Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2012 The YAWL Foundation. All rights reserved. * The YAWL Foundation is a collaboration of individuals and * organisations who are committed to improving workflow technology. * * This file is part of YAWL. YAWL is free software: you can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * YAWL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with YAWL. If not, see <>. */ package org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.jsf; import com.sun.rave.web.ui.appbase.AbstractSessionBean; import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Button; import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Listbox; import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.PanelLayout; import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Script; import com.sun.rave.web.ui.model.Option; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.elements.YSpecVersion; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.engine.YSpecificationID; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.engine.interfce.SpecificationData; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.engine.interfce.WorkItemRecord; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.exceptions.YAWLException; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.*; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.calendar.*; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.datastore.orgdata.ResourceDataSet; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.jsf.comparator.CalendarRowComparator; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.jsf.comparator.OptionComparator; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.jsf.comparator.ParticipantNameComparator; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.jsf.comparator.SpecificationDataComparator; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.jsf.dynform.DynFormFactory; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.resource.*; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.resource.nonhuman.NonHumanCategory; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.resource.nonhuman.NonHumanResource; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.resourcing.rsInterface.ResourceGatewayException; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.util.StringUtil; import org.yawlfoundation.yawl.util.YPredicateParser; import javax.faces.FacesException; import javax.faces.application.Application; import javax.faces.application.NavigationHandler; import javax.faces.context.ExternalContext; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import javax.xml.datatype.Duration; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; /* * Session scope data bean for all the worklist and admin pages. Each logged in user * gets an individual instance of this object. * * @author Michael Adams * * Create Date: 21/10/2007 * Last Date: 28/05/2008 */ public class SessionBean extends AbstractSessionBean { // REQUIRED AND/OR IMPLEMENTED ABSTRACT SESSION BEAN METHODS // private int __placeholder; private void _init() throws Exception { } // Constructor public SessionBean() { } /** @return a reference to the application data bean. */ protected ApplicationBean getApplicationBean() { return (ApplicationBean) getBean("ApplicationBean"); } public void init() { super.init(); // *Note* - this code should NOT be modified try { _init(); } catch (Exception e) { log("SessionBean1 Initialization Failure", e); throw e instanceof FacesException ? (FacesException) e : new FacesException(e); } } public void passivate() { } public void activate() { } public void destroy() { // getApplicationBean() will throw a NPE if the session has already // timed out due to inactivity try { ApplicationBean app = getApplicationBean(); if (app != null) { if (participant != null) { app.removeSessionReference(participant.getID()); app.removeLiveUser(userid); } } } catch (Exception e) { // write to log that session has already expired } } /*****************************************************************************/ private ResourceManager _rm = getApplicationBean().getResourceManager(); /*****************************************************************************/ // COMPONENTS SHARED BY SEVERAL PAGES // private Script script = new Script(); // shared jscript ref public Script getScript() { return script; } public void setScript(Script s) { script = s; } private Button btnRefresh = new Button(); public Button getBtnRefresh() { return btnRefresh; } public void setBtnRefresh(Button btn) { btnRefresh = btn; } /******************************************************************************/ // MEMBERS, GETTERS & SETTERS // private String userid; // current userid of this session public String getUserid() { return userid; } public void setUserid(String id) { userid = id; } private String sessionhandle; // engine allocated handle public String getSessionhandle() { return sessionhandle; } public void setSessionhandle(String handle) { sessionhandle = handle; } private Participant participant; // logged on participant public Participant getParticipant() { return participant; } public void setParticipant(Participant p) { participant = p; // set some other members relevant to this participant queueSet = p.getWorkQueues(); userFullName = p.getFullName(); getApplicationBean().addSessionReference(p.getID(), this); if (p.isAdministrator()) adminQueueSet = _rm.getAdminQueues(); } private String userFullName; // full name of current user public void setUserName(String userName) { userFullName = userName; } public String getUserName() { return userFullName; } private QueueSet adminQueueSet = null; // admin work queues public QueueSet getAdminQueueSet() { return adminQueueSet; } public void setAdminQueueSet(QueueSet qSet) { adminQueueSet = qSet; } private QueueSet queueSet; // the user's work queues public QueueSet getQueueSet() { return queueSet; } public void setQueueSet(QueueSet qSet) { queueSet = qSet; } /** @return the set of wir's for the queue passed */ public Set<WorkItemRecord> getQueue(int qType) { Set<WorkItemRecord> result = null; QueueSet qSet = (qType < WorkQueue.UNOFFERED) ? queueSet : adminQueueSet; if (qSet != null) result = qSet.getQueuedWorkItems(qType); return result; } /** @return the number of workitems in the queue passed */ public int getQueueSize(int qType) { QueueSet qSet = (qType < WorkQueue.UNOFFERED) ? queueSet : adminQueueSet; return ((qSet != null) ? qSet.getQueueSize(qType) : 0); } /** Updates the queue data members (ie participant or admin queues) */ public Set<WorkItemRecord> refreshQueue(int qType) { if (qType < WorkQueue.UNOFFERED) { if (participant != null) queueSet = participant.getWorkQueues(); } else adminQueueSet = _rm.getAdminQueues(); return getQueue(qType); } /** @return the id of the external http session */ public String getExternalSessionID() { HttpSession session = getExternalSession(); return (session != null) ? session.getId() : null; } /** @return the external http session */ public HttpSession getExternalSession() { ExternalContext externalContext = getFacesContext().getExternalContext(); if (externalContext != null) return ((HttpSession) externalContext.getSession(false)); else return null; } int defaultSessionTimeoutValue = 3600; // 60 minutes public int getDefaultSessionTimeoutValue() { return defaultSessionTimeoutValue; } public void setDefaultSessionTimeoutValue(int value) { defaultSessionTimeoutValue = value; } public void resetSessionTimeout() { HttpSession session = getExternalSession(); if (defaultSessionTimeoutValue != session.getMaxInactiveInterval()) { session.setMaxInactiveInterval(defaultSessionTimeoutValue); } } boolean sessionTimeoutValueChanged = false; public boolean isSessionTimeoutValueChanged() { return sessionTimeoutValueChanged; } public void setSessionTimeoutValueChanged(boolean changed) { sessionTimeoutValueChanged = changed; } private Map<ResourceDataSet.ResUnit, Long> _changeStamp = new Hashtable<ResourceDataSet.ResUnit, Long>(); /*******************************************************************************/ // ENUMS FOR ACTIVE PAGES AND DYN FORM TYPES // private ApplicationBean.PageRef activePage; private ApplicationBean.DynFormType dynFormType; private boolean navigationBegun = false; public boolean hasNavigationBegun() { return navigationBegun; } public ApplicationBean.PageRef getActivePage() { return activePage; } public void setActivePage(ApplicationBean.PageRef page) { activePage = page; if (page != ApplicationBean.PageRef.Login) { navigationBegun = true; } if (page != ApplicationBean.PageRef.participantData) { setEditedParticipantToNull(); } if (page != ApplicationBean.PageRef.externalClients) { setAddClientAccountMode(true); } if (page != ApplicationBean.PageRef.calendarMgt) { setAddCalendarRowMode(true); btnRefresh.setStyle(null); } if (page != ApplicationBean.PageRef.nonHumanMgt) { setSubCatAddMode(false); try { setSelectedNonHumanResource(null, true); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException cnse) { // no further action required } } } public void dispatchToActivePage() throws IOException { FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().dispatch(getActivePage().getFileName()); } public ApplicationBean.DynFormType getDynFormType() { return dynFormType; } public void setDynFormType(ApplicationBean.DynFormType type) { dynFormType = type; } public DynFormFactory getDynFormFactoryInstance() { return (DynFormFactory) getBean("DynFormFactory"); } /*******************************************************************************/ // LISTBOX MEMBERS, GETTERS & SETTERS // option sets for the various listboxes // PAGES // private Option[] worklistOptions; // pfQueueUI private Option[] loadedSpecListOptions; // case mgt private Option[] runningCaseListOptions; // case mgt private Option[] selectUserListOptions; // user select private Option[] ownedResourceAttributes; // user mgt private Option[] availableResourceAttributes; // user mgt private Option[] piledTasks; // user profile private Option[] chainedCases; // user profile private Option[] orgDataOptions; // org data mgt private Option[] orgDataBelongsItems; // org data mgt private Option[] orgDataGroupItems; // org data mgt private Option[] nhResourcesOptions; // nonhuman resource mgt private Option[] nhResourcesCategoryItems; // nonhuman resource mgt private Option[] nhResourcesSubcategoryItems; // nonhuman resource mgt public Option[] getWorklistOptions() { return worklistOptions; } public Option[] getLoadedSpecListOptions() { return loadedSpecListOptions; } public Option[] getRunningCaseListOptions() { return runningCaseListOptions; } public Option[] getSelectUserListOptions() { return selectUserListOptions; } public Option[] getOwnedResourceAttributes() { return ownedResourceAttributes; } public Option[] getAvailableResourceAttributes() { return availableResourceAttributes; } public Option[] getPiledTasks() { piledTasks = getParticipantPiledTasks(); return piledTasks; } public Option[] getChainedCases() { chainedCases = getParticipantChainedCases(); return chainedCases; } public Option[] getOrgDataOptions() { return orgDataOptions; } public Option[] getOrgDataBelongsItems() { return orgDataBelongsItems; } public Option[] getOrgDataGroupItems() { return orgDataGroupItems; } public Option[] getNhResourcesOptions() { return nhResourcesOptions; } public Option[] getNhResourcesCategoryItems() { return nhResourcesCategoryItems; } public Option[] getNhResourcesSubcategoryItems() { return nhResourcesSubcategoryItems; } public void setWorklistOptions(Option[] options) { worklistOptions = options; } public void setLoadedSpecListOptions(Option[] options) { loadedSpecListOptions = options; } public void setRunningCaseListOptions(Option[] options) { runningCaseListOptions = options; } public void setSelectUserListOptions(Option[] options) { selectUserListOptions = options; } public void setOwnedResourceAttributes(Option[] attributes) { ownedResourceAttributes = attributes; } public void setAvailableResourceAttributes(Option[] attributes) { availableResourceAttributes = attributes; } public void setPiledTasks(Option[] options) { piledTasks = options; } public void setChainedCases(Option[] options) { chainedCases = options; } public void setOrgDataOptions(Option[] orgDataOptions) { this.orgDataOptions = orgDataOptions; } public void setOrgDataBelongsItems(Option[] orgDataBelongsItems) { this.orgDataBelongsItems = orgDataBelongsItems; } public void setOrgDataGroupItems(Option[] orgDataGroupItems) { this.orgDataGroupItems = orgDataGroupItems; } public void setNhResourcesOptions(Option[] nhResourcesOptions) { this.nhResourcesOptions = nhResourcesOptions; } public void setNhResourcesCategoryItems(Option[] nhResourcesCategoryItems) { this.nhResourcesCategoryItems = nhResourcesCategoryItems; } public void setNhResourcesSubcategoryItems(Option[] nhResourcesSubcategoryItems) { this.nhResourcesSubcategoryItems = nhResourcesSubcategoryItems; } private Option[] nhResourcesSubcategoryList; public Option[] getNhResourcesSubcategoryList() { return nhResourcesSubcategoryList; } public void setNhResourcesSubcategoryList(Option[] nhResourcesSubcategoryList) { this.nhResourcesSubcategoryList = nhResourcesSubcategoryList; } // user selection from each listbox private String worklistChoice; private YSpecificationID loadedSpecListChoice; private String runningCaseListChoice; private String selectUserListChoice; private String piledTasksChoice; private String chainedCasesChoice; private String orgDataChoice; private String orgDataBelongsChoice; private String orgDataGroupChoice; private String nhResourcesChoice; private String nhResourcesCategoryChoice; private String nhResourcesSubcategoryChoice = "None"; public String getWorklistChoice() { return worklistChoice; } public YSpecificationID getLoadedSpecListChoice() { return loadedSpecListChoice; } public String getRunningCaseListChoice() { return runningCaseListChoice; } public String getSelectUserListChoice() { return selectUserListChoice; } public String getOrgDataChoice() { return orgDataChoice; } public String getPiledTasksChoice() { return piledTasksChoice; } public String getChainedCasesChoice() { return chainedCasesChoice; } public String getOrgDataBelongsChoice() { return orgDataBelongsChoice; } public String getOrgDataGroupChoice() { return orgDataGroupChoice; } public String getNhResourcesChoice() { return nhResourcesChoice; } public String getNhResourcesCategoryChoice() { return nhResourcesCategoryChoice; } public String getNhResourcesSubcategoryChoice() { return nhResourcesSubcategoryChoice; } public void setWorklistChoice(String choice) { worklistChoice = choice; } public void setRunningCaseListChoice(String choice) { runningCaseListChoice = choice; } public void setSelectUserListChoice(String choice) { selectUserListChoice = choice; } public void setOrgDataChoice(String choice) { orgDataChoice = choice; } public void setPiledTasksChoice(String choice) { piledTasksChoice = choice; } public void setChainedCasesChoice(String choice) { chainedCasesChoice = choice; } public void setOrgDataBelongsChoice(String choice) { orgDataBelongsChoice = choice; } public void setOrgDataGroupChoice(String choice) { orgDataGroupChoice = choice; } public void setNhResourcesChoice(String choice) { nhResourcesChoice = choice; } public void setNhResourcesCategoryChoice(String choice) { nhResourcesCategoryChoice = choice; } public void setNhResourcesSubcategoryChoice(String choice) { nhResourcesSubcategoryChoice = choice; } public void setLoadedSpecListChoice(SpecificationData choice) { loadedSpecListChoice = choice.getID(); } /********************************************************************************/ private String directToMeChoice; public void setDirectToMeChoice(String choice) { directToMeChoice = choice; } public String getDirectToMeChoice() { return directToMeChoice; } private Listbox lbxUserList = new Listbox(); public Listbox getLbxUserList() { return lbxUserList; } public void setLbxUserList(Listbox l) { lbxUserList = l; } public Object getSelectUserListBoxSelections() { return getLbxUserList().getSelected(); } public void configureSelectUserListBox(String action) { if (action.equals("Offer") || action.equals("Reoffer")) { lbxUserList.setMultiple(true); lbxUserList.setSelected(selectUserListChoices); } else { lbxUserList.setMultiple(false); lbxUserList.setSelected(selectUserListChoice); } } private Listbox lbxRunningCases = new Listbox(); public Listbox getLbxRunningCases() { return lbxRunningCases; } public void setLbxRunningCases(Listbox l) { lbxRunningCases = l; } public Object getRunningCasesListBoxSelections() { return lbxRunningCases.getSelected(); } public void configureRunningCasesListBox() { lbxRunningCases.setMultiple(true); lbxRunningCases.setSelected(runningCaseListChoices); } private Object[] runningCaseListChoices; public Object[] getRunningCaseListChoices() { return runningCaseListChoices; } public void setRunningCaseListChoices(Object[] list) { runningCaseListChoices = list; } public String getRunningCasesCaption() { String caption = "Running Cases"; if (runningCaseListOptions != null) caption += " (" + runningCaseListOptions.length + ")"; return caption; } /******************************************************************/ private ArrayList selectUserListChoices; public ArrayList getSelectUserListChoices() { return selectUserListChoices; } public void setSelectUserListChoices(ArrayList list) { selectUserListChoices = list; } /********************************************************************************/ // WORKITEM SELECTED FROM LIST // // the wir matching the item id selected by the user private WorkItemRecord chosenWIR = null; public void setChosenWIR(WorkItemRecord wir) { chosenWIR = wir; worklistChoice = (wir != null) ? wir.getID() : null; } /** @return the WorkItemRecord for the id selected in the list */ public WorkItemRecord getChosenWIR(int qType) { if (worklistChoice != null) { Set<WorkItemRecord> items = getQueue(qType); if (items != null) { for (WorkItemRecord wir : items) { if (wir != null) { if (wir.getID().equals(worklistChoice)) { chosenWIR = wir; return wir; } } } } } return null; } /** @return true if the chosen item in the list is also the first listed item */ public boolean isFirstWorkItemChosen() { if ((worklistOptions != null) && (worklistOptions.length > 0)) { String first = (String) getWorklistOptions()[0].getValue(); return (first.equals(chosenWIR.getID())); } else return false; } /**********************************************************************************/ // PAGE NAVIGATION METHODS // // logs out of session // public void doLogout() { _rm.logout(sessionhandle); setEditedParticipantToNull(); getApplicationBean().removeLiveUser(userid); setUserid(null); FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); if (context != null) { // if null, session already destroyed HttpSession session = (HttpSession) context.getExternalContext().getSession(false); session.invalidate(); } } // if seesionhandle is invalid, logs out of session // public void checkLogon() { if (!_rm.isValidUserSession(sessionhandle)) { doLogout(); gotoPage("Login"); } } /** * redirects to the specified page * @param page the name of the page to go to */ public void gotoPage(String page) { Application app = getApplication(); if (app != null) { NavigationHandler navigator = app.getNavigationHandler(); navigator.handleNavigation(getFacesContext(), null, page); } // if app is null, session has been destroyed else { try { FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().redirect("Login.jsp"); } catch (IOException ioe) { // message about destroyed app } } } /* * if there's a current session, goto the last active page */ public void redirectIfActiveSession() { if ((getUserid() != null) && _rm.isActiveSession(getExternalSessionID())) { // halt the rendering of the current page FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().responseComplete(); try { dispatchToActivePage(); } catch (Exception e) { // could not redirect, so end session and start a new one doLogout(); gotoPage("Login.jsp"); } } } /********************************************************************************/ // FLAGS FOR POSTBACK ACTIONS // private boolean caseLaunch = false; public boolean isCaseLaunch() { return caseLaunch; } public void setCaseLaunch(boolean caseLaunch) { this.caseLaunch = caseLaunch; } private boolean delegating = false; public boolean isDelegating() { return delegating; } public void setDelegating(boolean delegating) { this.delegating = delegating; } private boolean reallocating = false; public boolean isReallocating() { return reallocating; } public void setReallocating(boolean reallocating) { this.reallocating = reallocating; } private boolean reallocatingStateful; public boolean isReallocatingStateful() { return reallocatingStateful; } public void setReallocatingStateful(boolean reallocatingStateful) { this.reallocatingStateful = reallocatingStateful; } private boolean customFormPost = false; public boolean isCustomFormPost() { return customFormPost; } public void setCustomFormPost(boolean flag) { customFormPost = flag; } /********************************************************************************/ private String title; public String getTitle() { title = "YAWL " + getYawlVersion() + " Worklist"; if ((activePage == ApplicationBean.PageRef.userWorkQueues) && (participant != null)) title += ": " + participant.getFullName(); return title; } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } private String mnuSelectorStyle = "top: 72px"; // on workqueues initially public String getMnuSelectorStyle() { return mnuSelectorStyle; } public void setMnuSelectorStyle(String mnuSelectorStyle) { this.mnuSelectorStyle = mnuSelectorStyle; } private String userListFormHeaderText; public String getUserListFormHeaderText() { return userListFormHeaderText; } public void setUserListFormHeaderText(String userListFormHeaderText) { this.userListFormHeaderText = userListFormHeaderText; } private Option[] getParticipantPiledTasks() { Option[] result = null; Set<ResourceMap> taskMaps = _rm.getPiledTaskMaps(participant); if (!taskMaps.isEmpty()) { result = new Option[taskMaps.size()]; int i = 0; for (ResourceMap map : taskMaps) result[i++] = new Option(formatPiledTaskString(map)); } return result; } private String formatPiledTaskString(ResourceMap map) { YSpecificationID specID = map.getSpecID(); return String.format("%s (%s)::%s", specID.getUri(), specID.getVersionAsString(), map.getTaskID()); } public ResourceMap getResourceMapFromLabel(String label) { if (label != null) { String specURI = label.substring(0, label.indexOf(' ')); String version = label.substring(label.indexOf('(') + 1, label.indexOf(')')); String taskID = label.substring(label.indexOf(':') + 2); List<SpecificationData> loadedSpecs = getLoadedSpecs(); if (loadedSpecs != null) { YSpecificationID specID = null; for (SpecificationData specData : loadedSpecs) { if (specData.getSpecURI().equals(specURI) && specData.getSpecVersion().equals(version)) { specID = new YSpecificationID(specData.getSpecIdentifier(), specData.getSpecVersion(), specData.getSpecURI()); break; } } if (specID != null) { ResourceMap map = _rm.getCachedResourceMap(specID, taskID); if (map == null) map = _rm.getPersistedPiledTask(specID, taskID); return map; } } } return null; } private Option[] getParticipantChainedCases() { Option[] result = null; Set<String> cases = _rm.getChainedCases(participant); if (!cases.isEmpty()) { result = new Option[cases.size()]; int i = 0; for (String id : cases) result[i++] = new Option(id); } return result; } /****** This section used by the 'Case Mgt' Page ***************************/ // a list of all specs loaded into the engine List<SpecificationData> loadedSpecs; // a list of schema libraries (user defined types) for each spec Hashtable<String, String> schemaLibraries; public List<SpecificationData> getLoadedSpecs() { if (loadedSpecs == null) refreshLoadedSpecs(); return loadedSpecs; } public void setLoadedSpecs(List<SpecificationData> specs) { loadedSpecs = specs; } public void refreshLoadedSpecs() { Set<SpecificationData> specDataSet = _rm.getLoadedSpecs(); if (specDataSet != null) { loadedSpecs = new ArrayList<SpecificationData>(specDataSet); Collections.sort(loadedSpecs, new SpecificationDataComparator()); } else loadedSpecs = null; } public String getLoadedSpecsCaption() { String caption = "Loaded Specifications"; if (loadedSpecs != null) caption += " (" + loadedSpecs.size() + ")"; return caption; } public SpecificationData getLoadedSpec(int listIndex) { return ((getLoadedSpecs() != null) && (!loadedSpecs.isEmpty())) ? loadedSpecs.get(listIndex) : null; } public YSpecVersion getLatestLoadedSpecVersion(SpecificationData spec) { List<SpecificationData> specs = getLoadedSpecs(); if (specs == null) return null; YSpecVersion result = new YSpecVersion("0.1"); for (SpecificationData sd : specs) { if (sd.getID().equals(spec.getID())) { YSpecVersion thisVersion = new YSpecVersion(sd.getSpecVersion()); if (result.compareTo(thisVersion) < 0) { result = thisVersion; } } } return result; } public boolean isLoadedSpec(String uri, String version, String documentation) { List<SpecificationData> specs = getLoadedSpecs(); if (specs != null) { for (SpecificationData sd : specs) { if (sd.getSpecURI().equals(uri) && sd.getSpecVersion().equals(version) && sd.getDocumentation().equals(documentation)) { return true; } } } return false; } public String getCaseSchema() { return _rm.getDataSchema(getLoadedSpecListChoice()); } public String getTaskSchema(WorkItemRecord wir) { YSpecificationID specID = new YSpecificationID(wir); return _rm.getDataSchema(wir, specID); } /****** This section used by the 'Admin Queues' Page ***************************/ private Option[] adminQueueAssignedList; public Option[] getAdminQueueAssignedList() { return adminQueueAssignedList; } public void setAdminQueueAssignedList(Option[] list) { adminQueueAssignedList = list; } public void populateAdminQueueAssignedList(WorkItemRecord wir) { adminQueueAssignedList = null; Set<Participant> pSet = _rm.getParticipantsAssignedWorkItem(wir); if (pSet != null) { adminQueueAssignedList = new Option[pSet.size()]; ArrayList<Participant> pList = new ArrayList<Participant>(pSet); Collections.sort(pList, new ParticipantNameComparator()); int i = 0; for (Participant p : pList) { adminQueueAssignedList[i++] = new Option(p.getID(), p.getLastName() + ", " + p.getFirstName()); } } } public String getFirstAssignedToID() { if ((adminQueueAssignedList != null) && (adminQueueAssignedList.length > 0)) { Option option = adminQueueAssignedList[0]; return option.getLabel(); } else return null; } public String getAssignedToText() { if ((adminQueueAssignedList == null) || (adminQueueAssignedList.length == 0)) return "Assigned To"; else return "Assigned To (" + adminQueueAssignedList.length + ")"; } public boolean orgDataIsRefreshing() { if (_rm.isOrgDataRefreshing()) {"Organisational data is currently refreshing. " + "Please try again in a moment."); showMessagePanel(); return true; } return false; } private String adminQueueAction; public String getAdminQueueAction() { return adminQueueAction; } public void setAdminQueueAction(String adminQueueAction) { this.adminQueueAction = adminQueueAction; } public boolean performAdminQueueAction() { boolean result = true; if (getAdminQueueAction() != null) { result = performAdminQueueAction(getAdminQueueAction()); setAdminQueueAction(null); } return result; } public boolean performAdminQueueAction(String action) { boolean success = true; WorkItemRecord wir; String[] pidList = null; if (directToMeChoice != null) { pidList = new String[] { directToMeChoice }; } else { Object selected = getLbxUserList().getSelected(); if (selected != null) { // null if browser-back-btn'ed // If its a multi-select list, selected will be a String[]; if its a // single-select list, selected will be a single String, in which case // we need to create a new String array and add the selected String as // its only member. Each String represents a participant id. pidList = (selected instanceof String[]) ? (String[]) selected : new String[] { (String) selected }; } } if (pidList != null) { if (action.startsWith("Re")) { wir = getChosenWIR(WorkQueue.WORKLISTED); _rm.reassignWorklistedItem(wir, pidList, action); } else { wir = getChosenWIR(WorkQueue.UNOFFERED); success = _rm.assignUnofferedItem(wir, pidList, action); } } return success; } String navigateTo; public String getNavigateTo() { return navigateTo; } public void setNavigateTo(String navigateTo) { this.navigateTo = navigateTo; } boolean redirectToMe = false; public boolean isRedirectToMe() { return redirectToMe; } public void setRedirectToMe(boolean redirectToMe) { this.redirectToMe = redirectToMe; } /****** This section used by the 'Org Data Mgt' Page ***************************/ public enum Mode { add, edit } private Mode _orgMgtMode = Mode.edit; public Mode getOrgMgtMode() { return _orgMgtMode; } public void setOrgMgtMode(Mode mode) { _orgMgtMode = mode; } private Mode _nhrMgtMode = Mode.edit; public Mode getNhrMgtMode() { return _nhrMgtMode; } public void setNhrMgtMode(Mode mode) { _nhrMgtMode = mode; } private Option[] orgDataParticipantList; private Map<String, Participant> participantMap; public Option[] getOrgDataParticipantList() { if ((orgDataParticipantList == null) || orgDataUpdated(ResourceDataSet.ResUnit.Participant)) { refreshOrgDataParticipantList(); } return orgDataParticipantList; } private Map<String, Participant> getParticipantMap() { participantMap = _rm.getOrgDataSet().getParticipantMap(); return participantMap; } private boolean blankStartOfList; // if true, the first entry in the participant list will be empty public void setBlankStartOfParticipantList(boolean b) { if (b != blankStartOfList) { // if there's a change blankStartOfList = b; refreshOrgDataParticipantList(); } } public void setOrgDataParticipantList(Option[] list) { orgDataParticipantList = list; } private boolean orgDataUpdated(ResourceDataSet.ResUnit unit) { Long time = _changeStamp.get(unit); Long lastChange = _changeStamp.put(unit, _rm.getOrgDataSet().getChangeStamp(unit)); return (time == null) || (lastChange == null) || (time < lastChange); } public void refreshOrgDataParticipantList() { Map<String, Participant> pMap = getParticipantMap(); if (pMap != null) { int i = 0; if (blankStartOfList) { orgDataParticipantList = new Option[pMap.size() + 1]; i = 1; // make the first option blank (for initial screen & add users) orgDataParticipantList[0] = new Option("", ""); } else orgDataParticipantList = new Option[pMap.size()]; ArrayList<Participant> pList = new ArrayList<Participant>(pMap.values()); Collections.sort(pList, new ParticipantNameComparator()); for (Participant p : pList) { orgDataParticipantList[i++] = new Option(p.getID(), p.getLastName() + ", " + p.getFirstName()); } } else orgDataParticipantList = null; } private boolean addParticipantMode = false; public boolean isAddParticipantMode() { return addParticipantMode; } public void setAddParticipantMode(boolean addParticipantMode) { this.addParticipantMode = addParticipantMode; } private Participant addedParticipant; public Participant getAddedParticipant() { return addedParticipant; } public void setAddedParticipant(Participant p) { // if done with temp participant (add mode is over) cleanup references if ((p == null) && (addedParticipant != null)) addedParticipant.removeAttributeReferences(); addedParticipant = p; } // stores the currently selected participant on the 'User Mgt' form private Participant editedParticipant; public Participant getEditedParticipant() { return editedParticipant; } public void setEditedParticipantToNull() { if (editedParticipant != null) { editedParticipant.removeAttributeReferences(); } preEditAttributes = null; editedParticipant = null; } public Participant setEditedParticipant(String pid) throws CloneNotSupportedException { Participant p = getParticipantMap().get(pid); if (p != null) { preEditAttributes = p.getAttributeReferences(); editedParticipant = p.clone(); } return editedParticipant; } // the set of attributes held by a resource before it has been edited private Set<AbstractResourceAttribute> preEditAttributes; public void saveParticipantUpdates(Participant cloned) throws CloneNotSupportedException, ResourceGatewayException { String actualID = cloned.getID().substring(7); Participant p = getParticipantMap().get(actualID); p.setValues(cloned);; // setEditedParticipant(p.getID()) ; // reset } public Option[] getFullResourceAttributeListPlusNil(String tab) { Option[] result = null; Option[] list = getFullResourceAttributeList(tab); if (list != null) { result = new Option[list.length + 1]; result[0] = new Option("nil", "nil"); for (int i = 1; i < result.length; i++) result[i] = list[i - 1]; } return result; } public Option[] getFullResourceAttributeList(String tab) { Option[] options = null; if (tab.equals("tabRoles")) { options = getRoleList(_rm.getOrgDataSet().getRoleMap()); } else if (tab.equals("tabPosition")) { options = getPositionList(_rm.getOrgDataSet().getPositionMap()); } else if (tab.equals("tabCapability")) { options = getCapabilityList(_rm.getOrgDataSet().getCapabilityMap()); } else if (tab.equals("tabOrgGroup")) { options = getOrgGroupList(_rm.getOrgDataSet().getOrgGroupMap()); } sortOptions(options); availableResourceAttributes = options; return options; } private void sortOptions(Option[] options) { if (options != null) Arrays.sort(options, new OptionComparator()); } public Option[] getParticipantAttributeList(String tab, Participant p) { Option[] options = null; if (tab.equals("tabRoles")) { Set<Role> roleSet = p.getRoles(); HashMap<String, Role> roleMap = new HashMap<String, Role>(); for (Role r : roleSet) roleMap.put(r.getID(), r); options = getRoleList(roleMap); } else if (tab.equals("tabPosition")) { Set<Position> posSet = p.getPositions(); HashMap<String, Position> posMap = new HashMap<String, Position>(); for (Position pos : posSet) posMap.put(pos.getID(), pos); options = getPositionList(posMap); } else if (tab.equals("tabCapability")) { Set<Capability> capSet = p.getCapabilities(); HashMap<String, Capability> capMap = new HashMap<String, Capability>(); for (Capability c : capSet) capMap.put(c.getID(), c); options = getCapabilityList(capMap); } ownedResourceAttributes = options; return options; } public Option[] getSortedRoleList() { Option[] options = getRoleList(_rm.getOrgDataSet().getRoleMap()); sortOptions(options); return options; } private Option[] getRoleList(Map<String, Role> roleMap) { if (roleMap != null) { Option[] result = new Option[roleMap.size()]; int i = 0; for (String id : roleMap.keySet()) { Role r = roleMap.get(id); result[i++] = new Option(id, r.getName()); } return result; } else return null; } private Option[] getPositionList(Map<String, Position> positionMap) { if (positionMap != null) { Option[] result = new Option[positionMap.size()]; int i = 0; for (String id : positionMap.keySet()) { Position p = positionMap.get(id); result[i++] = new Option(id, p.getTitle()); } return result; } else return null; } private Option[] getCapabilityList(Map<String, Capability> capabilityMap) { if (capabilityMap != null) { Option[] result = new Option[capabilityMap.size()]; int i = 0; for (String id : capabilityMap.keySet()) { Capability c = capabilityMap.get(id); result[i++] = new Option(id, c.getCapability()); } return result; } else return null; } private Option[] getOrgGroupList(Map<String, OrgGroup> orgGroupMap) { if (orgGroupMap != null) { Option[] result = new Option[orgGroupMap.size()]; int i = 0; for (String id : orgGroupMap.keySet()) { OrgGroup o = orgGroupMap.get(id); result[i++] = new Option(id, o.getGroupName()); } return result; } else return null; } public Option[] getNhrItems(String tabName) { Option[] options = null; if (tabName.equals("tabResources")) { options = getNhResourcesList(); } if (tabName.equals("tabCategories")) { options = getNhResourcesCategoryList(); } // if (options != null) Arrays.sort(options, new OptionComparator()); return options; } public Option[] getNhResourcesList() { Map<String, NonHumanResource> resMap = _rm.getOrgDataSet().getNonHumanResourceMap(); if (resMap != null) { Option[] result = new Option[resMap.size()]; int i = 0; for (String id : resMap.keySet()) { NonHumanResource r = resMap.get(id); result[i++] = new Option(id, r.getName()); } Arrays.sort(result, new OptionComparator()); return result; } else return null; } public Option[] getNhResourcesCategoryList() { Map<String, NonHumanCategory> catMap = _rm.getOrgDataSet().getNonHumanCategoryMap(); if (catMap != null) { Option[] result = new Option[catMap.size()]; int i = 0; for (String id : catMap.keySet()) { NonHumanCategory c = catMap.get(id); result[i++] = new Option(id, c.getName()); } Arrays.sort(result, new OptionComparator()); return result; } else return null; } public boolean hasAtLeastOneNonHumanCategory() { Map<String, NonHumanCategory> catMap = _rm.getOrgDataSet().getNonHumanCategoryMap(); return ((catMap != null) && (!catMap.isEmpty())); } public Option[] getNhResourcesCategoryListExpanded() { Map<String, NonHumanCategory> catMap = _rm.getOrgDataSet().getNonHumanCategoryMap(); if (catMap != null) { Map<String, String> items = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String id : catMap.keySet()) { NonHumanCategory c = catMap.get(id); items.put(id, c.getName()); for (String subcat : c.getSubCategoryNames()) { items.put(id + "::" + subcat, c.getName() + " -> " + subcat); } } Option[] result = new Option[items.size()]; int i = 0; for (String id : items.keySet()) { result[i++] = new Option(id, items.get(id)); } Arrays.sort(result, new OptionComparator()); return result; } else return null; } private SecondaryResources.SecResDataSet secResDataSet = new SecondaryResources().newDataSet(); public void addSecondaryParticipant(String id) { secResDataSet.addParticipant(id); } public void addSecondaryRole(String id) { secResDataSet.addRole(id); } public void addSecondaryNHResource(String id) { secResDataSet.addNonHumanResource(id); } public void addSecondaryNHCategory(String id) { if (id != null) { secResDataSet.addNonHumanCategory(id); } } private Option[] selectedSecondaryResources = new Option[0]; public Option[] getSelectedSecondaryResources() { return selectedSecondaryResources; } public void setSecondaryResources(Option[] options) { selectedSecondaryResources = options; } public void loadSecondaryResources() { int queue = getActiveTab().equals("tabUnOffered") ? WorkQueue.UNOFFERED : WorkQueue.WORKLISTED; WorkItemRecord wir = getChosenWIR(queue); if (wir != null) { SecondaryResources resources = _rm.getSecondaryResources(wir); if (resources != null) { secResDataSet = resources.getDataSet(wir).copy(); refreshSelectedSecondaryResourcesOptions(); } else setSecondaryResources(new Option[0]); setSecondaryResourcesItemID(wir.getID()); } } private String secondaryResourcesItemID = ""; public String getSecondaryResourcesItemID() { return secondaryResourcesItemID; } public void setSecondaryResourcesItemID(String s) { secondaryResourcesItemID = s; } public String getSecondaryResourcesTitle() { return "Selected Secondary Resources for Workitem: " + secondaryResourcesItemID; } public void refreshSelectedSecondaryResourcesOptions() { Option[] options = new Option[secResDataSet.getResourcesCount()]; int i = 0; for (Participant p : secResDataSet.getParticipants()) { options[i++] = new Option(p.getID(), p.getLastName() + ", " + p.getFirstName()); } for (Role r : secResDataSet.getRoles()) { options[i++] = new Option(r.getID(), r.getName()); } for (NonHumanResource r : secResDataSet.getNonHumanResources()) { options[i++] = new Option(r.getID(), r.getName()); } for (String id : secResDataSet.getNonHumanCategories().keySet()) { for (String label : secResDataSet.getCategoryLabelList(id)) { options[i++] = new Option(id, label); } } sortOptions(options); setSecondaryResources(options); } public void saveSelectedSecondaryResources() { int queue = getActiveTab().equals("tabUnOffered") ? WorkQueue.UNOFFERED : WorkQueue.WORKLISTED; WorkItemRecord wir = getChosenWIR(queue); if (wir != null) { SecondaryResources resources = _rm.getSecondaryResources(wir); if (resources != null) { resources.addDataSet(wir, secResDataSet); } } } public List<String> checkSelectedSecondaryResources() throws YAWLException { int queue = getActiveTab().equals("tabUnOffered") ? WorkQueue.UNOFFERED : WorkQueue.WORKLISTED; WorkItemRecord wir = getChosenWIR(queue); if (wir != null) { return secResDataSet.checkAvailability(); } throw new YAWLException("Could not locate secondary resources for workitem."); } public boolean removeSelectedSecondaryResource() { return (selectedSecondaryResource != null) && secResDataSet.remove(selectedSecondaryResource); } private String selectedSecondaryResource = null; public String getSelectedSecondaryResource() { return selectedSecondaryResource; } public void setSelectedSecondaryResource(String s) { selectedSecondaryResource = s; } private boolean orgDataItemRemovedFlag; public boolean isOrgDataItemRemovedFlag() { return orgDataItemRemovedFlag; } public void setOrgDataItemRemovedFlag(boolean flag) { orgDataItemRemovedFlag = flag; } private boolean nhResourcesItemRemovedFlag; public boolean isNhResourcesItemRemovedFlag() { return nhResourcesItemRemovedFlag; } public void setNhResourcesItemRemovedFlag(boolean flag) { orgDataItemRemovedFlag = flag; } private String activeResourceAttributeTab = "tabRoles"; // start value public String getActiveResourceAttributeTab() { return activeResourceAttributeTab; } public void setActiveResourceAttributeTab(String activeResourceAttributeTab) { this.activeResourceAttributeTab = activeResourceAttributeTab; } public void unselectResourceAttribute(String id) { unselectResourceAttribute(id, getParticipantForCurrentMode()); } public void unselectResourceAttribute(String id, Participant p) { if (activeResourceAttributeTab.equals("tabRoles")) p.removeRole(id); else if (activeResourceAttributeTab.equals("tabPosition")) p.removePosition(id); else if (activeResourceAttributeTab.equals("tabCapability")) p.removeCapability(id); // refresh the 'owned' list getParticipantAttributeList(activeResourceAttributeTab, p); } public void selectResourceAttribute(String id) throws ResourceGatewayException { selectResourceAttribute(id, getParticipantForCurrentMode()); } public Participant getParticipantForCurrentMode() { return isAddParticipantMode() ? addedParticipant : editedParticipant; } private void selectResourceAttribute(String id, Participant p) throws ResourceGatewayException { if (activeResourceAttributeTab.equals("tabRoles")) p.addRole(id); else if (activeResourceAttributeTab.equals("tabPosition")) p.addPosition(id); else if (activeResourceAttributeTab.equals("tabCapability")) p.addCapability(id); // refresh the 'owned' list getParticipantAttributeList(activeResourceAttributeTab, p); } // resets all edits by reloading participant from org database public Participant resetParticipant() throws CloneNotSupportedException { if (editedParticipant != null) { String actualID = editedParticipant.getID().substring(7); // remove 'CLONE_' from edited id if (preEditAttributes != null) { getParticipantMap().get(actualID).setAttributeReferences(preEditAttributes); preEditAttributes = null; } editedParticipant = setEditedParticipant(actualID); } return editedParticipant; } public String addParticipant(Participant p) throws CloneNotSupportedException { String newID = _rm.addParticipant(p); refreshOrgDataParticipantList(); preEditAttributes = p.getAttributeReferences(); editedParticipant = p.clone(); return newID; } public void removeParticipant(Participant p) { String actualID = p.getID().substring(7); // remove 'CLONE_' from edited id Participant pToRemove = participantMap.get(actualID); setEditedParticipantToNull(); _rm.removeParticipant(pToRemove); refreshOrgDataParticipantList(); } private String lblAgeText = "Age"; public String getLblAgeText() { return lblAgeText; } public void setLblAgeText(String text) { lblAgeText = text; } private YPredicateParser docoParser = new YPredicateParser(); public void updateWIRDoco(String doco) { if (chosenWIR != null) { chosenWIR.setDocumentation(docoParser.parse(doco)); chosenWIR.setDocumentationChanged(true); _rm.getWorkItemCache().update(chosenWIR); } } /******************************************************************************/ // Methods to initialise page values public String getInitSpecID() { if (chosenWIR != null) return chosenWIR.getSpecIdentifier(); return ""; } public void setInitSpecID(String id) { } public String getInitCaseID() { if (chosenWIR != null) return chosenWIR.getCaseID(); return ""; } public void setInitCaseID(String id) { } public String getInitTaskID() { if (chosenWIR != null) return chosenWIR.getTaskID(); return ""; } public void setInitTaskID(String id) { } public String getInitStatus() { if (chosenWIR != null) return chosenWIR.getStatus(); return ""; } public void setInitStatus(String id) { } public String getInitAge() { String result = null; if (chosenWIR != null) { try { long eTime = Long.parseLong(chosenWIR.getEnablementTimeMs()); long age = System.currentTimeMillis() - eTime; result = getApplicationBean().formatAge(age); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { result = "<unavailable>"; } } return result; } public void setInitAge(String id) { } public String getInitCreatedDate() { if (chosenWIR != null) { return DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.SHORT) .format(chosenWIR.getEnablementTimeMs()); } return ""; } public void setInitCreatedDate(String id) { } public String getInitTabText(int n) { String result = WorkQueue.getQueueName(n); if (queueSet != null) { int qSize = queueSet.getQueueSize(n); if (qSize > 0) result = result + String.format(" (%d)", qSize); } return result; } public String getInitOfferedTabText() { return getInitTabText(WorkQueue.OFFERED); } public String getInitAllocatedTabText() { return getInitTabText(WorkQueue.ALLOCATED); } public String getInitStartedTabText() { return getInitTabText(WorkQueue.STARTED); } public String getInitSuspendedTabText() { return getInitTabText(WorkQueue.SUSPENDED); } public String getInitUnOfferedTabText() { return getInitTabText(WorkQueue.UNOFFERED); } public String getInitWorklistedTabText() { return getInitTabText(WorkQueue.WORKLISTED); } public void setInitTabText(String s) { } public String getInitTabStyle() { return "color: #3277ba"; } private boolean wirEdit; public boolean isWirEdit() { return wirEdit; } public void setWirEdit(boolean wirEdit) { this.wirEdit = wirEdit; } private boolean completeAfterEdit; public boolean isCompleteAfterEdit() { return completeAfterEdit; } public void setCompleteAfterEdit(boolean completeAfterEdit) { this.completeAfterEdit = completeAfterEdit; } private Set<String> warnedWIRSet = new HashSet<String>(); public void setWarnedForNonEdit(String id) { warnedWIRSet.add(id); } public boolean hasWarnedForNonEdit(String id) { return warnedWIRSet.contains(id); } public void removeWarnedForNonEdit(String id) { warnedWIRSet.remove(id); } public String sourceTab; public String getSourceTab() { return sourceTab; } public void setSourceTab(String sourceTab) { this.sourceTab = sourceTab; } private String activeTab; public String getActiveTab() { return activeTab; } public void setActiveTab(String activeTab) { this.activeTab = activeTab; } public void setSourceTabAfterListboxSelection() { sourceTab = activeTab; } public void refreshUserWorkQueues() { // if (activePage.equals("userWorkQueues")) { // userWorkQueues uwq = ((userWorkQueues) getBean("userWorkQueues")); // if (uwq != null) uwq.forceRefresh(); // } } /*****************************************************************************/ private PanelLayout transparentPanel = new PanelLayout(); public PanelLayout getTransparentPanel() { return transparentPanel; } public void setTransparentPanel(PanelLayout panel) { transparentPanel = panel; } private MessagePanel messagePanel = new MessagePanel(); public MessagePanel getMessagePanel() { return messagePanel; } public void setMessagePanel(MessagePanel messagePanel) { this.messagePanel = messagePanel; } public void showMessagePanel() { String style = (activePage != ApplicationBean.PageRef.dynForm) ? null : "border: none;"; transparentPanel.setStyle(style); transparentPanel.setVisible(messagePanel.hasMessage()); if (activePage != ApplicationBean.PageRef.dynForm); else, getOuterPanelHeight()); } public String messagePanelOKBtnAction(ActionEvent event) { showMessagePanel(); getApplicationBean().refresh(); return null; } /*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ private String orgDataListLabelText = "List Label"; public String getOrgDataListLabelText() { return orgDataListLabelText; } public void setOrgDataListLabelText(String orgDataListLabelText) { this.orgDataListLabelText = orgDataListLabelText; } private String orgDataBelongsLabelText = "Belongs To"; public String getOrgDataBelongsLabelText() { return orgDataBelongsLabelText; } public void setOrgDataBelongsLabelText(String orgDataBelongsLabelText) { this.orgDataBelongsLabelText = orgDataBelongsLabelText; } private String orgDataGroupLabelText = "Org Group"; public String getOrgDataGroupLabelText() { return orgDataGroupLabelText; } public void setOrgDataGroupLabelText(String orgDataGroupLabelText) { this.orgDataGroupLabelText = orgDataGroupLabelText; } private String nhResourceListLabelText = "Resources"; public String getNhResourceListLabelText() { return nhResourceListLabelText; } public void setNhResourceListLabelText(String text) { nhResourceListLabelText = text; } private String nhResourceCategoryLabelText = "Category"; public String getNhResourceCategoryLabelText() { return nhResourceCategoryLabelText; } public void setNhResourceCategoryLabelText(String text) { nhResourceCategoryLabelText = text; } public void resetPageDefaults(ApplicationBean.PageRef page) { switch (page) { case participantData: setEditedParticipantToNull(); setActiveResourceAttributeTab(null); setAddParticipantMode(false); setAddedParticipant(null); break; } } // Add Instance private String addInstanceParamVal; public String getAddInstanceParamVal() { return addInstanceParamVal; } public void setAddInstanceParamVal(String val) { addInstanceParamVal = val; } public boolean isAddInstance() { return addInstanceParamVal != null; } private String addInstanceParamName; public String getAddInstanceParamName() { return addInstanceParamName; } public void setAddInstanceParamName(String name) { addInstanceParamName = name; } public String getAddInstanceParamNameLabelText() { return addInstanceParamName + ":"; } public void clearAddInstanceParam() { addInstanceParamVal = null; addInstanceParamName = null; addInstanceItemID = null; } private String addInstanceItemID; public String getAddInstanceItemID() { return addInstanceItemID; } public void setAddInstanceItemID(String itemID) { addInstanceItemID = itemID; } private String addInstanceHeader; public String getAddInstanceHeader() { return addInstanceHeader; } public void setAddInstanceHeader(String taskID) { addInstanceHeader = "Create a New Workitem Instance of Task '" + taskID + "'"; } ////// private boolean delayTimeRBSelected = true; private boolean delayDateRBSelected = false; private boolean delayDurationRBSelected = false; public boolean isDelayTimeRBSelected() { return delayTimeRBSelected; } public void setDelayTimeRBSelected(boolean selected) { delayTimeRBSelected = selected; } public boolean isDelayDateRBSelected() { return delayDateRBSelected; } public void setDelayDateRBSelected(boolean selected) { delayDateRBSelected = selected; } public boolean isDelayDurationRBSelected() { return delayDurationRBSelected; } public void setDelayDurationRBSelected(boolean selected) { delayDurationRBSelected = selected; } ////// private boolean teamRBSelected = true; private boolean orgGroupRBSelected = false; public boolean getTeamRBSelected() { return teamRBSelected; } public boolean isTeamRBSelected() { return teamRBSelected; } public void setTeamRBSelected(boolean selected) { teamRBSelected = selected; } public boolean getOrgGroupRBSelected() { return orgGroupRBSelected; } public boolean isOrgGroupRBSelected() { return orgGroupRBSelected; } public void setOrgGroupRBSelected(boolean selected) { orgGroupRBSelected = selected; } public boolean getTeamRBDisabled() { return (participant == null) || (!(participant.isAdministrator() || participant.getUserPrivileges().canViewTeamItems())); } public boolean getOrgGroupRBDisabled() { return (participant == null) || (!(participant.isAdministrator() || participant.getUserPrivileges().canViewOrgGroupItems())); } private WorkItemRecord selectedTeamQueueWIR; public WorkItemRecord getSelectedTeamQueueWIR() { return selectedTeamQueueWIR; } public void setSelectedTeamQueueWIR(WorkItemRecord wir) { selectedTeamQueueWIR = wir; } private String resourceState; public String getResourceState() { return resourceState; } public void setResourceState(String state) { resourceState = state; } private PanelLayout pnlUploadBlockout = new PanelLayout(); public PanelLayout getPnlUploadBlockout() { return pnlUploadBlockout; } public void setPnlUploadBlockout(PanelLayout panel) { pnlUploadBlockout = panel; } private boolean orgDataUploadPanelVisible = false; public boolean isOrgDataUploadPanelVisible() { return orgDataUploadPanelVisible; } public void setOrgDataUploadPanelVisible(boolean visible) { orgDataUploadPanelVisible = visible; } private boolean delayedLaunchPanelVisible = false; public boolean isDelayedLaunchPanelVisible() { return delayedLaunchPanelVisible; } public void setDelayedLaunchPanelVisible(boolean visible) { delayedLaunchPanelVisible = visible; } private long delaySeconds = -1; private Date delayDate = null; private Duration delayDuration = null; public void resetDelayValues() { delaySeconds = -1; delayDate = null; delayDuration = null; } public long getDelaySeconds() { return delaySeconds; } public void setDelaySeconds(long seconds) { delaySeconds = seconds; } public Date getDelayDate() { return delayDate; } public void setDelayDate(Date date) { delayDate = date; } public Duration getDelayDuration() { return delayDuration; } public void setDelayDuration(Duration duration) { delayDuration = duration; } public boolean hasDelayValueSet() { return (delaySeconds > -1) || (delayDate != null) || (delayDuration != null); } private String delayValueError = ""; public String getDelayValueError() { return delayValueError; } public void setDelayValueError(String error) { delayValueError = error; } private boolean visualiserReferred = false; public boolean isVisualiserReferred() { return visualiserReferred; } public void setVisualiserReferred(boolean referred) { visualiserReferred = referred; } private WorkItemRecord visualiserEditedWIR = null; public WorkItemRecord getVisualiserEditedWIR() { return visualiserEditedWIR; } public void setVisualiserEditedWIR(WorkItemRecord wir) { visualiserEditedWIR = wir; } private boolean rssUserAlreadyLoggedOn = false; public boolean isRssUserAlreadyLoggedOn() { return rssUserAlreadyLoggedOn; } public void setRssUserAlreadyLoggedOn(boolean loggedOn) { rssUserAlreadyLoggedOn = loggedOn; } private FormViewer formViewerInstance = null; public FormViewer getFormViewerInstance() { return formViewerInstance; } public void setFormViewerInstance(FormViewer instance) { formViewerInstance = instance; } private WorkItemRecord rssFormWIR = null; public WorkItemRecord getRssFormWIR() { return rssFormWIR; } public void setRssFormWIR(WorkItemRecord wir) { rssFormWIR = wir; } public void resetPostFormDisplay() { setFormViewerInstance(null); setRssFormWIR(null); setRssFormDisplay(false); setRssUserAlreadyLoggedOn(true); setWirEdit(false); setCompleteAfterEdit(false); setCustomFormPost(false); setShowYAWLBanner(true); } private boolean rssFormDisplay = false; public boolean isRssFormDisplay() { return rssFormDisplay; } public void setRssFormDisplay(boolean display) { rssFormDisplay = display; } private boolean rssFormCloseAttempted = false; public boolean isRssFormCloseAttempted() { return rssFormCloseAttempted; } public void setRssFormCloseAttempted(boolean attempted) { rssFormCloseAttempted = attempted; } /******************************************************************************/ /** Client Apps Page **********************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ // true if currently adding a client private boolean addClientAccountMode = true; public boolean isAddClientAccountMode() { return addClientAccountMode; } public void setAddClientAccountMode(boolean mode) { addClientAccountMode = mode; } /******************************************************************************/ /** Org Mgt Page **************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ // list of resources in a selected grouping - fills the members combo private Option[] orgDataMembers; public Option[] getOrgDataMembers() { return orgDataMembers; } public int setOrgDataMembers(AbstractResourceAttribute attribute) { int membership = 0; if (attribute != null) { membership = attribute.getResources().size(); orgDataMembers = new Option[membership]; int i = 0; for (AbstractResource resource : attribute.getResources()) { Participant p = (Participant) resource; orgDataMembers[i++] = new Option(p.getID(), p.getFullName()); } } else orgDataMembers = null; return membership; } /******************************************************************************/ /** Dyn Form ******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ // if false, top YAWL banner is hidden - set from dyn form's attributes private boolean showYAWLBanner = true; public boolean isShowYAWLBanner() { return showYAWLBanner; } public void setShowYAWLBanner(boolean show) { showYAWLBanner = show; } /******************************************************************************/ /** Assets Page (Non-Human Resources ******************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ // true if currently adding a sub-category private boolean subCatAddMode = false; public boolean isSubCatAddMode() { return subCatAddMode; } public void setSubCatAddMode(boolean adding) { subCatAddMode = adding; } // list of resources in a selected category - fills the members combo on category tab private Option[] categoryMembers; public Option[] getCategoryMembers() { return categoryMembers; } public int setCategoryMembers(NonHumanCategory category) { int membership = 0; if (category != null) { membership = category.getResources().size(); categoryMembers = new Option[membership]; int i = 0; for (NonHumanResource r : category.getResources()) { categoryMembers[i++] = new Option(r.getID(), r.getName()); } } else categoryMembers = null; return membership; } // a clone of the currently selected resource private NonHumanResource selectedNonHumanResource = null; public NonHumanResource getSelectedNonHumanResource() { return selectedNonHumanResource; } // cloned for editing public void setSelectedNonHumanResource(NonHumanResource resource, boolean editing) throws CloneNotSupportedException { if ((selectedNonHumanResource != null) && editing) { selectedNonHumanResource.clearCategory(); } if (resource != null) { // an id of _TEMP_ means a new resource (in add mode), so don't clone it selectedNonHumanResource = (!resource.getID().equals("_TEMP_")) ? resource.clone() : resource; } else selectedNonHumanResource = null; } /******************************************************************************/ /** All Pages *****************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ // nbr of menu bars: 1 if 'admin' or non-admin user, 2 if admin-level user private int menuBarCount = 1; public int getMenuBarCount() { return menuBarCount; } public void setMenuBarCount(int count) { menuBarCount = count; } // sets the 'top' of each page's main panel based on the nbr of menubars on view public String getOuterPanelTop() { return String.format("top: %dpx;", (menuBarCount * 30) + 20); } // adjusts to 'top' of each page's footer text to allow for long msg panels public String getFooterPanelStyle() { String style = "top: %dpx; height:100%%; width:100%%; position:relative;"; int top = 80; if (messagePanel.isVisible()) { int overhang = (messagePanel.getHeight() + 60) - getOuterPanelHeight(); if (overhang > 0) { top += overhang; } } return String.format(style, top); } // returns the width in pixels of the active page's outermost panel private int getOuterPanelWidth() { switch (activePage) { case adminQueues: return 798; case caseMgt: return 602; case customServices: return 666; case Login: return 238; case orgDataMgt: return 698; case nonHumanMgt: return 698; case participantData: return 670; case userWorkQueues: return 798; case viewProfile: return 538; case addInstance: return 306; case teamQueues: return 796; case externalClients: return 666; case calendarMgt: return 600; case secResMgt: return 800; case dynForm: return getDynFormFactoryInstance().getFormWidth(); default: return -1; } } // returns the height in pixels of the active page's outermost panel private int getOuterPanelHeight() { switch (activePage) { case adminQueues: return 378; case caseMgt: return 590; case customServices: return 515; case orgDataMgt: return 328; case nonHumanMgt: return 328; case participantData: return 543; case userWorkQueues: return 378; case viewProfile: return 377; case addInstance: return 370; case teamQueues: return 370; case externalClients: return 485; case calendarMgt: return 648; case secResMgt: return 600; case dynForm: return getDynFormFactoryInstance().getFormHeight(); default: return -1; } } /******************************************************************************/ /** Calendar Page *************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ private List<CalendarRow> calendarRows = new ArrayList<CalendarRow>(); public List<CalendarRow> getCalendarRows() { return calendarRows; } public int getCalendarRowCount() { return calendarRows.size(); } public void refreshCalendarRows() { calendarRows.clear(); long from = selectedCalMgtDate.getTime(); long to = from + 86400000; // msecs in 1 day List rawRows = getEntriesForSelection(from, to); for (Object o : rawRows) { CalendarRow row = new CalendarRow((CalendarEntry) o); row.setName(getNameForCalendarID(row.getResourceID())); row.setBaseDate(selectedCalMgtDate); calendarRows.add(row); } Collections.sort(calendarRows, new CalendarRowComparator()); } private List getEntriesForSelection(long from, long to) { String id = getSelectedCalendarID(); if (id != null) { if (calFilterSelection.startsWith("All")) { return _rm.getCalendar().getEntries(getSelectedResourceGroup(), from, to, true); } else if (calFilterSelection.startsWith("Selected")) { AbstractResource resource = _rm.getOrgDataSet().getResource(id); return _rm.getCalendar().getEntries(resource, from, to, true); } } return _rm.getCalendar().getEntries(id, from, to, true); } public String removeCalendarRow(int index) { CalendarRow row = getSelectedCalendarRow(index); if (row != null) { if (row.getStatus().equals("busy")) { return "<failure>Entries with 'busy' status cannot be removed.</failure>"; } try { _rm.getCalendar().makeAvailable(row.getEntryID()); return "<success/>"; } catch (CalendarException ce) { return "<failure>" + ce.getMessage() + "</failure>"; } } return "<failure>Could not remove row.</failure>"; } private int selectedCalendarRowIndex = -1; public CalendarRow getSelectedCalendarRow(int index) { if (index < calendarRows.size()) { selectedCalendarRowIndex = index; return calendarRows.get(index); } return null; } public CalendarRow getSelectedCalendarRow() { return (selectedCalendarRowIndex > -1) ? calendarRows.get(selectedCalendarRowIndex) : null; } public CalendarEntry getSelectedEntry() { CalendarRow row = getSelectedCalendarRow(); return (row != null) ? row.toCalendarEntry() : null; } public int getSelectedCalendarRowIndex() { return selectedCalendarRowIndex; } public void setSelectedCalendarRowIndex(int index) { selectedCalendarRowIndex = index; } // the currently selected date on the page - default to today midnight private Date selectedCalMgtDate = DateUtils.truncate(new Date(), Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); public Date getSelectedCalMgtDate() { return selectedCalMgtDate; } public void setSelectedCalMgtDate(Date date) { selectedCalMgtDate = date; } private final SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); private Date calMgtMinDate = createDate("2010-01-01"); public Date getCalMgtMinDate() { return calMgtMinDate; } public void setCalMgtMinDate(Date date) { calMgtMinDate = date; } private Date calMgtMaxDate = createDate("2020-01-01"); public Date getCalMgtMaxDate() { return calMgtMaxDate; } public void setCalMgtMaxDate(Date date) { calMgtMaxDate = date; } private Date createDate(String s) { try { return sdf.parse(s); } catch (ParseException pe) { return new Date(); } } private String calFilterSelection = "Unfiltered"; public String getCalFilterSelection() { return calFilterSelection; } public void setCalFilterSelection(String selection) { calFilterSelection = selection; } private String calResourceSelection = null; public String getCalResourceSelection() { return calResourceSelection; } public void setCalResourceSelection(String selection) { calResourceSelection = selection; } public String getSelectedCalendarID() { String result = null; if (calFilterSelection.startsWith("All")) { result = getSelectedResourceGroup().name(); } else if (calFilterSelection.startsWith("Selected")) { result = calResourceSelection; } return result; } public void addCalendarEntry(long startTime, long endTime, int workload, String comments) throws CalendarException { if (calFilterSelection.startsWith("All")) { ResourceCalendar.ResourceGroup group = getSelectedResourceGroup(); long entryID = _rm.getCalendar().addEntry(group, startTime, endTime, ResourceCalendar.Status.unavailable, getUserid(), comments); logCalendarEntry(entryID,, workload); } else if (calFilterSelection.startsWith("Selected")) { AbstractResource resource = _rm.getOrgDataSet().getResource(calResourceSelection); if (resource != null) { CalendarEntry entry = new CalendarEntry(resource.getID(), startTime, endTime, ResourceCalendar.Status.unavailable, workload, getUserid(), comments); if (!clashesWithCalendar(entry, true)) { long entryID = _rm.getCalendar().addEntry(entry); logCalendarEntry(entryID, resource.getID(), workload); } else throw new CalendarException("Time(s) and/or workload clashes with an existing entry."); } else throw new CalendarException("Unknown resource."); } } private final CalendarLogger _calLogger = new CalendarLogger(); public void logCalendarEntry(long entryID, String resourceID, int workload) { CalendarLogEntry logEntry = new CalendarLogEntry(null, null, resourceID, -1,, entryID); logEntry.setAgent(getUserid()); logEntry.setWorkload(workload); _calLogger.log(logEntry, true); } private ResourceCalendar.ResourceGroup getSelectedResourceGroup() { if (calFilterSelection.equals("All Resources")) { return ResourceCalendar.ResourceGroup.AllResources; } else if (calFilterSelection.equals("All Participants")) { return ResourceCalendar.ResourceGroup.HumanResources; } else if (calFilterSelection.equals("All Assets")) { return ResourceCalendar.ResourceGroup.NonHumanResources; } return null; } private String getNameForCalendarID(String id) { ResourceCalendar cal = _rm.getCalendar(); if (id == null) return ""; String result = ""; if (id.equals(cal.getEntryString(ResourceCalendar.ResourceGroup.AllResources))) { result = "All Resources"; } else if (id.equals(cal.getEntryString(ResourceCalendar.ResourceGroup.HumanResources))) { result = "All Participants"; } else if (id.equals(cal.getEntryString(ResourceCalendar.ResourceGroup.NonHumanResources))) { result = "All Assets"; } else if (id.length() > 0) { AbstractResource resource = _rm.getOrgDataSet().getResource(id); if (resource instanceof Participant) { result = ((Participant) resource).getFullName(); } else if (resource instanceof NonHumanResource) { result = ((NonHumanResource) resource).getName(); } } return result; } public Option[] getCalResourceOptions() { Option[] options = null; if (calFilterSelection.endsWith("Participant")) { options = getOrgDataParticipantList(); } else if (calFilterSelection.endsWith("Asset")) { options = getNhResourcesList(); } if (options != null) { if ((options.length > 0) && StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(getCalEditedResourceName())) { setCalResourceSelection((String) options[0].getValue()); setCalEditedResourceName(options[0].getLabel()); refreshCalendarRows(); } return options; } return new Option[0]; } private Date selectedDurationDate; public Date getSelectedDurationDate() { return selectedDurationDate; } public void setSelectedDurationDate(Date date) { selectedDurationDate = date; } private boolean addCalendarRowMode = true; public boolean isAddCalendarRowMode() { return addCalendarRowMode; } public void setAddCalendarRowMode(boolean mode) { addCalendarRowMode = mode; } public String calEditedResourceName; public String getCalEditedResourceName() { return calEditedResourceName; } public void setCalEditedResourceName(String name) { calEditedResourceName = name; } public boolean clashesWithCalendar(CalendarEntry entry, boolean add) { // non-individual entries are 'unioned', so they may overlap if (!calFilterSelection.startsWith("All")) { for (CalendarRow row : calendarRows) { if ((add || (row.getEntryID() != entry.getEntryID())) && (row.getResourceID().equals(entry.getResourceID())) && (row.getStartTime() < entry.getEndTime()) && (row.getEndTime() > entry.getStartTime()) && ((row.getWorkload() + entry.getWorkload()) > 100)) { return true; } } } return false; } public String getCalDataTableStyle() { int height = 20 * (calendarRows.size() + 1); return String.format("height: %dpx", Math.min(height, 330)); } /******************************************************************************/ public String getLblDocumentationStyle() { boolean lower = (activeTab != null && activeTab.equals("tabWorklisted")) || activePage == ApplicationBean.PageRef.teamQueues; return String.format("top: %dpx", (lower ? 300 : 256)); } public String getTxtDocumentationStyle() { boolean lower = (activeTab != null && activeTab.equals("tabWorklisted")) || activePage == ApplicationBean.PageRef.teamQueues; return String.format("height: %dpx; top: %dpx;", (lower ? 44 : 84), (lower ? 314 : 274)); } public String getYawlVersion() { return getApplicationBean().getYawlVersion(); } }