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 * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
 * information regarding copyright ownership.
 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
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package org.xwiki.refactoring.script;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;

import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;
import javax.inject.Singleton;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.xwiki.bridge.DocumentAccessBridge;
import org.xwiki.component.annotation.Component;
import org.xwiki.context.Execution;
import org.xwiki.job.Job;
import org.xwiki.job.JobException;
import org.xwiki.job.JobExecutor;
import org.xwiki.model.EntityType;
import org.xwiki.model.ModelContext;
import org.xwiki.model.reference.DocumentReference;
import org.xwiki.model.reference.EntityReference;
import org.xwiki.model.reference.EntityReferenceProvider;
import org.xwiki.model.reference.SpaceReference;
import org.xwiki.model.reference.WikiReference;
import org.xwiki.refactoring.job.CreateRequest;
import org.xwiki.refactoring.job.EntityRequest;
import org.xwiki.refactoring.job.MoveRequest;
import org.xwiki.refactoring.job.RefactoringJobs;
import org.xwiki.refactoring.job.RestoreRequest;
import org.xwiki.script.service.ScriptService;

 * Provides refactoring-specific scripting APIs.
 * @version $Id: 8ffae3fcbe3ec0ba0911488b49090ef41e490848 $
 * @since 7.2M1
public class RefactoringScriptService implements ScriptService {
     * The key under which the last encountered error is stored in the current execution context.
    private static final String REFACTORING_ERROR_KEY = String.format("scriptservice.%s.error",

     * Provides access to the current context.
    private Execution execution;

     * Used to execute refactoring jobs.
    private JobExecutor jobExecutor;

     * Used to check user rights.
    private ContextualAuthorizationManager authorization;

     * Needed for getting the current user reference.
    private DocumentAccessBridge documentAccessBridge;

    private EntityReferenceProvider defaultEntityReferenceProvider;

    private ModelContext modelContext;

     * Creates a request to move the specified source entities to the specified destination entity (which becomes their
     * new parent).
     * @param sources specifies the entities to be moved
     * @param destination specifies the place where to move the entities (their new parent entity)
     * @return the move request
    public MoveRequest createMoveRequest(Collection<EntityReference> sources, EntityReference destination) {
        return createMoveRequest(RefactoringJobs.MOVE, sources, destination);

     * Creates a request to move the specified source entity to the specified destination entity (which becomes its new
     * parent).
     * @param source specifies the entity to be moved
     * @param destination specifies the place where to move the source entity (its new parent entity)
     * @return the move request
    public MoveRequest createMoveRequest(EntityReference source, EntityReference destination) {
        return createMoveRequest(Arrays.asList(source), destination);

     * Creates a request to rename the entity specified by the given old reference.
     * @param oldReference the entity to rename
     * @param newReference the new entity reference after the rename
     * @return the rename request
    public MoveRequest createRenameRequest(EntityReference oldReference, EntityReference newReference) {
        return createMoveRequest(RefactoringJobs.RENAME, Collections.singletonList(oldReference), newReference);

     * Creates a request to rename the specified entity.
     * @param reference the entity to rename
     * @param newName the new entity name
     * @return the rename request
    public MoveRequest createRenameRequest(EntityReference reference, String newName) {
        return createRenameRequest(reference,
                new EntityReference(newName, reference.getType(), reference.getParent()));

     * Creates a request to copy the specified source entities to the specified destination entity.
     * @param sources specifies the entities to be copied
     * @param destination specifies the place where to copy the entities (becomes the parent of the copies)
     * @return the copy request
    public MoveRequest createCopyRequest(Collection<EntityReference> sources, EntityReference destination) {
        MoveRequest request = createMoveRequest(RefactoringJobs.COPY, sources, destination);
        return request;

     * Creates a request to copy the specified source entity to the specified destination entity.
     * @param source specifies the entity to be copied
     * @param destination specifies the place where to copy the source entity (becomes the parent of the copy)
     * @return the copy request
    public MoveRequest createCopyRequest(EntityReference source, EntityReference destination) {
        return createCopyRequest(Arrays.asList(source), destination);

     * Creates a request to copy the specified entity with a different reference.
     * @param sourceReference the entity to copy
     * @param copyReference the reference to use for the copy
     * @return the copy-as request
    public MoveRequest createCopyAsRequest(EntityReference sourceReference, EntityReference copyReference) {
        MoveRequest request = createMoveRequest(RefactoringJobs.COPY_AS, Arrays.asList(sourceReference),
        return request;

     * Creates a request to copy the specified entity with a different name.
     * @param reference the entity to copy
     * @param copyName the name of the entity copy
     * @return the copy-as request
    public MoveRequest createCopyAsRequest(EntityReference reference, String copyName) {
        EntityReference copyReference = new EntityReference(copyName, reference.getType(), reference.getParent());
        return createCopyAsRequest(reference, copyReference);

     * Creates a request to delete the specified entities.
     * @param entityReferences the entities to delete
     * @return the delete request
    public EntityRequest createDeleteRequest(Collection<EntityReference> entityReferences) {
        EntityRequest request = new EntityRequest();
        initEntityRequest(request, RefactoringJobs.DELETE, entityReferences);
        return request;

     * Creates a request to create the specified entities.
     * @param entityReferences the entities to create
     * @return the create request
     * @since 7.4M2
    public CreateRequest createCreateRequest(Collection<EntityReference> entityReferences) {
        CreateRequest request = new CreateRequest();
        initEntityRequest(request, RefactoringJobs.CREATE, entityReferences);
        // Set deep create by default, to copy (if possible) any existing hierarchy of a specified template document.
        // TODO: expose this in the create UI to advanced users to allow them to opt-out?
        return request;

    private void initEntityRequest(EntityRequest request, String type,
            Collection<EntityReference> entityReferences) {

    private MoveRequest createMoveRequest(String type, Collection<EntityReference> sources,
            EntityReference destination) {
        MoveRequest request = new MoveRequest();
        initEntityRequest(request, type, sources);
        return request;

     * @param type the type of refactoring
     * @return an id for a job to perform the specified type of refactoring
    private List<String> generateJobId(String type) {
        String suffix = new Date().getTime() + "-" + ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(100, 1000);
        return getJobId(type, suffix);

     * @param type the type of refactoring
     * @param suffix uniquely identifies the job among those of the specified type
     * @return an id for a job to perform the specified type of refactoring
    private List<String> getJobId(String type, String suffix) {
        return Arrays.asList(RefactoringJobs.GROUP, StringUtils.removeStart(type, RefactoringJobs.GROUP_PREFIX),

     * Schedules an asynchronous job to perform the given move request.
     * @param request the move request to perform
     * @return the job that has been scheduled and that can be used to monitor the progress of the operation,
     *         {@code null} in case of failure
    public Job move(MoveRequest request) {
        return execute(RefactoringJobs.MOVE, request);

     * Schedules an asynchronous job to move the specified source entities to the specified destination entity (which
     * becomes their new parent).
     * @param sources specifies the entities to be moved
     * @param destination specifies the place where to move the entities (their new parent entity)
     * @return the job that has been scheduled and that can be used to monitor the progress of the operation,
     *         {@code null} in case of failure
    public Job move(Collection<EntityReference> sources, EntityReference destination) {
        return move(createMoveRequest(sources, destination));

     * Schedules an asynchronous job to move the specified source entity to the specified destination entity (which
     * becomes its new parent).
     * @param source specifies the entity to be moved
     * @param destination specifies the place where to move the entity (its new parent entity)
     * @return the job that has been scheduled and that can be used to monitor the progress of the operation,
     *         {@code null} in case of failure
    public Job move(EntityReference source, EntityReference destination) {
        return move(createMoveRequest(source, destination));

     * Schedules an asynchronous job to perform the given rename request.
     * @param request the rename request to perform
     * @return the job that has been scheduled and that can be used to monitor the progress of the operation,
     *         {@code null} in case of failure
    public Job rename(MoveRequest request) {
        return execute(RefactoringJobs.RENAME, request);

     * Schedules an asynchronous job to rename the specified entity.
     * @param oldReference the entity to rename
     * @param newReference the new entity reference after the rename
     * @return the job that has been scheduled and that can be used to monitor the progress of the operation,
     *         {@code null} in case of failure
    public Job rename(EntityReference oldReference, EntityReference newReference) {
        return rename(createRenameRequest(oldReference, newReference));

     * Schedules an asynchronous job to rename the specified entity.
     * @param reference the entity to rename
     * @param newName the new entity name
     * @return the job that has been scheduled and that can be used to monitor the progress of the operation,
     *         {@code null} in case of failure
    public Job rename(EntityReference reference, String newName) {
        return rename(createRenameRequest(reference, newName));

     * Schedules an asynchronous job to convert the specified terminal document to a nested document (that can have
     * child documents). E.g. the document {@code Space1.Space2.Name} is converted to {@code Space1.Space2.Name.WebHome}
     * .
     * @param documentReference the terminal document to convert to a nested document (that can have child documents)
     * @return the job that has been scheduled and that can be used to monitor the progress of the operation,
     *         {@code null} in case of failure
    public Job convertToNestedDocument(DocumentReference documentReference) {
        String defaultDocName = this.defaultEntityReferenceProvider.getDefaultReference(EntityType.DOCUMENT)
        if (!documentReference.getName().equals(defaultDocName)) {
            SpaceReference spaceReference = new SpaceReference(documentReference.getName(),
            return rename(documentReference, new DocumentReference(defaultDocName, spaceReference));
        // The specified document is already a nested document.
        return null;

     * Schedules an asynchronous job to convert the specified nested document to a terminal document (that can't have
     * child documents). E.g. the document {@code One.Two.WebHome} is converted to {@code One.Two} .
     * @param documentReference the nested document to convert to a terminal document (that can't have child documents)
     * @return the job that has been scheduled and that can be used to monitor the progress of the operation,
     *         {@code null} in case of failure
    public Job convertToTerminalDocument(DocumentReference documentReference) {
        if (documentReference.getName().equals(
                this.defaultEntityReferenceProvider.getDefaultReference(documentReference.getType()).getName())) {
            EntityReference parentReference = documentReference.getParent();
            if (parentReference.getParent().getType() == EntityType.SPACE) {
                // There has to be at least 2 levels of nested spaces in order to be able to convert a nested document
                // into a terminal document. We cannot convert a root document like Main.WebHome into a terminal
                // document.
                DocumentReference terminalDocumentReference = new DocumentReference(parentReference.getName(),
                        new SpaceReference(parentReference.getParent()));
                return rename(documentReference, terminalDocumentReference);
        // The specified document is already a terminal document or cannot be converted to a terminal document.
        return null;

     * Schedules an asynchronous job to perform the given copy request.
     * @param request the copy request to perform
     * @return the job that has been scheduled and that can be used to monitor the progress of the operation,
     *         {@code null} in case of failure
    public Job copy(MoveRequest request) {
        // The MOVE job can perform a COPY too.
        return execute(RefactoringJobs.MOVE, request);

     * Schedules an asynchronous job to copy the specified source entities to the specified destination entity.
     * @param sources specifies the entities to be copied
     * @param destination specifies the place where to copy the entities
     * @return the job that has been scheduled and that can be used to monitor the progress of the operation,
     *         {@code null} in case of failure
    public Job copy(Collection<EntityReference> sources, EntityReference destination) {
        return copy(createCopyRequest(sources, destination));

     * Schedules an asynchronous job to copy the specified source entity to the specified destination entity.
     * @param source specifies the entity to be copied
     * @param destination specifies the place where to copy the entity
     * @return the job that has been scheduled and that can be used to monitor the progress of the operation,
     *         {@code null} in case of failure
    public Job copy(EntityReference source, EntityReference destination) {
        return copy(createCopyRequest(source, destination));

     * Schedules an asynchronous job to perform the given copy-as request.
     * @param request the copy-as request to perform
     * @return the job that has been scheduled and that can be used to monitor the progress of the operation,
     *         {@code null} in case of failure
    public Job copyAs(MoveRequest request) {
        // The RENAME job can perform a COPY too.
        return execute(RefactoringJobs.RENAME, request);

     * Schedules an asynchronous job to copy the specified entity with a different reference.
     * @param sourceReference the entity to copy
     * @param copyReference the reference to use for the copy
     * @return the job that has been scheduled and that can be used to monitor the progress of the operation,
     *         {@code null} in case of failure
    public Job copyAs(EntityReference sourceReference, EntityReference copyReference) {
        return copyAs(createCopyAsRequest(sourceReference, copyReference));

     * Schedules an asynchronous job to copy the specified entity with a different name.
     * @param reference the entity to copy
     * @param copyName the name to use for the copy
     * @return the job that has been scheduled and that can be used to monitor the progress of the operation,
     *         {@code null} in case of failure
    public Job copyAs(EntityReference reference, String copyName) {
        return copyAs(createCopyAsRequest(reference, copyName));

     * Schedules an asynchronous job to perform the given delete request.
     * @param request the delete request to perform
     * @return the job that has been scheduled and that can be used to monitor the progress of the operation,
     *         {@code null} in case of failure
    public Job delete(EntityRequest request) {
        return execute(RefactoringJobs.DELETE, request);

     * Schedules an asynchronous job to delete the specified entities.
     * @param entityReferences the entities to delete
     * @return the job that has been scheduled and that can be used to monitor the progress of the operation,
     *         {@code null} in case of failure
    public Job delete(Collection<EntityReference> entityReferences) {
        return delete(createDeleteRequest(entityReferences));

     * Schedules an asynchronous job to delete the specified entity.
     * @param entityReference the entity to delete
     * @return the job that has been scheduled and that can be used to monitor the progress of the operation,
     *         {@code null} in case of failure
    public Job delete(EntityReference entityReference) {
        return delete(Arrays.asList(entityReference));

     * Schedules an asynchronous job to perform the given create request.
     * @param request the create request to perform
     * @return the job that has been scheduled and that can be used to monitor the progress of the operation,
     *         {@code null} in case of failure
     * @since 7.4M2
    public Job create(CreateRequest request) {
        return execute(RefactoringJobs.CREATE, request);

     * Schedules an asynchronous job to create the specified entities.
     * @param entityReferences the entities to create
     * @return the job that has been scheduled and that can be used to monitor the progress of the operation,
     *         {@code null} in case of failure
     * @since 7.4M2
    public Job create(Collection<EntityReference> entityReferences) {
        return create(createCreateRequest(entityReferences));

     * Schedules an asynchronous job to create the specified entity.
     * @param entityReference the entity to create
     * @return the job that has been scheduled and that can be used to monitor the progress of the operation,
     *         {@code null} in case of failure
     * @since 7.4M2
    public Job create(EntityReference entityReference) {
        return create(Arrays.asList(entityReference));

     * Executes a refactoring request.
     * @param type the type of refactoring to execute
     * @param request the refactoring request to execute
     * @return the job that has been scheduled and that can be used to monitor the progress of the operation,
     *         {@code null} in case of failure
    private Job execute(String type, EntityRequest request) {

        // Make sure that only the PR users can change the rights and context properties from the request.
        if (!this.authorization.hasAccess(Right.PROGRAM)) {

        try {
            return this.jobExecutor.execute(type, request);
        } catch (JobException e) {
            return null;

    private <T extends EntityRequest> void setRightsProperties(T request) {

     * Get the error generated while performing the previously called action.
     * @return an eventual exception or {@code null} if no exception was thrown
    public Exception getLastError() {
        return (Exception) this.execution.getContext().getProperty(REFACTORING_ERROR_KEY);

     * Store a caught exception in the context, so that it can be later retrieved using {@link #getLastError()}.
     * @param e the exception to store, can be {@code null} to clear the previously stored exception
     * @see #getLastError()
    private void setError(Exception e) {
        this.execution.getContext().setProperty(REFACTORING_ERROR_KEY, e);

     * Creates a request to restore a specified batch of deleted documents from the recycle bin.
     * @param batchId the ID of the batch of deleted documents to restore
     * @return the restore request
     * @since 9.4RC1
    public RestoreRequest createRestoreRequest(String batchId) {
        RestoreRequest request = initializeRestoreRequest();
        return request;

     * Creates a request to restore a specified list of deleted documents from the recycle bin.
     * @param deletedDocumentIds the list of IDs of the deleted documents to restore
     * @return the restore request
     * @since 9.4RC1
    public RestoreRequest createRestoreRequest(List<Long> deletedDocumentIds) {
        RestoreRequest request = initializeRestoreRequest();
        return request;

    private RestoreRequest initializeRestoreRequest() {
        RestoreRequest request = new RestoreRequest();


        return request;

    private WikiReference getCurrentWikiReference() {
        WikiReference result = null;

        EntityReference currentEntityReference = this.modelContext.getCurrentEntityReference();
        if (currentEntityReference != null) {
            EntityReference wikiEntityReference = this.modelContext.getCurrentEntityReference()
            if (wikiEntityReference != null) {
                result = new WikiReference(wikiEntityReference);

        return result;