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 *    Copyright 2011 meltmedia
 *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *    limitations under the License.
package org.xchain.framework.jxpath;

import java.util.Map;
import javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext;
import javax.xml.XMLConstants;

import org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.QName;
import org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.compiler.*;
import org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.Compiler;
import org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.Parser;
import org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathException;

 * A static utility for validating the syntax of a JXPath Expression.
 * @author Christian Trimble
public class JXPathValidator {
    public static Compiler compiler = new TreeCompiler();

     * Parses the specified xpath and throws a JXPathException if there is a syntax exception.
    public static void validate(String xpath) {
        Parser.parseExpression(xpath, compiler);

    public static void validate(String xpath, NamespaceContext xmlns) {
        Expression expression = (Expression) Parser.parseExpression(xpath, compiler);
        validateExpression(expression, xmlns);

    static void validateExpression(Expression expression, NamespaceContext xmlns) {
        if (expression instanceof Path) {
            validatePath((Path) expression, xmlns);
        } else if (expression instanceof VariableReference) {
            validateVariableReference((VariableReference) expression, xmlns);
        } else if (expression instanceof Operation) {
            validateOperation((Operation) expression, xmlns);

    static void validateExtensionFunction(ExtensionFunction ef, NamespaceContext xmlns) {
        QName name = ef.getFunctionName();
        String prefix = name.getPrefix();

        // validate that the prefix is mapped.
        validatePrefix(prefix, xmlns);

        // if the prefix is mapped to an xchain namespace uri, then validate that a function is bound that might match the function.
        // TODO: add hooks for lifecycle based validation.

    static void validatePath(Path path, NamespaceContext xmlns) {
        for (Step step : path.getSteps()) {
            validateStep(step, xmlns);

        if (path instanceof ExpressionPath) {
            validateExpressionPath((ExpressionPath) path, xmlns);

    static void validateVariableReference(VariableReference variableReference, NamespaceContext xmlns) {
        QName name = variableReference.getVariableName();
        validatePrefix(name.getPrefix(), xmlns);

    static void validateOperation(Operation operation, NamespaceContext xmlns) {
        if (operation.getArguments() != null)
            for (Expression argument : operation.getArguments()) {
                validateExpression(argument, xmlns);

        if (operation instanceof ExtensionFunction) {
            validateExtensionFunction((ExtensionFunction) operation, xmlns);
        // ASSERT: all other types of operations do not need validation.

    static void validateStep(Step step, NamespaceContext xmlns) {
        validateNodeTest(step.getNodeTest(), xmlns);

        for (Expression predicate : step.getPredicates()) {
            validateExpression(predicate, xmlns);

    static void validateNodeTest(NodeTest nodeTest, NamespaceContext xmlns) {
        if (nodeTest instanceof NodeNameTest) {
            validateNodeNameTest((NodeNameTest) nodeTest, xmlns);
        // ASSERT: all other node test types are valid if they parsed.

    static void validateNodeNameTest(NodeNameTest nodeNameTest, NamespaceContext xmlns) {
        if (nodeNameTest.isWildcard()) {
            // TODO: we need to investigate wildcards with namespaces.
        } else {
            QName name = nodeNameTest.getNodeName();
            validatePrefix(name.getPrefix(), xmlns);

    static void validateExpressionPath(ExpressionPath ep, NamespaceContext xmlns) {
        validateExpression(ep.getExpression(), xmlns);
        for (Expression predicate : ep.getPredicates()) {
            validateExpression(predicate, xmlns);

    static void validatePrefix(String prefix, NamespaceContext xmlns) {
        if ((prefix != null) && (!XMLConstants.DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX.equals(prefix))
                && XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI.equals(xmlns.getNamespaceURI(prefix))) {
            throw new JXPathException("The prefix '" + prefix + "' is not defined in the current context.");