Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015-2016 David A. Lee. <> * * This is a derived work from Classmethods, Inc. * * Current License Terms - Dual licensed under the following : * * "Simplified BSD License" included in license.txt * * The original work (derived from) license terms: Apache License, Version 2.0 * included in copyright.origin/LICENSE.TXT */ /* * TOTALLY BOGUS * Stupid */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; import org.gradle.api.GradleException; import org.gradle.api.internal.ConventionTask; import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction; import com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class AmazonCloudFormationUpdateStackTask extends ConventionTask { @Getter @Setter private String stackName; @Getter @Setter private String cfnTemplateUrl; @Getter @Setter private List<Parameter> cfnStackParams = new ArrayList<>(); @Getter @Setter private boolean capabilityIam; @Getter @Setter private String templateBody; @Getter @Setter private boolean usePreviousTemplate = false; @Getter @Setter private List<String> stableStatuses = Arrays.asList("CREATE_COMPLETE", "ROLLBACK_COMPLETE", "UPDATE_COMPLETE", "UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE"); public AmazonCloudFormationUpdateStackTask() { setDescription("Create / Migrate cfn stack."); setGroup("AWS"); } @TaskAction public void updateStack() throws InterruptedException { // to enable conventionMappings feature String stackName = getStackName(); String cfnTemplateUrl = getCfnTemplateUrl(); // String cfnTemplateBody = getCnfTemplateBody(); List<String> stableStatuses = getStableStatuses(); if (stackName == null) throw new GradleException("stackName is not specified"); if (templateBody == null && !usePreviousTemplate) throw new GradleException("templateBody is not specified"); if (templateBody != null && usePreviousTemplate) throw new GradleException("templateBody cannot be specified with usePreviousTemplate"); AmazonCloudFormationPluginExtension ext = getProject().getExtensions() .getByType(AmazonCloudFormationPluginExtension.class); AmazonCloudFormation cfn = ext.getClient(); try { DescribeStacksResult describeStackResult = cfn .describeStacks(new DescribeStacksRequest().withStackName(stackName)); Stack stack = describeStackResult.getStacks().get(0); if (stack.getStackStatus().equals("DELETE_COMPLETE")) { getLogger().warn("deleted stack {} already exists - recreating", stackName); deleteStack(cfn); createStack(cfn); } else if (stableStatuses.contains(stack.getStackStatus())) { updateStack(cfn); } else { throw new GradleException("invalid status for update: " + stack.getStackStatus()); } } catch (AmazonServiceException e) { if (e.getMessage().contains("does not exist")) { getLogger().warn("stack {} not found", stackName); createStack(cfn); } else if (e.getMessage().contains("No updates are to be performed.")) { // ignore } else { throw e; } } } private void updateStack(AmazonCloudFormation cfn) { // to enable conventionMappings feature String stackName = getStackName(); List<Parameter> cfnStackParams = getCfnStackParams(); getLogger().info("update stack: {}", stackName); UpdateStackRequest req = new UpdateStackRequest().withStackName(stackName).withParameters(cfnStackParams) .withUsePreviousTemplate(isUsePreviousTemplate()); if (getTemplateBody() != null) req.setTemplateBody(getTemplateBody()); if (isCapabilityIam()) { req.setCapabilities(Arrays.asList(Capability.CAPABILITY_IAM.toString())); } UpdateStackResult updateStackResult = cfn.updateStack(req); getLogger().info("update requested: {}", updateStackResult.getStackId()); } private void deleteStack(AmazonCloudFormation cfn) throws InterruptedException { // to enable conventionMappings feature String stackName = getStackName(); getLogger().info("delete stack: {}", stackName); cfn.deleteStack(new DeleteStackRequest().withStackName(stackName)); getLogger().info("delete requested: {}", stackName); Thread.sleep(3000); } private void createStack(AmazonCloudFormation cfn) { // to enable conventionMappings feature String stackName = getStackName(); String cfnTemplateUrl = getCfnTemplateUrl(); List<Parameter> cfnStackParams = getCfnStackParams(); getLogger().info("create stack: {}", stackName); CreateStackRequest req = new CreateStackRequest().withStackName(stackName).withTemplateURL(cfnTemplateUrl) .withParameters(cfnStackParams); if (isCapabilityIam()) { req.setCapabilities(Arrays.asList(Capability.CAPABILITY_IAM.toString())); } CreateStackResult createStackResult = cfn.createStack(req); getLogger().info("create requested: {}", createStackResult.getStackId()); } }