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 * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
 * information regarding copyright ownership.
 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
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package org.xwiki.rendering.internal.macro.ctsreport;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;
import javax.inject.Singleton;
import javax.script.ScriptContext;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.xwiki.component.annotation.Component;
import org.xwiki.context.Execution;
import org.xwiki.rendering.block.Block;
import org.xwiki.rendering.block.XDOM;
import org.xwiki.rendering.macro.AbstractNoParameterMacro;
import org.xwiki.rendering.macro.MacroContentParser;
import org.xwiki.rendering.macro.MacroExecutionException;
import org.xwiki.rendering.macro.descriptor.DefaultContentDescriptor;
import org.xwiki.rendering.renderer.BlockRenderer;
import org.xwiki.rendering.renderer.printer.DefaultWikiPrinter;
import org.xwiki.rendering.transformation.MacroTransformationContext;
import org.xwiki.script.internal.ScriptExecutionContextInitializer;

 * Parses CTS JUnit Results and make the generated data structures available in the Script Context for Script macros
 * to use.
 * @version $Id: 958acbfc82215c8b2e8228fce23f11f7caab76bd $
 * @since 4.1M2
public class CTSDataMacro extends AbstractNoParameterMacro {
     * The description of the macro.
    private static final String DESCRIPTION = "Parses XWiki Rendering Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) JUnit Results";

     * The description of the macro content.
    private static final String CONTENT_DESCRIPTION = "Textual results of CTS execution, one result per line";

     * The logger to log.
    private Logger logger;

     * Used to get the Script Context.
    private Execution execution;

     * Used to parse the macro content since it can contain wiki markup.
    private MacroContentParser contentParser;

     * Used to render the macro content as text.
    private BlockRenderer plainTextRenderer;

     * Create and initialize the descriptor of the macro.
    public CTSDataMacro() {
        super("CTS Data", DESCRIPTION, new DefaultContentDescriptor(CONTENT_DESCRIPTION));

    public boolean supportsInlineMode() {
        return true;

    public List<Block> execute(Object unusedParameters, String content, MacroTransformationContext context)
            throws MacroExecutionException {
        // We consider the content as containing wiki syntax so we parse it and render it with the Plain text parser.
        XDOM xdom = this.contentParser.parse(content, context, true, false);
        DefaultWikiPrinter printer = new DefaultWikiPrinter();
        this.plainTextRenderer.render(xdom, printer);
        String parsedContent = printer.toString();

        // Parse the results
        TestParser parser = new TestParser();
        List<Result> results = new ArrayList<Result>();
        for (String resultLine : parsedContent.split("[\\r\\n]+")) {

        // Bind 2 variables in the Script Context so that they can be used by Script macros
        ScriptContext scriptContext = getScriptContext();
        if (scriptContext != null) {
            ResultExtractor extractor = new ResultExtractor();
            Set<String> testNames = extractor.extractByTestName(results);
            scriptContext.setAttribute("ctsTestNames", testNames, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
            Map<String, Pair<Set<Test>, Set<Test>>> tests = extractor.extractBySyntax(results);
            extractor.normalize(testNames, tests);
            scriptContext.setAttribute("ctsTests", tests, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
        } else {
            this.logger.warn("Script Context not found in the Execution Context. CTS Data variable not bound!");

        return Collections.emptyList();

     * @return the Script Context taken from the Execution Context (can be null)
    private ScriptContext getScriptContext() {
        return (ScriptContext) this.execution.getContext()