Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) Mike Murphy 2003-2015 <><> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package org.xmlactions.pager.actions.highlighter; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.text.StrSubstitutor; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.xmlactions.action.Action; import org.xmlactions.action.ActionConst; import org.xmlactions.action.config.IExecContext; import org.xmlactions.common.theme.Theme; import org.xmlactions.common.xml.XMLAttribute; import org.xmlactions.common.xml.XMLObject; import org.xmlactions.pager.actions.form.CommonFormFields; import org.xmlactions.pager.actions.form.FormDrawing; import org.xmlactions.pager.actions.form.IStorageFormAction; import org.xmlactions.pager.actions.form.ThemeConst; import org.xmlactions.pager.actions.form.templates.HtmlInput; /** * Builds a syntax highlighter for xml, xsd and html. * * @author mike */ public class HighlighterAction extends CommonFormFields implements FormDrawing, IStorageFormAction // extends StorageBaseFormAction { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HighlighterAction.class); /** Name of file we want to load */ private String file_name; /** Where the files pages are stored */ private String path; private String ref; // if this is set then get the content from the execContext. private String key; // if this is set then store the output into the execContext with this key. private boolean attribute_per_line = false; private IExecContext execContext; private String elementNameHighlight;; private String elementAttributeHighlight; private String elementContentHighlight; public String execute(IExecContext execContext) throws Exception { validateAndSetup(execContext); String page = loadPage(); page = buildPresentation(page); if (getKey() != null) { execContext.put(getKey(), page); return ""; } else { return page; } } /** * Build a presentation of an xml style document. * @param execContext * @param page that we want prettified * @param attribute_per_line if we want attributes on new lines * @return the prettified page. */ public static String buildPresentation(IExecContext execContext, String page, boolean attribute_per_line) { HighlighterAction highlighterAction = new HighlighterAction(); highlighterAction.setExecContext(execContext); highlighterAction.setAttribute_per_line(attribute_per_line); return highlighterAction.buildPresentation(page); } private String buildPresentation(String page) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(page)) return ""; Theme theme = getTheme(execContext); elementNameHighlight = "<span class=\"" + theme.getValue(ThemeConst.HIGHLIGHT_XML_ELEMENT.toString()) + "\">"; elementAttributeHighlight = "<span class=\"" + theme.getValue(ThemeConst.HIGHLIGHT_XML_ATTRIBUTE.toString()) + "\">"; elementContentHighlight = "<span class=\"" + theme.getValue(ThemeConst.HIGHLIGHT_XML_CONTENT.toString()) + "\">"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); XMLObject xo = new XMLObject().mapXMLCharToXMLObject(page); highlight(sb, "", xo); String highlightedPage = sb.toString(); highlightedPage = highlightedPage.replaceAll("\n", "<br/>"); highlightedPage = highlightedPage.replaceAll(" ", " "); highlightedPage = highlightedPage.replaceAll("\t", " "); return highlightedPage; } private String LN = "\n", CRLN = "\r\n", LT = "<", GT = ">", SLASH = "/", END_SPAN = "</span>", INDENT_SPACES = " ", SPACE = " "; private boolean hasContent(XMLObject xo) { if (xo.getContent() == null) { return false; } return !StringUtils.isWhitespace(xo.getContent()); } private String cleanContent(String content) { // replace any <!CDATA[[ with <!CDATA[[ // replace any ]]> with ]]> content = content.replace("<!", "<!"); content = content.replace("]]>", "]]>"); return content; } private void highlight(StringBuilder sb, String indent, XMLObject xo) { boolean attributesPerLine = isAttribute_per_line(); sb.append(indent); highlightElementNameStart(sb, xo); if (xo.getAttributeValue("xmlns") != null) { attributesPerLine = true; } for (XMLAttribute child : xo.getAttributes()) { highlightElementAttribute(sb, child, indent + INDENT_SPACES, attributesPerLine); } if (xo.getChildCount() > 0 || hasContent(xo)) { sb.append(GT); } for (XMLObject child : xo.getChildren()) { sb.append(LN); highlight(sb, indent + INDENT_SPACES, child); } if (hasContent(xo)) { String content = cleanContent(xo.getContent().trim()); sb.append(content); } highlightElementNameEnd(sb, xo, indent); } private void highlightElementNameStart(StringBuilder sb, XMLObject xo) { sb.append(LT); sb.append(elementNameHighlight); sb.append(xo.getName()); sb.append(END_SPAN); } private void highlightElementNameEnd(StringBuilder sb, XMLObject xo, String indent) { if (xo.getChildCount() > 0 || hasContent(xo)) { if (!hasContent(xo)) { // sb.append(CRLN); sb.append(LN); sb.append(indent); } sb.append(LT); sb.append(SLASH); sb.append(elementNameHighlight); sb.append(xo.getElementName()); sb.append(END_SPAN); sb.append(GT); } else { sb.append(SLASH); sb.append(GT); } } private void highlightElementAttribute(StringBuilder sb, XMLAttribute xo, String indent, boolean attributesPerLine) { if (attributesPerLine) { //sb.append(CRLN); sb.append(LN); sb.append(indent); } else { sb.append(SPACE); } sb.append(elementAttributeHighlight); sb.append(xo.getKey()); sb.append(END_SPAN); sb.append("="); sb.append(elementContentHighlight); sb.append("\""); sb.append(xo.getValueAsString()); sb.append("\""); sb.append(END_SPAN); } private String loadPage() throws IOException { String page = null; if (getRef() != null) { page = execContext.getString(getRef()); } else { if (path == null) { path = (String) execContext.get(ActionConst.WEB_REAL_PATH_BEAN_REF); } String fileName = StrSubstitutor.replace(getFile_name(), execContext); if (path == null) { path = (String) execContext.get(ActionConst.WEB_REAL_PATH_BEAN_REF); } if (path != null) { path = StrSubstitutor.replace(getPath(), execContext); } try { page = Action.loadPage(path, fileName); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // try a load a page from a url InputStream is = null; try { URL url = new URL(fileName); if (url == null) { throw ex; } is = url.openStream(); // emm we may have an inputsteam char[] content = IOUtils.toCharArray(is); page = new String(content); } catch (Exception ignoreme) { throw ex; } } } return page; } public void validateAndSetup(IExecContext execContext) { this.execContext = execContext; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(getFile_name()) && StringUtils.isEmpty(getRef())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Missing file_name or ref attribute. One of these must be set for the viewer to know where to get the viewing content from."); } setTheme(execContext.getThemes().getTheme(getTheme_name(execContext))); } public void setExecContext(IExecContext execContext) { this.execContext = execContext; } public IExecContext getExecContext() { return this.execContext; } public List<HtmlInput> getHiddenFields() { java.util.List<HtmlInput> inputs = new ArrayList<HtmlInput>(); return inputs; } public void validateStorage(String errMsg) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public String getPath() { return path; } public void setPath(String path) { this.path = path; } public void setFile_name(String file_name) { this.file_name = file_name; } public String getFile_name() { return file_name; } public void setRef(String ref) { this.ref = ref; } public String getRef() { return ref; } public void setKey(String key) { this.key = key; } public String getKey() { return key; } public void setAttribute_per_line(boolean attribute_per_line) { this.attribute_per_line = attribute_per_line; } public boolean isAttribute_per_line() { return attribute_per_line; } }