Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2008,2009 WSO2, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.wso2.mercury.persistence.hibernate; import org.wso2.mercury.persistence.PersistenceManager; import org.wso2.mercury.persistence.exception.PersistenceException; import org.wso2.mercury.persistence.dto.*; import org.wso2.mercury.handlers.MercuryOutHandler; import org.wso2.mercury.state.Axis2Info; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.LockMode; import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisConfiguration; import org.apache.axis2.description.Parameter; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Iterator; /** * Hibernate implementation of the persistence manager */ public class HibernatePersistenceManager implements PersistenceManager { public static final String HIBERNATE_CONNECTION_DRIVER_CLASS = "hibernate.connection.driver_class"; public static final String HIBERNATE_CONNECTION_URL = "hibernate.connection.url"; public static final String HIBERNATE_CONNECTION_USERNAME = "hibernate.connection.username"; public static final String HIBERNATE_CONNECTION_PASSWORD = "hibernate.connection.password"; public static final String HIBERNATE_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE = "hibernate.connection.pool_size"; public static final String HIBERNATE_CURRENT_SESSION_CONTEXT_CLASS = "hibernate.current_session_context_class"; public static final String HIBERNATE_DIALECT = "hibernate.dialect"; private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(HibernatePersistenceManager.class); // session factory used to handle persistence private SessionFactory sessionFactory; public HibernatePersistenceManager(Configuration configuration) { this.sessionFactory = configuration.buildSessionFactory(); } public HibernatePersistenceManager(AxisConfiguration axisConfiguration) { Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); setProperty(configuration, HIBERNATE_CONNECTION_DRIVER_CLASS, axisConfiguration); setProperty(configuration, HIBERNATE_CONNECTION_URL, axisConfiguration); setProperty(configuration, HIBERNATE_CONNECTION_USERNAME, axisConfiguration); setProperty(configuration, HIBERNATE_CONNECTION_PASSWORD, axisConfiguration); setProperty(configuration, HIBERNATE_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE, axisConfiguration); setProperty(configuration, HIBERNATE_CURRENT_SESSION_CONTEXT_CLASS, axisConfiguration); setProperty(configuration, HIBERNATE_DIALECT, axisConfiguration); // configuration.setProperty("hibernate.show_sql","true"); // configuration.setProperty("","create"); configuration.addResource("org/wso2/mercury/persistence/hibernate/rm.hbm.xml"); this.sessionFactory = configuration.buildSessionFactory(); } private void setProperty(Configuration configuration, String parameterName, AxisConfiguration axisConfiguration) { Parameter parameter = axisConfiguration.getParameter(parameterName); if (parameter != null) { configuration.setProperty(parameterName, (String) parameter.getValue()); } else { log.warn("Hibernate parameter " + parameterName + " has not been set"); } } public void save(InternalKeyDto internalKeyDto) throws PersistenceException { Session session = null; try { session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction();; session.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } log.error("Can not save the internal key object with key ==> " + internalKeyDto.getKey() + " toAddress " + internalKeyDto.getToAddress(), e); throw new PersistenceException("Can not save the internal key object with key ==> " + internalKeyDto.getKey() + " toAddress " + internalKeyDto.getToAddress(), e); } } public List getInternalKey(String key, String toAddress) throws PersistenceException { Session session = null; try { session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); List keys = session .createQuery("from InternalKeyDto where key='" + key + "' and toAddress='" + toAddress + "'") .list(); session.getTransaction().commit(); return keys; } catch (HibernateException e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } log.error("Can not load the internal key objects with key ==> " + key + " toAddress " + toAddress, e); throw new PersistenceException( "Can not load the internal key objects with key ==> " + key + " toAddress " + toAddress, e); } } public void save(RMSSequenceDto rmsSequenceDto, Axis2InfoDto axis2InfoDto) throws PersistenceException { Session session = null; try { session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction();; // save enaged modules for (EngagedModuleDto engagedModuleDto : axis2InfoDto.getEngagedModules()) { engagedModuleDto.setAxis2InfoID(axis2InfoDto.getId());; } // save the properties for (PropertyDto propertyDto : axis2InfoDto.getProperties()) { propertyDto.setAxis2InfoID(axis2InfoDto.getId());; } rmsSequenceDto.setAxis2InfoID(axis2InfoDto.getId());; session.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } log.error("Can not save the RMS Sequence object with state ==> " + rmsSequenceDto.getState() + " toAddress " + rmsSequenceDto.getEndPointAddress(), e); throw new PersistenceException("Can not save the RMS Sequence object with state ==> " + rmsSequenceDto.getState() + " toAddress " + rmsSequenceDto.getEndPointAddress(), e); } } public void update(RMSSequenceDto rmsSequenceDto) throws PersistenceException { Session session = null; try { session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); session.update(rmsSequenceDto); session.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } log.error("Can not update the RMS Sequence object with state ==> " + rmsSequenceDto.getState() + " toAddress " + rmsSequenceDto.getEndPointAddress(), e); throw new PersistenceException("Can not update the RMS Sequence object with state ==> " + rmsSequenceDto.getState() + " toAddress " + rmsSequenceDto.getEndPointAddress(), e); } } public List getRMSSquenceWithInternalKey(long internalKeyID) throws PersistenceException { Session session = null; try { session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); List keys = session.createQuery("from RMSSequenceDto where internalKeyID=" + internalKeyID).list(); session.getTransaction().commit(); return keys; } catch (HibernateException e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } log.error("Can not load the RMSSeqence objects with internal key ==> " + internalKeyID, e); throw new PersistenceException( "Can not load the RMSSeqence objects with internal key ==> " + internalKeyID, e); } } public RMSSequenceDto getRMSSquenceWithID(long id) throws PersistenceException { Session session = null; try { session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); RMSSequenceDto rmsSequenceDto = (RMSSequenceDto) session.load(RMSSequenceDto.class, id, LockMode.READ); session.getTransaction().commit(); return rmsSequenceDto; } catch (HibernateException e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } log.error("Can not load the RMSSeqence objects with id ==> " + id, e); throw new PersistenceException("Can not load the RMSSeqence objects with id ==> " + id, e); } } public void save(RMSMessageDto rmsMessageDto, RMSSequenceDto rmsSequenceDto) throws PersistenceException { Session session = null; try { session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction();; session.update(rmsSequenceDto); session.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } log.error("Can not save the RMSMessage object with message number ==> " + rmsMessageDto.getMessageNumber(), e); throw new PersistenceException("Can not save the RMSMessage object with message number ==> " + rmsMessageDto.getMessageNumber(), e); } } public void updateMessagesAsSend(Set acknowledgedMessageDtos, RMSSequenceDto rmsSequenceDto) throws PersistenceException { Session session = null; try { session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); for (Iterator iter = acknowledgedMessageDtos.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { session.update(; } session.update(rmsSequenceDto); session.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } log.error("Can not update the RMSMessageDtos ", e); throw new PersistenceException("Can not update the RMSMessageDtos ", e); } } public RMSMessageDto getRMSMessageWithSequenceID(String sequenceID) throws PersistenceException { return null; //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } //TODO: load only the not send messages public List getRMSMessagesWithRMSSequenceID(long rmsSequenceID) throws PersistenceException { Session session = null; try { session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); List keys = session.createQuery("from RMSMessageDto where rmsSequenceID=" + rmsSequenceID).list(); session.getTransaction().commit(); return keys; } catch (HibernateException e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } log.error("Can not load the RMSMessage objects with rms Sequces key ==> " + rmsSequenceID, e); throw new PersistenceException( "Can not load the RMSMessage objects with rms Sequces key ==> " + rmsSequenceID, e); } } public void update(RMSMessageDto rmsMessageDto) throws PersistenceException { //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } public void save(AcknowledgmentDto acknowledgmentsDto) throws PersistenceException { //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } public void save(RMDSequenceDto rmdSequenceDto) throws PersistenceException { Session session = null; try { session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction();; session.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } log.error("Can not save the RMD Sequence object with state ==> " + rmdSequenceDto.getState() + " Ackto address " + rmdSequenceDto.getAcksTo(), e); throw new PersistenceException("Can not save the RMD Sequence object with state ==> " + rmdSequenceDto.getState() + " Ackto address " + rmdSequenceDto.getAcksTo(), e); } } public void save(InvokerBufferDto invokerBufferDto, RMDSequenceDto rmdSequenceDto, Axis2InfoDto axis2InfoDto) throws PersistenceException { Session session = null; try { session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction();; // save the properties // for (PropertyDto propertyDto : axis2InfoDto.getProperties()) { // propertyDto.setAxis2InfoID(axis2InfoDto.getId()); //; // } rmdSequenceDto.setAxis2InfoID(axis2InfoDto.getId());; invokerBufferDto.setRmdSequenceID(rmdSequenceDto.getId());; session.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } log.error("Can not save the Invoker Buffer object with state ==> " + invokerBufferDto.getState(), e); throw new PersistenceException( "Can not save the Invoker Buffer object with state ==> " + invokerBufferDto.getState(), e); } } public void save(RMDMessageDto rmdMessageDto) throws PersistenceException { Session session = null; try { session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction();; session.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } log.error("Can not save the RMD Message object with message number ==> " + rmdMessageDto.getMessageNumber(), e); throw new PersistenceException("Can not save the RMD Message object with message number ==> " + rmdMessageDto.getMessageNumber(), e); } } public void save(SequenceReceivedNumberDto sequenceReceivedNumberDto) throws PersistenceException { Session session = null; try { session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction();; session.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } log.error("Can not save the sequence received number object with message number ==> " + sequenceReceivedNumberDto.getNumber(), e); throw new PersistenceException( "Can not save the sequence received number object with message number ==> " + sequenceReceivedNumberDto.getNumber(), e); } } public void save(BufferReceivedNumberDto bufferReceivedNumberDto) throws PersistenceException { Session session = null; try { session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction();; session.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } log.error("Can not save the buffer received number object with message number ==> " + bufferReceivedNumberDto.getNumber(), e); throw new PersistenceException("Can not save the buffer received number object with message number ==> " + bufferReceivedNumberDto.getNumber(), e); } } public void updateMessageDetails(RMDSequenceDto rmdSequenceDto, InvokerBufferDto invokerBufferDto, SequenceReceivedNumberDto sequenceReceivedNumberDto, BufferReceivedNumberDto bufferReceivedNumberDto, RMDMessageDto rmdMessageDto) throws PersistenceException { Session session = null; try { session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); session.update(rmdSequenceDto); session.update(invokerBufferDto);;;; session.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } log.error("Can not add the new message ==> " + bufferReceivedNumberDto.getNumber(), e); throw new PersistenceException("Can not add the new message ==> " + bufferReceivedNumberDto.getNumber(), e); } } public void update(InvokerBufferDto invokerBufferDto, RMDSequenceDto rmdSequenceDto) throws PersistenceException { Session session = null; try { session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); session.update(rmdSequenceDto); session.update(invokerBufferDto); session.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } log.error("Can not save the Invoker Buffer object with state ==> " + invokerBufferDto.getState(), e); throw new PersistenceException( "Can not save the Invoker Buffer object with state ==> " + invokerBufferDto.getState(), e); } } public void update(RMDMessageDto rmdMessageDto, InvokerBufferDto invokerBufferDto) throws PersistenceException { Session session = null; try { session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); session.update(rmdMessageDto); session.update(invokerBufferDto); session.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } log.error("Can not save the RMD Message object with message number ==> " + rmdMessageDto.getMessageNumber(), e); throw new PersistenceException("Can not save the RMD Message object with message number ==> " + rmdMessageDto.getMessageNumber(), e); } } public RMDSequenceDto getRMDSequeceWithSequenceID(String sequenceID) throws PersistenceException { Session session = null; try { session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); List keys = session.createQuery("from RMDSequenceDto where sequenceID='" + sequenceID + "'").list(); session.getTransaction().commit(); if (keys.size() != 1) { throw new PersistenceException("Either there are more than one RMD sequence for sequenceID " + " ==> " + sequenceID + " or no sequences"); } else { return (RMDSequenceDto) keys.get(0); } } catch (HibernateException e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } log.error("Can not load the RMDSequenceDto objects with rmd Sequces key ==> " + sequenceID, e); throw new PersistenceException( "Can not load the RMDSequenceDto objects with rmd Sequces key ==> " + sequenceID, e); } } public List getSequenceReceivedNumbersWithRMDSequenceID(long rmdSequenceID) throws PersistenceException { Session session = null; try { session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); List numbers = session .createQuery("from SequenceReceivedNumberDto where rmdSequenceID=" + rmdSequenceID).list(); session.getTransaction().commit(); return numbers; } catch (HibernateException e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } log.error("Can not load the SequenceReceivedNumberDto " + "objects with rmd sequence id ==> " + rmdSequenceID, e); throw new PersistenceException("Can not load the SequenceReceivedNumberDto " + "objects with rmd sequence id ==> " + rmdSequenceID, e); } } public InvokerBufferDto getInvokerBufferWithRMDSequenceID(long rmdSequenceID) throws PersistenceException { Session session = null; try { session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); List invokerBufferObjects = session .createQuery("from InvokerBufferDto where rmdSequenceID=" + rmdSequenceID).list(); session.getTransaction().commit(); if (invokerBufferObjects.size() != 1) { throw new PersistenceException("Either there are more than one Invoker Buffer for rmdSequenceID " + " ==> " + rmdSequenceID + " or no sequences"); } else { return (InvokerBufferDto) invokerBufferObjects.get(0); } } catch (HibernateException e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } log.error("Can not load the InvokerBufferDto objects with rms Sequces key id==> " + rmdSequenceID, e); throw new PersistenceException( "Can not load the InvokerBufferDto objects with rms Sequces key id==> " + rmdSequenceID, e); } } public List getBufferReceivedNumbersWithInvokerBufferID(long invokerBufferID) throws PersistenceException { Session session = null; try { session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); List numbers = session .createQuery("from BufferReceivedNumberDto where internalBufferID=" + invokerBufferID).list(); session.getTransaction().commit(); return numbers; } catch (HibernateException e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } log.error("Can not load the BufferReceivedNumberDto " + "objects with invoker buffer id ==> " + invokerBufferID, e); throw new PersistenceException("Can not load the BufferReceivedNumberDto " + "objects with invoker buffer id ==> " + invokerBufferID, e); } } public List getRMDMessagesWithInvokerBufferID(long invokerBufferID) throws PersistenceException { Session session = null; try { session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); List numbers = session .createQuery("from RMDMessageDto where internalBufferID=" + invokerBufferID + "and send=false") .list(); session.getTransaction().commit(); return numbers; } catch (HibernateException e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } log.error("Can not load the RMDMessageDto " + "objects with invoker buffer id ==> " + invokerBufferID, e); throw new PersistenceException( "Can not load the RMDMessageDto " + "objects with invoker buffer id ==> " + invokerBufferID, e); } } public List getNonTerminatedRMDSequences() throws PersistenceException { Session session = null; try { session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); List rmdSequences = session.createQuery("from RMDSequenceDto where state < 4").list(); session.getTransaction().commit(); return rmdSequences; } catch (HibernateException e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } log.error("from RMDSequenceDto where state < 4", e); throw new PersistenceException("from RMDSequenceDto where state < 4", e); } } public List<RMSSequenceDto> getNonTerminatedRMSSequences() throws PersistenceException { Session session = null; try { session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); List<RMSSequenceDto> rmsSequences = session.createQuery("from RMSSequenceDto where state < 7").list(); session.getTransaction().commit(); return rmsSequences; } catch (HibernateException e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } log.error("from RMSSequenceDto where state < 7", e); throw new PersistenceException("from RMSSequenceDto where state < 7", e); } } public Axis2InfoDto getAxis2InfoID(long id) throws PersistenceException { Session session = null; try { session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); Axis2InfoDto axis2InfoDto = (Axis2InfoDto) session.load(Axis2InfoDto.class, id, LockMode.READ); session.getTransaction().commit(); return axis2InfoDto; } catch (HibernateException e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } log.error("Can not load the axis2InfoDto objects with id ==> " + id, e); throw new PersistenceException("Can not load the axis2InfoDto objects with id ==> " + id, e); } } public List<PropertyDto> getProperties(long axis2InfoID) throws PersistenceException { Session session = null; try { session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); List<PropertyDto> keys = session.createQuery("from PropertyDto where axis2InfoID=" + axis2InfoID) .list(); session.getTransaction().commit(); return keys; } catch (HibernateException e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } log.error("Can not load the Property objects with axi2 Info ID ==> " + axis2InfoID, e); throw new PersistenceException( "Can not load the Property objects with axis2 Info ID ==> " + axis2InfoID, e); } } public List<EngagedModuleDto> getEngagedModules(long axis2InfoID) throws PersistenceException { Session session = null; try { session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); List<EngagedModuleDto> keys = session .createQuery("from EngagedModuleDto where axis2InfoID=" + axis2InfoID).list(); session.getTransaction().commit(); return keys; } catch (HibernateException e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } log.error("Can not load the Engage Module objects with axi2 Info ID ==> " + axis2InfoID, e); throw new PersistenceException( "Can not load the Engage Module objects with axis2 Info ID ==> " + axis2InfoID, e); } } public InternalKeyDto getInternalKeyWithID(long id) throws PersistenceException { Session session = null; try { session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); InternalKeyDto internalKeyDto = (InternalKeyDto) session.load(InternalKeyDto.class, id, LockMode.READ); session.getTransaction().commit(); return internalKeyDto; } catch (HibernateException e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } log.error("Can not load the InternalKey object with internal key id ==> " + id, e); throw new PersistenceException("Can not load the Internalkey object with internal key id==> " + id, e); } } }