Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2012 The YAWL Foundation. All rights reserved. * The YAWL Foundation is a collaboration of individuals and * organisations who are committed to improving workflow technology. * * This file is part of YAWL. YAWL is free software: you can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * YAWL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with YAWL. If not, see <>. */ package org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.resource; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.QueueSet; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.ResourceManager; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.WorkQueue; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.rsInterface.ResourceGatewayException; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.util.JDOMUtil; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.util.PasswordEncryptor; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.util.StringUtil; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; /** * Represents a single participant (i.e. human) resource. Also manages the participant's * work queues. * * @author Michael Adams * v0.1, 03/08/2007 */ public class Participant extends AbstractResource implements Cloneable { // participant descriptive data private String _lastname; private String _firstname; private String _userID; private String _password; private boolean _isAdministrator; private Set<Position> _positions = new HashSet<Position>(); private Set<Role> _roles = new HashSet<Role>(); private Set<Capability> _capabilities = new HashSet<Capability>(); private UserPrivileges _privileges = new UserPrivileges(_resourceID); // participant's work queues private QueueSet _qSet; private boolean _persisting; /** CONSTRUCTORS **/ public Participant() { super(); } // for hibernate persistence public Participant(boolean newParticipant) { super(); if (newParticipant) { _privileges = new UserPrivileges(_resourceID); } } public Participant(String id) { super(); _resourceID = id; } public Participant(String lastName, String firstName, String userID) { super(); setUserID(userID); _lastname = lastName; _firstname = firstName; } public Participant(String lastName, String firstName, String userid, boolean persist) { this(lastName, firstName, userid); _persisting = persist; } public Participant(String lastname, String firstname, String userID, boolean isAdministrator, Set<Position> positions, Set<Role> roles, Set<Capability> capabilities) { this(true); _lastname = lastname; _firstname = firstname; setUserID(userID); _isAdministrator = isAdministrator; _positions = positions; _roles = roles; _capabilities = capabilities; } public Participant(Element e) { super(); reconstitute(e); } private ResourceManager getResourceManager() throws ResourceGatewayException { try { return ResourceManager.getInstance(); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError ndf) { throw new ResourceGatewayException("Illegal access attempt to server-side method from resource gateway", ndf); } } public Participant clone() { Participant clone = new Participant("_CLONE_" + _resourceID); clone.setValues(this); return clone; } // copies values from p to this (does NOT change id) public void setValues(Participant p) { super.merge(p); _lastname = p.getLastName(); _firstname = p.getFirstName(); setUserID(p.getUserID()); _isAdministrator = p.isAdministrator(); _password = p.getPassword(); setRoles(p.getRoles()); setPositions(p.getPositions()); setCapabilities(p.getCapabilities()); if (_privileges == null) _privileges = new UserPrivileges(_resourceID); _privileges.setValues(p.getUserPrivileges()); } public void save() throws ResourceGatewayException { getResourceManager().updateParticipant(this); } public void setPersisting(boolean persisting) { _persisting = persisting; } public boolean isPersisting() { return _persisting; } /** GETTERS & SETTERS **/ public void setID(String id) { _resourceID = id; _privileges.setID(id); if (_qSet != null) _qSet.setID(id); } public String getName() { return getFullName(); } public String getFirstName() { return _firstname; } public void setFirstName(String name) { _firstname = name; } public String getLastName() { return _lastname; } public void setLastName(String name) { _lastname = name; } public String getFullName() { return String.format("%s %s", _firstname, _lastname); } public String getUserID() { return _userID; } public void setUserID(String id) { _userID = id.replaceAll(" ", "_"); // replace any spaces with underscrores } public String getPassword() { return _password; } public void setPassword(String pw) { _password = pw; } public void setPassword(String pw, boolean encrypt) { if (encrypt) { pw = PasswordEncryptor.encrypt(pw, pw); } setPassword(pw); } public boolean isValidPassword(String password) { return _password != null && _password.equals(password); } public boolean isAdministrator() { return _isAdministrator; } public void setAdministrator(boolean canAdministrate) { _isAdministrator = canAdministrate; } public void setUserPrivileges(UserPrivileges up) { if (up != null) { _privileges = up; _privileges.setID(_resourceID); } } public UserPrivileges getUserPrivileges() { return _privileges; } public Set<Role> getRoles() { return _roles; } public void setRoles(Set<Role> roleSet) { removeRoles(); for (Role role : roleSet) addRole(role); } public void addRole(Role role) { if (role != null) { _roles.add(role); role.addResource(this); } } public void addRole(String rid) throws ResourceGatewayException { addRole(getResourceManager().getOrgDataSet().getRole(rid)); } public void mergeRoles(Set<Role> roleSet) { for (Role r : roleSet) { if (!_roles.contains(r)) addRole(r); } } public void removeRole(Role role) { if (_roles.remove(role)) { role.removeResource(this); } } public void removeRole(String rid) { if (rid != null) { for (Role r : _roles) { if (r.getID().equals(rid)) { removeRole(r); break; } } } } public void removeRoles() { for (Role r : _roles) r.removeResource(this); _roles.clear(); } public boolean hasRole(Role role) { return _roles.contains(role); } public Set<Capability> getCapabilities() { return _capabilities; } public void setCapabilities(Set<Capability> capSet) { removeCapabilities(); for (Capability cap : capSet) addCapability(cap); } public void addCapability(Capability cap) { if (cap != null) { _capabilities.add(cap); cap.addResource(this); } } public void addCapability(String cid) throws ResourceGatewayException { addCapability(getResourceManager().getOrgDataSet().getCapability(cid)); } public void mergeCapabilities(Set<Capability> capSet) { for (Capability c : capSet) { if (!_capabilities.contains(c)) addCapability(c); } } public void removeCapability(Capability cap) { if (_capabilities.remove(cap)) { cap.removeResource(this); } } public void removeCapability(String cid) { if (cid != null) { for (Capability c : _capabilities) { if (c.getID().equals(cid)) { removeCapability(c); break; } } } } public void removeCapabilities() { for (Capability c : _capabilities) c.removeResource(this); _capabilities.clear(); } public boolean hasCapability(Capability cap) { return _capabilities.contains(cap); } public Set<Position> getPositions() { return _positions; } public void setPositions(Set<Position> posSet) { removePositions(); for (Position pos : posSet) addPosition(pos); } public void addPosition(Position pos) { if (pos != null) { _positions.add(pos); pos.addResource(this); } } public void addPosition(String pid) throws ResourceGatewayException { addPosition(getResourceManager().getOrgDataSet().getPosition(pid)); } public void removePosition(Position pos) { if (_positions.remove(pos)) { pos.removeResource(this); } } public void removePosition(String pid) { if (pid != null) { for (Position p : _positions) { if (p.getID().equals(pid)) { removePosition(p); break; } } } } public void removePositions() { for (Position p : _positions) p.removeResource(this); _positions.clear(); } public void mergePositions(Set<Position> posSet) { for (Position p : posSet) { if (!_positions.contains(p)) addPosition(p); } } public boolean hasPosition(Position pos) { return _positions.contains(pos); } public void removeAttributeReferences() { removeRoles(); removePositions(); removeCapabilities(); } public Set<AbstractResourceAttribute> getAttributeReferences() { Set<AbstractResourceAttribute> attributes = new HashSet<AbstractResourceAttribute>(); attributes.addAll(getRoles()); attributes.addAll(getPositions()); attributes.addAll(getCapabilities()); return attributes; } public void setAttributeReferences(Set<AbstractResourceAttribute> attributes) { if (attributes != null) { removeAttributeReferences(); for (AbstractResourceAttribute attribute : attributes) { if (attribute instanceof Role) { addRole((Role) attribute); } else if (attribute instanceof Capability) { addCapability((Capability) attribute); } else if (attribute instanceof Position) { addPosition((Position) attribute); } } } } public boolean isOrgGroupMember(OrgGroup og) { for (Position p : _positions) { OrgGroup group = p.getOrgGroup(); while (group != null) { if (group.equals(og)) return true; group = group.getBelongsTo(); } } return false; } public QueueSet getWorkQueues() { return _qSet; } public void setWorkQueues(QueueSet q) { _qSet = q; } /** returns an initialised qSet if init is true */ public QueueSet getWorkQueues(boolean init) { if (init && _qSet == null) createQueueSet(false); return _qSet; } public QueueSet createQueueSet(boolean persisting) { _qSet = new QueueSet(_resourceID, QueueSet.setType.participantSet, persisting); return _qSet; } public void attachWorkQueue(WorkQueue q, boolean persisting) { if (_qSet == null) createQueueSet(persisting); _qSet.setQueue(q); } public String toXML() { StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder(); xml.append(String.format("<participant id=\"%s\">", _resourceID)); xml.append(StringUtil.wrapEscaped(_userID, "userid")); xml.append(StringUtil.wrapEscaped(_firstname, "firstname")); xml.append(StringUtil.wrapEscaped(_lastname, "lastname")); xml.append(StringUtil.wrapEscaped(String.valueOf(_isAdministrator), "isAdministrator")); xml.append("<roles>"); for (Role role : _roles) xml.append(role.toXML()); xml.append("</roles>"); xml.append("<positions>"); for (Position position : _positions) xml.append(position.toXML()); xml.append("</positions>"); xml.append("<capabilities>"); for (Capability capability : _capabilities) xml.append(capability.toXML()); xml.append("</capabilities>"); xml.append("</participant>"); return xml.toString(); } public void fromXML(String xml) { if (xml != null) reconstitute(JDOMUtil.stringToElement(xml)); } public void reconstitute(Element e) { setID(e.getAttributeValue("id")); setUserID(JDOMUtil.decodeEscapes(e.getChildText("userid"))); setFirstName(JDOMUtil.decodeEscapes(e.getChildText("firstname"))); setLastName(JDOMUtil.decodeEscapes(e.getChildText("lastname"))); setAdministrator(e.getChildText("isAdministrator").equals("true")); } }