Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (c) 2004-2012 The YAWL Foundation. All rights reserved.
 * The YAWL Foundation is a collaboration of individuals and
 * organisations who are committed to improving workflow technology.
 * This file is part of YAWL. YAWL is free software: you can
 * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
 * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * YAWL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with YAWL. If not, see <>.

package org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.rsInterface;

import org.jdom2.Element;
import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.AbstractSelector;
import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.codelets.CodeletInfo;
import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.datastore.orgdata.ResourceDataSet;
import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.jsf.comparator.ParticipantNameComparator;
import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.resource.*;
import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.resource.nonhuman.NonHumanCategory;
import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.resource.nonhuman.NonHumanResource;
import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.util.JDOMUtil;
import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.util.XNode;
import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.util.XNodeParser;

import java.util.*;

 * This adapter class adds a transformation layer to the resource gateway client,
 * effectively reconstituting the Strings returned from the gateway into java objects.
 * Author: Michael Adams
 * Date: 26/10/2007

public class ResourceGatewayClientAdapter {

    public static final String XML_FORMAT = "XML";
    public static final String JSON_FORMAT = "JSON";

    protected ResourceGatewayClient _rgclient; // the gateway client
    protected String _uri; // the uri of the service gateway

    protected ResourceMarshaller _marshaller = new ResourceMarshaller();
    protected XNodeParser _xnodeParser = new XNodeParser();


    public ResourceGatewayClientAdapter() {

    public ResourceGatewayClientAdapter(String uri) {

    // GETTER & SETTER //

    public void setClientURI(String uri) {
        _uri = uri;
        _rgclient = new ResourceGatewayClient(uri);

    public String getClientURI() {
        return _uri;



    public boolean successful(String result) {
        return (result != null) && (!result.startsWith("<failure>"));

    protected String successCheck(String xml) throws ResourceGatewayException {
        if (successful(xml)) {
            return xml;
        } else
            throw new ResourceGatewayException(xml);

     * Converts a CSV string into a List of String objects
     * @param csv the string of items separated by commas
     * @return a List of items as Strings
    private List<String> CSVToStringList(String csv) {
        if (csv == null)
            return null;
        List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();

        // split the string on the commas and add each resultant string to the List
        String[] csvArray = csv.split(",");

        if (result.isEmpty())
            return null;
        return result;

     * Converts an XML string into a Map of string key/value pairs. Assumes the xml
     * contains a set of child items, each with an 'id' attribute and a text value.
     * @param xml the xml string to parse
     * @return a Map of String key/value pairs, or null if the string can't be parsed.
    private Map<String, String> xmlToStringMap(String xml) {
        Map<String, String> map = null;
        XNode mapNode = _xnodeParser.parse(xml);
        if (mapNode != null) {
            map = new Hashtable<String, String>();
            for (XNode item : mapNode.getChildren()) {
                map.put(item.getAttributeValue("id"), item.getText());
        return map;

     * Converts an XML string into a List of String values. Assumes the xml
     * contains a set of child items, each with a text value.
     * @param xml the xml string to parse
     * @return a List of Strings, or null if the string can't be parsed.
    private List<String> xmlToStringList(String xml) {
        List<String> list = null;
        XNode node = _xnodeParser.parse(xml);
        if (node != null) {
            list = new ArrayList<String>();
            for (XNode child : node.getChildren()) {
        return list;

     * Converts the string passed to a JDOM Element and returns its child Elements
     * @param s the xml string to be converted
     * @return a list of child elements of the converted element passed
    private List<Element> getChildren(String s) {
        if (s != null) {
            Element parent = JDOMUtil.stringToElement(s);
            if (parent != null)
                return parent.getChildren();
        return Collections.emptyList();

     * Creates a new class instance of the name passed.
     * @pre className is the valid name of a class that extends from
     *      the base AbstractResourceAtttribute
     * @param className the name of the extended class to create
     * @return An instantiated class of type 'className', or null if there's a problem
    private AbstractResourceAttribute newAttributeClass(String className) {
        String pkg = "org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.resource.";
        try {
            return (AbstractResourceAttribute) Class.forName(pkg + className).newInstance();
        } catch (Exception cnfe) {
            return null;

     * Creates a new class instance of the name passed.
     * @pre className is the valid name of a class that extends from
     *      the base AbstractSelector
     * @param className the name of the extended class to create
     * @return An instantiated class of type 'className', or null if there's a problem
    private AbstractSelector newSelectorClass(String className) {
        String pkg = "org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.";
        try {
            return (AbstractSelector) Class.forName(pkg + className).newInstance();
        } catch (Exception cnfe) {
            System.out.println(pkg + className);
            return null;

     * Converts a string version of a JDOM Element into a List of instantiated
     * ResourceAttribute child objects (i.e. Role, Position, Capability, OrgGroup)
     * @param xml the string to be converted to a JDOM Element
     * @param className the type of child class to instantiate
     * @return a List of instantiated objects
    private List<AbstractResourceAttribute> xmlStringToResourceAttributeList(String xml, String className) {
        List<AbstractResourceAttribute> result = new ArrayList<AbstractResourceAttribute>();

        // get List of child elements
        for (Element child : getChildren(xml)) {

            // instantiate a class of the appropriate type
            AbstractResourceAttribute ra = newAttributeClass(className);
            if (ra != null) {

                // pass the element to the new object to repopulate members
        return result;

      * Converts a string version of a JDOM Element into a List of instantiated
      * ResourceAttribute child objects (i.e. GenericConstraint, GenericFilter,
      * GenericAllocator)
      * @param xml the string to be converted to a JDOM Element
      * @param className the type of child class to instantiate
      * @return a List of instantiated objects
    private List<AbstractSelector> xmlStringToSelectorList(String xml, String className) {
        List<AbstractSelector> result = new ArrayList<AbstractSelector>();

        // get List of child elements
        for (Element child : getChildren(xml)) {

            // instantiate a class of the appropriate type
            AbstractSelector as = newSelectorClass(className);
            if (as != null) {

                // pass the element to the new object to repopulate members
            } else
        return result;

    private NonHumanResource buildNonHumanResource(Element e, String handle)
            throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        NonHumanResource resource = new NonHumanResource(e);
        Element catElem = e.getChild("nonHumanCategory");
        if (catElem != null) {
            resource.setCategory(getNonHumanCategory(catElem.getAttributeValue("id"), handle));
        Element subcatElem = e.getChild("nonHumanSubCategory");
        if (subcatElem != null) {
        return resource;



     * Checks that the connection to the service is valid
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return true if the connection is valid, false if otherwise
    public boolean checkConnection(String handle) {
        try {
            return _rgclient.checkConnection(handle).equals("true");
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            return false;

     * Attempts to connect to the service
     * @param userid the userid
     * @param password  the corresponding password
     * @return a sessionhandle if successful, or a failure message if otherwise
    public String connect(String userid, String password) {
        try {
            return _rgclient.connect(userid, password);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            return "<failure>IOException attempting to connect to Service.</failure>";

     * Disconnects a session from the service
     * @param handle the sessionhandle of the session to disconnect
    public void disconnect(String handle) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            // nothing to do

      * Checks the user credentials passed against those stored
      * @param userid the userid of the Participant
      * @param password the associated password
      * @param checkForAdmin when true, also checks that the user has admin privileges
      * @param handle a valid session handle
      * @return an XML message of success or an appropriate error message
      * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
      * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem validating the credentials
    public String validateUserCredentials(String userid, String password, boolean checkForAdmin, String handle)
            throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        return successCheck(_rgclient.validateUserCredentials(userid, password, checkForAdmin, handle));

     * Gets the full name of each participant
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a List of participant full names
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the names
    public List<String> getAllParticipantNames(String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        return CSVToStringList(successCheck(_rgclient.getAllParticipantNames(handle)));

     * Gets the name of each role
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a List of role names
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the names
    public List<String> getAllRoleNames(String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        return CSVToStringList(successCheck(_rgclient.getAllRoleNames(handle)));

     * Gets the name of each NonHumanResource
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a List of NonHumanResource names
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the names
    public List<String> getAllNonHumanResourceNames(String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getAllNonHumanResourceNames(handle));
        return xmlToStringList(xml);

     * Gets a complete list of available NonHumanResource objects
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a List of NonHumanResource objects
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the NonHumanResource
    public List<NonHumanResource> getNonHumanResources(String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getNonHumanResources(handle));
        Element e = JDOMUtil.stringToElement(xml);
        List<NonHumanResource> list = new ArrayList<NonHumanResource>();
        if (e != null) {
            for (Element child : e.getChildren()) {
                list.add(buildNonHumanResource(child, handle));
        return list;

     * Gets a complete list of available Role objects
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a List of Role objects
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the roles
    public List getRoles(String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String rStr = successCheck(_rgclient.getRoles(handle));
        return xmlStringToResourceAttributeList(rStr, "Role");

     * Gets a complete list of available Capability objects
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a List of Capability objects
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the capabilities
    public List getCapabilities(String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String cStr = successCheck(_rgclient.getCapabilities(handle));
        return xmlStringToResourceAttributeList(cStr, "Capability");

     * Gets a complete list of available Position objects
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a List of Position objects
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the positions
    public List getPositions(String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String cStr = successCheck(_rgclient.getPositions(handle));
        return xmlStringToResourceAttributeList(cStr, "Position");

     * Gets a complete list of available OrgGroup objects
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a List of OrgGroup objects
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the groups
    public List getOrgGroups(String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String cStr = successCheck(_rgclient.getOrgGroups(handle));
        return xmlStringToResourceAttributeList(cStr, "OrgGroup");

     * Gets a complete list of available Participant objects
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a List of Participant objects
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the participants
    public List<Participant> getParticipants(String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getParticipants(handle));
        Set<Participant> set = _marshaller.unmarshallParticipants(xml);
        if (set != null) {
            ArrayList<Participant> result = new ArrayList<Participant>(set);
            Collections.sort(result, new ParticipantNameComparator());
            return result;
        } else
            return Collections.emptyList();

     * Gets a particular Participant
     * @param pid the id of the Participant to get
     * @param handle the current session handle
     * @return a Participant object for the id, or null if not found
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the participant
    public Participant getParticipant(String pid, String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String pStr = successCheck(_rgclient.getParticipant(pid, handle));
        return _marshaller.unmarshallParticipant(pStr);

     * Gets a set of participant ids referenced by the id string argument
     * @param anyID the id of a Participant, Role, Capability, Position or OrgGroup
     * @param handle a valid session handle
     * @return the set of the ids of all participants who are members of the group
     * object referenced; if anyID is the id of a single participant, then only that
     * id is returned in the set
     * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
    public Set<String> getReferencedParticipantIDs(String anyID, String handle) throws IOException {
        Set<String> idSet = new HashSet<String>();
        String xml = _rgclient.getReferencedParticipantIDs(anyID, handle);
        if (xml != null) {
            XNode node = new XNodeParser().parse(xml);
            if (node != null) {
                for (XNode idNode : node.getChildren()) {
        return idSet;

     * Gets a complete list of available Constraint objects
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a List of Constraint objects (instantiated as GenericConstraint objs)
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the constraints
    public List<AbstractSelector> getConstraints(String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String cStr = successCheck(_rgclient.getConstraints(handle));
        return xmlStringToSelectorList(cStr, "constraints.GenericConstraint");

     * Gets a complete list of available Allocator objects
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a List of Allocator objects (instantiated as GenericAllocator objs)
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the allocators
    public List<AbstractSelector> getAllocators(String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String aStr = successCheck(_rgclient.getAllocators(handle));
        return xmlStringToSelectorList(aStr, "allocators.GenericAllocator");

     * Gets a complete list of available Filter objects
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a List of Filter objects (instantiated as GenericFilter objs)
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the filters
    public List<AbstractSelector> getFilters(String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String aStr = successCheck(_rgclient.getFilters(handle));
        return xmlStringToSelectorList(aStr, "filters.GenericFilter");

     * Gets a complete list of available codelets
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a List of AbstractCodelet objects
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the codelets
    public List<CodeletInfo> getCodelets(String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        List<CodeletInfo> result = new ArrayList<CodeletInfo>();
        String cStr = successCheck(_rgclient.getCodelets(handle));
        Element eList = JDOMUtil.stringToElement(cStr);
        if (eList != null) {
            for (Element e : eList.getChildren()) {
                result.add(new CodeletInfo(e));
        return result;


    public Map<String, String> getCodeletMap(String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        Map<String, String> result = new TreeMap<String, String>();
        String cStr = successCheck(_rgclient.getCodelets(handle));
        Element eList = JDOMUtil.stringToElement(cStr);
        if (eList != null) {
            for (Element codelet : eList.getChildren()) {
        return result;

    public List<YParameter> getCodeletParameters(String codeletName, String handle)
            throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getCodeletParameters(codeletName, handle));
        return new CodeletInfo().getRequiredParametersFromXML(xml);

     * Checks if an id corresponds to a capability id known to the service
     * @param capabilityID the id to check
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return true if the id is known (valid), false if otherwise
    public boolean isKnownCapability(String capabilityID, String handle) {
        try {
            return _rgclient.isKnownCapability(capabilityID, handle).equals("true");
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            return false;

     * Checks if an id corresponds to a NonHumanResource id known to the service
     * @param id the id to check
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return true if the id is known (valid), false if otherwise
    public boolean isKnownNonHumanResource(String id, String handle) {
        try {
            return _rgclient.isKnownNonHumanResource(id, handle).equals("true");
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            return false;

     * Checks if an id corresponds to a role id known to the service
     * @param roleID the id to check
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return true if the id is known (valid), false if otherwise
    public boolean isKnownRole(String roleID, String handle) {
        try {
            return _rgclient.isKnownRole(roleID, handle).equals("true");
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            return false;

     * Checks if an id corresponds to a participant id known to the service
     * @param participantID the id to check
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return true if the id is known (valid), false if otherwise
    public boolean isKnownParticipant(String participantID, String handle) {
        try {
            return _rgclient.isKnownParticipant(participantID, handle).equals("true");
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            return false;

     * Checks if an id corresponds to a position id known to the service
     * @param positionID the id to check
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return true if the id is known (valid), false if otherwise
    public boolean isKnownPosition(String positionID, String handle) {
        try {
            return _rgclient.isKnownPosition(positionID, handle).equals("true");
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            return false;

      * Checks if an id corresponds to a OrgGroup id known to the service
      * @param groupID the id to check
      * @param handle the current sessionhandle
      * @return true if the id is known (valid), false if otherwise
    public boolean isKnownOrgGroup(String groupID, String handle) {
        try {
            return _rgclient.isKnownOrgGroup(groupID, handle).equals("true");
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            return false;

     * Checks if an id corresponds to a NonHumanCategory id known to the service
     * @param id the id to check
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return true if the id is known (valid), false if otherwise
    public boolean isKnownNonHumanCategory(String id, String handle) {
        try {
            return _rgclient.isKnownNonHumanCategory(id, handle).equals("true");
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            return false;

     * Gets the set of Participants that are currently logged on
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return the Set of currently logged on Participants
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the participants
    public Set<Participant> getActiveParticipants(String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getActiveParticipants(handle));
        return _marshaller.unmarshallParticipants(xml);

     * Gets a list of all roles 'occupied' by the specified participant
     * @param pid the id of the Participant of interest
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a List of (Role) objects
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the roles
    public List getParticipantRoles(String pid, String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String rStr = successCheck(_rgclient.getParticipantRoles(pid, handle));
        return xmlStringToResourceAttributeList(rStr, "Role");

     * Gets a list of all capabilities held by the specified participant
     * @param pid the id of the Participant of interest
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a List of (Capability) objects
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the capabilities
    public List getParticipantCapabilities(String pid, String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String cStr = successCheck(_rgclient.getParticipantCapabilities(pid, handle));
        return xmlStringToResourceAttributeList(cStr, "Capability");

     * Gets a list of all positions held by the specified participant
     * @param pid the id of the Participant of interest
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a List of (Position) objects
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the positions
    public List getParticipantPositions(String pid, String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String pStr = successCheck(_rgclient.getParticipantPositions(pid, handle));
        return xmlStringToResourceAttributeList(pStr, "Position");

     * Gets the set of Participants that 'occupy' the named role
     * @param roleName the name of the role in question (not the id)
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a Set of Participant objects
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the participants
    public Set<Participant> getParticipantsWithRole(String roleName, String handle)
            throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getParticipantsWithRole(roleName, handle));
        return _marshaller.unmarshallParticipants(xml);

     * Gets the set of Participants that 'occupy' the named position
     * @param positionName the name of the position in question (not the id)
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a Set of Participant objects
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the participants
    public Set<Participant> getParticipantsWithPosition(String positionName, String handle)
            throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getParticipantsWithPosition(positionName, handle));
        return _marshaller.unmarshallParticipants(xml);

     * Gets the set of Participants that hold the named capability
     * @param capabilityName the name of the capability in question (not the id)
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a Set of Participant objects
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the participants
    public Set<Participant> getParticipantsWithCapability(String capabilityName, String handle)
            throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getParticipantsWithCapability(capabilityName, handle));
        return _marshaller.unmarshallParticipants(xml);

     * Gets the Participant with the specified user id
     * @param userID the userid to match to a Participant
     * @param handle a valid session handle
     * @return the matching Participant
     * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there is some problem getting the Participant
    public Participant getParticipantFromUserID(String userID, String handle)
            throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getParticipantFromUserID(userID, handle));
        return _marshaller.unmarshallParticipant(xml);

     * Gets the NonHumanResource with the specified id
     * @param id the id of the NonHumanResource to get
     * @param handle a valid session handle
     * @return the matching NonHumanResource
     * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there is some problem getting the NonHumanResource
    public NonHumanResource getNonHumanResource(String id, String handle)
            throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getNonHumanResource(id, handle));
        return buildNonHumanResource(JDOMUtil.stringToElement(xml), handle);

     * Gets the NonHumanResource with the specified name
     * @param name the id of the NonHumanResource to get
     * @param handle a valid session handle
     * @return the matching NonHumanResource
     * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there is some problem getting the NonHumanResource
    public NonHumanResource getNonHumanResourceByName(String name, String handle)
            throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getNonHumanResourceByName(name, handle));
        return buildNonHumanResource(JDOMUtil.stringToElement(xml), handle);

     * Gets the Role with the specified id
     * @param id the id of the Role to get
     * @param handle a valid session handle
     * @return the matching Role
     * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there is some problem getting the Role
    public Role getRole(String id, String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getRole(id, handle));
        return new Role(JDOMUtil.stringToElement(xml));

     * Gets the Role with the specified name
     * @param name the id of the Role to get
     * @param handle a valid session handle
     * @return the matching Role
     * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there is some problem getting the Role
    public Role getRoleByName(String name, String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getRoleByName(name, handle));
        return new Role(JDOMUtil.stringToElement(xml));

     * Gets the Capability with the specified id
     * @param id the id of the Capability to get
     * @param handle a valid session handle
     * @return the matching Capability
     * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there is some problem getting the Capability
    public Capability getCapability(String id, String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getCapability(id, handle));
        return new Capability(JDOMUtil.stringToElement(xml));

     * Gets the Capability with the specified name
     * @param name the id of the Capability to get
     * @param handle a valid session handle
     * @return the matching Capability
     * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there is some problem getting the Capability
    public Capability getCapabilityByName(String name, String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getCapabilityByName(name, handle));
        return new Capability(JDOMUtil.stringToElement(xml));

     * Gets the Position with the specified id
     * @param id the id of the Position to get
     * @param handle a valid session handle
     * @return the matching Position
     * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there is some problem getting the Position
    public Position getPosition(String id, String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getPosition(id, handle));
        return new Position(JDOMUtil.stringToElement(xml));

     * Gets the Position with the specified name
     * @param name the id of the Position to get
     * @param handle a valid session handle
     * @return the matching Position
     * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there is some problem getting the Position
    public Position getPositionByName(String name, String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getPositionByName(name, handle));
        return new Position(JDOMUtil.stringToElement(xml));

     * Gets the OrgGroup with the specified id
     * @param id the id of the OrgGroup to get
     * @param handle a valid session handle
     * @return the matching OrgGroup
     * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there is some problem getting the OrgGroup
    public OrgGroup getOrgGroup(String id, String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getOrgGroup(id, handle));
        return new OrgGroup(JDOMUtil.stringToElement(xml));

     * Gets the OrgGroup with the specified name
     * @param name the id of the OrgGroup to get
     * @param handle a valid session handle
     * @return the matching OrgGroup
     * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there is some problem getting the OrgGroup
    public OrgGroup getOrgGroupByName(String name, String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getOrgGroupByName(name, handle));
        return new OrgGroup(JDOMUtil.stringToElement(xml));

      * Gets the id and full name of every Participant
      * @param handle a valid session handle
      * @return a Map of Participant id/name pairs
      * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
      * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there is some problem getting the Participants
    public Map<String, String> getParticipantIdentifiers(String handle)
            throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getParticipantIdentifiers(handle));
        return xmlToStringMap(xml);

      * Gets the id and full name of every Participant in JSON format
      * @param handle a valid session handle
      * @return a JSON String of Participant id/name pairs
      * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
      * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there is some problem getting the Participants
    public String getParticipantIdentifiersToJSON(String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        return successCheck(_rgclient.getParticipantIdentifiers(JSON_FORMAT, handle));

      * Gets the id and chosen name value of every Participant
      * @param identifier a valid ResourceDataSet Identifier value
      * @param handle a valid session handle
      * @return a Map of Participant id/name pairs
      * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
      * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there is some problem getting the Participants
    public Map<String, String> getParticipantIdentifiers(ResourceDataSet.Identifier identifier, String handle)
            throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getParticipantIdentifiers(identifier.ordinal(), handle));
        return xmlToStringMap(xml);

      * Gets the id and chosen name value of every Participant in JSON format
      * @param identifier a valid ResourceDataSet Identifier value
      * @param handle a valid session handle
      * @return a JSON String of Participant id/name pairs
      * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
      * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there is some problem getting the Participants
    public String getParticipantIdentifiersToJSON(ResourceDataSet.Identifier identifier, String handle)
            throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        return successCheck(_rgclient.getParticipantIdentifiers(identifier.ordinal(), JSON_FORMAT, handle));

     * Gets the id and name of every NonHumanResource
     * @param handle a valid session handle
     * @return a Map of NonHumanResource id/name pairs
     * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there is some problem getting the NonHumanResources
    public Map<String, String> getNonHumanResourceIdentifiers(String handle)
            throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getNonHumanResourceIdentifiers(handle));
        return xmlToStringMap(xml);

     * Gets the id and name of every NonHumanResource in JSON format
     * @param handle a valid session handle
     * @return a JSON String of NonHumanResource id/name pairs
     * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there is some problem getting the NonHumanResources
    public String getNonHumanResourceIdentifiersToJSON(String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        return successCheck(_rgclient.getNonHumanResourceIdentifiers(JSON_FORMAT, handle));

     * Gets the id and name of every Role
     * @param handle a valid session handle
     * @return a Map of Role id/name pairs
     * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there is some problem getting the Roles
    public Map<String, String> getRoleIdentifiers(String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getRoleIdentifiers(handle));
        return xmlToStringMap(xml);

     * Gets the id and name of every Role in JSON format
     * @param handle a valid session handle
     * @return a JSON String of Role id/name pairs
     * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there is some problem getting the Roles
    public String getRoleIdentifiersToJSON(String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        return successCheck(_rgclient.getRoleIdentifiers(JSON_FORMAT, handle));

     * Gets the id and name of every Position
     * @param handle a valid session handle
     * @return a Map of Position id/name pairs
     * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there is some problem getting the Positions
    public Map<String, String> getPositionIdentifiers(String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getPositionIdentifiers(handle));
        return xmlToStringMap(xml);

     * Gets the id and name of every Position in JSON format
     * @param handle a valid session handle
     * @return a JSON String of Position id/name pairs
     * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there is some problem getting the Positions
    public String getPositionIdentifiersToJSON(String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        return successCheck(_rgclient.getPositionIdentifiers(JSON_FORMAT, handle));

     * Gets the id and name of every Capability
     * @param handle a valid session handle
     * @return a Map of Capability id/name pairs
     * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there is some problem getting the Capabilities
    public Map<String, String> getCapabilityIdentifiers(String handle)
            throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getCapabilityIdentifiers(handle));
        return xmlToStringMap(xml);

     * Gets the id and name of every Capability in JSON format
     * @param handle a valid session handle
     * @return a JSON String of Capability id/name pairs
     * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there is some problem getting the Capabilities
    public String getCapabilityIdentifiersToJSON(String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        return successCheck(_rgclient.getCapabilityIdentifiers(JSON_FORMAT, handle));

     * Gets the id and name of every OrgGroup
     * @param handle a valid session handle
     * @return a Map of OrgGroup id/name pairs
     * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there is some problem getting the OrgGroups
    public Map<String, String> getOrgGroupIdentifiers(String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getOrgGroupIdentifiers(handle));
        return xmlToStringMap(xml);

     * Gets the id and name of every OrgGroup in JSON format
     * @param handle a valid session handle
     * @return a JSON String of OrgGroup id/name pairs
     * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there is some problem getting the OrgGroups
    public String getOrgGroupIdentifiersToJSON(String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        return successCheck(_rgclient.getOrgGroupIdentifiers(JSON_FORMAT, handle));

     * Gets the UserPrivileges of the Participant with the specified id
     * @param id the id of the Participant to get the UserPrivileges for
     * @param handle a valid session handle
     * @return the matching UserPrivileges
     * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there is some problem getting the UserPrivileges
    public UserPrivileges getUserPrivileges(String id, String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getUserPrivileges(id, handle));
        return new UserPrivileges(JDOMUtil.stringToElement(xml));


     * Adds a new participant to the service's org data
     * @param p the Participant
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return the id of the newly added Participant, or an error message if there was
     * a problem (note: the returned id should be subsequently added to the Participant
     * object using p.setID() )
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String addParticipant(Participant p, String handle) throws IOException {
        return addParticipant(p, false, handle);

     * Adds a new participant to the service's org data
     * @param p the Participant
     * @param encryptPassword if true, will encrypt the current password within 'p'
     * before storing it on the server side (recommended for plain text passwords)
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return the id of the newly added Participant, or an error message if there was
     * a problem (note: the returned id should be subsequently added to the Participant
     * object using p.setID() )
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String addParticipant(Participant p, boolean encryptPassword, String handle) throws IOException {
        return _rgclient.addParticipant(p.getUserID(), p.getPassword(), encryptPassword, p.getLastName(),
                p.getFirstName(), p.isAdministrator(), p.getDescription(), p.getNotes(), handle);

     * Adds a new NonHumanResource to the service's org data
     * @param resource the NonHumanResource
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return the id of the newly added NonHumanResource, or an error message if there was
     * a problem (note: the returned id should be subsequently added to the NonHumanResource
     * object using resource.setID() )
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String addNonHumanResource(NonHumanResource resource, String handle) throws IOException {
        return _rgclient.addNonHumanResource(resource.getName(), resource.getCategory().getName(),
                resource.getSubCategoryName(), resource.getDescription(), resource.getNotes(), handle);

     * Adds a new capability to the service's org data
     * @param cap the Capability
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return the id of the newly added Capability, or an error message if there was
     * a problem (note: the returned id should be subsequently added to the Capability
     * object using cap.setID() )
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String addCapability(Capability cap, String handle) throws IOException {
        return _rgclient.addCapability(cap.getCapability(), cap.getDescription(), cap.getNotes(), handle);

     * Adds a new role to the service's org data
     * @param role the Role
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return the id of the newly added Role, or an error message if there was
     * a problem (note: the returned id should be subsequently added to the Role
     * object using role.setID() )
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String addRole(Role role, String handle) throws IOException {
        Role belongsTo = role.getOwnerRole();
        String ownerID = (belongsTo != null) ? belongsTo.getID() : null;
        return _rgclient.addRole(role.getName(), role.getDescription(), role.getNotes(), ownerID, handle);

     * Adds a new position to the service's org data
     * @param pos the Position
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return the id of the newly added Position, or an error message if there was
     * a problem (note: the returned id should be subsequently added to the Position
     * object using pos.setID() )
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String addPosition(Position pos, String handle) throws IOException {
        OrgGroup group = pos.getOrgGroup();
        String orgGroupID = (group != null) ? group.getID() : null;
        Position reportsTo = pos.getReportsTo();
        String ownerID = (reportsTo != null) ? reportsTo.getID() : null;
        return _rgclient.addPosition(pos.getTitle(), pos.getPositionID(), pos.getDescription(), pos.getNotes(),
                orgGroupID, ownerID, handle);

     * Adds a new org group to the service's org data
     * @param group the OrgGroup
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return the id of the newly added OrgGroup, or an error message if there was
     * a problem (note: the returned id should be subsequently added to the OrgGroup
     * object using group.setID() )
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String addOrgGroup(OrgGroup group, String handle) throws IOException {
        OrgGroup belongsTo = group.getBelongsTo();
        String ownerID = (belongsTo != null) ? belongsTo.getID() : null;
        return _rgclient.addOrgGroup(group.getGroupName(), group.getGroupType().name(), group.getDescription(),
                group.getNotes(), ownerID, handle);

     * Adds the specified Participant to the specified Role
     * @param p the Participant
     * @param role the Role to add the Particpant to
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a message indicating success, or describing a problem encountered
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String addParticipantToRole(Participant p, Role role, String handle) throws IOException {
        return _rgclient.addParticipantToRole(p.getID(), role.getID(), handle);

     * Adds the specified Participant to the specified Capability
     * @param p the Participant
     * @param cap the Capability to add the Particpant to
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a message indicating success, or describing a problem encountered
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String addParticipantToCapability(Participant p, Capability cap, String handle) throws IOException {
        return _rgclient.addParticipantToCapability(p.getID(), cap.getID(), handle);

     * Adds the specified Participant to the specified Position
     * @param p the Participant
     * @param pos the Position to add the Particpant to
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a message indicating success, or describing a problem encountered
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String addParticipantToPosition(Participant p, Position pos, String handle) throws IOException {
        return _rgclient.addParticipantToPosition(p.getID(), pos.getID(), handle);

     * Updates the Participant stored in the service's org data with the modified values
     * of the Participant specified
     * @param p the Participant
     * @param encryptPassword if true, will encrypt the current password within 'p'
     * before storing it on the server side (recommended for plain text passwords)
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a message indicating success, or describing a problem encountered
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String updateParticipant(Participant p, boolean encryptPassword, String handle) throws IOException {
        return _rgclient.updateParticipant(p.getID(), p.getUserID(), p.getPassword(), encryptPassword,
                p.getLastName(), p.getFirstName(), p.isAdministrator(), p.getDescription(), p.getNotes(), handle);

     * Updates the Participant stored in the service's org data with the modified values
     * of the Participant specified
     * @param p the Participant
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a message indicating success, or describing a problem encountered
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String updateParticipant(Participant p, String handle) throws IOException {
        return updateParticipant(p, false, handle);

     * Updates a new NonHumanResource to the service's org data  with the modified values
     * of the NonHumanResource specified
     * @param resource the NonHumanResource
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a message indicating success, or describing a problem encountered
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String updateNonHumanResource(NonHumanResource resource, String handle) throws IOException {
        return _rgclient.updateNonHumanResource(resource.getID(), resource.getName(),
                resource.getCategory().getName(), resource.getSubCategoryName(), resource.getDescription(),
                resource.getNotes(), handle);

     * Updates the Capability stored in the service's org data with the modified values
     * of the Capability specified
     * @param cap the Capability
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a message indicating success, or describing a problem encountered
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String updateCapability(Capability cap, String handle) throws IOException {
        return _rgclient.updateCapability(cap.getID(), cap.getCapability(), cap.getDescription(), cap.getNotes(),

     * Updates the Role stored in the service's org data with the modified values
     * of the Role specified
     * @param role the Role
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a message indicating success, or describing a problem encountered
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String updateRole(Role role, String handle) throws IOException {
        Role belongsTo = role.getOwnerRole();
        String ownerID = (belongsTo != null) ? belongsTo.getID() : null;
        return _rgclient.updateRole(role.getID(), role.getName(), role.getDescription(), role.getNotes(), ownerID,

     * Updates the Position stored in the service's org data with the modified values
     * of the Position specified
     * @param pos the Position
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a message indicating success, or describing a problem encountered
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String updatePosition(Position pos, String handle) throws IOException {
        OrgGroup group = pos.getOrgGroup();
        String orgGroupID = (group != null) ? group.getID() : null;
        Position reportsTo = pos.getReportsTo();
        String ownerID = (reportsTo != null) ? reportsTo.getID() : null;
        return _rgclient.updatePosition(pos.getID(), pos.getTitle(), pos.getPositionID(), pos.getDescription(),
                pos.getNotes(), orgGroupID, ownerID, handle);

     * Updates the OrgGroup stored in the service's org data with the modified values
     * of the OrgGroup specified
     * @param group the OrgGroup
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a message indicating success, or describing a problem encountered
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String updateOrgGroup(OrgGroup group, String handle) throws IOException {
        OrgGroup belongsTo = group.getBelongsTo();
        String ownerID = (belongsTo != null) ? belongsTo.getID() : null;
        return _rgclient.updateOrgGroup(group.getID(), group.getGroupName(), group.getGroupType().name(),
                group.getDescription(), group.getNotes(), ownerID, handle);

     * Updates the NonHumanCategory stored in the service's org data with the modified
     * values of the NonHumanResource specified
     * @param category the NonHumanResource
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a message indicating success, or describing a problem encountered
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String updateNonHumanCategory(NonHumanCategory category, String handle) throws IOException {
        return _rgclient.updateNonHumanCategory(category.getID(), category.getName(), category.getDescription(),
                category.getNotes(), handle);

     * Removes (deletes) the specified Participant from the service's org data
     * @param p the Participant
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a message indicating success, or describing a problem encountered
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String removeParticipant(Participant p, String handle) throws IOException {
        return _rgclient.removeParticipant(p.getID(), handle);

      * Removes (deletes) the specified NonHumanResource from the service's org data
      * @param resource the NonHumanResource
      * @param handle the current sessionhandle
      * @return a message indicating success, or describing a problem encountered
      * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String removeNonHumanResource(NonHumanResource resource, String handle) throws IOException {
        return _rgclient.removeNonHumanResource(resource.getID(), handle);

     * Removes (deletes) the specified Capability from the service's org data
     * @param cap the Capability
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a message indicating success, or describing a problem encountered
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String removeCapability(Capability cap, String handle) throws IOException {
        return _rgclient.removeCapability(cap.getID(), handle);

     * Removes (deletes) the specified Role from the service's org data
     * @param role the Role
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a message indicating success, or describing a problem encountered
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String removeRole(Role role, String handle) throws IOException {
        return _rgclient.removeRole(role.getID(), handle);

     * Removes (deletes) the specified Position from the service's org data
     * @param pos the Position
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a message indicating success, or describing a problem encountered
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String removePosition(Position pos, String handle) throws IOException {
        return _rgclient.removePosition(pos.getID(), handle);

     * Removes (deletes) the specified OrgGroup from the service's org data
     * @param group the OrgGroup
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a message indicating success, or describing a problem encountered
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String removeOrgGroup(OrgGroup group, String handle) throws IOException {
        return _rgclient.removeOrgGroup(group.getID(), handle);

     * Removes (deletes) the specified Participant from the set of Participants
     * occupying the specified Role
     * @param p the Participant
     * @param role the Role to remove the specified Participant from
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a message indicating success, or describing a problem encountered
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String removeParticipantFromRole(Participant p, Role role, String handle) throws IOException {
        return _rgclient.removeParticipantFromRole(p.getID(), role.getID(), handle);

     * Removes (deletes) the specified Participant from the set of Participants
     * holding the specified Capability
     * @param p the Participant
     * @param cap the Capability to remove the specified Participant from
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a message indicating success, or describing a problem encountered
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String removeParticipantFromCapability(Participant p, Capability cap, String handle) throws IOException {
        return _rgclient.removeParticipantFromCapability(p.getID(), cap.getID(), handle);

     * Removes (deletes) the specified Participant from the set of Participants
     * occupying the specified Position
     * @param p the Participant
     * @param pos the Position to remove the specified Participant from
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a message indicating success, or describing a problem encountered
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String removeParticipantFromPosition(Participant p, Position pos, String handle) throws IOException {
        return _rgclient.removeParticipantFromPosition(p.getID(), pos.getID(), handle);

     * Sets the containing Role for a Role (i.e. the 'parent' Role the Role 'belongs to')
     * @param role the Role
     * @param containingRole the containing or parent Role that encapsulates role
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a message indicating success, or describing a problem encountered
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String setContainingRole(Role role, Role containingRole, String handle) throws IOException {
        return _rgclient.setContainingRole(role.getID(), containingRole.getID(), handle);

     * Sets the containing OrgGroup for an OrgGroup (i.e. the 'parent' OrgGroup the
     * OrgGroup 'belongs to')
     * @param group the OrgGroup
     * @param containingGroup the containing or parent OrgGroup that encapsulates group
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a message indicating success, or describing a problem encountered
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String setContainingOrgGroup(OrgGroup group, OrgGroup containingGroup, String handle)
            throws IOException {
        return _rgclient.setContainingOrgGroup(group.getID(), containingGroup.getID(), handle);

     * Sets the containing Position for a Position (i.e. the 'parent' Position the
     * Position 'reports to')
     * @param pos the Position
     * @param containingPos the containing or parent Position that encapsulates pos
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a message indicating success, or describing a problem encountered
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String setContainingPosition(Position pos, Position containingPos, String handle) throws IOException {
        return _rgclient.setContainingPosition(pos.getID(), containingPos.getID(), handle);

     * Sets the containing OrgGroup for a Position
     * @param pos the Position
     * @param group the containing OrgGroup
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a message indicating success, or describing a problem encountered
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String setPositionOrgGroup(Position pos, OrgGroup group, String handle) throws IOException {
        return _rgclient.setPositionOrgGroup(pos.getID(), group.getID(), handle);

     * Sets the user privileges for a Participant
     * @param p the Participant
     * @param privs the UserPrivileges object
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a message indicating success, or describing a problem encountered
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String setParticipantPrivileges(Participant p, UserPrivileges privs, String handle) throws IOException {
        return _rgclient.setParticipantPrivileges(p.getID(), privs.getPrivilegesAsBits(), handle);

     * Sets the user privileges for a Participant
     * @param p the Participant (note: the privilege values used are the ones currently
     * within the Participant object specified) 
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a message indicating success, or describing a problem encountered
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
    public String setParticipantPrivileges(Participant p, String handle) throws IOException {
        return setParticipantPrivileges(p, p.getUserPrivileges(), handle);

     * Gets the NonHumanCategory with the specified id
     * @param id a valid NonHumanCategory identifier
     * @param handle a valid session handle
     * @return the NonHumanCategory object matching the id specified
     * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the NonHumanCategory
    public NonHumanCategory getNonHumanCategory(String id, String handle)
            throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getNonHumanCategory(id, handle));
        NonHumanCategory category = new NonHumanCategory();
        return category;

     * Gets the NonHumanCategory with the specified name
     * @param name a valid NonHumanCategory name
     * @param handle a valid session handle
     * @return the NonHumanCategory object matching the name specified
     * @throws IOException if the service can't be reached
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the NonHumanCategory
    public NonHumanCategory getNonHumanCategoryByName(String name, String handle)
            throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getNonHumanCategoryByName(name, handle));
        NonHumanCategory category = new NonHumanCategory();
        return category;

     * Gets the list of all NonHumanCategory objects known to the Resource Service
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a list of categories
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the list
    public List<NonHumanCategory> getNonHumanCategories(String handle)
            throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getNonHumanCategories(handle));
        List<NonHumanCategory> categoryList = new ArrayList<NonHumanCategory>();
        XNode node = new XNodeParser().parse(xml);
        for (XNode catNode : node.getChildren()) {
            NonHumanCategory category = new NonHumanCategory();
        return categoryList;

     * Gets the list of all NonHumanResource category names in JSON format
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a JSON String of paired category names
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the list
    public String getNonHumanCategoriesToJSON(String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        return successCheck(_rgclient.getNonHumanCategories(JSON_FORMAT, handle));

     * Gets the list of all the subcategory names of a NonHumanResource category
     * @param id the category id to get the subcategories for
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a list of category name strings
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the list
    public List<String> getNonHumanSubCategories(String id, String handle)
            throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getNonHumanSubCategories(id, handle));
        return xmlToStringList(xml);

     * Gets the list of all the subcategory names of a NonHumanResource category
     * @param category the category name to get the subcategories for
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a list of category name strings
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the list
    public List<String> getNonHumanSubCategoriesByName(String category, String handle)
            throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getNonHumanSubCategoriesByName(category, handle));
        return xmlToStringList(xml);

     * Gets the list of all the subcategory names of a NonHumanResource category in
     * JSON format
     * @param id the category id to get the subcategories for
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a JSON String of category name pairs
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the list
    public String getNonHumanSubCategoriesToJSON(String id, String handle)
            throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        return successCheck(_rgclient.getNonHumanSubCategories(id, JSON_FORMAT, handle));

     * Gets the list of all the subcategory names of a NonHumanResource category in
     * JSON format
     * @param category the category name to get the subcategories for
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a JSON String of category name pairs
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the list
    public String getNonHumanSubCategoriesToJSONByName(String category, String handle)
            throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        return successCheck(_rgclient.getNonHumanSubCategoriesByName(category, JSON_FORMAT, handle));

     * Gets the list of all NonHumanResource category names and the subcategories of each
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a map of category names to a set of subcategory name strings
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem getting the list
    public Map<String, Set<String>> getNonHumanCategorySet(String handle)
            throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        String xml = successCheck(_rgclient.getNonHumanCategorySet(handle));
        XNode node = _xnodeParser.parse(xml);
        Map<String, Set<String>> map = null;
        if (node != null) {
            map = new TreeMap<String, Set<String>>();
            for (XNode category : node.getChildren()) {
                Set<String> subCategoryList = new TreeSet<String>();
                for (XNode subCategory : category.getChildren()) {
                map.put(category.getAttributeValue("name"), subCategoryList);
        return map;

     * Adds a new NonHumanResource category
     * @param category the category to add
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return a unique id for the category
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem adding the category
    public String addNonHumanCategory(String category, String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        return successCheck(_rgclient.addNonHumanCategory(category, handle));

     * Adds a new NonHumanResource category
     * @param category the category name to add the subcategory to
     * @param subcategory the subcategory to add
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return true if the add was successful
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem adding the subcategory
    public boolean addNonHumanSubCategoryByName(String category, String subcategory, String handle)
            throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        successful(_rgclient.addNonHumanSubCategoryByName(category, subcategory, handle));
        return true;

     * Adds a new NonHumanResource category
     * @param id the identifier of the category to add the subcategory to
     * @param subcategory the subcategory to add
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return true if the add was successful
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem adding the subcategory
    public boolean addNonHumanSubCategory(String id, String subcategory, String handle)
            throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        successful(_rgclient.addNonHumanSubCategory(id, subcategory, handle));
        return true;

     * Removes a category of the list of NonHumanResource categories
     * @param id the identifier of the category to remove; all of the category's
     * subcategories will also be removed
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return true if the removal was successful
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem removing the category
    public boolean removeNonHumanCategory(String id, String handle) throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        successful(_rgclient.removeNonHumanCategory(id, handle));
        return true;

     * Removes a category of the list of NonHumanResource categories
     * @param name the name of the category to remove; all of the category's
     * subcategories will also be removed
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return true if the removal was successful
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem removing the category
    public boolean removeNonHumanCategoryByName(String name, String handle)
            throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        successful(_rgclient.removeNonHumanCategoryByName(name, handle));
        return true;

     * Removes a subcategory of a NonHumanResource category
     * @param category the name of the category to remove the subcategory from
     * @param subcategory the subcategory name to remove
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return true if the removal was successful
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem removing the subcategory
    public boolean removeNonHumanSubCategoryByName(String category, String subcategory, String handle)
            throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        successful(_rgclient.removeNonHumanSubCategoryByName(category, subcategory, handle));
        return true;

     * Removes a subcategory of a NonHumanResource category
     * @param id the identifier of the category to remove the subcategory from
     * @param subcategory the subcategory name to remove
     * @param handle the current sessionhandle
     * @return true if the removal was successful
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem connecting to the resource service
     * @throws ResourceGatewayException if there was a problem removing the subcategory
    public boolean removeNonHumanSubCategory(String id, String subcategory, String handle)
            throws IOException, ResourceGatewayException {
        successful(_rgclient.removeNonHumanSubCategory(id, subcategory, handle));
        return true;
