Java tutorial
/* * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: */ package org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.plugin.sync; import org.xwiki.gwt.dom.client.Document; import org.xwiki.gwt.dom.client.Range; import org.xwiki.gwt.dom.client.RangeFactory; import org.xwiki.gwt.dom.client.Selection; import org.xwiki.gwt.user.client.Config; import org.xwiki.gwt.user.client.Console; import org.xwiki.gwt.user.client.Timer; import org.xwiki.gwt.user.client.TimerListener; import org.xwiki.gwt.user.client.ui.rta.RichTextArea; import org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.Images; import org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.Strings; import org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.diff.Diff; import org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.diff.DifferentiationFailedException; import org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.diff.Revision; import org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.diff.ToString; import org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.plugin.internal.AbstractPlugin; import org.xwiki.gwt.wysiwyg.client.plugin.internal.FocusWidgetUIExtension; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class SyncPlugin extends AbstractPlugin implements ClickHandler, TimerListener, AsyncCallback<SyncResult> { public static final int DEFAULT_SYNC_DELAY = 3000; private PushButton sync; private Timer timer; private final FocusWidgetUIExtension toolBarExtension = new FocusWidgetUIExtension("toolbar"); private String pageName; private int version = 0; private String initialContent; private String syncedContent; private Revision syncedRevision; private boolean syncInProgress = false; private int id; private boolean sendCursor = false; private boolean maintainCursor = true; /** * The service used to synchronize the content of multiple editors. */ private final SyncServiceAsync syncService; /** * Creates a new synchronization plug-in that uses the given service to synchronize multiple editors. * * @param syncService the synchronization service */ public SyncPlugin(SyncServiceAsync syncService) { this.syncService = syncService; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see AbstractPlugin#init(RichTextArea, Config) */ public void init(RichTextArea textArea, Config config) { super.init(textArea, config); // init the plugin id id = Math.abs(Random.nextInt()); pageName = config.getParameter("syncPage"); if (pageName == null) { return; } sync = new PushButton(new Image(Images.INSTANCE.sync())); saveRegistration(sync.addClickHandler(this)); sync.setTitle(Strings.INSTANCE.sync()); toolBarExtension.addFeature("sync", sync); getUIExtensionList().add(toolBarExtension); initialContent = (version == 0) ? "" : getTextArea().getHTML(); if (initialContent == null) { initialContent = ""; } timer = new Timer(); timer.addTimerListener(this); timer.scheduleRepeating( Integer.parseInt(getConfig().getParameter("sync_delay", String.valueOf(DEFAULT_SYNC_DELAY)))); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see AbstractPlugin#destroy() */ public void destroy() { sync.removeFromParent(); sync = null; toolBarExtension.clearFeatures(); timer.removeTimerListener(this); timer.cancel(); timer = null; super.destroy(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see ClickHandler#onClick(ClickEvent) */ public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (event.getSource() == sync) { onSync(); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see TimerListener#onElapsed(Timer) */ public void onElapsed(Timer sender) { if (sender == timer) { onSync(); } } public synchronized void onSync() { if (syncInProgress) { debugMessage("Cannot sync because sync is in progress"); return; } syncInProgress = true; try { // Compute our revision syncedRevision = null; if (version != 0) { if (sendCursor) { insertCursor(getTextArea().getDocument()); } syncedContent = (version == 0) ? "" : getTextArea().getHTML(); if (sendCursor) { removeCursor(getTextArea().getDocument()); } if ((version > 0) && !initialContent.equals(syncedContent)) { try { syncedRevision = Diff.diff(ToString.stringToArray(initialContent), ToString.stringToArray(syncedContent)); } catch (DifferentiationFailedException e) { showErrorAndResetSync(e); } } } else { syncedContent = ""; } // Commit our revision and, at the same time, checkout the latest revision // If we send -1 then we ask the server to reset it's content to the page content boolean syncReset = ((version == 0) && (getConfig().getParameter("syncReset", "0").equals("1"))); syncService.syncEditorContent(syncedRevision, pageName, version, syncReset, this); } catch (Throwable th) { debugMessage("error in onSync "); showErrorAndResetSync(th); } } private void insertCursor(Document doc) { try { int color = id - 10 * (int) Math.floor(id / 10); // insertCursor(element, id, color); SpanElement cursorNode = doc.createSpanElement(); cursorNode.setId("cursor-" + id); cursorNode.setClassName("cursor cursor-" + color); cursorNode.setAttribute("style", "background-color: #" + color + ";"); Range range = doc.getSelection().getRangeAt(0); try { if (range != null) { if (range.getStartContainer().equals(doc) && range.getEndContainer().equals(doc) && range.getStartOffset() == 0 && range.getEndOffset() == 0) { debugMessage("Cursor at start.. let's not handle it"); } else { debugMessage("Start container: " + range.getStartContainer()); debugMessage("Start offset: " + range.getStartOffset()); debugMessage("End container: " + range.getEndContainer()); debugMessage("End offset: " + range.getEndOffset()); range.surroundContents(cursorNode); debugMessage("surrounding range ok"); } } } catch (Exception e) { try { debugMessage("error surrounding range"); debugMessage("Exception: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); debugMessage(e.toString()); if (range != null) { debugMessage("Start container: " + range.getStartContainer()); debugMessage("Start offset: " + range.getStartOffset()); debugMessage("End container: " + range.getEndContainer()); debugMessage("End offset: " + range.getEndOffset()); try { debugMessage("Range content: " + range.cloneContents().getInnerHTML()); } catch (Exception e3) { } } Selection selection = doc.getSelection(); if (selection != null) { debugMessage("Selection range count: " + selection.getRangeCount()); } } catch (Exception e2) { debugMessage("Exception: " + e2.getMessage()); } } } catch (Exception e) { debugMessage("Uncaught exception in insertCursor: " + e.getMessage()); } } private void removeCursor(Document doc) { try { Node cursorNode = null; NodeList list = doc.getElementsByTagName("span"); for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) { Element element = (Element) list.getItem(i); if (element.getId().equals("cursor-" + id)) { cursorNode = element; } } if (cursorNode != null) { debugMessage("found cursor element"); Node firstNode = null; Node lastNode = null; Node pNode = cursorNode; NodeList childs = cursorNode.getChildNodes(); // readd all childs of the cursor to the left of the cursor node int nb = childs.getLength(); for (int i = nb - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Node node = childs.getItem(i); if (i == 0) { firstNode = node; } if (i == nb - 1) { lastNode = node; } // we want to insert the node in it's parent before the cursor Node cursorNode.removeChild(node); cursorNode.getParentNode().insertBefore(node, pNode); pNode = node; } // remove the cursor node itself Node previousNode = cursorNode.getPreviousSibling(); debugMessage("removing cursor node"); cursorNode.getParentNode().removeChild(cursorNode); debugMessage("creating new range"); Range range = RangeFactory.INSTANCE.createRange(doc); if (firstNode != null) { debugMessage("set range with first node and last node"); range.setStartBefore(firstNode); range.setEndAfter(lastNode); } else if (previousNode != null) { debugMessage("set range with previous node"); Node nextNode = previousNode.getNextSibling(); if (nextNode != null) { range.setStart(nextNode, 0); } else { range.setStartAfter(previousNode); range.setEndAfter(previousNode); range.collapse(true); } } doc.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); doc.getSelection().addRange(range); getTextArea().setFocus(true); } else { debugMessage("could not find cursor element"); } } catch (Exception e) { debugMessage("Uncaught exception in insertCursor: " + e.getMessage()); } } public void debugMessage(String text) { if ("true".equals(getConfig().getParameter("debug", "false"))) { Console.getInstance().info(text); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see AsyncCallback#onFailure(Throwable) */ public synchronized void onFailure(Throwable caught) { showErrorAndResetSync(caught); } private void showErrorAndResetSync(Throwable caught) { showError(caught, new AsyncCallback() { public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) { syncInProgress = false; } public void onSuccess(Object o) { syncInProgress = false; } }); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see AsyncCallback#onSuccess(Object) */ public synchronized void onSuccess(SyncResult result) { debugMessage("received result from server"); // If result is null we have nothing to do if (result == null) { syncInProgress = false; return; } SyncResult syncResult = result; Revision newRevision = syncResult.getRevision(); try { if (newRevision != null) { // We don't have the latest version // We need to take local changes that might have occured if (maintainCursor && (version != 0)) { insertCursor(getTextArea().getDocument()); } String localContent = (version == 0) ? "" : getTextArea().getHTML(); String newHTMLContent = ""; try { newHTMLContent = ToString .arrayToString(newRevision.patch(ToString.stringToArray(initialContent))); } catch (Exception e) { debugMessage("Exception while patching initial content: " + e.getMessage()); debugMessage("Initial content was: " + initialContent); showErrorAndResetSync(e); } // this corresponds to the HTML that is the one known by the server String futureInitialContent = newHTMLContent; // we need to compute local changes, including the cursor if ((version != 0) && !localContent.equals(initialContent)) { try { // we need to rework the path to take into account the local content Revision localRevision = Diff.diff(ToString.stringToArray(initialContent), ToString.stringToArray(localContent)); Revision localRevision2 = SyncTools.relocateRevision(localRevision, newRevision); newHTMLContent = ToString .arrayToString(localRevision2.patch(ToString.stringToArray(newHTMLContent))); } catch (Exception e) { debugMessage("Exception while applying local revision: " + e.getMessage()); } } initialContent = futureInitialContent; // TODO improve by working on an cloned Document that is updated in one call in the textarea setHTML(newHTMLContent); // we should have retrieved the cursor so we need to remove it if ((maintainCursor || sendCursor) && (version != 0)) { removeCursor(getTextArea().getDocument()); } } else { // We have the latest version initialContent = syncedContent; } version = syncResult.getVersion(); // normal ending let's reset the syncInProgress syncInProgress = false; } catch (Throwable e) { showErrorAndResetSync(e); } } private void setHTML(String newHTMLContent) { getTextArea().setHTML(newHTMLContent); } /** * @param title * @param message */ public void showDialog(String title, String message, AsyncCallback cb) { try { Console.getInstance().error(title + "\n\n" + message); cb.onSuccess(null); } catch (Throwable e) { debugMessage("Error displaying failed " + e.getMessage()); cb.onFailure(e); } } public void showError(Throwable caught, AsyncCallback<?> cb) { if (caught != null) { caught.printStackTrace(); debugMessage("Error is: " + caught.toString()); } showError("", (caught == null) ? "" : caught.toString(), cb); } public void showError(String text, AsyncCallback<?> cb) { showError("", text, cb); } public void showError(String code, String text, AsyncCallback<?> cb) { debugMessage("Error ready to display"); String message = "An error occured. Its code is " + code + ".\r\n\r\n" + text; debugMessage("Error displaying: " + message); showDialog("Synchronize", message, cb); } }