Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2012 The YAWL Foundation. All rights reserved. * The YAWL Foundation is a collaboration of individuals and * organisations who are committed to improving workflow technology. * * This file is part of YAWL. YAWL is free software: you can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * YAWL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with YAWL. If not, see <>. */ package org.yawlfoundation.yawl.worklet.exception; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.JDOMException; import; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.engine.YSpecificationID; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.engine.interfce.Marshaller; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.engine.interfce.TaskInformation; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.engine.interfce.WorkItemRecord; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.util.JDOMUtil; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.util.StringUtil; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.worklet.WorkletService; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.worklet.rdr.*; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.worklet.selection.WorkletRunner; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import static org.yawlfoundation.yawl.worklet.rdr.RuleType.*; /** * The ExceptionService class manages the handling of exceptions that may occur * during the life of a case instance. It receives events from the engine via * InterfaceX at various milestones for constraint checking, and when certain * exceptional events occur. It runs exception handlers when required, which may * involve the running of compensatory worklets. It derives from the * WorkletService class and uses many of the same methods as those used in the * worklet selection process. * * @author Michael Adams * @version 0.8, 04-09/2006 */ public class ExceptionService { private static Logger _log; private ExceptionActions _actions; private final ExletRunnerCache _runners; private final WorkletService _wService; private final Object _mutex = new Object(); public ExceptionService(WorkletService workletService) { super(); _log = LogManager.getLogger(ExceptionService.class); _runners = new ExletRunnerCache(); _wService = workletService; // register service with parent } public void completeInitialisation(boolean persisting) { _actions = new ExceptionActions(_wService.getEngineClient()); if (persisting) restoreDataSets(); // reload running cases data } /*******************************/ // INTERFACE X IMPLEMENTATIONS // /*******************************/ /** * Handles a notification from the Engine that a case has been cancelled. * If the case passed has any exception handling worklets running for it, * they are also cancelled. * * @param caseID the case cancelled by the Engine */ public void handleCaseCancellationEvent(String caseID) { synchronized (_mutex) {"CASE CANCELLATION EVENT"); caseID = getIntegralID(caseID); // strip back to basic caseID // cancel any/all running worklets for this case cancelWorkletsForCase(caseID); // if this case was a worklet running for another case, process // the worklet cancellation if (_runners.isCompensationWorklet(caseID)) { handleCompletingExceptionWorklet(caseID, null, true); } _runners.cancel(caseID); } } /** * Handles a notification from the Engine that a workitem is either starting * or has completed. * Checks the rules for the workitem, and evaluates any pre-constraints or * post-constraints (if any), and if a constraint has been violated, raises * the appropriate exception. * * @param wir the workitem that triggered the event * @param data the current case data (i.e. immediately prior to item start or * after item completion) * @param preCheck true for pre-constraints, false for post-constraints */ public void handleCheckWorkItemConstraintEvent(WorkItemRecord wir, String data, boolean preCheck) { synchronized (_mutex) {"CHECK WORKITEM CONSTRAINT EVENT");"Checking {}-constraints for workitem: {}", preCheck ? "pre" : "post", wir.getID()); checkConstraints(wir, augmentItemData(wir, data), preCheck); } } /** * Handles a notification from the Engine that a case is either starting * or has completed. * Checks the rules for the case and evaluates any pre-constraints or * post-constraints (if any), and if a constraint has been violated, raises * the appropriate exception. * * @param specID specification id of the case * @param caseID the id for the case * @param data the case-level data params * @param preCheck true for pre-constraints, false for post-constraints */ public void handleCheckCaseConstraintEvent(YSpecificationID specID, String caseID, String data, boolean preCheck) { synchronized (_mutex) {"CHECK CASE CONSTRAINT EVENT"); Element eData = JDOMUtil.stringToElement(data); if (preCheck) {"Checking constraints for start of case {} " + "(of specification: {})", caseID, specID); checkConstraints(specID, caseID, eData, true); } else { // end of case"Checking constraints for end of case {}", caseID); checkConstraints(specID, caseID, eData, false); // treat this as a case complete event for exception worklets also if (_runners.isCompensationWorklet(caseID)) { handleCompletingExceptionWorklet(caseID, eData, false); } } } } /** * Handles a notification from the Engine that a workitem associated with the * timeService has timed out. * Checks the rules for timeout for the other items associated with this timeout item * and raises thr appropriate exception. * * @param wir - the item that caused the timeout event * @param taskList - a list of taskids of those tasks that were running in * parallel with the timeout task */ public void handleTimeoutEvent(WorkItemRecord wir, String taskList) { synchronized (_mutex) {"TIMEOUT EVENT"); if (taskList != null) { // split task list into individual taskids taskList = taskList.substring(1, taskList.lastIndexOf(']')); // remove [ ] // for each parallel task in the time out set for (String taskID : taskList.split(", ")) { // get workitem record for this task & add it to the monitor's data YSpecificationID specID = new YSpecificationID(wir); List<WorkItemRecord> wirs = getWorkItemRecordsForTaskInstance(specID, taskID); if (wirs != null) { handleTimeout(wirs.get(0)); } else"No live work item found for task: {}", taskID); } } else handleTimeout(wir); } } private void handleTimeout(WorkItemRecord wir) { handleItemException(wir, wir.getDataListString(), RuleType.ItemTimeout); } public void handleResourceUnavailableException(String resourceID, WorkItemRecord wir, String caseData, boolean primary) { handleItemException(wir, caseData, ItemResourceUnavailable); } public String handleWorkItemAbortException(WorkItemRecord wir, String data) { return handleItemException(wir, data, RuleType.ItemAbort); } public String handleConstraintViolationException(WorkItemRecord wir, String data) { return handleItemException(wir, data, ItemConstraintViolation); } private String handleItemException(WorkItemRecord wir, String dataStr, RuleType ruleType) { String msg; YSpecificationID specID = new YSpecificationID(wir); Element data = augmentItemData(wir, dataStr); // get the exception handler for this task (if any) RdrPair pair = getExceptionHandler(specID, wir.getTaskID(), data, ruleType); // if pair is null there's no rules defined for this type of constraint if (pair == null) { msg = "No " + ruleType.toLongString() + " rules defined for workitem: " + wir.getTaskID(); } else { if (!pair.hasNullConclusion()) { // we have a handler msg = ruleType.toLongString() + " exception raised for work item: " + wir.getID(); raiseException(wir, pair, data, ruleType); } else { // there are rules but the item passes msg = "Workitem '" + wir.getID() + "' has passed " + ruleType.toLongString() + " rules."; } }; return StringUtil.wrap(msg, "result"); } //***************************************************************************// /** * Checks for case-level constraint violations. * * @param pre true for pre-constraints, false for post-constraints */ private void checkConstraints(YSpecificationID specID, String caseID, Element data, boolean pre) { String sType = pre ? "pre" : "post"; RuleType xType = pre ? RuleType.CasePreconstraint : RuleType.CasePostconstraint; // get the exception handler that would result from a constraint violation RdrPair pair = getExceptionHandler(specID, null, data, xType); // if pair is null there's no rules defined for this type of constraint if (pair == null) {"No {}-case constraints defined for spec: {}", sType, specID); } else { if (!pair.hasNullConclusion()) { // there's been a violation"Case {} failed {}-case constraints", caseID, sType); raiseException(caseID, pair, data, xType); } else { // there are rules but the case passes _wService.getServer().announceConstraintPass(caseID, data, xType);"Case {} passed {}-case constraints", caseID, sType); } } } /** * Checks for item-level constraint violations. * * @param wir the WorkItemRecord for the workitem * @param pre true for pre-constraints, false for post-constraints */ private void checkConstraints(WorkItemRecord wir, Element data, boolean pre) { String itemID = wir.getID(); String taskID = wir.getTaskID(); YSpecificationID specID = new YSpecificationID(wir); String sType = pre ? "pre" : "post"; RuleType xType = pre ? RuleType.ItemPreconstraint : RuleType.ItemPostconstraint; // get the exception handler that would result from a constraint violation RdrPair pair = getExceptionHandler(specID, taskID, data, xType); // if pair is null there's no rules defined for this type of constraint if (pair == null) {"No {}-task constraints defined for task: {}", sType, taskID); if (pre) _wService.getEventQueue().notifyExceptionHandlingCompleted(wir); } else { if (!pair.hasNullConclusion()) { // there's been a violation"Workitem {} failed {}-task constraints", itemID, sType); raiseException(wir, pair, data, xType); } else { // there are rules but the case passes _wService.getServer().announceConstraintPass(wir, data, xType);"Workitem {} passed {}-task constraints", itemID, sType); if (pre) _wService.getEventQueue().notifyExceptionHandlingCompleted(wir); } } } /** * Discovers whether this case or item has rules for this exception type, and if so, * returns the result of the rule evaluation. Note that if the conclusion * returned from the search is empty, no exception has occurred. * * @param taskID item's task id, or null for case-level exception * @param xType the type of exception triggered * @return an RdrConclusion representing an exception handling process, * or null if no rules are defined for these criteria */ private RdrPair getExceptionHandler(YSpecificationID specID, String taskID, Element data, RuleType xType) { return _wService.getRdrEvaluator().evaluate(specID, taskID, data, xType); } /** * Raises a case-level exception by creating a ExletRunner for the exception * process, then starting the processing of it * @param pair represents the exception handling process * @param xType the int descriptor of the exception type (WorkletService xType) */ private void raiseException(String caseID, RdrPair pair, Element data, RuleType xType) { _log.debug("Invoking exception handling process for case: {}", caseID); _wService.getServer().announceException(caseID, data, pair.getLastTrueNode(), xType); ExletRunner runner = new ExletRunner(caseID, pair.getConclusion(), xType); runner.setRuleNodeID(pair.getLastTrueNode().getNodeId()); runner.setData(data); processException(runner); } /** * Raises an item-level exception - see above for more info * @param pair represents the exception handling process * @param wir the WorkItemRecord of the item that triggered the event * @param xType the int descriptor of the exception type (WorkletService xType) */ private void raiseException(WorkItemRecord wir, RdrPair pair, Element data, RuleType xType) { _log.debug("Invoking exception handling process for item: {}", wir.getID()); _wService.getServer().announceException(wir, data, pair.getLastTrueNode(), xType); ExletRunner runner = new ExletRunner(wir, pair.getConclusion(), xType); runner.setRuleNodeID(pair.getLastTrueNode().getNodeId()); runner.setData(data); processException(runner); } /** * Raises an external exception - see above for more info * @param pair represents the exception handling process */ private void raiseException(ExletRunner runner, RdrPair pair, Element data) { _log.debug("Invoking exception handling process for external: {}", runner.getCaseID()); _wService.getServer().announceException(runner.getWir(), data, pair.getLastTrueNode(), runner.getRuleType()); runner.setRuleNodeID(pair.getLastTrueNode().getNodeId()); processException(runner); } /** * Begin (or continue after a worklet completes) the exception handling process * * @param runner the HandlerRunner for this handler process */ private void processException(ExletRunner runner) { _runners.add(runner); boolean doNextStep = true; while (runner.hasNextAction() && doNextStep) { doNextStep = doAction(runner); // becomes false if worklets started runner.incActionIndex(); // move to next primitive } // if no more actions to do (or worklets) in runner, remove it if (!(runner.hasNextAction() || runner.hasRunningWorklet())) { _runners.remove(runner); if (runner.getRuleType() == RuleType.ItemPreconstraint) { _wService.getEventQueue().notifyExceptionHandlingCompleted(runner.getWir()); } } } /** * Perform a single step in an exception handing process * @param runner the HandlerRunner for this exception handling process * @return true if ok for processing to continue */ private boolean doAction(ExletRunner runner) { String action = runner.getNextAction(); String target = runner.getNextTarget(); boolean success = true; _log.debug("Exception process step {}. Action = {}, Target = {}", runner.getActionIndex(), action, target); // short circuit if action doesn't apply to target if (!target.equals("workitem") && ExletAction.fromString(action).isItemOnlyAction()) { _log.error("Unexpected target type '{}' for action '{}'. Step ignored", target, action); return true; } switch (ExletAction.fromString(action)) { case Continue: doContinue(runner); break; // un-suspend case Suspend: doSuspend(runner); break; case Remove: doRemove(runner); break; // cancel case Restart: restartWorkItem(runner.getWir()); break; case Complete: forceCompleteWorkItem(runner.getWir(), runner.getWorkItemUpdatedData()); break; case Fail: failWorkItem(runner.getWir()); break; case Compensate: // launch & run compensatory worklet(s) // if launch succeeds, break out of loop while worklet runs success = !doCompensate(runner, target); break; case Rollback: { _log.warn("Rollback is not yet implemented - will ignore this step."); break; } default: { _log.warn("Unrecognised action type '{}' in exception handling primitive" + " - will ignore this primitive.", action); } } return success; // successful processing of exception primitive } /** * Calls the appropriate continue method for the exception target scope * * @param runner the HandlerRunner stepping through this exception process */ private void doContinue(ExletRunner runner) { String target = runner.getNextTarget(); switch (ExletTarget.fromString(target)) { case Workitem: { WorkItemRecord wir = _actions.unsuspendWorkItem(runner.getWir()); runner.setItem(wir); // refresh item runner.unsetItemSuspended(); break; } case Case: case AllCases: case AncestorCases: { _actions.unsuspendList(runner); runner.clearCaseSuspended(); break; } default: _log.error("Unexpected target type '{}' " + "for exception handling primitive 'continue'", target); } } /** * Calls the appropriate suspend method for the exception target scope * * @param runner the HandlerRunner stepping through this exception process */ private void doSuspend(ExletRunner runner) { String target = runner.getNextTarget(); switch (ExletTarget.fromString(target)) { case Workitem: suspendWorkItem(runner); break; case Case: _actions.suspendCase(runner); break; case AncestorCases: _actions.suspendAncestorCases(_runners, runner); break; case AllCases: _actions.suspendAllCases(runner); break; default: _log.error("Unexpected target type '{}' " + "for exception handling primitive 'suspend'", target); } } /** * Calls the appropriate remove method for the exception target scope * * @param runner the HandlerRunner stepping through this exception process */ private void doRemove(ExletRunner runner) { String target = runner.getNextTarget(); switch (ExletTarget.fromString(target)) { case Workitem: removeWorkItem(runner.getWir()); break; case Case: removeCase(runner); break; case AncestorCases: removeAncestorCases(runner); break; case AllCases: removeAllCases(runner); break; default: _log.error("Unexpected target type '{}' " + "for exception handling primitive 'remove'", target); } } private boolean doCompensate(ExletRunner runner, String target) { Set<WorkletSpecification> workletList = _wService.getLoader().parseTarget(target); Set<WorkletRunner> worklets = _wService.getEngineClient().launchWorkletList(runner.getWir(), runner.getDataForCaseLaunch(), workletList, runner.getRuleType()); if (!worklets.isEmpty()) { for (WorkletRunner worklet : worklets) { worklet.setParentCaseID(runner.getCaseID()); worklet.setRuleNodeID(runner.getRuleNodeID()); if (runner.getRuleType().isCaseLevelType()) { worklet.setParentSpecID(getSpecIDForCaseID(runner.getCaseID())); } worklet.logLaunchEvent(worklet.getParentSpecID(), null); } runner.addWorkletRunners(worklets); } else _log.error("Unable to load compensatory worklet(s), will ignore: {}", target); return !worklets.isEmpty(); } /** * Deals with the end of an exception worklet case. * @param caseId - the id of the completing case * @param wlCasedata - the completing case's datalist Element * @param cancelled - true if the worklet has been cancelled, false for a normal * completion */ private void handleCompletingExceptionWorklet(String caseId, Element wlCasedata, boolean cancelled) { // get and remove the HandlerRunner that launched this worklet ExletRunner runner = _runners.getRunnerForWorklet(caseId); _log.debug("Worklet ran as exception handler for case: {}", runner.getCaseID()); if (!cancelled) { updateData(runner, wlCasedata); } WorkletRunner worklet = runner.removeWorklet(caseId); // log the worklet's case completion event String event = cancelled ? EventLogger.eCancel : EventLogger.eComplete; EventLogger.log(event, caseId, worklet.getParentSpecID(), "", runner.getCaseID(), -1); //if all worklets have completed, process the next exception primitive if (!runner.hasRunningWorklet()) {"All compensatory worklets have finished execution - " + "continuing exception processing."); processException(runner); } } /* Updates parent case or work item on completion of a worklet case. * * Update data of parent workitem/case if allowed and required and not cancelled * ASSUMPTION: the output data of the worklet will be used to update the * case/item only if: * 1. it is a case level exception and the case has been suspended, in * which case the case-level data is updated; or * 2. it is an pre-executing item level exception and the item is suspended, * in which case the case-level data is updated (because the item has not * yet received data values from the case before starting); or * 3. it is an executing item exception and the item is suspended, in which * case the item-level data is updated */ private void updateData(ExletRunner runner, Element wlCasedata) { if (runner.isItemSuspended() && runner.getRuleType().isExecutingItemType()) { updateItemData(runner, wlCasedata); } else if (runner.isCaseSuspended() || runner.isItemSuspended()) { updateCaseData(runner, wlCasedata); } } /** * Suspends the specified workitem * @param hr the HandlerRunner instance with the workitem to suspend */ private boolean suspendWorkItem(ExletRunner hr) { WorkItemRecord wir = hr.getWir(); if (_actions.suspendWorkItem(wir)) { hr.setItemSuspended(); // record the action hr.setItem(updateWIR(wir)); // refresh the stored wir Set<WorkItemRecord> wirSet = new HashSet<WorkItemRecord>(); wirSet.add(hr.getWir()); // ... and the list hr.setSuspendedItems(wirSet); // record the suspended item return true; } return false; } public boolean suspendWorkItem(String itemID) { return _actions.suspendWorkItem(getWorkItemRecord(itemID)); } public boolean suspendCase(String caseID) { return _actions.suspendCase(caseID); } /** * Cancels the workitem specified * @param wir the workitem (record) to cancel */ private void removeWorkItem(WorkItemRecord wir) { try { // only executing items can be removed, so if its only fired or enabled, or // if its suspended, move it to executing first wir = moveToExecuting(wir); if (wir.getStatus().equals(WorkItemRecord.statusExecuting)) { String msg = _wService.getEngineClient().cancelWorkItem(wir.getID()); if (_wService.successful(msg)) {"WorkItem successfully removed from Engine: {}", wir.getID()); } else _log.error("Failed to remove work item: {}", msg); } else _log.error("Can't remove a workitem with a status of {}", wir.getStatus()); } catch (IOException ioe) { _log.error("Failed to remove workitem '{}': {}", wir.getID(), ioe.getMessage()); } } /** * Cancels the specified case * @param hr the HandlerRunner instance with the case to cancel */ private void removeCase(ExletRunner hr) { removeCase(hr.getCaseID()); } /** * Cancels the specified case * @param caseID the id of the case to cancel */ private void removeCase(String caseID) { try { if (_wService.successful(_wService.getEngineClient().cancelCase(caseID))) {"Case successfully removed from Engine: {}", caseID); } } catch (IOException ioe) { _log.error("Failed to remove case '{}': {}", caseID, ioe.getMessage()); } } /** * Cancels all running instances of the specification passed */ private void removeAllCases(ExletRunner runner) { try { YSpecificationID specID = getSpecIDForCaseID(runner.getCaseID()); String casesForSpec = _wService.getEngineClient().getCases(specID); Element eCases = JDOMUtil.stringToElement(casesForSpec); for (Element eCase : eCases.getChildren()) { removeCase(eCase.getText()); } } catch (IOException ioe) { _log.error("Failed to remove all cases for specification: {}", ioe.getMessage()); } } /** * Cancels all running worklet cases in the hierarchy of handlers * @param runner - the runner for the child worklet case */ private void removeAncestorCases(ExletRunner runner) { String caseID = getFirstAncestorCase(runner);"The ultimate parent case of this worklet has an id of: {}", caseID);"Removing all child compensatory worklets of case: {}", caseID); cancelWorkletsForCase(caseID); removeCase(caseID); // remove ultimate parent } /** returns the ultimate ancestor case of the runner passed */ private String getFirstAncestorCase(ExletRunner runner) { String parentCaseID = null; // i.e. id of parent case // if the caseid is a started worklet handler, get it's runner while (runner != null) { parentCaseID = runner.getCaseID(); runner = _runners.getRunnerForWorklet(parentCaseID); } return parentCaseID; } /** * ForceCompletes the specified workitem * @param wir the item to ForceComplete * @param out the final data params for the workitem */ private void forceCompleteWorkItem(WorkItemRecord wir, Element out) { // only executing items can complete, so if its only fired or enabled, or // if its suspended, move it to executing first wir = moveToExecuting(wir); if (wir.getStatus().equals(WorkItemRecord.statusExecuting)) { try { Element data = mergeCompletionData(wir, wir.getDataList(), out); String msg = _wService.getEngineClient().forceCompleteWorkItem(wir, data); if (_wService.successful(msg)) {"Item successfully force completed: {}", wir.getID()); } else _log.error("Failed to force complete workitem: {}", msg); } catch (IOException ioe) { _log.error("Failed to force complete workitem: " + wir.getID(), ioe); } } else _log.error("Can't force complete a workitem with a status of {}", wir.getStatus()); } /** restarts the specified workitem */ private void restartWorkItem(WorkItemRecord wir) { // ASSUMPTION: Only an 'executing' workitem may be restarted if (wir.getStatus().equals(WorkItemRecord.statusExecuting)) { try { String msg = _wService.getEngineClient().restartWorkItem(wir.getID()); if (_wService.successful(msg)) {"Item successfully restarted: {}", wir.getID()); } else _log.error("Failed to restart workitem: {}", msg); } catch (IOException ioe) { _log.error("Exception attempting restart workitem: " + wir.getID(), ioe); } } else _log.error("Can't restart a workitem with a status of {}", wir.getStatus()); } /** Cancels a workitem and marks it as failed */ private void failWorkItem(WorkItemRecord wir) { try { // only executing items can be failed, so if its only fired or enabled, or // if its suspended, move it to executing first wir = moveToExecuting(wir); // ASSUMPTION: Only an 'executing' workitem may be failed if (wir.getStatus().equals(WorkItemRecord.statusExecuting)) { String result = _wService.getEngineClient().failWorkItem(wir); if (_wService.successful(result)) {"WorkItem successfully failed: {}", wir.getID()); if (result.contains("cancelled")) {"Case {} was unable to continue as a consequence of the " + "workItem force fail, and was also cancelled.", wir.getRootCaseID()); } } else _log.error(StringUtil.unwrap(result)); } else _log.error("Can't fail a workitem with a status of {}", wir.getStatus()); } catch (IOException ioe) { _log.error("Exception attempting to fail workitem: " + wir.getID(), ioe); } } /** * Refreshes a locally cached WorkItemRecord with the Engine stored one * @param wir the item to refresh * @return the refreshed workitem, or the unchanged workitem on exception */ private WorkItemRecord updateWIR(WorkItemRecord wir) { try { wir = _wService.getEngineStoredWorkItem(wir.getID(), _wService.getEngineClient().getSessionHandle()); } catch (IOException ioe) { _log.error("IO Exception attempting to update WIR: " + wir.getID(), ioe); } return wir; } /** * Updates a workitem's data param values with the output data of a * completing worklet, then copies the updates to the engine stored workitem * @param runner the HandlerRunner containing the exception handling process * @param wlData the worklet's output data params */ private void updateItemData(ExletRunner runner, Element wlData) { // update the items datalist with corresponding values from the worklet Element out = _wService.updateDataList(runner.getWorkItemDatalist(), wlData); // copy the updated list to the (locally cached) wir runner.getWir().setDataList(out); // and copy that back to the engine try { _wService.getEngineClient().updateWorkItemData(runner.getWir(), out); } catch (IOException ioe) { _log.error("IO Exception calling interface X"); } } /** * Updates the case-level data params with the output data of a * completing worklet, then copies the updates to the engine stored caseData * @param runner the HandlerRunner containing the exception handling process * @param wlData the worklet's output data params */ private void updateCaseData(ExletRunner runner, Element wlData) { try { // get engine copy of case data Element in = getCaseData(runner.getCaseID()); // update data values as required Element updated = _wService.updateDataList(in, wlData); // and copy that back to the engine _wService.getEngineClient().updateCaseData(runner.getCaseID(), updated); } catch (IOException ioe) { _log.error("IO Exception calling interface X"); } } // merge the input and output data together private Element mergeCompletionData(WorkItemRecord wir, Element in, Element out) throws IOException { String mergedOutputData = Marshaller.getMergedOutputData(in, out); if (StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(mergedOutputData)) { if (_log.isWarnEnabled()) { _log.warn("Problem merging workitem data: In [{}] Out [{}]", JDOMUtil.elementToStringDump(in), JDOMUtil.elementToStringDump(out)); } return (in != null) ? in : out; } YSpecificationID specID = new YSpecificationID(wir); TaskInformation taskInfo = _wService.getTaskInformation(specID, wir.getTaskID(), _wService.getEngineClient().getSessionHandle()); List<YParameter> outputParams = taskInfo.getParamSchema().getOutputParams(); try { return JDOMUtil .stringToElement(Marshaller.filterDataAgainstOutputParams(mergedOutputData, outputParams)); } catch (JDOMException jde) { return (in != null) ? in : out; } } /** cancels all worklets running as exception handlers for a case when that * parent case is cancelled */ private void cancelWorkletsForCase(String caseID) { boolean hasRunningWorklet = false; // flag for msg if no runners // iterate through all the live runners for this case for (ExletRunner runner : _runners.getRunnersForCase(caseID)) { hasRunningWorklet = cancelWorkletsForRunner(runner) || hasRunningWorklet; } if (!hasRunningWorklet) {"No compensatory worklets running for cancelled case: {}", caseID); } } private boolean cancelWorkletsForRunner(ExletRunner runner) { // only want runners with live worklet(s) if (!runner.hasRunningWorklet()) return false; // cancel each worklet case of this runner for (WorkletRunner worklet : runner.getWorkletRunners()) { // recursively call this method for each child worklet (in case // they also have worklets running) String workletCaseID = worklet.getCaseID(); cancelWorkletsForCase(workletCaseID);"Worklet case running for the cancelled parent case " + "has id of: {}", workletCaseID); EventLogger.log(EventLogger.eCancel, workletCaseID, worklet.getWorkletSpecID(), "", runner.getCaseID(), -1); removeCase(workletCaseID); runner.removeWorklet(worklet); } return true; } private WorkItemRecord moveToExecuting(WorkItemRecord wir) { if (wir.getStatus().equals(WorkItemRecord.statusSuspended)) _actions.unsuspendWorkItem(wir); if (wir.getStatus().equals(WorkItemRecord.statusFired) || wir.getStatus().equals(WorkItemRecord.statusEnabled)) { Set<WorkItemRecord> cos = _wService.getEngineClient().checkOutItem(wir); if (!cos.isEmpty()) { wir = cos.iterator().next(); } } return wir; } public Set<WorkletRunner> getRunningWorklets() { return _runners.getAllWorklets(); } public List<String> getExternalTriggersForItem(String itemID) { return _wService.getRdrEvaluator().getExternalTriggersForItem(itemID); } /** * Retrieves a list of all workitems that are instances of the specified task * within the specified spec * @param specID * @param taskID * @return the list of workitems */ private List<WorkItemRecord> getWorkItemRecordsForTaskInstance(YSpecificationID specID, String taskID) { // get all the live work items that are instances of this task List<WorkItemRecord> items = _wService.getEngineClient().getLiveWorkItemsForIdentifier("task", taskID); List<WorkItemRecord> toRemove = new ArrayList<WorkItemRecord>(); if (items != null) { // filter those for this spec for (WorkItemRecord wir : items) { YSpecificationID wirSpecID = new YSpecificationID(wir); if (!wirSpecID.equals(specID)) toRemove.add(wir); } items.removeAll(toRemove); } return items; } /** * Strips off the non-integral part of a case id * @param id the case id to fix * @return the integral part of the caseid passed */ private String getIntegralID(String id) { int end = id.indexOf('.'); // where's the decimal point if (end == -1) return id; // no dec point, no change required return id.substring(0, end); // else return its substring } /** returns the specified wir for the id passed */ public WorkItemRecord getWorkItemRecord(String itemID) { try { return _wService.getEngineClient().getEngineStoredWorkItem(itemID); } catch (IOException ioe) { _log.error("Failed to get WIR '{}' from engine: {}", itemID, ioe.getMessage()); return null; } } /** returns the spec id for the specified case id */ public YSpecificationID getSpecIDForCaseID(String caseID) { return _wService.getEngineClient().getSpecificationIDForCase(caseID); } /** retrieves a complete list of external exception triggers from the ruleset * for the specified case * @param caseID - the id of the case to get the triggers for * @return the (String) list of triggers */ public List getExternalTriggersForCase(String caseID) { YSpecificationID specID = getSpecIDForCaseID(caseID); if (specID != null) { RdrTree tree = _wService.getRdrEvaluator().getTree(specID, null, CaseExternalTrigger); return _wService.getRdrEvaluator().getExternalTriggers(tree); } return null; } /** * Raise an externally triggered exception * @param level - the level of the exception (case/item) * @param id - the id of the case or item on which the exception is being raised * @param trigger - the identifier of (or reason for) the external exception */ public void raiseExternalException(String level, String id, String trigger) { synchronized (_mutex) {"EXTERNAL EXCEPTION EVENT"); // note to log String caseID, taskID; YSpecificationID specID; WorkItemRecord wir = null; RuleType xType; if (level.equalsIgnoreCase("case")) { // if case level caseID = id; specID = getSpecIDForCaseID(caseID); taskID = null; xType = CaseExternalTrigger; } else { // else item level wir = getWorkItemRecord(id); caseID = wir.getRootCaseID(); specID = new YSpecificationID(wir); taskID = wir.getTaskID(); xType = ItemExternalTrigger; } // add trigger value to case data Element eData = augmentExternalData(getCaseData(caseID), trigger); // get the exception handler for this trigger RdrPair pair = getExceptionHandler(specID, taskID, eData, xType); // if pair is null there's no rules defined for this type of constraint if (pair == null) { _log.error( "No external exception rules defined for spec: {}" + ". Unable to raise exception for '{}'", specID, trigger); } else { ExletRunner runner = (wir == null) ? new ExletRunner(caseID, pair.getConclusion(), xType) : new ExletRunner(wir, pair.getConclusion(), xType); runner.setTrigger(trigger); runner.setData(eData); raiseException(runner, pair, eData); } } } private Element getCaseData(String caseID) { String data; try { data = _wService.getEngineClient().getCaseData(caseID); } catch (IOException ioe) { data = "<caseData/>"; } return JDOMUtil.stringToElement(data); } /** * Raises an exception (triggered via the API) using the conclusion passed in * @param wir the wir to raise the exception for * @param ruleType the exception rule type * @param conclusion a populated conclusion object */ public String raiseException(WorkItemRecord wir, RuleType ruleType, RdrConclusion conclusion) { RdrNode dummyNode = new RdrNode(); dummyNode.setConclusion(conclusion); RdrPair dummyPair = new RdrPair(dummyNode, dummyNode); raiseException(wir, dummyPair, null, ruleType); return StringUtil.wrap(ruleType.toLongString() + " exception raised for work item: " + wir.getID(), "result"); } /** * Replaces a running worklet case with another worklet case after an * amendment to the ruleset for this exception. * Called by WorkletGateway after a call from the Editor that the ruleset * has been updated. * Overrides the WorkletService equivalent - This one looks after exceptions, * that one looks after selections * * @param xType - the type of exception that launched the worklet * @param caseID - the id of the original checked out case * @param itemID - the id of the original checked out workitem * @return a string of messages describing the success or otherwise of * the process */ public String replaceWorklet(RuleType xType, String caseID, String itemID) throws IOException { synchronized (_mutex) {"REPLACE EXLET EVENT"); caseID = getIntegralID(caseID); // get the ExletRunner for the exception ExletRunner runner = _runners.getRunner(xType, caseID, itemID); if (runner == null) { raise("No exlets running for case: " + caseID); } // cancel any compensatory worklets running for the case/workitem cancelWorkletsForRunner(runner); // remove runner from running exlet handlers _runners.remove(runner); // go through the process again, depending on the exception type reevaluate(runner, xType); // get the new ExletRunner for the new exception runner = _runners.getRunner(xType, caseID, itemID); if (runner == null) { raise("Failed to start new exlet runner for case: " + caseID); } return _wService.getRunnerCaseIdList(runner.getWorkletRunners()); } } private void reevaluate(ExletRunner runner, RuleType xType) { _log.debug("Reevaluating exception for revised ruleset"); String caseID = runner.getCaseID(); String trigger = runner.getTrigger(); Element data = getCaseData(caseID); WorkItemRecord wir = xType.isItemLevelType() ? runner.getWir() : null; YSpecificationID specID = getSpecIDForCaseID(caseID); switch (xType) { case CasePreconstraint: checkConstraints(specID, caseID, data, true); break; case CasePostconstraint: checkConstraints(specID, caseID, data, false); break; case ItemPreconstraint: checkConstraints(wir, data, true); break; case ItemPostconstraint: checkConstraints(wir, data, false); break; case ItemAbort: if (wir != null) handleWorkItemAbortException(wir, wir.getDataListString()); break; case ItemTimeout: if (wir != null) handleTimeoutEvent(wir, wir.getTaskID()); break; case ItemResourceUnavailable: break; // todo case ItemConstraintViolation: if (wir != null) handleConstraintViolationException(wir, wir.getDataListString()); break; case CaseExternalTrigger: raiseExternalException("case", caseID, trigger); break; case ItemExternalTrigger: raiseExternalException("item", caseID, trigger); break; } } /** returns true if case specified is a worklet instance */ public boolean isWorkletCase(String caseID) { return (_runners.isCompensationWorklet(caseID)); } /** stub method called from RdrConditionFunctions class */ public String getStatus(String taskID) { return null; } /** restores the contents of the running datasets after a web server restart */ private void restoreDataSets() { _runners.restore(); } /** * Adds the contents of the workitem record to the case data for this case - thus * providing information about the workitem to the ruleset * @param wir - the wir being tested for an exception */ private Element augmentItemData(WorkItemRecord wir, String dataStr) { Element data = dataStr != null ? JDOMUtil.stringToElement(dataStr) : new Element("data"); // blend in any case level data not extant in the work item's data // data = blendInCaseData(wir, data); //convert the wir contents to an Element Element eWir = JDOMUtil.stringToElement(wir.toXML()).detach(); Element eInfo = new Element("process_info"); // new Element for info eInfo.addContent(eWir); // add the wir data.addContent(eInfo); // add element to case data return data; } private Element blendInCaseData(WorkItemRecord wir, Element itemData) { if (itemData == null) return null; Element caseData = getCaseData(wir.getRootCaseID()); if (caseData != null) { Iterator<Element> itr = caseData.getChildren().iterator(); // avoid ConModEx while (itr.hasNext()) { Element child =; String name = child.getName(); // assumption: if itemData contains an element of the same name as // caseData, then the itemData element's value is the same as, or newer // than, the caseData element's value. Therefore, only missing elements // should be added if (itemData.getChild(name) == null) { itemData.addContent(child.clone()); } } } return itemData; } /** * Adds an external exception trigger to the case data so that the correct * RDR can be found for it * @param triggerValue - the string value of the external trigger */ private Element augmentExternalData(Element data, String triggerValue) { // all external triggers must be delimited with "'s if (!triggerValue.startsWith("\"")) triggerValue = "\"" + triggerValue + "\""; Element eTrigger = new Element("trigger"); // new Element for trigger eTrigger.addContent(triggerValue); // add the text data.addContent(eTrigger); // add element to case data return data; } protected void raise(String msg) throws IOException { _log.error(msg); throw new IOException(msg); } } // end of ExceptionService class