Java tutorial
package org.xacml4j.v30.spi.pip; /* * #%L * Xacml4J Core Engine Implementation * %% * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014 * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Lesser Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Lesser Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.xacml4j.v30.AttributeDesignatorKey; import org.xacml4j.v30.AttributeExpType; import org.xacml4j.v30.AttributeReferenceKey; import org.xacml4j.v30.AttributeSelectorKey; import org.xacml4j.v30.CategoryId; import; import; import; import; public final class AttributeResolverDescriptorBuilder { private String id; private String name; private CategoryId category; private Map<String, AttributeDescriptor> attributesById; private Map<AttributeDesignatorKey, AttributeDescriptor> attributesByKey; private String issuer; private List<AttributeReferenceKey> keys; private int preferredCacheTTL = 0; private AttributeResolverDescriptorBuilder(String id, String name, String issuer, CategoryId category) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(id); Preconditions.checkNotNull(name); Preconditions.checkNotNull(category); = name; this.issuer = Strings.emptyToNull(issuer); // JMX friendly name = id.replace(":", "."); this.category = category; this.attributesById = new LinkedHashMap<String, AttributeDescriptor>(); this.attributesByKey = new LinkedHashMap<AttributeDesignatorKey, AttributeDescriptor>(); this.keys = new LinkedList<AttributeReferenceKey>(); } public static AttributeResolverDescriptorBuilder builder(String id, String name, CategoryId category) { return builder(id, name, null, category); } public static AttributeResolverDescriptorBuilder builder(String id, String name, String issuer, CategoryId category) { return new AttributeResolverDescriptorBuilder(id, name, issuer, category); } public AttributeResolverDescriptorBuilder designatorKeyRef(CategoryId category, String attributeId, AttributeExpType dataType, String issuer) { this.keys.add(AttributeDesignatorKey.builder().category(category).attributeId(attributeId) .dataType(dataType).issuer(issuer).build()); return this; } public AttributeResolverDescriptorBuilder requestContextKey(CategoryId category, String attributeId, AttributeExpType dataType) { return designatorKeyRef(category, attributeId, dataType, null); } public AttributeResolverDescriptorBuilder requestContextKey(CategoryId category, String xpath, AttributeExpType dataType, String contextAttributeId) { this.keys.add(AttributeSelectorKey.builder().category(category).xpath(xpath).dataType(dataType) .contextSelectorId(contextAttributeId).build()); return this; } public AttributeResolverDescriptorBuilder keys(Iterable<AttributeReferenceKey> keys) { Iterables.addAll(this.keys, keys); return this; } public AttributeResolverDescriptorBuilder noCache() { this.preferredCacheTTL = -1; return this; } public AttributeResolverDescriptorBuilder cache(int ttl) { this.preferredCacheTTL = ttl; return this; } public AttributeResolverDescriptorBuilder attribute(String attributeId, AttributeExpType dataType) { return attribute(attributeId, dataType, null); } public AttributeResolverDescriptorBuilder attributes(Iterable<String> attributeIds, AttributeExpType dataType) { for (String attributeId : attributeIds) { attribute(attributeId, dataType); } return this; } public AttributeResolverDescriptorBuilder attribute(String attributeId, AttributeExpType dataType, String[] defaultValue) { AttributeDescriptor d = new AttributeDescriptor(attributeId, dataType); AttributeDesignatorKey key = AttributeDesignatorKey.builder().category(category).attributeId(attributeId) .dataType(dataType).issuer(issuer).build(); Preconditions.checkState(attributesById.put(attributeId, d) == null, "Builder already has an attribute with id=\"%s\"", attributeId); Preconditions.checkState(this.attributesByKey.put(key, d) == null, "Builder already has an attribute with id=\"%s\"", attributeId); return this; } public AttributeResolverDescriptor build() { return new AttributeResolverDescriptorImpl(); } private class AttributeResolverDescriptorImpl extends BaseResolverDescriptor implements AttributeResolverDescriptor { private Map<String, AttributeDescriptor> attributesById; private Map<AttributeDesignatorKey, AttributeDescriptor> attributesByKey; AttributeResolverDescriptorImpl() { super(id, name, category, keys, preferredCacheTTL); this.attributesById = ImmutableMap.copyOf(AttributeResolverDescriptorBuilder.this.attributesById); this.attributesByKey = ImmutableMap.copyOf(AttributeResolverDescriptorBuilder.this.attributesByKey); for (AttributeReferenceKey k : keys) { if (k instanceof AttributeDesignatorKey) { Preconditions.checkArgument(!canResolve((AttributeDesignatorKey) k), "Resolver refers to itself via context reference key=\"{}\"", k); } } } @Override public String getIssuer() { return issuer; } @Override public int getAttributesCount() { return attributesById.size(); } @Override public Set<String> getProvidedAttributeIds() { return attributesById.keySet(); } @Override public Map<String, AttributeDescriptor> getAttributesById() { return attributesById; } @Override public AttributeDescriptor getAttribute(String attributeId) { return attributesById.get(attributeId); } @Override public Map<AttributeDesignatorKey, AttributeDescriptor> getAttributesByKey() { return attributesByKey; } @Override public boolean isAttributeProvided(String attributeId) { return attributesById.containsKey(attributeId); } @Override public boolean canResolve(AttributeDesignatorKey ref) { if (getCategory().equals(ref.getCategory()) && ((ref.getIssuer() == null) || ref.getIssuer().equals(getIssuer()))) { AttributeDescriptor d = getAttribute(ref.getAttributeId()); return (d != null) && d.getDataType().equals(ref.getDataType()); } return false; } } }