Java tutorial
/* * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: */ package org.xwoot.jxta.mock; import java.util.*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.xwoot.jxta.DirectMessageReceiver; import org.xwoot.jxta.NetworkManager; import org.xwoot.jxta.Peer; import org.xwoot.jxta.NetworkManager.ConfigMode; import net.jxta.discovery.*; import net.jxta.exception.JxtaException; import net.jxta.exception.PeerGroupException; import net.jxta.exception.ProtocolNotSupportedException; import; import; import; import net.jxta.impl.membership.none.NoneMembershipService; import net.jxta.impl.membership.pse.PSEMembershipService; import net.jxta.impl.protocol.PeerAdv; import net.jxta.impl.protocol.PipeAdv; import net.jxta.jxtacast.JxtaCast; import net.jxta.jxtacast.event.JxtaCastEvent; import net.jxta.jxtacast.event.JxtaCastEventListener; import net.jxta.peer.PeerID; import net.jxta.peergroup.*; import net.jxta.pipe.PipeID; import net.jxta.pipe.PipeService; import net.jxta.protocol.*; import net.jxta.rendezvous.*; import net.jxta.credential.Credential; import net.jxta.document.Advertisement; import net.jxta.document.AdvertisementFactory; import net.jxta.document.Element; import net.jxta.document.MimeMediaType; import net.jxta.document.StructuredDocument; import net.jxta.document.StructuredDocumentFactory; /** * Implementation handling the gory details of JXTA. * * @version $Id$ */ public class MockJxtaPeer implements Peer, RendezvousListener { protected PeerGroup rootGroup; protected PeerGroup currentJoinedGroup; protected Credential groupCredential; protected JxtaCastEventListener jxtaCastListener; protected DirectMessageReceiver directMessageReceiver; protected Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass()); protected boolean networkConfigured; protected boolean connectedToNetwork; protected boolean connectedToGroup; /** The pipe name to be used when broadcasting messages. Interested peers will look for this. */ public static final String PROPAGATE_PIPE_ADVERTISEMENT_NAME = "ConcertoMessageBroadcast"; /** Number of ms to wait for the output pipe to be resolved when directly communicating through the back-channel. */ public static final long BACK_CHANNEL_OUTPUT_PIPE_RESOLVE_TIMEOUT = 5000; /** Number of ms to wait between tries to discover pipe ADVs in a group and send an object to one of them. */ public static final long WAIT_INTERVAL_BETWEEN_TRIES = 5000; /** Number tries to discover pipe ADVs in a group and send an object to one of them. */ public static final int NUMBER_OF_TRIES = 5; /** Number of ms to wait for a rdv connection to a group. */ public static final long WAIT_FOR_RDV_CONNECTION_PERIOD = 120000; /** This peer's peer advertisement. */ protected PeerAdv myPeerAdv; /** "NetPeerGroup" advertisement. */ protected PeerGroupAdvertisement rootGroupAdv; protected PeerAdv.Instantiator peerAdvInst; // Instantiator of PeerAdv objects. protected PipeAdv.Instantiator pipeAdvInst; // Instantiator of PipeAdv objects. // global registry public static Map<PeerGroupAdvertisement, Set<MockJxtaPeer>> groupsWithPeersMap = new HashMap<PeerGroupAdvertisement, Set<MockJxtaPeer>>();; public static Set<PeerGroupAdvertisement> groupAdvRegistry = new HashSet<PeerGroupAdvertisement>(); // local cache public Set<PeerGroupAdvertisement> localGroupAdvRegistry; public Set<PeerAdvertisement> localPeerAdvRegistry; public Set<Advertisement> localPipeAdvRegistry; public char[] localKeystorePassword; public static ID groupAuthenticationServiceParamID = IDFactory.newModuleSpecID(PeerGroup.membershipClassID); protected PipeAdvertisement myPipeAdv; public boolean rendezVousForGroup; public MockJxtaPeer() { this.connectedToNetwork = false; this.connectedToGroup = false; // Create a simulation of the "NetPeerGroup". rootGroupAdv = (PeerGroupAdvertisement) AdvertisementFactory .newAdvertisement(PeerGroupAdvertisement.getAdvertisementType()); rootGroupAdv.setName("NetPeerGroup"); rootGroupAdv.setPeerGroupID(new PeerGroupID()); // Create my peer advertisement. peerAdvInst = new PeerAdv.Instantiator(); myPeerAdv = (PeerAdv) peerAdvInst.newInstance(); myPeerAdv.setName("MyMockPeerName"); myPeerAdv.setPeerID(IDFactory.newPeerID((PeerGroupID) rootGroupAdv.getPeerGroupID())); myPeerAdv.setPeerGroupID(rootGroupAdv.getPeerGroupID()); // local cache. localGroupAdvRegistry = new HashSet<PeerGroupAdvertisement>(); localPeerAdvRegistry = new HashSet<PeerAdvertisement>(); localPipeAdvRegistry = new HashSet<Advertisement>(); this.setRendezVousForGroup(false); } /** * @param group the group. * @return a list of peers in a group. */ public Set<MockJxtaPeer> getPeersInGroup(PeerGroup group) { return groupsWithPeersMap.get(group); } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public void configureNetwork(String peerName, File jxtaCacheDirectoryPath, ConfigMode mode) throws JxtaException { this.myPeerAdv.setName(peerName); this.networkConfigured = true; /* if (jxtaCacheDirectoryPath == null) { jxtaCacheDirectoryPath = new File(new File(".cache"), "ConcertoPeer" + UUID.randomUUID().toString()); } try { manager = new NetworkManager(mode, "ConcertoPeer", jxtaCacheDirectoryPath.toURI()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JxtaException("Failed to initialize peer.\n", e); } // Make sure the jxta platform will shut down tidely when the JVM does. manager.registerShutdownHook(); // Use JXTA default relay/rendezvous servers for now. // manager.setUseDefaultSeeds(true); //manager.getConfigurator().addSeedRelay(URI.create("tcp://")); //manager.getConfigurator().addSeedRendezvous(URI.create("tcp://")); // FIXME: Leave such configurations to be made from outside // after calling this method but before calling startNetworkAndConnect. //NetworkConfigurator config = manager.getConfigurator(); //manager.getConfigurator().setUseMulticast(false);"Infrastructure ID: " + manager.getInfrastructureID());"Peer ID: " + manager.getPeerID());*/"Network Configured."); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public NetworkManager getManager() { return null;//this.manager; } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public void startNetworkAndConnect(JxtaCastEventListener jxtaCastListener, DirectMessageReceiver directMessageReceiver) throws IllegalStateException, PeerGroupException, IOException, JxtaException {"Starting network."); if (!this.isNetworkConfigured()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "The manager has not yet been instantiated and configured. Call configureNetwork() first."); } if (this.isConnectedToNetwork()) { logger.warn("Already connected to the network."); return; } // Start the network. this.connectedToNetwork = true; // Get the NetPeerGroup and use this for now. this.rootGroup = new SimPeerGroup(this.rootGroupAdv, this.myPeerAdv); this.currentJoinedGroup = this.rootGroup; // Contribute to the network's connectivity. //this.rootGroup.getRendezVousService().setAutoStart(true); // Simulate delay cause by connect to the Network entry-point (Rendezvous). // FIXME: do something like waitForRdvConnection for groups. /*try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { }*/ // Save the listeners. this.jxtaCastListener = jxtaCastListener; this.directMessageReceiver = directMessageReceiver; } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public void stopNetwork() {"Stopping network."); if (this.isConnectedToNetwork()) { //PeerGroup currentGroup = this.currentJoinedGroup; // Try to leave the current group nicely. try { this.leavePeerGroup(currentJoinedGroup); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore, we are shutting down anyway. } this.currentJoinedGroup = null; this.rootGroup = null; this.connectedToNetwork = false; System.runFinalization(); System.gc(); } else { this.logger.warn("Network already stopped."); } } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public PeerGroupAdvertisement getDefaultAdv() { return rootGroup.getPeerGroupAdvertisement(); } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public PeerGroup getDefaultGroup() { return rootGroup; } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public String getMyPeerName() { return this.getMyPeerAdv().getName(); } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public void setMyPeerName(String peerName) { this.myPeerAdv.setName(peerName); } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public PeerID getMyPeerID() { return this.getMyPeerAdv().getPeerID(); } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public PeerAdvertisement getMyPeerAdv() { return this.myPeerAdv; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public String getMyDirectCommunicationPipeName() { // Use a complex delimiter to mark off the peer name and ID. // We need to parse this string later, so we need something that's // unlikely to appear in a peer name. (A simple period is too risky.) // String name = getDirectCommunicationPipeNamePrefix() + JxtaCast.DELIM + this.getMyPeerName() + JxtaCast.DELIM + this.getMyPeerID().toString(); return name; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public String getDirectCommunicationPipeNamePrefix() { return "ConcertoPeerDirectCommunication." + this.getClass().getSimpleName(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public PipeAdvertisement getMyDirectCommunicationPipeAdvertisement() { if (this.isConnectedToGroup() && directMessageReceiver != null) { return this.myPipeAdv; } this.logger.warn("Server socket not instantiated. Returning null pipe advertisement."); return null; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public String getMyDirectCommunicationPipeIDAsString() { PipeAdvertisement pipeAdv = this.getMyDirectCommunicationPipeAdvertisement(); if (pipeAdv != null) { return pipeAdv.getPipeID().toString(); } this.logger.warn("Server socket not instantiated. Returning null pipe ID."); return null; } /** @return the name of the peer from a direct communication pipe name. */ public static String getPeerNameFromBackChannelPipeName(String pipeName) { // The peer name is located between the first and second delimiters. int start = pipeName.indexOf(JxtaCast.DELIM); if (start < 0) return null; int end = pipeName.indexOf(JxtaCast.DELIM, start + 1); if (end < 0) return null; // Extract the peer name. start += JxtaCast.DELIM.length(); if (start > end) return null; return pipeName.substring(start, end); } /** @return the peer ID of the peer from a direct communication pipe name. */ public static String getPeerIdFromBackChannelPipeName(String pipeName) { // The peer ID is located after the second delimiter. int pos = pipeName.indexOf(JxtaCast.DELIM); if (pos < 0) return null; pos = pipeName.indexOf(JxtaCast.DELIM, ++pos); if (pos < 0) return null; return pipeName.substring(pos + JxtaCast.DELIM.length()); } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public JxtaCast getJxtaCastInstance() { return null; } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public void discoverGroups(String targetPeerId, DiscoveryListener discoListener) { localGroupAdvRegistry.addAll(MockJxtaPeer.groupAdvRegistry); } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public void discoverPeers(String targetPeerId, DiscoveryListener discoListener) { Set<MockJxtaPeer> peersInGroup = MockJxtaPeer.groupsWithPeersMap .get(this.currentJoinedGroup.getPeerGroupAdvertisement()); if (peersInGroup != null) { for (MockJxtaPeer peer : peersInGroup) { localPeerAdvRegistry.add(peer.getMyPeerAdv()); } } } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public void discoverAdvertisements(String targetPeerId, //PeerGroupAdvertisement group, DiscoveryListener discoListener, String attribute, String value) { // refresh only pipe advs. That is what we will be needing most from this method. Set<MockJxtaPeer> peersInGroup = MockJxtaPeer.groupsWithPeersMap .get(this.currentJoinedGroup.getPeerGroupAdvertisement()); if (peersInGroup != null) { for (MockJxtaPeer peer : peersInGroup) { localPipeAdvRegistry.add(peer.getMyDirectCommunicationPipeAdvertisement()); } } } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public Enumeration<PeerGroupAdvertisement> getKnownGroups() { if (!this.isConnectedToNetwork()) { logger.warn("Not connected to network."); // return empty enumeration. return Collections.enumeration(new ArrayList<PeerGroupAdvertisement>()); } discoverGroups(null, null); return Collections.enumeration(this.localGroupAdvRegistry); } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public Enumeration<PeerAdvertisement> getKnownPeers() { if (!this.isConnectedToNetwork()) { logger.warn("Not connected to network."); // return empty enumeration. return Collections.enumeration(new ArrayList<PeerAdvertisement>()); } discoverPeers(null, null); return Collections.enumeration(this.localPeerAdvRegistry); } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public Enumeration<Advertisement> getKnownAdvertisements(String attribute, String value) { Enumeration<Advertisement> result = null; if (!this.isConnectedToNetwork()) { logger.warn("Not connected to network."); // return empty enumeration. result = Collections.enumeration(new ArrayList<Advertisement>()); } result = Collections.enumeration(new HashSet<Advertisement>(this.localPipeAdvRegistry)); discoverAdvertisements(null, null, attribute, value); return result; } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public Enumeration<Advertisement> getKnownDirectCommunicationPipeAdvertisements() { ArrayList<Advertisement> pipeAdvs = new ArrayList<Advertisement>(); Enumeration<Advertisement> en = this.getKnownAdvertisements(PipeAdvertisement.NameTag, this.getDirectCommunicationPipeNamePrefix() + "*"); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { Advertisement adv = en.nextElement(); // Get only PipeAdvertisements that are different from this peer's. if (adv instanceof PipeAdvertisement) { PipeAdvertisement pipeAdv = (PipeAdvertisement) adv; if (!pipeAdv.equals(this.getMyDirectCommunicationPipeAdvertisement())) { pipeAdvs.add(adv); } } } return Collections.enumeration(pipeAdvs); } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public Enumeration<ID> getConnectedRdvsIDs() { if (!this.isConnectedToGroup()) { return null; } return null;//FIXME: this.rootGroup.getRendezVousService().getConnectedRendezVous(); } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public PeerGroup createNewGroup(String groupName, String description, char[] keystorePassword, char[] groupPassword) throws Exception { PeerGroup pg; // new peer group PeerGroupAdvertisement newGroupAdv = (PeerGroupAdvertisement) AdvertisementFactory .newAdvertisement(PeerGroupAdvertisement.getAdvertisementType()); newGroupAdv.setName(groupName); newGroupAdv.setDescription(description); newGroupAdv.setPeerGroupID(new PeerGroupID()); // If a keystorePassword and groupPassword has been specified, set the membershipService to PSEMembershipService. if (keystorePassword != null && keystorePassword.length != 0 && groupPassword != null && groupPassword.length != 0) { StructuredDocument groupPasswordParam = StructuredDocumentFactory .newStructuredDocument(MimeMediaType.XMLUTF8, "Parm"); Element grouPasswordElement = groupPasswordParam.createElement("groupPassword", String.valueOf(groupPassword)); groupPasswordParam.appendChild(grouPasswordElement); newGroupAdv.putServiceParam(MockJxtaPeer.groupAuthenticationServiceParamID, groupPasswordParam); } // publish localGroupAdvRegistry.add(newGroupAdv); MockJxtaPeer.groupAdvRegistry.add(newGroupAdv); pg = new SimPeerGroup(newGroupAdv, this.getMyPeerAdv()); // We join the new group as well. if (!authenticateMembership(pg, keystorePassword, groupPassword)) { throw new Exception("Authentication failed for the new group!"); } // Become rdv for this new group. Peers will not be able to communicate if there is no rdv in this group. this.setRendezVousForGroup(true); // If we were previously a member of a group, we have to leave it now. this.leavePeerGroup(this.currentJoinedGroup); // Set the new group as the current joined group. this.currentJoinedGroup = pg; // Init direct communication for this group and register the listener. this.createDirectCommunicationServerSocket(); // Init static registry for this group. Set<MockJxtaPeer> peersInGroup = new HashSet<MockJxtaPeer>(); peersInGroup.add(this); MockJxtaPeer.groupsWithPeersMap.put(newGroupAdv, peersInGroup); return pg; } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public PeerGroup createNewGroup(String groupName, String description) throws Exception { return this.createNewGroup(groupName, description, null, null); } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public synchronized PeerGroup joinPeerGroup(PeerGroupAdvertisement groupAdv, char[] keystorePassword, char[] groupPassword, boolean beRendezvous) throws PeerGroupException, IOException, ProtocolNotSupportedException { // See if it's a group we've already joined. if (this.currentJoinedGroup != null && groupAdv.getPeerGroupID().equals(this.currentJoinedGroup.getPeerGroupID())) { logger.warn("Already joined."); return this.currentJoinedGroup; } // Join the group. This is done by creating a PeerGroup object for // the group and initializing it with the group advertisement. // PeerGroup newGroup = new SimPeerGroup(groupAdv, this.getMyPeerAdv()); if (!authenticateMembership(newGroup, keystorePassword, groupPassword)) { throw new PeerGroupException("Authentication failed for joining the group."); } if (beRendezvous) { this.setRendezVousForGroup(true); } else { // Wait for a connection to a RDV of this group. if (!waitForRendezVousConnection(newGroup, 60000)) { // If none found, make this peer a RDV for the group in order to enable immediate communication. this.logger.debug("Could not connect to any RDV peer in this group. Promoting this peer to RDV."); this.setRendezVousForGroup(true); } else { this.logger.debug("RDV connection established for this group."); } } // Leave the old peer group. this.leavePeerGroup(currentJoinedGroup); // Set this group as the current one currentJoinedGroup = newGroup; // Init direct communication for this group and register the listener. this.createDirectCommunicationServerSocket(); // Update static registry for this group. Set<MockJxtaPeer> peersInGroup = MockJxtaPeer.groupsWithPeersMap.get(groupAdv); peersInGroup.add(this); // Update local cache with peers and their private pipe advertisements from this group. discoverPeers(null, null); discoverAdvertisements(null, null, PipeAdvertisement.NameTag, this.getDirectCommunicationPipeNamePrefix() + "*"); return newGroup; } /** * Wait for a rendezvous connection to any group, including NetPeerGroup if given. * * @param group the group * @param delay the time in ms to wait for a connection. 0 for forever. * @return true if a connection has been established in the default wait time period. * @throws PeerGroupException if problems occur while waiting. * @see #WAIT_FOR_RDV_CONNECTION_PERIOD */ public boolean waitForRendezVousConnection(PeerGroup group, long delay) throws PeerGroupException { if (group == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Null group given."); } if (delay < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative delay given."); } this.logger.debug("Waiting for rdv connection of group " + group.getPeerGroupName()); if (group.equals(this.rootGroup)) { this.logger.debug("Connected to network rdv in mock mode."); return true; } long stopNow = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (delay == 0) { stopNow = Long.MAX_VALUE; } else { stopNow += delay; } // TODO: Vulnerable to time changes to the past? quite unlikely. while (System.currentTimeMillis() < stopNow) { if (this.isRendezVousForGroup() || findRdvPeerInGroup(group.getPeerGroupAdvertisement())) { return true; } try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // just log. this.logger.debug("Interrupt received while waiting for RDV connection. Ignoring."); } } return false; } public boolean findRdvPeerInGroup(PeerGroupAdvertisement groupAdv) { Set<MockJxtaPeer> peersInGroup = MockJxtaPeer.groupsWithPeersMap.get(groupAdv); if (peersInGroup == null) { return false; } for (MockJxtaPeer peer : peersInGroup) { if (peer.isRendezVousForGroup()) { return true; } } return false; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public PeerGroup joinPeerGroup(PeerGroupAdvertisement groupAdv, boolean beRendezvous) throws PeerGroupException, IOException, ProtocolNotSupportedException { return joinPeerGroup(groupAdv, null, null, beRendezvous); } protected void createDirectCommunicationServerSocket() throws IOException { this.logger.debug("Creating direct communication server socket."); if (!this.hasJoinedAGroup()) { this.logger.warn("Not connected to any group. Aborting."); return; } this.closeExistingDirectCommunicationServerSocket(); this.myPipeAdv = (PipeAdvertisement) AdvertisementFactory .newAdvertisement(PipeAdvertisement.getAdvertisementType()); PipeID id = (PipeID) IDFactory.newPipeID(currentJoinedGroup.getPeerGroupID()); myPipeAdv.setPipeID(id); myPipeAdv.setName(getMyDirectCommunicationPipeName()); myPipeAdv.setType(PipeService.UnicastType); this.logger.debug("Publishing pipe advertisement."); // If no listener registered, there is no point in starting a server socket and a connection handler thread. if (this.directMessageReceiver != null) { // nothing } else { this.logger.warn( "There is no listener registered. Direct communication server socket will not be created."); } } protected void closeExistingDirectCommunicationServerSocket() throws IOException { this.logger.debug("Closing existing direct communication server socket."); this.myPipeAdv = null; } // One thread per connection. class ConnectionThread extends Thread { Socket socket; DirectMessageReceiver receiver; ConnectionThread(Socket socket, DirectMessageReceiver receiver) { this.socket = socket; this.receiver = receiver; } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ @Override public void run() { InputStream is = null; OutputStream os = null; ObjectInputStream ois = null; ObjectOutputStream oos = null; try { is = this.socket.getInputStream(); os = this.socket.getOutputStream(); ois = new ObjectInputStream(is); oos = new ObjectOutputStream(os); Object message = ois.readObject(); receiver.receiveDirectMessage(message, oos); // Make sure to flush in case receiver did not. oos.flush(); os.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { this.receiver.getLog().error("Failed to receive message or to send reply.", e); } finally { try { if (ois != null) { ois.close(); } if (is != null) { is.close(); } if (oos != null) { oos.close(); } if (os != null) { os.close(); } if (this.socket != null) { socket.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { // Just log it. this.receiver.getLog().warn("Failed to close streams for this conenction."); } } // die. } } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public void leavePeerGroup(PeerGroup oldGroup) throws PeerGroupException { this.logger.debug("Leaving peer group: " + oldGroup); if (oldGroup == null) { this.logger.warn("Null group provided. Ignoring request."); return; } // If not connected to the network there is nothing to leave from. if (!this.isConnectedToNetwork()) { this.logger.warn("Not connected to network. Ignoring request."); return; } // clean local cache for current group (a joined group or even npg.) this.localPeerAdvRegistry.clear(); this.localPipeAdvRegistry.clear(); // See if it's the default group. Don`t think you can leave that. if (oldGroup.getPeerGroupID().equals(this.rootGroup.getPeerGroupID())) { this.logger.warn("Asked to leave the default NetPeerGroup. Ignoring request."); return; } // Stop being rdv for the gorup. this.setRendezVousForGroup(false); // Resign from the group. MockJxtaPeer.groupsWithPeersMap.get(oldGroup.getPeerGroupAdvertisement()).remove(this); // See if it was the current joined group. if (this.currentJoinedGroup != null && oldGroup.getPeerGroupID().equals(this.currentJoinedGroup.getPeerGroupID())) { this.currentJoinedGroup = this.rootGroup; } oldGroup = null; try { this.closeExistingDirectCommunicationServerSocket(); } catch (IOException e) { // This will never happen in the current implementation but it's best to be sure. // Just log it. this.logger.warn("Failed to close existing direct communciation server socket after leaving a group.", e); } } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public void leavePeerGroup() throws PeerGroupException { leavePeerGroup(this.currentJoinedGroup); } /** * Authenticate membership in a peer group using {@link PSEMembershipService}'s \"StringAuthentication\" method. * </p> * If both passwords are not provided, the authentication is made using {@link NoneMembershipService} and no authentication data is provided. * * @param keystorePassword the password of the local keystore. * @param identityPassword the group's password. * * @return true if successful, false if the provided passwords were not correct or joining failed. * @throws PeerGroupException if problems occurred joining the group. * @throws ProtocolNotSupportedException if problems occur authenticating credentials. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected boolean authenticateMembership(PeerGroup group, char[] keystorePassword, char[] identityPassword) throws PeerGroupException, ProtocolNotSupportedException { // FIXME: make authentication based on the actual membershipService of the group, not by the provided passwords. String authenticationMethod = null; if (keystorePassword != null && identityPassword != null) { authenticationMethod = "StringAuthentication"; } // private group authentication. if (authenticationMethod != null) { // keystore if (this.localKeystorePassword == null) { // set a keystore pass this.localKeystorePassword = keystorePassword; } else { // see if the keystore pass is good. if (!this.localKeystorePassword.equals(keystorePassword)) { this.logger.error("Can't join the group yet. Keystore password incorrect."); return false; } } // group password. PeerGroupAdvertisement groupAdv = group.getPeerGroupAdvertisement(); StructuredDocument groupPasswordParam = groupAdv .getServiceParam(MockJxtaPeer.groupAuthenticationServiceParamID); Enumeration en = groupPasswordParam.getChildren("groupPassword"); List elements = Collections.list(en); if (elements != null && elements.size() != 0) { Element groupPasswordElement = (Element) elements.get(0); char[] goodGroupPassword = ((String) groupPasswordElement.getValue()).toCharArray(); if (!Arrays.equals(goodGroupPassword, identityPassword)) { this.logger.error("Can't join the group yet. Group password incorrect."); return false; } } else { this.logger.debug("No group password found in the group adv."); } } return true; } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public boolean isRendezvous(PeerAdvertisement peerAdv) { // If this peer is not from the currentJoinedGroup, bail. if (peerAdv.getPeerGroupID().equals(this.currentJoinedGroup.getPeerGroupID())) { return false; } // Find the PeerGroup object for this group. /*PeerGroup group = findJoinedGroup(peerAdv.getPeerGroupID()); if (group == null) return false; */ // Are we checking for our own peer? If so, we can just ask the // PeerGroup object if we are a rendezvous. if (peerAdv.getPeerID().equals(rootGroup.getPeerAdvertisement().getPeerID())) { return this.isGroupRendezVous(); } // Get the RendezVousService from the PeerGroup. /*RendezVousService rdv = (RendezVousService)group.getRendezVousService(); if (rdv == null) return false;*/ // Get a list of the connected rendezvous peers for this group, and // search it for the requested peer. // PeerID peerID = null; Enumeration<ID> rdvs = null; rdvs = this.getConnectedRdvsIDs(); while (rdvs.hasMoreElements()) { try { peerID = (PeerID) rdvs.nextElement(); if (peerID.equals(peerAdv.getPeerID())) return true; } catch (Exception e) { } } // Didn't find it, the peer isn't a rendezvous. return false; } // // /** Search our array of joined groups for the requested group. // * @return PeerGroup, or null if not found. // */ // protected PeerGroup findJoinedGroup(PeerGroupAdvertisement groupAdv) { // return findJoinedGroup(groupAdv.getPeerGroupID()); // } // // // /** Search our array of joined groups for the requested group. // * @return PeerGroup, or null if not found. // */ // protected PeerGroup findJoinedGroup(PeerGroupID groupID) { // // PeerGroup group = null; // // // Step thru the groups we've created, looking for one that has the // // same peergroup ID as the requested group. // // // Enumeration<PeerGroup> myGroups = joinedGroups.elements(); // while (myGroups.hasMoreElements()) { // group = (PeerGroup)myGroups.nextElement(); // // // If these match, we found it. // if (group.getPeerGroupID().equals(groupID)) // return group; // } // // // Didn't find it. // return null; // } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public void addJxtaCastEventListener(JxtaCastEventListener listener) { /*if (!this.isConnectedToGroup()) { throw new IllegalStateException("The peer has not yet joined a group and contacted a RDV peer."); } jc.addJxtaCastEventListener(listener);*/ this.logger.warn("addJxtaCastEventListener not implemented!"); } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public void removeJxtaCastEventListener(JxtaCastEventListener listener) { /*if (!this.isConnectedToGroup()) { throw new IllegalStateException("The peer has not yet joined a group and contacted a RDV peer."); } jc.removeJxtaCastEventListener(listener);*/ this.logger.warn("removeJxtaCastEventListener not implemented!"); } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public void sendChatMsg(String text) throws PeerGroupException { /*if (!this.isConnectedToGroup()) { throw new PeerGroupException("The peer has not yet joined a group and contacted a RDV peer."); } jc.sendChatMsg(text);*/ this.logger.warn("sendChatMsg not implemented!"); } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public void sendFile(File file, String caption) throws PeerGroupException { /*if (!this.isConnectedToGroup()) { throw new PeerGroupException("The peer has not yet joined a group and contacted a RDV peer."); } jc.sendFile(file, caption);*/ this.logger.warn("sendFile not implemented!"); } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public void sendObject(Object object, String caption) throws PeerGroupException { if (!this.isConnectedToGroup()) { throw new PeerGroupException("The peer has not yet joined a group and contacted a RDV peer."); } if (!(object instanceof Serializable)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The object does not implement the interface and can not be sent."); } this.logger.debug("Sending object of type " + object.getClass() + " to group. Caption: " + caption); Set<MockJxtaPeer> peersInGroup = MockJxtaPeer.groupsWithPeersMap .get(this.currentJoinedGroup.getPeerGroupAdvertisement()); for (MockJxtaPeer peer : peersInGroup) { // send to all but this peer. if (!peer.equals(this)) { JxtaCastEvent broadcastObjectEvent = new JxtaCastEvent(); broadcastObjectEvent.percentDone = 100; broadcastObjectEvent.transType = JxtaCastEvent.RECV; broadcastObjectEvent.transferedData = object; broadcastObjectEvent.caption = caption; broadcastObjectEvent.sender = this.getMyPeerName(); broadcastObjectEvent.senderId = this.getMyPeerAdv().getPeerID().toString(); peer.jxtaCastListener.jxtaCastProgress(broadcastObjectEvent); } } } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public Object sendObject(Object object, PipeAdvertisement pipeAdv) throws JxtaException { if (!this.isConnectedToGroup()) { throw new PeerGroupException("The peer has not yet joined a group and contacted a RDV peer."); } if (!(object instanceof Serializable)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The object does not implement the interface and can not be sent."); } MockJxtaPeer destinationPeer = null; Set<MockJxtaPeer> peersInGroup = MockJxtaPeer.groupsWithPeersMap .get(this.currentJoinedGroup.getPeerGroupAdvertisement()); for (MockJxtaPeer peer : peersInGroup) { if (!peer.equals(this) && peer.getMyDirectCommunicationPipeAdvertisement().getPipeID().equals(pipeAdv.getPipeID())) { destinationPeer = peer; break; } } if (destinationPeer == null) { throw new JxtaException("Failed to locate destination peer."); } ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null; ObjectOutputStream oos = null; try { baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos); destinationPeer.directMessageReceiver.receiveDirectMessage(object, oos); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JxtaException( "Failed to send an object through a direct connection using the provided pipe advertisement.", e); } finally { try { if (baos != null) { baos.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { this.logger.warn("Failed to close streams for this conenction."); } try { if (oos != null) { oos.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { this.logger.warn("Failed to close streams for this conenction."); } } Object replyMessage = null; ByteArrayInputStream bais = null; ObjectInputStream ois = null; try { bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()); ois = new ObjectInputStream(bais); replyMessage = ois.readObject(); } catch (EOFException eof) { this.logger.debug("There is no reply to this message. Returning null."); replyMessage = null; } catch (Exception e) { throw new JxtaException("Failed to receive reply message.", e); } finally { try { if (ois != null) { ois.close(); } if (bais != null) { bais.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { // Just log it. this.logger.warn("Failed to close streams for this conenction."); } } return replyMessage; } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public Object sendObjectToRandomPeerInGroup(Object object, boolean expectReply) throws PeerGroupException, IllegalArgumentException, JxtaException { if (!this.isConnectedToGroup()) { throw new PeerGroupException("The peer has not yet joined a group and contacted a group RDV peer."); } if (!(object instanceof Serializable)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The object does not implement the interface and can not be sent."); }"Trying to send an object to a random peer in the group."); Object reply = null; boolean success = false; for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_TRIES && !success; i++) {"Try number: " + i); // simulate discovery process. List<Advertisement> knownPipeAdvs = Collections .list(this.getKnownDirectCommunicationPipeAdvertisements()); Set<MockJxtaPeer> peersInGroup = MockJxtaPeer.groupsWithPeersMap .get(this.currentJoinedGroup.getPeerGroupAdvertisement()); for (MockJxtaPeer peer : peersInGroup) { // if we discovered this peer and it is not our peer then try to send the message. if (!peer.equals(this) && knownPipeAdvs.contains(peer.getMyDirectCommunicationPipeAdvertisement())) { PipeAdvertisement pipeAdv = peer.getMyDirectCommunicationPipeAdvertisement();"Trying to send through this pipe advertisement:\n" + pipeAdv); try { reply = this.sendObject(object, pipeAdv); } catch (Exception e) { this.logger.error("Failed to send object to this peer.\n", e); continue; } if (expectReply && reply == null) { this.logger.warn("Peer contacted but no reply given. Skipping"); continue; } success = true; break; } } // If success, don`t go to sleep anymore. if (success) { break; } // Wait for advertisement discovery to get more possible pipe advs. try { Thread.sleep(WAIT_INTERVAL_BETWEEN_TRIES); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }"Object successfuly sent: " + success); if (!success) { throw new JxtaException( "Failed to send message. No peer group member found or none of them could receive it. Try again later."); } return reply; } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public void rendezvousEvent(RendezvousEvent event) { // If we've connected to a new RDV or just disconnected from one. Launch discovery, // so we can see any ADVs (peers, groups, peer back-channel ADVs.) this RDV knows or used to know. if (event.getType() == RendezvousEvent.RDVCONNECT || event.getType() == RendezvousEvent.RDVRECONNECT || event.getType() == RendezvousEvent.RDVDISCONNECT || event.getType() == RendezvousEvent.RDVFAILED || event.getType() == RendezvousEvent.BECAMERDV) { this.discoverGroups(event.getPeer(), null); this.discoverPeers(event.getPeer(), null); this.discoverAdvertisements(event.getPeer(), null, PipeAdvertisement.NameTag, this.getDirectCommunicationPipeNamePrefix() + "*"); } } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public PeerGroup getCurrentJoinedPeerGroup() { return this.currentJoinedGroup; } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public boolean isJxtaStarted() { return this.rootGroup != null; } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public boolean hasJoinedAGroup() { return this.currentJoinedGroup != null && !this.currentJoinedGroup.equals(this.rootGroup); } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public boolean isConnectedToNetwork() { return this.connectedToNetwork; } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public boolean isConnectedToGroup() { if (!hasJoinedAGroup()) { return false; } Set<MockJxtaPeer> peersInGroup = MockJxtaPeer.groupsWithPeersMap .get(this.getCurrentJoinedPeerGroup().getPeerGroupAdvertisement()); boolean knowsOtherPeers = peersInGroup != null && peersInGroup.size() > 1; return (this.isGroupRendezVous() && knowsOtherPeers) || this.isConnectedToGroupRendezVous(); } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public boolean isNetworkRendezVous() { // FIXME: remove; return this.isJxtaStarted(); } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public boolean isGroupRendezVous() { return this.hasJoinedAGroup() && this.isRendezVousForGroup(); } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public boolean isConnectedToNetworkRendezVous() { return this.isJxtaStarted() && true;//FIXME: this.rootGroup.getRendezVousService().isConnectedToRendezVous(); } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public boolean isConnectedToGroupRendezVous() { return this.hasJoinedAGroup() && findRdvPeerInGroup(this.currentJoinedGroup.getPeerGroupAdvertisement()); } /** * @return the rendezVousForGroup */ public boolean isRendezVousForGroup() { return this.rendezVousForGroup; } /** * @param rendezVousForGroup the rendezVousForGroup to set */ public void setRendezVousForGroup(boolean rendezVousForGroup) { this.rendezVousForGroup = rendezVousForGroup; } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public boolean isNetworkConfigured() { return this.networkConfigured; } /** * @param networkConfigured the networkConfigured to set */ public void setNetworkConfigured(boolean networkConfigured) { this.networkConfigured = networkConfigured; } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public void discoverDirectCommunicationPipeAdvertisements() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public void republishDirectCommunicationPipeAdvertisement() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }