(final ValueAdapter valueStringAdapter) {
        this.valueStringAdapter = valueStringAdapter;

     * IoC.
     * @param cacheKey {@link EntityCacheKeyStrategy}  to use.
    public void setCacheKey(final EntityCacheKeyStrategy cacheKey) {
        this.cacheKey = cacheKey;

     * IoC.
     * @param descriptorInsertLookUpQueryParameterStrategy {@link LookUpQueryParameterStrategy}  to use.
    public void setDescriptorInsertLookUpQueryParameterStrategy(
            final LookUpQueryParameterStrategy descriptorInsertLookUpQueryParameterStrategy) {
        this.descriptorInsertLookUpQueryParameterStrategy = descriptorInsertLookUpQueryParameterStrategy;

     * IoC.
     * @param columnLookUpQueryParameterStrategy {@link LookUpQueryParameterStrategy}  to use.
    public void setColumnLookUpQueryParameterStrategy(
            final LookUpQueryParameterStrategy columnLookUpQueryParameterStrategy) {
        this.columnLookUpQueryParameterStrategy = columnLookUpQueryParameterStrategy;